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  1. Meilin Lee
    ~Upington, South Africa~


    As Jyn and Cassian were trying to run away, they came across a group of Stormtroopers who turned around to face them…


    “Halt! Stop right there!” one of the Stormtroopers ordered Jyn and Cassian, “Where do you think you’re going?” “We, uh… heard the fighting, and wanted to get to safety,” Jyn responded. “Uh-huh, and can I see some identification?” the Stormtrooper questioned. “W-we don’t have any,” Cassian replied. “Really?” the Stormtrooper mockingly questioned as he signaled the other Stormtroopers to take Jyn and Cassian away, “Take them away.” “Hey, wait a second!” Cassian cried as he and Jyn were detained. “Hey, let ‘em go,” a voice ordered the Stormtroopers. “Huh, who said that?” one of the Stormtroopers wondered out loud as he and the other Stormtroopers turned to see who ordered them to stop…


    I did,” Noctis defiantly replied while he had his arms crossed with Ignis and Prompto standing by his side. Sighing, Ignis whispered to Noctis, “You just had to get us involved in this skirmish.” As one of the Stormtroopers focused on Noctis’s face, he gasped as he recognized him, announcing, “It’s that missing prince, Noctis! Shoot him now!”

    Grinning as the Stormtroopers pointed their blasters towards him and his two friends, Noctis used his Armiger power to summon spectral versions of weapons to surround him, Ignis, and Prompto. And as the Stormtroopers began to fire, the spectral weapons blocked the blaster fire from hitting Noctis and his friends. Once the Stormtroopers stopped firing, Noctis charged towards them, summoning the Sword of the Wise as he began slashing the Stormtroopers with it while warping a short distance away whenever one of them tried to shoot him. As for Ignis, he took out his pair of knives, stabbing Stormtroopers left and right, and even throwing one of his knives towards a Stormtrooper in the distance, hitting him in the head. Prompto, meanwhile, took out his gun, and started shooting at Stormtroopers, killing several of them as he was dodging blaster fire from them. Watching the battle as it unfolded, Jyn and Cassian backed away, watching what was happening. However, as the Stormtroopers were taking a beating, a few Cybermen flew towards the area, and landed on the ground…


    Realizing that none of their attacks would be good against the Cybermen, Noctis, Prompto, and Ignis regrouped as they focused on the Cybermen, trying to think of what to do. Seeing the Cybermen about to blast the three, Cassian figured that he should help. Taking out a sonic stabilizer from his pocket, Cassian threw it towards the group of Cybermen, weakening their metal and making them vulnerable to an attack. “You can attack them now!” Cassian yelled to Noctis and his friends. “Thanks!” Prompto thanked Cassian as he shot one of the Cybermen, destroying it while Noctis sliced another Cyberman in half with his sword, and Ignis decapitated the head of another Cyberman with one of his knives. With the Stormtroopers and Cybermen in the area now defeated, Noctis, Prompto, and Ignis put their weapons away while Jyn and Cassian slowly approached them. “Thank you,” Jyn thanked the three. “Don’t mention it,” Noctis replied.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Before Rey approached Connor, the Rebel leader noticed Marco and Star passing by him…


    Hey, Connor,” Marco greeted Connor, “Just wanted to let you know that Star and I would like to join you on your worldwide trip.” “Yeah! Can’t wait!” Star happily added. “Thank you for letting me know,” Connor replied as they walked away, noticing Rey approaching him as she took a breath, “Hello. May I help you?


    ~Corleone Household~


    Uncle, is something troubling you?” Ezio questioned Vito. “It's this person who is shooting members of local gangs,” Vito responded as he smoked his cigar, “My sources tell me that one of the members of a rival Irish gang is in the hospital, and that he will soon be talking to the police about this guy. Rivals or not, no one deserves what they went through.” “So, what do you want to do?” Ezio questioned. “For now, nothing. Just leave it to the police,” Vito answered. “Understood,” Ezio said.


    ~Flashback: One Month Ago - Nibelheim, New Mexico: Inside Ancient Ruins~


    Hmm, nothing so far,” Kanan commented as he and the other three had taken out their Stormtrooper helmets, and were looking around with flashlights, amazed by all the cave paintings that surrounded them. “These paintings look cool,” Bulk Biceps commented. “Kylo, you ever figure out the meaning behind these paintings?” Finn asked. “Eh, not really,” Kylo Ren replied, “I'm pretty sure it's documented by historians.” “Ugh, we've been searching for two hours, and still nothing,” Kanan complained. “Alright, let's take a break,” Kylo Ren said. As Finn, Kanan, and Bulk Biceps sat on the ground, Kylo lied against a wall. But as Kylo lied against it, the wall began to glow with strange markings. “What the…?” Bulk Biceps wondered out loud as the wall opened up, causing Kylo Ren to fall to a room on the other side. As the wall closed back, Kanan, Bulk Biceps, and Finn rushed to the spot where Kylo was, all trying to open the wall as they cried out, “Kylo, can you hear us?!” “I'm alright, guys,” Kylo responded from the other side, getting up as he wondered where he was, “If the wall won't open up, I'll try to find another way out.” “Alright, sir,” Finn responded as Kylo Ren switched his flashlight on, hoping to find an exit.


    ~Kyoto, Japan - Park~


    Just make sure you deal with the New World Order should we come across them,” Amanda replied to Michal as she turned her attention back to Ursula, “Lead the way.” Nodding, Ursula led the group as they followed her.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~


    Noticing Haruto crouch down and speak with her, Rini shook her head as she got up without saying a word, not wanting to speak with anyone as she continued sobbing and running away. Eventually, Rini arrived to a dark room, sitting against the wall as she hugged Luna-P, and cried while reminiscing the last time she saw her mother in the future.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~


    Hey,” Skye greeted Shining Armor as she approached him. “Hey yourself,” Shining Armor responded, “What’s up?” “So it’s true? That girl from Chicago, Cassie… she’s really gone?” Skye questioned. Giving a sorrowful nod, Shining replied, “Yeah. I just got word from Chicago that May was able to locate Creel. Now, we wait and see what happens.” “Shining, I need to go back to Chicago and help May take him down,” Skye requested. “No,” Shining Armor replied, “Mace’s orders. We need you to stay here.” “I can handle myself,” Skye said. “That's not what this is about,” Shining Armor responded. “Then what is it about?” Skye questioned, “The Obelisk? Because I can't help if I don't know what's going on.” “That is exactly why,” Shining answered, “Skye, you saw what the Obelisk can do to whoever touches it. This is too dangerous, and we gotta take it slow and steady. Look, if you'd like to help, train some more.” Sighing, Skye said, “Okay. I know you and May are practically second-in-commands to Mace, and how you have to compartmentalize everything, but it's not healthy. You need to loosen up. Try... yoga or something.” As Skye walked away, Shining Armor grinned as he replied, “I tried it, but I'm... really not flexible. But thanks.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~


    Darien!” Sammy cried as he and Riley hurried towards Darien. “Hey, what’s up?” Darien questioned the two. “It’s Rini,” Riley replied. “She just ran off, crying,” Sammy added, “We can’t find her anywhere.” “What?!” Darien exclaimed, “Alright, alright… let’s just calm down. Let’s split up and look for her throughout the base. She couldn’t have gone too far.” Riley and Sammy then nodded in response as the three went to look for Rini.




    “The footprints appear to belong to someone wearing human-sized shoes, a crocodile, and apparently a dog,” a Stormtrooper informed Romulus as they were heading towards the footprints. “Huh, that's an interesting combo,” Romulus commented. However, as Romulus and his Stormtroopers and Cybermen arrived to the footprints, they noticed Vergil, asking them what they were doing there. “I think I should be asking YOU that question,” Romulus replied, “Every square-inch of Earth is under New World Order jurisdiction, so technically, we have every right to go wherever we need to in the name of security.” One of the Cybermen stepped forward, saying, “Initiating facial recognition scan.” Once the Cyberman scanned Vergil's face, the Cyberman continued, “Facial recognition scan complete. Subject identified as… Vergil, former teacher at Nintendo High School, brother of Dante, a known Power Ranger and enemy of the New World Order. However, there appear to be no records of any subversive activity by Vergil despite his relation to Dante.” “Huh, interesting,” Romulus commented after hearing what the Cyberman said about Vergil, “So, Vergil… tell me, are you a friend, foe, or do you just not give a s*** about our fight with the Rebels?


    ~Arendelle, Norway - Castle~


    Blushing after hearing what Elsa said, Saphir nervously responded, “Y-you mean... just the two of us? Oh, umm… sure… of course, why not? I’d love to take a walk. Whenever you’re ready.


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    Okay, Pietro, you're first,” Sunset told Pietro, who had a shock bracelet wrapped around his ankle to shock him should he try escaping, “Your power is superspeed. The last time you did this test, you completed it at 0.76 seconds. Let's see how you this time. Now, do you have any questions?” “So… is it just like before?” Pietro asked. “Yep,” Sunset Shimmer responded as Alpha placed a brass pole near Pietro, “Place your hand on the pole, which’ll trigger the stopwatch once you let go of it. You'll run towards the other side of the facility, touch the wall there, then run back here and touch the pole, which'll trigger the stopwatch timing you to stop. Ready?” “I always am,” Pietro said as he held onto the pole. “On your mark, get set… go!” Alpha declared, with Pietro appearing to have disappeared then reappeared with the blink of an eye, when in reality, he ran with his superspeed across the facility and back. “Alpha, how'd he do?” Sunset asked Alpha. “Aye-yi-yi! 0.51 seconds!” Alpha cried after checking the stopwatch that timed Pietro, “Exactly a quarter of a second faster!” “Heh, you didn't see that coming?” Pietro jokingly asked. “Hmm, not bad, not bad at all,” Sunset Shimmer commented as she jotted down notes on her clipboard.


    ~The Capital - Harbor~


    Sure, no hard feelings,” Donald replied to Hack, shaking his hand. “Let’s go Donald,” Scrooge told his nephew as he passed by him, “Beakley’s waiting for us in her car.” "Of course, Uncle Scrooge," Donald replied.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    Did someone call my name?” Looker asked as he approached Jenny and Kiriko. “No Chief. Kiriko was just wondering if you could help with this case,” Officer Jenny replied to the police chief, “But I was just gonna say that I could handle it on my own.” “Oh, alright then,” Looker said as he went back to his office.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x3)~


    Hey there,” Lt. Surge greeted King K. Rool, “Never seen you around. Guess ya musta been late since the otha new guys all came in yesterday. Anyway, welcome to da main Rebel base in Japan. I'm Lt. Surge, leader of da Rebels in Japan.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown: Outside~


    I will miss you, Toothless,” Shuri told Toothless as she patted him on the head while the dragon licked her, “And of course, you too, Haymitch.” “Pikaaa,” Haymitch happily replied as Shuri patted him on the head as well. “You sure you don’t wanna join us and Connor on our world trip?” Hiccup asked Shuri. “I wish, but I need to assist my brother in Africa,” Shuri responded, “Besides, I also should return him the plane that I borrowed.” “Fair enough,” Katniss said, smiling, “Please tell your brother we said hi.” “Of course,” Shuri responded, “Now, is there anything you two needed from me before I leave?” As Hiccup and Katniss both shook their heads, Katniss said, “Just be safe.” “And keep in touch,” Hiccup added. “Most definitely,” Shuri replied, “Well, I better get going.” Smiling, both Hiccup and Katniss crossed their arms diagonally over their chests as they gave Shuri the same traditional Wakandan salute she taught them, telling her, “Wakanda forever!” Smiling back, Shuri crossed her arms diagonally over her chest as well, repeating, “Wakanda forever!” Shuri then turned around, tapping on one of her Kimoyo Beads, removing the Royal Talon Flyer’s invisibility mode, allowing it to be seen by Shuri and the others. Shuri then tapped on her Kimoyo Beads once again to allow the aircraft’s ramp to be lowered. Going up the ramp, Shuri sat in the cockpit as she began piloting the Royal Talon Flyer, making it ascend slowly while switching the invisibility mode again to avoid detection by the New World Order, and flew off while Katniss, Hiccup, and Haymitch waved goodbye from the ground.


