~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ As Connor arrived to a hallway, the Rebel leader noticed Katniss's Pikachu, Haymitch, run up to him… “Pikapi!” Haymitch happily cried as he jumped up to Connor. “Haymitch, always good to see you,” Connor said as he caught Haymitch in his arms, patting the Pikachu. “Pikachu,” Haymitch happily said. “Welcome back,” a familiar voice greeted Connor. Looking to see who greeted him, Connor saw that it was Katniss, who was lying against a wall… “Katniss,” Connor greeted Katniss as Haymitch climbed up Connor's shoulder. Approaching each other, Katniss and Connor hugged and shared a kiss. “I heard you brought in some new Rebels,” Katniss said. “That is correct,” Connor replied, “Three of them are students from Nintendo High.” “That’s good,” Katniss commented, “We had some new arrivals who came on their own as well, some of them from Nintendo High as well. Anyway, with all these new guys, you wanna go ahead and announce your plan to the Rebels.” “I should,” Connor concurred, “Let me go see Surge first.” “Right,” Katniss replied as Connor walked away. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~ As Darien was busy conversing with Nick and Hiro, learning what the other have been doing since they last saw each other, Marco approached Darien from behind, tapping on him on his shoulder... "Oh, Marco," Darien greeted Marco as he turned around to look at him, "Is something wrong?" "Not really. Just wanted to tell you something in private," Marco replied. "Uhh sure," Darien said as he turned to face Hiro, Nick, and Baymax, "Excuse me for one sec." "Of course," Fury replied as Darien got up and started walking with Marco. "So, what did you wanna talk about?" Darien asked Marco. "It's just... it took me a while to recognize you from those New World Order notices on who's wanted," Marco replied, "You're Tuxedo Mask, aren't you?" Smiling, Darien answered, "The one and only." "So it was you, on that day when Star lost control of herself and became a butterfly monster in Nintendo High," Marco said, "I just wanted to say thanks, to you, and Sailor Moon... whoever she is, for helping save Star." Smiling, Darien replied, "Don't mention it. And I'll be sure to pass along your thanks to Sailor Moon, should I ever see her." Smiling as well, Marco simply nodded as he walked away to rejoin Star, while Darien went back to rejoin Hiro, Nick, and Baymax. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~ "Oh, Hotaru," Bonnie greeted Hotaru after noticing her shyly approach just after Rini left, "Are you looking for Rini? 'Cause you just missed her. No idea where she is right now, but she couldn't have gone too far." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x3)~ As she rejoined Mewtwo and brought him to an empty room, Rini looked around to make sure no one else was around, commenting, “Good, the coast is clear.” “I have to say, I never expected to meet you again like this,” Mewtwo said. “Me neither,” Rini replied, “But we got into some trouble with Stormtroopers and Cybermen on the road, so Connor had to save us.” “I see,” Mewtwo commented, “So what is it that you wished to discuss with me?” “Well, something happened,” Rini replied, “And I think I may have found out who my mom is in the present.” “What?” Mewtwo questioned, “Are you sure?” Nodding, Rini responded, “The one thing I knew about my mom in this time was that she was Sailor Moon. I found out who Sailor Moon was today, and it was Serena, the girl I've been living with all this time. She might actually be my mom!” As Mewtwo listened to what Rini said, he asked, “Can you be certain that it is her?” “There is one thing I can do to find out,” Rini replied, “Then I'll know for sure.” “Very well,” Mewtwo said, “However, if this Serena is your mother, then who might your father be?” “Don't know,” Rini replied, “For all I know, he could be someone I've met by now, just like Serena. By the way… what was all that about, between you and Darien?” “When I was with the Crystal Order, Tuxedo Mask and I crossed paths with one another in Osaka, and battled each other,” Mewtwo answered, “Obviously, I now know that I was on the wrong side then.” “Oh, okay,” Rini said, “I was just curious.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Scotland- Old Forge~ "I hope so too," Fergus replied as Kimberly got up, "I wish ye the best of luck." Once Kimberly left with Harold, Fergus placed some money on the table, enough to cover what Kimberly ordered as well as tips. Fergus then got up and left the Old Forge, while looking at the documents Harold provided him, wanting them sent to someone in the Rebel Alliance who will be able to properly analyze the contents and find a way to defeat the Cybermen once and for all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Chicago, Illinois - Highway~ After cutting Cassie's arm off, Lance immediately drove back to the highway, glancing every now and then at Cassie to make sure she was alright, seeing that she was panting, with what remained of her stone arm (and the Obelisk) placed at the backseat, while Cassie's clothes were stained with her own blood. "Don't worry, we'll be at the hospital in no time," Lance assured Cassie. But just as he turned his attention back to the road, his heart sank as he noticed the Inquisitor he fought earlier, Carl Creel, standing in the middle of the road... As Lance slammed the breaks on the vehicle, Creel quickly knelt and placed his hand on the road, absorbing the asphalt and changing his body accordingly. This caused the vehicle that Lance was driving to crash hard into Creel and get overturned, while Creel was completely unharmed and still where he was. Once Creel noticed the vehicle finally stop turning, and was now upside-down, he walked towards it as his body returned to normal. Slowly opening his eyes, Lance, bleeding a bit in his mouth after the crash, looked around and gasped upon noticing Cassie, who was now deceased with her eyes wide open. 'No...' Lance thought to himself, disappointed he couldn't keep her safe. But as he noticed Creel approaching the vehicle, Lance quickly turned his head around and closed his eyes, pretending to be dead. As for Creel, he found the remains of Cassie's stoned arm on the ground near the vehicle, with the Obelisk located at the grip of the hand. Not wanting the same thing that happened to Cassie happen to him, Creel walked over to one of the vehicle's tires, touching and absorbing it so that his right hand can turn into the same synthetic rubber as the tire. And with that, Creel felt safe in grabbing the Obelisk with his rubber hand, which he did so without hesitation, taking it out of the stoned hand grip, and walking away as Lance was still inside the vehicle, trying to figure out what to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Southern Chicago, Illinois - Outside Abandoned Wal-Mart~ Once Shining Armor and the other Castelia City Rebels (barring May) returned to the Quinjet, Shining went to the cockpit and switched the plane to auto-pilot. “Get ready for take-off,” Shining Armor informed the others as the Quinjet slowly ascended before flying off to the sky while its cloaking was switched on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery~ Spoiler: BGM “Well, I don't find it surprising one bit actually,” Korrina replied to Naminé, “The ability to wield a Keyblade is actually passed on through a bloodline. So, if I had to guess, the two of you must share a grandparent who happened to be a Keyblade wielder, who passed on that ability to one of your parents, who then passed this ability to you. Now before you say ‘Oh, but we never saw our parent or grandparent wield a Keyblade before,’ the truth is, there are so many individuals out there who could be Keyblade wielders, but don't even know it! I mean, Kairi… had you not ended up in that battle you mentioned to Lydia, it is very possible you would have never learned about your ability to wield a Keyblade. Anyway, there is so much to learn about the Keyblade, and I can't go over all the details with just one discussion. But… should we get rid of the New World Order and have a period of calm, if you two want… you could stay here, and I would be more than happy to train you along with Lydia to become true Keyblade Masters. But the choice is yours alone.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Sky Over Japan - Constanze’s Airship~ Spoiler: BGM As Ursula leaned against the side of the airship, gazing at the starry sky above, she was joined by Akko, who had been wanting to talk to her all day… “Hey, Miss Ursula,” Akko greeted Ursula. “Oh, hey Akko,” Ursula responded, “Listen… I wanna apologize for getting you into this predicament. I should've said something in the cafeteria earlier today.” “Oh, don't worry about it,” Akko told Ursula, “Besides, it's not like I'll be missing much from school anyway, what with the boring lectures and stuff… uh, no offense Mr. Coulson.” “None taken,” Phil replied as he walked past by Akko and Ursula. Smiling, Ursula asked Akko, “Umm… remind me again, but what did you wanna talk about?” "I wanted to ask about Shiny Chariot," Akko replied, "You went to school with her at Nintendo High, didn't you?" Astonished by what Akko said, Ursula answered, "Well, yeah... we saw each other every so often in between classes. We weren't super close, but we were certainly on speaking terms. Her real name was actually Chariot du Nord. You know... she sort of reminds me of you." "Really?!" Akko excitedly questioned. As Ursula nodded in response, Akko asked, "Hey, Miss Ursula... do you know where Chariot is?" Shaking her head in response, Ursula replied, "I'm sorry. I haven't seen her in ten years." "Oh, I see..." Akko commented, a bit disappointed she was no closer to finding Shiny Chariot. "Akko... I'm curious, but why are you so interested in Chariot?" Ursula asked. "Well, because Chariot's my hero," Akko replied, "You see, when I was little, I was bullied a lot for being a witch. But Chariot made me realize that it's okay to be the witch that I am, that there was no shame in having my powers. She helped me get through so many tough times as a kid. Seeing her show live was one of the best nights of my life. I'd do anything to meet her in person." After hearing what Akko said, Ursula smiled as she said, "I'm sure you'll meet her one day." Smiling as well, Akko nodded in reply, saying "Yeah..." Looking out at the sky, Akko held out her hand, repeating something that Shiny Chariot always said, "May my heart be my guiding key." 'May my heart be my guiding key...' Ursula repeated in her mind, 'Huh... now that's a saying I haven't heard in a while.' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x4)~ Having noticed Rey watching them as they were talking with Connor, Rue and Ritchie (with Sparky on his shoulder) approached Rey, with Rue telling her, "Hey Rey. So, I see you noticed Ritchie and I talking with Connor. Told ya I knew the leader of the entire Rebellion." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to @FancyStache 's absence until October, the following segment will involve some of his characters (which I have permission to use till he gets back): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Atlantis~ As the treasure room where Scrooge and the others were in began to fill up with water, Dewey announced, "We gotta stop the water!" Hack, Slash, and Gabby tried whatever they could to block the holes where water was coming out of, such as covering the holes with the coins laying around, or even covering the holes with their own bodies. Donald, meanwhile, tried to use his magic to stop the water, summoning his staff, and casting Blizzard magic on the holes, covering them with ice. However, the pressure from the water trying to pour out was too much, with the ice breaking easily as water continued gushing out of the holes. "Oh, no," Donald commented as he looked at Scrooge with an angry look on his face, "I knew it! I knew I couldn't trust you with the boys!" "Not the time, Donald," Scrooge replied as he climbed the pedestal that contained the red diamond that Glomgold snatched earlier, trying to think of a way to get out. "Crazy old man!" Donald scolded Scrooge, "All you care about is your next adventure. This is the Spear of Selene all over again!" "I was not responsible for the Spear of Selene!" Scrooge angrily retorted. "Stop!" Dewey cried as he was on top of a treasure chest floating around in the water, trying to get Donald and scrooge to stop fighting, "Scrooge was trying to keep me out of trouble, but I was so caught up in... why is there a lamp on the floor?" "What?" Donald wondered out loud as he looked up, noticing a pedestal on top similar to the one Scrooge was standing on, and just like the one Scrooge was on, the pedestal on top contained a diamond attached to it (only it was blue instead of red, and was glowing). "Atlantis is upside down," Dewey explained, "That means that lamp was supposed to be on the floor surrounded by all this treasure." "Attaboy, lad. Keep going," Scrooge commended Dewey, proud of his thinking. "But why would you surround that thing with treasure?" Dewey questioned, "Unless..." "That's the real Jewel of Atlantis!" both Dewey and Scrooge exclaimed as Scrooge jumped into the water and held on to the treasure chest Dewey was on. "I noticed that blue diamond lit up when the trap was sprung," Scrooge commented, "I bet my bottom Gil it's the power source that runs the city!" "Guys, you gotta let the room flood so I can grab the diamond," Dewey told the others in the room. "Are you crazy?" Hack questioned Dewey. "You expect us to trust you?" Donald asked Dewey. "Well, yeah, that's kind of all you can do," Dewey replied, "This is a surprisingly insightful death trap!" Looking at each other, Donald, Gabby, Hack, and Slash all silently nodded to each other, agreeing to let the room flood like Dewey asked. And as the room flooded even more, Donald and the others swam towards the treasure chest where Dewey was, joining Scrooge as they all held on to it, floating to the top of the room. Once they reached the diamond, Dewey and the others all grabbed on to the diamond, trying hard to pull it out, even as the water completely filled the room. Eventually, they were finally able to pull out the diamond from its pedestal, causing the water in the room to be entirely flushed out, allowing the group to breathe again. Meanwhile, as Donald was lying on the floor, panting, he noticed a door open, allowing them to exit. "Hey! We're gonna be okay!" Donald exclaimed.
