It was made for nintendo handheld. What does that tell you?
They died in a fatal in a fatal car crash..... Yes on Destiny Islands Yes i stuttered
What will become of the kh series once Xehanort has been defeated. Will they continue on with a new arch enemy or will the series end there. Hopefully the 1st choice since this series is too damn good! If so lets all hope its Pete who is granted immense God Like power.... I hate that SoB. State your opinion?
They couldnt fit him in..
Got ransacked by a midget parade!!! They hijacked my car and fled to a "Hooters" convention...... Hope them sons of b****** dont find my seceret stash. All hell will break loose Im callin the cops.
Maleficient and Pete shouldve been #1 :) Petenificient 4ever
Feint - New Beginnings
You can show him your "wee wee"
Oh, thnk u so much! That 35 cents was gonna get me places, but it looks like they got away with my welfare checks as well. Ah well, there goes Jamals collad greens.. smh
The big kids took my lunch money. Help me anti-bully squad! HELP MEEE!
7Im sry you looked sooo scrumptious!
This isnt the actual script is it? Lol GJ (Y)
[DOUBLEPOST=1360188566][/DOUBLEPOST]Heres a picture :[DOUBLEPOST=1360188650][/DOUBLEPOST]Heres a picture :
Looks like true widescreen to me. I dont see anything streched. Nice job, it looks fantastic (except for lag of course). Keep up the good work.
No Castle Oblivion? Halloweentown and Keyblade graveyard? What kind of taste... smh
Widescreen code isn't working. Plz help! Using Swap Magic 3.8 Coder. Nd yes I already input Master code.
So then basically what ur sayin is that square enix should create a whole new game?
Don't know if this has posted already
So far they have only been doing this with the portable games so its most likely not going to happen. Not really a big deal