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  1. Firekeyblade
    Oh please. Dude, I'm sure you'll be fine. You're a fine cook, from what I can tell. Not like me at all. XD
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Firekeyblade
    Luka eh? And that sounds sort of fun. It might help me get more into the vocaloid world again. Though I feel that any videos I find, you probably have heard already.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Firekeyblade
    Sure, if the ringmasters have a good reason for it. As the plan is now, it sounds out of character of the ringmasters. And what do you mean by this RP dying again?
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Firekeyblade
    Your sig has expanded off of I think it's too big. >_>
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Firekeyblade
    It's okay Saxima. Starseeker's been finding a few issues with the forum and its people. I'm not that surprised.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Firekeyblade
    That sounds fine to me.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Firekeyblade
  8. Firekeyblade
    Dude what. That's starting to sound way scary. Big Brother shiz and all(and I never even read 1984), but still. I am so sorry that had to happen to you.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Firekeyblade
  10. Firekeyblade
    Username: Firekeyblade
    Name: Andrew
    Date of Admission: May 7, 2007
    Age [Or at least, the age they appear to be/told the Asylum staff] 18
    Sex Male
    Brought by whom? Parents
    Family, if any: Parents, extended family, little brother
    Personality: Quiet and obedient. He seems like a broken person, walking around like a zombie. He doesn't seem to anger easily, but who knows what could make him annoyed enough to register a response. He tries to be as honest as he can though.
    State of Bodily health [for example, Ill] Healthy for the most part.
    Marks of Violence, if any [For example, self-inflected or cause by somebody else] None.
    Bio/History: Something must've happened for him to have been brought and disowned here. Though he doesn't seem to remember why. Or chooses not to. Or chooses not to say.
    Powers: Spontaneous combustion by will. If he wills it, it will go up in smoke.
    Other: His memory sucks crap. Sort of spacy, though very observant. He can be pretty chill, tending to just go with the flow(how else would he continue to live here?).

    I see a lack of male characters. B| Despite wanting to RP as a girl, I came to remedy that problem. No thanks to a certain someone. B| *cough**cough*.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Firekeyblade


    Oh lols Yami floods. XD I can't believe I actually remember those...I snicker and chuckle now, but I'm pretty sure it got annoying after a time.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Firekeyblade
    Whoa nice job noticing it before it did anything, maka. XD Eagle eyes there. And I do that every time I'm interested in a horror movie, Kitty, because I still want to know the story, without actually watching it.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Firekeyblade
    Andrew gasped and quickly opened his eyes after Ulrich erased his message. His mind reeled from the effort that it took to write it and he needed a moment before he noticed the dust in the room, and the words it revealed. Despite still feeling somewhat hazy, Andrew did catch sight of how rapidly the dust settled from the reply. He didn't believe Ulrich's cheery response. If nothing else, he was obviously drained of power and needed to rest. Why can't he at the very least be honest with me? thought Andrew as he sighed for the umpteenth time. Sure he admitted that his display of anger at Jo was probably uncalled for, but there have been few times in his life that someone had annoyed and angered him to that extent. That was probably the first time he exploded on someone in a long while. And now he had to pay the consequences. Andrew still wasn't sure if it was worth it. His heart felt it was. His brain said it might not have been. Well I guess I won't know what Ulrich's deal is until he gets back here. And I guess I probably can't do much healing for him either. Man, I really hope it's nothing serious. I can't possibly deal with something like that now at this crucial stage of moving. He willed for Haley and all the others that left to come back to the inn quickly and quietly. If all goes well, they would actually be able to spend a night resting here in this town. If not, they'd be on the run. And he'd been off and on the run for a long while and was not looking forward to starting that up again with extra baggage. Briefly, Andrew wondered if it had been a good idea to come back to the orphanage. Would the whole fiasco with Jo happen anyway, with or without him? Would Haley and the others have handled the situation better by themselves? I guess I'll never know. Too bad there isn't an affinity for time. he mused as he looked back out the window towards the cave.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Firekeyblade
    Andrew closed his eyes and concentrated on the movements of everyone at the cave. It seemed like they were going to do some sort of super charged attack together before Jo decided to just finish things by herself as always. But then something strange happened. Ulrich kept hopping around and stamping as if he were doing a victory dance or...Or he's in pain or on fire...why won't they help him? Geez, bunch of jerks. Andrew sighed again as he narrowed his eyes and focused on trying to form an imprint of a sentence in the ground where everyone was. He gritted his teeth as the following sentence slowly showed up on the ground in the cave. Are you okay, Ulrich? No one would be able to see the strange face he was making unless they happened to look up and see him through the open window, which luckily, no one seemed to be doing. Most everyone in town was still concentrated on the bright but receding light.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Firekeyblade
    "Whoa!" shouted Sammy in surprise. She just about dropped the flashlight when it suddenly started to work, causing a surprise juggling act and a whirl of light as she tried to catch it. She heard more shouting, but it didn't sound the same. It sounded more like enraged shouting. All right this turned out to be a really bad idea. The longer they stayed out here at the edge of the forest at this hour, the greater the danger Sammy felt they were in. And she really didn't want either of them to be on the returning end of those enraged shouts. "Hey. Let's book it. Whoever it was that screamed earlier, I'm sure she's fine, maybe. Well....okay maybe not, but...let's just come back in the morning. When it's more suitable to search, all right?" she said quickly to Cal as she slowly backed away from the forest and silently clicked off the flashlight. Sammy didn't know what sort of wildlife resided in the area. But well...wolves are like sharks. They're more afraid of us than we are of them. I'm sure she's...probably fine...maybe...I just hope she didn't get involved with that circus...oh gods...another victim.... "Come on, let's go," Sammy said as she turned completely around and started to fastwalk back to town towards the bed and breakfast. However, she made sure to turn around multiple times to make sure Cal was following along. Surely he understood that it was now way to dangerous to continue searching?
