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  1. Meilin Lee
    As this year's San Diego Comic-Con fast approaches, 'Kingdom Hearts III' has seemingly been confirmed for an appearance thanks to a banner put up by Square-Enix at the Hilton Bayfront parking garage, which you can check out below:

    The game's presence at Comic-Con will most likely just involve giving fans the chance to play the same demo that others were able to try out in recent events. But if there are any new reveals during the event, we'll be sure to announce them!

    Source: SDCC Unofficial Blog
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jul 10, 2018, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Meilin Lee
    ~Outskirts of Upington, South Africa - The Kalahari Desert~


    Bodhi Rook, a Pakistani man who used to be a cargo pilot for the New World Order before defecting, was being escorted by an armed man through the desert as they reached a group of other armed individuals, all part of the same militia. "Is that him? He looks kind of different than I imagined," Bodhi asked the man escorting him. One member of the group alerted the rest that Bodhi and the man escorting him had arrived. "Okay, so you’re... you’re Saw Gerrera?" Bodhi asked the member of the group who signaled the others, "Saw Gerrera? No? Okay, we’re just wasting time that we don’t have. I need to speak to Saw Gerrera! I keep telling them before... before it’s too late." "Keep your heads down. The New World Order will be searching for him," the supposed leader in the group told the others, ignoring what Bodhi was asking him. "We’re out here in the middle of nowhere," Bodhi told the man, "We need to get to Upington. What part of 'urgent message' do you guys not understand?" Before Bodhi could continue, one of the members of the militia covered his head with bag. "Hey! We are all on the same side," Bodhi pleaded after he was being dragged somewhere while unable to see anything because of the bag on his head, "If you just see past the uniform for a minute. I’ve got to speak to ah... I’ve got to speak to Saw Gerrera."


    ~Scotland - Fergus's Office~


    Fergus bowed back at Lily as he waved goodbye to her. "Well, there she goes," Rhona told Fergus, "What now, Fergus?" "Preparing for Demande's arrival, that's what," Fergus responded, "I need ya to warn the Rebels in town to stay quiet during his visit." "On it," Rhona replied as she left.


    ~Rassilon's Office~


    "Crush those that oppose us, you say?" Rassilon asked, "I wonder, what could be as good or even better in crushing the rebellion than than the 'city killers' that Director Krennic is working on. Please, do tell me, Claire."


    ~Lumiose City, France - Rebel Base~


    Noticing Sirius change to his new Rider form and run outside to fight, Pierre angrily scolded him, "Oi, pisspot! What are you doing?!" "Pierre!" Élise de la Serre called out to Bellec...


    "We have to go now," Élise continued while seated on the driver seat of one of the cars that were evacuating. Noticing that Sirius was nowhere to be found, Bellec sighed as he joined Élise, telling her, "Let's get out of here." Nodding, Élise started the car, and began following other vehicles that were evacuating.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    "Don't let it get to you," Sunburst suggested to Gia and Kira, "I'm sure it'll all be over once we defeat the New World Order. When that happens, well... that's beyond me." Getting up from his seat, Sunburst summoned his Keyblade, which was levitating around him thanks to his unicorn magic. Sunburst then practiced with his Keyblade, using his magic to swing it around, wishing he had a sparring partner.


    ~London, England~


    "Interesting. Very interesting..." Kilgrave commented as he heard Kimberly give her story on how she survived. Once Kimberly mentioned she now has the power of the Crane, Kilgrave responded, "Honestly, I don't know what that means, but I assume it's a good thing... maybe?"


    ~Scotland - Old Warehouse~


    "I'm sure we will," Merida responded to both Lily and Harry after they both told Merida that they'll meet again in the future. "Don't forget to to kick some New World Order butt!" Merida requested of the others as they were getting ready to leave.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~


    "Eh, not really," James replied to Yang, "After Team Rocket was completely eradicated, Jessie, Meowth, and myself have been going from one place to another, trying to survive. It wasn't until we joined the Rebel Alliance that we finally had a place to stay for good."


    ~Arendelle - Dining Hall~


    Even after Elsa's small smile faded away, Saphir was still happy to see Elsa talking to him while giving a smile of sorts, thinking of it as an improvement since that fateful day in Castelia City. "So, Hans, what news do you have?" Saphir asked as he started to eat. "Well, I just got word from an Inquisitor that a rebel cell located on the outskirts of Arendelle was dealt with. Three-quarters of the rebels were either killed or captured, and the other quarter retreated. Things are going well for the New World Order in this part of the world," Hans responded. "And the rebels who were captured... I assume they are being interrogated?" Saphir asked. "They already were," Hans replied, "But... all of them refused to talk. So, they were killed off." Shocked after hearing what Hans said, Saphir asked, "Isn't that a bit... inhumane?" "This is war, Saphir," Hans retorted, "Every single one of those terrorists deserves to die. If you ask me... good riddance to them." Even though he wanted to say something, Saphir didn't say a word, and continued eating while feeling a bit angry from what Hans said. 'This isn't what the New World Order is supposed to be about,' Saphir thought to himself.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    "Well, we're here," Riku told Emma and Mimi after arriving to the rebel hideout (and being allowed to enter). "So, what do we do now?" Emma wondered out loud. "Nyapah," Mimi replied, shrugging as she sat on Emma's shoulder. "Hey there," Finnick Surge greeted them as he approached them...


    "New guys, I assume, right?" Finnick asked. "Yeah," Riku replied. "Alright. So, first of all, welcome to the main rebel base in Japan. My name is Finnick," Finnick said, "And now that you've arrived, feel free to look around, make yourselves at home. It's a bit crowded, I know. But please be patient, as we not only got volunteers wanting to fight the New World Order, but also refugees escaping the evil regime's rule." "So... if we wanna fight, we have to volunteer?" Emma asked. "More or less," Finnick answered, "If you don't feel like you can battle, that's totally fine. We welcome everyone who wants nothing to do with the New World Order, regardless if they're fighters or not. Anyway, I need to go take care of a few things. So, go ahead and familiarize yourselves with the place." As Finnick left, Riku and Emma looked around, wondering what to do.


    ~Ocean - Glomgold's Ship~


    As Donald was pondering on what to do to prevent what Glomgold and the Taco Bell Dog were planning for Scrooge, he noticed Hack call out to him. 'Oh no...' Donald thought to himself, 'What if they figured out who I was, and they were trying to turn me in. I have to do something. Oh, I know... I can have them focus on something else instead!' Taking out his phone, Donald walked over to the henchmen, telling them, "Hey guys. Did I ever show you pictures of my nephews? Check this one out..." Donald then showed the three the following picture:

    "Ah, little Dewey's first steps," Donald commented as he switched to another picture:

    "And that's Huey in the playoffs. He was the waterboy," Donald continued as he switched to another picture, "Oh, look! That's us climbing the Grand Canyon..."

    "... display at the supermarket," Donald continued as he put his phone away, "Hehe, I miss them so much, but I need this job. So, tell me about your family."


    ~Moon Palace - Dungeon~


    "Hehe, you haven't said a word in months, Zordon," Thrax mocked Zordon as he leaned against the wall, watching the imprisoned Zordon simply look away, "You failed your homeworld of Azarath, and now you failed Earth. It seems the only thing you're good at is failing to stop your enemies from doing what they want to a planet. How does it feel to be such a failure?" As Zordon remained silent, Thrax scoffed, "You can play the silent treatment for as long as you want. But don't even think it'll make your situation any better. Pathetic old fool."


    ~Corleone Household~


    Nodding, Vito replied, "Now that is what I wanted to hear." As Ezio and Vito were eating, Ezio asked, "So, Uncle... what news do you have?" "The rebels have paid us to transport a food shipment to the usual spot," Vito answered, "But after stealing food shipments from the New World Order twice, the New World Order will surely have more security." "Which will make things more difficult for us," Ezio commented.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground: Lab~


    "That's right, just a little to the left..." Fitz instructed Jessie and Meowth as they were moving heavy lab equipment around, "Almost there... that's it!" "Phew, glad that's over," Meowth commented as he wiped away sweat from his forehead. "Really appreciate it guys," Fitz thanked the two. "Yeah, don't mention it," Jessie replied as she and Meowth walked away, while Melinda May entered the lab, wanting to talk to Fitz...


    "Hey Fitz, got a chance to analyze any of Florent L'Belle's devices?" May asked. "Was just about to," Fitz replied, "Looking for something specific?" "We need you to look into devices where he may have used navigation tools to help him drive to Virginia," May answered, "Like the GPS on his phone for example. We know he stopped somewhere to drop off a certain package, but we would like to get an idea where he might've done that." "Alright, I'll get right to it," Fitz said. "Thanks," May thanked Fitz, "By the way, we all appreciate you understanding why Jemma needed to do what she was ordered to." "Yeah, yeah, of course," Fitz replied as May walked away. Fitz had been lonely for a while ever since his best friend, Jemma Simmons, was sent to go undercover and infiltrate the New World Order to get any potential secrets that could help the Rebel Alliance. Nevertheless, Fitz understood it was for the benefit of the Rebel Alliance.


    ~Underwater - Submarine~


    After Launchpad took the shortcut that Dewey drew on the map, the submarine encountered many dangers back-to-back, such as whirlpools, mer-monsters, and a giant Tentacruel. Once the submarine barely survived all the dangers it encountered, everyone inside was lying on the floor, exhausted from what they experienced. "Oh, you kids'll be the death of me," Scrooge said as he and Launchpad got up. "Dewey! Dewey will be the death of you!" Dewey tried correcting Scrooge. Once Launchpad and Scrooge returned back to the cockpit, Huey joined them as he asked, "Can we make a pit stop? I have to use the bathroom, but it's, umm... occupied." Huey then opened the bathroom door, revealing a mer-monster stuck in the toilet. "For the love of..." Scrooge complained as Huey closed the door before the mer-monster could get out, "It's the middle of the ocean! There are no pit stops." "How 'bout that conspicuously unmarked tanker?" Launchpad suggested after noticing Glomgold's ship with the periscope.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Power Plant~


    As Galina, Finn, and Nikolai arrived to the lower level, Galina said, "You two go. I need to make sure this elevator stays on this level so we don't get more Cybermen or Stormtroopers... at least until they realize what's happening and use the stairs instead." Finn nodded as Nikolai replied, "Be careful, daughter." "Yes, Papa," Galina assured Nikolai as he and Finn rushed to the power plant's main reactor. "When we blow this place up, nothing but ashes and debris will be left," Nikolai told Finn, "Finn, set the bomb." "Shouldn't you do it?" Finn asked as he took out small explosives from his pockets. "No, YOU do it," Nikolai retorted, still not trusting Finn completely, "I need to watch to make sure you don't do anything I wouldn't approve of." "Fine, be my guest," Finn said. But as Finn was installing the explosives on the reactor, he and Nikolai heard an alarm. "Heads up!" Finn warned Nikolai as they noticed a Guard Scorpion land near them. Finn and Nikolai then braced themselves for a battle with the machine.


