I got 60. Guess I'm about average with makaze.
I had to tell you that I love your sig. SUMMER WARS YEAH. I actually only saw that movie recently which is pretty sad. Anyway, then I saw that...
Fire had woken up suddenly, her eyes opening abruptly. She sat up with a soft gasp as she quickly looked at her watch to see the time. Shortly thereafter, Plums had given an announcement to meet up in the lounge area to talk about what had happened. Oh boy. I wonder if he should really do this. It is a bit soon. And if any of the newer people show up, they're bound to think we're absolutely crazy. That or they'll be left completely out of the loop. Heaving a sigh, she got out of bed and quickly got dressed before heading down along with everyone else. Immediately, she could tell shenanigans had taken place, as Soap looked like he'd gotten out of a shower with his clothes on. And he also seemed to be quite popular, as he was surrounded by a lot of people. Some of them were even new. My, my, my.Looking over at the place where Plums was, she observed him. He still looked quite tired and ragged. By all means, he should've slept in. It didn't necessarily look like he needed to hit up the emergency room, as he just seems to have a bruises and scrapes from maybe falling down unconscious. No doubt, the most of the damage was emotionally and mentally. He could take a leave of absence for some psychotherapy. Awaiting what he had to say, Fire tried to ignore all the commotion towards the back of the space, but it was a bit hard, as they were oh so loud. Many a time, she gritted her teeth, resisting the urge to retort to one of their statements in a rude way. Oh look he's beginning. Thankfully, Plums saved her. He had asked what had happened. Soap explained fairly well. She nodded in agreement with Soap's summary. If there was more, she needed to ponder on it some more if any remaining details were to surface before her. It was then that things probably got a bit too crazy for Soap, and he stormed out. She couldn't blame him. Had she not seen what had happened herself, she would think someone was pulling her leg. Until she found out they were serious. Well, this was real and serious. He would have to come to terms with it and come back. Fire let him go to cool off. Maybe she would talk with him when he came back. She noticed that the new girl had followed him. Be careful so that your sentiment doesn't backfire. "Plums," she said for the first time since the meeting, "you should rest some more. You can come back to your dorm leader duties later. We can all figure something out in the mean time."
WHoa.....I haven't seen you in ages. Nor did I really talk to you much...if I remember correctly. Eh.
What? Were you not there that one time Forsaken showed it to everyone in voxli? I thought you were.....eh. You guys don't know how to deal with Chris and his trolling.
It was now the next day and Sammy woke with a slight start and gasp. She checked her watch. It was around 10 AM. Somewhat late. But also somewhat early. Slowly, she turned and looked at Cal's bed. What happened last night? As soon as she asked herself that, she remembered everything. They were at the edge of the woods having decided to go investigate a scream. Oh right. What're we going to do today? Sammy turned back around and stayed still. She didn't want to wake up Cal if he was still sleeping. But...for now she'd wait for a bit.
Keep in mind that at this time of year exams are coming up and if PLums is a good student, he's probably studying and such. After the battle had finished, Fire was relieved, but then she noticed that Plums didn't seem finished yet. Or...rather...Other Plums. But...then something strange happened. It was almost as if he had faced himself. His most darkest, intense desire. How brave of him. she wondered with awe. She, too, also wanted to say something encouraging, as they had all just risked their lives to SAVE him and not KILL him, but she couldn't seem to. However, Clawtooth beat her to it anyway. When they had all warped back to the dorms, mass chaos exploded. And she had DESPERATELY wanted to take control of the situation, but again, all she could do was stand and observe. Stand and observe the stupidity and absurdity. It made her anger mount to a raging boiling point. Say something. Shout something! Everyone had decided that they'd had a day and left to their dorms. Understandable. She wanted to do the same too. But Plums was here lying on the floor. On the floor. Why? Moving on. A new girl freaked out and stormed out after being ignored for a few minutes. Again, slightly understandable. But she didn't know what everyone had just been through. She remarked about how she had been waiting for two days. Two days? Really? No way. The school wouldn't have kept her waiting for two days. If we were all gone for two days, this place should be surrounded with police enforcement and yellow tape. Fire glanced at her watch. It was late. Very late. And suddenly all the new kids decided they wanted to go out and get ice cream. One person was treating. How nice of him. But are there even any places open at this time? Oh how dumb, of course there's probably something open at this time. Even though it's probably breaking curfew. But Plums is out anyway, so I suppose it doesn't matter much. Then there was the matter of room assignments. With Plums out the new kids wouldn't be able to be assigned a room. There's probably plenty of empty rooms that haven't been used yet. Finally, Fire took one huge breath and slowly sighed. Her rage having subsided, she looked around her. Someone had taken Plums away. Oh right, it was Soap. Speaking of which he didn't look so well after the battle despite having done only one attack and talked a lot of smack. Well maybe it was the atmosphere. Who knows whether all that fog was healthy or not. She also remembered Clawtooth taking Plums' pulse. Good man. Probably very well educated and knowledgeable too. We'll definitely all discuss what happened later. Sighing again, she headed to her room. She hadn't seen Xaale in a while, but she tried to be quiet anyway as no doubt most everyone was sleeping.
What are we, a bunch of D-class? Psssh no thank you. (I'm pretty sure no one will get the reference)
Fire lowered her jian and put her left hand on her hip. "Well. That was interesting." She could hardly believe they had all just battled something like a boss in a game. The guys may have laughed at Clawtooth, but after what happened, anything could be true. He might be onto something.
I should get more involved and interact. As Fire stepped out of the cafe, still drinking her awesome smoothie, she looked up at the sky. A beautiful fine day, with some clouds accentuating the great blue sky. Then she looked at the amusement park. It was a ghost town, and looked almost creepy. The complete opposite of this day. Though she had a feeling as to why there was no one here. School of course. School....should I go to school too? Wait....I can't. Can I? I'm already done with school. Probably over the age limit. The kids would think I'm weird. Nah. But...maybe I could be a tutor? I'm all right with physics up to a point. Chemistry too. English a bit. Though math can just suck it. She continued to walk back to her station again as she started thinking about the opportunity of additional payment.
Riiiiight of course not. Well I appreciate you sparing my life, albeit with a minor inconvenience. I also appreciate that it was at least you, the...
Awfully cute. Though I'm a bit skeptical as to how they work with brain waves. I would like to read a report on the science behind it.
Oh, so I'm not dead? My, what a nice hitman.
What edge? (Lols) No, but seriously, you had me confused for a good long while (and still) and I always thought of you as ridiculously cool, albeit...well...intimidating. Then again I think all the members that used to cause drama and rule the Spam Zone as intimidating.
Patience truly is a virtue.
Hahahahahaha! XD Was that what your family thread was all about?
......? I don't get it.
WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Hold up. Saxima? Drunk? WRRRRYYYYYY?! TT_TT And also WHOA WHAT. Makaze banned? When the fudge was this?
"Ah, thank you." replied Fire as she paid for the smoothie and promptly began draining it steadily while stopping every now and then so as not to get brainfreeze. Holding the smoothie was rather cold, so she also kep switching it from hand to hand until she took a napkin and wrapped it around the container as a buffer between her hand and the endothermic drink. The drink itself was absolutely refreshing and delicious. She loved the taste of berries. This is so awesome. I am spending all my money on meals here from now on. Yes.