    Due to @NutheadBros 's absence until November, the following segment will involve some of his characters (which I have permission to use till he gets back):


    ~Shalour City, France (East Side)~


    Hearing the commotion from the western side of Shalour City, the Rebels in the eastern side of the city figured that was the signal to start. “What was that?” one of the Stormtroopers wondered out loud. “We better check it out,” another Stormtrooper replied as he and other Stormtroopers and Cybermen left the area. As for the remaining Stormtroopers and Cybermen in the area, they noticed a group of individuals rushing towards them. “What the hell?” one of the Stormtroopers commented. As for the group, it included Aoi, C.C., Kai, Kairi, and Cynthia with her Garchomp, all charging towards the Stormtroopers for an attack. “Open fire!” one of the Stormtroopers cried as the Stormtroopers and Cybermen began firing at the group. In response, Aoi and C.C. took out their lightsabers, and deflected the incoming blaster fire, while Kairi and Kai got on Garchomp’s back as it flew high above Stormtroopers. “Now!” Kai cried as she and Kairi jumped down, smashing the ground with their weapons to create a shockwave that sent several Stormtroopers flying away. But as Kairi, Kai, C.C., and Aoi easily dealt with Stormtroopers, they had to back down as the Cybermen marched towards them. “I got this,” Cynthia cried as she threw her sonic stabilizer at the Cybermen near the four, weakening their metal and making them vulnerable, “Now, Garchomp!” Garchomp then roared as its claws began to glow, and dove down towards the Cybermen, slashing them with its claws, and destroying them. “Yes!” Cynthia cheered. Meanwhile, elsewhere on the eastern side of Shalour City…


    Serena, Elise, and Serena’s Fennekin were riding on Serena’s Rhyhorn as he charged towards Stormtroopers, knocking them down. “Woo-hoo! This is so much fun!” Elise happily exclaimed. “Nice work, Rhyhorn!” Serena commended her Rhyhorn. “Rhy!” Rhyhorn replied as he continued charging towards Stormtroopers. But as they reached a group of Cybermen, Elise announced, “I’ll deal with this.” Jumping off of Rhyhorn, Elise threw her sonic stabilizer towards the Cybermen, making them vulnerable for an attack, and then grabbed a blaster from the ground (that belonged to a Stormtrooper that was knocked down by Rhyhorn), shooting the Cybermen and destroying them. But as Serena and her Fennekin continued riding on Rhyhorn, they noticed a group of Stormtroopers all pointing their blasters at Serena and her Pokemon. Rhyhorn came to a halt as one of the Stormtroopers told Serena, “That’s right, step out of that Rhyhorn, and show me your hands.” Doing as the Stormtrooper ordered her to, Serena got off her Rhyhorn, holding her hands high, slowly walking towards the Stormtroopers. “That’s it, nice and easy,” the same Stormtrooper continued. “Just so you know, you’re making a big mistake, and it won’t end well for you,” Serena replied. The Stormtroopers suddenly all burst out laughing, with the same Stormtrooper who was speaking earlier comment, “You’re kidding, right? As if a teenage girl such as yourself and her Rebel buddies can beat us? Need I remind you who you’re dealing with, missy? We’re the New World Order, we’ve got an army.” “Well, for one thing, my name is Serena, not ‘missy’,” Serena replied, “And another thing… we’ve got a Mega Swampert.” Just then, Serena and the Stormtroopers heard a loud roar as Serena’s Swampert, currently in his Mega-Evolved form, landed near them with a loud thud, startling all the Stormtroopers…


    Mega Swampert let out a mighty roar as he easily smashed the Stormtroopers with his fists, knocking them all down, until the only Stormtrooper left was the one who had threatened Serena earlier but was now trembling. Mega Swampert then grabbed the Stormtrooper by his legs and began slamming him left-to-right on the ground multiple times (much like this). Once Mega Swampert was finished, the Stormtrooper lay on the ground, letting out a very weak moan as Serena walked towards him, and looked down on him as she commented, “Puny Stormtrooper.” Serena and her Mega Swampert walked away while Rhyhorn and Fennekin followed them (with Fennekin sticking her tongue out at the Stormtrooper who took a massive beating from Mega Swampert as she passed by him). “Alright you guys, great start, but the battle’s only just started. Let’s try to finish it quickly,” Serena told her Pokemon, “Rhyhorn, Fenny… you two will stay with me. Swampert… smash.” Mega Swampert grinned after hearing what Serena ordered of him, letting out a mighty roar as he jumped high into the air, ready to smash against any Stormtroopers he came across.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Meilin Lee
    It's been announced that a new Funko Pop figure based on Sora's Drive Form in 'Kingdom Hearts III' will be released on November 23rd, sold exclusively at Best Buy for $9.99. Check out the figure below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Oct 8, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Meilin Lee
    In preparation for KH3's release in January, Square-Enix has announced a new compilation for the PS4 containing 'HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMix' and 'HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue', titled 'Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far', which is scheduled to be available October 30th, retailing at $39.99. The compilation currently is only scheduled for release in the U.S. Check out the announcement below:
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Oct 5, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Meilin Lee
    ~Upington, South Africa~


    As the crossfire between New World Order forces and Saw Gerrera’s militia continued, Jyn and Cassian took cover behind a garbage dumpster, trying to figure out a way to escape from the area. Just then, Jyn noticed a small girl in the middle of the crossfire, crying. Figuring it was the right thing to do, Jyn rushed towards the little girl in order to save her, while Cassian cried, “Jyn, no!” Grabbing her blaster, Jyn shot and killed a Stormtrooper she ran past by, and then quickly grabbed the little girl and ran for cover. Eventually, Jyn noticed the girl’s mother crying as she rushed towards her, picking up her daughter as she thanked Jyn for saving her before rushing off. Meanwhile, as the crossfire continued, the Stormtrooper controlling the small tank fired with the tank’s artillery at a nearby building where some militia members were shooting from a balcony, completely decimating the building. After that happened, Cassian pointed his blaster at the Stormtrooper controlling the tank, shooting and killing him. Noticing what Cassian did, Jyn rushed towards the tank, taking cover behind it, feeling safe for the moment. But as Cassian watched the crossfire continued, he noticed one of the militia members atop a building was about to throw a grenade towards the tank, putting Jyn in harm’s way. Not willing to allow that to happen, Cassian pointed his blaster at the militia member and shot him, causing him to fall down towards other militia members with his grenade, killing them all thanks to the grenade exploding. Seeing what happened, Jyn figured now was her and Cassian’s chance to get out of the area. “This way!” Cassian cried as he ran towards the other side of the area while Jyn followed him, shooting and killing a Stormtrooper she passed by. Meanwhile, as the militia members and New World Order forces continued with their crossfire, some additional help for the New World Order arrived in the form of even more Stormtroopers and an AT-ST walker, overwhelming the militia members as they began to retreat.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon: Finn's Room~


    As Finn slowly got up from his bed, he noticed the vase of flowers in his room, thinking to himself, ‘Aerith must’ve left these. They’re very nice.’ Just then, Finn noticed BB-8 enter his room…


    Oh, hey, BB-8,” Finn greeted the droid, who responded with his electronic beeps, informing him about Natasha and what she said. “I see,” Finn said after hearing what BB-8 told him, pondering to himself.


    ~Flashback: One Month Ago - Nibelheim, New Mexico: Ancient Ruins~


    Arriving to the campsite with Finn, Kanan asked, “Something wrong?” “We detected mysterious shadows,” Kylo Ren replied. “They went inside the ruins,” Bulk Biceps added. “‘Bout time we finally come across these shadows,” Finn commented, “Let’s see what all the fuss has been about.” Nodding, Kylo replied, “Let’s go!” All four Stormtroopers then placed their helmets as they headed towards the ruins, hoping to find out what has been the source of the shadows they were seeing.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon~


    It was one of ‘em local Rebels in the city,” Cid replied to his granddaughter, “Said the Rebels wanted Finn to keep helpin’ ‘em out. Told her I'd let Finn know. But... it looks like BB-8 already took care of that.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    Well anyway, the eyewitness I mentioned about is willing to testify about the guy killing off gang members,” Officer Jenny replied, “But since the eyewitness is part of a local Irish gang, he’s worried anything he confesses to would mean execution by the New World Order. So, Matt Murdock is currently trying to cut a deal between him and the New World Order that would mean he doesn’t have to worry about being executed for whatever he did during his time with his gang.” ‘Execution… never thought that'd be the official punishment for things that used to be punishable by a couple years in prison,’ Jenny thought to herself, remembering how things changed quickly with the rise of the New World Order, and how officers around the world, such as herself, were forced to pledge their undying loyalty to the New World Order in order to keep their jobs, while those who refused were fired.


    ~Kyoto, Japan - Park~


    Now then, since we’re all here, I might as well explain what we’re doing,” Amanda said, “We’re searching for a magical rod that the New World Order appears to be after. Ursula Callistis over here was the last person to see it, and is supposedly the only one who knows of its whereabouts. And according to her, she left it somewhere in this park many years ago.” “If you all follow me, I will gladly lead you to it,” Ursula added, while Akko wondered what is this magical rod that Amanda and Ursula are talking about.


