Chuuya finally found the entrance to dungeon that held the boss to this floor. He entered and walked a good bit of the way into the dungeon without any resistance from enemies, until three lvl 2 sentinels appeared wielding swords against him. He unsheathed his katana and took a fighting stance ready to strike at them when they came at him. The one closest to him charged him and he leaped forward with his faster speed and reflexes and dealt the blow to the enemy sentinel. 1 minute and 17 seconds.....that's how longs its going to take to kill you........ and as he said that, he was charged again and the same thing happened.
Never met this person in real life before, so I wouldn't know of their awesome
I'm going to assume that you are between the age of 13-15/16 and he is the same. If your wanting to know if he likes you and you wanna date him, your probably gonna have to ask him yourself, because he probably won't do it himself, because he is a man. If you don't want to, then don't ask him and just ride it out until he ask you then you can turn him down nicely. Take this as a grain of salt
Chuuya has been pissed ever since he got this game and logged in on the first day. Sword Art Online, more commonly dubbed by everybody SAO. At the end of the first day, when everybody was starting to log off.......nobody could. Then the game's creator and GM for the server that they were on appeared in the Town of Beginnings, the first floor main town, and told everybody that this was now a game of death. The first week was pretty brutal for everybody. People losing their mind to the game, comitting suicide, taking on to much than they could handle, players killing players, or some players just accepting their fate and making a new life for themselves in the game. Chuuya didn't take too kindly to somebody telling him and making him do something that he didn't want to do, so chuuya decided to play his game, so that when he gets out and get his revenge on him, making him and everybody pay for playing this death game. Chuuya had been grinding as much as he could where he could. Everybody was out doing the same thing he was doing, trying to get out. The pickings were beginning to become slim around here with everybody lvling up and looking for the boss room to move on to the next floor. Chuuya had heard rumors that some of the players had found the dungeon where the boss was located, so decided to stock up on everything and head to where the dungeon was to grind on the enemies there and maybe even take that boss down by himself.
I think what Im going to do is go through that dungeon that they are in but be behind them and show up as they defeat the boss and make some snided remark to them.
Sweets. Is there any paticular way you want me to jump in or anything?
Going to go see this probably when it comes out on christmas. I love this play because it was the very first broadway play that I saw that was done here at our local theater. I can't remember which group it was, but they were amazing and I fell in love with it. Can't wait to see it in theaters, it looks amazing so far.
Sweetness. Username: Soap Known Name: Chuuya Saito - Game Name: Dosan Saito Age: 22 Appearance: Character Personality: Kinda anti-social, quite, cold, Bio: Chuuya is a 22 year old going no where college drop out. He has never been the biggest people pleaser, and has always wanted to do what he wanted to do, not what others want and expect of him, and the reason for this is because is a gifted genius, but wastes it away. He has always enjoyed playing games where he can be the best over everybody else until the game becomes boring. When the new game, SAO came out, he was determined to become the best, but when he became trapped in the game by the GM, he became pissed off, because somebody thought they could tell him what to do, and they succeeded in it. Now Chuuya is determined to free himself from the game and get him some deserved revenge. Job: N/a Guild: anti-social, so not at the moment. Weapon: Katana Special Skill: Demon Kings Rage: Strength, speed, attack speed increase 100%. One minute activation, with a 10 minute cooldown. Other:
Is it to late to join?
This right here made me chuckle a little. I haven't been able to lounge in pjs in forever, with working you know everyday and doing things. Why must I have to do things everyday.
No the movie takes place in present time.
That moment where I leave for the night to go to bed because I have work tomorrow.......
Hypothetically speaking, what if I were to say that I was blind.........
Don't have to go to work now..........still not seeing a problem with this.
Go to store and get more.................I'm not seeing a problem here.
I'm old enough to be put in prison, as well as drink and gamble. Win condition?
What if you don't eat cereal....?
But aren't you a kid still..............I'm so confused on whats considered adult and still a kids these days.
I'm watching you sir. Your a tricky one, that you are.
I think everything is going to be okay.......unless someone wants to poke the bear.