~Castelia City, New York - Stark Tower~ As Pepper continued greeting guests, she noticed one of the guests arriving was someone who she used to work for years ago... "Pepper," Aldrich greeted Pepper, remembering how she used to work for him, and how he used to ask her out all the time, despite always getting rejected. "Killian," Pepper responded. "You look great," Aldrich complimented Pepper, "You look really great." "Yeah, so do you," Pepper replied, "So, what on Earth have you been doing?" "Oh, nothing fancy. Just a little something for the New World Order called Project Extremis," Killian said, "It's how non-Conduit Stormtroopers are able to use powers. And please, call me Aldrich." "Well, it's very nice to see you again, Aldrich," Pepper responded, "Hope you enjoy your time here." "I'm sure I will," Aldrich said as he walked away, "I'll see you around." "Will do," Pepper responded as she breathed a sigh of relief and went back to greeting guests. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ Rue shook her head as she said, "Unbelievable." "Yeah... I'm sorry to hear that you had to go through all that, Rey," Ritchie added. "Pikachu," Sparky concurred as he nodded. "I know it's tough, but if you want my advice, just forget about 'em, Rey," Rue suggested, "If you're a Rebel, then you're already part of one big family." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Scotland - Old Forge~ "Aye. That's true," Rhona replied to Harold as she continued with her drink, thinking to herself that even though Harold sounded like Harry, the tone of his voice felt different somehow, though it she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Nevertheless, she was convinced at this point that the person she spoke to was certainly not Harry. Once she finished with her drink, Rhona placed 10 Gil at the table as payment for her drink, along with a couple more Gil for tips. She then got out of her seat, and headed out to meet with Fergus while passing by Harold and Kimberly, noticing they were discussing something. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Southern Chicago, Illinois - Parking Lot of an Abandoned Wal-Mart~ "If I had to guess, probably because Wal-Mart's CEO figured it'd be cheaper to close down stores like this one and lay off many hardworking individuals while rewarding corporate executives with even more money," Skye responded to Yang after hearing her wonder why the Wal-Mart near them was closed down, "Damn capitalist pigs. Oh look, the Chicago Rebels are here." Skye and the others watched as vehicles arrived to the scene, and the local area's Rebels stepped out... "Cassie Cage, reporting for duty," Cassie greeted Shining Armor and May as she approached them, giving them a salute. "At ease," May replied as she watched the Rebels interact with each other. "Looks like you guys are ready," Shining Armor commented. "Affirmative," Cassie responded, "Got all the intel, and we're ready to move in." "Perfect. As long as we remain on the lookout for any potential danger, we should be good," Shining Armor said, "Let's go." Nodding, May called out to the Rebels, "Alright everyone, let's move in!" "And whatever you do, do NOT touch the Obelisk when you find it," Shining Armor warned as he and the rest of the Rebels made their way across the parking lot, ready to enter the abandoned Wal-Mart. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Alaska - Rebel Hideout~ As Jyn and Cassian were walking towards Cassian's U-Wing, Jyn noticed Clawhauser and his droid, R2-D2, conducting maintenance on the U-Wing... "H-hey there," Clawhauser greeted Jyn as she and Cassian arrived to the ship, "I'm Benjamin Clawhauser, former receptionist slash radio dispatcher at the Annapolis Police Department. Now though, I'm an X-Wing pilot for the Rebel Alliance. And this here's my good pal, R2-D2." R2 electronically beeped a greeting to Jyn, with Jyn replying, "I remember you. From India." "Oh yeah, that..." Clawhauser said as he remembered how he and R2-D2 captured Jyn, "Really sorry about that. No hard feelings?" Smiling, Jyn replied, "None." As Jyn and Cassian packed their things into the ship, Clawhauser commented, "So, they're sending you two to South Africa." "Looks like it," Cassian replied. "Well guys, the ship is all set. You are ready to go. Stay safe," Clawhauser said as he and R2-D2 stepped out of the U-Wing. "Thanks, guys," Andor thanked the two as R2 responded with an electronic beep that translated to 'You're welcome.' But as Cassian got into the cockpit of the ship, he noticed Jyn was carrying a blaster "What?" Cassian wondered out loud, visibly confused. "I know how to use it," Jyn replied. "That’s what I’m afraid of," Cassian said, worried that Jyn might use the blaster to kill him and make a run for it once they're in South Africa, "Give it to me." "We’re bound to come face-to-face with Stormtroopers," Jyn replied, "I have to protect myself." "That’s not the point," Cassian said, "Where did you get it?" "I found it inside the hideout," Jyn answered, "Trust goes both ways." Sighing, Andor said, "Fine." Cassian then started his ship, and started to fly it towards the sky while switching the cloaking mode on to avoid detection from the New World Order. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Teacher's Lounge~ "And now here you are, snooping around the teacher's lounge, looking through, and possibly taking, things that do not belong to you," Vidic replied, "That to me sounds like a thief." Tapping on his watch, Vidic spoke to the microphone on it, saying, "Security, we have an intruder in the teacher's lounge." Two Stormtroopers were then racing across the hallway in order to reach the teacher's lounge. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Irkutsk, Russia - Outside Rebel Hideout~ As Nikolai Orelov and his fellow Rebels were nearing the local Rebel hideout (which was inside an old apartment building), Sabine commented, "I wonder if Finn was able to avoid an encounter with Stormtroopers and Cybermen." "So, do you think he'll fight to the end for the Rebels?" Gilda wondered out loud. "How should I know," Nikolai responded, shrugging. But once they reached the hideout, they were shocked to see none other than Finn himself, waiting for them at the entrance... "Hey," Finn greeted them, "Hope I'm not too early." "Perhaps a bit," Galina responded. "Well, it's what I do," Finn said as he shrugged. "By the way, you were great back there!" Gilda complimented Finn. "Yeah. And maybe we can do even better next time," Sabine added. "That's enough," Nikolai told his Rebels, "The mission was a success. But don't get overconfident now. There are still more challenging trials we must face. Now, let's get inside." Nodding, Finn and the other Rebels each entered the hideout. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, New York - Stark Tower (Again)~ Spoiler: BGM As Grand Moff Toffee was staring out at the Castelia City skyline while holding a glass of champagne, he heard a voice call out to him, saying, "Grand Moff! Good to see ya!" Turning around, Toffee noticed it was the North American Regional Governor, Tex Richman, who had called out to him... "Ah, Governor," Toffee replied as he joined Richman, "I hear the traitor Florent L'Belle has been dealt with." "Indeed he has," Richman responded, "Now it's just a matter of finding the Obelisk." "And the rebel cells in the region?" Toffee asked. "Still working on it," Richman responded, "I have an Inquisitor looking into it. I'm sure we'll be done with these rebel cells pretty soon." "I expect nothing less," Toffee said as he raised his champagne glass, "Hail the New World Order." Raising a glass as well, Tex repeated, "Hail the New World Order." The two then took a sip of their drinks after making the toast. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Arendelle - Elsa's Room~ "Oh, I know about these parchments!" Olaf said, "Yeah, I heard that as part of the conversion to the SSS for magic users, the New World Order confiscated every enchanted parchment they could get their hands on, and that they're now banned. Probably 'cause they aren't traced. Or the New World Order just really wants magic users to use the messaging feature of the SSS app. Guess your friend, Harold, has been avoiding getting caught by the New World Order so well to avoid getting his parchment confiscated. Also... I just realized that we have a banned item in the room." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Constanze's Underground Hideout~ As Akko, Sucy, Lotte, and Diana were each tied to a chair, Jasminka was confiscating their wands and phones, while Diana angrily complained, "You can't keep us tied up like this!" "Actaully, I think I can," Amanda replied as Jasminka handed the wands and phones to Constanze. Constanze then sat in front of her computer, connecting each of the wands and cellphones to her computer via a USB connection. "What's she doing?" Lotte asked. "Hacking into each of your wands and cellphones to make sure the New World Order can't trace them," Amanda replied. "Why would you that? It's not like you're Rebels or anything like that, right?" Akko asked. "Actually, that's exactly what we are," Amanda responded. "WHAT??!!" Diana cried, "You terrorists! When the New World Order finds out about this whole operation, they'll deal with you! HELP!! SOMEONE HELP!! I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED BY REBEL SCUM!!" Sighing as she rolled her eyes, Amanda grabbed some nearby masking tape, and placed it over Diana's mouth, preventing her from trying to call for help. "So... what are you gonna do with us now?" Sucy asked. "We'll think about it," Amanda replied as she and Jasminka left, leaving the four captives with Constanze, who was still hacking into the wands and cell phones that were confiscated. 'Miss Ursula's joining the Rebels?' Akko thought to herself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery~ "Uhhhhh....." a confused Korrina said as she and Lucario both sweatdropped after hearing every single individual from C.C.'s group introduce themselves (and not hearing the explosion from outside as it happened), "Okaaay... I'm not gonna lie... but that is way too many names to remember at the same time. Besides Cynthia, who I know only 'cause she's famous, I think it might be useful to get you all some name tags. Talk about an information overload. Till then, I think I'll give you all nicknames." Just then, Korrina noticed Lydia arrive with Bellec and his Rebels... "Grasshopper, Bellec, you made it!" Korrina greeted Lydia, "How were you all able to get here undetected?" "We blew up one of the cars we used to come here," Bellec answered, "While the Cybermen and Stormtroopers are distracted with that, we were able to easily sneak here." "There was an explosion?" Korrina asked. "Yes," Lydia responded, "Didn't you hear it?" "Uhhhh," Korrina said, believing that she may have not heard it because of the mass introductions from earlier, "Never mind that. Bellec, these here are survivors of the Great Purge. Apparently, they call themselves the Rising Tide." "Ah, I see," Bellec commented as he looked at the group, "And who's the leader?" "If I'm not mistaken, and I probably would be, it's her," Korrina responded, pointing Bellec towards Kai. "I see. Then I need the both of you to join me for a discussion on what to do next. In private," Bellec told Kai and Korrina. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Atlantis~ Having arrived to the lost city of Atlantis, Scrooge and his fellow adventurers were looking around to see if there was anything of interest. "Ah-ha!" Scrooge exclaimed upon noticing a certain mural on a wall, which also caught the attention of the others, "Well, according to these markings, the Atlantines were so eager to build an epic city of wonders and death traps, they didn't stop to figure out a proper support structure, and the whole thing fell into the sea! You kids best stay by the sub while I scout ahead." However, Dewey was nowhere to be found, with Huey commenting, "Dewey ran in as soon as you said 'death traps.'" "Come on, Scrooge! We got this," Dewey's voice called out from a corridor away from where the group currently was. "Boy!" an annoyed Scrooge replied back as he started heading towards the direction of Dewey's voice while being followed by the others. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Scrooge and the others, Donald and the rest of Glomgold's group were secretly eavesdropping on Scrooge's group... "There they are," the Taco Bell Dog commented, "Gabby, get rid of them." "Wait!" Donald cried, surprising the Taco Bell Dog, "Uhhhh... if we get rid of them now, we can't torture them later!" "Brilliant!" the Taco Bell Dog happily replied, "Wouldn't you agree, Glomgold?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Alleyway~ Parking the truck he and Mileena stole earlier in an alleyway, Ezio took out an old-school pager from 90s, and proceeded to page someone. "Bene," Ezio commented, "Now, we just wait for him to arrive to take the truck. And we'll be done for the day." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Forest~ "So, besides Connor, who're you traveling with?" Star asked Serena, looking at Rini, "Oh my gosh! Is this your little sister? She's so adorable!" "Y-yeah, I am," Rini lied, figuring that besides keeping it a secret, revealing that Serena may possibly her mother in the future would most likely lead to a very long and confusing discussion, "Name's Rini." "Well, nice to meet you lil' Rini," Star replied, patting Rini on her head while shifting her attention to the unconscious Sammy, "Oh dear, who is that and what happened to him?" "It's Serena's brother, Sammy," Darien responded, "He should be fine. Just a bump on the head." "That's a relief," Marco commented. "So, I guess you're Serena's other brother?" Star asked Darien. "Uh, no actually," Darien replied, "I'm not related to her. The name's Darien by the way. And this is Luna, Serena's cat." "Ohhhhhhhh, I get it," Star said, "You're her boyfriend!" "What?!" a surprised Darien replied as he started to blush, while Connor and Rini watched as they sweatdropped, "Er... I never said tha-" "Serena, you are so lucky," Star told Serena as she gave her a friendly nudge, "Gurl, I am so jealous. I wish my ex-boyfriend Tom was as much of a decent guy as he is." "OKAY... Star, I think that's enough with introductions," Marco said as he dragged Star away from Serena, mouthing the words 'I am so sorry' to Darien and Serena, "Anyway, are you guys headed to Rebel HQ?" "As a matter of fact, yes," Connor answered, "We were on our way to meet a friend of mine who can teleport us there." "Sweet!" Star cheered, "Then let's go!"
Courtesy of anerdydad, KH fans have gotten a first look at 'Kingdom Hearts III' themed Funko POP! figures, which you can check out below: View attachment 49805 As you can see, the figures consist of Sora in his KH3 outfit, as well as Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their Monstropolis forms. No release date is available at this point.
'Kingdom Hearts III' has been confirmed to make an appearance at this year's Playstation Experience 2018 Southeast Asia, taking place August 18th and 19th at the GMM Live House in Bangkok, Thailand. Attendees will be able to play the same demo of the game that has been playable at other events.
~Arendelle - Elsa's Room~ "Sure, I can keep a secret," Olaf responded, wondering what Elsa was going to say, and whether it had anything to do with Saphir's letter, "So, what's this secret you wanna talk about? Is it a big one?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ "That's... horrible," Rue commented after hearing what Rey said about being deserted by her parents. "Pika..." Sparky concurred as he nodded. "Why would your parents leave you like that?" Ritchie asked. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Militia Base in a Cave - Outskirts of Upington, South Africa~ While strapped to a chair in a cell, Bodhi silently watched as a Tentacruel (named Bor Gullet by Saw Gerrera) emerged from the darkness on the other side of the cell... "Tentacruel..." Bor Gullet murmured as it slowly approached Bodhi. "Bor Gullet can feel your thoughts," Saw Gerrera said as he watched from outside the cell, "No lie... is safe. What have you really brought me, cargo pilot?" "Tentacruel..." Bor Gullet said as it started to wrap its tentacles around Bodhi's body, horrifying him. "Bor Gullet will know the truth," Saw continued, "The unfortunate side effect, is that one tends... to lose one’s mind." As Bor Gullet’s tentacles continued to wrap around Bodhi and stroke his head, Bodhi cried, "NOOOOO!!!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Scotland - Old Forge~ As she was about to take a sip from her beer mug, Rhona overheard Harold mention the key words 'ugly kilt', which Fergus once mentioned to her would be the words spoken by a person he worked with for the benefit of the Rebellion. 'So, Fergus's acquaintance is here,' Rhona thought to herself, 'Wonder what he has for Fergus.' "I don't know," Rhona replied to Harold without looking at him, "Perhaps Fergus might have an idea. Want to talk to him?" But as she glanced at Harold, Rhona was confused to see that Harold looked exactly like Harry. 'Harry?' Rhona thought to herself, 'But... he just left with his family earlier today. He's the one Fergus mentioned about? No... wait... something about this one feels... different.' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Teacher's Lounge~ "And just what do you think you're doing here?" the school principal, Warren Vidic, questioned Hermione with his arms crossed as he entered the teacher's lounge, "So, the rumors are true then. There really is a thief in our school." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, New York - Stark Tower~ Over at Stark Tower, Tony Stark, the eccentric playboy billionaire head of Stark Industries (which has been helping with the New World Order's technological weapons development), has thrown a party at the tower's penthouse, with many important figures socializing and drinking as they waited for Stark himself to appear.... Among those in the party were Stark's personal assistant, Pepper Potts, who was busy greeting guests, and Colonel James Rhodes (nicknamed 'Rhodey'), a long-time friend of Stark who is now part of the Stormtrooper army (although instead of a Stormtrooper outfit, Rhodey wears something that Tony designed for him). "Rhodey, good to see you," Pepper greeted Rohodey as the two shared a friendly hug. "Pepper. Great to see you as well," Rhodey happily responded, "So, where's Tony?" "To be honest, I have no idea," Pepper answered, "But, you know Tony. He always prefers being fashionably late to parties like this." "Heh, yeah, that's true alright," Rhodey concurred. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Irkutsk, Russia - Outside Orphanage~ Spoiler: BGM As Finn was on his way to the local Rebel hideout, he decided to stop by an orphanage to check on a certain someone. Arriving near the orphanage, he found the person he was looking for... Finn smiled as he leaned against a building, and watched Leia look after the children of the orphanage. "Scootaloo, time to get back inside. It's almost bedtime," Leia told the orphan pony named Scootaloo. "Yes, ma'am," Scootaloo replied as she did as Leia ordered her too, going back to inside the building. And as Leia was about to go back inside as well, she noticed Finn. Smiling as she recognized him, Leia waved at Finn, while Finn also waved back. Once Leia went back inside the orphanage, Finn took a deep breath and sighed, saying, "Kanan... I'm sorry you never got to meet her in person." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Southern Chicago, Illinois - Parking Lot of an Abandoned Wal-Mart~ As the Quinjet landed at the parking lot of the abandoned Wal-Mart where the rebels believed they would find the Obelisk, the Rebels from Castelia City exited the plane, with Jessie asking, "So... where are the local Chicago Rebels? Weren't they supposed to join us?" "They should be here soon," Shining Armor responded. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery~ Spoiler: BGM After hearing what IF stated, Korrina replied, "You're the daughter of Lt. Surge? I have to say, it is an honor to meet the daughter of one of the Rebel Alliance's founding members." Then, when Mario brought up his concern about regarding Lydia, Korrina replied, "Astral drones? Oh, you mean the S-types that Lydia mentioned? Oh, don't worry about her. I've trained Lydia for months. She is a formidable warrior. I'm sure she can handle anything." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Truck~ While Ezio was driving and listening to Mileena as she mentioned her sister, he noticed Mileena lose her cheerful mood. In response, Ezio held Mileena's left hand with his right hand firmly, silently smiling at her as he continued steering the wheel with his left hand, wanting to reassure her that he'll always be there for her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Glomgold's Submarine~ "Well... of course I know him. I mean, who doesn't?" Donald replied as he was sweating. Just then, the Taco Bell Dog announced, "We're here, amigos. We've reached Atlantis! Now get yourselves ready!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France~ As Lydia was carefully treading around Shalour City, wondering when and where she would meet up with the rebels from Lumiose City, she heard a loud explosion nearby. Rushing towards the explosion's direction, Lydia noticed an overturned car in flames, with Stormtroopers and Cybermen quickly arriving to the scene to disperse the crowd and take control of the situation... "Alright everyone, stand back!" a Stormtrooper declared as citizens were forced to stand back from the scene. "We have the situation under control," A Cyberman added. 'Huh, wonder what might've caused this,' Lydia thought to herself as she walked away from the scene. But as she continued on her way, she noticed a group of individuals nearby, also carefully treading around to avoid detection... 'It's Bellec and his Rebels,' Lydia thought to herself. "Psst," Lydia called out to Bellec and the others, silently waving to them. Upon noticing Lydia, Bellec quickly recognized her, nodding in response as he silently signaled his Rebels to follow Lydia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Constanze's Underground Hideout~ Beneath Nintendo High School grounds was a secret hideout belonging to Constanze, and accompanying her were her friends, Amanda and Jasminka. Amanda was busy discussing important matters with Ursula Callistis, and her guest, Phil Coulson. "Why Coulson though?" Amanda questioned Ursula, "Didn't you see what he did today? Who knows what'll happen to Neku. Poor guy." "You think I was happy in doing that?" Coulson retorted, "I had no choice. If I'm to survive in an Earth controlled by the New World Order, I had to adapt and maintain my cover. Trust me, no one hates the New World Order more than me. I am ready to finally put my old life behind me and become a Rebel." As Amanda looked at Constanze and Jasminka, she sighed and said, "Alright. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, Mr. Coulson." "Please, call me Phil," Coulson requested. "Very well, Phil," Amanda replied, "Welcome to the Rebel Alliance. Now then, Ursula, about the Sh-" Before Amanda could finish her sentence, she and the others noticed as the ceiling above the nearby sofa opened up, and Akko, Lotte, Sucy, and Diana came out of it, landing at the sofa... "Oww, that hurt..." Akko commented as she tried getting up. "Hehe, that was fun," Sucy said, grinning. "What is the meaning of this?!" Diana angrily questioned before noticing the hideout, "Where are we?" "What the...?" a confused Amanda wondered out loud. "Akko?" Ursula called out to Akko. "Huh, hey Miss Ursula!" Akko replied back. "Wow, so much for a secret hideout," Coulson commented. "Secret... hideout?!" Diana cried, "Do you realize how many rules have been broken by having this place exist?!" "No, and I don't care," Amanda replied before turning to face Jasminka, "Jasminka, restrain them." Nodding as she continued smiling, Jasminka quickly and surprisingly grabbed Akko, Sucy, Lotte, and Diana from behind, holding them all tight. "H-hey, let me go!" Akko cried as she struggled to break free of Jasminka. "I demand you put me down this instant!" Diana added. Jasminka, however, ignored them as she carried them to another room in the hideout. "Hmm, well I suppose that's one way of dealing with that problem," Phil commented. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Forest~ As Connor and the others were walking, and Darien heard what Luna said to him while he still carried the unconscious Sammy, Darien replied, "Well, I'm sure they'll have milk at the hideout." Darien still couldn't believe he was talking with Luna despite living under the same roof for the past few months. Meanwhile, the group noticed that on their left, Marco Diaz was maneuvering his bicycle while Star Butterfly rode behind, both wanting to reach the Rebel hideout, with the only problem being that Marco was exhausted from all the biking he had done today... "Come on, Marco! Ride like the wind!" Star cried, trying to keep Marco biking. "I... I can't do it Star... I'm exhausted..." Marco replied as he finally came to a halt, falling along with the bike to its right side. "Ow..." Star calmly said after falling, while Darien, Connor, and Rini sweatdropped after seeing the scene unfold. 'Hang on... I remember these two,' Darien thought to himself, 'That girl was transformed into a monstrous butterfly and terrorized Nintendo High School, while her friend was trying to save her, which Serena, as Sailor Moon, ultimately did. That was the day I gave her the Silver Crystal...' As Star got up, and helped Marco up, she gasped upon noticing the others, instantly recognizing Serena as she questioned, "Is that...?" Upon getting a clearer view of Serena, Star squealed as she rushed towards Serena, hugging her tightly as she exclaimed, "Serena! Mah sistah from anotha motha! I'm so glad to see you, I thought I'd never see you or anyone else from Nintendo High after deciding to join the Rebels, but here we are!" As Marco joined the rest of the group, Marco squealed as well, only he did it at the sight of Connor, crying, "I can't believe it! You're Ratonhnhaké:ton! THE leader of the entire Rebel Alliance! It is an honor, sir!" Smiling, Connor replied, "The honor is all mine, Marco. And please, call me Connor." "Connor? As in Connor Kenway?!" Marco questioned, with Connor nodding in response, "Wow... I never imagined a fellow Nintendo High classmate would end up leading a worldwide rebellion! You are so awesome!" Smiling, Connor responded, "I appreciate all the compliments. However, I am simply one person. Every member of the Rebel Alliance deserves equal recognition. For without them, there would be no rebellion."
Square-Enix has confirmed that 'Kingdom Hearts III' will make an appearance at this year's Gamescom taking place at the Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany, with attendees able to try out a demo of the game. As stated in Square-Enix's press release:
With Halloween about 3 months away, stores seem to be starting to unveil new lines of costumes for this year's Halloween. Some of those costumes happen to be Kingdom Hearts-themed! Spirit Halloween has a King Mickey Organization XIII outfit (in both children and adult sizes), an adult-sized Kingdom Hearts II Riku outfit (wig included, but pants and shoes sold separately), and a children-sized Kingdom Hearts II Sora outfit (Keyblade sold separately). In addition to the outfits, Spirit Halloween and Spencers are both selling props, with the Oblivion Keyblade sold exclusively at Spencers, while Mickey's Kingdom Key D and Pumpkinhead are sold at both stores. The props and children's outfits are sold for $39.99, while the adult outfits sell for $49.99. Check out images, as well as links to purchase all this merchandise, below: View attachment 49747 View attachment 49748 View attachment 49749 View attachment 49750 View attachment 49751 View attachment 49752 View attachment 49753 View attachment 49754 View attachment 49755 View attachment 49756 View attachment 49757 View attachment 49758 View attachment 49759 View attachment 49760 View attachment 49761 View attachment 49762 View attachment 49763 View attachment 49764 View attachment 49765 Adult Organization XIII King Mickey (purchase here) Children Organization XIII King Mickey (purchase here) Adult Kingdom Hearts II Riku (purchase here) Children Kingdom Hearts II Sora (purchase here) Oblivion Keyblade (purchase here) Mickey's Kingdom Key D (purchase here or here) Pumpkinhead Keybalde (purchase here or here) Thanks to @Heart ❤ for letting me know.
