Can always count on you and Jo to find some awesome music. XD
Noroz could probably be your secretary. Easily.
Ah right. I tend to think of yin and yang in terms of temperature. Cold and hot and whatnot.
Oh my god that's too cute. Please tell me the white one is Yin and the black one is Yang?
Ehhhhh I like Vivi's video better.
Hahaha....that's very true. I'll ponder about what to post though.
That was awfully cute.
Yeah a lot of the older famous members left. Some came back. Sort of.
Whooooa. You came back.
Please don't powerplay.
They probably are. Medea eh?...that's quite a persona....
Psssh. Light and dark are hardly accurate anyway. That is, until you get into spells like Hamaon and Mudoon. And sweet. Strong against fire and wind? Sure wasn't expecting that. And lols. So many of you wanted Apollo. XD Good job, Plums for sorting all that out. XAALE. WE WE WILL BE BEST ROOMMATE BUDDIES.
Well.....are you all right?
Is it sad I forgot what arcana I was already? (Oh right. Empress. Jesus, Hama? God dang what a useless spell...) Also I think I'll be....Sun Wu Kong. MONKEY KING YO. Though I've ehard he could be a ripoff of another similar monkey god hero thing from India. *shrug* So...i guess he'd be a physical sort of guy... Fire yawned as it was getting late. She really wanted to go to sleep as she was tired from all the excitement today. Or lack thereof. But briefly, her eyes looked to the textbooks. Should I study some? But then she thought back to the class. As of right now, there wasn't much of a need to study. She might regret thinking that later in the future. Man whatever. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Fire thought as she prepared for bed. Laying under the covers and string up at the bottom of the bed atop her, Fire thought about the two boys she had been acquainted with in class today. While thinking about them it suddenly dawned on her that she had forgotten both of their names. Oh shiz...ahh it's going to be so awkward tomorrow. she thought to herself while gritting her teeth in embarrassment. She appreciated the older guy ignoring her impoliteness and still wanting to be friendly. She also found it awfully nice of the guy behind her commenting that she, herself, was pretty. That's never happened before... Fire pulled the covers over her head as she blushed at the memory. Dude, you've got to play it cool. Don't be lame tomorrow. That was the last thought before she finally closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.
"Whatever suits you," she replied with a small chuckle. Fire turned back around and waited for class to start so the day could be over with.
Lady? Fire raised her eyebrow at that. I'm not that much older than him, am I? She turned around to face him and replied with a somewhat twitchy and small smile. "I'm Firekeyblade. Nice to meet you, Burn." She wasn't really sure why she decided to sort of smile when greeting him as most times she would go with her normal stoic face that most everyone agreed made her look unhappy or something. Turning on the charm, Fire? lolwat Maybe she was. Maybe this time would be the only time she would ever be able to actually have a boyfriend for once in her life. Because there was not a whole lot of competition. She mentally cheered.
Wow. Did all of you guys just skip through the post I posted? There was a great quote with information regarding that tumblr. And my faith is further restored to IC. I went to a meeting today and they seem pretty legit. Regarding the April 20th night thing. I was worried about how it might count as vandalism or at the very least something illegal, but they seem to be going about it with a real plan, to make it organized and I guess get permits or something so it's not illegal and we don't all get arrested or something. Anyway, ALL OF YOU should go back a page and ACTUALLY READ through that quote I posted. It'll answer all your questions. And you can e-mail the guy too.
Fire couldn't help blushing and cringing at Burn's comment about her. She didn't think she was that pretty. After all there were plenty of other far more attractive girls in this school. Possibly. Well now that I think about it...a lot of them were pretty young...wait how many girls are in this class anyway? If there were relatively few then she would understand the guys not wanting to hang out with jailbait for the purposes of romance. Still blushing and trying to collect the words in her throat, Fire replied to his retort stuttering a little nervously, "Uh..r-right...I'll...try my best, promises."
Okay nevermind. I found this on the facebook page for the IC group at my school written by a guy. Possibly a student? Or a graduate student even? Anyway it's sort of long. just got made aware of what Invisible Children's all about just yesterday night and then I see a second side. I keep forgetting about that second side of every story. Anyway, that's no good. I feel that IC should...probably fix that issue regarding conduct of soldiers and no doubt some things need to be paid for in any organization, but they should probably do things a bit more legitimately. And regarding the Night thing. I was actually thinking about that, whether or not people would have to get permits or something so it's not counted as vandalism or something.