As requested, a drawing of Alucard playing a trombone while Seras slams an oven door in the background with blindingly shiny glasses in 1080p. Spoiler View attachment 40715
How unnecessarily shiny do you want the glasses?
Does it take place in the main world or Termina?
Oh. I guess I must have been thinking of a different member. Ah, okay. That's Utica's nickname, right?
Wait, aren't you usually in Florida?
You really ought to listen to the radio play too. The first two books were (mostly) adapted from the Primary and Secondary Phases and the Tertiary, Quandary, and Quintessential Phases adapt the next two books while adding a lot of new content. In my opinion, the ending in the radio play is much better than that of the books I totally agree on that second point. Douglas Adams is the sort of author that I'd love to call on the phone and talk to about nothing in particular. I love how his writing constantly goes on tangents but always comes back to the something that's relevant to the story. On a side note, Ford Prefect is exactly the kind of jackass that I need in my life.
Holy Zarquon that was amazing. I'm almost tempted to drop the books because I honestly can't believe that there could be a better ending to such an amazing story. Also, is it bad that I honestly think Random is a rather pretty name for a girl?
You don't know who you're dealing with. I was two hours early every day for my last job. The only reason that I I get to my current job only 15 minutes early is that I rely on my mother to drop mye off because the buses don't run early enough. I stay for 10 hours a day, four days a week, and 6 days during the seasonal peak. That's right. I'm such an underachiever that I have nothing better to do than be really early for everything.
But I'll be early. But I'll be early. Joke's on you. I can't afford college and I like being early for work.
I'm going to not do that just to spite you.
I would agree, but having genders correspond to body types is just as bad as not including non-binary. Hell, even including NB as a blanket term is problematic since it kind of implies the assumption that all non-man and non-woman gender identities are the same. All the term "non-binary" does is turn the gender binary into a gender ternary. Sexgenders, demigenders, and antigenders, for example, are easily forgettable when they can all be dismissed under the term "non-binary." Sorry if that kind of turned into a rant. The mention of non-binary gender sometimes triggers (as in "activates," not like when it's used in reference to PTSD) that line of thought in me and it gets hard to stop thinking about unless I let it out. See, I have a certain amount of fascination with the concept of gender as a grammatical construct and in learning about that I've found out that some languages have as many as 18 genders, even though tend to use the standard ternary (masculine, feminine, neuter) when it comes to gender roles and identities. It got really cool when I noticed that even though babies are referred to with "he" or "she" pronouns, they're treated as the neuter gender (which ordinarily takes "it" pronouns) for the first several months of their lives. Sorry if that turned into a tangent. I was just on that train of thought and sort of rolled with it and before I knew it I had written a paragraph longer than the rant that I was using that paragraph to apologize for in the first place. It's just that when I was a kid my parents always encouraged me to try and explain myself as fully as possible whenever I apologized for anything and it's become kind of a bad habit. I think that also has to do with why I have an addiction of sorts to gift giving. See, a part of my process for apologizing is to do something to make up for whatever I did wrong in order to show my sincerity and for the past couple of years I've felt a lot of guilt over nothing in particular. This has led to me joining online Secret Santa games several times a year as if I feel the need to validate my existence by contributing to people's happiness even though I realize it's in a very materialistic way.. God dammit, I did it again. I'm done now. I promise. Actually, since I'm talking about myself maybe I shou-
Not even close to enough variety.
The pieces of my brain are all over the room because my mind was just blown.
I know there aren't a lot of people around here who go to the RPA, but this is going to be different in that it's more of a proper RPG than just a collaborative story with role-playing elements. It's like the difference between Dwarf Fortress and Dungeons and Dragons. Post your here if you're interested and I'll change the thread to a discussion/sign-up thread once I have four or more players.
Well, plenty of people are offended by the term "Board of Mental ******ation and Developmental Disabilities" even though it's just what the conditions that the board deals with providing accommodations for are called. It got to the point where last year my county's Board of MRDD changed its name to "Board of Developmental Disabilities." It's not that big a stretch to assume that people would be offended by an accurate description of where they come from.
I think I might be living the dream.
It didn't used to be, but it is now. Really, anything that acknowledges race in a way that isn't overly clunky and formal is racist nowadays unless it's to refer to Caucasians. I think the correct term is just "Japanese" in the same way that you would call someone from Korea a Korean, but even then it feels racist to say something like, "I met a few Japanese at a bar yesterday and long story short, they sure knew how to do cocaine out of a stripper's Darth Vader helmet." Really though, I think the idea that words can be racist is ridiculous. Can't we all just be nice to each other regardless of what words we use and call people racists if that's what their actions indicate rather than their language? Also, Japanese isn't a race. It's a nationality and an ethniticy. The word you're looking for is either "originist" or "ethnist," both of which were stuck firmly inside of my butt until a few moments ago.
It's the rarity factor for me. My ultimate goal in Pokemon is to catch 'em all in every gender, every form, and then again for all the shinies.
I put in my Shiny Gengar code and then decided to screw around for a bit because I haven't played in a while and then HOLY ****ING **** my first random encounter was a shiny Venipede.