yeah there are but the stupid thingi is their in T-stance :(
i already clicked on the karm button of ya coud :/
u love him but he's a boy and u too??? but that's not my prob, offtopic btw cloud why are u gone from MSN?
WOW awseome and kool oh and what for codes did u actived when u tryed that?
a code names joker? u mean when i'm going into a new map from cornstone to kings salle or (kings hall whatever) i have to press R2 right i did it and it was just a black screen
Castle Oblivion didn't worked they all don't work for me!! why?! i actived Castle Oblivion and infinity jump code did i forget anything
thank you :D i try the castle oblivion code
i actived the joker i pressed R2 then the screen was black and there only came those birds voices and the water but nothing was to see
wow great thx EDIT: :'( it didn't worked for me there was just a black screen
is the botton still R2
yeah finaly
this code didn't worked
here but it won't work RFXF-FKB2-8VWEF V8KX-95AX-DJ1TU 0EAM-KY2N-E0V54 and you have to try it in the hall of cornestone or something like that i don't have the english version so i dunno what it's called but it's in disney castle
yeah sorry does any1 have the code for replace donald or goofy with illiminatur
does any1 need this???
-CLOSED- because no1 needs it
Main Weapon = Oathkeeper MVNG-171T-9M4R2 2YEB-E4W5-GYGDN MMJ1-9CJ3-P8RV1 Oathkeeper -> Mickeys Keyblade D035B55C 0000DFFF 11CEF110 00000074 Forms use Kingdom Key Valor JVWZ-NRXB-YMBVU 2YEB-E4W5-GYGDN TBD8-KGWP-Z4TRP Master HFK7-KCEV-JAW3N 2YEB-E4W5-GYGDN N82R-KW1M-8KZA4 Final 2WA5-A7A6-3NYHM 2YEB-E4W5-GYGDN TFBM-857J-RB1MR
try using the codes infinity jump groundshaker replaced by goofy and the code for roxas room then see what u can do maybe u can stand on the houses or maybe u just fall and then make infinity jump: try okay?
just save at there then use the code and use that save and maybe it works then
wow cool that's amazing