[color=magenta]That is heartbreaking and stupid. Just remove the memories of the fight. The rest of her memories are perfectly happy and good for...
[color=magenta]Shows up, [i]fixes Penny[/i], then explains to the super confused main characters what the crap just happened.
[color=magenta]Yeah, but where was her soul contained? If it was in her head or chest, those pieces are both still intact, so shouldn't the soul...
[color=magenta]I hate all of them. How likely do you think it is that they'll rebuild Penny? She probably just shut down due to extensive damage...
Cookie dough ship? *hauls out flame thrower* Bring. It. On. *sets a wooden ship on fire, uses it to bake half a cookie ship into warm, gooey-chocolate-chip goodness*
Spoiler: Ours probably is. Although, it could be a poly-carbon alloy designed to look like wood. Then again, metal splinters are also a thing. I guess we'll find out what the other ships are made of when we eat them.
[color=magenta]Holy crap that was an action packed season. It just bugs me that they had to go kill off one of my favourite characters. And it...
Well, you get a seam ripper, and you use the little hooky to get under the stitches and then rip them! And you might want to get some masking tape because you will have a [i[lot[/i] of little threads everywhere. Oh, and be careful not to rip the shirt! That's important. You don't have to eat it. But if you could maybe help us chop it down into bite sized pieces, that'd be super. Also, you might need to pull splinters out of our gums afterwards. So maybe prepare for that. *grabs fork and knife* Let's get to work.
[color=magenta]Tomorrow after work! I promise! I've been really busy this week and I don't want to start and then fall asleep halfway through an...
Have you tried stitch ripping off the company name? Once I did that, it was a super warm sweater with awesome pockets and a zipper that went right up to my chin. And then maybe dyeing it? If that's too much work, then use them for when you're doing outside work or painting or something else messy. Ah, the possibilities are endless.
[color=magenta]Okies~ That does make sense I suppose. If the last few episodes of a season aren't fan-flimmerin-tastic, then what was the point of...
Naw, I get that. I refused to wear my old work sweater until I'd stitch-ripped the logo off. Although that could be because of bitterness associated with working there... Hm. Yup. Last time the INVSP stopped and came back, I pirate'd my avatar at the time. It was RWBY I think... Maybe I should do that for Starfire.
Not yet. It's not out in Canada until tomorrow. A friend and I are going on Sunday. Ah Cap'n. Your beverage tastes are ever changing. *smiles fondly* *raises Coke for the toast* I don't think we even have Pibb Xtra up here... Hm.
[color=magenta]Whoa. I can't wait to find out. Little hint so I know which one it is? Because chances are, the whole season is going to blow me away.
Oh no! Stuck with a traitor in our midst! Whatever shall we do? /sarcasm. So, what all is up with all of you?
[color=magenta]I know! I'm really looking forward to that day or two!
Hey, you can be a fan of something without knowing every little thing about it. I know people who are Batman fans and have never read a comic in their life. You're just a fan of the medium you're familiar with and if you decide to go deeper, it's up to you. It's like going through school. You have your high school education. If you decide to go Bachelors, Masters, Trade certificate, it's up to you, but you're still educated. Hm. I use a lot of metaphors... That really sucks. That happened to DC too except everything went from good to terrible and there's so many holes in the story that will probably never get filled. And we lost a lot of good characters like Miss Martian and we just got Renee Montoya and Steph Brown and Cass Cain back. Four years of nothing from my favourite Batgirl. For shame DC.
[color=magenta]Ok. I shall dedicate a day to watching it and then a day to rewatch it when the season's over.
[color=magenta]I have not, to my deepest regret. Is the season over? Can I spam watch it now? Was it amazing?