*Nappa is speechless*
It's over what?! *dramatic look at Vegeta*
Hey Vegeta, remind me what his power level is?
Thinks I'm totally awesome.
I do remember back in 2001 when Sonic Adventure 2 was released, that one character, Rogue I think her name was, had had hardcore boob bouncing going on when she walked and ran. Does the ESRB have to ruin something like this? Not trying to be a pervert or anything, but it's physics, big deal. Another thing, I highly doubt a ten year old playing this game has never seen blood, it's just inevitable. Sure, Getting an eye poked out is one thing, but a little blood splat? C'mon, really? Regardless, I'm sure BBS will be a good game.
Highwind Lv. 8 would be my all time favorite. I used to put the one guns that were like missles, but they didn't like on like the lasers or anything, can't think of their name at the moment. Highwind Peak always interested me too, it looks like something from Star Wars lol.
Tons. Sadly, it's been preventing me from being on here much, but I should be back for a while now :). Anything new?
Chapter 15 Orvil stepped up onto the balcony to face a large and angry crowd of citizens. Why they were angry, only Orvil knew. "Today, we celebrate a new beginning. With the Dreams gone and the Twelfth Guard in our pact, we will give this world a redeeming chance to make itself a new and better place," Orvil began his long speech. It went on for about forty five minutes stating details of the pact he mentioned, "Today, we hunt down those hated criminals and bring them to unberable justice. They are responsible for the degradation of this world, and they will pay!" The crowd cheered and waved. Orvil walked away from the podium, thinking to himself the best way to destroy Sonvorix was through Kazumeta himself. *** Darius angrily stepped into camp, hoping nobdy was around to see him mad. He was a scary person when he was angry. Against his luck, Seabastian was there sitting by the old fire pit now covered in ashes. "Hey man, what's-" Darius cut him off, "Leave me alone Seabastian," and gathered his things. They would be leaving soon. Ten and Sergio explained the situation, which was just plain great. Sergio reloaded his rifle with a fresh magazine, "Looks like Orvil decided we were enemies, how lovely." Ten nodded his head and talked about how the Provident Army came to this ridiculous conclusion. Darius had all of his stuffed packed and so did Seabastian and Annabelle. "Keep up," was all what Ten had to say, he was deeply troubled by the sudden destruction of his reputation. Sergio was just a free rider. He didn't care whether he was loved or hated, at least by a military faction anyway. He stood tall and confident, like all veterans do. *** The air began smelling stale and seemed when looked at, it seemed darker, like the red sun didn't shine much. As Sergio wielded his rifle he spoke simply, "Watch out." Everybody else drew their weapons. Their normal blades would be useless at a time like this. Guns were much more effective taking out a large mass of targets at once. Seabastian had his sub-machine gun at the ready as well. Annabelle was a stubborn one and liked to prepare at the last minute. They quietly trudged on in silent tension. The surroundings consisted of green, thick trees untouched by the haunting disease floating around the air. The party was sure to bring oxygen masks to protect their faces that Sergio provided them with. Darius heard a loud screaching noise and instantly turned around and saw an Infected staggering at a very impressive speed toward him. Darius pulled the trigger and fed sixteen bullets into the creature, just enough to kill the persistent beings. It fell and slid to Darius' feet with just enough force to make Darius stumble a little bit. Ten walked over and evaluated the situation, "Impressive reaction time there. Next time, let us get some bloody hands," he chuckled and resumed the walk. *** The snow and harsh wind and still clamped down on the adandoned city of Niss with a brutality that fascinated metoerologists. Kazumeta stood at the top of a large skyscraper and observed the white landscape below. "It's about time that Orvil recognizes my concerns. Sonvroix, let's get Darius out of the picture, after all, his existence threatens us. We both know he's capable of ruining everything, so let's end it." Kazumeta finished his quiet rant and leapt down to the ground, unscathed by the one hundred fifty foot drop. It was time for him to meet with Orvil to discuss certain matters the next day. *** Annabelle peered over the horizon with a hand cupped over her brow, "Hey Seabastian, I told Darius what happened and he seems pretty mad." "Oh, great," was her his response. "Yeah, I'm not quite sure what to tell him now." "He'll get over it, I'm sure of it," little did Seabastian know that Darius was a scary person when he was mad. "I hope so, can you try to talk to him tomorrow. I think he sort of likes me. He wouldn't have reacted this way if he didn't." Seabastian sighed, "Must be. I hope he understands," Seabastian got up and walked over to Darius who was sitting in a small tree. Seabastian needed a moment to gather his thoughts. "Seabastian, what did I tell you? Leave me alone," Darius told him. "Listen, I want to talk to you. Can you listen to me for a while?" Darius jumped from his perch and looked at Seabastian, "I guess, what is it then?" Seabastian swallowed, "You like Annabelle don't you?" Darius shrugged, "Yeah, so? What are you going to do, punch me in the face? I know you two are dating. You do forget I have much better hearing than most people. If you want to punch me for liking her, do it. Nothing is stopping you." "Dude, I'm not mad. Just listen, things can't be this way. You're just-" Darius had Seabastian pinned to the tree before he could even react, "I'm not good enough? Don't say that, you could hurt somebody. Sorry for pinning you to the tree," He let go and stood back. Seabastian sighed and looked down, "I want to help you." He left silently and left Darius wondering what he meant. For a guy like him, he took the fact that Darius had feelings for his lover quite well. At least he was understanding enough to know that he was a struggling young man in a cruel world. But, as Darius looked at the faint suntset, he vowed to himself to end the crap this world was handing him.
Heyhey :), I've been gone for a while. Had to get life in line and all that jazz, but I'm good, how about you?
It looks much better than the other ones. I like the black and blue stars that shoot out when you hit something :P. It looks more sleek and less cube-like.
Well, it seems to be a final Mix alright. Correction, "Final Mix." Either way, new content is always something look forward to. Glad to hear this, thanks :).
Excellent, now I don't have to worry about a PSP Go anymore :D.
Glad you understand :P. I'll let you know when I'm on this next weekend
I'm not avoiding you, it's just hard to fit time into a busy schedule comrade. Hope you understand. :)
Ah, noooo :(. That's saddening. R.I.P. Eddie Carroll.
I'll try to squeeze time in my busy scehdule then :/. If not, let's make it next weekend?
Great song.... *frantically closes internet broswer*
My mom is having me stay here until this weekend, are you available friday or saturday? (router busted so I can't play at my house, plus I have no...
I'll get my opinion out of the way and say it depends. There's a lot of factors that need to be put forth to actually establish the soulmate stage. That being the vision of a bright future lovewise and financially if the couple decides to get married. It's hard not to try to love somebody, more than a friend mind you, when you are close such as a best friend and such. The feeling I persoanlly got was my feelings slowly creeping toward their direction. With that being said, I guess it really depends who is willing to say "Hey, I think it's best if we are friends." You don't see much of that anymore. All you see now is, "Can't we at least be friends?" as an excuse that feel romance or ridiculous wanting.
:D! Time to destroy our foes comrade lol. Good times with the zombie mini-roleplay and all.