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  1. Firekeyblade
    After unpacking everything and finding a place for them to be, while trying not to take up too much space, Fire began her evening ritual of preparing to go to bed. When she was done, she yawned and crawled under the covers ready to sleep. Hmm...I haven't met my roommates yet...if I don't want things to be ultra awkward again, I should at least introduce myself and greet them...yeah that's a good idea... she thought as she sat up on the bed waiting for them.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Firekeyblade
    Fire slowly climbed up the stairs huffing and puffing to the floor where the girls' dorms were. She held the paper that told of the room assignments, and as she tried to catch her breath with her gigantic backpack full of her things, she looked at the sheet again. All right. Got it. Walking again, she found the room and quickly but gently unloaded the backpack onto the floor. She straightened her back after the load was off rubbed her shoulder where it ached a little. Ah I brought too many things again... she thought slightly annoyed at herself. After unpacking the basic things, mainly a pillow and some blankets, she quickly headed back down to the lobby, where mostly everyone was and where Mr. Plums was probably going to make an announcement. It's too bad I'm sort of late. Guess I missed out on a chance to make some friends. Ah well. Fire thought as she made her way down. When she arrived back at the lobby, she noticed that there were lots of awkward mingling and introductions. Some shouted by people. there sure are a lot of youngsters here. So short and so cute. Haven't seen the cruelty of the world, with such bright sparks in their eyes....heh. Ah, but there are some veterans, hardened by the rigors of school. Maybe we'll be acquainted later. she thought with a slight smirk that went away almost as quickly as it appeared. Being the antisocial and apparently rude person she was, Fire hung out by the wall, waiting for Plums' announcement. Surprisingly she was just on time and it shocked her how vulgar the RA was. Wow...he really hates this job huh? Listening to his lecture, Fire caught on that her teacher would be Dr. Kitty. Oh sweet. I heard she was fun and awesome. After he was finished, she slowly went up to the third floor once again and began to unpack her clothes and other things. She had already claimed a bed, and there was no rush.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Firekeyblade
  4. Firekeyblade


    Andrew halted when everyone else halted. He hadn't been following too closely anyway, but he did wonder why the procession had stopped. Then he saw why. They were all following a little girl. I guess they don't know where they're going...they're just getting away from whatever that...thing was. Well, I guess this works for me...somewhat... He followed the girl with his eyes as she hopped and skipped all around him and the others before listening closely to the conversation taking place in front of him. To his surprise she seemed to know quite a lot about this place. Just how long has she been here? he wondered. When she had finished the reality had dawned on Andrew. Of course. We're trapped here in this maze and there's a monster out to get us. Just like the minotaur and his labyrinth. Putting his right hand up to his face, Andrew sighed. The hope he had of escaping this place alive was quickly diminishing. Without a word to the others, he silently walked away from them and looked back down the hall where the slaughter had taken place. He heard the slap of bare feet running on the tiles and noticed a figure running in the distance. I wonder where she's going. Would she know how to get out of here alive? Or would she lead me to my death? I suppose it's a gamble with either group. he thought as he looked back at the previous group. Standing there, Andrew deliberated what to do.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Firekeyblade
    I....don't remember this one...and I'm somewhat glad and somewhat sad I don' does look sort of nice...I guess...but the current one's pretty cool too. And the previous BBS ones as well.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 26, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Firekeyblade
    Heeeeyyyy.....poll's not made yet so I can post this right? XD

    Doll's Name: Aeris
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Firekeyblade
    Age: 18
    Arcana: Empress
    Weapon: Sword(we get to choose right?). Specifically a jian I guess...(go wiki it. I don't know how to hotlink or..hyperlink...sad I know.)

    "My name is Fire or FKB and in this contract, I hereby affirm that I chooseth this fate of mine own will."
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Firekeyblade
  9. Firekeyblade


