You say this, yet you have quite an insulting quote of your brother in your sig. You're kind of being a hypocrite there.
Don't spam in the Help With Life section, hun, you'll get eaten by staff.
^ This. aa
If you're stressed out this could be one of the problems you're having. Or, you could have what I have, anaemia. It means you have a decreasing amount of blood cells, and you seem to be having some of the symptoms of it. If you don't eat enough red meat or green vegetables, then you lose a lot of iron. I have the same, it's nothing too drastic, but you may miss a lot of school, my attendance is pretty poor due to it. Don't get worked up about that though, it's probably just stress. <3
Harr harr...
...Oh, God...
We ALL know she doesn't really look like that, unless you've met her in real-life before. :lolface:
And I was given tickets to go to Manga Recon. :=D: ...That sounded more awesome in my head.
I read the title... I died a little inside.
My friend's brother has swine flu. Oh, ****.
inb4lock Sssh, no talk of Emulators.
I wasn't flaming anyone? o.o I was just making a point. o.o
You just wanna be a killjoy today...
No... Just no... Just get out.
Filling our Spam Zone with Kingdom Hearts that doesn't make people laugh is against our law. How dare thee!
Oh, silly, Luka. That's what Disney wants you to think.
Some of us didn't have the patience to go looking for it. Ever think of that?
Welcome to KHV, where the Spam Zone is life. Read the rules, and have fuuuun. <3
Welcome. I remember yooouuu. Anyway, welcome. <3