~English Countryside~ Flying on her broomstick high above the tank, the Inquisitor known as Bellatrix Lestrange grinned as she looked down on the tank. “Perfect,” Bellatrix said to herself as she tapped on a device around her wrist. Moments later, three TIE fighters flew towards the area, with Lestrange pointing to the tank below so that the TIE fighters know where to fire. The three TIE fighters then began to fire towards the ground, trying to hit the tank. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Police HQ (Conference Room)~ As officers were seated in a conference room, they watched as the Inquisitor known as Vanitas was speaking at the podium while accompanied by two Stormtroopers by his side. “As you all may remember, on the day of the Great Purge, many shocking revelations were made about the organization that was known as the Crystal Order, as well as how the rest of the world created this group as a bogeyman to weaken Japan. But perhaps the most shocking, and hurtful, revelation was that heroes that we looked up to, most notably, the Riders and Rangers, turned out to be foreign agents working to undermine Japan and its citizens!” Vanitas spoke in front of the officers, “Luckily, with the arrival of the New World Order, the threats from these so-called heroes were wiped out. Citizens can now rest easy knowing Rangers and Riders won’t be causing havoc for their lives anymore. Nevertheless, the New World Order understands that many citizens are nostalgic for the feeling they had of having spandex-wearing warriors save them, even though in retrospect, we now know what the true intentions of those warriors were. So, to give the citizens what they want, the New World Order has decided to start a pilot program that’ll be tested by the Capital’s very own police department! This program is called… Police Rangers!” Grabbing a remote on the podium, Vanitas pressed a button on the remote, and the screen behind him began displaying a Powerpoint presentation, with the first slide showing what looked like Power Ranger suits, but with a police theme. “The idea behind the concept of Police Rangers is, simply put, a much more efficient way to deal with the bad guys you officers typically come across,” Vanitas continued, “One other very important factor of the Police Rangers is that the main aim is to replace the heroic image citizens had of the Rangers and Riders with that of the Police Rangers. In short, the Police Rangers will be what the Rangers and Riders should’ve been. Now, you may be asking yourself… how will the Police Rangers succeed where the Rangers and Riders failed? Well, it comes down to three simple points.” Vanitas then clicked on the remote, and the slide behind him now displayed the word ‘Transparency’. “First point, ‘Transparency’,” Vanitas explained, “Citizens of the New World Order will know exactly who the Police Rangers protecting them are. No secret identities. No trying to guess who is behind the mask. Citizens deserve the right to know who is protecting them, which brings me to my next point.” Vanitas clicked the remote once again, and the word ‘Accountability’ appeared on the screen behind him. “‘Accountability’,” Vanitas continued, “Should a Police Ranger do something that harms our citizens in any way, he or she will be held accountable. Thanks to transparency, the citizens will know who it is that will be held accountable. Now then, all this talk about citizens brings me to my final point…” Vanitas clicked on the remote once again, and the screen behind him now displayed the word ‘Servitude’. “‘Servitude’,” Vanitas said, “As government individuals, we each serve the public, the citizens. After all, as the saying goes, to protect and serve. That will be the duty of the Police Rangers. Transparency, accountability, and servitude… by following these three key points, the Police Rangers will surely be revered by the citizens of the New World Order.” Just then, a man entered the conference room while rolling a cart containing three unique looking guns. “Thank you,” Vanitas thanked the man as he left the cart and exited the room, “With the Police Rangers pilot program, three officers in this department have been chosen to be Police Rangers. During that time, I will lead the Police Rangers with their duty and monitor to make sure the program is working as the New World Order intended. In this cart are the three devices used to transform to a Police Ranger. When I call out your name, please come up and pick up your device.” One of the Stormtroopers then handed Vanitas a list. Reading the list, Vanitas announced, “And the lucky officers who will be Police Rangers are… Chief Looker, Officer Jenny, and Officer Kiriko. Please come forward and pick up your device.” Getting up, Looker walked to Vanitas, telling him, “Pardon me, but Officer Jenny is out on police duty at the moment. I can hold on to her device until she gets back.” “Sure, go ahead,” Vanitas replied, handing Looker both his device and Jenny's device. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Chicago, Illinois - Alleyway~ Walking back and forth, Carl Creel was feeling distressed. Ever since acquiring the Obelisk, he noticed part of his forearm had turned to stone, just like what happened to Cassie Cage. And to make matters worse for him, whenever Creel tried absorbing any other material to change his body to that same material, the part of his forearm that was stone remained stone, never changing. The Inquisitor was beginning to fear that he may face the same fate as Cassie Cage. Hearing his cellphone ring, Creel took it out of his pocket, answering, “Yeah… yeah… sorry, something came up… don’t worry, I’ll bring that damn thing… alright.” Creel then hung up, having spoken with someone with the New World Order, asking him when he was planning to bring the Obelisk to a drop site in Chicago where the New World Order would then take it. But for Creel, all that mattered to him now was trying to figure out how to heal himself and not turn to stone. “Mr. Creel, I presume?” a voice called out to Creel. Turning around, the Inquisitor watched as a woman wearing a flower dress approached him from the shadows... “I know you from somewhere?” Creel questioned Raina. “My name is Raina, and I'm a huge admirer of yours... and your gifts,” Raina responded. “Beat it, lady,” Creel dismissed Raina. “You misunderstand. I know you recently acquired something extremely precious and rare... something I'm very interested in,” Raina responded. “Whatever you're offering... it ain't enough,” Creel said. “Maybe not,” Raina replied, “But aren't you the least bit curious as to what it might be?” Showing Creel a box she was holding on to, Raina opened it, revealing a large ring containing a certain gem. “It's called carbyne,” Raina explained as Creel examined the ring, “An allotrope of carbon found in stardust, three times harder than diamond... with an added bonus. It can store energy. Beautiful, isn't it? So filled with potential.” “Am I supposed to be impressed?” Creel questioned. “I'll settle for interested,” Raina replied. “Look, lady. I’m an Inquisitor. I work for the New World Order,” Creel told Raina, “You better watch yourself, ‘cause I'd hate to see what they would do to that pretty little face of yours.” “Looks like you need some help there, Mr. Creel,” Raina commented after noticing that the right side of Creel’s neck began to turn to stone as well. Gasping after feeling his neck, Creel quickly grabbed the ring Raina showed him, telling her, “I'm not the one who needs help, lady.” “You do if you touched the Obelisk,” Raina warned Creel. “I'll tell you what... I'm gonna do you a solid and not tell my bosses about you!” Creel told Raina as he stormed off. “What about the carbyne you just stole from me?” Raina asked. “It's the cost of doing business,” Creel replied as he disappeared from sight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Militia Base Prison Cell - Outskirts of Upington, South Africa~ As Cassian, Noctis, Ignis, and Prompto, were imprisoned in a cell inside the militia base, Cassian was trying to figure out a way to escape, while Noctis noticed someone was in the cell right next to them. “Ignis, who’s the one in the next cell?” Noctis asked. “What? Where?” Prompto wondered out loud as Ignis looked through a hole to see the person in the cell next to them… “A New World Order pilot,” Ignis told Noctis after seeing that it was Bodhi Rook in the cell next to them, noticing the clothes he was wearing indicating he was a cargo pilot for the New World Order. “Pilot?!” Cassian cried after hearing what Ignis said, rushing towards the hole to talk to Bodhi, “Are you the pilot? Hey, hey are you the pilot? The cargo pilot?” “Pilot?” Bodhi wondered out loud after hearing what Cassian asked him, still horrified and recovering from his experience the previous day with Saw Gerrera’s Tentacruel. “What’s wrong with him?” Prompto questioned. “Galen Erso… you know that name?” Cassian asked Bodhi. “I brought the message, I’m the pilot. I’m the pilot. I’m the pilot,” Bodhi responded as he began to regain his senses. “Okay, good,” Cassian said, “Now where is Galen Erso?” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Island in the Pacific Ocean~ Spoiler: BGM Boss Battle: Demon Tide With their Keyblades, Moana and Maui charged towards the swarm of Shadows known as the Demon Tide. The Demon Tide, however, charged towards them as well, with all the Shadows comprising the swarm suddenly having glowing red eyes. Moana and Maui then jumped out of the way as they watched the Demon Tide pass by them and sink into the ground. Noticing the Demon Tide about to attack Moana from under the spot where she was standing, Maui yelled, “Moana, watch out!” Hearing Maui’s warning just in time, Moana used her Keyblade to summon a Barrier around her, protecting her as the swarm of Shadows rose up from beneath her. Once the Demon Tide was above her, Moana removed the Barrier surrounding her, and rejoined Maui as he proceeded to shoot Fire and Blizzard attacks at the Demon Tide with his Keyblade while Moana focused on the Demon Tide, pointing her Keyblade at the swarm as she unleashed a Prism Rain attack, firing a salvo of rainbow-colored orbs at the Demon Tide. While the attacks that Moana and Maui delivered vanquished some of the Shadows in the swarm, the damage to the Demon Tide was very minimal. The Demon Tide then began shooting groups of individual Shadows towards Moana and Maui. The two Keyblade wielders, however, protected themselves by summoning a Barrier around themselves with their Keyblades. And once the Shadows hit their Barriers, both delivered a Counter Blast attack that shattered their Barriers and sending it flying into the surrounding Shadows, vanquishing them. Meanwhile, the Demon Tide began flying near Moana and Maui, giving the two a chance to deliver