~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ "Thanks, Michiru," Clemont thanked Michiru as he took out his phone, and started recording Michiru as she played "Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier", intending to later upload it to be played for Rebels listening to Rebel Force Radio. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~ "Rey? What's wrong?" Rue asked Rey after she, Ritchie, and Sparky noticed her crying. "Is it the song that Michiru is playing?" Ritchie asked, wondering if Rey is one of those people who get emotional when listening to certain songs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Irkutsk, Russia - Alleyway~ As Finn and the Rebels he had helped were hiding in an alleyway, listening as they heard Stormtroopers and Cybermen race towards the blown up power plant. Once he felt the coast was clear, Nikolai told the others, "Alright... let's get out of here. We will rendezvous back at the hideout." Nodding in response, the other Rebels left. And as Nikolai was about to leave, Finn, wondering about his payment, said, "H-hey..." "If this is about your money, meet me at the hideout. Then we will take care of it," Nikolai responded as he left in a rush while Finn was now alone. "Great..." Finn said to himself, shaking his head as he ran out of the alleyway as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Alaska - Rebel Hideout~ "Jyn Erso... that is your given name, is it not?" the leader of the Alaska Rebels, Bogo, questioned Jyn as she was interrogated by several Rebels, "Jyn Erso? Daughter of Galen Erso, a scientist in the New World Order's research division." "What is this?" Jyn questioned, wondering why the Rebels were interested in interrogating her. "It’s a chance for you to make a fresh start. We think you might be able to help us," Cham Syndulla replied as he pointed at Cassian Andor, "This is Captain Cassian Andor, Rebel Intelligence." "When was the last time you were in contact with your father?" Cassian questioned Jyn. "Shortly after the Great Purge," Jyn answered, "The New World Order came to our farm, took him away, while I was sent to a labor camp." "Any idea where he’s been all this time?" Cassian questioned. "I like to think he’s dead," Jyn answered, "Makes things easier." "Easier than what? That he’s been a tool of the New World Order war machine?" Cassian questioned. "I’ve never had the luxury of political opinions," Jyn answered. "Really?" Cassian scoffed, "When was your last contact with Saw Gerrera?" Stunned after hearing what Cassian asked, Jyn replied, "It’s been a long time." "But he'll remember you, though. Wouldn't he?" Cassian questioned, "He might agree to meet you, if you came as a friend." "We’re up against the clock here, girl, so if there’s nothing to talk about, we’ll just put you back where we found you," Bogo added. "I was a child, Saw Gerrera was a good family friend," Jyn explained, "One day, a man named Shinnok kidnapped my father. Saw risked his life to save my father. But in doing so, he severely scarred his body... and he was also scarred mentally. My father and I never saw him since. I have no idea where Saw is." "We know how to find him. That’s not our problem," Cassian responded, "What we need is someone who gets us through the door without being killed." "You’re all rebels, aren’t you?" Jyn questioned. "Yes, but Saw Gerrera is an extremist," Cham replied, "We have disavowed his tactics, and thus, he isn't part of the Rebel Alliance. His militancy has caused the Alliance so many PR problems. However, desperate times call for desperate measures. We have no choice now but to try to make contact with Saw." "What does this have to do with my father?" Jyn questioned. "There’s a New World Order defector in South Africa. A pilot. Last I heard, he was looking for Saw Gerrera. He’s claiming the New World Order is creating weapons with the power to destroy entire cities. The pilot says he was sent by your father," Cassian answered. "We need to stop these weapons before they're finished," Cham added. "Captain Andor’s mission is to authenticate the pilot’s story," Bogo said, "And then, if possible, find your father." "It appears he is critical to the development of these superweapons," Cham added, "Given the gravity of the situation, and your history with Saw, we’re hoping that he will help us locate your father and return him to us for testimony." As Jyn pondered what she was told, she noticed someone else join them... As Hera arrived, she placed her hand on Cham's shoulder. Noticing the way Hera and Cham looked at each other, Jyn correctly guessed that Hera was Cham's daughter, and she began to reminisce of the good times she had with her own father. "And if I do it?" Jyn asked. "We’ll make sure you go free," Cham answered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Outside a Catering Firm~ "Bene," Ezio complimented Mileena as he got in the driver's seat, "Now, let's g-" Before Ezio could finish his sentence, he watched as King K. Rool charged out of the way, and was being chased by the Stormtroopers and Cybermen he and Mileena noticed earlier, meaning that the road that was occupied by Cybermen and Stormtroopers earlier was now wide open for him to drive through. "I guess we can take the shortcut now," Ezio commented as he started driving the truck towards a different route than he had originally planned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Glomgold's Submarine~ While the Taco Bell Dog sat next to Glomgold, Donald heard Gabby demand he join her, Hack, and Slash. Gulping, Donald slowly walked over to them, asking, "So guys... want to see more pictures of me and my nephews?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery~ After safely leading Mario and the others into the Tower of Mastery, Lydia bowed to Korrina before saying, "I found these individuals outside. They say they are survivors of the Purge." "Hmm, I see," Korrina commented as she observed the group, "But... they don't appear to be members of Bellec's Rebel group." "Then it's possible we may have even more arrivals," Lydia responded, "I'll go back outside. But I should be more cautious, as we saw several S-types outside. We were lucky to have arrived here without getting into a battle." "Indeed," Korrina concurred, "You be careful out there, Grasshopper." Nodding, Lydia left to go back outside, leaving Lydia and her Lucario with the group. Spoiler: BGM "Well, since we're all here, we might as well do introductions," Korrina told the group as she cleared her throat, "Welcome to the Tower of Mastery. I am the both the master and guardian of this place. The name's Korrina, and this is my Lucario. You've already met my apprentice Lydia. So, where are you guys from?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground (Inside Quinjet)~ As the Castelia City Rebels gathered in the Quinjet's interior, each took one of the seats located on either side of the plane, while Melinda May and Shining armor were in the cockpit, ready to fly. "Chicago, we are on our way," May communicated to a Rebel from Chicago through the speaker on her headset as she made final preparations, and the Rebels were strapped in to their seats. Once ready, the platform holding the Quinjet began to descend slowly until the opening above it closed. Then, a hatch in front of the Quinjet opened, and water came rushing in as the Quinjet (currently in submarine mode) was now underwater. May then piloted the Quinjet out of the hatch, and turned on the Quinjet's cloaking mechanism as it ascended fast towards the surface. Once reaching the surface, the Quinjet now switched to its airplane mode as it flew straight towards the sky, on its way to Illinois. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Forest~ "Luna?! You can talk?" Darien questioned after noticing Luna speak to him, "I... I'm really sorry... it's just, I'm trying to wrap my head around so many things right now. First, I find out Rini's Sailor Mini Moon. Then I find out Serena is Sailor Moon. And now... you could actually talk this whole time." As for Rini, she kept staring at Serena, still shocked of what she had learned about her. 'Luna... Silver Crystal... why does hearing these words sound familiar to me?' Connor pondered to himself, as he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity when hearing those terms. Nevertheless, the Rebel leader shook his head and walked towards Darien, placing his hand on Darien's shoulder, telling him, "This must all be much for you to handle. You can sit down and discuss whatever is on your mind with Rini, Serena, and Luna once we reach the base. But we must leave now to avoid the risk of possibly having to face more Stormtroopers and Cybermen." Nodding, Darien replied, "You're right." Looking at Sammy in the car, Darien noticed that he was still unconscious... "I'll carry Sammy," Darien told Serena. "And I can carry his things, as well as yours," Connor told Darien, with Darien nodding in response. Opening the car, Darien carried Sammy out of the vehicle, while Connor took out Sammy's and Darien's stuff. "Serena, Rini, be sure to get your stuff out of the car too," Darien told the girls. "Uh, r-right," Rini responded as she got her stuff (including Luna-P). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~The Capital - Rear of Nintendo High School Parking Lot~ Arriving to the rear of the school's parking lot, Akko was surprised to see that Ursula wasn't there. "Huh? Where'd she go?" Akko wondered out loud. "And what about Mr. Coulson?" Lotte added, "He was with her, wasn't he?" "What do you think you're doing here?" Diana questioned the three, surprising them as they turned around to see her looking at them with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face... "What does it matter to you anyway, Diana?" Akko condescendingly asked Diana back. "Well, with the rumor going around school that there are thieves in the campus, I took it upon myself to investigate and see if there was any truth to this rumor," Diana responded, "And what do I find? You three suspiciously hanging around in a spot where not many students hang out. May I ask what you're doing exactly?" "None of your business, Diana," Akko replied. "I see," Diana commented, "So you're hiding something, then?" "Hey, I never said that!" Akko retorted. "Really? So you claim to not be hiding anything, yet you refuse to tell me what it is you're doing," Diana said, "I have to say, that is very suspicious if you ask me." As Akko became enraged and continued bickering with Diana, Sucy noticed what looked like a TV remote on the ground. "Huh? What's a TV remote doing here?" Sucy wondered out loud as she picked up the remote, and pressed a button. Just then, the ground beneath the four girls suddenly opened up, and they all screamed (with the exception of Sucy) as they fell in what appeared to be a trapdoor, before it closed back. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Arendelle - Elsa's Room~ "Oh no, don't read that ye-... oh forget it... it's from Saphir," Olaf told Elsa, as he placed the vase on a nearby table, "He asked me to surprise you with it... though it's not much of a surprise now. Oh, hey Anna." As for Saphir's letter, it read... Spoiler: Saphir's Letter Dearest Elsa, It has been months since that fateful day in Castelia City, when you had to watch all those world leaders, including Regis, get killed. I know you were upset when you found out that I was allied with those responsible. And honestly, you have every right to be. I only want you to know that while I don't agree with all of the policies of the New World Order, what I told you that fateful day in Castelia City remains the same. I have always wanted to live in a world where everyone on Earth, regardless of how they look, what they believe in, what species they are, or even what abilities they have, can all live equally. And the establishment of the New World Order, I feel, was the only way I felt that could be achieved. But... one thing you told me in Castelia City did get me thinking. That maybe there was another way to solve the problems I mentioned. Perhaps you are right. Maybe there is an alternative to the New World Order. What it is, I don't know. I can't ask for your forgiveness, Elsa. I don't feel I deserve it. I just want you to know that, if there truly was another way to bring about the Earth I had envisioned, I would certainly have chosen it over the New World Order. But here we are, both servants of the New World Order regime. The past is the past, and we can't change what has happened. I just hope we can look at each other the same way we did before this whole mess started. Perhaps start over, and slowly go back to the way things were. But if you feel such a thing is impossible, then I completely understand, and will respect your decision. Just know that I care deeply about you. Forever Yours, Saphir
Although it's been weeks since E3 ended, a new interview with director Tetsuya Nomura from the event was posted in IGN Brasil. When asked on who his favorite character is, Nomura says: On dark themes in 'Kingdom Hearts III', Nomura states: On world selection, Nomura says: Nomura also reveals a surprising fact regarding world selection, stating that 'Mary Poppins' was actually being considered as a potential world over the years, but he was never able to figure out how to include it in a KH game. Regarding this, Nomura says: And when asked about the popularity of 'Kingdom Hearts' in Brazil, Nomura replies:
In a review of the 'Kingdom Hearts III' demo that has been available at events recently, Tony Polanco of Geek.com was able to get confirmation from a Square-Enix representative that completing the main story of the game should take around 40-50 hours (about the same as the previous two main entries in the series), and 80+ hours completing all the optional and side quests. Tony states in his review: Thanks to @Heart ❤ for letting me know!
Not too long after a Sora Nendoroid figure was announced, we now have confirmation that a Riku Nendoroid figure is on the way as well (which you can check out in the tweet below): No other details have been revealed, but it's very likely that, like the Sora figure, the Riku figure could be released in December as well.
