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  1. Firekeyblade
    All right. Sorry for making you upset Maka. I really didn't mean to do that. XD Anyway the post was deleted. (Also lols chaos control)
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Firekeyblade
    "Wha- dude! How many times have I told you not to do that?! It's dangerous! What are you, Link?" scolded Sammy as she fastwalked doubletime. Although yes, they were in a bit of a hurry, she preferred not to run. It'll likely attract far too much attention for a little nighttime reconnaissance. And also because Sammy was still a bit too lazy to actually go out into a full out run. Whether Cal wanted to speedwalk or actually get there sooner was up to him, and she would of course follow her friend, but for now, she kept her flashlight low to the ground, almost covering it with her hand to hide the beam. Occasionally she would shine it into the forest, but she doubted that it was all that powerful from this distance. Sure it was a bright flashlight, but it had been used on more than one occasion. Blackouts, trying to find dropped items, etc.

    While walking along, it occurred to Sammy that, she had no idea where to go from the edge of the forest. What were they supposed to do once they reached it? All they got was a slight scream and all they knew was that it came from the woods. They didn't know where it came from in the woods. Maybe someone had gotten lost and came upon a snake, or raccoon, or an owl. Who knows why that person screamed? Sammy chewed on her lower lip. She hid these thoughts from Dom, but decided to call out very, very softly once they reached the edge. She was practically notorious for getting lost fast, and didn't want to even step foot into the dark forest at night. That would no doubt lead into deeper trouble. When they had finally reached the edge of the forest, she swung her flashlight around at the trees and called out as planned, "H-hello?" Unsatisfied with that pitiful meekness, she cleared her throat and tried again with more courage, speaking now with her normal tone of voice, "Hello? Anyone there? W- I thought I heard someone in danger."
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Firekeyblade
    Sammy looked up in shock, searching for the source of the voice calling out to her. Then she found it. Cal. Quickly looking around to see if anyone was watching them, she shushed him and said in as quiet a shout as she could muster, "Dude! We're supposed to keep a low profile, man!" Though she hurried closer to the bed and breakfast to talk with him in a more private manner than shouting outside. However just as she was closing the distance, a faint blood curdling scream stopped her. Sammy froze into place, unsure of what to do. Then she slowly turned around. It had been very quiet, but she was almost certain that it had come from the forest. The wind had been blowing at just the right moment. What...what was that? "Hey," called out Sammy to Cal, not bothering to muffle her voice, "did you heard that?" Did....someone try to sneak in already? What if they got caught? Oh god... She made an executive decision. "You coming with or not, man? Make it fast." She prepared her flashlight to go into the dark woods once more.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Firekeyblade
    ......>_> That doesn't sound all too good. I probably shouldn't have listened to you. BUT IT"S BECAUSE I"M A GOOD DOCTOR WHO LISTENS AIGHT?! AIGHT.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Firekeyblade
    Tchyeah right. You're weak and exhausted and so is Misa and also tummer hasn't showed much activity in the last month. But okay if you really want the arm gone.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Firekeyblade
    Sammy wanted to go back to the bed n breakfast where she had rented a room in town, and take a shower, plan a course of action, and sleep. However, for whatever reason, she got the feeling that something stupid was going to happen regarding the circus and she had the choice of possibly preventing it, or not. She took a look back at the distant woods that she had left. The weird girl by the fire was gone, and so was the fire itself. The feeling persisted but, Man, they can just handle the consequences. Turning back again, she continued walking to the bed n breakfast. She was probably going to be doing something very stupid soon as well, but she'd rather it be a planned course of stupidity.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Firekeyblade
    Dude I am so down with chocolate. Even if it makes me look like a fat pig I care not. Chocolate man. Always a happy camper with chocolate. Or jellybeans. Candy hearts are cool too. Then again I've never had a boyfriend so eh.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 7, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Firekeyblade
    When the concept of entropy, the laws of thermodynamics, and the difference between chemical and physical changes. Then maybe.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 7, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Firekeyblade
    Andrew sighed again. He didn't turn towards Maddie but said in a slow and controlled voice, "If you feel that way." But I still think that they can all just go rot and die. He didn't truly believe that. But Andrew was tired and tired of being annoyed and tired of being angry but if he wasn't angry, who would be? He had to be the one that remembered the "old" Jo before whatever caused a drastic change to make her become less trigger happy. That was a massive improvement, but she still seemed unstable to him. And thus she was a danger to those around her. If they wanted to go and keep tabs on her, then they should go and suffer the consequences.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Firekeyblade
    Eh that's all right. I'm still wondering if it's still cool to go with this whole amputation thing....
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Firekeyblade
    "Heh," scoffed Andrew. "Who else is going to hold up the fort?" Surely no one else. As far as he knew, he was now the only responsible one of the group at the tavern. Everyone else had gone elsewhere. And now it felt as though Maddie would be joining them in exploring the place at night. At last he hoped that's what she was going to do. Jo had enough eyes on her as is, and with each person poorly tailing her, his uneasiness grew. The girl was like ticking time bomb and the more people gathered around her, the more deadly the explosion she'll cause somehow. Be it more problems or reliance. How annoying...
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Firekeyblade
    Question: Is this place a town or a city?
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Firekeyblade
    As soon as the show was over, Sammy left along with the rest of the audience. It was now nighttime and it was completely dark. Being in the middle of the woods didn't help with the already present fear in her heart. She felt bad for the kids that attended the show. No doubt they would have nightmares for days to come. She wasn't sure if the circus had already provided lighting the way out, though the pyrokinetic probably could do it easily. If they didn't, she assumed it was to add to the fear inspiring atmosphere. To leave through the dark of the woods and to try not to get lost. Screw that. thought Sammy as she pulled out her flashlight. It was quite bright and many people were thankful for it. Thankfully, Sammy remembered that it was a straight trek through the woods. Thinking back on it, she wasn't sure how it was such a clear path, but she assumed that the circus did it. Magic did it. Anything that can't be explained? Magic. Impossible happenings? Magic. Miraculous conclusions? Magic. It was all magic. The easiest way to explain the impossible. Soon they were just about out of the woods, though Sammy had caught sight of a somewhat bright light up ahead. It seemed to sort of sway and bend. A fire? This close to the woods? What, are you trying to start a forest fire? Freaking idiot... thought Sammy annoyed at the negligence of others. When she got closer, she could see that it was a lone girl that was at the fire. She had even offered her to join her. Assuming that she, herself, was cold. The jacket Sammy wore was quite warm, and it wasn't that cold of a night. "No, thank you," replied Sammy briskly. She had to go back to the place she was staying at and do some things.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Firekeyblade
    .....>_> I see. And how do you feel about going for the rest of the RP without this arm?

    "Him? Who's him? Ah...well you pass? Pass on what? Pass on 3 days of rest or pass on staying awake this...instant-oh," questioned Rosie as she watched him lose consciousness once more. Well...I suppose it's for the best. Left arm he said? I wonder if he got also got hit by an i- "HAAAA!" yelped Rosie in surprise as she uncovered Alastair's left arm. Though after quickly taking into account the fact that there were children and those sensitive to gore(such as herself a bit), she quickly hid the arm again and carefully flipped Alastair over to make it easier to drag him and maybe with the help of Lucifer, carry him to the kitchen quickly. "Ahem...I mean...ahhh what a stressful night it guys just...finish up dinner and uh...just leave the dirty dishes on the table. We can wash them some other time...haha...and as soon as you guys are done eating, please go to bed. Please...haha..." smiled Rosie nervously as she wore a great grin while also laughing nervously. It wasn't that far to the kitchen, and at this rate, though it was tiring on Rosie's arms and back, it was possible for her to move Alastair to the kitchen herself. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod it was completely black. BLACK. he said he couldn't feel it at all, which means the nerve endings have been burned too! Which means...that arm can't be used anymore! These thoughts had run through her mind as soon as she had seen the arm and heard Alastair's complaint. The thought that he would forevermore be missing an arm pained her. The tears almost fell while she was still in the dining area. Now at the kitchen doors, she pushed behind her, the door swinging in before swinging back out again. Rosie lugged Alastair's unconscious body onto the same cot that Nikki was lying on previously. She wasted no time stripping the torso of any clothes he had and carefully observed him. He had many burns on his body. Some were second degree, some were first degree. Luckily, the burns were somewhat scattered and didn't cover a majority. The main problem was that arm. Okay....okay....cleanly. A clean cut. Fast too. Fast and clean. Swift. Most of the connective tissue has been burned off anyway. Come on. Taking out her sword, Rosie took a breath and exhaled. She raised it above her head with both hands.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Firekeyblade
    Ah all right. No problem.
    Profile Post by Firekeyblade for Asterisk, Feb 4, 2012
  16. Firekeyblade
  17. Firekeyblade
    "Tch." Andrew clicked his teeth miffed. He still didn't trust any of them to use correct judgement from what he's seen of them thus far, but he did nothing. Turning at the sound of the window being opened, he saw Haley ready to jump out and escape into the night as well. Sighing he turned back and didn't stop her. At that point, Andrew might as well have been alone for all he cared. The only sane mind in a group of restless individuals. It didn't matter if he tried to stop them anymore. None of them would have listened anyway.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Firekeyblade
    Hahaha....oh yeah? Go ahead.
    Profile Post by Firekeyblade for Asterisk, Feb 4, 2012
  19. Firekeyblade
  20. Firekeyblade
    "And then there was one..." said Andrew to himself, having done a half hearted headcount. Of course he had felt the familiar vibration of a certain someone escaping out to somewhere again. And of course he had noticed that another certain person who should've been resting more had chased after the first. And....of course....he had noticed that two others had somehow caught notice and just knew EXACTLY where to go while flashstepping because how else would they be able to get to their destination so quickly? He hardly cared much at all anymore. Whatever! Go and get yourselves killed because satisfying your curiosity is SO worth it. 'Yeah! Let's all just follow that person! She wouldn't lead us to danger! Absolutely not!' What a bunch of BULL. thought Andrew annoyed as he facepalmed deep and hard in shame that he was even associated with such foolish kids.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home