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility: Sunset Shimmer's Room~


    "And this is where you'll be staying," Alpha told Sunset Shimmer as he carried her things, placing them on her bed. "Hmm, not bad," Sunset commented. The room had a desk, a comfy bed, a closet, a bathroom, and a drawer with a TV on top. For Sunset, this room was satisfactory. But as she lied down on the bed to relax, Alpha said, "By the way... one of the test subjects asked me to relay a message to you. The one called... Peter Parker." "Really?" a surprised Sunset Shimmer asked. "Indeed. He said that he thinks that, and I quote, you're hot," Alpha replied, "Though, that message doesn't seem to compute. As far as I know, you don't appear to have a fever, and the temperature outside is pretty chilly. What could he have meant by-" "Okay! I appreciate all your help Alpha," Sunset Shimmer interrupted the robot after blushing the moment she heard the message Alpha gave her, "But if you don't mind, I'd really like to take a long rest after all that hard work today." "Oh, okay. As you wish, Miss Shimmer," Alpha responded as he exited the room. As for Sunset, she lied back on her bed, taking deep, slow breaths as she tried to forget what she had just heard. "Man... that was awkward," the embarrassed Sunset Shimmer said to herself as she covered her face with her hair.


    ~Nintendo Elementary School: Hallway~


    As Gumball and Darwin were walking down the hallway to go to the cafeteria for lunch, Penny came rushing to them, excited to tell Gumball something...


    "Gumball, guess what!" Penny told Gumball, "I just signed to audition for the lead role in the school's upcoming play based on 'The Moon Kingdom'! Isn't that great?! I hope I get to play the role of the Moon Princess. I do wonder who'll take the role of the Earth Prince." "Wow, that's great, Penny!" Gumball replied. 'If she gets to play the Moon Princess, then I have got to be the Earth Prince. I gotta audition!' Gumball thought to himself. "Speaking of which, I was just going to sign up to audition as well!" Gumball continued. "You were?" a confused Darwin asked as Gumball nudged him with his elbow to signal to him to play along. "I mean, of course you were," Darwin reiterated. "That's splendid!" Penny commented, "By the way. Hope you get the role of the Earth Prince." As Penny winked at Gumball and walked away, Gumball's eyes turned to hearts as he watched her walking away. "Sooo... if you wanna be the Earth Prince, then who should I be?" Darwin asked. "You can be the narrator," Jessebelle suggested as she was walking by after overhearing Darwin...


    "No one's auditioned for the narrator role yet," Jessebelle continued as she went back into her office. "Narrator... huh... yeah, I think that might work," Darwin said to himself.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    "Pikaaa," Saprky said after Rey rubbed under his chin, enjoying it. "Heh, you're right, you certainly know how to care for Pokemon," Ritchie told Rey, "Looks like Sparky already likes you."




    "Okay then... didn't see that coming..." Tuxedo Mask commented after seeing what the masked person did. "Are you with the Rebels?" Sailor Mini Moon asked the masked person. Just then, the two noticed Sailor Moon appear, surprising them even more. "Sailor Moon?! What are you doing here?" Tuxedo Mask asked. 'How did Sailor Moon get here?' Sailor Mini Moon thought to herself. But before anyone could say anything else, the ice wall blocking them from the Cybermen and Stormtroopers began to melt fast. "What?!" both Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Mini Moon cried as they saw what was happening. Once the ice wall fully melted away, it was revealed that the Stormtroopers were using the pins embedded in their armor to enable them with pyrokinetic powers that they were using to summon flames to melt the ice wall away. And to make matters worse, the Cybermen easily broke off the ice the masked person froze them with...


    "Did you really think it was going to be that easy?" one of the Stormtroopers questioned the group, "And, look what we have here. ANOTHER Sailor Scout! It's amazing, the New world Order was unable to locate you girls for months. And all of a sudden, two of you pop up. What are the odds of that? Either way, for the glory of the New World Order, you will all be killed!" As the Stormtroopers and Cybermen pointed their weapons at the group, Tuxedo Mask counted five Cybermen and four Stormtroopers. "Alright, here's the plan," Tuxedo Mask whispered to Sailor Moon, Sailor Mini Moon, and the masked person, "We each take on one Stormtrooper. Don't worry too much about the Cybermen. For now, just try avoiding their attacks. We'll worry how to deal with them AFTER we take care of the Stormtroopers." "Got it," Sailor Mini Moon whispered back. "Alright, on my mark... get set..." Tuxedo Mask said, waiting for the right moment for the group to attack. "Open fire!" one of the Stormtroopers ordered his comrades.

    "NOW!" Tuxedo Mask yelled as he and Sailor Mini Moon started running around, dodging blaster fire from the Stormtroopers and Cybermen. Running towards a Stormtrooper, Tuxedo Mask masterfully dodged incoming blaster fire as he summoned three roses with sharp stems, yelling, "Take this!" Tuxedo Mask then threw the roses he summoned right towards the Stormtrooper ahead, all three piercing through the Stormtrooper's armor, killing him. 'Alright, one down...' Tuxedo Mask thought to himself as he was now avoiding blaster fire from a Cyberman. Meanwhile, Sailor Mini Moon was screaming as she was trying to avoid getting hit by blaster fire from both a Cyberman and a Stormtrooper. Noticing the Stormtrooper who was firing at her, Sailor Mini Moon summoned her Pink Moon Stick, and pointed it towards the Stormtrooper's blaster, crying, "Pink Sugar Heart Attack!" The Pink Moon Stick then sent out energy pulses shaped like hearts right towards the Stormtrooper's blaster, sending it flying far away. "Hmph, I don't a blaster to deal with you!" the Stormtrooper declared as he used the power of the pins in his armor to summon a fireball in his hand, "Try dodging this!" "Woah!" Sailor Mini Moon cried after dodging the fireball that the Stormtrooper threw towards her while also trying to avoid blaster fire from a Cyberman, "Ugh, I've had enough of this!" Taking out her tiara, Sailor Mini Moon noticed it start to float above her hand, rotating rapidly until it began to look like a white glowing disk. "Moon Tiara... ACTION!" Sailor Mini Moon cried as she swung her rotating tiara towards the Stormtrooper. "AHHHHH!!!!!" the Stormtrooper cried as the tiara pierced through his armor, killing him. As Sailor Mini Moon caught her tiara and put it back on, she continued dodging blaster fire from a Cyberman as she thought to herself, 'Wonder how Sailor Moon and that masked person are doing.'


    ~Nintendo High School: Cafeteria~


    As Lotte, Sucy, and Akko were having lunch together, Lotte and Sucy noticed Akko had dozed off. "Hey Akko, wake up," Lotte said, trying to wake her friend. "She's probably dreaming about Shiny Chariot for the millionth time already," Sucy commented, "Heh, maybe I could test out a concoction on her that I've been working on for a while!" As Sucy grinned and tried to find the potion she worked on, Akko was having a flashback in her sleep, to one of her favorite nights ever, when she got to see her idol, Shiny Chariot, perform live...


    Akko couldn't be more happy than she was right now. Her parents got to take her to a live performance in an outdoor stage by Shiny Chariot herself, a world famous witch who entertains audiences young and old. Noticing a glowing orb in the sky flying straight towards the stage, Akko excitedly knew what was going to happen next. Landing right into the stage, the orb let out a very bright flash of light and smoke. Once the brightness faded away, the audience saw Shiny Chariot had appeared on stage...


    "Welcome to... the world of magic!" Shiny Chariot greeted the audience as they cheered for her, "Now please, extend your hand. Your story is about to begin!"

    Summoning the Shiny Rod, Shiny Chariot began waving it around as she hit it on the ground, causing water to gush out right towards the audience. The audience (including Akko) gasped as the water came crashing onto them. But much to their relief, they could still breathe as the audience appeared to be underwater (even though they didn't feel wet either). "Woah..." Akko said in awe as she now witnessed the area around the audience went from having an underwater feel to looking as though they were among the stars in space. As for Shiny Chariot, the audience cheered as they watched her jump on the Shiny Rod as it transformed into a broom, and started flying above the audience members. Akko was happily applauding as she watched Chariot continued flying above the audience while taking the form of a mermaid, then a centaur as she returned to stage before reverting back to her normal form. The audience erupted in applause as they noticed what appeared to be white pixies coming out of their chests, which brought a smile to Akko as she saw one come out of her chest. However, as Chariot was waving to the audience, she and the members of the audience noticed a dark lizard-like monster appear in the sky, roaring loudly. As Akko was frightened by this sight, Chariot had a determined look on her face as she threw the shiny Rod, and jumped back on it as it transformed into a broom, flying straight to the monster. "Note Orfei Auden Frotorei!" Chariot cried as a large bow and arrow appeared in her hands, pointing her weapon at the monster. 'Oh no!' Akko thought to herself as she gasped, worried about Shiny Chariot. "Shiny Arc!" Chariot cried as she sent the arrow flying straight into the monster, instantly destroying it in a sparkling explosion, causing the audience to be awed by the sight. Smiling at the audience below, Chariot said, "Never forget... May your hearts be your guiding key!" Chariot then apparated away as the show came to a close. As for Akko, she felt so happy to have finally seen her idol up close, and would continue revering her for many years to come...

    "May... my heart be my... guiding key," Akko muttered as she continued snoring, while Sucy was about to try and pour a concoction she made into Akko's mouth.

    However, as Akko woke up, she noticed what Sucy was trying to do, and quickly got u, sitting up straight. "Sucy! What the heck?!" Akko cried. "Darn it, I was so close," Sucy said, "Oh well, there's always a next time." "Still dreaming about Chariot again?" Lotte asked Akko. "Oh yeah, I was dreaming of the night I got to see her show. Ah, good times," Akko replied. "Why do like Shiny Chariot so much?" Sucy asked Akko. "Well, when I was little, I was bullied a lot for being a witch," Akko replied, "And, I know that kind of bullying is illegal now. But back then, Chariot made me realize that it's okay to be the witch that I am, that there was no shame in having my powers. She helped me get through so many tough times as a kid. And... it's why I joined this school in the first place, because Chariot was a student here as well." "Wow, no wonder she really means much to you," Lotte commented. "I'm sorry, but did I hear someone mention Shiny Chariot?" Diana asked as she was passing by Akko and her friends...


    "You're a fan too, Diana?" Akko questioned Diana. "She's a disappointment," Diana responded, "What she did back then would be frowned upon in the New World Order, so I suggest you stop thinking of her as a role model. Shiny Chariot is a has-been." "That's not true at all!" Akko retorted, "Shiny Chariot has fans all over the world. Her magic show is super popular." "I'll admit, the show she put on was incredibly popular at the time," Diana said, "But really, her actions made witches and wizards seem like we were nothing more than performers and circus freaks. Her show was inevitably doomed to fail. It's been ten years since Chariot quit her show and disappeared into the shadows. And it doesn't seem like anyone really cares about whatever it is she's doing now." "I care!" Akko retorted, "Chariot helped me be proud of who I am." "Hmph, just grow up, Akko," Diana advised as she started walking away, "For your own good." "Grrr... who asked her?" Akko angrily questioned as she went back to eating her lunch.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jul 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Meilin Lee
    Edited OP with a fully-translated interview.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jul 2, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Meilin Lee
    Updated OP with recent reserves. Also, sadly, due to personal reasons, HeartlessOfLight has withdrawn from the RP, and will not take part in it for the time being. Should anyone want any of his characters, you can check out his list below:

    -Kamina [TTGL]
    -Simon [TTGL]
    -Antis Piral [TTGL]
    -Lelouch vi Britannia/Lamperouge [Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion]
    -Kouji Kabuto [Mazinger Z]
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jul 2, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  5. Meilin Lee
    Square-Enix has announced that 'Kingdom Hearts III' will be playable at Anime Expo 2018, scheduled to take place at the Los Angeles Convention Center from July 5-8. The demo appears to be the same from the recent KH3 premier event, allowing players to fight the Rock Titan boss in Olympus as well as explore Toy Box. Check out the following excerpt from Square-Enix's press release:
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jul 2, 2018, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Meilin Lee
    Although E3 has come and gone, and 'Kingdom Hearts' fans are still processing the information overload from the event, Game Informer has revealed some new tidbits from an interview with director Tetsuya Nomura on 'Kingdom Hearts III'.

    In regards to the premiere event that allowed certain people to try out the long-awaited game for the first time, Nomura states:
    On Sora and his positive spirit, Nomura says:
    How Nomura recommends playing the series:
    Nomura on what goes into creating a Keyblade:
    And finally, Nomura reveals what he personally is most excited for in 'Kingdom Hearts III':
    Source: Game Informer
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jul 2, 2018, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Meilin Lee
    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    "Heh, don't worry, I got it," Rue replied after hearing Rey spell her name, "And it's nice to meet you as well." "Oh, there you are, Rue," Ritchie told Rue as he approached her and Rey...


    "Made a new friend, huh?" Ritchie asked. "Yeah, her name's Rey," Rue replied. "I see," Ritchie replied as he looked at Rey, "Hiya, Rey. The name's Ritchie. And this here is my Pikachu, Sparky." "Pikachu!" Sparky greeted Rey as he stood on Ritchie's shoulder.


    ~Scotland - Old Warehouse~


    "Don't worry about that," Merida replied to Remus, "No need to repay us or anything like that. Really." After hearing what James had to say about Snape, Merida said, "Of course. Don't forget, Mr. Snape was a good friend of ours before we met you. So we'll definitely continue honoring his memory."


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    T'Challa simply nodded in response as he and Simba returned to the base. "T'Challa, there you are," Nakia greeted T'Challa, "How was reconnaissance?" "Nothing of interest," T'Challa responded, "What news do you have for me?" "Well, Okoye is still leading skirmishes in the southwest. Also, Shuri should be returning from Japan by tomorrow," Nakia responded.


    ~Rassilon's Office~


    "Ah, good, good," Grand Moff Rassilon responded to Claire, "I am certain that Astral would be happy to hear that. With your project as well as Director Krennic's Project Stardust, the S-types will certainly be unstoppable. The New World Order thanks you for your service, Claire Wyden."


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Power Plant~


    As Finn and the rebels reached an elevator, Galina tried hot-wiring the elevator as she commented, "The reactor should be below. Sabine, Gilda, guard the elevator." Once Galina got the elevator open, she, Nikolai, and Finn got in, with Finn pressing the button to go to the lower floor. But as the elevator went down, Nikolai asked Finn, "Do you not care about the world and trying to free it from the New World Order?" Shrugging, Finn responded, "Not my problem." "So why did you leave the New World Order? What made you quit being a Stormtrooper?" Nikolai asked. "None of your business," Finn responded, "All I care about right now is finishing this job before more Stormtroopers and Cybermen come."


    ~Lumiose City, France - Rebel Base~


    There was chaos all over, with rebels trying to evacuate after hearing the news that the New World Order discovered the location of the rebel base, and could attack at any second. The leader of the French wing of the Rebel Alliance, Pierre Bellec, was in a rush when he noticed Sirius, scolding him, "Oi, pisspot! What are you doing just standing there, doing nothing?! Grab yourself a blaster, and help pack the last of our things before the New World Order storms this place! If you want to join me, I'll be evacuating to Shalour City in the west. Or if you prefer the eastern side of France, those cars over there will be evacuating to Santalune City. Your choice, but I haven't got all day."


    ~The Capital - Aether Foundation~


    "Well, if I do happen to see her, I'll be sure to give her that message," Gladion told his mother. "Anyway, I do have other duties to get to. It was a pleasure to have this conversation with you, Lusamine," Umbridge said, "Now then, Gladion, I must be off." "Copy that," Gladion responded as he put on his Stormtrooper helmet back on...


    "Later, Mom," Gladion told his mother as he escorted Grand Moff Umbridge out.


    ~Istanbul, Turkey - The Grand Bazaar~


    Walking through the crowds of the world famous Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, Cassian Andor was trying to locate a fellow Rebel who had very important information for the Rebel Alliance, information that could potentially tip the scales in the war. Noticing Yusuf Tazim waiting in an alleyway, Cassian moved from the crowd into the alleyway to speak with the fellow Rebel...


    "You're late," Tazim told Cassian, "I was about to leave." "I came as fast as I could," Cassian responded, "So, you have news from South Africa?" "A New World Order pilot, one of the cargo drivers. He defected yesterday. He’s telling people they’re making weapons," Tazim answered. "What kind of weapons?" Cassian asked. "'City killers', that’s what he called them," Tazim responded. "City... killers?" Cassian wondered out loud. "Someone named Erso sent him," Tazim said, "An old friend of Saw Gerrera." "Wait... was it Galen Erso?" Cassian asked. "I don’t know," Yusuf responded, "They were looking for Saw when we left." "Who else knows this?" Cassian asked. "I have no idea," Yusuf replied before noticing that two Stormtroopers arrived to the alleyway, with both of them suspicious of Yusuf and Cassian...


    "What’s all this?" one of the Stormtroopers asked. "Come on, let’s see some identification," the other Stormtrooper said. "Yeah, of course. Just a second," Cassian responded as he pretended to reach for his ID in his pocket while looking at Yusuf. Yusuf and Cassian both silently nodded at each other, signalling the same thing. The two rebels then quickly grabbed their hidden blasters, with both shooting at a Stormtrooper, killing both of them. Looking at the dead Stormtroopers on the ground, Yusuf and Cassian heard a Stormtrooper nearby state, "Troopers down, section 9." "Well, looks like this is where we go separate ways," Yusuf told Cassian as they began to climb to a nearby window to escape the bazaar, "I have to go back to Syria." "And I'll be going back to Alaska," Cassian responded, "Thank you for the information, Yusuf."


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    Leaning on a table, Sunburst watched as the Holonet News was displayed on TV, where an interview between Piers Morgan and Grand Moff Coriolanus Snow was taking place, discussing the current conflict the New World Order had with the Rebel Alliance...


    "... they're fugitives, and they deserve to be punished," Snow stated in the interview, "We have a duty to the citizens of Earth to hunt down these terrorists. So, no, I don't sleep most nights." "Grand Moff Snow, we are all aware of how the majority of the New World Order's enemies were dealt with during the Great Purge, so is it fair to say that Rebel Alliance is just made up of survivors from the purge?" Morgan asked. "The corrupt institution has been dismantled, yes. We cut down the tree, we pulled up the roots, but let's just say I'll rest easier when we throw it all on the bonfire," Snow replied, "So we have a lot more work to be don-" Sunburst switched the TV off with a nearby remote control, unable to hear any more of that interview.


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    "So, what do you think?" Dr. List asked Sunset Shimmer. "I'm impressed," Sunset responded, "I'll be sure to send Grand Moff Strucker a positive report for your work. Looking forward to seeing the continuing progress." "Excellent! Welcome to Sokovia, Sunset Shimmer," List said as he shook hands with her, "I'll have Alpha show you to your room."


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~


    "Yeah... that was lame," James commented after Yang's bad pun, sweatdropping. Upon hearing Dante complain about having the power of the king of the monkeys, James said, "Hey, at least you still have something."


    ~The Capital - Nintendo High School: Classroom~


    "... and in conclusion," Coulson said before hearing the bell ring, "Hmm, class dismissed." As the students in class were packing their things to leave, Coulson's assistant, Ursula, approached Amanda, whispering to her, "Meet me around lunchtime. Something important about the rod that I need to share with you." Nodding, Amanda replied, "Got it."


    ~Underwater - Submarine~


    As Scrooge's submarine continued on its way to Atlantis, Webby and Louie fell asleep after getting bored, while Dewey was about to lose his mind after hearing Huey singing shanties over and over again. "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!" Huey sang while also humming. Realizing he couldn't take it anymore, Dewey got out of his seat, deciding to check up on Scrooge and Launchpad. Once Dewey reached the cockpit, he noticed Launchpad dozing off while still piloting the submarine before waking up, yelling, "Driving! Piloting. Driving, right?" Noticing the map to Atlantis that Launchpad was following, Dewey noticed that Scrooge had set the path so that it bypasses many areas considered to be dangerous for various reasons. 'Huh, no wonder we were taking so long,' Dewey thought to himself. "Hey, Scrooge, First Mate Dewey here. Your map's got us going the long way," Dewey told Scrooge, "I can probably find a shortcut if you just let me-" "Uh-uh, lad," Scrooge interrupted Dewey, "The shortest distance between two points isn't always a straight line." "Okay, but... yes, it is," Dewey responded as he grabbed the map, "So if you just go-" Before Dewey could continue, Scrooge snatched the map from him, shaking his head in disapproval as he returned the map to the dashboard. But as Scrooge looked out a window, Dewey noticed Launchpad began to doze off once more, figuring this was his chance to edit the map to take a shortcut. Taking the map and a nearby pencil, Dewey erased the path Scrooge specified, and jotted down a straight line towards Atlantis. Once Dewey returned the map to the dashboard, Scrooge noticed that Launchpad was sleeping, hitting him with his cane to wake the pilot up. "Driving!" Launchpad said as he noticed something seemed different about the map, "Huh?" Nevertheless, Launchpad followed the path that was now displayed on the map, while Dewey returned to his seat, commenting, "Shortcut achieved! He'll thank me later."


    ~Arendelle - Dining Hall~


    "While I'm sure Demande would appreciate it, he's actually not here today," Hans replied to Elsa after she said she didn't want to keep the Regional Governor waiting, "But hey, hopefully in a couple years I can get promoted to Regional Governor and have an entire region under my control. But anyway, yes, it's definitely time to eat." "Then I hope I'm not too late," Saphir said as he entered the dining hall...


    "Saphir? I thought you were in Germany," Hans said. "I was, yes," Saphir replied, "Nothing major was happening over there, so I thought I'd make a quick visit to Arendelle." "I see," Hans said, a bit annoyed that Saphir came without notice. As Saphir took a seat, he smiled at Elsa, but wasn't sure she'd do the same considering what had happened in Castelia City months ago.


    ~Corleone Household~


    "Good, good," Vito replied as the chef placed food on the table, "That's the difference between us and other employers. You see, some would like to use the word gang, or the Mob, to describe us. But really, we are a family, and treat each other as such. Can you say the same about other employers?" "You're right, Uncle," Ezio concurred as he began to eat.


    ~The Capital - Nintendo High School: Pokemon Battling Class~


    Once class was over, Manon began packing her things before she and Harry were startled once Alan apporached them...


    "Manon, correct?" Alan asked, "I've noticed that, while you do seem to be putting an effort into training your Chespin, he has yet to evolve." As Harry looked at Manon, she replied, "Hehe, right... still working on that. By the way, hypothetically speaking, if a student has a Pokemon that refuses to evolve, what would happen?" "The student would be stripped of their Pokemon, and disciplined not by the school, but by the New World Order," Alan answered, "Of course, this is just hypothetically speaking, am I right?" "Oh, yeah, yeah, totally..." Manon lied as she sweatdropped and grabbed Harry and her backpack, "Anyway, I gotta go! See ya later!"


