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  1. Firekeyblade
    Sammy was genuinely amazed with Petal's act. She too, looked quite happy as a performer. Sammy hated interviews and she didn't really want to interrogate the performers about how they felt either. If they were like her, they would lie to her face and say they're fine even if they're not. The next act was pretty hot. Literally. Though she had picked a seat further back from the stage, Sammy could feel the heat on her face from such a distance. She could hardly believe her eyes. There was no way that any sort of fancy pyrotechnics could replicate what this boy was doing. He could truly control fire. Pyrokinesis? I thought that only happened in fiction books and games, she thought with awe. That sealed the deal for her. The performances were real. Nothing was fake. Of course she had told herself this many times, since that's what the rumors had said, but still she inwardly hoped that it was all fake and tricky. That the rumors were false. That magic and mystery didn't exist in this world. I....should be glad right? This is what I had hoped for...right? Her life had been too boring these 18 years, that's why she left. Now she had finally found something mystical. But now her arteries pulsed more noticeably for a different realization. Monsters are real... It was with this realization, that she looked up again to see the next act.

    What did she say? A doll? "Aw shiz..." mumbled Sammy. She wasn't a fan of dolls, and if this one moved too, that would make her realization all the more worse. As the act progressed, Sammy became increasingly frightened and creeped out by the display. Being startled by every little movement, imagined or not. When she saw that these...limbs were moving completely on their own, as if out of the Adams' Family show, she couldn't help but wonder as her jaw became slack. They're....moving. On their own. Completely cut off from the central nervous system. They shouldn't be able to. Yet...they are. Why? How? And so her mind cycled those last two questions round and round her head until finally the figure was complete. She hadn't been able to really see the moving stitches, but she could guess that some sort of material was being threaded through all the parts to join them together again. You would have to have reconstructive surgery to join the pieces together to full function again like that. Every single strand of muscle, every blood vessel, every nerve. Wait...blood...there's been no blood at all...why? A...a real life...zombie? Her eyes widened.

    Zombies. One of the monsters she feared the most. Her mind became completely taken by the thought of a real life zombie being only a couple feet away from her. She wanted to run. Fast. Though a smaller part of her mind that was still somewhat rational noticed something she hadn't seen in the other performers. Complete and utter sadness. It dominated the mood of the act. But this small part of Sammy's mind knew that though this performer was most likely suffering the most and most likely needed to be taken out of this place pronto, it knew that Sammy herself could not do it. She wasn't mature enough. She wouldn't be able to think of it as anything other than a zombie. A monster. Not human. And no one should even call herself a hero with that sort of attitude. No, she couldn't save that one. I'm sorry...

    Miraculously, Sammy recovered out of her mental panic attack in time for the final act. All right. One more and then you can go. Go and buy a Mountain Dew or whatever. The final act was really quite something. It freaked Sammy out so much, she almost wanted to cry when that dark shadow came barreling over eating up everyone's shadows. She wouldn't have been able to save that one either. I am...the worst hero in the history of heroes. Why can't I at least be a little more reliable?
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Firekeyblade
    No, because I don't normally give out my number in theaters.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Firekeyblade
    Lols nice. I always love your bloopers. They're so hilarious. XD
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Firekeyblade
    Boohoohoo.....amputation is such an arcane practice....AND YET. TT_TT For the sake of preventing gangrene from possibly spreading to healthy tissue...bwaaaaahhh......also I'm sorry that I can' you guys what that yelp sounds like's seriously something that I do in real life. Eh...Maka and Saxima may have heard me on mic yelping in surprise though I'm not entirely sure happens most frequently when I'm playing games and someone's about to die. Or when on the off chance I actually watch something scary and something pops up or something...I think it sounds humorous, but I think it's possible it might sound annoying to others. XD
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Firekeyblade
    Man I miss talking with you guys. At this rate I'll just drift completely away like Chris.

    Neh......sort of hesistant to post my skype on here...not that I really use it much at all...Wait....actually....if I remember correctly, it should be the same as my yahoo/msn. Well, without the part of course.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  6. Firekeyblade
    Excuse me but tell me again how burnt was that arm? >_>

    Having mostly made the kitchen clean of blood and the smell of it too, Rosie smiled and breathed a sigh of completion. All clean. Though no sooner had she even thought that, she heard the unmistakable sound of a body falling. She stayed in that spot, her smile frozen on her face. After a moment she turned back and went out of the kitchen again to see who it was. "Ah geez, why are you guys doing this to me tonight?" It absolutely amazed her at this point what an awfully fantastic failure the mission that Nikki and Alastair were on. How on earth had they been routed to this extent? Barely escaping a death trap? A leak of information most likely. But from whom? Briefly, the thought of a mole having infiltrated the Academy ran through her mind, but...that was to be pondered some other time. Alastair looked just as banged up as Nikki was if not more so. Rosie rushed over to his side, paying no mind to the supplies. She'll sort those later. Gently patting his face she softly called him, "Hey...hey are you awake? Please be awake, come on. I promise you you can sleep for 3 days or more later but not now. Come on, you need to tell me where it hurts. Alastair? Ah geez...your arm...okay...all right...ahem..." Rosie cleared her throat and started taking some deep breaths. The state of his arm did not look that great and she was really hoping to never have to do surgery in her life. "Nikki, go eat, change and then sleep. Anastasia, eat your dinner then sleep. Misa, you do the same. Lucifer, I'm so sorry to ask this of you, but would you please help me move Alastair into the kitchen? You can drink all the tea you want later while eating anything you want too," she said. These were supposed to be sort of orders, but it's not like a whole lot of the cadets really listened to her much anyway. And under normal circumstances, Rosie was a stickler for healthy nutrition, as much as she herself liked sweets. Thus, Lucifer was getting special permission to "eat as many sweets as you want nagfree".
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Firekeyblade
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Firekeyblade for Sessamaru, Feb 3, 2012
  8. Firekeyblade
    Maka, everyone gets excited when you're online. And dude, mixt is a way cool guy. Way cool.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Firekeyblade
    Friend Like Me. Fun song right there. Also Genie. Come on. The poll was such a waste. HANDS DOWN.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Firekeyblade
    Huzzah for cheapness!
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone