Once again, I find myself not saying something mean because I am in a good mood. This doesn't happen often.
Nah it's cool. You said my joke was good when I at first did not find it good Lol........I kid, I really did find it good at first.
I'm not high enough lvl to go invisible, plus I didn't pick that skill tree.
I never said the movie was a joke. What I was getting at was what the russians did in the movie is what makes to where I can't trust them. If you ever saw the movie, I would hope you know why I said what I said. But as I stated earlier, I said I jokingly can't trust them. That means that I do trust them, but I was making a reference to the movie. You should really try and read the how post before commenting sir/madam. I'm beginning to like you a lot. You get me.
No thank you, but thank you for the offer. I'm trying to watch my weight. You can give them to Santa
I'm sorry to any Russians here, I say this jokingly, I can no longer trust a Russian after watching the movie Chernobyl Diaries.
So what your saying is that I'm mature......I can dig it.
I wanna post something, but then I'm gonna sound like a ass and I don't think I should do that, cause I'm in a pretty good mood right now.
If your feeling guilty or not right about your break up with your ex, then maybe the dust their hasn't settled yet. I'm not saying that you should get back together with him, because like everybody else said, if their was a reason for the break up, then it wasn't meant to be I guess. But are you sure that their isn't tension still in the air between you two? Do you feel that he might hold something against you for how the break up went down? If not, and yet you feel guilt, then maybe you should just think about all of it went down, and maybe apologize for how it went, and that you never meant to hurt him and that it wasn't going anywhere for you. I don't know, I might not be the best guy to get advice from, not the greatest when it comes to relationships myself..........anyways on to guy num 2. DON'T DATE HIM!!!! Sorry, but if this guy is a ass and a dick, and your just doing this to make your friends proud, you are doing it for all the wrong reasons. My personal belief on dating is, you are dating for the future idea of getting married. If you can't see that with this person, then you probably shouldn't. Also it's not wrong to like a person because they are hot/good looking, it's human nature that we do that. Were attracted to other people, but we shouldn't be with someone just because of that. Now for your friend that you are going to see again at this school. I would probably not try and pursue something right off. I would spend some time with him, catch up on life and such. But don't do it so much to where you get freindzoned ( don't see how a girl gets friendzoned, but whatev's............). Anyways, just try and focus on schooling and all that, and I'm sure you will find the right guy eventually, and he will feel the same about you. And I'm going to give everybody a little piece of advice that some of my friends have given me about finding somebody. You won't find somebody that your happy with, until your happy with how you are living now by yourself.When your happy and comfortable alone, you will find somebody. That's the advice that was given to me, and I am honestly pretty good right now in my life. I'm not actively pursuing anybody right now, I'm pretty happy with how things are going in my life right now. Am I happy being alone? It kinda sucks, but I try not to think to much on it, but I'm not being depressed all the time like I was being, and things are going well. But that is my two cents worth. Take it how you will.
This is some stuff that I worked on over the past couple of days. Can I get some CnC on them pretty please with cherries on top. Avatar: Signatures:
The Raven and Sweeney Todd
Today I got some cuddles with a friend while we watched a couple of movies. I'm very happy man :D
Ne-Yo became involved because I made him involved. Because he is by far, more superior to Chris Brown, because he don't hit women :D, plus I like his music better, and he looks so damn sexy too.
My face itches. Still have yet to trim and or shave off my beard. Thinking about continuing to grow it like a boss. See what it looks like at the end of the year.
Sounds like a pretty good schedule. Not to hectic.
That sucks. Well I it works out for ya
Lol your parents are bribing you with anime to do good in school!? That's funny
That sucks man. Well don't miss any more now, or I'm gonna have whoop up on you in halo
You can't be missing that school man. You gots to go learn things.
It goes fairly well, and yes, it has been awhile hasn't it? How you been?