    ~Scotland - Fergus's Office~


    "What?" a surprised Fergus wondered out loud, "A-are ye sure? Because, I know we can find a way to hide you an-" "Fergus, she seems pretty intent," Rhona interrupted Fergus. Sighing, Fergus said, "Well, I can't force you to stay. I won't lie though... things will be a lot quieter without you around. An' I'm goin' to miss having company here, especially friends of Snape. But... you have my blessing. All I ask is that you be careful out there."


    ~London, England~


    "What can I say, I am a very curious man," Kilgrave responded to Harold and Kimberly, "When I saw those flying things attacking you, I just had to know what was going on. And now I find out you're a Power Ranger. Hehe, I'm talking to an actual, living, Power Ranger. How did you do it? How did you survive the Great Purge?"


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground: Jeffrey Mace's Office~


    "Hi," Jeffrey greeted Melinda and Shining Armor as they entered his office, "Things didn't go well in Virginia?" "Well, it wasn't a total loss," Shining Armor replied as May showed Mace a folder she was holding on to. "We found this in Florent's car. We can confirm it's a copy of what he showed Lance," May added. "Busy?" Shining Armor asked Jeffrey. "Yeah, I'm flying back out tonight," Mace replied, "I have to focus on recruitment. It's starting to wear me down." "The hours?" May asked. "The numbers," Jeffrey answered, "Between surviving Rangers and Riders, as well as fellow J.I.A. agents who survived the purge, and those who simply want to fight the New World Order, the number of individuals in North America who could be potential rebels is not impressive. And they're scattered all over the damn continent." "Well, you have no choice but to meet them face-to-face, get a read on them," Shining Armor said. "I know, and I prefer it," Mace replied, "I should be in Quebec by tonight." "There's a potential rebel cell there?" Shining Armor asked. "Possibly. I've already made contact with two guys in Montreal," Jeffrey replied, "It's a decent start, but it's gonna be slow-going over there without more resources. So, anyway... can I see the folder? Also, I believe you guys had experience with Florent's murderer before?" As May handed Jeffrey the folder she was holding on to, she answered, "Carl Creel is his name. We battled some time ago over the possession of a certain 0-8-4 in the Toshima district of Tok- er, I mean, the Capital. Once he was defeated, the J.I.A. secured the 0-8-4 and he was apprehended, but escaped shortly after." "I'm sure I can guess why," Shining Armor commented, still remembering how shocked he was to learn that the J.I.A. was infiltrated by the Crystal Order. "Anyway, I'm sure he wanted Florent's intel," May continued. "What's your assessment of Lance Hunter?" Jeffrey asked as he analyzed the contents of the folder, which only consisted of a copy of the same picture of a box that Florent showed Lance. "You know what I think. He's a mercenary, here for the money," Melinda replied. "But what's your assessment?" Jeffrey asked once more. "He's... a good mercenary," Melinda replied. "That's reassuring," Mace said before noticing something about the picture he was analyzing, "Guys, I think this is an 0-8-4..." "What?" Shining Armor wondered out loud as he and Melinda both looked at the picture. "Look at this serial number here," Jeffrey told the other two, pointing to a serial number located on the bottom left of the box in the picture, "I know this formatting." Jeffrey then went to a file cabinet in his office, opened the top drawer, and searched through the files inside till he located one labeled with the same serial number from the picture, taking it out. "This file should have more information on whatever's in that box," Jeffrey told Melinda and Shining Armor while placing the file on his desk. As May opened the file, she and and Shining Armor began reading, and were stunned at what they learned. "Oh my God..." May commented. "What is it?" Mace asked. "The box... it contains the same 0-8-4 we retrieved from Toshima when battling Carl Creel," Shining Armor responded. "But... isn't that the one that...?" Mace questioned before being interrupted by May. "Yes... it's the small obelisk that turned anyone who touched it into stone," May answered Mace after interrupting him. "Well, mostly everyone," Shining Armor corrected May, "When we were in Toshima, me and Skye came across a woman named Raina who seemed to know a lot about the obelisk. She called it the 'Diviner', and when she touched it, nothing happened to her." "Oh yeah, that's right. You told me about her," May replied. "Well, either way, since the thing's obviously dangerous, it's imperative we prevent the New World Order from getting it," Mace told May and Shining Armor, "Looks like you two have your next assignment."


    ~Forest - Darien's Car~


    As Darien was driving through a road in the forest, he told the others, "We should be there soon. If I'm not mistaken, there shouldn't be any Stormtroopers or Cybermen in the security checkpoint up ahead, at least for today only." However, as they got closer to the checkpoint, Darien noticed that there indeed were Cybermen and Stormtroopers up ahead, and they seemed to have just arrived there very recently...


    As Darien gasped, Sammy cried, "Watch out!" Darien suddenly veered the car off the road, pushing hard on the brake as the car came to a complete stop right before hitting a tree. However, the sudden car movements caused Sammy to hit his head hard on the seat in front of him, and now he was seeing stars. Gasping, Rini asked, "Sammy, are you okay?" "Oh yeah, sure. I'll be a good boy. Let me just play five more minutes Mommy," the delusional Sammy said as he fainted from the impact. "Uhh, he's out cold," Rini told Darien and Serena as she noticed Cybermen and Stormtroopers slowly approach the car. "Hey, what happened?" one of the Stormtroopers questioned as he approached the car before recognizing Darien's face from the list of individuals that are wanted, "Hey, that's him! It's Tuxedo Mask!" The Cybermen and Stormtroopers then pointed their weapons to the car as one of the Stormtroopers yelled, "Come out with your hands up!" 'What to do, what to do, what to do,' Darien thought to himself. "Darien, what do we do?" a frightful Rini questioned. But as Darien noticed Serena, Luna, Rini, and Sammy, he remembered how he promised Ikuko and Kenji to keep them safe. Taking a deep breath, Darien figured there was only one way out of this. So, he stepped out of the car, with his hands held high. "That's right, Tuxedo Mask... slow and steady... don't even think about running away," one of the Stormtroopers warned Darien. Smirking, Darien suddenly transformed to his Tuxedo Mask persona...


    "Oh, I'm not even considering running away," Tuxedo Mask told the Stormtroopers and Cybermen, "But if you guys want, I'll give you the chance to walk away right now." Looking at each other, the Stormtroopers were laughing out loud as one of them replied, "Us... walk out? That's very funny. But in case you haven't noticed, we've got you outnumbered." 'He is right...' Tuxedo Mask thought to himself as he quickly tried to think of a strategy. Meanwhile, as Rini watched what was happening, she thought to herself, 'Darien can't take on all of them by himself... he needs help. But no one else can help him... unless...' Reaching into her pocket, Rini could feel the compact that she uses to transform into Sailor Mini Moon. But as she remembered how she promised Mewtwo to only use it in extreme emergencies, and realizing that she risked revealing herself to Darien and Serena, Rini thought to herself, 'I don't have choice... if I don't help Darien, we're goners!' Stepping out of the car, Rini surprised Darien as well as the Cybermen and Stormtroopers. "Rini?! What are you doing? Get back into the car!" Tuxedo Mask ordered Rini. Smiling at Tuxedo Mask, Rini replied, "Don't worry Darien, I know what I'm doing." "A puny little girl, that's your secret weapon?" one of the Stormtroopers mockingly questioned Tuxedo Mask as he and other Stormtroopers chuckled. "Hey! Don't call me puny," an annoyed Rini scolded the Stormtrooper as she took out her compact from her pocket, and held it high, "Moon... Crystal... POWER!" Stunned by what he saw Rini was about to do, Tuxedo Mask cried, "WHAT THE F-"

    *One transformation sequence later...*


    "I am Sailor Mini Moon, champion of justice, and in the name of the moon, I will punish you!" Sailor Mini Moon announced to the Cybermen and Stormtroopers while Tuxedo Mask wasn't believing what he was seeing. "Tuxedo Mask AND a Sailor Scout?! Heh, we sure hit the jackpot today, guys," one of the Stormtroopers told his comrades. "Rini... you're a... Sailor Scout?" Darien questioned. Smiling at Tuxedo Mask and winking at him, Sailor Mini Moon replied, "Let's take care of these guys together, alright, Darien?" "Uhh, yeah," Darien said, nodding as he shifted his focus back to the enemy, once again quickly trying to think of a strategy. "Well, congratulations on getting help from a Sailor Scout. A very young Sailor Scout I should say," one of the Stormtroopers told Tuxedo Mask, "But that doesn't change much, as you're still outnumbered." 'He's right,' Rini thought to herself, 'If only we had someone else to help us...'
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Meilin Lee
    The next issue of Dengeki (which should be released sometime this week) had an interview with director, Tetsuya Nomura, who went over some new details on 'Kingdom Hearts III'. While the full interview isn't out yet, the important points were made available online. We'll be sure to post the full interview when it's ready. Till then, check out the main points form the interview below:
    Thanks to @StardustXtreme for letting me know!

    Source: Siliconera


    Fully translated interview now available (courtesy of
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jun 26, 2018, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Meilin Lee
    View attachment 49379

    I have listened to the song over and over again, and I am overcome with the same happiness I felt when I first heard Passion back in 2005. Almost brought a tear to my eye...
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 25, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Meilin Lee
    During a Q&A session at Square-Enix's Annual Shareholders Meeting in Tokyo this past week, the topic of a 'Kingdom Hearts' presence at one of Disney's theme parks was brought up, with a fan asking executive producer Shinji Hashimoto:
    As for Hashimoto's response:
    Obviously, this isn't a confirmation that there will be a 'Kingdom Hearts' presence in the near future. However, fans will certainly be happy to know that Hashimoto would like to see this be a reality, and is willing to approach Disney about it.

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jun 25, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Meilin Lee
    ~Scotland - Fergus's Office~


    "Ah, Lily! There ye are!" Fergus greeted Lily upon noticing her arrive to his office, "So, how are ya today? Rhona and I were just discussing how Governor Demande was comin' over here tomorrow, an' how I have to pretend to be friendly with him."


    ~Arendelle - Dining Hall~


    "Ah, there you two are. I guess that snowman is still useful after all," Hans commented as he noticed Anna and Elsa arrive, "Please. Have a seat. Unless you prefer to dine while standing up."


    ~India - Labor Camp~


    "Hey, prisoner! Get up!" a Stormtrooper yelled as he tried waking Jyn Erso up, banging on her cell's iron bars. Waking up from a deep sleep, Jyn slowly opened her eyes noticing the Stormtrooper check that she was awake. "Roll call is in five minutes!" the Stormtrooper informed Jyn as he walked away, while Jyn yawned, slowly getting up from her small bed. As she sighed, Jyn grabbed a nearby chalk, and added another tally on the wall, counting the number of days she's been in the labor camp.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Gate to Power Plant~


    As he rejoined the rebels, Finn watched as Galina was trying to use a handheld device to hack into the power plant's security system in order to unlock the gate preventing them from going any further. Once Galina was able to successfully open the gate, she, Sabine, and Nikolai made their way into the premises of the power plant, while Gilda asked Finn, "Ex-Stormtrooper, huh? You're doing this to save the world, right? Same as us." "Not interested," Finn responded. "Gilda!" Nikolai called out to the griffon, ordering her to rejoin the others. "Oh, right!" Gilda replied as she rushed to rejoin Galina and Sabine. Meanwhile, as Finn too followed Gilda, Nikolai told him, "We're paying you more than a few Gil. You had best be worth it." "Look, I don't care about your politics," Finn responded, "Once this job's over... I'm outta here."


    ~The Capital - Nintendo High School: Classroom~


    After more students arrived in class, and roll call was taken, Coulson wrote the word 'STATE' on the board, and the word 'INDIVIDUAL' below it, telling the class, "This is a dangerous world. The Imperial Palace Incident proved that. To understand this, you have to imagine individuals over the state. It was a mess. Citizens were divided. They had their own truths, their own media, their own agendas. There were so many untruths out there about groups like the Power Rangers and the Sailor Scouts that some people saw them as... heroes. It was terrifying. Then, you had Japan, a weak state, allowing these groups to thrive. Even though many didn't know much about these groups, we still celebrated them. The rest is history. But what inspires me is the way our world reacted, the way we came together. When no one would tell us the truth, Harold Saxon stepped forward. He united the world, creating the New World Order that has brought us law and order, purpose. The New World Order galvanized us for the good of the state over individual interests." Before Coulson could continue, he noticed Amanda O'Neill raise her hand, indicating she had a question. "Yeah, Amanda," Coulson told her, wanting to know what she was going to ask. "But, sir... isn't what the New World Order's doing right now exactly what Nazis did?" Amanda asked. "That's not true," Coulson responded, "Never say that. Anyone who's informed knows that Nazis targeted groups of people solely for their beliefs or their ethnicity. The New World Order, on the other hand, fights against all forms of bigotry. So they couldn't be Nazis. That's just propaganda. But this is good. This shows how important it is to separate fact from innuendo." Just then, there was a knock on the classroom door, with the school principal, Dr. Vidic, entering the classroom while accompanied by two Stormtroopers...


    "Mr. Coulson? Sorry to interrupt," Vidic told Coulson. "It's alright," Coulson responded, "How can I help you?" "I'm looking for Neku Sakuraba," Vidic said. Neku's heart sank upon hearing his name. "Neku?" Coulson said, looking at his student. "The Stormtroopers just need to ask you a few questions. If you have nothing to hide from the New World Order, then you shouldn't be worried about anything, Mr. Sakuraba," Vidic told Neku. Neku slowly got up from his desk, and walked towards Vidic before being stopped by Coulson, who told him, "Wait, Neku." "Yes, Mr. Coulson?" Neku asked. "Don't forget your bag, son," Coulson replied. Sighing, Neku went back to his desk to get his backpack, and turned around to rejoin Vidic and the Stormtroopers. "Oh. I'll take that," one of the Stormtroopers said as he grabbed Neku's backpack and escorted the student outside along with the other Stormtrooper and Dr. Vidic. Once the four left, Coulson turned to face his class once again as he said, "Okay. Let's get back to the lesson."


    ~Underwater - Submarine~


    As Scrooge McDuck and the others were on their way to locate Atlantis, Dewey asked Scrooge, "So, what can I be in charge of? The buzzsaw arm?" "No," Scrooge replied. "Sonic cannons?" Dewey asked. "No," Scrooge responded. "Hyper-dense zero-point energy missiles?" Dewey asked. "Wh-what?! No!" Scrooge replied, "Look, this is your first expedition, so just stand back and watch an old pro from a safe distance." "So what is this submarine equipped with?" Dewey questioned. "Seatbelts," Scrooge answered. "Ha! Good one," Dewey said, unaware that Scrooge was actually serious. Taking out a map to Atlantis, Scrooge handed it to the pilot, Launchpad, telling him, "Mr. McQuack, chart a course. Next stop, the lost City of Atlantis... in about 16 hours!" "Ugh..." Webby, Louie, and Dewey groaned, disappointed that they would have to wait a while before making it to Atlantis. "Shanty time!" Huey announced, with the hope that singing shanties would help pass the time.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Outside Rebel Base~


    "I... understand where you are coming from, Simba," T'Challa responded, "In my country of Wakanda, this suit that I wear and the power that comes along with it... the power of the Black Panther, is strictly reserved for the king. When my father was killed in Castelia City during the Great Purge, and Wakanda was overtaken by the New World Order, I was hesitant in taking on the mantle of Black Panther. But with the creation of the Rebel Alliance, I realized that in order to help the rebels and free the world, including Wakanda, I cannot simply sit down and watch, even if it means losing a few battles in the process. I have accepted this decision, and am ready to prove to my father and my ancestors that I am worthy of following in their footsteps by being a Black Panther."


    ~Scotland - Old Warehouse~


    "Oh, don't worry about it," Merida responded to Harry, "Just as long as ye promise to come and visit Scotland again when all this is over, when there are no more Stormtroopers and Cybermen walking around."


    ~The Capital - Darien's Car~


    Having left the premises of the Tsukino household, Darien was now driving through the Capital, on his way to the rebel base outside of the city. "So, you know the way?" Sammy asked. "Yeah. I memorized it over and over to make sure I don't need to use a GPS that the New World Order can use to track us," Darien replied. "Anyone notice that it hasn't stopped raining since the New World Order took over?" Rini wondered out loud, thinking about how the Capital is sort of reminding her of the dark nature of the world in the future. "Now that you mention it, yeah, you're right," Sammy responded. As Darien took a right turn, Darien saw something in the distance that caused his heart to sink, leading to him warning Rini and Sammy, "Kids... you might wanna cover your eyes." As Sammy and Rini did as Darien asked them to, Darien passed by a rather horrific site on the street. Looking up, Darien saw three deceased bodies hanging from a noose attached to a crane. Although Darien had heard in the news that the New World Order Was doing this in cities across the world to those that the regime deemed dangerous (such as potential rebels), and that they had been doing it in public in order to scare those who would try to speak out against the New World Order, Darien was nevertheless horrified by the sight. 'What happened to us as a society?' Darien thought to himself, thinking of how inhumane the sight was.


    ~The Capital - Aether Foundation~


    "Eh, if I had to guess, she's probably trying to adjust to the new worldwide curriculum for school students," Gladion responded. "Sorry to interrupt, but I concur with young Gladion here," Umbridge added, "The curriculum we in the New World Order approved for students all over Earth is certainly more intense than what they have been used to. So I wouldn't be surprised if your daughter has been spending most of her time improving herself so that she is at the level we expect of girls her age."


    ~Rassilon's Office~


    Recognizing the number calling him, Grand Moff Rassilon, answered the call, "Claire Wyden. What do you have for me?" 'I wonder what funding that the New World Order has been providing to Energyne has yielded,' Rassilon thought to himself as he waited to hear what Claire had to say.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    "And that's what makes this rebellion great," Rue responded, "Knowing that there are groups all over the world working towards the same goal. By being part of the Rebel Alliance, you've instantly become friends with so many around the world. We all care and look out for each other. By the way, I never got your name. My name's Rue."


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    "And here are the test subjects," Dr. List told Sunset Shimmer as he led her to three cells, "These three are the only ones who have survived being infused with energy from the Relic." As Sunset Shimmer and Dr. List walked over to the first cell, they found a young man inside running at an extremely high speed from one side of the cell to the other...


    "This is Pietro Maximoff," Dr. List told Sunset, "A local resident of Sokovia. The Relic's energy granted him the power of superhuman speed... being able to run at extremely high speeds, as well as being able to think, act, move and perceive in seconds or less, far faster than normal individuals could even perceive. As such, he could perceive the world as moving in slow motion, especially when he is moving at super speed, while all that others could see of him as he uses his speed is a vibrating blur of motion." "Interesting," Sunset commented as they moved to the second cell, where a young woman was levitating a block with some sort of red aura coming from her hands...


    "This here is Wanda Maximoff," Dr. List informed Sunset, "Pietro's twin sister. The Relic's energy granted her psionic and telekinetic powers, which manifest in the form of reddish, glowing energy currents and mist-like shapes. She can project energy blasts, streams, waves and bolts projecting her own psionic and telekinetic energy, allowing her to hit, push, pull, or blow away her targets, potentially exerting enough force to destroy them. Oh, and she also has the power of telepathy, which she can use to read minds or mentally communicate and experience memories and thoughts of others, or project her own thoughts through a neuro-electric interface. Another interesting fact about her telepathy is that she can use fear to mentally manipulate someone else." "Wow..." Sunset Shimmer commented as she and Dr. List moved to the last cell, where a boy around Sunset Shimmer's age was hanging from the ceiling with a spider web coming out of his wrist...


    "And finally, this is Peter Parker," Dr. List told Sunset Shimmer, "A resident of Castelia City. The Relic gave him the ability to cling and crawl on most surfaces, superhuman strength, speed, durability, agility, as well as 'spider-sense', as he likes to call it, and finally, the ability to shoot webs from his hands. You could say... he is a 'human spider.'" "'Human spider'... really doc, that the best you can come up with?" Peter questioned Dr. List. "Oh, and you have a better name to give yourself?" Dr. List asked. "As I matter of fact, I do," Peter replied, "How about... 'Spider-Man.'" "Hmph, such a silly name," Dr. List scoffed as Sunset Shimmer noticed a Pokemon hiding under Peter's bed...


    "Is that a... Salandit?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "As a matter of fact, yes," Dr. List answered, "That is Ray, Peter's Pokemon. He refused to be a part of this experiment unless we agreed to let him bring his Pokemon along." "Huh, I see," Sunset Shimmer commented as she looked at Ray, then shifted her attention back at Peter, noticing that he winked at her. Blushing, Sunset Shimmer shook her head, following Dr. List as he led her to another part of the research facility.


    ~Corleone Household~


    After Ezio and Mileena arrived to the dining table, Vito Corleone greeted them both, "Ezio, Mileena, thank you for joining me as I dine. Mileena, it has been a few months since you joined us. How do you feel?"


    ~The Capital - Nintendo High School: Pokemon Battling Class~


    "Alright, listen up!" the Pokemon Battling instructor, Alan, ordered his students, "You've all been in this class for a while now, but I have yet to see some major improvements! As you all know, the New World Order has two very simple demands for students who have Pokemon... train them to be ready for a battle of life and death, and to fully evolve them! However, I have yet to see all my students accomplish these two simple tasks! So, I will be putting more pressure on each and every one of you to do as ordained on all of you. And don't even consider failure as an option, for there will be consequences! Do I make myself clear?!" "Sir, yes sir," the students replied. However, Manon and Harry looked at each other, as they both thought of the same thing. While Manon had no problem training Harry harder and harder, evolving was something he didn't want to do, and Manon knew that eventually, Alan was going to confront her on that particular issue. 'What do I do...' Manon thought to herself.


    ~Quinjet - Over the Atlantic Ocean~


    "And... we're here," May commented as the Quinjet she was piloting was approaching Castelia City. However, with the rebel hideout in Castelia City being deep underground, May made the Quinjet dive into the ocean, with the plane now switching to submarine mode. "Heh, submarine mode... you gotta love Shuri's modifications to this plane," Skye commented as the Quinjet approached an underwater hatch that opened, allowing the Quinjet to enter and dock on a platform. Once the hatch closed, the ceiling above the Quinjet opened up, and the platform began to rise, taking the Quinjet to a level above the water. Once the Quinjet was no longer surrounded by water, Skye and the others could see that they were on a level with many rebel engineers working on other vehicles, with one of them extending a walkway to the Quinjet's hatch. "We're here," Shining Armor commented as he pushed a button near the hatch, opening it to allow him and the others to exit. And as Skye and the others were exiting the Quinjet, they were greeted by Jessie and Meowth...


    "Shining, Melinda... Mace wants you for debrief," Jessie told Shining Armor and May. "The feeling is mutual," May responded as she and Shining went to find Jeffrey Mace. But as they left, Lance told them, "Well, tell him I'd like to voice my opinion, too, on being kept in the dark, 'cause I don't like being left... out." But it didn't appear Melinda and Shining Armor had heard what Lance said, as they were long gone. "Get used to it," Skye suggested to Hunter, who sighed as he walked away. "So, the guy was bulletproof, huh?" Meowth asked Skye, "That's pretty nifty. So... did he have protective clothing or-" "Actually, he has the ability to absorb the physical properties of anything he touches and transform the molecules of his body to that substance," Skye interrupted Meowth, "For example, if he touches metal, he can change his body to be metallic. Which would explain why bullets couldn't harm him." "Huh, seems like you know an awful lot 'bout this guy," Meowth commented. "Yeah...before the Great Purge, the J.I.A. had an encounter with him, so there's a bit of history with him," Skye responded.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~


    "For your information, Yang... disguises could be quite useful, especially since I joined the Rebel Alliance," James replied to Yang, "So no, I do not plan to get into tailoring, not that I'd even be able to if I wanted to because of the fact that the New World Order would kill me on sight."


    ~London, England~


    As Kilgrave continued waiting for Kimberly to come out of the trunk, he noticed there wasn't much smoke outside anymore, while hearing a commotion outside. "Hmm, wonder what's going on," Kilgrave wondered out loud. Getting up and looking out the window, Kilgrave noticed Stormtroopers and Cybermen searching the streets...


    "Hey, you there," one of the Stormtroopers called out to Kilgrave after noticing him. "M-me?" Kilgrave asked, pointing to himself. "Yes, you," the Stormtrooper responded, "We are looking for a woman wearing a pink ninja ensemble who goes by the name of Kimberly Ann Hart and a young male accompanying her wearing a brown longcoat with matching hat and a red scarf." 'Kimberly Ann Hart... so that's her name...' Kilgrave thought to himself. "Have you seen them?" the Stormtrooper questioned. "As a matter of fact, I actually have noticed two people who match the very description you gave me. I think I overheard them mentioning something about escaping to Wales, and I believe they were on their way to Paddington station. At least that's what I think I heard," Kilgrave lied to the Stormtrooper. "I see. I appreciate the information, citizen. The New World Order thanks you," the Stormtrooper replied as he was about to leave. "Just one quick question," Kilgrave told the Stormtrooper, "Why is the New World Order even after this Kimberly person you mentioned?" "Because she is a surviving Power Ranger, an enemy of the state," the Stormtrooper replied as he headed off to inform the others that Kimberly and Harold might be trying to escape to Wales by a train. "A Power Ranger?" Kilgrave wondered out loud, "I thought they were all killed off. My, my, this is very interesting." Turning back to the trunk, Kilgrave tapped on it, saying, "Oi, coast is clear, if you were worried about getting caught. You're welcome, by the way."
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Meilin Lee

    Adding another interview to the list of E3 interviews he has conducted, Tetsuya Nomura sat down with GameSpot to discuss all things 'Kingdom Hearts III', such as how his work on the game differs than previous KH games, what Marvel character he would love to include if he had the chance, as well as throwing some shade at the newer Final Fantasy titles. Check out the interview below:
    Source: GameSpot
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jun 21, 2018, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Meilin Lee
    These are... a lot shorter than I expected. Doubt a newbie will be able to understand the series' plot just by watching 5 videos that together culminate to something close to 20 minutes. But, for veterans of the series, yeah... this is a good refresher.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 20, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Meilin Lee
    The new issue of Weekly Famitsu has released in Japan, and it featured 'Kingdom Hearts III', as well as an interview with the director, Tetsuya Nomura! Check out scans from the magazine below:

    In addition to the scans, the main point from Nomura's interview have been summarized. While we wait for a fully translated interview, check out the main points below:
    Source: KH13
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jun 20, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Meilin Lee
    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Outside Rebel Base~


    After conducting some recon, T'Challa was on his way back to the rebel base before noticing Simba in his lion form, lying down alone. "Simba?" T'Challa wondered out loud as he removed his helmet...


    "What are you doing out here all alone?" T'Challa asked Simba.


    ~The Capital - Nintendo High School~


    "Good. Now get yourselves over to your classrooms. Class is about to start, and I'm sure neither of you would want to be tardy," Dr. Vidic said after hearing Oz's and Damien's responses as he walked to his office.


    ~The Capital - Outside Tokyo Cathedral~


    After exiting the cathedral, Emma and Mimi looked around until they found Riku on his parked motorcycle, waiting for them...


    "Hey, Riku! Sorry we kept you waiting under the rain," Emma greeted Riku as she approached him, "Love the new haircut by the way." "Thanks," Riku thanked Emma, "And don't worry, I don't mind waiting under the rain. Hop on in." Nodding, Emma got on the motorcycle and held on to Riku, saying, "Next stop... the rebel base!" "Nyapah!" Mimi cheered as Riku started his motorcycle and sped across the street.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    As Rue sat next to Rey and started to eat while hearing Rey's question, Rue responded, "Well, I am good friends with three of the guys who are wanted, including the leader of the entire Rebel Alliance, Connor Kenway. Before the purge, Connor and I went to the same school, and hanged out all the time. But after the purge... he and two of my other friends just disappeared, and from all those announcements on who was wanted, I had an idea why they did. Then, when the Rebel Alliance was formed, I was able to get in contact with my friends again, and joined them here to help out in any way I can."


    ~Corleone Household~


    "Bene," Ezio responded with a smile, "I also hope you're hungry. Our chef made a fantastic breakfast that I am sure you are going to love. I will meet you downstairs." As he waved at her, Ezio left Mileena's room and went downstairs.


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    As Sunset Shimmer continued following Dr. List, the two passed by a certain robot analyzing data on a computer...


    "Alpha, I want a full report on my desk by the end of the day," List ordered Alpha 5. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever you say," Alpha responded with a condescending tone. "Who's the robot?" Sunset asked. "Alpha 5," Dr. List responded, "A robot that used to assist Power Rangers and Riders. But, after the Great Purge, he was reprogrammed to do our every bidding." "Just because I'm now programmed to work for the New World Order doesn't mean I have to be nice about it," Alpha said as he shook his head, "Aye-yi-yi... how did I ever end up working for these guys." "Just ignore him," Dr. List whispered to Sunset Shimmer, "You'll get used to him."


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~


    "Ooh, so I take it the wig worked out perfectly for you, huh Dante?" James asked as he approached Dante, "Well, I'm happy to have been of service by loaning it to you. Heh, and to think there are some that say my disguises weren't good. Please..."


    ~The Capital - Nintendo High School: Classroom~


    As the history teacher, Phil Coulson, and his assistant, Ursula Callistis, entered the classroom, noticing that Draco Malfoy was knocked out, Coulson said, "Alright, if everyone's done fooling around, then how about we start today's lesson, okay?"


    ~Arendelle - Outside Anna's and Elsa's Rooms~


    "Oh Anna, Elsa," Olaf called out to the two sisters after knocking on both of their doors, "Hans, a.k.a. Count Jerkface, wants you two to go to the dining hall. So yeah, that's really all I have to say..."


    ~Ocean - Glomgold's Ship~


    Once Glomgold appeared, the Taco Bell Dog greeted him back, "Ah, Señor Glomgold, good to see you my old amigo!" And once Glomgold mentioned sticking it to Scrooge, the Taco Bell Dog concurred, "Sí, sí! So, what are we waiting for? Onward to Atlantis!" Meanwhile, Donald had a worried look on his face, thinking to himself, 'This is not good...'


    ~The Capital - Aether Foundation~


    "Nope. Can't say I have," Gladion responded to his mother, "In fact, I haven't seen her in around a month, what with my Stormtrooper duties occupying most of my time. If I had to guess, she's most likely at school right now."


    ~Quinjet - Over the Atlantic Ocean~


    As Skye and her fellow rebels were heading back to Castelia City with mercenary Lance Hunter while flying on a Quinjet (modified to be cloaked and undetectable by radar from Helicarriers and TIE fighters) piloted by May, Hunter stated, "My black market contacts were the reason the guy believed I wasn't with the rebels. So why did you change the plan all of a sudden?" "Jeffrey Mace ordered us to," Shining Armor responded. "I can't maintain solid cover with rebels tailing me," Lance complained. "And we can't be sure you won't run off with the money," Skye retorted. "Any idea how that Inquisitor found you?" Melinda asked Lance. "I have a theory," Lance responded, "The man said I was the highest bidder. That means he sent the word out wide." "And he paid for that mistake," May said. "Yes, he did," Skye concurred. "That's an understatement," Lance commented.


    ~Scotland - Old Warehouse~


    "Oh, I see..." Merida commented, feeling a bit disappointed that Lily and the others were planning on leaving, "I can't speak for my Dad, but... I hope you guys succeed. My Dad and I will continue doing what we can to support the rebels from here."


    ~Scotland - Fergus's Office~


    "So, what are you going to do about Demande?" Rhona Dinsmore (a member of the Rebel Alliance) asked Fergus, who was scheduled to meet with the regional governor of Europe, Demande, the next day while he visited Scotland. "Hah, I'm not afraid of that wee little man," Fergus replied, "As long as I'm still alive, no harm will come to the rebels in Scotland. Besides, talkin' with Demande an' learning something might prove useful to the Rebel Alliance."


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Train Station Near Power Plant~


    As two Stormtroopers stood guard in a train station where a cargo train had just arrived, Sabine and Galina jumped out of one of the cargo train's cars for a surprise attack...


    Sabine shot one of the Stormtroopers with her blasters, killing the Stormtrooper instantly, while Galina raced towards the other Stormtrooper, dodging a blaster attack from him as she jumped towards him and stabbed him in the neck with a hidden blade from her wrist, killing him. Once the coast was clear, the other two rebels in the train, Gilda and Nikolai Orelov, as well as the mercenary they hired, Finn, got out of the cars they were hiding in, joining Sabine and Galina...


    As Galina, Sabine, and Gilda raced towards the power plant entrance, Nikolai ordered Finn, "Alright, mercenary... let's go." As Nikolai raced towards the other three, Finn began following him, only for two Stormtroopers to notice him. "Hey, you there! Halt!" one of the Stormtroopers yelled as he and the other Stormtrooper charged towards Finn. Sighing, Finn summoned his Keyblade and charged towards the Stormtroopers as well, using his weapon to deflect the blasts being fired at him by the Stormtroopers, killing one of them by sending one of the blasts right into his chest. "Try this on for size," the other Stormtrooper declared as he stopped in his tracks and held out his hand, "Activating pins!" The Stormtrooper's arms then began to glow as he raised one of his arms, causing sharp icicles to rise near where Finn was. However, Finn was able to back-flip away from danger. Swinging his other arm, the Stormtrooper caused a small explosion near Finn, who dodge rolled away from danger. Once he had an opening, Finn charged straight towards the Stormtrooper, killing him with a single slash using his Keyblade. After taking a deep breath, Finn turned around to try and catch up with the rebels who hired him.


