man you get everything for everyone right >_>
ummm... i think wtd dessepears always there isn't a code yet and when i'm trying to use these chakrams for some reason it freezes when i'm doing a finisher:silence:
i have a quesstion does the code for xaldin's lances work for NTSC???
sory my bad
thank you soo much mikael and what sword do i have to equip
can some1 port this to PAL and post it up in the PAL thread??? thanks in advance Follow the wind = xaldins lances (no hits with ground combos): 154B-Q5HM-M40QQ 4XWM-J9YM-59PHZ
i have an idea :D
what can i say there you two are just the best in porting here in PAL thread XD
cool thanks i try them then here mickeys command menu X15N-JPB5-YGM5W UPUK-HTAP-1E9V6
damn'T **** you have riku's command menu OMFG cool thank you very much
there isn't the code EDIT 1: does really no1 have it???? EDIT 2: OMG i'm reapeting myself
i just want the code O_o
yeah i think so too
smoker suck!!!! they stink" do u smoke?
i need them in AR MAX format and it should be in PAL=(region in EU)
i need it in AR MAXPAL plz
what would u take this one or these two as a signature?????????
does any1 have a code so harry does always this ultimate expecto patronus ?? if yes plz tell me thanks in davance
here can any1 try this it should give you berseker PNAB-TBK7-3695T RX82-81PT-0GPRM
yepthey just stand there and do nothing and u can hit them but nothing will happen