~Irkutsk, Russia~ Finn and the four Rebels he was assisting were escaping as fast as they could from the power plant they were in, reaching the outside of the perimeters just in time as they watched the explosives that Finn planted take their effect, with the the entire power erupting in flames, causing the entire city to lose power temporarily before backup power kicked in after a few seconds. Nevertheless, Nikolai was happy to see the power plant gone, happy to see that he was able to send a message to the New World Order. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Alaska - Rebel Hideout~ After being captured by the Rebels in India, Jyn Erso found herself flown all the way to Alaska, specifically, the main Rebel base in the large land mass. Jyn felt much colder in here then she did in India, evident from all the snow, and how high the elevation was. As for the base itself, Jyn noticed it was a hangar that seems to have been built inside an excavated portion of a mountain. Once inside the hangar, Jyn was surprised to see how large the hangar was, housing many fighters flown by the Rebel Alliance (mainly X-Wings), with engineers and pilots conducting maintenance work on them. But as she was looking around, the Rebel who was escorting her shoved her, telling Jyn, "Move!" Looking at the Rebel with a mean look, Jyn continued on her way, wondering where she was being dragged to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Glomgold's Ship~ "Uh-oh," Donald quietly muttered to himself as Slash was dragging him into the submarine. Meanwhile, the Taco Bell Dog enthusiastically got into the submarine with the others, commenting, "Ah, Atlantis... how I have longed for this moment!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Arendelle - Elsa's Room~ Whistling as he carried a vase of flowers with a small envelope containing a note attached to it, Olaf gleefully entered Elsa's room, only to stop and gasp upon noticing Elsa was there. "Elsa!" Olaf cried, "I... didn't expect to see you here. Not that I was trying to place this vase here as a surprise for you. Nope, no... absolutely NOT!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~ "No, no one said anything about moving," May corrected Dante, "We're simply conducting a mission with help from our fellow Rebels from Chicago. Once the mission is complete, we should be back here by the end of the day." "Alright, if no one has anymore questions, proceed to the Quinjet. Well be departing in 10 minutes," Shining Armor announced. "Copy that," Skye responded as she and the other Rebels headed towards the Quinjet. "I'll be sending a signal to Chicago," May told Shining as she walked away. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Chicago, Illinois - Rebel Hideout~ "Got it," Cassie replied to someone she was speaking with on a tablet as she called out to the other rebels in the hideout, "Guys, we got ourselves a mission! And get this... we'll be joined by the Castelia City Rebels!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ Reading from a piece of paper that Kevin Flynn gave him, Clemont responded to Michiru, "The song is called, 'Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier'. Apparently it was a song Flynn heard while watching a PBS documentary on the American Revolutionary War, though if I'm not mistaken, the meaning of the song can be applied to what the Rebel Alliance is going through around the world right now." OOC: Link to song for reference - Spoiler And a Wikipedia page for background info on it - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Has_Gone_for_a_Soldier ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~ "Thanks," Sunburst thanked Gia while she also commented on his Keyblade being interesting, "And yeah, it certainly is interesting. I'd go over the details and the history of the Keyblade, but that'd be a very long conversation, hehe." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~ As Thorax was watching Simba and Nala practice their abilities with each other, the changeling cheered as he said to himself, "Wow, they're really good! I wish I could fight as good as they do. Oh well..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France~ Hearing what Cynthia and C.C. told her, Lydia chuckled a bit, replying, "You're new to this whole rebellion thing, aren't you? Because you really need to work on the 'discreet' part of being a Rebel. If I was a supporter of the New World Order, you'd be in big trouble right now. But luckily for you, I am a Rebel. Follow me, quietly and slowly." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Outside Nintendo High School~ As the school day came to an end, and students were either returning home or to their dorms, Akko had tried to speak with the TA, Miss Ursula, just as she promised her during lunch. But when Akko checked Ursula's office, it was empty. And now, Akko was walking outside with her friends to get some sea-salt ice cream. "Huh, wonder why Miss Ursula wasn't in her office," Akko wondered out loud. "I bet all the faculty are busy trying to take care of a particular problem... if a certain rumor going around school is true," Sucy replied. "Huh? What rumor?" Lotte asked. "Well, there's a rumor going around that there are thieves in the school," Sucy replied. "You don't say..." Lotte said, "Wonder what they'd be after... assuming that there really are thieves." "Well, thieves or not, she should've at least left a message on her door or something," Akko commented, "I was really looking forward to hearing what she was going to say about Chariot." "Hey... isn't that her?" Lotte questioned as she pointed towards two people in the distance, walking to the rear of the parking lot... "You're right!" Akko replied, "It is Ursula! But... what's she doing with Mr. Coulson? No matter... I gotta talk to her!" As Akko rushed in the direction towards Ursula and Coulson, Lotte cried, "A-Akko, wait up!" As Lotte followed Akko, Sucy sighed and shrugged, telling herself, "Well, guess no ice cream today." And with that, Sucy followed Lotte and Akko. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Streets~ Feeling a can hit his head, a Stormtrooper turned around, saying, "Huh, who did that?" Looking around, the Stormtrooper noticed an old man sitting on a bench while covering himself from the rain with an umbrella... "Hey, don't look at me pal. I haven't played with cans since before your parents born," the old man told the Stormtrooper. It was then that the Stormtrooper heard the dog's taunting laugh, noticing the culprit. Shaking his head, the Stormtrooper commented, "Eh, it was just a stupid dog. Not worth my time." Just then, another member of the Stormtrooper's squad called out to him, saying, "Hey, we got some crazy crocodile and his goons threatening citizens in the other district." "Perfect. And I thought this was going to be a slow day," the Stormtrooper commented as he joined his squad in order to deal with King K. Rool and his crocodiles. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Outside a Catering Firm~ As Ezio tried to think of a plan to steal the truck full of food shipment, he noticed the catering firm employees and guards were distracted by something happening nearby. Turning his head to see what they were looking at, Ezio noticed man-like crocodiles threatening civilians with swords, only for Cybermen and Stormtroopers to quickly arrive to the scene to deal with this situation... Ezio then watched as the Cybermen and Stormtroopers easily killed the crocodiles one by one with their blasters. Once King K. Rool was the only crocodile left alive, Ezio whispered to Mileena, "This is not our fight. If we are to easily steal the truck, then now is the best time. Let's go." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Forest~ "Right," Darien replied to Raven, nodding. "Do not worry, I can take it from here," Connor replied to Raven, "I have a friend not too far from here. He will be able to teleport us all to safety." However, as Rini looked at Sailor Moon, her heart sank as she remembered that she never wanted to reveal herself to Sailor Moon, thinking to herself, 'Drat! I got swept up by the moment that I completely forgot I never wanted Sailor Moon to know who I am. Still... as long as I don't know who she is, then I'm good.' However, much to Rini's disappointment, she saw Sailor Moon begin to detransform. As much as she didn't want to know Sailor Moon's identity, she couldn't turn her eyes around, and watched as Sailor Moon changed back to Serena. Gasping, Rini was utterly shocked to find out who Sailor Moon was, and to realize that she was living with her this whole time. 'Serena is... Sailor Moon?! No, that can't be right...' Rini thought to herself, 'But if Serena is Sailor Moon... then... that means... Serena is my mom?!' Almost as shocked as Rini was Darien, who stared at Serena, seeing her holding on to the Silver Crystal that he gave her months ago. "No way!" a confused Darien cried, "Serena... you're Sailor Moon?" As for Connor, he remembered Serena from his days at Nintendo High School. While he never interacted much with her, Connor always saw her hanging out with her friends during lunch. But he never expected a fellow classmate of his to be a Sailor Scout. "Serena... this is certainly a surprise," Connor said before noticing Rini standing motionless, shaking as she stared at Serena, "Rini, are you alright little one?" Snapping out of it, Rini looked at Connor, nodding as she replied, "Yeah, sorry... was still in a bit of a shock." "I take it that for you and Darien, this is the first you have learned of the identity of Sailor Moon," Connor commented before looking at Serena, "And I suppose this is the first you have learned of the identity of Sailor Mini Moon."
Updated OP with new reserves. Also, if you haven't already, be sure to vote and show your support for High School Days in the following categories: Time is running out!
In a tweet teasing upcoming Funko Pop! releases, Funko Pop News! shared an image of Sora in his Christmas Town attire, indicating that we may be getting a figure based on that appearance pretty soon. Check out the tweet by Funko Pop! News below: We'll have more information as soon as an official confirmation is made.