    ~Illinois - New World Order Facility (Interrogation Room)~


    Sierra Leone, three years ago. Ring a bell?” Captain Phasma questioned Lance, who didn’t seem like he wanted to answer, “How about Basra? Operation Panther's Claw? Come on, lieutenant. Tell me the stories are true.” “I'm not a lieutenant anymore, ma’am,” Hunter replied. “And why is that?” Phasma questioned, “Your record? Five commendations for distinguished service.” “Merits for basket weaving, pottery. Don't forget those,” Hunter replied. “I'm just trying to figure out how someone like you, one of the SAS's finest, winds up running with a bunch of mouth-breathing mercenaries,” Phasma said. “Why does any man do anything, Captain?” Hunter rhetorically asked, “I met a girl.” “Look, Hunter, I think we're both pretty like-minded individuals, so let's not waste each other's time. You know what I'm after,” Phasma told Hunter. “Geoffrey Mace,” Hunter correctly guessed. “Yes, Geoffrey Mace,” Phasma said, “The leader of the Rebel scum in this part of the world. Like Ratonhnhaké:ton and all the other Rebel leaders around the world, he is a zealot who'll risk anything to destroy all the progress that the New World Order has brought to the world. But lucky for you, the New World Order is willing to make a deal with you. So go ahead. Name your price.” “You must be joking,” Lance scoffed. “I don't have a sense of humor,” Phasma retorted. “And if I don't give you Mace, then what?” Lance questioned, “You kill me?” “Need I remind you that Geoffrey Mace approved of going after an object he doesn’t understand the true nature of, sacrificing the lives of his Rebels, including the young Cassie Cage,” Phasma said in an attempt to get Hunter to do as she wanted, “And for what? Hunter, I am asking, please consider my offer.” After hearing what Phasma said, and thinking back to how he watched Cassie cage die in front of him, Hunter finally said, “I want 2 million Gil.” “Done,” Phasma quickly replied as the two seemingly struck a deal.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Connor,” Shuri called out to Connor as she approached him. “Yes, Shuri, what is it?” Connor questioned Shuri. “I just wanted to let you know that I'm ready to leave,” Shuri replied. “Understood,” Connor replied, “Please send my regards to your brother.” “Of course,” Shuri replied, “In the meantime, I'll be working with Kevin Flynn on something that will hopefully end the Cybermen threat for good.” “That is good to hear. I truly hope you will be successful with this task,” Connor commented as he crossed his arms diagonally over his chest to give Shuri a traditional Wakandan salute, “Wakanda forever!” Smiling, Shuri crossed her arms the same way, repeating, “Wakanda forever!” Shuri then walked away, heading to her aircraft outside.




    “Sir,” a Stormtrooper told Romulus Thread as he approached him, “We found more footprints not too far from here, and they seem to be going in a straight line.” “Interesting,” Romulus commented, “I'd like to see them myself.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~


    Taking a deep breath, Rini closed her eyes, and reminisced back to how it felt whenever she hugged her mother in the future. Then, with her eyes still closed, Rini quickly gave Serena a hug. But as she hugged her, Rini's heart sank. Hugging Serena felt exactly like hugging her mother in every single way. Rini now knew for a fact that Serena was in fact her own mother. Opening her eyes, Rini let go of Serena, telling her, “Never mind.” Rini then started walking away from the Sailor Scouts and back to Mewtwo…


    Rini? What happened?” Mewtwo questioned. Rini's eyes began to tear up as she replied, “It's her, Mewtwo… it's really her…” Rini then began to cry as she ran towards a hallway. “R-Rini, wait!” Mewtwo pleaded as Rini ran away.


    ~Arendelle, Norway~


    As Larxene and Hans were walking around town (while accompanied by two Cybermen), Hans asked, “So, any luck finding that lone Rebel and his reindeer?” “Not yet,” Larxene responded, “But we'll find him soon enough. He's probably hiding out in a cave outside of Arendelle.” “But is all this effort really worth it for just one measly Rebel?” Hans questioned. “Whether it's one or one-hundred, I won't rest until Arendelle is 100% Rebel free,” Larxene replied, “Besides, the Grand Inquisitor expects results, and I am dead set on delivering those results. And as I told you yesterday, Kristoff needs to be made an example of to remind the citizens of Arendelle who's in charge.” “Fair enough,” Hans commented, “But you sure you don't need another Inquisitor's help? Last I heard, Bellatrix Lestrange was free.” “Actually, she's busy in England at the moment,” Larxene replied, “Besides, I can take care of this all on my own. Just watch.


    ~Arendelle, Norway - Castle~


    Walking down the hallway, Saphir noticed Elsa looking out the window. “Good day, Elsa,” Saphir greeted Elsa, wondering if she got his flowers and note from yesterday, “So… where are Olaf and Anna?


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    As Peter Parker and the Maximoff twins were gathered together, all handcuffed and their legs restrained, Sunset Shimmer told the three, “Listen up. It’s been two weeks since the last test of your powers. If I’m not mistaken, you all should’ve honed your powers since then. Today’s test should be no different than last time. After we gather the data we need, we’ll look into the possibility of providing you three with certain accessories that can help hone your powers even further. Now then, any questions?” As Peter slightly raised his right hand, Sunset Shimmer eyed him as she added, “Questions that don't involve me?” Peter then lowered his hand after hearing what Sunset Shimmer said, with the demon stating afterwards, “Alright then. Let’s get started.


    ~The Capital - Harbor~


    Hmm, I suppose I do owe you three after helping me out in retrieving the Jewel of Atlantis,” Scrooge McDuck replied, “Very well. You all start tomorrow morning. Come to McDuck Manor. And don't be late.


    Due to @NutheadBros 's absence until November, the following segment will involve some of his characters (which I have permission to use till he gets back):


    ~Shalour City, France (West Side)~


    Once he had a clear shot of a group of Stormtroopers, Pierre Bellec pointed his grenade launcher in their direction, firing a grenade that landed near the Stormtroopers and exploded, killing several of them. “ATTACK!” Bellec yelled as took out his blaster, firing at Stormtroopers and Cybermen that were shooting at him while taking cover behind a nearby column. Jumping into the battle, the Phantom thieves attacked the Stormtroopers, while Samus threw a sonic stabilizer at the group of Cybermen, giving her the chance to fire at them with her weapon and destroy them.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Meilin Lee

    PDP has announced that a KH3-themed wired Xbox One controller will be available for purchase on December 4th for $34.99. Check out the details below:
    • Officially licensed by Disney and Square Enix
    • Compatible with the PDP Control Hub - a free application on Xbox One and Windows 10 that lets you customize your controller
    • 3.5 mm headset jack with onboard audio controls
    • Detachable 10 foot cable
    • Dual rumble motors
    • Compatible with Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, and Windows 10
    • Dual textured trigger and shoulder buttons
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Oct 3, 2018, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Meilin Lee
    GameStop has announced that a 'Kingdom Hearts III' themed sweepstakes will be taking place this month! The sweepstakes prizes include:
    • Kingdom Hearts III Deluxe Edition + Bring Arts Figures for PS4 or Xbox One
    • Blu-ray Library of Disney titles that appear in Kingdom Hearts III
    • Xbox One X Game Console and Playstation 4 Console
    • Vizio 70-Inch 4K Smart TV
    • Samsung 5.1 Home Theater System
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    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Oct 2, 2018, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Meilin Lee
    ~Upington, South Africa~


    “Citizens of the New World Order,” a PSA blared throughout Upington as a group of Stormtroopers and Cybermen were patrolling the town along with a small tank, “Stormtroopers and Cybermen tirelessly fight Saw Gerrera’s reign of terror over the people of this beloved town. Truth and justice are the tools of the New World Order.” However, unbeknownst to the group of Cybermen and Stormtroopers, they were passing by an area where many members of Saw Gerrera’s militia were hiding inside buildings and alleys, ready to start an ambush. Just then, one of the members of the militia threw a grenade towards the group of Stormtroopers and Cybermen, leading to an explosion that caused everyone in the area to be on edge. “Over there!” one of the Stormtroopers yelled as they and the Cybermen began exchanging fire with members of Saw Gerrera’s militia…


    Seeing the crossfire as it was happening, Jyn told Cassian, “Looks like we found Saw’s rebels.


    ~Flashback: One Month Ago - Nibelheim, New Mexico: Ancient Ruins~


    ... And so, we’re just here in New Mexico doing a little scouting,” Kana told his girlfriend, Leia, as he having a video chat with her on his phone. “Hmm, sounds like fun,” Leia responded. “Well, it’s actually more fun than the classes I had at the academy back in Annapolis,” Kana jokingly said, “Anyway, I think I gotta get back to my job. I’ll talk to you later.” Nodding, Leia replied, “Love you.” “Love you too,” Kanan said as Leia hung up…


    Was that Leia?” Finn asked as he approached Finn. “Yup,” Kanan responded as he put his phone away, “You know, when we get a vacation, you and I have to go to Irkutsk together.” “Irkutsk?” Finn questioned, not familiar with the place. “It’s a city in Russia,” Kanan replied, “It’s where Leia lives.” “Ah, gotcha,” Finn said. “I really want to properly introduce you to her,” Kanan continued. “Well, I’d like to meet her too,” Finn replied, “But, this is all contingent on us actually getting a vacation soon.” “Hehe, yeah that’s true alright,” Kanan said, wondering when he and Finn might actually get a vacation.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon~


    Yeah, yeah, I'm comin’!” Cid replied after hearing someone outside knock on the entrance to the Millennium Falcon. Walking towards the entrance with BB-8, Cid opened the entrance, and found the Rebel, Natasha Romanoff, outside…


    Sorry to intrude, Mr…” Natasha greeted Cid, not knowing his name. “Just call me Cid,” Cid replied, “Yer one of ‘em Rebels, right?” “Yeah,” Natasha answered, “I was wondering if Finn was here. This is where he stays, right?” “That's right,” Cid replied, “Though he's jus’ lyin’ in bed doin’ nothin’. I can leave him a message if you want.” “Just… tell him that Nikolai didn't mean what he said yesterday,” Natasha told Cid, “We really appreciated the help he provided us at the power plant, and we'd be more than happy to have him helping us out again.” “Huh… I see…” Cid replied, “Well, I'll be sure to let him know.” “Thanks,” Natasha thanked Cid as she turned around to wall away. “The kid's been through a lot,” Cid told Natasha, who stopped upon hearing him, “Don't blame him if he hesitates to join you guys again. I doubt he'd wanna go through more heartbreak than he already has.” “I understand…” Natasha replied as she continued on her way.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    Actually, I’m really busy with this one case,” Jenny replied as she was looking at a case report, “Local gang members are being gruesomely shot and killed. Initially, it was thought that rival gangs may have been behind this, but from an eyewitness we have in the hospital, it was just one man, who somehow got his hands on military grade weapons.


    ~Kyoto, Japan - Park~


    As Amanda and the others flew towards the park on their broomsticks (apart from Coulson, who was seated behind Ursula on her broomstick, and Diana, whose mouth was covered in masking tape and was seated behind Jasminka on her broomstick), they landed near the Rebels gathered there. “You know, I would've really appreciated letting me know in advance that we were supposed to meet you here instead of you guys meeting us near where we parked the airship,” Amanda told the Rebels as she got off her broomstick, “But never mind that. The important thing is that we're all here right now.” As Diana gave a muffled scream, Amanda added, “Oh, and ignore Miss Cavendish there. She's a New World Order loyalist who stumbled upon what we're doing. So, because of that, we gotta keep a close eye on her at all times… unfortunately.


    ~Arendelle, Norway - Castle~


    Anyway, if any of you need me, I'll be doing something that Hans never let us do, like watching ‘Mary Poppins’,” Olaf replied as he left while the castle's servants prepared breakfast for Elsa and Anna, singing to himself, "Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cheree!"


    ~Illinois - New World Order Facility (Interrogation Room)~


    As Lance Hunter was dragged into an interrogation room by two Stormtroopers, he was handcuffed to a table in the room. “Thank you very much,” Lance told the Stormtroopers as they proceeded to exit the room, “Uh... excuse me, gents. Can I get a glass of water?” Once the Stormtroopers were gone, Lance sighed. Just then, he noticed Captain Phasma entering the room...