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Firekeyblade
    "Wha-...well all right, if you really think so," said Rosie unsure of what to do. From a somewhat scientific viewpoint, the arm looked completely lost to her. She didn't really want to amputate it either, but...Anastasia can do it. Maybe. I'm not sure what she can do, but if not her, then maybe someone else. Maybe tomorrow when Nikki feels a bit better. Or Misa when she's well rested. This is a magical world. Miraculous things can be done. she reminded herself. "Don't strain yourself, Anastasia," she told her. She ignored the comment about just waking up, not finding the heart in her to scold her about sleeping in so much. This was a critical situation after all. What a night. I guess we'll have to discuss more in depth about what happened, and what to do the next morning. thought Rosie. She yawned while covering her mouth. I can't wait to sleep either...
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Firekeyblade
    "No! Wait! Hey!" shouted Sammy forcefully at Cal's suggestion. She tried to grab the back of his jacket as he walked away. No way in hell she was going to allow him to do something that risky and dangerous at this hour of the night in this sketchy place. But then stuff started to happen. The first thing that Sammy noticed was that everything suddenly got dark to the point where she couldn't really see much at all. Eventually her eyes adjusted to the sudden darkness and she looked down to her small flashlight. It wasn't illuminated like it was before. What? But it was working just fine before. Could the batteries have run out so quickly? After testing the button to turn the flashlight on and off a few times with nothing happening, Sammy called out to Cal while searching for the spare batteries in her pockets. "Hang on a sec. I think the flashlight ran out of power. I'm going to change the batteries. DON'T. GO. ANYWHERE," she said seriously. Of course after she said that, she became aware that it sounded like she was scared and didn't want to be alone. Which was partly true, but it was also for Cal's safety. Staying calm in the dark, Sammy managed to change the batteries of the flashlight in a timely fashion with some help from the moon. Again she pushed the button to turn it on, but to her surprise it didn't work. "Huh...well that's weird..." Briefly in the back of her head, she wondered if that one performer that could control shadows had a part in this. But as always, way. What would she be doing here anyway? Come on, Sammy, get real. You would think that after years of having things messing up and being wrong because of not listening to the rational part of her brain, she would listen at some point. But no. Sammy was the kind of person that needed infinite second chances and most times it was the fourth time's the charm and not the third. "Dude, this flashlight is not working and I don't know why. Maybe I put in the batteries wrong..."
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Firekeyblade
    Dude it's totally a conspiracy. I haven't even bothered with new textbooks this semester. (Then again I'm not a studious student)
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 10, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Firekeyblade
    Just like Andrew had said, he stayed at the tavern, gazing outside sulkingly and trying to admire the night sky. Looking up at the stars was also nice and calming. Gradually the stars were getting harder and harder to see and the night sky seemed to get brighter and brighter despite it being early in the night. What the- oh come I can't see the stars either? Good grief...what are those guys doing? sighed Andrew in annoyance again as he closed his eyes to concentrate on the movements of the party that went to the cave. He almost immediately regretted not checking on them earlier as he felt a great concentration of magic in the cave. He noticed that Ulrich was indeed a talented enough earth user to form a sword, even if it wasn't all that substantial. Making glass huh? You guys'll have to make it really hot in there. I hope those 3 make it out without burning in an inferno for that glass. Sheesh. As he opened his eyes again, Andrew looked even more exhausted and tired. With such a bright glow, as if the sun had descended down, no doubt the townspeople would be curious. What are we doing here? Seriously, what are we doing here? He briefly wondered if he should give the bar a visit and start up drinking as a sort of anesthetic for the craziness around him.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Firekeyblade
    "Hmm...well it couldn't have been just me, because you heard it too, right?" questioned Sammy to Cal. Heaving a sigh as she made another sweep with her flashlight, she mumbled again, "Well I guess it was nothing...let's just go-" at that point, Sammy froze into place again. She thought she had seen...something strange. She concentrated the sweeps in one area, trying to find whatever it was from before. What was that? It I don't want to think about it anymore. "Dude, I'm starting to wonder if it was really worth all this trouble just to check if someone was all right," she said to Cal as an aside. Another couple sweeps with nothing found. Well maybe that was from my imagination.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home