Updated OP with new reserves (though Nuthead, you already had Captain Blue). Also, making a few reserves myself... Name: Tui Description: The chief of a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean known as Destiny Islands, generally secluded from the rest of the world (and by extension, the conflict between the New world order and the Rebel Alliance). In addition to being a Keyblade Master, Tui is a very overprotective father, forbidding his daughter from leaving Destiny Islands to become a Keyblade Master herself. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None Series Character is from: Disney/Moana Image: Spoiler Name: Sina Description: The wife of Tui who, just like him, is a formidable Keyblade Master. While her husband forbade Moana from leaving Destiny Islands, Sina was secretly more supportive of her daughter leaving her home to train to become a Keyblade Master. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None Series Character is from: Disney/Moana Image: Spoiler Name: Pua Description: Moana's loyal and supportive pet pig. Ever since Moana left Destiny Islands, Pua has been waiting and waiting for the day he sees her again. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None Series Character is from: Disney/Moana Image: Spoiler Name: Heihei Description: Moana's incredibly stupid and oblivious pet rooster. Despite his complicated nature, Moana loves him unconditionally, and hopes to see him again once she becomes a Keyblade Master. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None Series Character is from: Disney/Moana Image: Spoiler Now that I've got my reserves out of the way, I'll be discussing something very exciting. I am happy to report that the Re: Mario's High School Days series has swept up many nominations in this year's KH-Vids User Awards, celebrating the best of KHV this year, as well as the past decade! The nominations are as follows: Re: Mario's High School Days - Spark of Rebellion has been nominated for Best Fanfiction! (vote here) Both Al Mualim and Master Xehanort have been nominated for Best Roleplay Antagonist! (vote here) Both Serena Tsukino / Sailor Moon and Katniss Everdeen have been nominated for Best Roleplay Protagonist! (vote here) RE: Mario's High School Days has been nominated for Best Roleplay! (vote here) RE: Mario's High School Days has been nominated for Best Roleplay Concept/Story! (vote here) @NutheadBros and @Kimberly Ann Hart have both been nominated for Best Roleplayer! (vote here) RE: Mario's High School Days has been nominated for Best Use of Music in an RP! (vote here) RE: Mario's High School Days has been nominated for Most Dramatic Roleplay! (vote here) @FancyStache and @StardustXtreme have both been nominated for Most Improved Roleplayer! (vote here) The Finale of RE: Mario's High School Days and Snape's Death have been nominated for Most Memorable Roleplay Moment! (vote here) Al Mualim vs. Sgt. Tamora Calhoun has been nominated for Most Memorable Boss Battle! (vote here) Al Mualim and Shay Patrick Cormac have been nominated for DECADES: Best Roleplay Antagonist! (vote here) RE: Mario's High School Days has been nominated for DECADES:Best Roleplay! (vote here) @NutheadBros and @Kimberly Ann Hart have been nominated for DECADES: Best Roleplayer! (vote here) RE: Mario's High School Days has been nominated for DECADES:Most Dramatic Roleplay! (vote here) Shadow Mario vs. The Mysterious Figure/Xehanort and Chernabog & Goldar vs Megazord Dragonzord, Tigerzord, and Thor have been nominated for DECADES:Most Memorable Boss Battle! (vote here) The Crystal Order revealed to have infiltrated the Japanese Intelligence Agency has been nominated for DECADES: Most Shocking Roleplay Moment! (vote here) Voting ends on July 27th, so be sure to support the RE: Mario's High School Days series by voting! **Very important note though... if you were nominated for something, you can NOT vote for yourself per the award rules.
Okay, seriously... what the f***?
~Rassilon's Office~ "Hmm, an artificial S-type, that certainly sounds interesting," Rassilon replied after hearing what Claire told him, "Very well, you can proceed with Project Infinite. Keep me updated of any changes. I'll be in touch." Rassilon then hung up as he went to take care of other matters. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ "Hey, Michiru," Clemont told Michiru as he approached her after she completed a song, "Do you take song requests? Flynn suggested a specific song be played on the Rebel Force Radio broadcast so that Rebels all around the world can listen to it." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~ "Excellent!" Sunburst replied to Gia, with the two practicing with their weapons as they sparred against each other. And as Sunburst used his magic to levitate his Keyblade and keep swinging it towards Gia, he was happy to see that her ability to dodge and counter-attack with her Claw was equally as good how he himself would dodge and counter-attack with his Keyblade, commenting, "Very good, Gia." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Militia Base in a Cave - Outskirts of Upington, South Africa~ After having been dragged to a militia base (but still unable to see where he is because of his head still covered by a bag), and still restrained by the members of the militia, Bodhi Rook heard metallic steps approach his position, with the man who was approaching him declaring, "Lies! Deceptions!" Turning to one of the militia members, the same man asked, "Let’s see it." Bodhi heard the man being given something from the militia member he was speaking with, guessing that he was checking his ID. "Bodhi... Rook. Cargo pilot," the man commented, "Pakistani boy, huh?" "Uh-huh," Bodhi responded, not sure if there was anything else for him to add. "This note was found in his pocket when he was captured," a militia member told the man who was speaking earlier. "Okay, I can hear you," Bodhi told the militia member as he turned his attention back to the man who was speaking earlier, "He didn’t capture me. I came here myself. I defected. I defected." "Every day, more lies," the man scoffed. "Lies? Would I risk everything for a lie?" Bodhi cried, "No, we don’t have time for this! I have to speak to Saw Gerrera before it’s too late!" Suddenly, the bag covering Bodhi's head was removed by a militia member, and Bodhi realized the man he was speaking to was none other than Saw Gerrera himself... Wearing a mechanical armor containing an oxygen machine and having a metallic right leg, the man Bodhi saw perfectly fit the description he had heard of Saw Gerrera. However, Bodhi could tell that Saw wasn't exactly pleased to meet him. "Okay... so, you... you're... umm... uh.... that... that note... it's for you. And to clarify, I GAVE it to them, they did not find it! I gave it to them. Uh, Galen Erso. He told me to find you," Bodhi told Saw. As Saw pondered Bodhi's words, he grabbed the oxygen machine mask attached to his armor, placing it over his mouth as he took a deep breath. After that, Saw removed the mask from his mouth, and said, "Bor Gullet." "Uh, 'Bor Gullet'?" Bodhi wondered out loud as his head was covered with a bag once again by a militia member, and was being dragged somewhere, "What? Wait! Galen Erso sent me! He told me to find you!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Irkutsk, Russia - Power Plant~ After returning to the reactor, Finn went back to installing explosives on the reactor while monitored by Nikolai. Once Finn finished installing the explosives he told Nikolai, "Come on, let's get outta here! Ten minutes to detonation." Nodding, Nikolai joined Finn as the two rushed away from the area, wanting to get out of the power plant before the whole place blew up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Underwater - Submarine~ As Scrooge's submarine was nearing the lost city of Atlantis, Scrooge looked out the window, saying, "The Drake Barrier Reef. Powerful currents combined with rocky terrain make it nearly impossible to navigate. But on that rare occasion when snow falls above the reef, the currents cool, allowing safe passage to..." Interrupted by the sound of snoring, Scrooge turned around to see that Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby were sleeping and weren't even listening to him. The four then woke up immediately as Louie asked, "Are we there yet?" "I was just about to-" Scrooge replied before being interrupted by Huey. "Right side or the left side?" Huey interrupted Scrooge, thinking that they arrived already, and wondering which window he can see Atlantis from. "If you'd just let me-" Scrooge tried to tell the kids before being interrupted yet again. "Look! There that thing is! We found it!" Dewey interrupted Scrooge as he, Huey, Luie, and Webby rushed to the window, all excited to finally see Atlantis as it gleamed from the submarine's lights. "Whoa!" everyone but Scrooge said in awe as the submarine got closer to Atlantis. "Yes, good. Atlantis. 'Ooh! Aah!' Thanks for spoiling the moment," Scrooge commented, annoyed that no one was listening to him. "The whole place is upside down!" Webby commented as she noticed how the whole underwater city was upside down. "Oh, well, that's a new one," a surprised Scrooge replied. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France~ As Lydia walked around Shalour City, trying to avoid an encounter with a Stormtrooper or a Cyberman, she noticed several individuals wearing white cloaks wandering around. She could tell they were outsiders from the way they were acting, and wondered if they needed help. "Excuse me," Lydia asked them as she approached them, "Do you need some help finding a specific place?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Outside a Catering Firm~ Spoiler: BGM Ezio and Mileena were in an alleyway, conducting surveillance of a catering firm specializing in airline food in order to steal a food shipment for the Rebels. While it wasn't the first choice Ezio had in mind, it was one of the more easier options, as this specific firm wasn't doing business with the New World Order, and thus had less security. "No Cybermen or Stormtroopers... but they do have their own security," Ezio commented as he watched a truck belonging to the catering firm being loaded with a food shipment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Moon Palace - Dungeon~ As Astral and Psycho Blue left, Thrax glared at Zordon, saying, "You stay silent for months, then speak all of a sudden when Astral shows up?! Heed my warning Zordon... you do NOT want me to lose my patience with you." Thrax then turned and walked away while Zordon silently watched him leave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~ "Everyone, listen up," Shining Armor announced as he and May were ready to give the Rebels their next assignment, "While Mace is off to Quebec, May and I will be in charge for the time being." "Our target is this," May added while tapping on a tablet she was carrying, causing a monitor behind them to switch on and show an image of a gray obelisk, "We call it, the Obelisk. We don't know much about it other than it has something to do with S-types. And that touching it will turn you to stone. We don't know why, but the New World Order is desperately after it." As May tapped on her tablet again, an image of Florent L'Belle appeared on the monitor, with Shining Armor stating, "We were relying on this person, Florent L'Belle, a New World Order official, to sell it to Lance Hunter over here. Unfortunately, L'Belle didn't have it with him, and was killed by an Inquisitor." "Fortunately, we were able to track Florent's GPS activity on his phone, and we believe that he hid the Obelisk somewhere south of Chicago," Melinda added, "Specifically, at an abandoned Wal-Mart." "Heh, even when out of business, a Wal-Mart will always have what you need," Mack joked. "We'll be joining with our Rebel allies from Chicago as a precaution in case we come across Stormtroopers and Cybermen," Shining Armor said, "Any questions?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~ As Thor was walking around the rebel hideout, he heard a familiar voice call out to him, "Thor? Is that you?" Looking around, Thor was surprised to see that his friend, Luna, was approaching him... "Luna?" Thor replied, "You were here the whole time?" "Sort of," Luna answered, "My sister and I were on the run since the Great Purge, on the fear that Celestia would've been targeted." "I see..." Thor commented. "You came alone?" Luna asked. Nodding in response, Thor added, "Mother and Father don't know I'm here. I bid farewell to Xion and Vanellope before arriving..." "And Loki?" Luna asked. "He was... forced to register to be a Stormtrooper," Thor replied, "Since we were a military family." "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Luna said. "Don't worry about it," Thor replied, "The main reason I came to join the rebellion was to find Loki and take him back home, away from all this conflict." Smiling, Luna said, "I'm sure you'll succeed." Smiling back at her, Thor replied, "Thanks, Luna." Blushing, Luna said, "You know... I missed you..." Before Thor could reply, Luna hugged him. Though he was surprised, Thor hugged her back. Meanwhile, watching the two from a distance were Luna's sister, Celestia, and her friend, Discord... "Oh, would ya just look at the two lovebirds," Discord whispered to Celestia. "Oh, don't embarrass them, Discord," Celestia replied. "I know, I know, guess I just wanted to do something while I wait for Connor," Discord said, "Seriously, where is he?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Arendelle - Dining Hall~ "Sorry about that," Saphir said as he returned to the dining hall, "So... what did I miss?" "Not much really," Hans replied as he noticed a Stormtrooper arrive to the hall... "Sir," the Stormtrooper greeted Hans, "She's here to see you." "Oh, good. Send her in," Hans replied as the Stormtrooper nodded and left. "Umm... who's 'she'?" Saphir wondered out loud. "Oh, the Inquisitor I mentioned earlier who took care of the Rebels on the outskirts," Hans answered, "I expect her to be giving me full details on the operation." Hearing the doors to the hall open, Saphir turned around to see the Inquisitor that Hans mention entering... Spoiler: BGM "There you are, Larxene," Hans greeted Larxene, "Anything to report other than what I've been told?" "Not much, really," Larxene replied, "The Rebels that did survive have scurried off like the cowardly wimps that they are. Though, we are looking for one Rebel in particular. A scruffy fellow by the name of Kristoff. Not that he has important information or anything like that. But, he was able to escape us after we captured him thanks to that no-good reindeer of his. When I find that Rebel scum, I will make an example of him to show that no one escapes from me." "Hehe, I like your style, Larxene," Hans complimented Larxene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Forest~ Once the last Cyberman was defeated by Sailor Moon's tiara, Ratonhnhaké:ton, Sailor Mini Moon, and Tuxedo Mask all breathed a sigh of relief, with the Rebel leader tossing the blaster he grabbed earlier aside. "I guess we owe you our thanks," Tuxedo Mask told Ratonhnhaké:ton as he detransformed... "If it weren't for you, I'm not sure how we would've survived. And of course, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person after having heard so much about you, Ratonhnhaké:ton," Darien continued. "The pleasure is all mine, Tuxedo Mask," Ratonhnhaké:ton replied as he looked at Darien, "But please, you do not have to call me that. Feel free to call me by my birthname... Connor Kenway." "Connor... Kenway?" Darien wondered out loud as he felt that name was familiar, before remembering something that happened the night of Gaston's party so many months ago, "Wait a minute... I remember you. We've met before! That night, outside Gaston's home during his loud party. You and your friends were taking an intoxicated girl home, and I joined you to make sure she arrived safe." Smiling after hearing what Darien said, Connor replied, "You are correct. We have indeed met before." "Heh, I still can't believe that I had met THE leader of the Rebel Alliance before, and I never realized it," Darien commented. 'Connor... Kenway...' Sailor Mini Moon thought to herself before gasping, 'I know him! He was a friend of my Dad!' Spoiler: Flashback in Rini's Mind ~The Year 2028 (14 Years in the Future) / Underground Tunnel~ Avoiding the death, destruction, and dark creatures outside, many sought refuge underground in order to survive the darkness from outside. Two of those individuals were Rini, and her father, who was leading those seeking refuge from the darkness. As Rini was lying on her father's shoulder, listening to him play his guitar for her, the two noticed Connor Kenway approach them... "Sir," Connor greeted Rini's father, bowing to him, "They are marching East as we speak. We must move before we are overrun." "Very well. Thank you for letting me know, Connor," Rini's father responded as Connor bowed once more and left. "We have to run away again?" Rini asked. "I'm afraid so, dear," Rini's father replied to her, "But I promise, the moment we arrive there, I'll be sure to sing you something you like." Smiling, Rini thanked her father by hugging him and saying, "Thanks, Daddy." Smiling back at her, Rini's father hugged his daughter as well. Looking at Connor, Sailor Mini Moon smiled as the Rebel leader commented, "It is also a pleasure to finally meet actual Sailor Scouts." Walking towards Connor, Sailor Mini Moon detransformed without hesitation, feeling comfortable revealing her identity to Connor... "Nice to meet you, Connor. I'm Rini!" Rini introduced herself to Connor. While Darien was shocked to see that Rini had no issue revealing herself to Connor, Connor simply smiled as he knelt down, and patted Rini on the head, telling her, "It is very nice to meet you as well, Rini. You are very brave, little one. I am truly impressed." "Thanks," Rini replied, feeling flattered, "By the way... is that person wearing a mask with the Rebels?"
As revealed in the above tweet, PDP has announced that Sora (in his KH3 outfit) will be joining their Pixel Pals lineup. For those of you unaware, Pixel Pals are light up pixel-art renditions of iconic characters from video games. The Sora figure will be released October 1st, and can be pre-ordered from Amazon for $14.99!
~Moon Palace - Dungeon~ "I already knew who you were, Astral," Zordon responded to Astral, surprising Thrax, "However, you are shorter than I expected." "Hey!" Thrax scolded Zordon as he banged on his cage, "If you're going to talk, then show some respect!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~London, England~ "Oh, alright then..." a surprised Kilgrave responded when Kimberly and Harold left in a hurry. "Wonder what those two might be up to..." Kilgrave said to himself as he looked outside the window and noticed fireworks in the sky, "Hmm, fireworks..." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground: Lab~ "May, May," Fitz called out to Melinda as he rushed towards her while holding a piece of paper, "I got something." Handing May the piece of paper he was holding on to, May noticed a map and coordinates printed on the paper, with Fitz continuing, "This was the only place where Florent stopped that wasn't a rest area." "Then it might be a good place to check out," May responded, "Thanks, Fitz. I'm gonna let Shining Armor know." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~ "Ouch," Sunburst commented after noticing Gia knocking Jake out. Walking over to them, Sunburst told Gia, "Hey, if you want someone to train with, I am looking for a sparring partner." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Lumiose City, France - Rebel Base~ After the rebels evacuated the base, the area was stormed by Cybermen and Stormtroopers, led by Captain Phasma and an Inquisitor, Jadeite, as they were looking for any survivors... Spoiler: BGM As the Stormtroopers and Cybermen spread out, Jadeite and Captain Phasma looked around to see if there was any sign of life. "No vehicles... they seem to have made a full retreat," Phasma told Jadeite. However, upon noticing someone hiding behind a pillar, Jadeite pointed at him as he cried, "There! I want him alive!" The man hiding behind the pillar then started firing at the Stormtroopers and Cybermen with his blaster, managing to kill one Stormtrooper. However, after the Stormtroopers switched their blasters to stun mode, one of them was able to stun the man, causing him to collapse. Walking over to the man, Phasma and Jadeite watched as the weakened man slowly started opening his eyes after getting stunned. Dropping his right foot on the man's chest while pushing hard, Jadeite told the man, "Here's the deal. You tell us where the Rebels have escaped, and we might let you live." "Ugh... I'd rather die... then give up the location of my friends to you monsters! Long live the Rebel Alliance... long live Ratonhnhaké:ton!" the man defiantly replied as he spit on Jadeite's leg. "Hmph... Captain Phasma... give the man what he wishes," Jadeite ordered Phasma as he walked away. Nodding, Phasma took out her small blaster, pointed it at the man's forehead, and pulled the trigger, killing him. "I want this entire city searched!" Jadeite ordered the Stormtroopers and Cybermen, "Anyone associated with the Rebels or sympathetic to them should be killed on sight!" "It will be done, my lord," Captain Phasma responded. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery - Korrina's Room~ As both Korrina and her Lucario were kneeling down, meditating with their eyes closed, the two felt Lydia arrive... "You called for me?" Lydia asked Korrina as she opened the door. "I did," Korrina replied as she opened her eyes looking at the light snow outside before turning her attention to Lydia, "We might be having some Rebels joining us soon. Could you go outside and make sure they find their way here before they get into trouble with any Stormtroopers or Cybermen outside?" "Of course," Lydia said as she bowed down and left to go outside. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Arendelle - Dining Hall~ "If you'll excuse me, there's something I need to take care of," Saphir said as he finished eating and got up from his seat. "No problem. Take all the time you need," Hans replied as Saphir left. As he arrived to the hallway, Saphir noticed Olaf lying against the wall as he was whistling... "Olaf," Saphir called out to the snowman as he approached him. "Hmm, Saphir?" Olaf wondered out loud after he was surprised to see Saphir, "What are you doing here?" "Just thought I'd swing by seeing as I wasn't too busy," Saphir responded, "Listen, could you do me a favor?" "Umm, sure... what is it?" Olaf asked. Kneeling down, Saphir began whispering something to Olaf. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~India - Labor Camp: Inside Armored Transport~ Jyn, along with other prisoners, were being transported across the labor camp inside a heavily armed vehicle. Jyn sat silently as she stared at the other prisoners in the vehicle, at her handcuffs that were chained to her seat, and at the two Stormtroopers who were waiting to arrive. Suddenly, everyone inside felt the transport come to a halt. "What now?" one of the Stormtroopers wondered out loud. "I don’t know. Must be another pick up," the other Stormtrooper responded. "I thought we had everybody," the first Stormtrooper who spoke commented. Just then, the hatch to the transport burst open, and in came three Rebels as they shot the two Stormtroopers dead. "All clear, sir," one of the Rebels announced. "Erso! Jyn Erso!" another Rebel called out. "Her," the third Rebel said, pointing to Jyn. "You want to get out of here?" one of the Rebels asked Jyn as he approached her, with Jyn simply replying with a nod. As a Rebel was uncuffing Jyn, one of the prisoners complained, "Hey! What about me?" But before any of the Rebels could reply, Jyn kicked the Rebel who freed her, then grabbed a nearby shovel, knocking out the other two Rebels as she ran towards the exit. However, once outside, she found another Rebel pointing his gun at her... "Do not resist," Clawhauser warned Jyn, "We're here to rescue you." But before Jyn could respond, she was zapped from behind by the droid, R2-D2, using his electroshock prod... Jyn fainted upon getting electrocuted by R2, with Clawhauser telling her, "Sorry about that. By the way, thanks, R2." R2-D2 replied with an electronic beep to indicate that it was no problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Forest~ Once the Stormtroopers were dealt with, Tuxedo Mask and the others now had to worry about how to deal with the five Cybermen in front of them. "What do we do?" Sailor Mini Moon wondered out loud. "Well, our attacks won't do anything, since their metal is too strong," Tuxedo Mask replied as he watched the Cybermen all point their blasters towards the group, "We're going to need a miracle at this point." "Stand back!" a voice called out to the group. "Huh? Who was that?" Sailor Mini Moon wondered out loud as she and Tuxedo Mask noticed a hooded individual jump from a tree and land in front of them... Spoiler: BGM "Is... is that?" Sailor Mini Moon wondered out loud wondering if that was really who she thought it was. "It is..." a surprised Tuxedo Mask responded, "It's Ratonhnhaké:ton... the leader of the Rebel Alliance himself!" Taking out a couple of small metal orbs from his pocket, Ratonhnhaké:ton threw them towards the Cybermen. The orbs were in fact sonic stabilizers, and once they landed near the Cybermen, their strong Vibranium metal was temporarily disabled, giving the group very little time to defeat them before the effects of the sonic stabilizers wore off. "Now is your chance to attack! Do it, before the effect of the stabilizers wears off!" Ratonhnhaké:ton told the others as he grabbed a blaster belonging to a dead Stormtrooper and shot one of the Cybermen, destroying it as it collapsed. "Right!" both Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Mini Moon responded as Tuxedo Mask sent a sharp rose towards one Cyberman, while Sailor Mini Moon sent her tiara flying towards another Cyberman, with both Cybermen defeated and collapsing. "Alright!" Sailor Mini Moon cheered as she caught her tiara and put it back on. Now, there were two more Cybermen remaining, with Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Mini Moon expecting Sailor Moon and the masked person to deal with them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Irkutsk, Russia - Power Plant~ Spoiler: BGM Boss Battle: Guard Scorpion View attachment 49456 As Finn summoned his Keyblade and Nikolai took out his rifle, the Guard Scorpion scanned Finn and Nikolai before raising its tail, trying to hit Finn and Nikolai with it. But the two dodged out of the way as the Guard Scorpion kept swinging its tail around. As it focused on Finn, the Guard Scorpion started firing at him, with Finn preventing himself from getting hit by using the Barrier ability of his Keyblade, surrounding himself with a spherical shield of light. As for Nikolai, he started to fire at the Guard Scorpion with his rifle. However, the Guard Scorpion retaliated by using its Tail Laser attack, which Nikolai barely avoided as he jumped out of the way. But with the Guard Scorpion now focused on Nikolai, it stopped firing on Finn, who now was able to attack the machine. "Hey, big guy... how do you like this?!" Finn mocked the Guard Scorpion as he jumped towards it and attacked with a Thunder Surge attack. The electric damage from the Thunder Surge attack damaged some of the Guard Scorpion's circuits, with its weak point now visible. However, it was still standing, and still deadly. "There's the weak point, over there!" Finn told Nikolai, pointing to it with his Keyblade. "Then I'll shoot at it," Nikolai responded, "Cover for me." Nodding, Finn waved to the Guard Scorpion to get its attention. The Guard Scorpion responded by swinging its tail at Finn, who blocked the incoming attack with his Keyblade. As Finn continued blocking and dodging the Guard Scorpion's tail attacks, Nikolai focused on getting a perfect aim at the machine's weak spot. "Almost... hah!" Nikolai said to himself as he pulled the trigger on his rifle, and was able to hit the weak point, destroying the Guard Scorpion for good as it collapsed. "Hmm, not bad," Finn commented as he and Nikolai returned to the reactor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Nintendo High School: Cafeteria~ "Man, Diana sure does know how to get on my nerves!" Akko angrily commented as she was eating her lunch. "You know, if you really like Shiny Chariot so much, you should ask that TA... Miss Ursula, about her," Lotte told Akko. "Huh? How come?" Akko asked. "Well, you said that Chariot was a student here many years ago, right?" Lotte replied with a question. "Yeah..." Akko answered, not sure where this was going. "Well, from what we heard, Miss Ursula also used to be a student here," Sucy said, "And since she's around the same age as Chariot..." "Of course! She and Chariot must've been classmates!" Akko excitedly replied, "Maybe she might know where Chariot is right now. But... I have no idea where Ursula is at the moment." "Well, you're just in luck," Lotte replied as she pointed to the other side of the cafeteria, "There she is talking with Amanda and her friends." "You're right!" Akko said after noticing Ursula, heading off to talk to her, "I'll be right back!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School: Cafeteria (Again)~ "And you're sure that's where you left it?" Amanda whispered to Ursula as Constanze listened intently while Jasminka kept eating a bag of chips. "I'm positive," Ursula replied, "I know it's been years, but I am sure that's where you'll find it. As I said, I can even go with you." "Okay then," Amanda said, "The three of us will meet you and your guest after school." "Understood," Ursula replied. "Hi there, Miss Ursula!" Akko greeted Ursula right behind her, surprising Ursula as well as Amanda, Jasminka, and Constanze... "Oh, uh... hey there..." Ursula replied, "Akko was it, right?" "Yeah," Akko answered, "I have to know... is it true you knew Shiny Chariot when you came to school here?" "Uhhh... I'd love to answer that question, Akko... but I am in the middle of something right now. Maybe some other time," Ursula nervously replied while sweatdropping. "Okay, then I'll swing by your office after school to ask. See ya!" Akko said as she left. "No, no, wait!" Ursula pleaded, but it was too late, as Akko had already left. "Man, you sure are in a pickle now," Amanda told Ursula as she crossed her arms. "Yeah..." Ursula replied as she looked at Amanda and her friends, "But don't worry. I won't forget to meet with you after school." "Cool," Amanda said, "Best of luck trying to sort out your scheduling conflicts..." "Yeah, thanks..." Ursula thanked Amanda as she slowly walked away. 'I wonder... why is Akko so interested in Shiny Chariot...' Ursula thought to herself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ Arriving alone to the rebel hideout, Thor looked around before noticing a familiar face approach him to welcome him to the hideout... "Thor," Adewale greeted him as the two shared a hug, "Good to see you." "Adewale, good to see you as well," Thor responded, "I assume Surge is here as well?" "He certainly is," Adewale answered, "Odin's not with you?" "No. It's just me," Thor responded, "Loki had to register to be a Stormtrooper, and I feel like I alone should be the one to bring him back." "Then we both have similar goals," Adewale said, "Aveline too was forced to register as a Stormtrooper." "Then I hope we both succeed in bringing our family back home to where they belong," Thor replied. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: The following segments involve characters belonging to @FancyStache , which was possible after getting his permission to do so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Ocean - Glomgold's Ship~ Before Hack, Slash, or Gabby could even respond, an alarm sounded, and Donald, Hack, Slash, and Gabby rejoined Glomgold and the Taco Bell Dog as they were watching security footage from around the ship... "We've got intruders!" the Taco Bell Dog announced. Everyone then watched as the security footage showed Scrooge waiting by a door in the ship, tapping his foot... "Scrooge?! What is he doing here?" Donald wondered out loud. "Strange weather patterns in a mysterious location near treasure... Haha! I knew he couldn't resist!" Glomgold commented, "Hack, triangulate their sub's course! We'll tail Scrooge and steal the treasure out from under him!" As Hack was doing as Glomgold asked of him, the security footage showed Huey, Dewey, and Louie running out from the door next to Scrooge, revealed to have been a bathroom... "The boys?!" Donald cried, "When I get my hand on you... I'm gonna kill him!" "Ooh, better idea!" Glomgold replied as he patted Donald on the back, "Nab the treasure and kill them all! Somebody's angling for employee of the month!" As Glomgold and the Taco Bell Dog laughed maniacally, Donald had a very worried look on his face. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Corleone Household~ "I'm sure we can figure something out," Mileena commented after Ezio and Vito were discussing the tougher security for food shipments, "We can target those from a company we haven't targeted yet." "I agree," Ezio concurred. "Very well," Vito said, "Then I trust you two can take care of it." "Yes," both Ezio and Mileena responded together.