physical attacks with their Keyblades towards the swarm of Shadows. But as the two kept vanquishing individual Shadows from the swarm with their Keyblades, the eyes of the Shadows in the swarm suddenly began to glow red as the Demon Tide struck Moana and Maui, sending them flying and crashing into the ground. Getting up, Moana and Maui were exhausted, and were wondering how to defeat the Demon Tide. “How do we get rid of that thing?!” Moana questioned Maui. As Maui focused, he noticed that at the front of the Demon Tide, there appeared to be a purple core that was huddled by Shadows. “I think the key is to focus on that purple core on the front,” Maui responded to Moana, pointing to the core, “I’m about to do something really crazy that involves throwing the core towards you. When I do that, bind the core so that it’s vulnerable for an attack.” “Understood, Master,” Moana replied as Maui charged towards the Demon Tide and transformed to his Eagle form… Flying over the purple core, Maui reverted back to his human form as he landed on top of the Demon Tide’s core, trying to maintain his balance as the Demon Tide flew towards Moana. “Moana, NOW!” Maui yelled as he jumped and swung his Keyblade at the core, sending it towards Moana. “Stay there!” Moana cried as she used her Keyblade to fire chains of light towards the core, binding it and the Shadows attached to it, leaving them vulnerable. Moana and Maui then quickly began to repeatedly teleport and strike the core and the Shadows. “Come on!” Maui told Moana once the two were ready to deliver the final blow. “Yeah!” Moana concurred as the two sent powerful bolts of light with their Keyblades towards the core and Shadows, destroying them (and by extension, defeating the Demon Tide). Panting, both Moana and Maui collapsed on the ground, exhausted after battle with the Demon Tide. “Is it over?” Moana asked. “I hope so,” Maui replied. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Hospital (14th Floor)~ As Officer Jenny assisted Matt while they headed with Foggy towards the room where the eyewitness they wanted to talk to was, Jenny heard her cell phone ring. “Excuse me for a sec,” Jenny told Murdock as she answered her phone, “Jenny speaking… what?! Alright, alright… thank you.” As Jenny hung up, Murdock asked her, “Is something wrong?” “There’s been an attack on the Corleones,” Jenny replied, “No casualties, but it looks like it’s the same guy who’s been going after local gangs. I fear he might be coming for our eyewitness, but I was assured that some additional cops would be arriving to make sure this guy is nowhere near.” “Still, I think we oughta check on our eyewitness to make sure he’s fine,” Murdock commented. “Osha,” Foggy concurred with Matt. “Right,” Jenny said, “Then let’s go.” The three then continued on their way to the room where the eyewitness was. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Flashback: Three Weeks Ago - Nibelheim, New Mexico~ Arriving to the burning town, Finn and Kanan were carefully moving across the street, maintaining a safe distance from all the burning buildings, hoping to find any survivors. “HELLO?!” Kanan called out to any potential survivors. “Anyone out there?!” Finn added, hoping he and Finn are at least able to save some lives. However, as the two continued to look around, they noticed something flying right towards them. “Watch out!” Kanan cried as he and Finn moved aside. The two noticed that what they had seen was actually fellow Stormtrooper, Bulk Biceps, who crashed hard on the ground near them… “Bulk?!” Finn cried as he and Finn rushed towards him, noticing he was impaled and badly wounded. “What happened? Who did this?” Kanan asked Bulk Biceps. Slowly opening his eyes, Bulk noticed Finn and Kanan, weakly replying, “K-Kylo… Kylo Ren…” Bulk then breathed his last breath as his eyes closed and his head rested on the ground. Horrified to see Bulk dead, Finn wondered out loud, “Kylo?” As Finn and Kanan looked at each other, both confused, they noticed someone slowly approaching them. Looking at the figure, Kanan and Finn noticed it was none other than Kylo Ren himself, carrying his Keyblade… “Kylo… what's going on?!” Kanan questioned. “Kanan… he's got a Keyblade!” Finn cried after noticing the weapon Kylo Ren Solo was carrying around strongly resembled their own weapons. “What in the world??” Kanan wondered out loud. As for Kylo, he was staring at the two with a scary yet blank expression on his face. As he pointed his Keyblade at the two, Kylo suddenly grew a single wing on his back, surprising Finn and Kanan. “Didn't see that coming…” Kanan commented, “Finn, you better get ready.” “Right,” Finn concurred as he and Kanan both summoned their Keyblades, ready to face Kylo Ren while wondering why he would do such a thing and how did he get the ability to wield a Keyblade. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Arendelle, Norway - Castle~ “Let's... go fly a kite,” Olaf sang to himself after having watched ‘Mary Poppins’. But as he danced in the hallway, he noticed Elsa and Saphir walking together… “Oh, hey Elsa, Saphir,” Olaf greeted the two, gasping upon noticing the two were holding hands, "You're already holding hands?!" Saphir blushed without saying a word in response, not knowing what to say. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Forest~ As they continued to follow the footsteps, Romulus and his Stormtroopers and Cybermen noticed the footprints coming to a stop in the middle of nowhere. “Odd… according to the records, the base is supposed to be somewhere here, but there’s nothing but more forest,” one of the Stormtroopers commented, “Could the ones who made these footprints have teleported as well?” Romulus didn’t reply, quietly observing the area. Noticing a bird chirping in a nearby tree branch, Romulus watched as the bird flew towards the area in front of Romulus. But as the bird flew, it seemingly disappeared. “Huh, what happened?” one of the Stormtroopers questioned after seeing the bird disappear. “The bird has landed on a rock,” one of the Cybermen said, “The bird’s heat signatures confirm this.” However, Romulus and the Stormtroopers couldn’t see the bird despite what the Cyberman said. “That can’t be. Unless…” Romulus said as he slowly stepped forward, with his Stormtroopers and Cybermen following him. Once they passed the end of the footprints, they noticed the scenery around them completely change. They were still in a forest, but apart from finally noticing the bird from earlier, Romulus noticed the base that one of his Stormtroopers told him about located in the distance. As Romulus and his Stormtroopers and Cybermen hid behind bushes, Romulus said, “Of course! An invisibility barrier. It’s why this base was hidden! And from the looks of it, they’re Rebels alright!” “Sir, all our communication has been disrupted,” one of the Stormtroopers told Romulus as he tried to relay information on the base to higher command. “Guess the invisibility barrier they have surrounding the base interferes with our frequency,” Romulus replied, “No matter. Let’s split up and scout the area. Let’s see how much we can learn about this place, and how much damage we can do to the Rebel Alliance, before we get out of here.” The Cybermen and Stormtroopers all nodded as they split up into three groups. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~ “Thank you, my friend. I look forward to our battle next week,” T’Challa thanked Simba as he noticed Nakia approach the two… “Yes, Nakia? What is it?” T’Challa asked, wondering what Nakia had to say. “I just wanted to let you know that your sister will be arriving soon,” Nakia responded. “Ah, good,” T’Challa said, “I’ll go greet her outside right now.” As Nakia nodded, T’Challa headed towards the bases’s exit to meet his sister, Shuri, outside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Kyoto, Japan - Park~ “Riders!” one of the Stormtroopers cried after seeing Akira, Michal, and Shintaro transform, “Get them!” “I’ll help you guys out!” Ursula told the three Riders, flicking her wand to attack the Stormtroopers with her magic, while avoiding getting hit by the Stormtroopers’ blasters. As for Amanda and Constanze, the two of them got on their broomsticks, flying around the Cybermen while avoiding getting hit from their blasters. Constanze took out a sonic stabilizer from her pocket, throwing it at the group of Cybermen, weakening their metal and making them vulnerable to an attack. “Take this you metal freaks!” Amanda cried as she stood on her broomstick, balancing herself as she continued flying and flicked her wand, destroying the Cybermen with a variety of magic attacks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Kyoto, Japan - Park (Again)~ As Phil, Akko, Sucy, Lotte, and Jasminka (who was carrying the tied up Diana) were trying to run away from the park, the group came across two Stormtroopers, who pointed their blasters at them… “Hold it right there,” one of the Stormtroopers warned the group, “Let me see your hands.” While Phil and the others tried to figure out what to do, Diana was giving a muffled scream, trying to plead for help from the Stormtroopers to save her. “Okay, okay,” Coulson replied to the Stormtrooper as he raised his arms while still holding on to the Shiny Rod. “Hand that rod over,” the other Stormtrooper ordered Phil. “Huh? Oh, you mean this thing? Yeah, sure,” Phil replied as he walked towards one of the Stormtroopers, seemingly about to hand him the Shiny Rod. However, Coulson surprised the Stormtrooper by swinging the Shiny Rod at his head, knocking him out. And as the other Stormtrooper was about to shoot him, Coulson quickly grabbed the Stormtrooper he knocked out, and used him as a human shield, protecting himself from the other Stormtrooper as he began firing his blaster. Coulson then grabbed the now deceased Stormtrooper’s blaster, and shot the other Stormtrooper, killing him as well. With both Stormtroopers now dead, Sucy commented, “Wow… that was pretty cool.” However, the victory was short lived, as the group noticed several more Stormtroopers rushing towards them. “Uh-oh,” Coulson commented as he threw the Shiny Rod to Lotte, “Get to safety. And make sure nothing happens to the rod.” “Will do!” Akko replied while the others nodded. The girls then ran away as Coulson took a deep breath while holding on to the blaster from earlier, wondering how to deal with the Stormtroopers coming his way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ “Sammy,” Darien called out to Dammy as he and Rini approached him. “Darien! So, you found Rini,” Sammy replied. “Yeah,” Darien answered, “Have you seen Serena anywhere?” “As a matter of fact, yeah,” Sammy replied, “She went to see her friends.” “Alright. Thanks for the info,” Darien thanked Sammy as he and Rini went to find Serena. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~ “Hiro, Baymax, what are you two up to?” Nick Fury asked Hiro and Baymax as he approached them. “Sorry Nick. Baymax was just trying to help Serena here after he noticed her crying,” Hiro responded, “You know how he is.” “Yeah, that's true,” Nick said as he noticed Serena with her friends, “You're Serena Tsukino, aren't you? Darien told me all about how you and your family looked after him since November. Darien’s a special kid, I've known him since he was 11 years old. And for saving his life, you have my thanks.” As he extended his hand towards Serena to shake, Fury continued, “The name's Nick Fury by the way.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Shalour City, France~ As the Rebels watched the local residents of Shalour City throwing rice at them in celebration of liberating the area from the New World Order, Korrina asked Bellec, “So, what now?” “Well, the surviving Stormtroopers have been taken into custody. All that's left to do now is celebrate,” Bellec responded. Nodding, Korrina told the Rebels and any residents listening, “Alright everyone, the Tower of Mastery is open to all tonight. Let's celebrate our very important victory!” The other Rebels then cheered as they slowly walked back to the Tower of Mastery. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Island in the Pacific Ocean - Cave~ Spoiler: BGM While Moana and Maui battle Demon Tide outside, Master Xehanort entered the cave in the island, noticing a large boulder standing in front of him. Summoning his Keyblade, Xehanort pointed it towards the boulder, and a Keyhole appeared on the boulder. Xehanort’s Keyblade then shot a ray of light towards the Keyhole, and the Grand Inquisitor then heard the sound of a lock being unlocked as a vertical line began to glow on the boulder. The boulder then split into two and began to open up, revealing a dark pathway. Grinning, Xehanort made his way across the pathway, until he then reached a room containing strange glowing markings all around. And in the center of the room was a pedestal containing a golden orb. Grabbing the orb, Xehanort grinned as he looked at it. The Grand Inquisitor then summoned a Corridor of Darkness, walking through it and disappearing before the Corridor of Darkness itself disappeared as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Corleone Household~ “No, not ‘they’,” Ezio corrected Mileena, “It was a ‘he’. It was a single man who did this.” As he got up, Vito added, “The same man who has been attacking local gangs.” “Yes. No doubt this is him, Uncle,” Ezio concurred with Vito as they heard sirens in the distance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~ "Hey, Celestia! Look what I got!" Discord told Celestia, showing Spike to her, "His name's Spike. I hope you like him." "Oh my goodness, he's so adorable!" Celestia replied as her eyes gleamed at the sight of Discord's new dog, "Who's a good boy? You are!"
It has been confirmed that Kingdom Hearts fans in North America who pre-order 'Kingdom Hearts III' from Amazon will get an exclusive Keyblade as a pre-order bonus, called 'Dawn Till Dusk'. Interestingly, the Keyblade is the same one that is available for those who pre-order the game in Japan from 7/11.
As many moviegoers in North America have been noticing this past weekend, a 'Kingdom Hearts III' trailer with new scenes has been playing in theaters. Now, Square-Enix has released an extended version of that trailer! In addition to that, it has also been officially announced that development on 'Kingdom Hearts III' has wrapped up! Check out the trailer and development announcement below:
Amazon Games has confirmed that during their Black Friday Twitch stream, scheduled for 12pm PST on November 23rd, an exclusive announcement regarding 'Kingdom Hearts III' will be made! Given that the stream is focused on holiday deals for gamers, this announcement is likely to be merchandise-related (though it might also be possible we could also be getting something like a new trailer).
~Helicarrier - Sky Above the Kalahari Desert - South Africa~ Inside Tarkin’s personal Helicarrier (which was hovering across the sky in South Africa), Grand Moff Tarkin, Director Krennic, and the S-type known as Hive were looking at the view behind the glass structure separating the interior of the Helicarrier from the outside. “The Supreme Leaders are awaiting my report,” Tarkin told Krennic. “One had hoped that they and the Grand Inquisitor might have been here for such an occasion,” Krennic replied. “And I thought it prudent to save you from any potential embarrassment,” Tarkin said. “Your concern is hardly warranted,” Krennic scoffed. “If saying it would only make it so,” Tarkin replied. “All New World Order forces have been evacuated from Upington, and I stand ready to destroy the entire town with Lavos,” Krennic told Tarkin. “Yes... what we need is a statement, not a manifesto. Upington will be enough for the day,” Tarkin replied. “Hive, summon the Death Star. Target Upington,” Krennic ordered the S-type. “Will do,” Hive replied as he went to summon the S-type known as Lavos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ “Huh, Serena?” Darien called out to Serena as she quietly left the room. “Why did she leave?” Rini questioned. “I am not sure,” Connor replied, “Still, this room is too dark. I will turn on the lights.” Once Connor flipped a switch on the wall, the lights came up. But as they came up, Darien and Rini noticed many posters and old pictures on the wall. “It… it can't be,” Darien said, surprised to see who was in the posters and pictures on the wall. The images on the posters and pictures all focused on a man wearing an outfit symbolizing the Japanese flag while also carrying a round shield decorated to look like the flag of Japan… View attachment 49969 Spoiler: BGM “Captain Japan?!” Darien cried as he looked over the pictures and posters. “I see you are a fan of him,” Connor commented as he smiled. “Captain Japan was a major inspiration for me during my days in the J.I.A. I studied his history, know every battle he took part in. So yeah, I am a major fan,” Darien replied, “I even collected a bunch of Captain Japan trading cards at one point.” “Uhh, who is he?” Rini asked. “This, Rini, is Captain Japan. His real name is Steve Rogers. During the 60s, he led the fight against the villainous S-types,” Darien responded, “He was one of the best heroes to ever fight for Japan.” “Yes. Steve Rogers was a legend, a true Japanese icon,” Connor concurred, “It is why I chose this base as a Rebel headquarter. This was the very same base where he spent most of his time before going out on missions.” “Really?” Darien asked, “Then that means we are standing in a place with a lot of historical significance! So cool!” “It was not just Captain Japan who walked these very halls. So did my grandfather,” Connor replied as he pointed to an old photograph, where Captain Japan was posing with other individuals, including Connor's grandfather, Edward, “Edward Kenway, my grandfather, was a part of a team led by Captain Japan, nicknamed the Howling Commandos.” “Oh yeah, that's right,” Darien said, “I do remember reading about your grandpa being a Howling Commando.” “So, is Captain Japan still around?” Rini asked. “Unfortunately, no,” Connor answered. “Yeah,” Darien concurred, “There was this one year where S-types appeared somewhere near Siberia. Though they were outnumbered, their leader, known as ‘Red Skull’, escaped on a ship that had deadly missiles aimed for many major cities around the world. Captain Japan got on that ship, and it is believed that he beat the Red Skull inside. Unfortunately, it didn't look like time was on his side. I think Rogers noticed that the only way to avoid the missiles from launching was to crash the ship itself. And so, the ship crashed somewhere in the North Pole. Sadly, his body was never found, since ship broke into many different parts, and scattered all over. Captain Japan's sacrifice on that day saved the lives of many people around the world... and they don't even know it. It is why he was seen as an inspiration for many.” “Oh, I see,” Rini said as she continued looking at the posters and pictures. “Anyway, we really should go and see where Serena went,” Darien commented. As Connor nodded in agreement with Darien, Rini suddenly said, “Connor, can I join you on your trip?” As Connor and Darien were both surprised by what Rini requested, Darien told her, “Rini, what are you doing?” “I wanna go with him,” Rini replied, “I've got friends going, so why can't I? Please, Connor, please…” Connor was stumped on what to say, as he felt this was a decision that should be taken by those looking after Rini, not Rini herself. “I, uh… perhaps you should discuss this with Darien and Serena,” Connor told Rini as he sweatdropped. “Okay,” Rini replied, “Darien, let's find Serena and ask her.” “Right…” Darien said, still surprised by Rini's request while also trying to figure out what to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Flashback: Three Weeks Ago - Nibelheim, New Mexico: Ancient Ruins~ “Anything on Kylo?” Kanan asked Finn as the two of them were patrolling outside Nibelheim’s ancient ruins. “Nope,” Finn replied, “Not sure what happened to him ever since we were separated inside the ruins.” “Yeah,” Kanan concurred, “It feels like he’s been a completely new person ever since we reunited with him after that incident. Always quiet, going inside the ruins with some guy in a black coat, and spending hours inside. And the fact that his dad doesn’t wanna talk about his son’s new behavior is suspicious as well.” “I’d really like to know what happened inside the ruins to make him start acting this way,” Finn replied. But as the two continued patrolling, they noticed the entire town of Nibelheim in the distance was burning. As he and Finn both gasped, Kanan said, “Oh no… Finn, we gotta save the people there!” “Right!” Finn concurred as they rushed towards Nibelheim. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France~ Charging towards the remaining New World Order forces, Bellec and his Rebels each did their part in battling against the remaining Stormtroopers and Cybermen. Bellec and Elise were shooting at Stormtroopers while dodging incoming blaster fire, Lydia and Korrina were slashing at Stormtroopers with their Keybaldes, Korrina’s mega-evolved Swampert smashed Stormtroopers with his massive fists, and Korrina’s Lucario used his Bone Rush attack by swinging a green glowing long bone against Stormtroopers. As for the Cybermen, Serena threw a sonic stabilizer towards the group of metal men, weakening their metal and making them vulnerable for an attack. “Attack!” Serena cried as she and her Fennekin were riding on Rhyhorn, charging towards the Cybermen as Rhyhorn easily decimated the Cybermen in its path. As for the Cybermen that Rhyhorn missed, Serena’s Fennekin used a Flamethrower attack to destroy them. “Nice work, Fenny!” Serena commended her Fennekin. “Fokka!” Serena’s Fennekin happily responded. Eventually, all that was left of the New World Order forces in Shalour City were half a dozen Stormtroopers, who dropped their weapons and raised their arms in surrender. “We did it! Shalour City is ours!” Pierre happily declared as the Rebels happily cheered, celebrating a very rare victory for the Rebel Alliance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~ Hugging Serena from behind as he patted her head, Baymax said, “Treatments for sadness include compassion and physical reassurance. There, there, it will be alright.” “Baymax…” Hiro said with a disappointed tone as he walked towards Baymax, Serena, and the others… “Sorry about Baymax. If he sees someone hurt in any way, he just has to do something about it. All part of his programming,” Hiro told Serena. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Kyoto, Japan - Underground Path~ As they were heading towards the exit in order to return to the park above, Amanda and the others stopped upon noticing two Stormtroopers examining the entrance, and eventually noticed the group… “Hey, what do you think you're doing here?” one of the Stormtroopers questioned the group as he and the other Stormtrooper pointed their weapons at the group. “Busted…” Sucy commented. “Don't suppose you have a plan to get us out of this predicament,” Coulson asked Amanda. “As a matter of fact, I do,” Amanda responded as she took out her wand. A few moments later, the Stormtroopers were blasted away from Amanda's magic, so Amanda and the others raced outside. But upon arriving to the park outside, they noticed the area was swarming with Stormtroopers and Cybermen… “Not good…” Akko commented. Thinking quickly, Ursula handed Phil the Shiny Rod, telling him, “Get this out of here. The New World Order must NOT have it! I'll hold them off.” “Okay,” Phil responded, “Akko, you and your friends come with me. You too, Jasminka!” Akko, Sucy, Lotte, and Jasminka nodded in response as they followed followed him, running away from the area while Ursula, Amanda, and Constanze got their wands out, preparing for a battle. “If you guys got sonic stabilizers, make sure to use them against the Cybermen in order to beat them. If not, I'll deal with them myself,” Amanda advised Michal, Shintaro, and Akira. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground: Jeffrey Mace's Office~ “How the hell did you lose him?! Why haven't you got every Rebel in Chicago out there looking for Creel right now?!” Lance complained to both Jeffrey Mace and Shining Armor after he was informed of what has been happening in Chicago lately. “You think you're entitled to answers?” Mace questioned Lance. “He killed Cassie on my watch,” Lance replied, “I think that's entitlement enough.” “Well, it's not,” Jeffery retorted. “You and May should have helped me take her to the hospital,” Lance scolded Shining Armor. “Cassie should have followed May’s orders,” Shining Armor retorted. Sighing as he took a seat, Lance commented, “Yeah, well, she tried to. Her only mistake was listening to me.” “Is that why you came back? Guilt? A desire for revenge? Or was it because of what the New World Order promised you?” Mace questioned Lance. “All of the above,” Lance replied. “So you made a deal,” Mace said. “I have 48 hours to deliver you,” Lance replied. “Or else you're a dead man,” Mace said. “Words to that effect, yeah,” Lance responded. “And you didn't give them our location?” Shining Armor questioned Lance. “Don't get me wrong. I thought about it,” Hunter responded, “I could have led them right here.” “So kind of you to reconsider,” Mace said, “And in exchange for me, you get what, exactly?” “Money,” Lance answered. “Hmm, money, huh?” Mace commented. “Look, you Rebels are the only ones who will actually go after that Inquisitor. He's the only thing I want. Well, that and the money you owe me,” Lance replied. “You're kidding, right?” Mace asked, “'Cause sometimes I can't tell.” “No, I'm not. I want my pay,” Lance replied. Sighing, Mace said, “I'll take care of it.” “Good. Once we deal with Creel... I'll be in the wind. Or three sheets to it,” Hunter replied as he got out of his seat and exited Mace’s office. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~ “Remember what I told you yesterday about how I decided to take on the mantle of the Black Panther to help the Rebel Alliance?” T’Challa asked Simba, “Well, as of late, I have been having doubts on whether I truly deserve it. So, after speaking with Zuri, I decided to go through the traditional coronation ceremony that has been conducted in Wakanda for generations of kings before me. However, the coronation ceremony involves a battle between the man intending to be king, and a challenger. The battle should not involve powers or any other enhanced ways to battle. It should simply be two men battling each other using nothing but old traditional Wakandan weapons, with the battle ending when one side yields. I am currently looking into having this coronation ceremony next week, and I was hoping you would be willing to battle me. It would be a great honor to battle you, Simba, and I hope you would accept my offer for an honorable battle.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Arendelle, Norway - Castle~ Hearing Elsa's reply, Saphir simply smiled at her, liking what he heard. Meanwhile, over at the castle's kitchen, Larxene was waiting on the chefs to finish with the gyro sandwich she asked for… “Come on, I gotta go back to patrol,” Larxene complained to the chefs, “Are you guys seriously this slow with all the food you prepare?” “Done,” one of the chefs said as he placed a plate in front of Larxene with a gyro sandwich on top. “Ugh, finally,” the Inquisitor said as she grabbed the gyro sandwich and exited the kitchen. But as she was heading for the castle's exit to go back to patrolling, she noticed Saphir and Elsa in the distance, walking together. ‘Well, well, well, what do we have here?’ Larxene pondered to herself, grinning as she went outside, ‘I wonder if Hans knows what those two are up to.’ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Hospital~ Arriving to the hospital, Officer Jenny walked towards the waiting room, noticing the blind demon lawyer, Matt Murdock, seated with his Oshawott, Foggy, by his side… “Hey Matt,” Jenny greeted Murdock, “Got your call.” “Officer Jenny,” Matt greeted the officer back. “Oshawott!” Foggy greeted Officer Jenny as well, waving hello to her. “So, what’s up?” Jenny asked Murdock. “Good news,” Murdock replied, “A deal’s been reached between our eyewitness and the New World Order. The New World Order won’t kill him on anything he confesses to, and will instead send him to a labor camp for the rest of his life, which he agreed to.” “Labor camp, huh? I suppose that is still better than being executed,” Jenny commented, “So, could we talk to this guy?” “Absolutely,” Matt responded as he got up and Jenny held his arm to help him get around. “Osha, Oshawott,” Foggy told Jenny and Murdock, wanting to lead them to the room where the man whom Matt and Jenny wished to see was admitted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Island in the Pacific Ocean~ “Not bad, not bad at all,” Maui commended Moana as the two of them were battling each other with their Keyblades, helping her practice so that she can become a Keyblade Master, “You still gotta work on your form a bit. Remember, relax, and focus. But overall, I'm impressed.” “Thanks, Master,” Moana replied as she and Maui continued swinging their Keyblades and blocking incoming attacks from the other. But as they continued battling, Moana noticed a figure in a black coat walking toward the island's cave… “Uhh, Maui… who is that?” Moana asked. As the two stopped battling, Maui then noticed the figure, yelling to him, “Hey! What do you think you're doing here? And how did you even find this place?!” As he stopped, the figure in the black coat removed the hood covering his face, revealing himself to Moana and Maui… “I've come to pay a visit to the cave here,” Master Xehanort replied, “It is, in reality, an ancient temple built by Keyblade wielders, is it not?” Hearing what Xehanort said, Maui held his Keyblade in an attack position, questioning him, “Who are you?!” “My name is Xehanort,” the Grand Inquisitor replied, “However, you might recognize me better as the descendant of Sauron.” Gasping, Maui ordered Moana, “Moana, we have to get him!” “Okay!” Moana responded as she and Maui charged towards Xehanort with their Keyblades. Rolling his eyes, Xehanort said, “Fools.” Master Xehanort then snapped his fingers as a massive number of Shadows emerged from the ground, all huddled together as they were hovering above the ground, causing Maui and Moana to stop and get into a defensive position… “I wish I can stay and talk, but I have some important matters to attend to,” Xehanort said as he continued on his way to the cave in the island. “Moana, get ready,” Maui told Moana as they prepared to battle the group of Shadows. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~ “Great!” Lt. Surge replied after K. Rool accepted his offer to join the Rebels, shaking hands with him. But after hearing him ask when they can ‘start destroying them’, Surge replied, “Woah, woah, slow down there, buddy. We don't have any open missions as of right now. I'll be sure to letcha know if somethin’ comes up. In da meantime, walk around, get acclimated, make new friends. We're all in dis togetha, so might as well know who your allies are.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Corleone Household~ As Mileena began to eat, Ezio noticed what looked like a shadow of man with a gun outside, ready to fire at the Corleone household. Gasping, Ezio yelled, “GET DOWN!!” Ezio then quickly jumped towards Vito and Mileena, pushing them aside as the Corleone household was being hit with strong gunfire. Ducking under a table, Ezio put himself over Vito and Mileena, protecting them from any debris and scattered pieces of glass as the sound of gunfire continued. After around a minute, the gunfire ended. Panting, Ezio asked, “Is everyone alright?” “Yes. Thanks to you,” Vito replied. Seeing that Mileena was alright as well, Ezio got up, and rushed towards the damaged window. However, Ezio noticed that the man who was shooting at them had vanished. “Merda!” Ezio complained, “He got away.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x3)~ Sighing after hearing Damien's response, Discord shrugged as he said, “Suit yourself.” Once the dog got on Discord's back after throwing a can to Damien's face, Discord smiled at the dog as he patted his head, saying, “I think I like you, little guy. Got a name? If not, how does the name ‘Spike’ sound to you?”