    Mr. Hunter, I don't believe we've had the pleasure,” Phasma greeted Hunter as she sat in front of him, “Captain Phasma of the 501st Legion. Let’s talk.


    ~Shalour City, France (East Side)~


    As Elise, Serena, and Serena’s Fennekin were hiding inside a building, Elise commented, “And now, we wait for the signal.” “Yeah,” Serena concurred as she took out a Pokeball of hers, “And I know a certain Pokemon who could provide us some much needed help with this battle.” Dropping her Pokeball to the floor, Serena watched as her Pokeball opened, and out came her Swampert…


    Swampert smiled as he saw Serena, quickly hugging and starting to lick her. “Hehe, it’s good to see you too, Swampert,” Serena said. “It seems he really likes you,” Elise commented, wondering if she can pet him, “May I?” “Go ahead,” Serena replied, as Elise started to pat Swampert. “How long have you had him?” Elise questioned. “Since about a year ago,” Serena replied, “There was this circus that passed by my hometown, so I took Fenny to go see it. Swampert here was part of the main act. However, the ringmaster of the circus was a very cruel man who lashed poor Swampert repeatedly simply because he couldn't get him to Mega Evolve.” “That's horrible…” Elise commented. "Fokka," Serena's Fennekin concurred with Elise. “I know,” Serena agreed as she looked at the pendant around Swampert's neck that contained a certain Mega Stone, and at the Key Stone located on her bracelet, “The way he treated Swampert was so bad that I almost became a PETA sympathizer. Almost. But anyway… one night, Fenny and I sneaked into the circus, freed Swampert, and took him to the local Pokemon Center.” “That was sweet of you,” Elise said, “But… didn't you get in trouble?” As Fennekin nodded in response, Serena replied, “Well, the ringmaster called the police, but after the officers arrived to the Pokemon Center, they realized that the ringmaster was the real bad guy. But, the ringmaster wasn't going down without a fight, so he sent out all his Pokemon to battle us.” “What happened then?” Elise asked. “I told Swampert to run away for safety while I helped hold off that ringmaster with the other officers," Serena replied, "But the ringmaster's Pokemon were too strong, taking out all of the officers’ Pokemon, as well as my Fennekin, Pancham, and Rhyhorn. And the ringmaster still wasn't satisfied. You could see it in his eyes, he wanted revenge against me for what I did. So he had three of his Pokemon all send powerful Hyper Beam attacks in my direction as I was checking on Fenny along with Pancham and Rhyhorn.” “Three Hyper Beams all at once?!” Elise cried, “How did you survive?!” “Swampert,” Serena answered as she placed her hand gently on Swampert's face, “He jumped right in front of us, taking the brunt of the attacks and collapsed.” Serena then began to tear up as she continued, “For a while, I truly thought he was dead. But all of a sudden, both the Mega Stone around his neck and the Key Stone I found near him when I freed him from the circus began to glow. Swampert suddenly awoke, and Mega Evolved, regaining his energy as he dealt with the ringmaster and his Pokemon. In the end, the ringmaster was arrested, and Swampert decided to stay with me.” “Amazing,” Elise commented, “I heard that Mega Evolution can only be achieved if there is a strong bond between a trainer and his or her Pokemon. Maybe that’s why the ringmaster could never have Swampert Mega Evolve, while you didn’t seem to have a problem.” “Makes sense,” Serena concurred, “Which reminds me… Swampert, we’re gonna need a bit of help from you dealing with the New World Order. Ready to Mega Evolve?” Swampert happily nodded in response as Serena tapped on the Key Stone on her bracelet.


    ~Shalour City, France (West Side)~


    Hiding in an alley, Bellec was with Sirius Black as he watched the Phantom Thieves along with Samus, Dawn, and Lucina arrive quietly and hide in spots where they couldn't be detected by the Stormtroopers or Cybermen. “Alright, once I give the signal, we start the attack. You'll know it when you see it,” Bellec whispered to Sirius.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    As Mewtwo and Rini watched Serena and the other Scouts eating, Mewtwo asked Rini, “Rini, are you sure about this?” “I have to know, Mewtwo,” Rini replied, “This is the one way I can find out if she’s my mom for sure.” “Alright,” Mewtwo commented, sighing as he watched Rini walk towards the Sailor Scouts. Once she reached Serena, Rini asked, “Hey, Serena?


    OOC: The following segment has been written after getting approval from @NutheadBros to use a certain character of his.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~


    Thank you,” Connor thanked Hermione as she left, turning his attention towards Jumpman, “Jumpman, you wished to speak with me?” “As a matter of fact, yes,” Jumpman replied, “I just wanted to let you know that me, my wife, brother, and few of our friends wish to join you on your worldwide journey.” “Thank you for letting me know,” Connor thanked Jumpman, “I look forward to traveling along with you.” Smiling as he nodded, Jumpman replied, “No problem. By the way, I always keep forgetting to tell you this, but… I once met your grandfather, Edward, during a battle against S-types in the early 80s. Though I didn’t know him much, he seemed like a very good man. He is very lucky to have a grandson like you.” Smiling as well, Connor said, “Thank you, Jumpman. I really appreciate it.” Nodding, Jumpman walked away, while Darien told Connor, “Well, if you’ll excuse me, I need to check on Rini, Serena, and Sammy.” “Of course,” Connor replied as Darien left.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Meilin Lee
    I'm sure they'll still get Mandy Moore. This isn't meant to be a complete list.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 26, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Meilin Lee
    Square-Enix provided a surprise today for English-speaking KH fans, revealing a couple of the actors that will lend their voices to some of the Disney characters in 'Kingdom Hearts III'! The list includes:
    • Josh Gad as Olaf
    • Kristen Bell as Anna
    • Idina Menzel as Elsa
    • Jonathan Groff as Kristoff
    • Zachary Levi as Flynn Rider
    • Donna Murphy as Mother Gothel
    • John Ratzenberger as Hamm
    • Wallace Shawn as Rex
    • Tate Donovan as Hercules
    • Kevin R. McNally as Joshamee Gibbs
    • Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck
    • Bill Farmer as Goofy
    • Haley Joel Osment as Sora
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Sep 26, 2018, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Meilin Lee
    ~Upington, South Africa~


    Jyn. Come on, let’s go,” Cassian, who seemed to be in a hurry, told Jyn as he approached her. As she followed him, Jyn questioned, “You seem awfully tense all of a sudden.” “We have to hurry,” Cassian replied, “This town, it’s ready to blow.” “Wait… what?” Jyn questioned after hearing what Cassian said, continuing to follow him.


    ~Flashback: One Month Ago - Nibelheim, New Mexico: Ancient Ruins~


    As Bulk Biceps and Kylo Ren were sitting around a campfire, watching the night sky, Han arrived while carrying a tray of hot chocolate…


    Hey, boys. I made you all some hot chocolate,” Han said as he placed the tray on the ground. “Thanks, Sheriff Solo!” Bulk thanked Han as he grabbed a cup and drank some hot chocolate. “Thanks, Dad,” Kylo added as he too grabbed a cup of hot chocolate, taking a sip, “Every bit as good as the ones you made when I was younger.” Smiling at his son, Han looked up at the sky, asking Kylo, “Remember when we’d camp out here… and I’d make you memorize the constellations up there?” “Oh yeah… don’t remind me,” Kylo replied. “Hey. Identifying constellations is a very useful skill to have,” Han told his son. “Sure, Dad...” Kylo Ren replied, chuckling, “...if I was an astronomer.” As Han chuckled with his son, he asked, “So, no mysterious shadows?” “Nothing so far,” Kylo Ren answered, “We’ll keep monitoring.” As Han nodded in reply, he asked, “Say, where the other two? Their hot chocolate's gonna get cold soon.” “Over there,” Bulk Biceps replied, pointing to the two in the distance behind Han and Kylo. Turning around and looking where Bulk Biceps was pointing, Han and Kylo noticed Kanan and Finn practicing their sparring skills with their Keyblades…


    What are they… fighting with?” Han questioned. “Not sure,” Kylo Ren replied, “I think they call them… ‘Keyblades’.” “Did you say… 'Keyblades'?” Han questioned. “Yeah,” Kylo answered, “Is… something wrong?” “Uh… n-no, not at all,” Han replied as he got up and stretched, "Anyway, it’s getting kinda late. Good luck with locating any Rebels out there.” “Night, Sheriff!” Bulk Biceps responded. “Yeah, good night, Dad,” Kylo added as he and Bulk Biceps watched Han walk away. But as Han left, Kylo Ren began to wonder why his father appeared troubled all of a sudden at the mention of Keyblades.




    Watching as Governor Demande arrived to his town while accompanied by Stormtroopers and Cybermen, Fergus faked a smile as he welcomed the New World Order's regional governor of Europe, greeting him, “Welcome, Governor Demande!” “Thank you for the warm greetings, Fergus,” Demande replied as the two shook hands, “Now then, shall we?” “Of course,” Fergus said as he gave Demande a tour of his town.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    After listening to Rey describing her dream, Rue responded, “Not sure… I can't really say that I can explain dreams. I know Connor has told me and his other close friends about a recurring dream he keeps having where he is apparently a good friend of some prince, and he helplessly watches as a kingdom gets destroyed by some evil witch. But… in the end, maybe it's just that… a dream… nothing to it.


    ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery~


    Noted,” Bellec responded to Mario before turning his attention back to the entire group, “Now, if no one has anything else to say, we'd best get ready. But first…” Just then, Korrina opened up a suitcase containing small metallic orbs, with Bellec continuing, “If we are to deal with the Cybermen out there, we will need to use these sonic stabilizers. Each of you will take only one, due to the limited supply we have. You’ll only have one chance to use a sonic stabilizer, so don't waste it. Other than that, if we are all ready, go ahead and grab a stabilizer, then proceed outside to where you need to go, while making sure you aren't spotted by the New World Order. Remain undetected until it is time to start an attack. Remember, west, east, then central. There can be no mistakes today. Good luck.” Serena and Elise then both grabbed a sonic stabilizer and headed to the exit while followed by Serena's Fennekin.


    ~Chicago, Illinois - Morgue~


    As Max stared at Cassie Cage’s deceased body behind a glass window, he was soon joined by his captain, Rex…


    Hey there, Maxie,” Rex greeted Max, patting him on the shoulder, “Heard about what happened at that Wal-Mart earlier. You knew her, didn’t you?” “Yeah…” Max replied, “Her name was Cassie Cage. She and I were friends at Nintendo High.” “Oh… I’m so sorry,” Rex said, feeling sorry for Max losing yet another friend from Nintendo High. “You know how we met?” Max replied, “One day… my dad did something really embarrassing at my school. And because of what he did, other students started to laugh at me. But Cassie, who was new to Nintendo High that day, approached me and said to just ignore them. Next thing I know, she, Bulk Biceps, and I all become inseparable ROTC buddies.” “It seems you two were pretty close,” Rex commented. Nodding, Max replied, “I want a proper burial.” “Excuse me?” Rex asked. “For Cassie,” Max replied, “She's a Rebel. She'll be branded a terrorist, and will probably be dumped in a pauper's grave. She deserves better. Regardless of her allegiance, Cassie Cage was a very good person, and deserves to peacefully rest like one.” After listening to what Max said, Rex smiled and nodded as he said, “Don’t worry. I'll make sure she gets one.


    ~Arendelle, Norway - Castle~


    Oh, nothing. Just celebrating the fact that Hans will be gone for most of the day,” Olaf replied to Elsa as he jumped out of the table back onto the floor, “It might not be long, but boy am I glad we finally get a break from him.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~


    Of course. I will be with you shortly, Jumpman,” Connor replied to Jumpman as he turned his attention back to Hermione, looking at the chest and its contents, “I thank you for bringing this to my attention. There were quite a few Rangers and Riders who were students and staff at Nintendo High. I was admittedly surprised at some of their identities when they were revealed by the New World Order as wanted individuals shortly after the Great Purge. And to be honest, I am not surprised in the slightest that those in charge of Nintendo High School right now would want to hide that fact. They do not want to be associated with those that the New World Order considers terrorists. The best that we can do as Rebels is continue our fight, and hope that one day, these heroes will all be vindicated.


    ~Kyoto, Japan - Abandoned Construction Zone~


    As Jasminka brought out broomsticks from the airship for the witches to use for travel when it’s time to leave, Lotte asked Amanda, “So, where will we be going?” “There’s a local park in the area,” Amanda responded, “That’s where we’ll find what we’re looking for.” “And… what exactly are we looking for?” Akko asked. “You’ll find out soon,” Amanda replied.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    Thanks, Kiriko. I'm glad at least someone likes my new hair,” Officer Jenny replied to Kiriko, “By the way, I think a bun would look really good on you. Do you also plan on trimming off some of your hair, or will you leave it as is?


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~


    After finishing breakfast, Rini walked around the Rebel hideout, and found Celestia, Discord, and Mewtwo conversing with each other…


    Discord! Celestia!” Rini cried as she hugged Celestia. “Rini! Good to see you again,” Celestia replied, using one of her wings to hug Rini back, “I haven’t seen you since the day before the Great Purge.” “Hey, kid. Good to see ya again!” Discord added as he patted Rini on the head, “Mewtwo told me you arrived yesterday with Connor. Wish I could’ve said hi, but it was awfully busy around here.” “That’s fine,” Rini replied, smiling, “So what are you guys doing?” “Planning,” Mewtwo answered. “Planning?” Rini wondered out loud, “For what?” “For Connor’s worldwide journey,” Celestia replied, “The three of us are joining him.” “What?! You too?” a disappointed Rini complained. “Yeah… I’ll actually be the one teleporting everybody from one place to the other,” Discord replied, “Sorry we had to leave so soon.” “I-It’s alright. It’s just… I have a friend who said she’s leaving, and now you guys are as well,” Rini said. “What about those responsible for you?” Mewtwo asked, “Serena and Darien? What have they decided in regards to this journey?” “I don’t know…” Rini replied, “And I know we’ve still got a week before we can decide if we want to go with Connor or not, but… I’m not sure they’ll want to.” “We really are sorry, Rini,” Celestia replied. “It’s fine… I’ll just have to think of something,” Rini said. “That’s the spirit. Just think positive,” Discord replied.




    As Romulus Thread arrived to the spot where one of the Stormtroopers in his squad said that the footprints ended, the same Stormtrooper told him, “See. No more footprints.” Kneeling down to observe the footprints, Romulus commented, “Look. The footprints gathered around in a circle.” “But… what could that mean?” another Stormtrooper questioned. “Well, seeing as how the footprints stop here… it looks like those whose footprints these are joined together in a circle and teleported away,” Romulus hypothesized. “But… teleport to where,” a third Stormtrooper asked. “I don’t know…” Romulus replied.


    ~Nintendo High School: Entrance~


    Congratulations. Too bad I couldn’t care less,” Anais snarkily replied to Lord Drakkon’s introduction as she was being screened with a metal detector by a Stormtrooper. “All clear,” the Stormtrooper said once he finished, “Move along.” “Ugh, finally,” Anais said as she grabbed her backpack and started walking to her class, "Screening four-year old girls like me for weapons... what has the world come to?"
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Meilin Lee
    ~Upington, South Africa - Cafe~


    After having breakfast at a local cafe, Ignis and Prompto were having Ebony coffee while Noctis dozed off, not wanting to drink the coffee because of his distaste for it. Noticing Jyn outside the cafe window, acting stranger than the other residents in town, Prompto told the others, “Hey, guys… check her out.” “W-What?” Noctis replied as he opened his eyes and woke up, looking at the woman Prompto was pointing at, “What about her?” “Don’t you think she’s acting a bit weird? It’s almost as if the New World Order’s after her,” Prompto said. “Either way, it’s none of our business,” Ignis replied, “We ourselves are trying to avoid being detected by the New World Order. Let’s not make it worse by involving ourselves with these kinds of things.” As Noctis curiously watched Jyn, Prompto took out his camera, zooming in and taking a photo of Jyn.


    ~Flashback: One Month Ago - Nibelheim, New Mexico: Ancient Ruins~


    As Kylo Ren and his fellow Stormtroopers arrived to the ruins where mysterious shadows were reported, Kanan asked, “So… from what your Dad said, you used to camp out here when you were a kid?” “That’s correct,” Kylo Ren replied, “My late mother’s ancestors resided in places like this. As a kid, I was always fascinated by how something that is centuries old can still be this fascinating. And to this day, I still am fascinated, and proud, to see something my ancestors built still stand.” “Yeah… it’s a shame Rebels might be using a place so near and dear to your heart as a place to hide,” Finn said. “Hmm, I got nothing on the heat signatures,” Bulk Biceps commented after using a device to check for heat signatures inside the ruins, “Nothing alive inside.” “Hmm, then either they ran away, or they died,” Kylo said, “Either way, we’ll have to make sure no Rebels will be coming here again.” “Right,” Kanan, Finn, and Bulk Biceps all replied as the four put on their Stormtrooper helmets back on.


    ~Nintendo High School: Entrance~


    After the events of the previous day, security at Nintendo High School had been tightened, much to the annoyance of many students, including Manon, who, along with her Chespin, Harry, were being thoroughly searched with pat-downs and metal detector screenings by Stormtroopers. “This is not fun at all, Harry,” Manon told her Pokemon as they were both being searched. “Leemo…” Harry concurred.


    ~Chicago, Illinois - Rebel Hideout~


    Using a tablet to communicate with Jeffrey Mace, the leader of the Rebels in North America (barring Alaska), May informed him of what happened the previous day, and the current situation so far...


    What the hell was Hunter thinking?” Jeffrey’s voice complained from the tablet. “He was trying to save Cassie,” May responded. “And you're absolutely sure? She’s gone?” Mace’s voice questioned. “It was bad, Jeffrey,” May responded. “Damn… I still remember finding Cassie and bringing her to Chicago to join the Rebels there,” Mace’s voice said, “So… one Rebel down, another captured. This shouldn't have happened. I’ll see if I can get someone to find out where that Inquisitor is. Then, we pla-” “Once I find out where he is, I’m gonna finish him off,” May replied. “May, no, I do not want you engaging him without a strategy,” Mace ordered May, “You copy? Do you copy?” May, however, didn’t say a word in response, upset that Mace told her to stay put instead of going after Creel. “May… I believe that's an order,” Mace continued, “Understand?” Sighing, May replied, “Yes, sir.


    ~Arendelle, Norway - Castle~


    Walking around the castle, Olaf was surprised to see that Hans was nowhere to be seen in the castle. “Hey, Nephrite… where’s Hans?” Olaf asked as the butler was passing by…


    He had to leave urgently. Something to do with that Inquisitor he had over yesterday. He should be back probably later in the day,” Nephrite responded as he walked away. “Huh, okay then… good to know…” Olaf commented as he suddenly burst into happiness, “YESSS!!!” The snowman then gleefully jumped on a dining table as he danced, happy that he would get a break from Hans for the whole day (or at least, part of it).


    ~Arendelle, Norway - Cave~


    Thrusting the weapon of a fallen comrade on the ground, and placing some of their personal belongings next to the weapon, Kristoff sorrowfully stared at the memorial and many others like it throughout the cave, all honoring the Rebels who fought beside him, and all who died. Using a wooden walking stick to help him get up (due to his wounded leg), Kristoff took out a device from his pocket, switching it on so that it would play what was airing on the Rebel Force Radio, which was currently playing Michiru’s rendition of Johnny Has Gone For a Soldier. And as he stared at the memorials he set up, Kristoff gave a salute to honor his fallen comrades. Joining him by his side, Sven tried comforting Kristoff. “Oh Sven… you and I are all that’s left of the Arendelle Rebels,” Kristoff told his reindeer as he patted him on the head, “Nothing we can do but fight to the last breath to honor every one of them.


    ~Kyoto, Japan - Abandoned Construction Zone~


    Once Amanda and the others exited the cloaked airship, Constanze began transmitting a signal on a small device. “Once the local Rebels get our signal and meet us here, then we’ll go find what we came here for,” Amanda commented. “And… what about Diana?” Akko questioned. “We’ll get her out of the ship and bring her with us. But only once we’re ready to go,” Amanda responded, “Just hope she doesn’t give me as big of a headache as she did yesterday.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    As Rini was having breakfast with Bonnie and her Dedenne, Bonnie told her that she and her brother, Clemont, were going to go on the worldwide journey that Connor mentioned the previous day. “You're really gonna go?” Rini asked. “Yeah,” Bonnie replied, “Clemont will be helping out with any tech stuff." Sighing, Rini said, “I was really hoping we'd spend more time with each other…” “Why don't you come along?” Bonnie asked, “We can see the world together!” “I don't know…” Rini replied, “I'm not sure Serena or Darien will wanna do that.” “Well, think about it,” Bonnie suggested, “You've all still got a week to let Connor know.” “Okay…” Rini replied as she ate.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    As Officer James Carter poured some coffee and headed to his desk, he was greeted by Officer Jenny as he passed by her…


    Morning, Carter,” Jenny greeted Carter. “Ahhh!” Officer Carter shrieked, almost dropping his coffee, “Gurl… what the hell did you to yo hair?!” “It’s called a buzz-cut. Thought I’d try out a different hairstyle for a change,” Jenny replied. “Yeah, well don’t do dat!” Carter said, “Cuz that style looks nasty on you! If a Stormtrooper or Cyberman saw you, they’d think you were a Rebel!” “You just don’t know a good hairstyle when you see one,” Jenny scoffed. “Oh yeah, well as a matter of fact I do know one good hairstyle,” Carter replied, “Your OLD hair! The one that was longer and sexy. Not… THIS!” “Well, that’s just your opinion. I’m sure the chief will like it,” Jenny said as she saw Looker walking towards his office…


    Hey, Chief. Morning!” Officer Jenny called out to Looker, “Like my new hair?” Just as he was about to reply to Jenny, Looker saw her new hair, and gasped as his face looked as though he had seen a ghost, slowly walking to his office. Disappointed, Jenny turned to look at Carter, who gave her a face that said, ‘I told you so.’ “Don’t you say a word,” Jenny warned Carter, who chuckled as he walked away, “Everybody’s a critic.” Sighing, Jenny started to look at the cases she had, one which included members of an entire gang all shot and killed.


    ~Nintendo High School: Entrance (Again)~


    Is this really necessary?” Eddy asked as he was being questioned by a Stormtrooper. “It is, for extra security,” the Stormtrooper responded, “Name?” “Eddy,” Eddy answered. “And, where are you coming from?” the Stormtrooper asked. “Uhh… my home…” Eddy responded. “Did anyone help you pack your things?” the Stormtrooper questioned. “What? No,” Eddy replied. “Are you affiliated with anyone in the Rebel Alliance?” the Stormtrooper questioned. “No,” Eddy answered. “And where are you heading right now?” the Stormtrooper questioned. “My first period class, duh,” Eddy answered, getting tired of the questions he was being asked. “Anything to declare?” the Stormtrooper asked. “I hate you,” Eddy snarkily replied. “I get that a lot,” the Stormtrooper said, “Move along.” "About time," Eddy said to himself as he finally entered Nintendo High.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~


    Good morning, Rei!” Grandpa Hino greeted his granddaughter while he and Chad were carrying trays of food, “I got you and your friends some breakfast. Hope ya enjoy it!” "Piplup!" Chad added as he and Grandpa were placing the trays near Rei and her friends.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~


    After waking up and going to get some breakfast, Rue noticed Rey seemed troubled by something. “Rey? What’s wrong?” Rue questioned, "It's... not about your parents again, is it? Or something else?"


    ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery~


    At ease,” Bellec told the Rebels as they gathered together, “After gathering some information retrieved by reconnaissance courtesy of Elise de la Serre, and hearing suggestions by Kai, I have devised a battle plan that will hopefully drive out the New World Order from Shalour City, and hopefully lead to more victories.” As Korrina placed a map of Shalour City on the wall, Bellec pointed to it as he continued, “Currently, there is a smaller concentration of Stormtroopers and Cybermen on the western side. The plan is to launch a surprise attack there, followed by another attack on the eastern side. Finally, we’ll unleash a third attack from the center of the city. However, it is important to remember that timing is key! One mistake, and any chance of winning this battle will be non-existent. Now then… Kai will inform where her people will be stationed. As for those of you under my command… Sirius, you will join me as part of the surprise attack on the western side. Serena and Elise will attack from the east. Lastly, Korrina and her Lucario will battle on the center of the city along with Lydia. Do I make myself clear?” “Sir, yes sir!” Serena, Elise, and Lydia responded together.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x3)~


    Seeing Darien approach him while yawning and stretching, Connor greeted him, “Good morning, Darien. Did you get a good sleep?” “Yeah, I did,” Darien responded, “Didn’t get a chance to discuss it with you yesterday since it was pretty late, but a worldwide journey, huh?” Nodding, Connor said, “I need to lend a hand in any way I can for fellow Rebels across the world.” “I see,” Darien replied, “Well, good luck with that.” “Thank you,” Connor thanked Darien, “But… why not join me?” “Uhh… I don’t know if I can promise that,” Darien replied, “I made a promise to Serena’s parents that I’d look after their kids.” “I understand,” Connor said, “However, should you change your mind and wish to embark on this trek along with Serena, I would highly appreciate it. Fighting alongside the famous Tuxedo Mask yesterday was truly an honor.” Smiling, Darien replied, “I enjoyed fighting alongside you as well. And… this might seem crazy… it almost felt as though we’ve done it before. Weird, huh?” After hearing what Darien said, Connor was surprised, as he too felt the same way. “As a matter of fact… I too had the same feeling,” Connor said, “It almost felt as though… we have always known each other. And what is even more strange… it is not just with you. I felt the same way with Serena. Her cat, Luna. And her friends as well. Even the mention of this Silver Crystal… although I know I have never heard of such a thing, it nevertheless felt like I should know what it is.” “Connor… you practically read my mind,” Darien responded, surprised to find out that Connor felt exactly the way he did when it came to these things, “But… what does it mean?” “I… I do not know,” Connor said, “Perhaps… it is a discussion best left for another day.” “Yeah, agreed,” Darien concurred.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Meilin Lee
    During the Playstation Presents live show on the last day of TGS, 'Kingdom Hearts III' co-director, Tai Yasue, showed off some new gameplay of the highly anticipated game, featuring the Toy Story world (Toy Box) as well as the Frozen world (Arendelle). Check it out below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Sep 23, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Meilin Lee
    From January 8, 2019 to March 3, 2019, the Tokyo Skytree skyscraper (currently the tallest tower in the world) will host a collaboration event involving 'Kingdom Hearts III', which'll allow fans to visit the "Tower of Light and Darkness". Upon visiting, fans can check out the KH3-themed decorations and characters included, plus a screening of some original content, as well as special menu items and merchandise sold at the skyscraper's restaurant and cafe.

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Sep 22, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Meilin Lee
    During the 'Kingdom Hearts III' stage show taking place at Tokyo Game Show, some new footage from the game was revealed, showing more of the Keyblade transformations, summons, and a very shocking boss battle with Aqua at the end! Check it out below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Sep 22, 2018, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Meilin Lee
    It has been revealed by the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers' (or ASCAP for short) song registry website that the opening theme of 'Kingdom Hearts III' will not be Chikai/Don't Think Twice, but instead, a new song called Face My Fears, written by Utada Hikaru herself, as well as Sonny Moore (better known to some as "Skrillex") and Jason "Poo Bear" Boyd.

    Chikai/Don't Think Twice, nevertheless, is listed as being the ending theme of 'Kingdom Hearts III'.

    Source: Reddit
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Sep 21, 2018, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Meilin Lee
    ~The Current Day is now Tuesday, February 4, 2014~


    November 14, 2013

    It is over. The Crystal Order has finally succeeded with what it has set out to do since its inception. The New World Order now controls every corner of the Earth. And most importantly for me, as Al Mualim promised, my deceased friends, Trixie and Gaston, will be honored. Yet, despite all this success… I still have more work to do. From the day I spoke with Dr. Souichi Tomoe, and learned about my ability to wield the Keyblade… I have yearned to learn more and more about this mysterious weapon. The Keyblade… a truly marvelous weapon. It is said that the Keyblade can open any lock, and transcends all known magic. But what is it really? For what purpose was it begotten, and by whom? And what of the Keyblade War? There are so many secrets related to the Keyblade that need to be uncovered. Al Mualim said that he is keen in helping me find the truth about this weapon. While I understand that he will be preoccupied most of his time now that he is a Supreme Leader, he has given me permission to use whatever New World Order resources there are to help with my quest. Yes, that is my task. While I will continue supporting the New World Order with whatever they ask of me, my main mission will be working hard towards uncovering the secrets of the Keyblade.


    ~Upington, South Africa~


    Ever since arriving the previous day, Jyn and Cassian had been searching throughout the town of Upington in South Africa for someone they feel would be able to get them in contact with Saw Gerrera. And as they searched the town for a second day, while doing their best to avoid being detected by Stormtroopers and Cybermen, a PSA was being displayed in every corner of town, showing a hologram of Bodhi Rook (the New World Order pilot who defected recently), stating, “Citizens of Upington, you must come forward with information of the location of this missing cargo pilot. A reward of 600 Gil for the information shall be awarded.” “I thought you said you knew how to find Saw,” Jyn told Cassian. “Not with all this New World Order scrutiny,” Cassian responded, “Wait here. There is someone I didn't check with yet who might be able to provide some information. Let's hope he'll be able to get us a meeting with Saw.” “Hope?” Jyn wondered out loud. “Yeah. Rebellions are built on hope,” Cassian replied as he left, while Jyn sighed as she kept looking around…


    And as Jyn wandered around town, she noticed Stormtroopers restraining citizens in an alleyway, with one of the Stormtroopers saying, “Hands where I can see them. Get over there. Show me some identification. Check inside.” Jyn quickly walked away from the scene to avoid being detected.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    As T'Challa was asleep, he was dreaming of a story that his father always told him when he was young...

    As tears rolled down T'Challa's face, he opened his eyes, waking up. Sighing, T'Challa got up from this bed, noticing Thorax flying towards him...


    "Good morning, T'Challa," Thorax greeted T'Challa before noticing tears on his face, "Uh, you okay?" "Hmm? Oh, yes, yes," T'Challa responded as he wiped out the tears from his face, "I'm fine. Good morning to you as well, Thorax." "Another dream about your dad?" Thorax asked. "Yes..." T'Challa answered, "But this feels... different." "How so?" Thorax asked. "It is... hard to explain," T'Challa responded. "Don't worry about it," Thorax said, "Just get yourself ready for breakfast." "Of course," T'Challa replied as Thorax flew away.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    After printing out some documents, Kevin Flynn called out, “Shuri?” “Yes, Kevin,” Shuri replied as she approached Flynn, taking a break from packing up for her trip back to Africa…


    These came in today,” Flynn told Shuri, handing her copies of documents sent over from Rebels in Scotland, “They’re from Rhona Dinsmore of the Scottish wing of the Rebel Alliance. Cybermen schematics. Might prove useful in finding a permanent solution to defeating them once and for all.” “Hmm… MCP… this is interesting,” Shuri commented as she quickly skimmed through the documents, “I’ll look over them in detail once I am back in Africa. And I will make sure to contact you if I will need your assistance.” “Sounds like a plan,” Flynn responded as Shuri walked away with the documents, going back to pack up for her trip.


    ~Kyoto, Japan~


    As Constanze was flying her airship over Kyoto while Phil, Ursula, and Amanda looked out from the main deck of the ship, Amanda said, “Steady… steady…” Constanze flew the airship towards an abandoned construction zone, and gently landed her airship there (while keeping the cloaking on to avoid the ship being detected by the New World Order). “And we’re here,” Amanda told Phil and Ursula, “Now let’s see if we can get in touch with the local Rebels we alerted. After which, we’ll search for the rod.” As Ursula nodded in response, she and the others prepared to exit the airship.


    ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery - Elise's Room~


    Ugh, there’s not a single area that isn’t full of Stormtroopers or Cybermen,” Serena complained as she was looking out of the window in Elise’s room with her binoculars, trying to see if there was any part of Shalour City that was free of Cybermen and Stormtroopers. “Fokka…” Serena’s Fennekin said, sharing Serena’s grievances. But as Serena handed Elise her binoculars, Elise decided to have a look herself, commenting, “Well, there is less of a concentration on the western side than the rest.” “Hmm… so you think we should start our attack there?” Serena asked. “Yes and no,” Elise replied, “While we definitely would want to have a surprise attack on the western side, we’ll also need to initiate an attack on the eastern side not too long after our initial attack. And then, we attack from the center of Shalour. That way, with the New World Order trying to focus on three different sites, they’ll be overwhelmed by us. At least, that’s what I hope.” “Hmm, that actually sounds like a good battle plan,” Serena commended Elise, “Don’t you agree, Fenny?” “Fokka!” Serena’s Fennekin concurred with her. “Well, in that case, I suppose I’ll inform Bellec about my suggestion,” Elise commented.


    ~Chicago, Illinois - Rebel Hideout~


    Entering the hideout of the Chicago Rebels, Melinda May cleared her throat as she wished to inform the Rebels there of a death for one of their very own, “Excuse me for interrupting anything you may have been doing, but… I regret to inform you all that Cassie Cage, a Rebel who from my understanding has been with you guys for a while, has sadly been killed after an encounter with the same Inquisitor who was at the abandoned Wal-Mart yesterday.


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility: Sunset Shimmer's Room~


    As she was having breakfast on her desk, Sunset Shimmer heard a knock on her door. “Come in,” Sunset responded. The door then opened, with Alpha entering while carrying three folders, each containing documents inside of them…


    What are those?” Sunset Shimmer asked. “Information on the test subjects,” Alpha responded, “You’ll need them when testing out their powers today.” “Huh, I see,” Sunset commented as she quickly skimmed through some of the contents of the documents, which included things such as medical history and past test results for the Maximoff twins and Peter Parker, “Thank you, Alpha. Tell Dr. List I’ll look over these in detail before today’s tests.” “Of course,” Alpha replied as he left.


    ~Flashback: One Month Ago - Nibelheim, New Mexico~


    Over in the very small town of Nibelheim, Han Solo, the town’s sheriff, relaxed in a rocking chair outside his office. Noticing four Stormtroopers approaching his office from across the street, Solo got up from his chair, giving a salute to the Stormtroopers as they approached him...


    The Stormtrooper in charge of the group removed his helmet, revealing himself to be Han’s son, Kylo Ren…


    Hi, Dad,” Kylo greeted his father. “Hey, son. Happy New Year,” Han responded as he and his son shared a hug, “How’s life as a Stormtrooper treating you?” “Pretty well so far,” Kylo Ren answered. “So, who’ve you got with you?” Solo questioned. Removing their helmets, the three other Stormtroopers introduced themselves to Han…


    Private Kanan Jarrus,” Kanan introduced himself, giving a salute. “Private Finn,” Finn added, introducing himself while also giving a salute. “Private Bulk Biceps!” the third of the Stormtroopers introduced himself enthusiastically while giving a salute with his hoof. “Hmm, thank you all for your service,” Han responded to the three. “So, Dad… you realize why we’re here, correct?” Kylo asked. “Yeah,” Han replied, “It’s about the mysterious shadows, isn’t it?” Nodding, Kylo Ren said, “When we heard the reports of them, we feared that they may be Rebels hiding in the ruins.” “Right… heh, the same ruins where you played and camped out often when you were a kid,” Han replied. “Indeed… looks like I’ll be camping there again,” Kylo Ren replied, “Hopefully those shadows were just from nearby Pokemon. Still, we better make sure there is absolutely no Rebel presence here.” “And I agree,” Han concurred, “You four can go ahead right now. I can check on you later.” “Thanks, Dad,” Kylo thanked his father as his signaled the other Stormtroopers to follow him, which they did as they all put their helmets back on.


    ~Castelia City, New York - Stark Tower~


    As Tony Stark was asleep on the couch after the party from the previous night, his personal assistant, Pepper Potts, approached him, wanting to wake him up. “Tony,” Pepper said, trying to wake Stark up. “Mmm… yeah?” Stark replied as he slowly opened his eyes and got up, “How long have I been asleep?” “Nine hours,” Pepper answered. “Huh, only nine?” Stark wondered out loud. “You have a busy day today,” Pepper said as she looked over Tony’s schedule on her iPad, “In one hour, you have a conference call with the CEO of Roxxon. After that, two representatives from the New World Order will be coming for an update on-” “Whoa whoa… who set that up?” Tony questioned Pepper, surprised to hear that representatives from the New World Order were coming. “You did. Two weeks ago,” Pepper answered. After hearing what Pepper said, Tony had just remembered that he did in fact set up a meeting with New World Order representatives to take place at Stark Tower. “Right, my bad,” Tony said as he went to get ready for his conference call while Pepper continued to tell him what he had scheduled for the rest of the day.




    As Cybermen and Stormtroopers were investigating the area where Darien crashed his car the previous day, one of the Stormtroopers told the Stormtrooper in charge, “Nothing in here, sir. There are footprints going that way that pass by an abandoned bicycle, but the footprints suddenly stopped in the middle of the forest.” The Stormtrooper in charge then removed his helmet as he looked at the Stormtrooper who just spoke to him…


    I'd like to see the place where they stop,” Romulus told the Stormtrooper. “Yes, sir,” the Stormtrooper told his superior, giving Romulus a bow.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~


    As Professor Sycamore and Grandpa Hino were passing out food to those in line, they noticed Katniss arrive with her Pikachu, Haymitch, carrying a tray for food…


    Good morning, Miss Everdeen,” Sycamore greeted her. “Hope you’re doing well today?” Grandpa added. “I am,” Katniss replied, “Just making initial preparations as I join Connor on his worldwide trip next week.” “Oh yeah, could you remind me about that?” Sycamore requested, “I am thinking of travelling with you guys as well.” “I’ll be sure to do that,” Katniss responded. Meanwhile, as Chad and Sycamore’s Espurr were bringing in plates and cups, Haymitch, who has a crush on Sycamore’s Fennekin, had picked out a tulip from outside, wanting to give it to Sycamore’s Fennekin to show his affection for her. But as he walked towards her, Haymitch slipped on some water on the floor and fell, crying, “PIKAA!” “Fokka?” Fennekin said in confusion after seeing what happened, while Haymitch remained lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling, and feeling very embarrassed about what just happened.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~


    Thank you, for volunteering to join me on my worldwide journey,” Connor thanked Riku and Emma as they both approached Connor about volunteering on his trip, “I truly appreciate it.” “It’d be an honor to assist Rebel causes around the world,” Riku replied. “Agreed,” Emma concurred, “Besides, I’ve always wanted to go somewhere outside of Japan for once.” “Nyapaa!” Mimi agreed with Emma.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x3)~


    As she began to wake up, Rini slowly opened her eyes, getting up as she yawned and stretched. Looking around the room where other refugee children were sleeping as well, Rini noticed that Darien was not too far from her, sleeping while sitting on the floor with his back to the wall…


    Darien…” Rini said to herself, remembering how she and Serena watched over Darien the night he was brought to their home. Getting out of the mattress where she was sleeping, Rini walked over to Darien and kissed him on his head, telling him, “Thanks.” And as Darien continued sleeping, Rini walked out of the room with Luna-P, wondering who was awake right now.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x4)~


    After waking up, Thor was seated on some steps, watching other Rebels and refugees as they ate breakfast and interacted with one another. “Thor, you mind if I take a seat next to you?” John Smith asked Thor…


    Oh, Mr. Smith… go ahead,” Thor replied to the man who was his English teacher at Nintendo High School prior to the Great Purge. As John sat next to Thor, he asked him, “So, how have you been adjusting since you came here?” “So far so good,” Thor replied, “I reunited with Luna, so I’m really happy about that. Although… I never expected to see that the son of a Grand Moff is the face of the Rebel Alliance. Not to mention his father was also the reason my father needs a cane to walk.” “Ah… I see,” John said after hearing what Thor told him, “So… it was Haytham who was responsible for what happened to your father?” Nodding, Thor replied, “It happened during the final days of the Iraq War. Haytham shot my father in the knee. When he returned after some time in captivity, seeing him in the condition he was in… I’ll never forget how that moment changed me.” After pondering on what to say for a moment, John Smith said, “I completely understand how you feel. Really, I do. But… and please hear me out… I really think you should give Connor the benefit of the doubt. He’s not his father.” “So I’ve heard,” Thor replied. “You know, the two of you are more alike than you think,” Smith told Thor. “Huh? How so?” Thor questioned. “Well, not too long after the Iraq War ended, Connor’s own mother was killed by someone from the Crystal Order. I was actually there when it happened,” Smith replied. “She was killed by the Crystal Order?” Thor questioned, beginning to feel an emotional connection with Connor for the first time. Nodding, John responded, “You and Connor both suffered a traumatic event because of the Crystal Order.” “If that’s the case… then I may have been wrong to doubt him all this time,” Thor commented, “Heh, Luna was right.


    Due to @FancyStache 's absence until October, the following segment will involve some of his characters (which I have permission to use till he gets back):


    ~The Capital - Harbor~


    “Okay. Settle down,” Glomgold told onlookers who were covering themselves with umbrellas as it rained, taking pictures of Glomgold and the Taco Bell Dog posing with the large red diamond they brought from Atlantis, “Ha ha! Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pride that we, Flintheart Glomgold and the Taco Bell Dog, present-” “The Jewel of Atlantis!” Scrooge's voice interrupted Glomgold, surprising him as he watched Scrooge pull up to the harbor on his submarine...


    “What?!” both Glomgold and the Taco Bell Dog cried in surprise. “Is that Scrooge McDuck?” one of the onlookers questioned as they turned their attention to Scrooge. “An efficient, clean source of energy that could power the Capital for 50 years, courtesy of your friends at McDuck Water and Electric,” McDuck told the onlookers as he showed them the real Jewel of Atlantis that he retrieved. “Umm, Mr. McDuck… if that's the real Jewel of Atlantis, then what about the one those two have?” “That one?” McDuck asked while pointing to the diamond that Glomgold and the Taco Bell Dog were holding on to, “It's nice, but it's obviously a fake. It could disintegrate any second.” “No, it's not fake!” both Glomgold and the Taco Bell Dog retorted as their diamond suddenly disintegrated into dust, just as Scrooge predicated. “Grr, this is all your fault!” Glomgold blamed the Taco Bell Dog. “My fault?! Look who's talking, idiot!” the Taco Bell Dog retorted. “Gah! I hate this dog!” Glomgold complained as he stormed off. “I hate that duck even more!” the Taco Bell Dog complained as stormed off as well. “Curse you, McDuck!” Glomgold cried in the distance. Simply shaking his head as he watched what happened, Scrooge noticed the rest of his group exit his submarine…


    “Granny?” Webby wondered out loud as she noticed Mrs. Beakley approach the group…


    You know, when you told me that you were going on a trip with Mr. McDuck and the boys, you never mentioned anything about going all the way to Atlantis,” Beakley told her granddaughter while holding an umbrella. “Granny, I can explain,” Webby replied before Beakley knelt down to hug Webby. “Dear, you are safer in a sunken city with Scrooge McDuck than you are locked in a vault in Fort Knox. You can go with him wherever you like,” Beakley told Webby, much to Webby’s delight. Hearing what Mrs. Beakley told her granddaughter, Donald figured that there was something he needed to discuss with Scrooge. “Now, Donald, don't…” Scrooge warned Donald as his nephew approached him. “Stop,” Donald interrupted Scrooge, “I admit I'm a little overprotective.” “A little?!” Louie questioned. “No matter what I do, these boys will get into trouble, so maybe you could teach them how to get out of trouble,” Donald continued, “It might be okay if the boys saw you every once in a while.” After hearing Donald give permission for the boys to go on more adventures with Scrooge in the future, Huey, Louie, and Dewey all cheered, excited for what new adventures they go on with Scrooge. However, the three suddenly stopped cheering once they noticed that it was a weekday, and that they had to be in school. “Wait a sec… it's Tuesday… which means we're supposed to be at school!” Huey cried. “We gotta get there quick!” Dewey added. “Well, if it's a ride you boys need, I'll be more than happy to take you to school myself,” Launchpad told the three brothers. “Thanks, I really appreciate it,” Donald thanked Launchpad. “Oh, what a relief…” Louie nervously said as he and his brothers weren't sure if they should be relieved or worried that Launchpad will be taking them to school. ‘It’s times like this I'm relieved that I'm home-schooled,’ Webby thought to herself after overhearing what the boys said.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Meilin Lee
    Square-Enix and Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia have announced that a KH3 themed PS4 will be released in Japan along with the game on January 25th! Check it out out below:

    The bundle will include:
    • Jet Black standard PS4 with a KH3-themed top cover
    • KH3 original theme
    • KH3 original design packaging for the PS4 box
    • Jet Black DualShock 4 wireless controller
    • Monoaural headset
    • Power cord
    • HDMI cable
    • USB cable
    The bundle, however, won't include a copy of 'Kingdom Hearts III' itself.

    This PS4 will be available with a 500GB hard drive (¥33,980 / $302.98) or a 1TB hard drive (¥38,980 / $347.56). Pre-orders will be available at Sony Store Japan until October 31st at 16:00 JST.

    Source: Gematsu
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Sep 19, 2018, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Meilin Lee
    In addition to the brand new TGS trailer, Square-Enix provided another surprise for fans today, giving us our first look at the official boxart for KH3! Check it out below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Sep 18, 2018, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Meilin Lee
    As promised after the release of last week's trailer, a new extended version was released showing more of the Big Hero 6 world as well as the rest of the worlds that have been announced so far. Check it out below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Sep 18, 2018, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Meilin Lee
    ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery~


    Of course, take all the time you need. Besides, it's been a long day, and…” Korrina replied to Kairi as she yawned, “Excuse me, but I really need to get some shut eye. Anyway, goodnight girls, Lucario, Grasshopper.” “Goodnight, Master,” Lydia responded to Korrina, giving a bow as Korrina left to go to her room, while Lucario and Lydia did the same.


    ~Scotland - Fergus's Office~


    "Here," Fergus told Rhona as he handed her the documents that Harold gave him earlier. "What are these?" Rhona questioned as she looked through the documents. "Documents on the Cybermen," Fergus replied, "Might provide a clue on how to bring an end to them once and for all. I need ye to forward them to HQ." "MCP..." Rhona said to herself as she was reading through the documents, "Alright, I'll be sure to forward them."


    ~Chicago, Illinois - Highway~


    Figuring that he had to get out of the overturned vehicle he was in, Lance tried hard to open the door nearest to him, but it was jammed. "Come on! Damn it! Come on!" Lance cried as he continued to try and open the door with no luck. However, Lance suddenly noticed a motorcycle arrive nearby, stopping as the woman driving it stepped out and walked towards the vehicle. Afraid it was someone from the New World Order, Lance took out his gun, ready to attack. But as the woman knelt to see who was inside, Hunter gave a sigh of relief after realizing the woman was May...


    "That Inquisitor from earlier just got away," Hunter told May. "Cassie?" May questioned. "Dead," Lance answered. Disappointed to hear what Lance told her, May tried top open the door near Lance. "That's no use," Hunter informed May, "It's jammed." "We have to get you out of here!" Melinda retorted. "Look, my leg is pinned. Don't worry about me. There's no time," Hunter said. "Stormtroopers are coming," May replied. "The Inquisitor has the damn thing that burned Cassie!" Hunter cried, "You need to get him! Go!" Handing Hunter a cylindrical device that can cut through the jammed door, May told him, "Good luck." Once May returned to her motorcycle and left, Hunter quickly switched the device May handed him, and began burning through the jammed door until he was finally able to open it, and get out of the vehicle. But as he stood up while limping, he noticed Stormtroopers arrive, pointing their blasters at him...


    "Hands on your head! On your knees!" one of the Stormtroopers ordered. Sighing, Lance did as he was told, while one of the Stormtroopers approached him to restrain him and take him away.




    "Really, Yang?" a stressed out Meowth questioned Yang, "We didn't get what we came to Chicago for... a fellow Rebel is turnin' to stone... an' that darn mercenary we hired took her to who knows where... an' all ya can think about is that?!" "Knock it off!" Mack ordered Meowth, "Look, we're all upset, but we're not gonna gain anything by taking it out on each other." Taking a deep breath, Meowth apologized, "Sorry."


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    "Well, yeah. That's why Rebels admire him. You can tell he actually cares about each and every one of us," Ritchie replied to Rey. "Pikachu," Sparky concurred. "Hey guys," Dick told Ritchie and the others as he approached them...


    "Connor's gonna speak to everyone. You're gonna want to listen to this," Dick continued. "Thanks Dick. We'll be there," Rue replied as Dick walked away. "Let's see what Connor has to say," Ritchie said as he and Rue walked towards the area where much of the Rebels in the base were gathered.


    ~Arendelle - Forest~


    Limping after getting shot in his leg by a Stormtrooper, Kristoff reached a tree where he leaned his back against it and slowly sat down in the snowy ground, feeling intense pain in his leg. However, the Rebel noticed the Stormtrooper he was trying to run away from catch up to him...


    "It's over, Rebel scum," the Stormtrooper told Kristoff as he pointed his blaster towards him. As Kristoff was trying to quickly think of what to do, he and the Stormtrooper noticed Sven, Kristoff's reindeer, charging straight towards the Stormtrooper...


    "Oww!" the Stormtrooper cried as Sven knocked him aside, dropping his blaster. Seeing that the Stormtrooper dropped his weapon, Kristoff quickly jumped towards the blaster and grabbed it, shooting the Stormtooper as he was getting up, killing him. Breathing a sigh of relief, Kristoff smiled at Sven as the reindeer lowered his head near Kristoff. "Thanks, buddy," Kristoff thanked Sven as he patted him on the head and then placed his arm around Sven's neck. Sven then helped Kristoff get up and walk towards a place where the two can hide and Kristoff can allow his leg to heal.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~


    "Alright, everyone, settle down," Lt. Surge ordered the Rebels that were gathered together, "Connor's got somethin' he'd like ta share wit' all of ya. So please, give him yer undivided attention." Joining Lt. Surge were Katniss, and Connor (with Haymitch on his shoulder)...


    "My fellow Rebels," Connor greeted the Rebels listening, "First of all, I would like to welcome all the new faces who have risked themselves and abandoned their old lives to join the Rebel Alliance. To see more and more new additions brings me reassurance that this fight is striking a chord with many around the world who wish to live in a world that is free from tyranny. Which brings me to what I would like to discuss with each and every one of you right now. In about a week, I will be embarking on a worldwide trek to assist other Rebel factions across the globe. The destinations in this trek will include China, Siberia, Syria, and Scotland, after which I will return here to Japan. In my absence, Lt. Surge shall be in charge of this base, and will continue with his usual duties of overseeing Rebel operations in Japan. While I have already secured a few Rebels to join me on this trek, anyone who is willing to join me is more than welcome to do so. Feel free to approach me should you decide to embark on this journey. But for now, it is getting late, and I understand for many of us, it has been a long and tiring day. I suggest we all get some rest and continue with what we are currently doing tomorrow. Good night, and thank you."


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~


    "Of course!" Bonnie replied to Hotaru, "Any friend of Rini is a friend of mine!" "Deden!" Bonnie's Dedenne concurred. "Hey guys," Rini greeted Hotaru and Bonnie as she rejoined them...


    "Sorry I left in such a hurry," Rini continued. "That's alright," Bonnie replied. Just then, Rini and the others heard Connor speak to the Rebels. 'A trip around the world, huh?' Rini wondered to herself after Connor spoke. As she and her Dedenne both yawned, Bonnie said, "Connor's right, I am getting tired. I'm gonna go find my brother and go to sleep. Good night, Hotaru, Rini." "Good night," Rini replied as Bonnie walked away. Yawning herself, Rini said, "I'm getting tired too." "Going to bed?" Darien asked Rini as he approached her...


    Yawning once more, Rini nodded as she replied, "Yeah." "Here, I'll take you," Darien replied as he carried Rini. "Thanks, Darien," Rini thanked Darien as she looked at Hotaru, "Good night, Hotaru." As Darien took Rini to where she'll sleep, he noticed her eyes were already closed and that she had already fallen asleep on his shoulder, and heard her mutter, "Daddy..." Smiling, Darien whispered to the sleeping Rini, "Good night, Rini."


    ~Castelia City, New York - Tex Richman's Penthouse~


    As Diantha was in Tex Richman's bedroom, watching the city out the window, she heard Tex enter the room...


    "There you are," Tex told Diantha, "You missed Stark's party. It was pretty fun." "I'm sure it was," Diantha replied as she looked at Stark Tower in the distance. Approaching Diantha and placing his arm around her, Tex said, "How 'bout we go to bed and... enjoy ourselves for the rest of the night." Pushing away Tex's arm, Diantha scoffed, "I don't think so." As he started to lose his temper, Tex yanked Diantha by the hair, and angrily stared at her in the eye, telling her, "I think I need to remind you of the situation you are in. The New World Order has your Gardevoir in captivity. If I'm upset, all I need to do is say the word, and your Gardevoir is donated to the local zoo as food for the lions. Do I make myself clear?" "I... I do," Diantha helplessly replied. "Good," Richman said as he kissed Diantha's neck, "Now go to bed and make yourself useful."


    Due to @FancyStache 's absence until October, the following segment will involve some of his characters (which I have permission to use till he gets back):




    Exiting the treasure room, Scrooge and the others reunited with Launchpad, Huey, Louie, and Webby...


    "Uncle Donald?" Huey and Louie both wondered out loud as they noticed Donald. "Huey and Louie! You're doing okay!" Donald happily said as he rushed to Huey and Louie, hugging them. "Huh, what are you doing here, Donald?" Webby questioned Donald as she also took note of Hack, Slash, and Gabby, "And who are those other three?" "Long story," Dewey answered Webby. "Wait! Where are Glomgold and the Taco Bell Dog?" Scrooge wondered out loud. Hack's walkie-talkie suddenly crackled, indicating someone was trying to contact him. Taking it out, Hack and the others heard Glomgold's voice speak through the walkie-talkie, stating, "Hey, team. Still a bit disappointed that you turned against me and were with Scrooge this whole time. So, to return the favor, I'll be escaping with the diamond and blow up Atlantis with my most hated rival inside." "Hmph, so much for all that talk about employees being the greatest treasure of all," Hack scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous!" Glomgold's voice replied on the walkie-talkie, "Treasure is the greatest treasure of all. That's why it's called 'treasure'! Glomgold out!" "We have to go!" Scrooge announced as Glomgold sent missiles with his submarine towards Atlantis, with the impact from the explosion causing the underwater city to start to crumble. Scrooge and the others quickly rushed towards his submarine, and got out of Atlantis just in time. As the submarine continued on its way back to Japan, Scrooge patted Dewey on the shoulder, commending him, "That was some quick thinking. You just may be an adventurer yet, Dewey."
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena