Ok that first statement made no sense at all so your premature logic fails lol. Nd like I said the hd remixes are the complete version of the games that fill in the blanks of the original that ppl outside of Japan were only able to play. Thats what I was trying to say plz keep up. If you think these bonus features that fill the story are not important then you clearly have a brain malfunction that need tweaking. I rest my case.
Thats your opinion, nd you cant speak for everybody nice try though. Btw its not just 3 games, its 3 COMPLETE games that define the kh timeline and that most ppl outside of Japan were not able to enjoy. So no its far from unnecessary. If it were I dont think Nomura would go out of his way to publish it when he has two other Major projects to worry about. Point proven, but nice attempt to prove me wrong A for effort.
I made it up =p T'was a joke
Said Chris Brown, Ike Turner, and Bobby Brown Nd im sure others would disagree that this remake is far from unnecessary. Consider that.
If it didnt exist we would not be having this discussion.
How is this GAME unnecessary??? Its an HD remake of two games that didnt even get released out of Japan. Not only that but now newcomers can experience it for the first time before the release of KH3. Im not one to bash women in the face with weapons, even if it is just a video game.
Richard Pryor: That's Racist - Fried Chicken
Do I look SERIOUS?
May I ask what difficulty you are on? What is your equipment status? What Spells do u have?
Well who is to say how long it will take to implant something like this in 2.5. I cant even see how they would fit that in. I mean a Xion data battle in kh2fm. I think it would throw ppl off. Either way, its completely unnecessary. It was hard enough beating the crap outta Larxene without feeling guilty, as well as Marluxia.
Holy crap, haven't seen you in ages lmao[DOUBLEPOST=1383603332][/DOUBLEPOST]T Are you sure your not confusing him for Young Xehanort, the escapee? As for Replica Riku it is a possibility for him to join the dark crusade.... that is if he ever comes back to life.
This is just a curiosity. Sry if you got the wrong idea. Im just curious if there are any thoughts out there of SE adding a special trailer as an extension to 2.5? Clearly I dont see why not, its possible. What do you think, yes or no? If your answer is no please state why. I would not like to get my hopes up for nothing.
Not unless Square is willing to put there projects on hold just to add such an unnecessary feature. This wont be happing.
2.5 will be good enough on its own (excluding online). I could honestly care less if they dont add the feature, but it would be a cool bonus.
Ven is in a Comma he cant grow. Besides he not even a real boy. He was born from the X blade. Nd like everyone else said time flows differently in RoD so Aqua doesnt age as quickly.
BBS on freakin console!?!? Couldn't have asked for more. Freakin pumped!
Plz, dear God My only concern are the gameplay mechanics. The graphics are absolutely gorgeous without a doubt, although Im pretty much all hype for the STORY rather than GAMEPLAY. Btw if these are just gameplay graphics I can't imagine what the intro and outro scenes will look like. Nd plz be 3D compatible. I wanna feel Donald spitting on my face and Ursala's big purple eggplants swinging frantically back and forth as I penetrate her with my "Ultima Weapon".
I will try it EDIT: Ok looks like I got it to work! Thank u very much!
I don't understand this. What line am I even supposed to use and where is the master code to activate it?