I'm still trying to process the fact that this movie even exists, and trying to get over the fact that the Pokemon in the movie look completely different than how I've been used to them in the games and the anime. The trailer did make me chuckle a few times, I admit, and I like the many easter eggs that were included (I'd imagine the movie will be chock full of them). All I can I hope is that the movie ends up being good (I'll be pleasantly surprised if that happens).
With the release of the new 'Kingdom Hearts III' trailer today, we finally got to hear a bit of Master Xehanort's English voice in the game. While there has been no announcement on who will be replacing the late Leonard Nimoy, we may have an answer. When someone tweeted to Mark Hamill (who voiced Master Eraqus in 'Birth by Sleep'), asking if he was the one who we heard in the new trailer, Hamill liked the the tweet back (which you can check out below): View attachment 49965 While this is by no means a confirmation, it'll be interesting if Mark Hamill truly does take over his 'Birth by Sleep' co-star as the voice of Master Xehanort.
During the X018 conference in Mexico City, Square-Enix revealed a new 'Kingdom Hearts III' trailer, revealing that the Hundred Acre Wood will return, and showing us a couple other shocking scenes as well. Check it out below:
To celebrate the fourth anniversary of the release of the Academy Award winning movie 'Big Hero 6', Square-Enix has revealed the (partial?) English voice cast of the characters that Sora, Donald, and Goofy will meet when they arrive in San Fransokyo in 'Kingdom Hearts III', which you can check out below: As you can see, the majority of the 'Big Hero 6' cast will be reprising their roles for the game, while Khary Payton will be voicing Wasabi No-Ginger (who he's been voicing in the 'Big Hero 6' television show). Strangely missing from the list above was Fred (despite confirmed to be in the game with the rest of the Big Hero 6 gang). However, T.J. Miller, who voiced Fred in the movie, tweeted the following, hinting at the possibility that he may be reprising his role in the game after all:
During the Lucca Comics & Games 2018 Convention in Italy today, Square-Enix surprised KH fans with a short English trailer featuring the Tangled world (Kingdom of Corona). Check it out below:
~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ After being handed a note by Kengo regarding two Power Rangers hiding in San Diego, Connor thought to himself, ‘If I am being honest with myself, I do not think I would able to go to San Diego on my journey. However, I will make sure to pass along this message to Jeffrey Mace, seeing as he oversees Rebel operations for almost all of North America. Perhaps he might already be aware of these two Rangers, but it would not hurt to double-check.’ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Militia Base in a Cave - Outskirts of Upington, South Africa~ After being brought into their base by the militia members they encountered earlier, Cassian, along with Noctis and his two friends, were imprisoned in a cell, while Jyn was dragged towards an enclosed area of the base. Once the militia member who was dragging her pushed her inside and walked away, Jyn looked around to see who, or what, was in this place. “Jyn. Is it really you? I can’t believe it,” a familiar voice told Jyn. Looking towards the direction of the voice, Jyn noticed Saw Gerrera himself walk towards her with the help of a cane, not completely surprised by how he looked given what happened to him the last time she saw him… “Must be quite a surprise,” Jyn replied to Saw. “Are we not still friends?” Saw asked Jyn. “Look, I appreciate how you saved my father years ago,” Jyn replied, “But would it have hurt to say hello, check up on us again?” “Look at me! I was in no condition to continue living life as I have before Shinnok,” Saw cried, pointing to the mechanical armor he was wearing that contained an oxygen machine, as well as his a metallic right leg, “Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you and your father. But today, of all days? It’s a trap, isn’t it?” “What?” Jyn questioned. “The pilot... the message… all of it,” Saw replied as he grabbed the oxygen machine mask attached to his armor, placing it over his mouth as he took a deep breath and then removed it, “Did they... send you? Did you come here... to kill me? There’s not much of me left.” “The Alliance wants my father,” Jyn said, “They think he’s sent you a message about certain weapons. I guess they think by sending me you might actually help them out.” “So what is it that you want, Jyn?” Saw questioned Jyn. “They wanted an introduction, they’ve got it. I’m out now. The rest of you can do what you want,” Jyn replied. “You care not about the cause?” Saw asked. “The cause? Seriously?” Jyn scoffed, “The Alliance? The… the Rebels? Whatever it is you’re calling yourself these days? You’re all fighting a losing battle. It’s impossible to beat the New World Order. If you keep being stubborn with all this fighting, all you’ll find is pain.” “You can stand to see the New World Order flag reign across the Earth?” Saw questioned Jyn. “It’s not a problem if you don’t look up,” Jyn replied. “I have something to show you. Come,” Saw told Jyn, who followed him as he walked towards another part of the base. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Forest~ As Romulus continued following footsteps with his Stormtroopers and Cybermen, one of the Stormtroopers accompanying him said, “Sir… I've been looking into records of the area, and it seems that up ahead, there used to be a Japanese military base.” “‘Used to’?” Romulus questioned. “Yes,” the Stormtrooper responded, “Apparently, the base was abandoned and demolished in 1995.” “And the footprints seem to be going in the direction of this… demolished base…” Romulus commented. “Sir… are you implying that those whose footprints we're following are headed towards the base?” the Stormtrooper questioned. “It’s certainly a possibility,” Romulus responded. “But why head to a base that's been demolished?” the Stormtrooper questioned. “Not sure,” Romulus replied, “But I'd like to find out.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~ After searching throughout the entire base, T'Challa finally was able to find Simba, wanting to discuss something with him. “Simba,” T'Challa said as he approached him, “May I have a word with you?” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~ Spoiler: BGM “Lastly, Peter Parker,” Sunset told Peter, who, like the Maximoff twins earlier during their test, had a shock bracelet wrapped around his ankle to shock him should he try escaping, “You cling and crawl on most surfaces, you can shoot webs out of your hands, you’ve got superhuman strength, speed, durability, agility, and you’ve got a… ‘spider-sense’... whatever that is. So, does that pretty much sum it up?” “Pretty much,” Parker replied. “Okay then,” Sunset Shimmer said as she was scribbling down notes on her clipboard, “Now then, your powers will be tested exactly like last time. You need to stay above the ground, and shoot as many drones as you can with your webs while trying to avoid their non-lethal but stinging blast. Understand?” “Yup,” Peter responded. “Alright. Get ready,” Sunset told Peter. Nodding, Peter shot a web from his hand towards the ceiling, and started hanging upside-down above the ground, waiting for the drones to appear. “You were able to shoot three drones last time, let’s see how you fare this time,” Sunset Shimmer said as she turned to face Alpha, who was carrying a laptop, “Send the drones.” “You got it,” Alpha responded as he began typing on the laptop and pressed the <Enter> key. Peter then noticed as drones were flying towards the area where he and the others were. “They’re heeeere,” Peter commented as he jumped from the web he was hanging on to, shooting another web from his hand as he swung around a pillar, avoiding getting blasted by the drones as they began firing their non-lethal blasts. Letting go of the web he was swinging on, Peter used both of his hands to shoot webs at two drones, knocking them down before shooting another web to keep swinging around the facility as he commented, “Sweet, I’m already two-thirds of the way to my last record.” But as he kept swinging, a drone came up behind him, ready to shoot Peter. “Spider-senses are tingling…” Peter said to himself, sensing the drone behind him as he shot another web from his hand towards the ceiling. Peter then zipped towards the ceiling, clinging over there as he watched the drone that was about to blast him right below, having missed him. Peter then webbed the drone from above, causing it to fall down. “Okay Pete, you’re two-for-two. Now let’s see if the record can be beaten,” Parker said to himself as he watched more drones arrive. Taking a deep breath, Peter let go of the ceiling and shot a web to swing towards the drones. “Take this!” Peter cried, shooting webs at two of the drones before shooting another web to continue swinging, “YES!” More drones kept coming, and Peter once again let go of the web he was swinging with to shoot webs at the drones, managing to hit four of them. “I’m on a roll!” Peter cheered. But just as he was about to shoot another web in order to swing away, he crashed into a pillar, falling down to a crate on the ground. Heading towards Peter’s location, Sunset Shimmer, Alpha, and the Stormtrooper accompanying them watched as Peter slowly got out of the crate, moaning from the pain of falling down. “Aye-yi-yi!” Alpha cried upon noticing Peter, “Are you alright?” “Yeah, never better,” Peter replied as he struggled to get up, “So… how’d I do?” “Nine drones,” Sunset Shimmer answered, “Three times as many as your last test. Congratulations.” “Yaaay,” Peter weakly said as he felt pain on his shoulder, “Oww…” “We’ll have a doctor check that out,” Sunset Shimmer assured Peter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Flashback: One Month Ago - Nibelheim, New Mexico: Inside Ancient Ruins~ Following a path that had opened up thanks to his Keyblade, Kylo Ren arrived to a dark and empty room. “Dead end?” Kylo Ren wondered out loud. But as he looked around, he noticed his Keyblade suddenly starting to glow, and then saw cave paintings around him beginning to glow as well. Kylo observed the paintings, noticing they were different than the other paintings he had seen in the ruins. These paintings depicted what seemed to be a war of some sort, and those waging the war were all carrying Keyblades. “What the...?” Kylo Ren said to him, confused by what the painting was depicting. But as he continued observing the