That's...quite the woman he hooked up with. I can see the son has his mother's teeth.
Annnnd there it is. Well done Jube.
Ew dude. Why.
Eh I kind of like V1. Looks more like a wolf and less like a dragon.
Yeah I was pretty crazy in high school too. But not nearly that crazy. I think I took about 6 APs? I could be missing a few. I didn't pass all of them.
? Master? And Misty. If it's bitter, that's not good lemonade. Not enough sugar.
Dude i love lemonade. Obviously Misty is of the sea and dislike solutions that are saturated. And geez Peace. Are you a cyborg too?
Well of course. He is American after all. Also I think he's fluent in Mandarin too. because sometimes when he sings, I can hear it. XD But pretty...
.....yeah good point. Oh yeah! So I just want you to watch this video and tell me how good his French is. XD...
Wait....yOU WERE THE OBSERVER?! Dude I thought that was some new member who got made a mod! sure that's a good idea? Well if you think so. Get better, Peace.
Makaze? An old member? Lols. But I guess that's a better assumption to make than you being a girl. Since you practically researched the hell out of KHV's past.
WHoa looks tasty.
Username: Firekeyblade Character Name: Feng Zhao Gender: Female Appearance: Except with slightly shorter hair tied back in a low ponytail. Age: 21 Personality: Extremely loyal to whomever she believes in and stubborn to a fault. She seems to be rather apathetic to most things, though there have been times that something captures her interest (such as any new invention by the Fire Nation). She doesn't appear to have too many friends, but the few that she does, she would do almost anything for. She doesn't like to travel all the much, wanting to stay rooted in one place than move a lot, but she's mostly gotten over that "fear" of the great big world. Though she's quite observant, and a relatively good student, her lack of common sense puts her into humorous situations at times. She can be extremely protective Weapon: (If any) jian- Nation of Birth: Fire Nation Current Whereabouts/Residency: Somewhere in the Earth Kingdom Bender: Nope. Background: Spoiler It was uncommon for females to be enlisted as soldiers as that was seen mainly as a man's job. However, Feng's family only had herself and her younger brother barely a month old when the Firelord started enlisting boys to be part of the army. Out of an unusual offer of kindness, the soldier that was calling for able bodied men, told the family that he'd be back some other time for a soldier from their household. Determined not to let her younger brother, or her father fight, as he was greatly needed to manage household affairs and finances on their small farm, Feng began to practice using a sword. She could not fire bend, but she hoped her swordsmanship would more than make up for that. If nothing else, she hoped her speed would. Since she was small, she would always win races with the neighborhood boys to the point where they wouldn't want to race anymore. No one really believed that the army would accept her instead of a man, but strangely enough her mother allowed her to continue practicing anyway. After a few years, she had become quite athletic and extremely proficient with using her surroundings to her advantage as well as her own skills. The enlistment officer came back and as expected, refused to take her instead of the males in her household. Determined not to let her work be in vain, she challenged the officer to a dual. If she won, she would be a soldier, if she lost, then her brother would go. By chance, she won, as the officer was actually also quite skilled in combat. Many a time she was pushed down because of her light weight, but it was also obvious, that her speed and skill forced the officer to be more serious. It had been a close match, but she won. And a deal was a deal. In later years her notoriety would grow as one of the few, if not only, female soldier in the army that could disarm a great number of male soldiers. Her fame grew to the point that she was summoned to the palace to have an audience with the Firelord. Feng was extremely excited as she never thought that she would ever meet the Firelord in her life. Since he was so particular about bodyguards, he evaluated Feng's prowess by seeing her sparring against a few of his own. She lost obviously, but the Firelord wasn't disappointed. She had done well, and he announced to her that he would like her to be his daughter's personal body guard. For now he would like to have her keep this news on the down low and just watch over dear Princess Adena, before eventually revealing herself whenever she saw fit. Shocked with this news, the Firelord dismissed her and had a servant give her a map with the approximate location of where the Princess was now. He provided her a boat to get to the Earth Kingdom and a rental animal to help her travel. Current Life: Feng is on the road trying to find the Princess and "watch over her". Many mishaps and situations happened along the way. Pet?: Ostrich thing. She named it Kuzco. It doesn't travel that far before tiring out. She wonders if this was some sort of joke. I read through the whole RP. All 24 pages.
No, it's wrong of me. But I can't help being blindfolded by that bias. Noobs will always be noobs to me, when I'm really no better than they...
Yeah it was. Despite a few unpleasant things, it was pretty fun back in the day. There were lots of cool people too. I guess there are also some...
Oh I know! I loved the Digimon movie. I remember being so psyched to see it in the theater. Watching Summer Wars brought back some memories...
"Yeah. You do that. The rest of us could probably think of something with our heads," she replied scoffing and rolling her eyes. How hard could it be to assign empty rooms to a few of the newcomers? One of which had run off. Though, she had to admit, they were quite patient with the situation.
Eh I've been all right. Losing interest in this place though. Everywhere I turn things aren't as fun anymore and I'm probably just blinded by my...