I'm wanting to play, but I'm trouble finding a picture. I got district 1 and I was hoping if anybody could point me in the direction of finding a pic
Go to sleep
View attachment 32629 So true, so true
*gives you baseball bat, and points to attic* Deal with it!
That really hurt my feelings Vivi, now my eyes are getting all misty
I could be your valentine, just saying.....>.>
It usually the other way around for me. Good potatoes, bad gravy.
I'm not like that. It doesn't matter how much I love the food, if it doesn't taste good, I'm probably not going to eat it.
It is a good answer. And Mashed potatoes and gravy is good too, but it also depends on how its made. I have had some good, and some bad
Mewtwo did........
That's kinda a mood thing for me. Sometimes I want chocolate, and sometimes it's vanilla. *throws pokeball..........*
I'm pretty much a open book. You ask a question, I will answer to the best of my abilities. I don't have anything to hide
I remember you some whats.
Pirates are win, I like root beer, my favorite color is blue believe it or not, but I wear pink as well. I used to watch all the CSI's and NCIS with my parents, I dislike ignant people, not dyslexic, and also a Christian. Were made for each other!!!
Well that doesn't seem fair. You know stuff about me but I don't know anything about you. And I'm not a doctor or anything, but you should really go get checked out at the doctor. If you have had this condition for four years and it's been getting worse, could be something serious.
New due looks good on you. Hi, I'm soap by the way, don't think we ever talked when we were around at the same time, if we were ever. How's life treating you?
Here the skills http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Time_Mage_%28Final_Fantasy_Tactics%29
Yes, they are real. I believe them all to be from ff tactics games.
Itachilives741 - Time Mage master of keyblades - White Mage Ventus108 - Green Mage Me - Holy Knight/Mystic Knight/Warrior Winning?