*Noob tubes the hell out of every Microsoft facility* lol.
Welcome back then. =]
Why hai der 8].
Close. *hands you a noob tube* I believe an ass kicking is in order comrade?
You know that calls for?
Infinity Ward must hate us PSN users.
Oh, and also, is the new map pack for MW2 available on PSN yet?
Can't wait see your pwnage comrade. :D
Ah, well good luck with your exams and stuff :P.
Yep... Had that happen a bazillion times. Oh, I might be on this weeked.... maybe, can't gurantee anything. So, if you're going to be on I'll see...
Made me feel like a fool. *Respawns* WOOT!
Thinks that Lonewolf is just as scary as DP, but is totally wrong because Lonewolf is a forum newbie.
Strikes fear into others. 8D
Has won this thread.
How else can we run a business here?
Has made me run out of ideas.
Won't revive me.
Yeah, I'm afraid so. Even I can spot out that one my fellow whore :D.
Is currently having dinner with my grandmother??
Don't forget that you will also witness the death of Justin Bieber.