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  1. LoneWolf
    Is an evil firetruck.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Jun 7, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  2. LoneWolf
    Profile Post

    So whatcha up to?

    So whatcha up to?
    Profile Post by LoneWolf for Xatier, Jun 7, 2010
  3. LoneWolf
    O_O! Stole my Noob Tube.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Jun 7, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  4. LoneWolf
    That I do not know, I guess you will have to get lucky ://.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Jun 7, 2010 in forum: Game Help
  5. LoneWolf
    Due to the horribly graphic content of the urban definition of my name....
    1. Ben
    "Ben mugs, tshirts and magnetsa guy who's amazing at giving women head. A true cunninglinguist. long tongue, skill, not afraid to get wet behind the ears, etc. Girl 1: "Hey, did you get what you wanted from your man last night?" Girl 2: "Damn right I did, I got that and more. My man is a true ben" and he's a great kisser and will stay wih you when your feeling lonley."

    Good lord, since when did I get a bad reputation??
    Post by: LoneWolf, Jun 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. LoneWolf
    Is going to steal that post back violently and efficiently.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Jun 7, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  7. LoneWolf
    There's another spot by the Storage door, but I would suggest having a Ray gun, PPSH, and an MG40 or a Browning for that. I'm acamper when it comes to Nazi Zombies >_>.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Jun 7, 2010 in forum: Game Help
  8. LoneWolf
    Has pictures of me on their bedroom wall.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Jun 7, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  9. LoneWolf
    Camp by the Comm Room door, but don't open it unless you HAVE to. If you don't need to open it, buy Bouncing Betties and place them near the door so when you have to reload, you can back up and the zombies will get killed from those.

    As for glitches, if you get the mystery box to move into the fishing hut or the doctor's hut, when you open the mystery box, don't buy the gun (Also, make sure you have enough to buy the perk next to the mystery box as well.) and wait to see if it's something useful, no molotovs or anything. Quikcly buy the perk, walk over to the mystery box and take the gun, you should have three guns so you don't run out of ammo which means you can camp a lot longer :).
    Post by: LoneWolf, Jun 7, 2010 in forum: Game Help
  10. LoneWolf
  11. LoneWolf
    Chapter 17

    As Darius fought alongside Ten, voices in his head kept haunting his conscious. He couldn't quite make out what the voice was asking, but, it sounded so familiar to him. There was something about it that awakened a deeper understanding of his being, which brought him back years ago.

    "Doctor Kissenger, we have to go, now!" Frantic scientists and lab assistants scambled about under a red light and alarm. Thaddeus Kissenger was holding a baby in his arms.

    "Doctor, if you don't evacuate the building, that specimen will be destroyed along with your expertise!"

    Doctor Kissenger looked up strernly, "So be it. This child desrves a normal life, I realize that now. Why are you going to take innocent babies and splice their gens to accompolish what YOU want, the company wants? It's all about money. I'm sending this child to Master Ten for further training if that is what he is to be destined for." He palced the child is his assistant's hands. As the assistant fled, the doctor grabbed his ID card and ran down to the bottom floor laboratory where the chaos was wreaking its destruction.

    The card made the door open with a hydraulic woosh and he discovered that almost everything that was used for experimentation was reduced to broken fragments of glass or plastic. Kazumeta was standing there, soaked in a green fluid that was used to keep his respiratory system working while submerged.

    "Hello Doctor," Kazumeta said with a low voice.

    Thaddeus pulled out a revolver and aimed at Kazumeta's chest, "I believe that you are just a scientific specimen created in a test tube, K-71755." He cocked the firing pin and pulled the trigger. The bullet traveled through Kazumeta and he made a loud grunt, and fell to the floor. Doctor Kissenger put away his revolver and evacuated the building. K-71755 would either die from the explosion of the fusion reactor, or bleed to death. Fate would decide his survival or death now.

    Darius finally snapped out of his day dream and noticed that he had killed all the Infected in the area.

    Ten put a hand on Darius' shoulder, "Let's regroup with the others." Without a word, Darius followed and it wasn't even a twenty second search until they found the others.

    "You three all right?"

    "We're fine," Sergio answered. They all quickly retreated into an abandoned hotel where everything was in good condition, luckily, everything was in good condition and the electricity and the plumbing worked just fine. They all seperated into rooms leaving the younger three in a seperate room with the leaders in another. The bedroom Darius was staying in had two beds and two chairs. The carpet was firm, not that anybody had to sleep on the floor. A intricately crafted chandalier hung from the center of the room which managed to light the whole room. The room also had a standard bathroom and kitchen.

    As they all sat down, Seabastian spoke quietly to Annabelle, "Don't you think that this whole me and you thing is happened at the wrong time? I mean, who really wants to spend their night killing monsters or whatever those things were? Anyways, I think we need to drop it."

    "Yeah, I agree. It's only going to slow things down, what do you think Darius?"

    Damn, caught off guard again, "You're asking the wrong person. Besides, it's not like my opinion will dictate everything you guys do."

    "I just wondered is all, nothing to get upset about," she looked at him and realixed that he didn't look the same. He seemed more flawless, when did he get such a nice face? It was more like the facial perfection of an angel, which was odd, and slightly traitorous of her to think. But, something did seem different about him and it was quite noticable.

    "Yeah, it's ok."

    Seabastian slouched in his chair, "Well, what do you guys make of this whole mess?" Annabelle shook her head and Darius did the same. He kept noticing Annabelle studying Darius, and he managed to hold in a chuckle. It didn't bother him any, it would just be better if things were different, given the circumstances.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Jun 7, 2010 in forum: Archives
  12. LoneWolf
  13. LoneWolf
    Chapter 16

    Matt slowly walked to the beach to gather his thought from the events of last night. Something was wrong, but he didn't know what yet. It would be better not to press Randal and Samantha for answers. Besides, it wasn't their problem anyway. Matt tenderly rubbed his swollen black eye that was from his dad, how typical.

    Matt made sure to wear a hat to cover his eye which looked quite ridiculous, yet trendy. What were the odds of one person lifting up his hat to specifically look for a black eye anyway?

    If it weren't for the events from the previous day, things would have been different, and if only he could change that. He kept wondering why he never did anything about it on the way to the beach for a walk, that always calmed him down. What he wanted the most was to go somewhere far away and start everything over. Sadly, that was just a want, and this world never cared what you wanted.

    "Matt?" Matt turned around and saw Randal standing in front of him, "What are you doing?"

    None of your business. You were the one that... Whatever, "I'm taking a walk, that's all." He tried to walk forward, but Randal prevented him from going any further.

    "I know you talked to Samantha about your dad the other day," Randal pulled off Matt's hat, "I can tell she wasn't lying. Dude, you never tell usanything anymore, what's going on?"

    "I would have, but you and her have always been 'busy' and so I can never say anything, ever. I can't make you drop whatever you two are doing because it's always more important that this," Matt pointed at his black eye, "You and I know that whatever happened last night, it was a mistake. If you want to make it seem like it's not, go right ahead."

    "Why Matt, why is whatever happened last night bothering you?" Matt blankly stared at Randal and decided not to asnwer. He turned around and ran away. Randal didn't try to catch him, he made the situation worse. "I'm sorry Matt," he said while looking at the hat he still held.


    The Infected were all over the place now. Darius got seperated from the main group and was fending off hordes of them alone. Shots from his gun kept them back as far as arm's length. He wiped blodd from his face and threw out his spent magazine and replaced it with a new one. The Infected screeched and roared. They were fearful looking creatures with green eyes and burned skin. Their teeth were filed to a point and they had an everlasting hunger for healthy flesh.

    Darius was running out of ammo very quickly, so he decided to put away his gun and drew his sword. Darius skillfully cast magic that made his blade envelope itself in flames and he made mincemeat of anything that got too close. Quick and deadly his swing became, which concerned him. Darius felt bloodthirsty and didn't want to stop his onslaught.

    Ten found Darius and saw a huge number of Infected close in on him. He threw his sword which took on a huge white glow and it glowed like a boomerang. The throw was perfect and eliminated nearly all of the monsters that were making advance on them. Darius thanked Ten with a nod and kept his fight going. The two destroyed anything that was cut by their blades.

    To their surprise, a huge mass of nearly a thousand Infected came running out from behind buildings. Ten knew they couldn't take them all with just their swords, so he called up a huge inferno to burn everything within the are. The flames, from a distance, looked like a huge bomb went off. Several seconds later, there was nothing but Ten, Darius, and a thousand burned bodies.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Archives
  14. LoneWolf
    That's what it was, LMAO.
    Profile Post by LoneWolf for Vladimir Makarov, Jun 5, 2010
  15. LoneWolf
  16. LoneWolf
  17. LoneWolf
  18. LoneWolf
  19. LoneWolf
  20. LoneWolf