    ~The Capital - Outside Tsukino Household~


    As Darien, Rini, and Sammy got into the car, they looked outside and waved goodbye to Kenji and Ikuko, with Rini commenting, "You know... it may be sad right now, but I have a feeling that we will see them again soon." Hearing what Rini said, Darien smiled, happy to hear Rini feeling hopeful despite what's happening.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~


    "That was real nice of you to do, Rei," Grandpa Hino told Rei after hearing what she said. "Piplup, piplup," Chad concurred, smiling at Rei as he nodded. "Here Rei, you gotta eat something," Grandpa told his granddaughter as he gave her some food. as for Sycamore, upon seeing the way Fujiko acted, he simply sweatdropped.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~


    As Shuri was helping Clemont maintain a device that helps keep the base undetectable by radar, she heard Kevin Flynn ask her, "Hey, Shuri, you mind coming here for a sec?" "Sure. What is it, Kevin?" Shuri asked as she looked at Flynn's laptop, seeing the code he was working on. "Been trying to work on the two security programs I told you about," Flynn told Shuri, "But there appears to be an error I can't seem to find." "Ohhh, I see what's going on," Shuri responded as she borrowed Flynn's laptop, quickly editing the code, and then handing the laptop back to Flynn, "There. Fixed it for you. And made the code cleaner and easier to read." Impressed by Shuri's coding abilities, Flynn asked, "How old were you again?"


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x3)~


    As Poppy was cheering up kids around the base, one of those kids included Bonnie (with her Dedenne) as well as Riley Anderson.


    In the console room inside Riley's mind, Riley's emotions were looking at Poppy, each having a unique response. "Hmm, she seems like a fun rebel," Joy commented. "Yes, but she's just trying to distract us from the depressing truth that we're far from home, for the second time in our life, and that the New World Order is doing really bad things to the world," Sadness added. "But, isn't she an S-type?" Fear questioned, "And aren't S-types supposed to be allied with the New World Order?! What if she's secretly plotting to kill us all?!" "You know, for once, I agree with Fear," Anger questioned, "For all we know, she could be a New World Order spy sent to destroy the Rebel Alliance! Well, not on my watch!" "Umm, guys, am I the only one who thinks her pink hair is disgusting?" Disgust asked, "Like, ewww..." "Come on, guys, you're being too harsh on her," Joy told the other emotions, "S-type or not, she seems like a sweet person who truly cares for those taking refuge. You can't convince me that she's with the New World Order."

    "Thank you for cheering kids up," Riley told Poppy, "I think they really needed it."


    ~London, England~


    "Ugh, where did this smoke come from?" Kilgrave said to himself as he was trying to find his way to locate Kimberly. However, despite the smoke, he heard the sound of footsteps rushing up to a building very close to him. "Huh, what's that?" Kilgrave wondered to himself out loud as he followed the direction where he last heard the footsteps before coming face to face with a broken window. "She must've gone inside," Kilgrave said to himself as he climbed inside the building. Once he was in, he felt a trunk in front of him, while not hearing the sound of anyone else in the building. "Hold on a minute... no one in the building, a trunk right in front of me... ohhhh, I know what this is," Kilgrave said to himself as he grinned and knelt next to the trunk, placing his hand on top of it, "This is a magical trunk. I've never seen one up close, but I am tingling with excitement at finally seeing one! Poor girl must be hiding inside. Well, I suppose I'll just wait here, right next to the trunk. I'd really love to see her come out of it."
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Meilin Lee
    As reported earlier in the week, Bring Arts figures for the the Toy Box forms of Sora, Donald, and Goofy would be included in a Deluxe Edition bundle of 'Kingdom Hearts III' that can be pre-ordered from Square-Enix's online store for $229.99. Well, now we got a closer look at the figures' prototypes (courtesy of Reddit's vitela19). Check out the images below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jun 17, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Meilin Lee
    Making the following reserve:

    Description: An Inquisitor who can use the power of lightning and is equipped with throwing knives. Larxene can be undoubtedly cold, ruthless, and uncaring, and appears to love nothing more than to bring other people down
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): New World Order
    Series Character is from: Kingdom Hearts

    Also updated the OP with recent reserves and trades, as well as including a regional governor I forgot to include when I created this thread.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 16, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  18. Meilin Lee
    In an interview with Taiwanese site, GNN, director Tetsuya Nomura got to talk more about 'Kingdom Hearts III', discussing Aqua's fate, Frozen's popularity and its effect on KH3, as well as whether or not KH3 is the end of Sora's story. Check out the fully translated interview below (courtesy of @Protoplasm_png):
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jun 16, 2018, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Meilin Lee
    During an interview with Famitsu, Tetsuya Nomura revealed lots of information related to 'Kingdom Hearts III'. And while there doesn't appear to be a fully translated transcript of the interview out there, the main points have been summarized, which you can check out below:
    • Anna and Elsa will not be party members, but Marshmallow (the ice giant Elsa created) will join Sora in battle (whether this means as a party member or a simple assist remains to be seen)
    • There will be an official video recapping the Kingdom Hearts story, split into 5 parts, will be a few hours long, and is narrated by Chirithy. The Japanese version is complete, and will be posted online later in the month. There are also plans to include the video with 'Kingdom Hearts III' (meaning there will most definitely be an English version).
    • No plans to release the KH3 demo to the public (Japanese players will be able to play a demo at TGS)
    • Kairi is considered one of the New 7 Hearts that Larxene mentioned (and the only one from the original group), while Elsa, Anna, and Rapunzel are among the new candidates being targeted
    • Arendelle will expand on the story from the film
    • The song "Let it Go" will be featured in some capacity
    • Larxene makes a labyrinth of ice (?) you get to explore in Arendelle
    • The Caribbean will be based on the third 'Pirates of the Caribbean' film (At World's End)
    • The sky, sea, and land are seamlessly connected in The Caribbean, allowing battles to take place on all three settings
    • The Caribbean allows Sora to use Black Pearl to navigate the open world environment across the sea and explore newly discovered islands (lots of opportunity in gameplay)
    • Regarding Roxas, Sora is doing everything he can to revive him
    Source: KHInsider & Reddit user 5kyLegend
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jun 16, 2018, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Meilin Lee
    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Cargo Train~

    Having stowed away on a cargo train that was scheduled to stop at a power plant, four members of the Russian wing of the Rebel Alliance (along with a mercenary they hired) were waiting for the train to stop so that they could storm the city of Irkutsk's power plant and blow it up. While the plan was mainly more symbolic than anything, since the New World Order could easily restore power using a backup source, the Rebels were intent on doing this to show the New World Order that they will not be silenced by the oppresive regime. But as the rebels waited, two of them sat together to discuss the mercenary they hired...


    "I still don't see why we brought a Stormtrooper along," Galina commented, "No way he'd throw all that away for us. What's his name anyway?" "His name's Finn," Sabine answered, "And according to him, it's EX-Stormtrooper. As in, no longer with the New World Order. Look, heavy security like this, you'd want a professional along." Once they felt the train come to a halt, Sabine put on her helmet, ready for battle...


    "Alright, time make a surprise entrance," Sabine said.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    As Nakia was staring at a computer screen, monitoring the status of rebels throughout the African continent, she noticed Nala arrive and looking at herself in a window. "Ah, Nala, there you are," Nakia told Nala, "Where is Simba?"


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~


    In the secret Rebel base in Castelia City (codenamed 'The Playground') hidden deep underground, Mack was busy tuning up a car and noticing Dante arrive, while the leader for the Rebel Alliance in North America (with the exception of Alaska) himself, Jeffrey Mace, walked past Mack with a disappointed look on his face...


    "Operation in Virginia didn't go well, I take it?" Mack asked Mace. "Heh, what gave you that idea?" Mace sarcastically asked. "That's a shame, sir," Mack responded, "I was hoping that guy they were scoping out would have some tech we could use." "Sorry, Mack. No new toys," Mace said. "Well did we get anything?" Mack asked. "Well, we almost had an encounter with the New World Order," Mace replied.


    ~Ocean - Glomgold's Ship~

    As the sound of a toilet flushing was heard, Donald Duck stepped out of the bathroom, rejoining his fellow employees...


    "Sorry I'm late," Donald told Hack, Slash, and Gabby, "So, what did I miss?" Just then, Donald noticed a helicopter flying high above Glomgold's ship. Jumping out of the helicopter, the Taco Bell Dog used a parachute to safely land down to the ship...


    'Huh, wait a minute... I know that dog! He's the one who kicked me out of Taco Bell because of my Uncle Scrooge. What's he doing here??' Donald thought to himself as the Taco Bell Dog landed. "Ah, feels good to get this expedition to Atlantis started," the Taco Bell Dog commented as he removed his parachute, "And here I thought Señor Glomgold completely forgot about me and wanted to take all the credit for the expedition even though it was my idea. Bah, how could I ever doubt that duck's trustworthiness. He obviously had his ship docked close to where my helicopter flies every month on purpose. But now that I'm here, it is time to start with our plan to put an end to Scrooge McDuck's success streak!" Gasping, Donald thought to himself, 'Oh no, they're planning something against Uncle Scrooge?!' Noticing Donald Duck, the Taco Bell Dog, couldn't help but notice that he looked a bit familiar. "Hey, duck. You look familiar. Have we met?" the Taco Bell Dog asked. "Met? Nope, can't say I have," Donald lied. "Hmm... oh well," the Taco Bell Dog shrugged, "So, where is Glomgold?"


    ~Corleone Household~


    Walking towards Mileena's room, Ezio knocked on her door, and entered, greeting her, "Good morning, Mileena. My uncle Vito is waiting for us downstairs." Though he hasn't said anything about it, in the months since Mileena joined, Ezio has started developing feelings for her.




    As Merida passed by an old warehouse, she noticed Lily exiting it, while overhearing some voices inside. "Huh... wondering what they're doing inside..." Merida wondered out loud. Entering the warehouse, Merida noticed Remus making a sheath for Harry's sword. But what really caught Merida's attention was the ThunderTank, along with the hoverboards, Sakura Hurricane, Rose Attacker, and the Battle Bikes. Gasping, Merida cried, "WHAT ARE THOSE?!" Merida was certainly surprised, but in a really good way, evident by the big smile on her face. "Does my Dad know about these?" Merida continued, wondering if Lily and others even mentioned these vehicles to Fergus considering he is the Rebel leader in Scotland.


    ~The Capital - Nintendo High School~


    "War is not what is going on," Dr. Warren Vidic, the new principal of Nintendo High School, stated as he overheard what Damien LaVey said, approaching him and his group, "War is fought between two sides whose strengths are close to each other's. What is happening in the world right now is simply pest control. Pretty soon, these rebel scum will be eradicated and left in the ash heap of history. As for students such as yourselves, your job is to continue attending school in order to be properly educated and deemed exemplary citizens. So I suggest you avoid kicking your locker and focus on your schoolwork instead. Do I make myself clear?"


    ~The Capital - Aether Foundation~


    Being escorted to Lusamine's office by a Stormtrooper, Grand Moff Dolores Umbridge looked at Lusamine as she said, "Ah, Lusamine. I see that the New World Order's funding to eliminate homelessness is working as intended. You are doing the New World Order proud with your work, and I can assure you that Supreme Leaders Al Mualim and Harold Saxon are extremely satisfied with you providing a shelter for those who never had homes before. It's no wonder your son showed the same level of patriotism when he became a Stormtrooper." The Stormtrooper who escorted Umbridge removed his helmet, revealing himself to be Lusamine's own son, Gladion...


