>no competing title Are we just going to completely forget about Playstation All Stars?
My first thought on TitanFall was that it's pretty much what Brink tried to be, but done much better. I haven't played it more than the odd match at a friend's house, though, so maybe I'm not the best person to judge.
I'm just comparing what's happening. Destiny and Watch_Dogs may not be all that great, but there sequels will definitely be better, just like what happened with AssCreed.
From his team: 1. 29 2. 5 (He leveled up during the match) 3. 29 4. 30 5. 30 6. 29 If you look closely at the screen, you can see that the people he's killing are in the same level range.
I think the main problem with Destiny is that Bungie was hyping the franchise more than the actual game and most people didn't quite understand that the first installment of a new IP is rarely ever representative of what the rest of the franchise is going to be like. I see Destiny and Watch_Dogs as being similar to the first Assassin's Creed. They're there to establish to basic ideas that the next games will expand upon to create what the developers' true vision was.[DOUBLEPOST=1413318934][/DOUBLEPOST] I don't know how, but I do know that he was using all the default equipment and came in second place with the best K/D ratio and only three fewer kills than the first place player.
One guy dominated an Iron Banner match at level 4.
Destiny met my expectations. I knew from the beta that it would just be a fun shooter with a mediocre story and grindy MMO elements and I'm 100% okay with that.
Oh, that was you?
Personally, I think it feels weird and it creeps me out. If I were just a tiny bit smaller, the little boy born outside of wedlock would bite my hand off.
Coral is smart enough to know that your fingers aren't food.
Join the reefer club, man. Coral is way cooler than fish.
The manga is better in most ways, but I could never get used to the art style. It's not ugly, but I just can't seem to get myself to like it.
KeybladeSpirit's Big-ish List of Anime Recommendations Neon Genesis Evangelion is a great experience and has numerous dubs in different languages of widely varying quality. The Spanish dub is fantastic, the English dub set the bar for the other dubs of its time but isn't that good by today's standards, and the German dub is good but ruins a really great scene that completely depends on one character being unable to speak German. The Russian dub is the standard by which all bad dubs are measured. I recommend watching it in your own language, with subs, and the English dub in that order. The "correct" order to watch is: Original Series Movie: Death and Rebirth (1 hour series recap+Half hour preview of EoE) (Optional) Movie: End of Evangelion (Proper ending that wraps up the series much better than the last two episodes) Movies: Rebuild of Evangelion (Remake/Sequel for original series) The proper order to watch Rebuild is: 1.0/1.11: You Are (Not) Alone (first few episodes of the series stitched together with some updated voice acting and animation) 2.0/2.22: You Can (Not) Advance (some remade episodes, some new content) 3.0/3.33: You Can (Not) Redo (all new content) Dangan Ronpa: The Animation is based on a great game of the same name and is alright. It is only available subbed for now, but Funimation is working on a dub as we speak. I recommend playing the game, though, because the adaptation wasn't very good in my opinion. The game is available for PSP in Japanese with a really good English patch. It is also available for the PS Vita in English with an English dub that I was able to get used to and an absolutely terrible English translation. Gurren Lagann is one of my all time favorites. As with anything GAINAX, the animation is breathtaking. Both the Japanese and English voices are extremely well done, though the English version has some minor pronunciation issues. If you liked Evangelion and Gurren Lagann, you may enjoy Captain Earth. It starts kind of bland, but later goes in a Gurren Lagann-ish direction with slightly harder science fiction. It's gotten bad reviews, but I personally think it's the best show of the Summer 2014 season and was beaten only by No Game No Life in Spring 2014. The last episode premiers in Japan this Saturday. Kill la Kill is another of my favorites. Even if you're not that into the subject matter, it's worth watching for the visual spectacle alone. Some people don't like that the characters show a lot skin, but others get used to it pretty quickly. For me, none of it even registers as fanservice anymore. It's made by the same people who made Gurren Lagann, though they split off from GAINAX to create their own company, Studio Trigger. Its English dub is currently in progress. My Mental Choices are Completely Interfering with My School Romantic Comedy (or NouCome for casuals) is hilarious and adorable. It's a quirky slice of life anime about a guy who occasionally has to make hypothetical choices that always come true no matter how implausible, always with hilarious results. It is not yet dubbed and doesn't look like it ever will be. If you like the beautiful animation of Kill la Kill and Gurren Lagann and/or enjoyed Rugrats as a kid, Hanamaru Kindergarten is right up your alley. Other Recommendations: Persona 4: The Animation Persona 4: The Golden Animation Soul Eater Soul Eater NOT!
Sounds like they're fighting over your affections. Make them settle it in Smash. Also, get Smash.
He orders a drink.
Home come you never tell me to stay safe when there's a tornado warning in central Ohio?
Hide newfound wealth. If neighbors find out, will call politburo who will take family to gulag. Such is life.
Because if I'm going to do something illegally, I'd like to do it all at once rather than in little chunks. Because if I'm going to do something illegally, I'd like to do it all at once rather than in little chunks.
Because I don't have the channel it's on.
Okay. That's not enough for a binge yet.