I dunno bro I feel like when it comes to fandoms I've pretty much sold my soul xD But nah. Since I can't vote for myself I'd say Cat.
I really didn't need this on my girlfriend's birthday, honestly. It's worse because now she's admitted to have gotten her satisfaction even if she didn't prove anything. She did it just because she didn't like me and wanted to make me look bad. That's really disappointing.
Spoiler: Rival Battle Theme ~Posting from mobile, excuse the lack of formatting~ Karin and Sakura grappled fiercely. Neither of them seemed to be letting up or losing stamina at all. It was quite impressive. For just a street fight between two girls, the spectators seemed to be really into it too. It was almost as if they were all in a trance. Nothing else mattered, each girl just wanted victory. Sakura punched and Karin blocked. Karin punched and Sakura blocked. This was the most incredible display of fighting that many people had ever seen. As Sakura picked up Karin and threw her, Karin landed on her hands, making sure she didn't get hurt at all. One mistake and it was all over. She paused and smirked at Sakura, then suddenly frowned. She had a feeling something awful was coming. She turned and looked at all the spectators. No one out of place seemed to be around. Karin just shook it off and continued the fight, thinking her feeling was redundant, except... Sakura was also paused and looking around. Something WAS wrong. Karin nodded at Sakura, who nodded back. They kept going, but held back slightly. If something WAS coming, they would need to keep each other around. If either one was incapacitated, neither one would likely be able to hold on for whatever came, their fight had dragged on too long.
I had a fight with a friend a few weeks ago because I was being an ******* (and I was, I'm willing to accept that because it's true. I have been working on changing my ways thus far and it's working!) and last night her friend made a call out post against me. For context: Me and two other friends (formerly three) run a blog called princesses-for-real-justice. We anonymously help people with problems varying from not being able to cope with something to being kicked out by parents. We have over 300 followers and it feels nice to be able to help people like that. We kind of faceclaim Nintendo princesses, hence the name. We started it as a parody to sonic-for-real-justice, a blog dedicated to mocking social justice warriors, special snowflake genders, and so on. We were more positive about our parodying, more poking fun at them than actually mocking them. We accepted everyone and never once spoke out against anyone for who they were or what they identified as. A few days ago, me and Mod Zelda (my former friend)'s problems came to light a little when SFRJ came back and there seemed to be drama between all those mods. Out of nowhere comes someone named Mod Chun-Li on their own for justice blog, and when Mod Zelda starts saying things like "it's amazing how this parallels my life" and stuff, Chun-Li accused her of being an attention seeker. Obviously I agree as that's not even necessary, and my other friend who is Mod Robin on there agreed. I step in and defend Mod Zelda, then a **** storm starts. Mod Zelda's friend begins poking the bear and pissing off Mod Chun-Li, calling them by my name and stuff until Mod Chun-Li snaps and calls her a tranny (really transphobic slur). Said friend, already disliking me for how I acted towards Mod Zelda, is holding onto this comment still, which I don't blame her since she's transgender and that's a really rude thing to call someone like that. Keep in mind that I've been genderfluid, but ultimately have understood it's just not me (recent development before this), and I dealt with being misgendered and slurred at for that, so I know what it's like. I probably wouldn't be much better if someone had done that in a public space like that. Anyway, now it's come down to even friends of my friends who don't like me being on my side, because they at least know I would NEVER speak out against a transgender person like that. I've dated a transgender person before, and was VERY close to him as friends when it was all over. In fact, I did mention him in my signature. His name was Zander and he died earlier this year, and I was a wreck for a while afterwards. Poison is my favorite character and she's trans, and so on and so forth. Here's the call out post, it's actually a really funny read, as she keeps mentioning I'm a smash 4 elitist when in actuality I just despise how glitchy Melee is and how you HAVE to be good at it otherwise you're nothing in the smash community.
~Tokyo Streets: Mad Gear Tournament~ View attachment 42821 Spoiler: Rival Theme The two girl's fists clashed as they parried each others' blows. For a pair of school aged girls, they certainly knew their way around fighting. This clearly was much more than a little squabble between kids, though, for each blow that connected sounded much fiercer than the last. By the time they took a breath, Sakura appeared to have a bloody nose, and Karin's lip was bleeding. "You seem to be keeping up, Kanzuki. I'm impressed!" Sakura said with a smirk. "Not as impressed as I am by you, Kasugano." Karin spit out blood and smirked back, "Chasing that Ryu character has indeed landed you some good moves, I like it." "Hehehe. It's a shame you'd never be able to replicate them in a million years!" Sakura reared her hands back and cupped them, charging an energy blast, "Hadoken!" she said, letting it fly. Karin ran forward and flipped over it, then ran towards Sakura, "Shooooooryuken!" she called out, jumping and uppercutting Sakura. However, just before the blow connected, Karin's hand lit on fire. Karin hit Sakura with all her might, knocking her over, but not burning her for some reason. She shook her hand and ran over to Sakura. Why had that happened? She had only meant it as a joke... "Are you alright!? Sakura!" she shook her rival and listened for breathing, which was still there. Karin had won the round, but that sudden spurt of energy frightened her ever so slightly. She sighed in relief. *** Sakura came to a couple of minutes later and rubbed her jaw. A hand was offered to her and she took it, standing up. It was Karin. "Karin, how did you-?" "We can talk after the match is over, Sakura." Karin interrupted, "We have another round before we can stop." She resumed her fighting stance and stared at Sakura to do the same. That made Sakura snap. How often was Karin going to treat her like nothing more than a person who she fought? She'd at least expect SOME amount of respect from her since she did beat her in their first fight years ago. With an animalistic cry, she ran forward and began to wail on Karin. Karin staggered back after each blow, completely overwhelmed. She collapsed afterwards, down for the count. One round left to go. Sae stood up after recovering her senses once more. Sakura was definitely not holding back. "Had enough?" Sakura asked, ready to charge again when Karin had stood up once more. She had been hoping it would be an actual KO, but apparently the world was not that sweet. "Never!" Karin said, assuming her fighting stance again. Sakura charged at her and she blocked, holding the other girl's fist, then grabbing her head and slamming it into her knee multiple times. She finally grabbed Sakura and slammed her down, landing with her elbow on Sakura's stomach. Karin backflipped away, knowing her rival wouldn't be down for long. She was right, as not even a second later, Sakura stood up, panting. She and Karin stared each other down, pure hatred in one another's eyes. This fight was only just beginning. ~Lauren and Tsukasa~ View attachment 42822 "Look Tsukasa, I'm going to make this quick. If you ever need help, just say the word. Without you, Mako wouldn't be with us any longer, and it means a lot to all of us that you'd help us out despite our prior squabbles." Lauren rushed her hair out of her eyes, "Even Genta was saying how much he appreciates you being around to help us. So... thank you, again."
Hey! Just letting you know, if you need Killer Croc todo something, you can have him interrupt Sakura and Karin's match in High School Days....
That was phenomenal. I couldn't even tell this wasn't in the game to begin with.
View attachment 42813 Obvs bc this is u bby<3
@CloakedThunder ilu <3
Spoiler: Musics I listen to in the car on my way to and from work View attachment 42804
reserving: Winter Schnee I hope you know Vile originated in Mega Man X and aren't assuming he's an OC in FNAFB
All passengers boarding, please proceed! The ToQger express is departing at 7:30!!
Yo! You're back! (It's Sora from KH RP)
I'm seriously unsure who to vote for I think I may go with @Yuto , simply because I have seen him join everything xD
Al Mualim. Running a school and secretly running both a terrorist organization and controlling creatures from another world? Cliché, sure, but even the World Warriors can't stop him easily.
My girl @WhiteRose-Aki Represent!