~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ As Darien walked around, watching as Rebels interacted with one another, his heart sank upon noticing three familiar individuals… “Nick? Hiro? Baymax?” Darien wondered out loud as he approached them, having not seen them since the day he was wounded, “Guys, you're okay!” While Fury and Hiro were surprised to see Darien, Baymax greeted him, “Greetings Darien. It is good to see you once again, and in good health.” “Wow… you actually made it, I'm impressed,” Hiro added. “Gotta say, after not hearing from you for a while, we assumed the worst,” Nick said as he patted Darien on his shoulder, “But I'm so damn proud you're safe.” Smiling, Darien replied, “Thanks. But, umm… where are Skye and the others.” “Don't worry, they’re alright,” Hiro answered. “They’re dealing with Rebel business in North America,” Fury added. “I see,” Darien replied, “Umm… we gotta catch up. I have to know, where were you all this time?” “We can certainly have a chat about that,” Nick said, “As long as you tell us where you were too.” Nodding, Darien replied, “Of course.” Darien and the others then discussed what happened with each other since the day they separated, and how they ended up in the Rebel hideout. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Chicago, Illinois - Highway~ After hotwiring one of the vehicles belonging to one of the Chicago Rebels, Lance immediately took off with the vehicle to get to a nearby hospital while Cassie sat next to him. But as she was breathing heavily, she was staring at the Obelisk stuck in her stone hand grip, watching as her arm slowly turned to stone. Grabbing Lance's shirt with her non-stoned hand, Cassie said, "Cut it off." "What?! N-no!" Lance replied, "We'll get you to a hospital. They'll fix this." "This damn Obelisk is killing me. I can feel it," Cassie said as she grabbed her pocket knife, handing it to Hunter, "I need you to cut it off, or I won't make it to the hospital. It's no big deal. You've seen what they can do with robotics these days." Taking Cassie's pocket knife with his right hand while continuing to steer the vehicle's wheel with his left hand, Hunter replied, "Uh, probably be an upgrade." "I don't want to die," Cassie said. "Okay..." Lance said as he nodded his head and drove towards the side of the highway, putting the vehicle to a complete stop as he looked at Cassie's arm, taking a deep breath as he was getting ready to cut it off. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Southern Chicago, Illinois - Outside Abandoned Wal-Mart~ “So… now what?” Skye questioned as she and the other Rebels exited the abandoned store. “We'll be flying back to Castelia City,” Shining Armor replied, “Meanwhile, I advise the local Chicago rebels to go back to their hideout so that the Rebels maintain a presence in the city.” “And, I'll follow Hunter,” May added while she was hotwiring the motorcycle used by Cassie, “He and Cage can't have gone too far.” “Alright, sounds like a plan,” Mack said. Once May hotwired the motorcycle, she got on it, telling the other Rebels, “Good luck.” “You too,” Shining Armor replied as May speed off, “Alright, Castelia City Rebels… back to the Quinjet.” “Aye aye,” Jesse, James, and Meowth all said as they gave a salute and headed to the Quinjet while being followed by Skye and Mack. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~ Noticing Ratonhnhaké:ton walking in the distance, Thor told Luna, "That's... that's him. That's Ratonhnhaké:ton, the Rebel leader himself!" "It certainly is," Luna replied, "But truth be told, he is someone you knew from Nintendo High." "He's a student?!" a surprised Thor wondered out loud. Nodding, Luna said, "While he now goes by the name of Ratonhnhaké:ton, his real name is Connor. Connor Kenway." "Did you say... Connor Kenway?!" Thor questioned, remembering what Connor's own father, Haytham, did to Thor's father, Odin, during the Iraq War, forcing him to walk with a cane, something that put Thor and Connor at odds with each other during their time in school, "Luna... do you realize who his father is?!" "She does. We all do," Adewale said, approaching Thor and Luna... "As a matter of fact, Surge was very resistant to allying himself with the son of Haytham Kenway," Adewale continued, "But... Connor proved himself to Surge... and myself. He is not his father. Not at all. I know you still harbor anger inside you for what happened to your father, but I ask you to please give Connor a chance, just like Surge and I both did. And if you still have concerns about him, then just look all over the world, and all the Rebels there are standing up to the New World Order. Connor is the one responsible for inspiring them." Sighing, Thor nodded as he said, "I'll... try." "Thank you, Thor," Adewale thanked Thor, patting him on his shoulder. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Sky Over Japan - Constanze’s Airship~ Once Constanze turned on the cloaking for the airship, preventing it from being detected by the New World Order, Amanda told Ursula, “Well, at this rate, I think we should be in Kyoto by tomorrow.” “That's great,” Ursula replied. Nodding, Amanda added, “And once we're there, we should have no trouble locating the S-” “THERE YOU ARE!” a loud voice interrupted Amanda. ‘Oh no…’ Amanda thought to herself, ‘I bet I know who that is…’ Turning around, she noticed Phil and Jasminka were joined by the four prisoners, no longer tied up (and in Diana's case, no longer having a masking tape covering her mouth)... “You freed them?!” Amanda questioned Phil. “After that crazy flying earlier, I had to make sure they were okay,” Phil responded. “I demand you land this ship and let me go!” Diana ordered Amanda. Sighing, Amanda responded, “Sorry. Not gonna happen. We're going to Kyoto, and whether you like it or not, you're stuck with us.” “Grr… okay fine. Drop me off in Kyoto then,” Diana said. “Not gonna do that either,” Amanda responded, much to the annoyance of Diana, “We're Rebels. We're not gonna risk having a New World Order loyalist like you go scot-free and tell everything you know about us to the New World Order.” “You… lowlife Rebel scum! I can't wait for the New World Order to deal with you!” Diana yelled. As Diana continued with her tantrum, Amanda sighed and facepalmed, telling Jasminka, “Jasminka, please take her away.” “What the- let go of me! I demand you let go of me!” Diana demanded as Jasminka grabbed her and took her below deck. As for Akko, Lotte, and Sucy, Amanda approached the three, asking them, “Okay, any of you like to join Diana? Or are you okay sticking with Rebels from now on?” “Oh, I think we're good,” Lotte nervously replied. “Y-Yeah, what she said,” Akko nervously concurred. “Hey, if you come across any TIE fighters again, do you mind if I try shooting them?” Sucy asked with a grin, “It looked like so much fun.” “Hehe, I like you,” Amanda replied, “Alright you three. Welcome to the Rebel Alliance.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Scotland- Old Forge~ “Aye, I hope so too,” Fergus replied to Kimberly, “I have a very good feeling that these documents that ye an' Harold acquired will provide a big help in the fight against the New World Order.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~ While he was lying on a bench, snoring after having fainted earlier, Sammy slowly started to open his eyes, noticing Riley watching over him... "Woah!" Sammy cried, startled as he quickly got up, realizing Riley was sitting next to him, and noticed her starting to giggle, "Give me a break, Riley." "Sammy you lazy bum. I figured you'd act the same way here as you do back home," Riley teased Sammy as she crossed her arms. Spoiler: What's going on inside Rily's mind In the console room inside Riley's mind, Riley's emotions were looking at Sammy after he was startled by Riley. "Uhh... can anyone remind me why we're friends with him again?" Anger questioned. "With a scream that loud, I'm surprised anyone is his friend," Disgust added as she placed her pinky finger in her ear. "Well, isn't it obvious guys?" Joy asked the others, "Sammy and Riley share many common interests, like hockey!" "And getting startled pretty easily, a personal favorite of mine," Fear added. "And with Sammy around, Riley will now be a little less sad than usual after being forced to move... again," Joy said, "Right, Sadness?" "You got that right..." Sadness replied. "When you said you were going away for a bit, I didn't imagine you meant here," Sammy told Riley. "So... I guess this is a pleasant surprise for you, huh?" Riley asked. "Yeah, I guess it is, hehe," Sammy replied, "It's really great to see you again, Riley." "It's great to see you too," Riley said, "So... the boy and girl that brought you here said you fainted after seeing Ratonhnhaké:ton. Is it true?" "Uhhhhh...." Sammy replied as he sweatdropped, not knowing what to say to avoid embarrassing himself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x3)~ As Rini watched the other Sailor Scouts discuss something with Hermione, she sneaked away, wanting to discuss something with Mewtwo. But before she could go any further, she was surprised to see her good friend Bonnie (and her Dedenne on her shoulder) walk up to her... “Rini, it's so good to see you!” Bonnie happily said as she hugged Rini. “Deden!” Bonnie's Dedenne happily concurred. “Bonnie?!” Rini replied in surprise as she too hugged her as well, “You came here too?” “Yeah,” Bonnie answered, “Sorry I didn't tell you before I left, but Clemont said I had to keep it a secret.” “That's fine. I'm just so happy to see you right now,” Rini said, “Is Pipsqueak here too?” Shaking her head, Bonnie replied, “He's actually sailing the seas with Mr. Sparrow, helping any Rebels that need get somewhere across water.” “I see,” Rini commented, “So that just leaves Sweetie Belle, who's now alone in school without us.” “Yeah… my brother said that when the Rebels beat the New World Order, everything should go back to normal,” Bonnie said, “I sure hope that will be soon. I really wanna go back to how things were before.” "Me too, Bonnie,” Rini agreed, “Umm… could you excuse me for a bit?” “Sure,” Bonnie replied as Rini walked away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x4)~ "Lots of new faces today, I see," Rose commented as she and John Smith were busy moving boxes of supplies. "Yeah, and many of them familiar," John Smith replied. "Think the entire school would end up here?" Rose questioned. "Heh, I wish. But I highly doubt it," Smith replied. "John," John Smith's mother, Sarah Jane Smith, called out to him as she approached him... "Yes, Mother?" Smith replied. "There's a rather large table I need help moving," Sarah said. "Alright, I'm on it," John Smith replied as he followed his mother. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x5)~ As he walked across the Rebel hideout, greeting those who looked up to him, Connor was greeted by his close friends... "Connor, 'bout time man!" Dick greeted Connor. "So, you picked up some new Rebels?" Hiccup asked. "Yes," Connor replied, "One of them is Serena Tsukino." "Wait, you mean the same Serena from school?" Rue questioned. Nodding in response, Connor answered, "That is correct." "Hmm, then it looks like her group has been fully reunited," Ritchie commented. "Pika," Sparky concurred. "Indeed," Connor replied, deciding to keep Serena's identity as Sailor Moon to himself, "Where is Katniss?" "Down the hall to the left," Dick answered. "Thank you," Connor thanked Dick as he walked away. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery~ Spoiler: BGM Arriving with her Lucario and Lydia, Korrina looked at Kairi and Namine, commenting, "So, Lydia tells me you two are Keyblade wielders, but you don't seem to know much about the Keyblade. Heh, don't worry. Lydia here was in the same boat as you not too long ago. And I gotta say, it's a good thing you ended up here. Because, while the Tower of Mastery may seem like just another old building that only attracts history buffs, the truth is, the Tower of Mastery is one of many similar temples hidden throughout the world, having existed since the end of the Ancient Keyblade War centuries ago. But as you can see, the Tower of Mastery has received some upgrades over the years, making it seem not so old, hehe. Keyblade wielders young and old have come far and wide in search of these temples to train hard, take the Mark of Mastery exam, and become true Keyblade masters. I myself was trained in this very building by my grandfather, Luke Skywalker. After I became a Keyblade master, my grandfather retired, handing me his own Keyblade, and put me in charge of the place while he left to an area where he can keep a close eye on the tides of light and darkness. Anyway, I do apologize for asking... but what were your names again?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to @FancyStache 's absence until October, the following segment will involve some of his characters (which I have permission to use till he gets back): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Atlantis~ As Scrooge and Dewey reached an opening at the end of a dark hallway, they noticed a treasure room below, filled with many piles of money (much like Scrooge's money bin), and at the center was a pedestal with a large red diamond on top of it. The two then noticed as Glomgold and the Taco Bell Dog rushed towards the diamond... "Haha! There she is, the Jewel of Atlantis!" Glomgold exclaimed as he grabbed the diamond. "Lo hicimos! We did it!" the Taco bell Dog cheered as he and Glomgold both cackled with laughter. "Flintheart... I was wondering when you'd show up," Scrooge quietly said to himself. "Who?" Dewey asked Scrooge. "Flintheart Glomgold," Scrooge whispered in response, "The poor man's version of me, which, to be fair, still makes him insanely rich. Same goes for the Taco Bell Dog." "Load up the sub," Glomgold ordered Hack, Slash, and Gabby as they rejoined him (while Hack and Slash were dragging Donald on the floor)... "They've got Uncle Donald?!" Dewey exclaimed. "What?" Scrooge wondered out loud. Wanting to rescue Donald, Dewey jumped over the entrance and slid down a pile of money while Scrooge jumped into the money (something he normally does with in his money bin). "Let go of my uncle!" Dewey demanded as he revealed himself to Glomgold and the others. "No," Glomgold replied. "I wasn't prepared for that..." Dewey said. Just then, Scrooge popped out from under the coins and knocked down Glomgold by grabbing his foot with his cane. "What are you two doing here?" Scrooge questioned as he pointed his cane to the Taco Bell Dog. "What are you doing here, Scrooge?" an upset Donald questioned Scrooge as he got up, "I told you to keep the boys safe!" "Ah, they're perfectly fine," Scrooge replied. "Oh, yeah? Where are the other two?" Donald questioned. "Back safe in the room with the fire and the snakes," Scrooge answered. "What?!" Donald exclaimed. "Wait... now I remember you!" the Taco Bell Dog told Donald, "You were that duck that almost ruined my restaurant that day with your friend! You're Scrooge's nephew!" "Ah, Scroogy. I see you know my newest employee," Glomgold told Scrooge while he was still lying on the ground. Looking at Donald, Scrooge questioned, "Your new job is with my sworn enemy?!" "I can't keep track of all your sworn enemies!" Donald replied. "Now, now, Donald has been a model employee... and an excellent prisoner," Glomgold commented. "Yeah!" Donald concurred before realizing what Glomgold just said at the end, "Wait, what?" Suddenly, Hack and Slash surrounded Donald while Gabby pointed her blade towards him. "Hiring my own nephew in order to use him against me? Now, that is good planning," Scrooge commented as Glomgold got up, grabbed the diamond, and rejoined the Taco Bell Dog. However, looking at each other, Hack, Slash, and Gabby all gave each other a silent nod as they turned around to face Glomgold and the Taco Bell Dog, with Gabby now pointing their weapon at them instead, surprising Donald and Dewey. "You will let them go peacefully, Glomgold," Gabby ordered Glomgold. "Wait, wait, hold on a sec," Dewey said, "You guys aren't with Glomgold?" "The three of us were secretly supporting Scrooge," Hack replied. "We even made sure he knew about Atlantis so that he could reach the treasure before Glomgold," Slash added. "I even tried letting Donald in on our plan," Gabby added, "But every time I tried to tell him, he always dodged the topic!" "Uhh... hehe... sorry, it's just I thought you were going to do something bad if you found out I was Scrooge's nephew," Donald replied as he sweatdropped. Sighing, Gabby said, "Whatever." "Oh, Hack, Slash, Gabby... I'm truly disappointed," Glomgold told his three now former employees. "Still, on the bright side, now we won't have to share our riches with you anymore," the Taco Bell Dog added as Glomgold threw his cane towards a switch on the wall, activating something. "What was that?" Gabby wondered out loud. Grabbing his cane, Glomgold (while still holding on to the red diamond) and the Taco Bell Dog escaped the treasure room, with Glomgold telling Scrooge, "Have fun being the second richest duck in the world for the next five minutes! Hahaha!" Once Glomgold and the Taco Bell Dog were gone, the exit they used closed immediately, trapping Scrooge and the others in the treasure room, while water was released across the room, filling it up pretty quick. "I'd like to point out that this trap was not my fault," Dewey commented.
Drowned out by all the excitement over the new KH3 trailer, it has also been revealed that Kingdom Hearts: VR Experience will be arriving this winter for the Playstation VR for free! This immersive experience will allow fans to enjoy a 10 minute interactive video reliving memorable moments from the Kingdom Hearts series featuring the franchise's beautiful music. New content can be unlocked by playing through the experience. Check out the trailer below:
In preparation for TGS, Square-Enix revealed a new KH3 trailer today, giving us pir first look at the Big Hero 6 world! Check it out below:
Another convention appearance for 'Kingdom Hearts III' has been recently confirmed, with this one being at EGX 2018, taking place in Birmingham, UK from September 20-23 (10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursday/Sunday and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday/Saturday). Attendees can play the same two demos that appeared at other conventions, as well as take a picture while holding a Keyblade against the backdrop of Andy's room from Toy Story! Source
~Irkutsk, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon: Finn's Room~ “Thanks, Aerith,” Finn responded as he grabbed the teacup and took a sip. But as he drank his tea, Finn looked at the Keyblade lying to the wall next to his bed, the weapon that used to belong to his best friend, Kanan. Sighing, Finn grabbed the Keyblade and stared at it, saying, “Kanan… I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. Man, I really do miss you.” And as he closed his eyes, Finn shed a tear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Southern Chicago, Illinois - Abandoned Wal-Mart~ After Yang let out her rage, the Rebels were able to gain the upper hand in the battle, with May and the others defeating the Stormtroopers who had tried to ambush them, while others ran away in retreat. "Yeah, you better run!" Mack mocked the retreating Stormtroopers as Jessie and James returned their Pokemon back to their Pokeballs. But pretty soon, the Rebels heard Cassie's cries. "Is that... Cassie?" Shining Armor wondered out loud as he and the others rushed towards the direction of the cries... As they reached Lance and Cassie, they noticed Cassie crying in pain as her arm was slowly turning to stone with the Obelisk still in her grip. "What happened?" Skye questioned. "The bloody Obelisk was about to land on me and she grabbed it," Lance responded. "I can't let go! I can't let go!" Cassie cried. As James tried to reach for the Obelisk in Cassie's grip, hoping it'll possibly stop her from turning to stone, Cassie warned him, "Don't touch it! Just stay away!" "Okay, time to go. Help me get her up," Lance told the others, "Can you walk?" "I think so," Cassie replied to Lance. "Alright, let's head back to the Quinjet before the New World Order brings in more reinforcements. Maybe someone back in Castelia City might help," May said. "Help me up. I can follow," Cassie asked Lance. "Are you mental?" Hunter questioned Cage, surprised that she is willing to fly back to Castelia City while she was slowly turning to stone. "May's in charge," Cassie replied, "We have our orders." "Screw the orders! We need to get you to a doctor!" Lance retorted as he helped Cassie get up while putting her non-stoned arm around his shoulder. "Hunter..." Skye said, trying to prevent him from taking Cassie away. "No, no, go and fly back to Castelia City or wherever if that's what you want to do," Hunter told the others, "But I'm making sure she doesn't die by taking her to the nearest hospital. I wish you the best of luck, really, but we're out of here." As Lance helped Cassie walk towards the exit, Meowth commented, "Wow... he actually bailed on us!" "Well, that's what happens when we hire mercenaries like him," Jessie added as she crossed her arms. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Scotland - Old Forge~ “Well, I don't think they've gone too far by now,” Fergus told Kimberly, wondering where Lily and the others might be right now, “But I'm sure ye an' Harold can catch up ta them, if ye know where to look.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Sky Over Japan - Constanze’s Airship~ Spoiler: BGM Once Constanze's airship flew out of the airspace of The Capital, the four TIE fighters following the airship were finally close enough to attack. As Amanda and Ursula watched the TIE fighters approach the airship while Constanze continued piloting it, below deck, Phil and Jasminka manned both duo cannons, with Coulson in charge of the turret on the ship's right side, while Jasminka was manning the turret on the left side (eating popcorn as she was doing it). As for Akko and the other three prisoners, they were moved below deck as well, still tied up as they sat and watched Phil and Jasminka ready to battle. "Oh man... we might actually get killed," a worried Akko commented while Lotte was shaking in fear and Diana still couldn't say anything because of the masking tape over her mouth. "You're seriously worried?" Sucy asked Akko as she grinned, "This might be the most fun I've ever had in my entire life! If being a Rebel means constant danger like this, then count me in!" "Incoming!" Amanda announced. The four TIE fighters then began firing with their laser cannons, trying to land a hit, while Constanze tried maneuvering the airship left, right, up, and down, trying to avoid getting hit. Eventually, one of the TIE fighters was able to hit the stern of the airship, damaging it. "We're hit!" Ursula cried. "Contanze, give Phil and Jasminka an opening to attack!" Amanda ordered Constanze, who nodded in response and slowed the airship all of a sudden, causing the speeding TIE fighters to fly past the airship. Contanze then had the airship accelerate towards the TIE fighters while tilting slightly to the right to give Jasminka an opportunity to fire at the TIE fighter. "They're in my sight," Jasminka announced as she started firing towards the TIE fighters, hitting one and causing it to explode on flames. "Got one!" Jasminka announced. "Nice work," Phil congratulated Jasminka. The remaining three TIE fighters then regrouped, turning around to face the airship. But Jasminka was quick, firing her duo cannons once again, blasting another TIE fighter. "I got another one!" Jasminka announced as she continued eating her popcorn. However, the two remaining TIE fighters flew high above the airship before turning around to face it vertically. Noticing this, Amanda cried, "Constanze, watch out!" Constanze accelerated the airship just in time to avoid the cannon fire from above. Though now, things were back to where they started, with the TIE fighters now chasing the airship from behind while trying to shoot it down. Thinking of another way to gain an advantage over the TIE fighters, Constanze began to slowly descend the airship, and as expected, so did the TIE fighters behind. Noticing the TIE fighters doing exactly what she expected, Constanze slowed the airship while ascending it, with the TIE fighters quickly flying below it. With the TIE fighters now ahead of the airship, Constanze tilted the ship to the left, allowing Coulson to fire at them. "And... FIRE!" Coulson announced as he started firing his duo cannons towards the TIE fighters, managing to hit and destroy one of them. "Only one left," Phil commented, ready to finish off the last TIE fighter. The lone TIE fighter, however, made a left turn, and was now facing the airship as it raced towards it, firing at the hull. While the hull sustained some damage, Constanze quickly descended the airship while tilting it to the left, allowing Coulson to see the TIE fighter above the airship. "I got a clear shot!" Coulson announced as he fired at the last TIE fighter, destroying it once and for all, "Booyah!" As Amanda and Ursula watched the fiery TIE fighter fall all the way to the ground below, they both gave a sigh of relief, with Amanda saying, "Well, that was close." "Agreed," Ursula concurred. Meanwhile, below deck, Coulson and Jasminka both high-fived each other, while noticing that Akko, Lotte, and Diana all looked dizzy from all the air maneuvering Constanze had to do. Sucy, on the other hand, had a big smile on her face, having enjoyed all the crazy flying. "Well, looks like this is a flight these four will never forget," Coulson told Jasminka. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, New York - Stark Tower~ “Rhodey!” Stark greeted his old friend, shaking hands with him. “Tony,” Rhodey greeted Stark back, “Nice party you got here, man.” “Thanks,” Stark responded, “That means a lot coming from you. So, what have you been up to lately?” “Oh, you know, still stationed in Afghanistan,” Rhodey responded, “Only instead of cave-dwellers, now I'm dealing with Rebels. Some things never change, even with a new regime controlling Earth.” “Well, let's hope that one day you can finally come home and say ‘Mission Accomplished’,” Tony said as he held up his champagne glass, “To peace.” Nodding as he smiled, Rhodey also raised his champagne glass, repeating, “To peace.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ "That's so sweet!" Star commented as she saw Serena reunite with her friends, "All of Serena's friends are here." "I'm noticing many fellow Nintendo High students here," Marco commented before turning to Connor, "I'm guessing this is partially because of connections you had as a student as well?" "It was certainly a factor," Connor answered Marco. "Hotaru!" Rini cheered as she hugged the fellow Sailor Scout. As for Darein, while he was happy for Serena and Rini reuniting with their friends, he couldn't help but feel that they were particularly close. 'Wait... if Serena's Sailor Moon, then they... they couldn't be... could they?' Darien pondered to himself, as he counted the number of friends Serena had, then comparing it to the number of Sailor Scouts he knew of, 'Okay, so if I remove Serena and Rini, I end up with... son of a gun... they're the Sailor Scouts!' As Darien smiled after figuring out who the rest of the Sailor Scouts were, Connor asked him, "Is something the matter?" "Heh, no, not at all," Darien responded. He and Connor then noticed Sammy begin to regain his consciousness. "He's waking up!" Marco exclaimed. As Darien lowered Sammy to the ground while helping him stand up, Sammy said, "Ugh... my head... where... where are we?" "You are in the main rebel hideout in Japan," Connor answered Sammy, "I heard you hurt your head. I sure hope you are feeling better now." Sammy didn't say a word, but instead, gasped at the sight of the leader of the Rebel Alliance right in front of him, as he couldn't believe he actually met Ratonhnhaké:ton himself. "Hehe, yeah, I more or less had the same reaction myself," Marco told Sammy as he patted him on his shoulder. Sammy however, overcome with joy, fainted once again, with Darien catching him before he could fall to the floor while he and Connor both sweatdropped in response to what just happened. "I guess that was a bit too much for him," Star commented, "If it's alright with you, Marco and I can take him somewhere where he could rest." "Sure, I appreciate it," Darien replied. Star and Marco then carried Sammy together, trying to find a spot where he could relax. Meanwhile, as Darien turned around, he saw another former Crystal Order member in the distance that he recognized... "Discord?!" Darien wondered out loud as he watched Discord socialize with other Rebels. "I know, I know," Connor replied, "Just like Mewtwo, he too abandoned the Crystal Order months ago. Around the same time actually. And just like Mewtwo, he has my trust." Looking at Mewtwo, Darien and the Pokemon stared at each other for a bit before Darien told Connor, "Okay, fine. I won't discriminate against any more ex-Crystal Order members I come across in the Rebellion." Smiling, Connor said, "Thank you, Darien. Now, I must attend to other matters, so please, walk around, see if there is someone you know. Perhaps you can be reunited with someone just like Serena." "I'll... try," Darien responded as he shrugged, as he wasn't sure if he would even find anyone from his J.I.A. days in the Rebellion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to @FancyStache 's absence until October, the following segment will involve some of his characters (which I have permission to use till he gets back): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Atlantis~ As Donald remained lying on the ground, still out of breath after what had happened earlier, Glomgold and the others arrived, wanting to see where Donald was... "Why, this is no bathroom!" Glomgold exclaimed as he noticed Donald, who opened his eyes and noticed the group, "This shortcut leads right to the treasure chamber!" "Ha! Excelente!" the Taco Bell Dog cheered, "Nice work, Donald. Glomgold, I don't even know why you even hired these other three." "Me neither," Glomgold concurred as he turned to face Gabby, "Help him up!" Rolling her eyes, Gabby followed the group as she dragged Donald by his legs. "Ow. Ouch! Owie! Owie!" Donald said as his head was getting hit by rocks while Gabby dragged him.
View attachment 49844 While it's no surprise, it has been officially confirmed that 'Kingdom Hearts III' will be making an appearance at this year's Tokyo Game Show taking place from September 20-23. In addition to making an appearance, it has also been confirmed that the game will be part of the Square-Enix Presents livestream taking place during the event (just like in E3). Source
As hinted in recent interviews with Tetsuya Nomura, it has finally been confirmed that 'Classic Kingdom', the mini-game that has been teased for 'Kingdom Hearts III', will finally be making its appearance in 'Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross]' with the release of version 3.0.0 to commemorate the game's third anniversary. This update will be available in Japan on September 6th (no word on when the international version will be released). In addition to the arrival of the 'Classic Kingdom' mini-game, it has also been revealed that for a limited time, those who complete a certain high score with the mini-game in 'Union X [Cross]' will receive the Starlight Keyblade from the mobile game in 'Kingdom Hearts III'! Lastly, to commemorate this news, Tetsuya Nomura himself left a message for fans which you can check out below (rough translation / will provide a better translation once available): Source UPDATE 9/5: The Starlight promotion has been confirmed for the global version of the game in a Square Enix Twitch stream today! No date has been given, but it will be coming west soon! Players simply need to achieve a high score threshold to obtain the Keyblade; it isn't a competition like other events in the game.
~Atlantis~ As Huey, Louie, and Webby helped Launchpad up as he continued to show symptoms of his snake bites, Dewey followed Scrooge as he went through a corridor and ended up in a large room with a bridge right across from them, which had blue lasers shining on it. "Whoa!" Dewey said in awe, "Suspension bridge? Chasm? Glowing blue mystical lasers? Classic!" Meanwhile, way below the bridge and unbeknownst to Scrooge and Dewey, Donald entered the room, feeling upset that Scrooge was talking his nephews on a very dangerous adventure... "Wait till I get my hands on Scrooge," Donald angrily muttered to himself, finding about a dozen metal plates on the floor in front of him, all containing holes. As Dewey prepared to cross the bridge, Scrooge stopped him by dragging Dewey back with his cane, telling the young duck, "Even a basic death trap still has the word 'death' in the title." To demonstrate, Scrooge swung his cane through the lasers in front of him and Dewey, causing fire to burst from below through the bridge. What they didn't realize was that way below them, the fire erupted from one of the metal plates Donald noticed earlier, with the fire that erupted having burned Donald's tail a bit from behind, causing him to cry in pain, "Yow!" As he rubbed his tail feathers after they got burnt, Donald noticed Dewey and Scrooge on top, realizing that if they were to cross through the lasers, they would be incinerated. "Oh, no..." Donald muttered to himself. "We'll find another route. It's not safe for amateur adventurers," Scrooge told Dewey. "That sounds like a challenge!" Dewey responded. "I have to stress... that is not a challenge," Scrooge clarified. "That's exactly what you say to dissuade the weak of heart from accepting the challenge!" Dewey responded, "Well, challenge accepted!" "There's no challenge!" Scrooge exclaimed as Dewey jumped onto the bridge. "Dewey!" Donald cried as he noticed a nearby shield, grabbing it. And as the overconfident Dewey slowly crossed the bridge while dancing and singing to himself, passing through the lasers, Donald was using the shield he found earlier to prevent fire from bursting at every plate one-by-one that was under Dewey. Upon reaching the end, Dewey proclaimed, "Nailed it!" However, what Dewey didn't realize was that he had his left foot on the last laser, and because of that, Donald was struggling to keep the fire down from the last metal plate, trying not to think of how much longer he can hold it there. Grinning after seeing what Dewey did, Scrooge jumped and used his cane to swing on the line under the bridge, getting to the other side easily and quickly. "Sure, if you want to do it the easy way," Dewey commented as he crossed his arms. "Why wouldn't you want to do it the easy way?" Scrooge questioned Dewey, "You've got to work smarter, lad, not harder." "Ugh... 'lad,'" Dewey complained, hating that Scrooge kept calling him 'lad,' "I don't call you 'old man' or 'Scotty McTophat.'" "Respect your elder," Scrooge told Dewey, "When you adventure with Scrooge McDuck-" "But I'm not," Dewey interrupted Scrooge, "You want me to adventure behind Scrooge McDuck, or sit and wait while you navigate the sub! I might as well be in school right now!" "Because you have no idea what you're doing!" Scrooge retorted. "So show me!" Dewey demanded, "Give me a chance instead of lumping us all together in the back seat while you drive!" "I'm not lumping you all together," Scrooge replied. "Alright, fine," Dewey said as he walked off of the laser towards Scrooge. But just as that happened, Donald was no longer able to hold the fire from the metal plate, fainting from exhaustion as the fire burst upwards, destroying the bridge. As Webby, Huey, Louie, and Launchpad (who the three were helping to walk) arrived to the room, they noticed the bridge get destroyed, preventing them from being able to reach Dewey and Scrooge on the other side. "Ugh! Fantastic!" Scrooge complained to Dewey, "You see what I'm talking about?" Shifting his attention to Launchpad and the others, Scrooge yelled out, "You four find another way 'round! We're going to push onward." Scrooge and Dewey then started to slowly climb down, while Donald, opening his eyes a bit, noticed that the two were safe, breathing a sigh of relief as he closed his eyes once again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery~ After hearing what Kairi said, Lydia and Lucario looked at each other, both wondering the same thing. After pondering about it for a while, Lydia told Kairi, "Could you excuse us for a moment? Also could you go get your cousin and come back here?" Lydia and Lucario then left in a hurry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery - Korrina's Room~ Hearing a knock on the door, Korrina replied, "Come in." As the door opened, in came Lydia and Korrina's Lucario... "I apologize for intruding," Lydia told Korrina as she bowed, "But... there is something that you need to see." "Alright," Korrina replied as she turned to face Kai and Bellec, "Well, meeting adjourned." Once Korrina left the room with Lydia and Lucario. Pierre proceeded to exit the room as well as he told Kai, "I suppose I'll be looking for a room." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Scotland - Old Forge~ "Arendelle?" Fergus wondered out loud after Harold mentioned what was going on with the Inquisitor over there, "Aye, I have heard the stories. I do hope the Rebels there are alright." After hearing Harold describe Fergus as scary but having a heart of gold, Fergus responded, "Uhhh... I'll take that as a compliment." Once Harold left and Kimberly mentioned James and his family, Fergus replied, "So you were acquainted with them a bit. Yes, the Potters are safe, an' I've kept them hidden in this town ever since the Great Purge. They were actually naw trouble at all! As I mentioned ta Harold, they left earlier in the day, wanting to do what they can to help Rebels outside of Scotland. Anyway, I protected them not just because they were Rebels, but also as a favor to a friend of mine, Severus Snape. Ye see, Snape was a dear friend to Lily, James's wife. But sadly, he died while bringing the Potters to safety here when they were targeted during the Great Purge. Because of Snape's sacrifice, I have made it my duty ta protect any Rebels lookin' for refuge, whether they be from Scotland or outside of Scotland. We are all fighting for the same cause, and we all have to look out for each other... something that Ratonhnhaké:ton himself supports. Without sticking together, the Rebels will never win this war." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Sky Above The Capital - Constanze’s Airship~ “Woohoo! Yeah!” Amanda happily cheered as Constanze was flying her airship high above The Capital, “Next stop, Kyoto!” However, as the airship flew, Sucy noticed something in the distance following them. “Hate to rain on your parade, but it looks like we’ve got company,” Sucy told Amanda. “She’s right,” Ursula added as she was looking through binoculars, “We’ve got TIE fighters on our tail.” “What?!” Amanda cried Ursula gave her the binoculars, allowing Amanda to see a group of New World Order TIE fighters flying towards them, “Dammit! Looks like we’re gonna have a bumpy ride.” Turning to face Constanze, Amanda said, “Constanze, I need you to fly as far away from the city as you can before the TIE fighters catch up to us.” Nodding while giving a salute, Constanze focused on trying to delay the inevitable clash with the TIE fighters by flying the airship as fast as it could. “I also need two volunteers to man the duo cannons below deck,” Amanda announced. “I can do it,” Jasminka replied while eating a donut. “Count me in as well,” Phil added. “Perfect,” Amanda replied, “Now get yourselves ready!” As Jasminka and Phil nodded and went below deck, Diana was angry as she saw what was happening, wishing she could untie herself and call for help from the TIE fighters. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Southern Chicago, Illinois - Abandoned Wal-Mart~ As the Rebels continued battling the Stormtroopers, Lance still busy dodging attacks from Creel, while Cassie and Max were trying to deliver punches and kicks to the other, with both of them being able to masterfully block incoming attacks. Eventually, Creel was able to punch Lance in his chest so hard that when he fell to the floor, he slid all the way to where Max and Cassie were battling each other. As Max and Cassie were grappling against each other, Cassie noticed Lance slide next to her. "You okay?" Cassie questioned Lance as she was still grappling with Max. "Yeah... but blimey, that really hurt," Hunter replied. Pushing Cassie away, Max reached for the box on the floor. Cassie, however, quickly reached for it as well, with the two playing tug-of-war, trying to grab the box from the other. But the harder they both tried to grab the box from the other, the box eventually opened, and out of it came the Obelisk that both the New World Order and the Rebels were after, flying towards Lance. Remembering the intel she read on the Obelisk, and how touching it can turn someone into stone, Cassie's heart sank as she cried to Lance, "Look out!" Without a second thought, Cassie reached for the Obelisk and grabbed it before it could land on Hunter. Unfortunately, the effects of touching the Obelisk started to take place, with strange symbols glowing on the Obelisk as Cassie's hand turned to stone, causing her to cry out in pain. Max, Lance, and Carl Creel all watched in horror as they saw what was happening, with Creel retreating. "No no no no... why did you do that?!" Lance questioned Cassie as she fell to the floor, still crying in pain as her arm was slowly turning to stone, and the Obelisk remaining in the grip of her stone hand. Max silently watched, not knowing what to do, or if it was possible to save Cassie. So, he grabbed his Stormtrooper helmet, and made a run for it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Forest~ Once the group formed a circle, Mewtwo teleported the entire group to the Rebel headquarters, with the group arriving there within a blink of an eye... ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ "We're... here?" Darien wondered out loud. "Welcome... to the headquarter of the Rebel Alliance," Connor said, welcoming the group to the old military base used by the Rebels. Spoiler: BGM "Wow..." Rini commented as she looked around. The base was in an underground facility, where many individuals who escaped the New World Order were trying to make the most of their new life. "It is not much," Connor commented, "But it is the best we could do to avoid getting detected by the New World Order. This base that we stand on has been abandoned by the Japanese army since the end of the Vietnam War. Now... we use it to not only manage the operations of the Rebel Alliance worldwide, but to also provide refuge to those wishing to escape the New World Order. Come, this way." As Darien and the others followed Darien, they noticed an elderly woman sitting in the hallway crying upon noticing Connor, sobbing as she got up and approached him, saying, "You are an angel Connor! When the New World Order wanted to kill my son, I didn't know what to do! But the Rebels allowed my son to join them and provide me with a place to stay. Thank you so much. God bless you! God bless you!" "Please, do not cry," Connor replied to the woman, trying to comfort her, "I am only one man. The Rebel Alliance is more than just me. Do not worry. For as long as the Alliance is around, we will protect you. So please, do not cry." Without saying a word, the elderly woman wiped her tears as she hugged Connor, with Connor hugging her back. Once she relaxed and sat back down, Connor continued guiding Darien and the others, telling them, "That woman is just one of many who have experienced despair because of the New World Order. By giving them a place to stay away from the tyranny of the New World Order, it is my wish that hope is reinstilled in them, allowing them to believe that things will get better, despite all the suffering and terrible things happening around the world." "Wow Connor, that's really amazing of you," Star commented. "Yeah, it's no wonder you've been such a great leader of the Rebel Alliance," Marco added, with Darien and Rini both nodding, while Connor smiled and blushed in response. "Well, look what da cat dragged in," Lt. Surge, leader of the Rebels in Japan, said as he approached Connor while accompanied by his son and his Raichu... "Surge," Connor acknowledged Lt. Surge as the two laughed and gave each other a friendly hug. "Busy day today, huh?" Surge asked. "Indeed," Connor replied, "Anything to report?" "Yeah... some bad news unfortunately," Surge answered, "Rebels lost a battle in Congo. An' Rebels were completely driven out o' Lumiose City. An' I was jus' contacted by a guy in Arendelle, sayin' that him and his reindeer are all dat's left of da Rebels in Arendelle. I'm sorry." Sighing, Connor sorrowfully said, "We honor all those who died for freedom by continuing the fight. Thank you for letting me know." "It's not all bad news though," Lt. Surge replied, "Rebels blew up a power plant in Russia. We jus' got a new shipment of food supplies. An' Bogo of da Alaska Rebels apprehended dat Erso girl I discussed wit' ya some time ago." "Yes, I remember," Connor commented, "Hopefully she can help the Rebellion deal a powerful blow to the New World Order." Nodding, Lt. Surge, along with his son and Raichu left, with Darien asking, "Your job is pretty tough, huh?" "Hearing of losses in the Rebellion is never fun," Connor replied, "I only hope that the will to continue to fight against this tyranny never withers away. Anyway, please, follow me. Allow me to show you where many of those living here socialize." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Irkutsk, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon~ “Oww!” Cid cried after getting hit by his granddaughter, “What?! I’m jus’ tryin’ to make a living!” As for BB-8, the droid rolled towards Finn’s room… The droid noticed as Finn was just lying in his bed, looking depressed. Rolling back to Cid and the others, BB-8 electronically beeped to the others on how Finn seemed depressed. Sighing, Cid asked, “Anyone wanna get him somethin’ warm to drink. It might cheer him up.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Arendelle - Elsa's Room~ “Ahem… am I interrupting something?” a voice asked the three. Turning around, Olaf noticed Nephrite the butler, carrying a tray with a teapot and two teacups… “Oh, Nephrite. Didn’t see you there,” Olaf replied, “Didn’t know Anna and Elsa asked for tea.” “They didn't,” Nephrite responded as he placed the tray on a table and poured some tea into the teacups, “It was Saphir who asked me to bring them some tea. Good day.” Bowing to Anna and Elsa after preparing their tea, Nephrite took the tray and teapot away as he left the room. “Huh, that was awfully nice of Saphir,” Olaf commented. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Outside the Rebel Base~ Waiting outside, T’Challa and Nakia watched as Okoye, leader of the Rebels in Sub-Saharan Africa, and a few Rebels accompanying her, returned after a failed battle in Congo… “My king,” Okoye greeted T’Challa, bowing to him. “Okoye, how many times must I tell you. I am not a king. I am a Rebel, just like you,” T’Challa responded. “I apologize. Old habits die hard,” Okoye apologized. “I am sorry to hear the battle in Congo didn't go as we had hoped,” Nakia said as she and the others went back inside the Rebel base. “Those of us who have survived will live to fight another day,” Okoye replied, “I do not like making excuses for my failures… but in the battle, the enemy was led by a formidable Stormtrooper who didn’t wear a typical Stormtrooper helmet, but a traditional Wakandan mask. He must have been a Wakandan.” “Traitor…” Nakia commented after hearing of the Stormtrooper who appeared to be Wakandan. “That, and the enemy was assisted by three Inquisitors who sang, and turned most of the Rebels against each other,” Okoye added. “Tell me… how did you manage to escape?” T’Challa asked. “You won’t believe it,” Okoye replied, “When it seemed like we were overtaken, a Jigglypuff using a marker as a microphone came out of nowhere and sang, putting all of us to sleep. Luckily, we woke up before the enemy and escaped, while noticing that the Jigglypuff apparently scribbled on our faces with its marker.” “Huh… then we should be thankful for that Jigglypuff,” T’Challa said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~African Savannah - Xehanort’s Fortress~ After completing a mission in Nibelheim, New Mexico, Kylo Ren Solo returned to the fortress belonging to the Grand Inquisitor himself, Master Xehanort. Arriving to a throne room, Kylo Ren came face-to-face with Xehanort, who was seated in his throne… Spoiler: BGM Summoning his Keyblade, Kylo Ren thrust it into the ground, and knelt down, telling Master Xehanort, “My liege. I’ve returned from Nibelheim with good tidings. The Piece of Eden from the temple over there was finally recovered.” Taking out a golden orb from his pocket, Solo held it out to Xehanort, who got up from his throne and walked towards Solo, taking the Piece of Eden. “Excellent,” Master Xehanort commented, “You have done well, Solo.” “Thank you, my liege,” Kylo Ren replied, “The orb spoke of a temple on an island that contains clues to the place you are searching for.” “I will investigate this more,” Xehanort commented, “In the meantime, the New World Order has requested an Inquisitor presence in Russia. I will be sending you there to deal with the Rebellion.” “Of course, Master Xehanort,” Kylo Ren said, accepting his mission.
In an interview discussing rapper Eminem's new album Kamikaze, his producer, Illadaproducer, revealed something that caught many 'Kingdom Hearts' fans by surprise. It turns out that the song 'Good Day' contains a sample from a 'Kingdom Hearts' song. Check out the interview excerpt below: View attachment 49839 Having listened to the song myself, I wasn't able to recognize which song was sampled, but if I had to make a guess, it was probably 'Passion'. Thanks to @Heart ❤ for letting me know!
'Kingdom Hearts III' is making yet another convention appearance! This time, it'll be at Comic Con Stockholm in Sweden, taking place from September 14-16. The appearance will be accompanied by two demos (most likely the same two demos appearing at other conventions). Check out the confirmation for the game's appearance below:
View attachment 49836 Gameblog, a French video game website, recently posted an interview conducted with the Kingdom Hearts series director, Tetsuya Nomura, to discuss Kingdom Hearts III. While most of what's discussed has already been revealed, Nomura does reveal what his favorite world from the series is, and how that while KH3 is meant to be the end of the Xehanort saga, it isn't necessarily the the conclusion to the story of Sora and his friends. Check out the interview below:
~Outskirts of Upington, South Africa - The Kalahari Desert~ As Cassian Andor landed his U-Wing somewhere outside the town of Upington, he told Jyn, "Welcome to Upington. Now remember, we find Saw, we find your father." As Jyn and Cassian stepped out of the U-Wing, they saw two Helicarriers hovering above the town. "What’s with the Helicarriers?" Jyn asked. "It’s because of your old friend, Saw Gerrera, and his attacks," Cassian responded. "Then I suppose we better find him. Or at least get some information on his whereabouts," Jyn commented. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Atlantis~ As Scrooge and the others made their way through the underground temple, Dewey kicked a rock, which bounced off of a tiki mask on the wall and hit a trapdoor in the ceiling, which opened up and released snakes that fell right on top of Launchpad as the others ran away in fear. "Maybe Atlantis was an ambitious first outing," an exhausted Scrooge commented as cracked his back. Eventually, Launchpad rejoined the others, having been bitten by the snakes (evident by the swelling and numbness on the areas of his body where he was bitten). "Launchpad, are you okay?" Huey asked. "Ah, a little snake venom never..." Launchpad mumbled in response before dozing off, with Webby waking him up after tapping on his arm, "Hi, nice to meet you! I'm everybody's friend!" Launchpad then fainted on Huey, causing him to scream. Meanwhile... Elsewhere in the temple, Donald heard the echo of Huey's scream, and quickly told Glomgold and the others, "Um, I've got to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back!" Leaving the group, Donald followed the direction of the scream, hoping nothing bad happened to Huey, Dewey, or Louie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Arendelle - Elsa's Room~ "Hey, don't forget about me. After all, I do like warm hugs," Olaf told Anna and Elsa, joining them in a group hug, "There we go. Much better. And nothing, absolutely nothing, can ruin this moment for us." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, New York - Stark Tower~ As Tony was walking around, greeting guests at his party, he was approached by Aldrich Killian... "Tony Stark," Killian greeted Stark as he shook hands with him, "Been a while, hasn't it?" "Yeah, umm... who are you again?" Tony asked, unaware of who he was speaking to. "Aldrich Killian, founder and CEO of Advanced Idea Mechanics, or A.I.M. for short," Aldrich replied, "We met each other in Switzerland. Remember? New Year's Eve, 1999? There was a technical conference in Bern. You gave a lecture on integrated circuits despite being drunk. I wanted to discuss something with you, so you told me that you'd meet me at the building rooftop. Well, I was waiting for you, even thinking you were still going to show up by the time the fireworks went off and the year was 2000." "Hmm... sorry, doesn't ring a bell," Stark responded as he patted Aldrich on his shoulder as he walked away, "Good talk though." As Aldrich watched Tony walk away, he angrily said to himself silently, "Of course you don't remember..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Forest~ "Soooo... how is Mewtwo gonna teleport us?" Star wondered out loud. "Let us each hold hands," Connor suggested, "That way, Mewtwo will be able to teleport us all together." "Okay," Rini replied as she held Mewtwo's right paw. Connor then held Mewtwo's left paw, while also holding Marco's right hand. Marco in return held Star's right hand, while Darien (with the unconscious Sammy on one shoulder, and Luna on another shoulder) held Rini's right hand. Star and Darien then reached out to Serena to hold hands with her so that the group would then form a circle, with Darien telling her, "Let's do this, Serena." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Southern Chicago, Illinois - Abandoned Wal-Mart~ "Honestly, this is like trying to find a needle in a haystack," Mack commented as he and the other Rebels were searching through the shelves separating each aisle in the abandoned store. Meanwhile, as Lance and Cassie were searching in the pet aisle, Lance noticed a box on a shelf that seemed familiar. "Hmm, that doesn't look like dog food," Hunter commented as he and Cassie walked towards the box. As the two pulled it out of the shelf and placing it on the floor, Lance recognized the box as the same one Florent had a picture of. "This is it!" Lance commented. "Perfect!" Cassie replied as she turned to alert the other Rebels in the store, "Hey! We found it!" "Good. Now hand it over," a voice near Lance and Cassie demanded. Turning towards the direction of the voice, Lance and Cassie noticed a figure emerge from the shadows, who Lance quickly recognized... "Oh, we are so screwed," Hunter said, remembering what he saw Creel do earlier in Virginia. "Attack!" Creel yelled, and many Stormtroopers emerged from hiding, ambushing the Rebels... May and Skye used their pistols to shoot any Stormtroopers that were trying to attack them. Mack, using his trusty shotgun axe, attacked Stormtroopers with the ax portion of his weapon, while also shooting at those that were at a farther distance. Shining Armor used some of his unicorn magic to blast Stormtroopers trying to ambush him. Each taking out a Pokeball, Jessie and James both were going to summon a Pokemon to battle the Stormtroopers. "Arbok, come on out!" Jessie cried as she threw her Pokeball into the air. "You too, Weezing!" James followed as he too threw his Pokeball into the air, with Jessie's Arbok and James's Weezing coming out of their Pokeballs... "CHARBOK!" Arbok cried. "Weezingweez," Weezing added as the two charged towards incoming Stormtroopers, with Weezing hurling sludge towards the Stormtroopers while Arbok used a Poison Sting attack. As for Meowth, he too wanted in on the fun, so he rushed towards a Stormtrooper, and jumped towards his head, removing his helmet as he continually scratched the Stormtrooper's face with his claws, yelling, "This... is... for... the... boss!!!" Meanwhile, as for Lance and Cassie, the two were trying to avoid getting punched by Creel after he had absorbed a nearby steel shelf and changed his entire body to steel. As Lance pushed the box towards Cassie so that he can focus on trying to deal with beating Creel, Cassie grabbed it, and started running towards the other direction. But she soon stopped as she noticed a Stormtrooper point a blaster at her. As Cassie placed the box on the floor and got ready to fight, the Stormtrooper asked, "Cassie?" "That voice... I know it..." Cassie replied, knowing that she heard the voice before. But once she realized who the voice belonged to, Cassie said to herself, "No, it can't be... Max?" Lowering his blaster, the Stormtrooper removed his helmet, revealing himself to be none other than Max Goof, Cassie's old classmate from Nintendo High... As Cassie's heart sank after seeing that Max was a Stormtrooper, Max ordered Cassie, "Give me the box, Cassie. Let's not make this ugly." "A Stormtrooper... why Max?" Cassie questioned. "Because I support the New World Order," Max replied, "And I hate Rebel scum." "Max, listen to me. The New World Order is evil. They killed my parents during the Purge," Cassie said. "Well, I am sorry to hear that. Truly," Max replied, "But that doesn't change the fact that you're now associated with the bad guys." "Max... the Rebels aren't the bad guys. Trust me!" Cassie pleaded. "Tell that to Bulky's parents!" Max angrily retorted as his eyes teared up a bit. "Bulk? Bulk Biceps?" Cassie questioned, remembering how Bulk Biceps was part of their ROTC group, and how he would spend time with her and Max, "What happened?" "After he registered to be a Stormtrooper the same time I did, he was stationed in New Mexico while I was in Sri Lanka," Max responded, "But then, the Nibelheim incident... caused by your Rebel friends, happened. Bulk Biceps was found dead, impaled by a weapon. And I had to to deliver the news to his parents. You know what it's like trying to comfort a grieving mother who lost her son?" "Bulk... no..." Cassie sorrowfully said, trying to hold back her tears. "While I was always loyal to the New World Order... after the Nibelheim incident, I swore I would do whatever I can to end the evils of the Rebel Alliance," Max replied, "But regardless of being on opposing sides of a war, you were a close friend to me at Nintendo High. Which is why I am giving you only one chance to do as I say. Give me the box, and walk away." Wiping off tears from her eyes, Cassie got into a fighting position, telling Max, "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry too," Max replied as the two rushed towards each other, and started combating each other with their martial arts skills. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Constanze's Underground Hideout~ Phil and Ursula followed Amanda until they reached a large airship. "So... that's our way out?" Phil questioned. "Yup," Amanda replied, "Constanze has been working on it for a while, even before the Great Purge. And she finished it not too long ago." Amanda then lowered a ladder on the side of the airship, and climbed up to the ship along with Phil and Ursula, where the three found Constanze preparing the ship for takeoff while Akko, Sucy, Lotte, and Diana (with her mouth still covered by masking tape) were still tied up, all four sitting near the bow of the ship... "Where are you taking us?" Lotte asked. "Kyoto," Amanda responded, to which Diana raised her eyebrows upon hearing. "WHAAAT?!" Akko cried, "But what about school? And all our stuff from our dorm?!" "Don't worry about all your stuff," Amada replied, "Jasminka went to get 'em. She's good at breaking into dorms. As for school, well, sorry to disappoint you, but it doesn't look like we'll be going to school for a while." Diana gave a muffled scream in response, trying to vent her anger. "Hey, if you didn't wanna come along, then you shouldn't have stumbled upon this hideout," Amanda told Diana. "I'm back," Jazminka said as she too climbed up to the ship while eating a bag of chips... "Alright, looks like it's time to take off," Amanda commented. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School~ As Vidic and Stormtroopers were searching for Hermione and the others, they felt the ground shake. "What in the world?" Vidic wondered out loud, "An earthquake?" Two Stormtroopers then rushed towards Vidic, appearing to have news for him... "Sir, you might want to come outside," one of the Stormtroopers told the principal. Following them outside, Vidic joined Alan as they watched what looked like the street in front of the school opening up... Vidic and the others then watched as Constanze's airship emerged from underground, and slowly took off as it flew off into the sky. However, upon looking at the side of the ship, Vidic and Alan noticed the logo of the Rebel Alliance spray painted. "Rebels!" Vidic cried. "Don't worry. I'll make a quick call and have TIE fighters tail it," Alan responded. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Irkutsk, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon~ Returning to Cid's ship, the Millennium Falcon, Finn was greeted by BB-8 with an electronic beep, and by Cid, who said, "There you are. I saw the temporary blackout. Pretty neat what you did to that power plant. So... ya got paid?" "Yup," Finn replied, handing Cid the envelope Natasha gave him earlier at the local Rebel hideout. "Hehe, a thousand Gil. You know, if you keep doin' jobs for them Rebels and start charging higher rates, we'd be rich in no time!" Cid told Finn. "Yeah, yeah, yeah... whatever," Finn replied, sighing as he went to his room. As BB-8 electronically beeped to Cid, wondering what was wrong with Finn, Cid replied, "Eh, go easy on him. Poor guy hasn't been the same since New Mexico." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery~ Lucario and Lydia both gasped upon noticing Kairi's Keyblade, surprised to see a Keyblade wielder among the group that had just came. "A Keyblade?!" Lydia cried as she examined Kairi's Keybalde, "You say you had it a while... so I assume you've never known about the Keyblade before learning to acquire it?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery - Korrina's Room~ "Kai... Kai... Kai... yeah, I think I can remember that," Korrina said to herself. "Well, I agree with everything you said except for one thing," Bellec replied to Kai, "I am not escaping to some station in space. If you really did come to Earth from space recently, then consider yourselves lucky. If the New World Order notices Rebel activity in space, they will ask some foreign planets to assist in capturing any Rebels. I've faced Stormtroopers, Cybermen, S-types, and Inquisitors, but I am not ready to face Daleks or another alien race willing to do what the New World Order asks of them. No... if there is one place in mind, it's Scotland. The leader of a small town there is secretly the leader of the Scottish wing of the Rebel Alliance. I'm sure he would be more than willing to hide us from the New World Order." "Well, whatever you guys decide... I'm staying here," Korrina said, "I was put in charge of the Tower of Mastery by my grandfather, and I will defend it to the death." "Well, if that is what you wish, then I respect that decision," Bellec replied. Once Kai mentioned the Mario brothers, Korrina commented, "Mario... Luigi. Got it. Guess I don't have to call them Thing 1 and Thing 2 anymore." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Scotland - Old Forge~ "Well, either way, Harry Potter an' his family had just left earlier in the day, so ye just missed him," Fergus replied after Harold mentioned Harry. "Ah, you didn't have ta do that, since the place had mostly emptied out. But then again, better safe than sorry, especially in these days," Fergus said after Harold mentioned he cast a Notice-Me-Not spell. After Harold explained what he saw in London and showed Fergus the copied documents, Fergus said, "Aye... there were rumors within the Rebel Alliance that the Cybermen were bein' designed that way, at least after the Purge. But... unfortunately, this information already confirms much of what was known. An' it's not like this'll upset the public since, according to the New World Order, we are ruthless terrorists, an' deserve this kind of punishment. I remember hearing back in December, the Rebels captured a Cyberman after destroying it, an' did some analysis on the thing. They did find something, which, from what you told me, was the inhibitor. But, we never were able to figure out a way ta deactivate the inhibitors. So, for the entire time, we were only able ta rely on using sonic stabilizers ta weaken their metal, allowing them ta be attacked. I appreciate what you did Harold, an' I'll be sure to send this information to the higher-ups in the Alliance. But other that, I don't se- wait... what's this?" Looking through the copied documents, Fergus noticed something referred to as the Master Control Program, or MCP for short, and that (from what Fergus was able to understand from the documentation) the MCP was the thing controlling all the Cybermen around the world. "MCP... this is interesting," Fergus commented, "I'll send this over ta the main Rebel headquarters in Japan. I'm sure someone over there will understand the importance of this MCP and how to possibly deal with it."
After having a discussion with @NutheadBros , I've updated the rules in regards to reserving real life religious figures and OP characters
~Helicarrier - Sky Above the Kalahari Desert - South Africa~ After being summoned by Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, Director Orson Krennic had arrived with his ship on Tarkin's personal Helicarrier as it hovered across the sky in South Africa. As he made it to the interior of the airship, Krennic watched as pilots and engineers were busy maintaining the Helicarrier's path, while Stormtroopers and Cybermen stood guard, and standing right at the end, watching the view outside the glass structure separating the interior of the Helicarrier from the outside, was Tarkin himself... "Most unfortunate about the security breach on Upington, Director Krennic," Tarkin told Krennic as he approached him, "After so many setbacks and delays, and now this. We’ve heard word of rumors circulating through the town. Apparently you’ve lost a rather talkative cargo pilot. If the public gets wind of our project, more citizens will flock to the Rebellion." "When Project Stardust is finished, Grand Moff Tarkin, the Rebellion will be of little concern," Krennic replied. "When has become now, Director Krennic," Tarkin retorted, "The Supreme Leaders will tolerate no further delay. You have made time an ally of the Rebellion. I suggest, we solve both problems simultaneously with a test of one of the weapons. Perhaps tomorrow. Failure will find you explaining why to a far less patient audience." "I will not fail," Krennic assured Tarkin. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Arendelle - Elsa's Room~ "Don't you worry about a thing," Olaf replied to Elsa, "This snowman's lips are sealed airtight. Well, maybe not literally. But you get the idea. Anyway, where is Harold right now? Still in Japan?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Teacher's Lounge~ "Aaah!" Vidic cried as he collapsed after Vulpix used an Energy Ball attack, coughing as he slowly got back up, and noticing Hermione, Yuuki, and Vulpix were nowhere to be found, while two additional Stormtroopers arrived to the teacher's lounge... "Sir, are you alright?" one of the Stormtroopers asked as he helped Vidic up. "Never mind me! Find those two crooks and their Vulpix! I want the entire school searched!" Vidic ordered the Stormtroopers. "Copy that," the other Stormtrooper responded as they rushed back out, hoping to find Hermione, Yuuki, and Vulpix (not knowing that Nico was with them as well). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Scotland - Old Forge~ Entering the Old Forge, Fergus looked around before noticing Harold, and realizing that Rhona was right about how he looked just like Harry. "Ah, Harold... we finally meet. An' Rhona was right, ye sure do look a lot like him." Seeing the Old Forge start to empty out, as it was the less busy time of the day for the pub, Fergus figured that he can discuss Rebel business with Harold inside (as long as they were quiet about it though). Pulling up a chair, Fergus sat with Harold and Kimberly, with Fergus asking Harold, "So, ta what do I owe the pleasure?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Southern Chicago, Illinois - Abandoned Wal-Mart~ As the Rebels entered the dark and abandoned Wal-Mart, Lance asked Cassie, "So, how did someone as young as you end up with the Rebel Alliance?" "After my parents were killed during the Great Purge, I ran away from home in order to survive, found my way to America, and decided to join the Rebel Alliance to get payback against the ones responsible for my parents' deaths," Cassie responded. "Oh, sorry to hear that," Hunter said after hearing what Cassie had to say, "So, I suppose since you're out in the field with us, you're good with combat?" "Oh yeah," Cassie replied, "I was part of my school's ROTC club. And I beat up a guy who called himself a god." "Huh... good to know," Lance commented. "Search the aisles," May ordered the Rebels. "Copy that," Skye replied as she and the other Rebels each went to a different aisle the nearest aisle to start searching for the Obelisk. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Irkutsk, Russia - Rebel Hideout~ Seeing Nikolai and the others return, Natasha commented, "I saw the blackout earlier. I take it the mission was a success?" "It was," Gilda responded, "Can't wait to give the New World Order another piece of my mind." "Now, about my payment," Finn told Nikolai, wanting to get his payment as soon as possible. Disgruntled, Nikolai ordered his rebels, "Leave us." Once everyone apart from Nikolai, Finn, and Natasha left, Nikolai ordered Natasha, "Get the man his money." Nodding, Natasha grabbed an envelope hidden under a nearby table, handing it to Finn as she said, "A thousand Gil." Opening the envelope and counting the money to make sure it was correct, Nikolai asked Finn, "So that's it?" "Well, I did say that once I get my money, I'm outta here," Finn responded. "Don't forget, you fulfilled a job for the Rebels," Nikolai told Finn, "Don't even think you can go back to fighting for the New World Order." "Go back to fighting for them?!" Finn scoffed as he got closer to Nikolai to look him straight in the eyes, while Natasha tried to get between them to prevent a possible fight between the two, "I don't care about the New World Order. But don't get me wrong... I don't care about the Rebel Alliance either." "A promise is a promise," Nikolai responded, "We paid you for your service. Now get out." "With pleasure," Finn said as he turned around and walked away. Crossing his arms after Finn left, Nikolai complained, "Abandoned the New World Order, but doesn't bother to use the knowledge he has to fight against them!" "Easy, Nikolai," Natasha replied, trying to calm Orelov down, "You can't force him to join us permanently. He took a big risk abandoning his position as a Stormtrooper. Maybe he just needs time. I have a good feeling about this one." Sighing, Orelov said, "I hope you're right." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery~ "Perfect! We can discuss things over at my room upstairs. Just follow me," Korrina told Kai and Bellec before shifting her attention to the others, "As for all of you, please, make yourselves at home. This place has more than enough rooms for every single one of you. So be sure to find a room that you like." As Korrina led Bellec and Kai to her room, Elise stretched as she said, "Well, today has been pretty hectic. I think I'll find myself a room to relax." "Agreed," Serena concurred as she picked up her Fennekin, "Let's find us a good room to spend the night in, Fenny." "Fokka," Serena's Fennekin replied as Elise and Serena left. Meanwhile, Lydia told Korrina's Lucario, "Well, I think I'm up for some combat practice. What do you say, Lucario? Care for a bout?" Lucario happily nodded as he summoned what appeared to be a long bone glowing green, which he typically uses for his Bone Rush attack. As for Lydia, she summoned her Keyblade, and the she and Lucario walked to an area away from the crowd so that they could practice combat without having to worry about hurting anyone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery - Korrina's Room~ "So, the Rebels have been completely driven out of Lumiose City," Korrina commented as she looked out her window, watching Shalour City from high above the tower. "Aye, and if we don't do something soon, we'll be driven out of Shalour City as well," Bellec responded. "And what of the Rebels who escaped to the East?" Korrina asked, "They went to Santalune city, correct?" "Correct," Bellec answered, "Before arriving, I got word that they arrived there safely." "Well that's good news," Korrina commented, "Still, I agree we gotta do something about the New World Order presence over here. So... we've got Stormtroopers we gotta worry about, then the Cybermen... you did bring some sonic stabilizers with you, correct?" "I did," Bellec replied, "Hopefully it's enough to deal with Cybermen till we are able to get more." Nodding, Korrina added, "And then there are the S-types out there. One of the newbies called them Astral drones, or something." "Astral?!" Bellec cried upon hearing that name. "Does that name ring a bell?" Korrina asked. "Unfortunately, yes," Bellec responded, "I never met Astral myself, but I have heard stories from soldiers who have gone up against that... thing. Astral is the leader of the S-types, and probably one of, if not THE, most powerful of them." "Uh-huh... good to know..." Korrina commented, "Well, if we really are going to do something about the New World Order presence in Shalour City, then it looks like we may have to come face-to-face with this Astral sooner or later, so we gotta be prepared." Looking at Kai, Bellec asked, "What do you think? Do you think pushing against the New World Order here is worth it?" "And... if you could just repeat your name again?" Korrina asked Kai as she sweatdropped, "Hopefully if I take it one step at a time, I could remember every name from your really big group." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Constanze's Underground Hideout~ As an alarm was blaring across the hideout, Phil and Ursula rushed to Amanda as she was staring at a tablet, with Phil asking, "What's going on?" "This," Amanda replied, showing Phil and Ursula live footage playing on the tablet. Ursula and Phil noticed that the footage showed Stormtroopers inspecting the area near the Nintendo High parking lot, where it seemed they noticed something strange, and were close to discovering the trapdoor leading to the underground hideout. Although these Stormtroopers were actually just looking for Hermione and Yuuki, Amanda and the others didn't know that. Nevertheless, this was an emergency that had to be dealt with sooner than later. "What do we do?" Ursula asked. "Constanze!" Amanda called out her friend, with Constanze rushing to the scene... "We're gonna have to evacuate," Amanda told Constanze, "Might as well go to Kyoto right now. And the prisoners come with us. Wouldn't want them spilling anything to the New World Order. Get the ship ready." Nodding, Constanze left in a hurry, while Amanda told Phil and Ursula, "We should be getting out of here pretty soon." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Sky Above Castelia City, New York~ Spoiler: BGM Flying high in the sky was a small airplane typically used by skydivers. It was currently rented by Tony Stark, who, while wearing his Iron Man suit, jumped out of the plane. The Iron Man suit's propulsion system then kicked in, allowing Stark to fly above the city, and head in the direction towards Stark Tower. After doing a few spins and tricks in the air, Stark finally neared Stark Tower, where he did a superhero landing on the balcony of the penthouse. Once he landed in the balcony, Stark started to walk inside while a circular apparatus surrounded him, removing the Iron Man suit piece-by-piece until it was completely off of Tony, while the attendees of his party applauded as he entered... "Oh, it's good to be here tonight!" Tony greeted the attendees of his party as they cheered for him, "First off, I want thank every one of you for coming tonight. I especially want to give a warm welcome to the two New World Order representatives we have here tonight, Governor Richman and Grand Moff Toffee." Toffee and Tex then smiled and waved as the party's attendees applauded them. "Yeah, great to see them," Stark announced, "Anyway, I never bothered to prepare a speech for tonight, so please, enjoy the night. And most of important, have fun! Just not too much fun. Oh, who am I kidding, go crazy!" The attendees laughed and then applauded once more as they returned to socialize with one another. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Forest~ After walking for a while, Connor and the others finally reached what appeared to be a cloaked figure facing the opposite direction. "This is him. The one who can teleport us to the hideout," Connor told the others. As he turned around, the figure removed the hood covering his head, revealing himself to be none other than Mewtwo... "This is Mewtwo," Connor told the others. Mewtwo was surprised to see Rini among those Connor was escorting, even though he was expecting her to come to the Rebel hideout eventually. 'Mewtwo?' Rini thought to herself after she noticed Mewtwo. As for Darien, he remembered Mewtwo clearly after battling him some months ago in Osaka. "You?!" Darien cried. "You know him?" Star asked Darien. "You bet," Darien replied as he started carrying Sammy with one arm, then summoning one of his sharp roses with his other hand, as it appeared he wanted to attack Mewtwo, "And he's bad news!" Recognizing his voice and rose-summoning, Mewtwo realized who Darien was, and how the two of them battled one another in Osaka. "Tuxedo Mask, we meet again," Mewtwo greeted Darien before Connor got between the two, trying to prevent a fight from happening. "Darien, what is the meaning of this?" Connor questioned Darien. "The last time I met Mewtwo, he was a full-fledged member of the Crystal Order," Darien replied. "I know," Connor said, "I know of his history with the Crystal Order. What you probably are not aware of is that he abandoned the group months ago, most certainly after you last met him. I have known Mewtwo for a while now, and he is no villain. What is done is done. Mewtwo has put his past behind him, and has been of great help to the Rebel Alliance. I understand this may be hard for you, but if you do not trust him, then at least trust me. Please." "Umm, it's probably not my business, but... I think I'd go with Connor on this one," Marco commented. As for Rini, she wanted to say something the whole time, but didn't want to reveal that she's been speaking with Mewtwo for a while, and was aware of his history. Nevertheless, after Marco spoke up, Rini walked towards Mewtwo, held his arm (surprising the others) as she said, "Connor's right. I think we should give him a chance." "Rini..." Darien said, surprised to see Rini embrace Mewtwo without hesitation. Nevertheless, as he gave a sigh, Darien threw his rose away, saying, "Alright, I'll take Connor's word for it, but ONLY because of him. Understand?" "I do," Mewtwo replied. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to @FancyStache 's absence until October, the following posts will involve some of his characters (which I have permission to use till he gets back): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Atlantis~ "Aye, I do agree," Glomgold responded to the Taco Bell Dog, "I want Scrooge alive when I shove the treasure in his smug face! He thinks he's so rich and so Scottish, but I'm wearing a kilt, McDuck, a kilt!" As Glomgold and his group made their way inside, elsewhere, Scrooge and his group finally caught up to Dewey, finding him sitting on the ground, looking disappointed... "Lad! I thought the traps would get you for sure!" Scrooge cried as he and the others approached Dewey. Dewey silently pointed up, with Scrooge and the others noticing buzzsaws on the ceiling, which apparently were supposed to be traps (but since Atlantis was upside-down, so were the traps). "Stupid upside-down temple!" Dewey complained as he got up, "Nothing cool about walking under buzzsaws!" "From now on, don't touch anything!" Scrooge warned Dewey. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Alleyway~ After waiting for a while, Ezio and Mileena noticed Discord teleporting in front of the truck they stole... "About time," Ezio greeted Discord, "I was wondering when you'd come." "I apologize for being late. I was preoccupied with other Rebel matters," Discord replied as Ezio and Mileena stepped out of the truck, with Discord getting into the driver seat himself, "Once again, the Rebel Alliance appreciates your business. You sure you guys have no interest in joining us?" As Ezio and Mileena looked at each other, Ezio looked back at Discord as he said, "I appreciate the offer. But... family comes first, and that means having to stay here in Tok-, I mean, the Capital." "Alright, I understand," Discord replied, "But just in case, the door's always open for you and your family to officially join us. Take care!" Discord then teleported himself and the truck away from the area. "So, back home?" Mileena asked Ezio. "Sì," Ezio replied as the two started walking back home.
Sunil Godhania, Square Enix Europe's community manager, was a featured guest on IGN Live during Gamescom 2018, where he discussed several elements of 'Kingdom Hearts III', such as a Hidden Mickey mini-game, the secrecy around world-specific bosses, and how the game can be an entry-point for newcomers to the series. Check out the video of Sunil below:
Spanish video game publication Hobby Consolas has published an interview it conducted with 'Kingdom Hearts' series director, Tetsuya Nomura, during Gamescom 2018, where Nomura discusses the decision to only dub 'Kingdom Hearts III' in English and Japanese, the work into creating the story of 'Kingdom Hearts', and whther the upcoming entry is a good entry point for newcomers in the series. Check out the interview below (translated version courtesy of KHInsider):
Square-Enix has confirmed in a press release today that 'Kingdom Hearts III' will be featured at this year's PAX West taking place at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, Washington. In addition to allowing attendees to play the same demo of the game that has been available at other events (requires an advance ticket that will be distributed at Booth #2141 at 10:00 a.m. PST each day during the event), Square-Enix is also allowing people to participate in a photo booth featuring a background from 'Kingdom Hearts III', as well as getting a view of the Toy Story Keyblade and Shooting Star Keyblade from the game on display. Also, there will be daily giveaway at the booth, with the chance to win 'Kingdom Hearts III' phone holders each day at 11:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Adding another convention to its list of appearances, it has been confirmed that 'Kingdom Hearts III' will be at this year's Lucca Comics and Games convention taking place in Lucca, Italy from October 31st to November 4th, with the same demo that was playable in other events available for lucky Italian fans attending.
Reserves! Name: Mrs. Bentina Beakley Description: Scrooge Mcduck's housekeeper and Webby's grandmother. Beakley has worked for McDuck for many years, and besides housekeeping duties, she is pretty strong and is a very capable fighter. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None Series Character is from: Disney/Ducktales Image: Spoiler Name: Magica de Spell Description: A powerful sorceress and old enemy of Scrooge McDuck, desperately after his Number One Dime. Her current whereabouts are unknown, as she was last seen battling Scrooge McDuck atop Mt. Vesuvius many years ago. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None Series Character is from: Disney/DuckTales Image: Spoiler Name: Lena Description: A mysterious girl living in the Capital. She has a connection to Magica de Spell, but the full details of that relationship remain to be seen. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None Series Character is from: Disney/Ducktales Image: Spoiler Name: Della Duck Description: Donald Duck's sister and the mother of Huey, Louie, and Duey. Little is known about Della Duck other than the fact that she disappeared around the time her children were born. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None Series Character is from: Disney/Ducktales Image: Spoiler