does any1 know how to make a video i mean what for a programm do i have to use and where do i get video's so i can combine them and so... if any1 knows plz help me that would be a great help thx in advance
are there codes for other games like one piece too?i think i search
náaaa still isn't closed :/ let me try just for fun -CLOSED-
@xarmk yeah it works for me perfectly he wields that fat chakram and it's very big he can attack but the only stupid thing is he can't do finishing combos like explosion so i had to unequip everything so he do normal finisher's @khkid1212 can u give me the code for xaldin's spears? plz
yeah thaat's stupid tonyx n tryed the code for axel's weapon too and it didn't worked
yh it worked i'm an AR MAX user maybe that's why
better then anything i can draw lol
i was sure it is equiped didn't u tryed it?
so whaz up?it isn't closed
in the world that never was and i had equiped ultima weapon oh and Xaldin spears didn't worked for some reason
oh yes u're right forgot:p and what for a weapon do i hae to equip?kingdom key right?
isn't this the same code last digit like the axel's chakrams oh and evil i mean the code Xaldin's spears because i know i don't need a moveset but still thx
it worked thx again evil and do u have the code for Xaldin's spears cause when i tryed it myself it didn't worked?
that's why it didn't worked thx evilman
wich weapon do i have to equip for axel's chakrams`?
yeah okay i try hey he's only super sonic when i transform into a ball
then he's super sonic ?
yeah okay it just sounjds so it work but he said it won't work i mean cloud he said there are two sora's and 1 sephirot
did any1 tested this Originally Posted by Cloudstrife252 wrong section dude, and LISTEN TO THIS!!!! YOU KNOW IN TEH final battle, when you play as riku, he is slot 2, well i made a code where you play as the dude in slot 2, so i think ive found a REAL WORKING riku code, i just need you to confirm some things: 1: use this code: A5M5-JEKD-QPDJ4 7U6P-18XW-8PKKA and go to the dark depths 2: save in the dark depths, and reset your console 3: put this code into ARMAX: WWR5-M1WV-GCUVM G5FM-5KCN-N5A24 MP34-XG1P-HT32N WGJ9-UUP7-HUYVP EKRE-FVR5-9X1C6 (it was supposed to be the invisible riku code, but it backfired in a good way...) 4: start the game. open your save from the dark depths and... 5: if it has worked correctly, there will be a split second that the game keeps intact. it will freeze, but just leaving enough to see: you (sora) on the left hand side, where slot 2 usually is, where riku is in the final battle another sora in the middle (slot 1, where he should be) and for some reason sephiroth on the right in t-stance. (wtf) to thepoint, i believe i have created a new code in which, with different digits, you can play as riku... PLEASE SOMEBODY TEST THIS, OTHERWISE PEOPLE WILL SAY THAT I LIE, I DONT!!!!!!! EDIT: at number 3, put in this code instead and see if it freezes or not: V4UP-94M4-W2XMK G5FM-5KCN-N5A24 MP34-XG1P-HT32N WGJ9-UUP7-HUYVP JQV3-FY04-2FNJG
do u have a super sonic is availible code pls ?