    "It's not that big of a deal, to be honest," Gladion told Umbridge, "I just joined to become stronger. Nothing else." "Oh, don't be so modest," Umbridge responded as she patted Gladion on the back, "Nothing would bring the New World Order more joy than to have more citizens with your kind of attitude."


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Having noticed Rey earlier sitting alone and feeling sorry for her, Rue decided to get her something to eat. So, after waiting in line, Rue got something both for her and for Rey to eat, and walked over to where she was. "Here. You hungry?" Rue asked as she handed Rey some food.


    ~The Capital - Marco Diaz's Home~


    As Star and Marco went down to the living room, they found Marco's parents sitting on the couch, watching television...


    "Oh, good morning Marco, Star," Angie greeted the two. "You on your way to school?" Rafael asked. "Y-yeah. We we were just about to leave," Marco replied as he looked at Star and nodded to indicate to her that she may go ahead with what he asked her to. Sighing, Star raised her wand, and whispered a spell that erased any memories of Marco that Angie and Rafael had. Marco sadly watched as images of him disappeared from photos around the house. Once she was done, Star quietly told Marco, "Let's go from the back." "Right," Marco agreed, nodding as he watched Star head towards the back door. Looking at his parents as they continued watching television (in what might be the last time he sees them) while oblivious to Marco's and Star's existence, Marco began to tear up as he quietly said, "Bye Mom, bye Dad." Marco then started following Star outside.


    ~Lumiose City, France - Alleyway~


    After waiting for while, Serena and her Fennekin noticed Grant arrive, expecting grim news from him...


    "Well?" Serena asked. "One of my informants told me that the New World Order discovered the base in the city," Grant replied, "Stormtroopers and Cybermen are expected to attack any second." Serena's heart sank upon hearing this news, commenting, "Then I'd better warn Bellec about this. Ratonhnhaké:ton was right... we should've stayed away from major cities like this. We'll try to evacuate to Shalour City to the west. We have a good ally over there." Nodding, Grant replied, "Meanwhile, Viola and I will be in Santalune City trying to help any rebels on the eastern side of France. Good luck." As Grant left in a hurry, Serena lowered her arm to allow her Fennekin to climb up to her shoulder. "Let's go, Fenny," Serena told her Fennekin. "Fokka!" Serena's Fennekin concurred as Serena rushed back to the base to warn Pierre Bellec and the other rebels stationed in Lumiose City.


    ~Near Nintendo High School Parking Lot~


    As Thor drove both Xion and Vanellope to school, he stopped his car once they were near the building, saying, "We're here." Since it was raining, Xion put on her hood to cover herself from the rain, while Vanellope opened her umbrella. As for Thor, he didn't protect himself from the rain as he walked over to Xion and Vanellope to talk to them.

    "Well, you need anything else form me?" Thor asked. "No, but..." Xion responded, trying to think of what she wanted to say. "Thor... do you really have to go?" Vanellope asked. "I have to, Vanellope," Thor responded, "Loki is out there as a Stormtrooper, and Luna is off who knows where. By joining the Rebels, I hope to find the both of them, and just bring them back. That way, we can be together again once more." Looking at each other, Xion and Vanellope both nodded before shifting their attention back to Thor, with Xion saying, "Alright Thor. We'll root for you. Be careful out there." As Thor nodded in response, the three shared a group hug. "And... make sure to look after my parents," Thor requested as the group hug ended, "Tell them I'm sorry." "Of course," Vanellope responded. Smiling, Thor started to back away, saying, "I'll come back... I promise." As Thor got back into his car and drove off, Xion and Vanellope waved goodbye before the two looked at each other, with Xion commenting, "Well, looks like it's just the two of us now." Sighing, Vanellope responded, "Yeah, I guess so."


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    "I am proud to say that progress on Project Miracle is going very smoothly," Dr. List told Sunset Shimmer (who was sent to the research facility by Grand Moff Baron von Strucker to check on the status of the project List mentioned) as he escorted her through the research facility, "And I look forward to having you stay for a while and see the progress that we're making with your own eyes." "Excellent. Grand Moff Strucker will be most pleased to hear that," Sunset Shimmer replied. "If you would like, I can show you the test subjects right now," List said. "Yeah, I might as well see them now," Sunset Shimmer responded as she followed Dr. List.


    ~The Capital - Tokyo Cathedral~


    Inside Tokyo Cathedral (which, despite the fact that Tokyo was renamed to The Capital, Tokyo Cathedral retained its name due to historical significance), Emma had packed up and was trying to sneak out with her Espurr, Mimi, on her shoulder. "Coast is clear, Mimi," Emma commented. "Nyapah," Mimi concurred as Emma quietly tiptoed to the exit. "Where do you think you're going?" Frollo's voice questioned Emma as she stopped in her tracks...


    Turning around, Emma noticed the archdeacon, Frollo, and Yang Fang Leiden approach her. "Frollo, Yang... I was just, uh..." Emma replied, trying to think of what to say. "I should remind you, Emma... this is a holy place, and lying while here is something not looked highly upon," Frollo warned. Sighing, Emma responded, "Fine, you got me. I could clearly see what is going on out there, all the bad things that the New World Order is doing. So, I decided to join the Rebel Alliance." "What?!" a surprised Yang wondered out loud, "But it's too dangerous! You could get kill-" "Now, now, Yang. I believe Emma is a mature young woman who can make her own choices," Frollo told Yang in a surprising defense of Emma's choice, "If she truly wants to join the Rebel Alliance, then she should feel free to do so." "Wait... really?" a surprised Emma questioned. "Yes," Frollo responded, "After all, I am no supporter of the New World Order myself, not since they demanded that all my sermons be pre-approved by them, completely limiting what I can and cannot say. Go Emma, help put an end to this tyranny. I will keep praying for your success." "Wow, umm, thanks, Frollo," Emma thanked Frollo, still not believing that he supported her joining the rebels. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to. Farewell, Emma. May me meet again one day," Frollo said as he walked away, leaving Emma and Mimi with Yang. "So, you're really going?" Yang asked. "I have to, Yang," Emma responded, "Someone has to take a stand against what's happening." Sighing, Yang took out a cross pendant from his pocket, placing it around her neck, saying, "I cannot change your mind. But keep this pendant with you to remind you that God is always watching over you, and that he is the only ally you will need in this battle you are taking part in." As she glanced at the pendant around her neck, Emma smiled and hugged Yang to show her gratitude, with Yang hugging her back. "I'll miss you, Yang," Emma told Yang. "So will I, Emma, so will I," Yang responded as Emma let go of him, took a deep breath, and continued to the exit. "Well, this is it, Mimi, no turning back," Emma told her Espurr. "Nyapah," Mimi concurred, nodding as Emma exited the cathedral.


    ~Arendelle - Dining Hall~


    As Hans was dining all by himself while two Cybermen were standing guard next to him, he wondered why Anna and Elsa haven't joined him yet. "I cancel all plans to get married to Anna out of the goodness of my heart, and THIS is the thanks I get?" Hans scoffed, "OLAF!" Just then, Hans's former friend, Olaf, slowly walked into the dining hall with a very unenthusiastic look on his face...


    "Yes, oh honorable Hans, what do you want?" Olaf asked. "Do me a favor and get Anna and Elsa here," Hans ordered Olaf. "Of course, sir," Olaf replied as he bowed down and walked away, "Jerk..." "What did you say?" Hans questioned. "Oh, nothing. Nothing at all, was just humming to myself," Olaf lied as he continued on his way while Hans glared at the snowman suspiciously.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~


    "Ah, so your family helped prepare the food," Grandpa Hino replied to Jumpman. "Well, we truly do appreciate it, given the limited food supply we have," Sycamore added, "Would be nice if all the rebel bases around the world had cooks as good as you and your family. But I suppose that's the price for living a life as a refugee. Hard to believe I'd become a refugee myself after a helping some refugees a couple of months ago." "You helped refugees before?" Grandpa asked. "Oh yeah," Professor Sycamore replied with his Espurr and Fennekin nodding in concurrence, "Sometime in October, Tokyo University hosted a luncheon for refugees from Syria who have escaped war from their country, so I signed up to provide a dish. Got to have a good time with many of them, even with those who had trouble communicating because of the language barrier. Never imagined I'd one day start living like them."


    ~The Capital - Tsukino Household (Rini's Room)~


    As she was finishing packing up her things while Luna-P was floating around her, Rini began to reminisce back to a discussion she had with Mewtwo the week before...

    -One Week Ago- / ~The Capital - Tsukino Household (Rooftop)~


    "You know, we might be going to a secret Rebel base, me and the others," Rini told Mewtwo as it rained while they sat in the rooftop, covering herself with an umbrella, "I think it's the same one you told me about." "I have a feeling it is," Mewtwo replied. "So, are Discord and Celestia doing okay there?" Rini asked. "Yes," Mewtwo answered, "Ratonhnhaké:ton has been very welcoming of us." "I see. He seems like a really nice guy from what you've told me. Kinda reminds me of a really good friend of my Daddy from the future," Rini commented, "Guess he won't have a problem with me or the others if we get to go there. I hope I can meet him real soon." "I'm sure you will get that opportunity one day, Rini," Mewtwo responded as he teleported away.

    Sighing, Rini grabbed her things, as she thought to herself, 'It may have been a few months, but I really liked this place.' After taking one last look at her room, Rini exited the room and went down.


    ~The Capital - Tsukino Household (Living Room)~


    After Serena hugged her parents, Sammy and Rini arrived to the living room, all ready to go. "Kids... it's no understatement when I say that this is the most difficult thing your mom and I decided to do," Kenji said, "But know that we're doing this because we love you, and we only want the best for you, and hope that one day, this'll all be over, and we can be together again." While trying to hold back her tears, Ikuko said, "S-Serena, Sammy, Rini... no matter where you end up... always remember where you come from... you make sure to remember... alright?" Ikuko couldn't hold it any longer, and broke down in tears as she hugged Serena, thinking this might be the last time she ever sees her, as well as Sammy and Rini. Seeing What happened, Kenji, Sammy, and Rini all joined Serena and Ikuko together for one big group hug, while Darien watched, feeling sorry for what they were going through as a family. 'I wonder... was I this close with my parents before losing them?' Darien thought to himself.


    ~London, England - Coffee Shop~


    "Ah, merry old London," Kilgrave commented to himself, while drinking coffee just as he noticed the clock strike 6 pm, "Regardless if the city is bombed by Germans, or is taken over by the New World Order, nothing can quite make it less endearing." But as Kilgrave watched Stormtroopers and Cybermen marching outside, the waiter came by, handing Kilgrave the bill, telling him, "Here's your bill sir. 20 Gil." Not wanting to pay, Kilgrave decided to use his powers on the waiter, saying, "You will take this bill, and pay for it from your own money." His words immediately had an effect on the waiter, making him obey Kilgrave's words as he took the bill away and said, "Of course sir." As the waiter walked away, Kilgrave said to himself, "I love being me." Just then, Kilgrave noticed a swarm of flying insect-like S-types attack the hooded Kimberly Ann Hart far in the distance. "Hmm, wonder what's going on there," Kilgrave said to himself as he finished his coffee, and got up to leave.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena