what why does stands there something like that i asked how many cat's do u have not mayn or sth like that
yeah test this 103403C0 00000846 and kh1 sora need a moveset from sora so he can make abilities i think so..
yeah they have
how many cat's do u have i have 2
yh ask but i think u just have to make sora's moveset and play as kh1 sora not more so why are u saying it works
oh yeah i have it thx guys
dude u have no idea from codes:nono: that's the same code only the line on the top changes i think yes it'S possible maybe 80%
didn't worked lol :bounce: there was just a black screen
yh thx that's what i néed
can one of u guys gime the code master sora replaces sora plz thx
naaa don't say sry no problem yh maybe he isn't
ohh no it freezes when im trying it there is a black screen damn't
thank u soo much ar max H241-QNJT-BURG5 R26F-CTEU-AFZGA
disaster i know it now pls can u give it me in ar max version thx
master strike or disaster both are good i need both of them cause i don't know the english names i have german version
hey guys a question can any1 give me the code so sora do that final attack from master form where he make's that explosion tornado in the air so i can use it with the moveset plz in ar max and i learned a new ability when i transformed into final form with master form moveset that so cool
thx cloud like always
yh that would be cool if some1 have some ability from master form or the moveset
32440 whaz up guys?
okay big thx for now