All the stupid Kingdom Hearts kids...
"That day, the Premiums received a grim reminder. We lived in fear of the Normies and were disgraced to live in this cage we call the Premium Zone.”
And really, that's the only word that I can think of to describe it well. This is the first time in a while (or, perhaps, ever) that something on Cartoon Network has really captured my attention like this. Shows like Flapjack and Adventure Time came close in a different way, but Over the Garden Wall is definitely the pinnacle of what I love about those shows. It's funny, creepy, deep, compelling, imaginative, and every episode makes me love it even more. It even radiates that "Ghibli-ness" that I can never get enough of. I don't know how I haven't heard of this show before last week, but I couldn't be happier that I gave it a shot instead of dismissing it as the sort of the thing I'm used to seeing on Cartoon Network. That's pretty much it. There is only one word to adequately describe this series and that word is "enchanting."
explain why a multi-billion dollar company can't afford 2-ply toilet paper in their bathrooms?
A lot of PC games have controller support and many PCs can connect to TVs via HDMI. It's very possible for PC gaming to be just as comfortable as console games.
Isn't the whole "PC Master Race" thing just a big joke? Not all PC users actually have that kind of superiority complex. In fact, I would argue that most of them don't.
Considering that Ozai is having breakfast at Milliways, I would assume so.
Deadpool will ride piggyback on Spider-man instead of using 3D-Gear.
Maybe he enjoyed it despite what the critics and fans said?
Danny would go ghost and phase through the ball pit to find David while Sam shakes her head in disappointment. Lin and her career would be too busy making out in the bathroom to look for Moh. Mako would be shouting at Wu that they don't have a child together while Wu continues to insist that the one-sided crush between him and Mako is on Mako's side. Sasha would elbow Jean in the face and then look for Lil' Taters without him. Brock would have his harem fan out in a search formation.
It's made me like Ikki. It's given Asami depth. It's brought intriguing political situations to a show meant for children. It convinced me that the Beifong Family Tree is more than just a joke made by some silly person on tumblr. It showed that Korra is capable of making good decisions. It made Bolin more than just a Sokka expy. What's next? Ozai having breakfast at Milliways?
That sea of orange sodapop would indicate that this is not real life. Because I wanted to see if anybody would click the link and discuss the real issue.
The original soundtrack is way better, though. 'Dem gongs, man.
Awwww yissssss.
It is by far the best non-original-language dub of anything the world has ever seen.