    The fluorescent light above him hummed as it always has. He sat on his bed, his back against the wall. In this position, he could sort of see the hallway outside of his cell if the guard's head wasn't blocking the way. Not that there was much to see anyway. Unlike some of the other patients, Andrew was a bit more mellow and reasonable to deal with, thus only having one guard stationed outside his door and not two like most of the others. He didn't deny that he probably had some issue with his mind and that he was probably slightly superhuman than most of the ordinary populace. However, Andrew liked to think that he was at least a bit more sane than some of his neighbors and fellow extraordinary people. When he first arrived here, he was far worse than he was now. Super uptight, flinching at every sound made. Being surrounded by less sane people didn't improve his paranoia. Eventually, the noises and screams didn't bother him as much anymore and he was finally able to sleep somewhat peacefully at night again. As being used to sirens while living in the city, he ignored the sounds and they faded to the backdrop. The tests were something else though. Even if he can't necessarily remember his whole life from before the...incident, Andrew was pretty certain that he was never a fan of needles. It wasn't like he had a phobia, it hadn't quite progressed that far, but it took some energy to repress the urge to...well...act a little crazy whenever it came to testing time. Besides the marks of needles for various things, Andrew was lucky that he didn't have any other marks of abuse. Of course there was still discrimination, being treated as less than human as a lab rat, but he knew that the treatment he received was far less severe than the more abusive things he's seen the employees at this "hospital" commit to other patients. He was an obedient person and didn't talk much at all. Anything the guards say, he ignores. If someone asked him a question, he would answer it to the best of his ability with as few words as possible. Eventually, he figured, he may be released for good behavior. But of course, he knew that this wasn't an ordinary sort of "prison" where "prisoners" can be released after a time if their crime is minor. This was where he would spend the rest of his life as a lab rat for scientists.

    Pondering over these things again, Andrew sighed while closing his eyes. If the scientists didn't kill him, then boredom would. Most times he would just daydream the day away. About what the outside world was like now, and what would he do in various situations. However, Andrew was in luck. Today was a particularly exciting day compared to oh- the last few years when nothing happened. Immediately, he picked up on the sound of hurried footsteps and rushing wheels on the linoleum tiles. Something was going on outside of his cell. Raising his head, perked up by the sounds, Andrew listened some more. The nurses and doctors sounded...scared. Well, all right, so they're almost always scared of them, but they seemed more terrified than usual. A new patient they said. Oh a new one? Wonder what this is all abou- however, Andrew never finished that thought.

    Immediately, things seemed to have gone horribly wrong. Shrieking screams erupted from all the personnel outside and Andrew blinked in surprise at the sound. He was used to patients screaming in pain and...various other issues they had, but...the doctors and nurses? He didn't know how to react to this, so he stayed put on his bed, frozen in place. A part of him wanted to go and see to fullfill his curiosity, but the other part figured it'd be better to stay on the bed, where it was safe. Seconds after the screaming, the whole hospital blacked out for a few seconds. Andrew's eyes stayed wide open even in the pitch dark. His ears caught the sound of his cell door opening. No...please no... At that moment he was terrified of being killed by whatever had obviously slaughtered the hospital staff. If that thing crept into his cell and killed him in this darkness, he would never know.

    But then the lights came back on again, and Andrew was blinded. Blinking to get used to the change in brightness, he saw that yes, his door was indeed open. But the door itself blocked his view on whatever was outside. After staying still, frozen in his position and hearing some footsteps pass by (most likely the other patients), he slowly crept off of his bed and peered around the door. The sight that beheld him shocked him. It was an absolute massacre. The hospital staff didn't stand a chance. It looked like an intense food fight had happened in the hallway. Except with ketchup. And tomatoes. And some chunky pieces of cold me- Andrew closed his eyes intensely, trying hard to forget the picture he just saw, or at least try not to lose his cool. Already he was starting to panic. No. Stay calm. Just...all right look. The door's open. Let's just bust this joint.

    For a moment, Andrew was hesitant. He had been here for some time, that the thought of escape had left him long ago. Then he stepped outside, careful not to step in any of the growing blood puddles. He always wanted to have slippers, but for some reason the hospital just seemed to think barefeet was most hygienic. Right. Some of the other patients seemed to like traipsing around barefooted, but not he. It sort of grossed him out. What if someone vomited? Sure the janitors would clean it up but still. What if there was residue?

    Regardless, he noticed a few bloody footprints going to the left. What? But isn't it faster to go to the entrance the other way? Or maybe the entrance IS that way... Andrew looked to the right. He felt going down that path was dangerous and most likely led to death. There was a sort of dark presence there that almost sent chills down his back. Oh. I see. Welp, to the left it is. Making his decision, he followed a distance behind the others, following their bloody footprints until he finally spotted their backs. He hoped they knew where they were going. Being lost in an asylum was most likely dangerous and about as fun as getting shots.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Firekeyblade
  11. Firekeyblade
  12. Firekeyblade
  13. Firekeyblade
  14. Firekeyblade
  15. Firekeyblade
  16. Firekeyblade
  17. Firekeyblade
  18. Firekeyblade
  19. Firekeyblade
  20. Firekeyblade
    Lols? I've got fiery red hair? Cool. XD
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone