This amiibo collecting thing just got easier I scored a Rosalina and Luma restock preorder for under $40 :^) SOON
I like everyone but top 5 are easily Robin, Lucina, Olivia, Sumia, and Tharja
Most Missed Hector But for realsies, I think in the Hottest Member categories, having two winners would be good! We could just alternatively change the categories to Hottest Members.
Iksandar is so edgy I thought he was Mod Shadow from tumblr for a second there
My Ryu game is on point
Roy's $3.99, Ryu's $5.99 and includes his home stage from Street Fighter II. It's fun to not commit when you just play with friends. When you just play casually, you're guaranteed to finish challenges and unlock stuff by accident. All that anyone really commits to is the characters from what I've seen. Once they unlock them, they just play for fun. That's how I did it too:
Anyone wanna play Smash? I've been practicing with Ryu and Roy and need to try them out on real people uwu
It's as if Shitpostgenerator made a KHV account
Yeah why wait for actual sources when we can believe a dude on te internet's brother.
Man dude **** Nintendo and their oversaturation of Mario Maker. Metroid deserves a badass 30th just like Zelda got on their 25th and Mario is getting on its 30th. KHIII is what made E3 for me this year. And I guess Ryu, Roy, and Lucad for smash. Otherwise...
Yeah, like FFX will ever be remade in HD lol
Okay but can we have a good FF game remade in HD? Like IX Or IV Or VI
Nintendo doesn't make Shantae... Her games are made by WayForward.
I can just go dark.
I like light, but it makes certain people's posts hard to read B(
Coming from someone who wanted Luffy, who isn't even a video game character in? Okay... As for Roy, is he necessary? No. Am I glad he's back? No. Am I upset? A little because all I want is either Shantae, Daisy, or Lana or even Cia. But I'm still gonna get Roy because I love me some Fire Emblem. Ryu's okay I guess. Though I'm more concerned over who Namco and Sega are gonna get as second reps
Misty's so glad you said that statement, because this is the part where she tells you her evil plan.
Hey that's my wife you're talking about watch your language
When you said Oh My I thought of this jackass from Super Sentai He says Oh my in like every episode