cave paintings, he noticed one of the paintings revealing a large door, and next to it was a strange looking Keyblade. Just then, Kylo Ren began to hear many voices in his head, overwhelming him as he placed his hands over his head, crying in pain. “AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!” Kylo Ren screamed as he collapsed to the ground while still hearing the voices in his head. Eventually, the voices stopped, and Kylo was able to sense another presence in the room with him. “I hoped you would never find this place,” a familiar voice told Kylo. Looking up, Kylo noticed that the person talking to him was none other than his own father, Han… “Dad… what am I?” Kylo questioned his father. “You're my son,” Han replied. Picking up his Keyblade, Kylo got up and showed it to his father, asking, “What am I really?” Sighing, Han replied, “Your mother came from a long line of warriors who could wield a weapon called the Keyblade. As a matter of fact, the ruins here, were built by Keyblade wielders. The paintings that you're seeing right now, the thing they're depicting... was a war that was fought between Keyblade wielders, aptly called the 'Keyblade War'." "Keyblade War?" Kylo Ren asked. Nodding, Han continued, "Long ago, those who could wield the Keyblade waged a deadly war, and at the center of that war was something called Kingdom Hearts, the heart of everything in existence.” “Kingdom… Hearts?” Kylo Ren wondered out loud, “How do you know all of this, and why didn't you tell me?” “Because your mother didn't want you to know,” Han replied, “She’s the one who told me about all this.” “Why… wouldn't she want me to know?!” Kylo Ren questioned. “Because of what your ancestor did during the war!” Han responded, “During this Keyblade War, there was a faction of Keyblade wielders intending to take over Kingdom Hearts for the side of darkness. You and your mother are both descended from an individual who was part of that faction. Your mother was ashamed to be a descendant of someone so evil she made sure to never summon her Keyblade and to keep all this hidden from you. When she passed away… I tried my best to honor her wish.” Kylo Ren, visibly upset by what he learned, turned around to stare at the glowing cave paintings, not saying a word. “Son, forget everything about this place. Come on, let me take you home,” Han told his son. But as Han reached to place his hand on Kylo's shoulder, Kylo pushed his hand away, not wanting to talk to his father right now. Sighing, Han nodded as he said, “I understand. All this must be too much for you to take in. I'll… uh… be home if you need me. Maybe then we can talk more, okay? Take your time.” And as Han walked towards the exit, he turned to look at his son as he said, “I love you, son.” Kylo didn't even respond as Han walked away, continuing to stare at the cave paintings. Meanwhile, in a dark corner of the room, Kylo Ren and Han were unaware that they were being eavesdropped by a certain someone… Master Xehanort, leaning against a wall with his arms crossed, simply grinned after hearing the conversation between the two Solos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Kyoto, Japan - Underground Path~ “We’re almost there,” Ursula told the others as the group continued following until they reached a room with a pedestal at the center. “And right there is the rod I mentioned,” Ursula told the group, pointing to a magical rod that was levitating above the pedestal. However, upon noticing it, Akko gasped while Diana (who had her hands tied and mouth covered in masking tape while being carried around by Jasminka the whole time) raised her eyebrows upon noticing the rod. “I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!!” Akko cried. “Akko, what is it?” Lotte asked. “That’s the Shiny Rod!” Akko replied, “The same rod that Shiny Chariot used to perform in her magical shows!” ‘I knew this was going to happen…’ Ursula thought to herself as she sighed. “Amanda, Mr. Coulson… did you know about this?!” Akko questioned Coulson and Amanda. “Well, I didn’t really pay much attention to Shiny Chariot back when she had performances, so I had no idea the rod we were looking for was the same one she used,” Amanda replied as she scratched her head. “Me neither,” Coulson added. “Okay, but… Miss Ursula, you said that you haven’t seen Chariot for ten years,” Akko told Ursula, “Did she give you the Shiny Rod? Why would she do that? And why is the New World Order after it?!” “Uh....” Ursula replied, confused on where to start. “Look, we can have a Q&A session later. But right now, we gotta get the Shiny Rod out of here and make sure the New World Order doesn’t have a chance to get to it,” Amanda said. Pondering Amanda’s words for a bit, Akko nodded in reply as Ursula grabbed the Shiny Rod. “Let’s hope there aren’t any Stormtroopers waiting for us outside,” Sucy commented. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground: Jeffrey Mace's Office~ As Mace was communicating with Melinda May (who had just left a diner in Chicago where an incident had occurred) via speakerphone, May said, “All the woman did was touch his arm.” “We know that Creel absorbs the properties of whatever he touches,” Jeffrey Mace replied, “He must have absorbed the Obelisk and its deadly powers.” “But why hurt a waitress?” May’s voice from the speakerphone questioned. “I don't think it was intentional,” Mace replied. “You're saying he's losing control?” May asked. “It’s entirely possible,” Mace answered. “If that's what's happening, anyone near him is at risk,” May commented, “I should have engaged when I had the chance.” “Then you'd be dead, too,” Mace replied, “If this is on anyone-” “Just because you're the regional Rebel leader of North America doesn't mean everything's on you, Jeffrey,” May’s voice interrupted Mace. “Yes. It does,” Mace retorted, “Go dark.” As May hung up, Mace heard an alarm, and noticed the words “Perimeter Alert” on the large monitor in his room. “Now what?” Mace asked himself as the monitor showed footage of a car using the secret car tunnel to enter the Playground. But as the car neared the entrance, traffic spikes on the ground activated, piercing the car’s tires, deflating them. Once the car came to a complete stop, Mace watched as none other than Lance Hunter stepped out of the vehicle, inspecting what happened to the tires. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground: Car Tunnel Entrance~ As Lance continued inspecting his vehicle, he noticed Jessie and James walk towards him… “Nice ride,” Jessie commented. “Did some rich guy loan it to you?” James questioned Lance. “Yeah, something like that,” Hunter replied, “Shame about the rims, though, eh?” “Yes... probably costs a grand each,” Jessie said. “At least,” Lance replied, with both Jessie and James nodding in reply. “This isn't a friendly stop, is it?” Lance questioned. “Nope,” Jessie replied as she held out a Pokeball, “Lickitung, come on out.” Just then, Jessie’s Lickitung emerged from its Pokeball… “Licki!” Jessie’s Lickitung cried as it appeared. “Oh, blimey,” Lance complained as Lickitung extended its large tongue towards Lance, licking him, and causing him to become paralyzed as he collapsed to the ground. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~ Noticing Serena trying to comfort her, Rini slowly turned her head away while wiping her tears, not knowing what to say in response to the girl who would end up being her mother in the future. “There you are,” Connor said as he entered the dimly lit room where Rini, Darien, and Serena were… “I heard that Rini ran away crying,” Connor continued as he approached the three, “I am relieved you found her. What happened?” “She was just remembering her mother, poor thing,” Darien replied. After hearing what Darien just said, Connor knelt down, placing his hand over Rini's head as he asked her, “You lost your mother?” As Rini silently nodded in reply, Connor sighed as he said, “It is hard, I know. I speak from experience.” Hearing what Connor just said, Darien asked, “Do you mind me asking what happened?” “Not at all,” Connor replied, smiling, “I was around eleven years old. My mother was in Osaka for important business. But then… she was killed by the Crystal Order.” Hearing what Connor said about losing his own mother, both Darien and Rini felt sorry for him, with Darien telling him, “Oh… I’m so sorry to hear that.” “How did you manage?” Rini asked Connor, finally speaking. “I was lucky to have others who cared and looked out for me,” Connor replied, “When you do not feel alone, when you know there will always be someone by your side, it gives you strength to carry on.” “You know, he’s right, Rini,” Darien added. “Huh… I never thought of it that way…” Rini commented as she wiped out the last of the tears from her face. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Arendelle, Norway - Castle~ “Hmm, I see,” Saphir replied as he continued walking with Elsa, “How about a hypothetical question. Let’s say you, and you alone, were the Supreme Leader of Earth... how would you then rule the planet?” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France~ After driving back New World Order forces, the three separate Rebel factions in Shalour City reunited, with Bellec telling the Rebels, “This it! Let’s finish the last of the New World Order’s forces and drive them out of Shalour City once and for all!” Bellec then led a charge as he and his Rebels sought to finish off the last of the New World Order forces in Shalour City. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Castelia City, New York - Stark Tower~ As Pepper Potts went to get Tony ready for his meeting with New World Order representatives, she said, “Sorry I'm late. I was... What the...?!” Pepper was surprised upon noticing Tony apparently seated on a couch with his Iron Man armor… “You're wearing that at home now?” Pepper questioned Tony. “You know everybody needs a hobby,” Stark replied. “Oh, and you have to wear your hobby in the couch?” Pepper asked. Getting up from the couch and walking towards Pepper, Tony replied, “Well I gotta test it out. Oh, I keep forgetting to ask, how have you been liking the Christmas present I got you?” “Oh it’s really nice,” Pepper answered, “Just wish it was easier to move around the house.” “Fair enough. I can get a couple of guys to help out with that,” Stark said, “Please, sit down.” As Pepper sat on a couch, Tony walked up behind her and began massaging her shoulders (much to Pepper’s surprise), asking her, “So, uh...tense? Good day?” “Oh, you know, setting up meetings, making sure you aren’t late to yours,” Pepper replied as she rose from her seat and turned to face Tony, “Which reminds me… you need to get ready for your meeting with those New World Order representatives. So, take that suit off.” Knocking on the metal helmet on his head, Tony said, “Huh. Yup, dammit. No can do. It’s stuck.” “Uh-huh,” Pepper replied, feeling a bit suspicious, “Well, why don't I run upstairs to the lab and see if I can't find a crowbar to shimmy that thing open?” “Crowbar. Yeah,” Tony commented as Pepper headed towards the stairs, “Oh, except there's been a… uh… a radiation leak upstairs. Too dangerous.” “I'll take my chances,” Pepper responded. “That's risky,” Tony warned Pepper as he followed her upstairs, “At least let me get you like a hazmat suit or a Geiger counter or something like that.” However, upon arriving to the lab upstairs, Pepper noticed that Tony was there the whole time, exercising as he was controlling his suit remotely with a device around his head… “Busted…” Tony said after noticing Pepper arrive with his remote controlled Iron Man suit. “This is a new level of lame,” Potts scoffed. “Sorry,” Tony apologized, “But you gotta admit, controlling my suits remotely is pretty cool.” “Yeah, I guess,” Pepper commented, “Either way, come on… get ready. You’re gonna keep those New World Order representatives waiting.” “Right, right, right,” Tony replied as went downstairs to get ready for his meeting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Little Whinging, Surrey, England~ Accompanied by Cybermen, the Inquisitor known as Bellatrix Lestrange arrived to the area where Harry and the others dealt with a few Stormtroopers earlier in the day. “Explain yourselves,” Bellatrix ordered the Stormtroopers. As one of the Stormtroopers was about to speak, Bellatrix quickly pointed her wand at him and yelled, “Avada Kedavra!” The Stormtrooper was immediately killed by Bellatrix’s killing curse, and as the Inquisitor glared at the other Stormtroopers, she said, “Correction… I don’t need any sort of explanation. Because when you’re on patrol, you are supposed to deal with any threats swiftly. Yet I come to find out you were beaten by a group that included two children! I have no intention of hearing any excuses. What I want, is for you to think about what just happened, making sure it doesn’t happen again by finding the perpetrators, and teaching them what it means to cross the New World Order! Do I make myself clear?!” “Yes, ma’am,” the Stormtroopers responded immediately. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~ As Skye was going to check on Fitz, she overheard Dante fantasizing about his female teammates, hoping one of them was talking about him. “Eww… not even in your dreams,” Skye scoffed as she continued on her way. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Corleone Household~ Spoiler: BGM “Buongiorno, Mileena,” Ezio responded to Mileena as she arrived. “Please, help yourself,” Corleone told Mileena, pointing to the food on the table, "I'd prefer we don't have any leftover food." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~ “‘Men in white armor’? Ya mean Stormtroopers,” Lt. Surge responded to K Rool, “Wow… ya really are clueless on what’s been goin’ on in da world, ain'tcha. But anyways… yeah, dat’s who we’re up against. And... since ya mentioned how those Stormtroopers killed all your men… joining us might be a kind of payback against the New World Order… we’re always acceptin’ new recruits.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x3)~ Hovering next to Damien as he continued chasing the dog and duck, Discord told him, “You know, if you want... you could, oh I don't know... ask for someone to help you catch those two.”
In the spirit of Halloween, Square-Enix has released a short video showing Sora's different forms in the game (as well as a very brief look at some of the upcoming game's worlds and our first glimpse at the game's Moogles). Check out the video below:
With three months to go before 'Kingdom Hearts III' is finally released, fans in the United States today can now purchase 'Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far', a compilation of the last three re-releases for the PS4 (HD 1.5+2.5 ReMix and HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue)!
~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~ As Zuri, a Wakandan shaman who used to be the trusted loyal adviser to the king of Wakanda, was caring for two glowing purple plants, he noticed T’Challa arrive… “T’Challa, always good to see you,” Zuri greeted T’Challa as he approached him and the two shared a hug, “What can I do for you?” “I… had a dream, Zuri,” T’Challa replied. “A dream?” Zuri wondered out loud. “Yes,” T’Challa responded, “I was dreaming of the story of Wakanda and the mantle of Black Panther… the story my father always told me when I was a child.” “I see,” Zuri commented. “I was hoping you might know what it means,” T’Challa replied. “Well, what do you think it means?” Zuri questioned, “Or rather… do you feel there is something going on that is making you have that specific dream?” “If I’m… being honest… there is a part of me that still feels hesitant in being the Black Panther,” T’Challa responded, “You and I both know that the only reason I took that mantle after my father’s death was to help with the Rebel Alliance cause.” “That is true,” Zuri concurred, “And I told you there was nothing wrong with that.” “But… it still doesn’t feel right,” T’Challa replied, “Every single day, I feel a sense of guilt… that I have become the Black Panther without truly earning it.” “Hmm…” Zuri wondered out loud as he tried to think of a way to help T’Challa, “If it helps… we could conduct the traditional coronation ceremony.” “We can do that?” T’Challa asked. “I don’t see why not,” Zuri responded, “We could easily do it here just as we would normally do it at Warrior Falls back in Wakanda. All you would need to do is find someone who can challenge you during the ceremony.” Nodding, T’Challa said, “I agree. I should go through with it. As for the challenger… I might have someone in mind.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Upington, South Africa~ “I have to say… I’m really surprised to see you, of all people,” Cassian told Noctis, “Never thought you’d be in South Africa.” “Well, I was here with my friends when the Great Purge happened,” Noctis replied, “Been on the run ever since.” But before the conversation could continue, members of Saw Gerrera’s militia suddenly arrived to the area, pointing their weapons at Jyn and the others. “Uhh, guys… you realize that we’re not with the New World Order, right?” Prompto questioned the militia members while he held his hands high. The militia members, however, ignored what Prompto said, forcing him and the others to kneel on the ground, tying their hands, while one of the militia members replied to Prompto (while pointing to Cassian), “Tell that to the one who killed our men.” “Anyone who kills me or my friends will answer to Saw Gerrera!” Jyn defiantly announced. “And why Is that?” one of the militia members questioned. “Because I am the daughter of Galen Erso,” Jyn replied. “Take them!” the militia member ordered the other militia members as they put sacks over the heads of Jyn and the others and began dragging them away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Flashback: One Month Ago - Nibelheim, New Mexico: Inside Ancient Ruins~ After having stumbled across a hidden area of the ruins, Kylo Ren kept walking and walking while using his flashlight to help see in the dark, wondering where he would find an exit, as well as how he never knew of this part of the ruins existing. Upon reaching a dead-end, Kylo commented, “Guess I’ll have to find another way.” However, upon turning around, Kylo Ren was suddenly surrounded by dark creatures with glowing yellow eyes… Spoiler: BGM Gasping as he dropped his flashlight, Kylo Ren quickly grabbed his blaster, trying to shoot at the dark creatures. However, the creatures sank into the ground to avoid getting hit, moving around Kylo Ren like actual shadows before emerging from the ground again. ‘What are these creatures?!’ Kylo Ren thought as he tried shooting them, ‘Are they the… mysterious shadows that I’ve heard about?’ But as Kylo Ren continued to shoot at the creatures unsuccessfully, one of the larger ones (Neoshadows) jumped into the air, and started spinning, hitting Kylo Ren and sending him flying into the wall as he dropped his blaster and lost it, rendering him defenseless. “Ugh… my chest,” Kylo Ren said to himself, feeling hurt in the area of his chest where the Neoshadow hit him. But as he noticed the creatures slowly approach him, Kylo Ren closed his eyes and turned away, figuring that this may be the end for him. However, Kylo suddenly felt something materialize in his hand. “What the…?” Kylo Ren wondered out loud, noticing a glowing key-shaped weapon appeared in his hand. “A… key-shaped weapon?” Kylo Ren wondered out loud, “Is this… a Keyblade? Just like the ones Finn and Kanan have?!” Figuring that now was not the time to ponder about these things, Kylo Ren shook his head as he got up, ready to attack the creatures with his Keyblade. ‘Might as well use this,’ Kylo thought to himself as he swung his new weapon at the creatures that were jumping at him, vanquishing them with one hit. ‘Amazing…’ Kylo thought to himself as he looked at the other creatures, rushing towards them, and vanquishing each one by one until they were all defeated. And as the exhausted Kylo Ren panted, he suddenly noticed what appeared to be a glowing keyhole appear high on the wall. The tip of his Keyblade was similarly glowing as well, and Kylo Ren was surprised as he felt his Keyblade point to the keyhole on its own as he still held on to it. “What is this?” Kylo wondered out loud as he watched his Keyblade shoot a ray of light towards the keyhole. After hearing what sounded like a lock being unlocked, Kylo Ren watched as the keyhole disappeared, and the wall where the keyhole was suddenly opened up, revealing a path. “Guess that’s my way out,” Kylo Ren said to himself and he followed the path while still holding on to his Keyblade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Kyoto, Japan - Park~ As Amanda and the others followed Ursula, they stopped upon reaching a water fountain in the middle of the park. “It's… just a water fountain,” Coulson commented. “That may be the case,” Ursula responded, “But, there is more to it than meets the eye.” Taking out her wand while making sure no one was watching them, Ursula flicked it, and the others watched as the fountain stopped sprinkling water, and began opening up until the group noticed a flight of stairs under the spot where the fountain was, leading to a place underground. “Huh, secret underground entrance… pretty cool,” Amanda commented. “Yeah,” Coulson concurred. “The rod should be this way. Let's go,” Ursula told the others as she led them down the stairs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Chicago, Illinois - Outside Diner~ Having tracked down Carl Creel to a diner somewhere in the suburbs of Chicago, May was patiently waiting outside, using her binoculars to see what Creel was doing inside. And from what she noticed, the only thing remotely strange that she noticed was that Creel was staring at his arm, as though something was wrong with it. ‘He's been in there for over an hour,’ May thought to herself, ‘Either that Inquisitor's waiting for someone, or he's getting drunk off his ass.’ However, May suddenly heard a woman’s scream from the diner. Rushing towards the diner, May saw no sign of Creel. Instead, she found a waitress, lying on the floor, with her body starting to turn to stone (just like what happened to Cassie Cage the previous day), while others were gathered around her, trying to figure out what was going on. “Everybody, get back!” May ordered the others as she knelt near the waitress. “I don't know what happened!” one of the people gathered around the waitress told May, “All she did was touch the guy! And then he took off from the back entrance.” “Please... help me!” the waitress cried as her body continued to slowly turn to stone. “Hang on,” May tried to reassure the waitress. However, it was too late, as the waitress had completely turned to stone, causing May to feel disappointed that she wasn’t able to save the waitress. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Forest~ “So, option 3 then,” Romulus commented after hearing that Vergil didn’t care about the conflict between the New World Order and the Rebels. “Actually, look closely at the footprints. The crocodile is clearly bipedal, meaning he or she is an intelligent being, like you and me. So, the crocodile can’t be a pet,” Romulus responded to Vergil, “Nevertheless, I am not aware of any attempt to bring forth an Echidna to wreak havoc. Either way, I’ll be sure to pass the word along to some higher-ups. And… just an FYI… don’t underestimate the Cybermen. They are a whole lot more tougher than they look. They are, as kids today would say… ‘totally OP’. They can certainly deal with an Echidna easily. And even ignoring the Cybermen… the new World Order has other options to deal with massive threats. Anyway… best of luck, but I, along with my Stormtroopers and Cybermen are a little busy with something at the moment. Take care.” Romulus and his Stormtroopers and Cybermen continued following the footsteps, leaving Vergil on his own. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~ Spoiler: BGM “Next up is you, Wanda,” Sunset told Wanda, who, like her brother earlier, had a shock bracelet wrapped around her ankle to shock her should she try escaping, “You have psionic and telekinetic powers, so… just like last time, we’ll be testing your powers by having you levitate as many crates as can, and then you’ll destroy the crates you levitate. The last time you did this test, you were able to levitate ten crates at the same time. Let's see how you do this time.” “As you can see, we have placed 20 crates for your test,” Alpha told Wanda, “Try to levitate as many of them as you can. Ready?” “Yes,” Wanda responded. “Alright then, show us what you can do,” Sunset Shimmer ordered Wanda. Concentrating on the crates in front of the group, Wanda held out her hands as they began glowing with a misty red aura, slowly levitating one crate at a time. Once Wanda was levitating 12 crates, Sunset Shimmer said, “That’s it. Keep going, keep going.” Upon reaching 16 crates, Wanda felt she couldn’t levitate any more crates, so she had some of the levitating crates shatter in the air, while sending red energy bolts at other levitating crates, destroying all of them. As Wanda was panting from exhaustion, Sunset Shimmer jotted notes on her clipboard, commenting, “16 crates… not too shabby.” “Aye-yi-yi! That’s a 60% increase from the last test,” Alpha commented, “Congratulations, Wanda!” “Thanks,” Wanda thanked Alpha and Sunset Shimmer, smiling at the two. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ Noticing Serena arrive to the dimly lit room where she was hiding, Rini gasped as she got up and ran towards a corner, trying to not look at Serena as tears continued rolling down her cheeks. Eventually, Darien arrived to the room after hearing crying, noticing Serena and Rini… “Oh good, you found her,” Darien told Serena, relieved that Rini was found, “Rini? What’s wrong?” As Rini noticed Darien approach her, she didn't know what to tell him. “Is something bothering you?” Darien asked as he knelt right next to Rini. “I was just… thinking of my mom lately,” Rini replied as tears trickled down her cheeks, “And how much I miss her.” Upon realizing why she was crying, Darien didn't say a word. Instead, he gave Rini a hug as she continued to cry, patting her in the back as he told her, “There, there… let it all out.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Arendelle, Norway - Castle~ “Oh, don't worry about it,” Saphir responded to Elsa as he walked with her, continuing to blush, “Elsa… be honest with me… how do you feel with all the changes to the world made by the New World Order?” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France (West Side)~ “Haha! Take that pisspots!” Bellec cried after seeing Sirius deal with some Stormtroopers. Meanwhile, as the battle raged on, Bellec noticed a group of Cybermen marching his way… “Hmm, you metal b*****ds don't scare me!” Bellec exclaimed as he rushed toward the Cybermen, throwing a sonic stabilizer at them, weakening their metal and making them vulnerable to an attack. Pierre then proceeded to shoot and destroy several of the Cybermen with his blaster. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~ After hearing Rey explain her dream to Connor, he responded, “I have to confess… I cannot explain dreams myself either, and I say this with experience, as I have had a recurring dream for a long time where I see a kingdom being destroyed by a powerful witch who kills a princess from the kingdom and the prince she loves, who I assume is supposed to be a friend of mine. Nevertheless, I am not sure what your dream is trying to say, or the meaning of this key shaped weapon that appears in your dream. If you feel that journeying around the world would help you understand this dream, then you are more than welcome to join myself and other Rebels who will be traveling. But the choice is yours alone.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Police HQ~ “You’ve... been here for a while, and you're wondering about that now?” Jenny questioned Kiriko after she wondered whether ‘Looker’ was the police chief's real name. Just then, Officer Jenny's desk phone rang, which she quickly picked up and answered, “Jenny speaking… oh, hey Matt… yes… yes… okay, I'm on my way.” Getting up and gathering her things, Jenny told Kiriko, “Gotta go.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~ “You're… jokin’... right?” a confused Lt. Surge questioned K Rool, wondering if he legitimately didn't know what's been happening, “Where have you been the past few months? Livin’ under a rock? Who else would Rebels be against these days? The New World Order of course!” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to @NutheadBros 's absence until November, the following segment will involve some of his characters (which I have permission to use till he gets back): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France (Central Side)~ Hearing the battle begin on both the eastern and western parts of the city, Korrina announced to the Rebels she was in charge of, “That’s the signal! Let's show the New World Order what we’re made of!” Korrina then let out a battle cry as she led a charge towards Stormtroopers in the distance while wielding her Keyblade. Following her were Lydia (also wielding her Keyblade), Lucario (wielding a green glowing long bone), and Mario’s friends… “What the?” a Stormtrooper wondered out loud as he noticed Korrina and her fellow Rebels charging towards them, “There! Open fire!” As the Stormtroopers pointed their blasters at the Rebels and began firing, Korrina and Lydia used their Keyblades to deflect the incoming blaster bolts, even sending some back towards the Stormtroopers, killing a few of them. Lucario rushed towards the Stormtroopers as well along with Mario’s friends, dodging incoming blaster bolts as he used his Bone Rush attack on the Stormtroopers. “Take this!” Bowser yelled as he grabbed two Stormtroopers by the head, smashing their heads together and knocking them out. Noticing more Stormtroopers arriving, Peach announced, “We’ll take care of them!” Peach then charged towards the incoming Stormtroopers along with the rest of Mario’s friends to deal with them. But as that happened, a group of Cybermen flying high above landed near the Rebels… “Cybermen alert!” Korrina cried as she and Lydia regrouped together, “Where are those two, Mario and Luigi?” Just then, Mario and Luigi landed near the battle, currently in their Gold and Silver forms. “Never mind,” Korrina said. “Now Luigi, let’s show these metal men the power of the Mario brothers!” Mario told his brother as he clenched his fiery fist and raced towards a Cyberman. Luigi's eyes shot open, realizing Mario forgot the most important thing when it came to battling Cybermen, shouting, "MARIO, WAIT!" As Luigi went after Mario in order to stop him, Korrina noticed what Mario was trying to do, and had the same concerns as Luigi, shouting, “WAIT YOU BLOCKHEAD!!” But it was too late, as evident when Mario delivered a punch towards a Cyberman. The Cyberman didn’t even budge an inch, and didn’t sustain any damage whatsoever. Rather, the shockwave from the impact sent Mario flying into Luigi, with both flying right into a building, smashing into it. Astral meanwhile had been monitoring the overall battle from the shadows of the trees with Astral-S all about relaying the information back to it, it had been learning. "So, most of my old enemies are still alive and then some..." Astral commented. However Astral's thought was interrupted when it's eye spotted a pair of gold and silver streaks being blasted into a building. Astral quickly called over an Astral-S before Astral said, "Head into the middle alone and check things out, make sure you are not spotted." The Astral-S nodded before its coloring switched to match that of its master and ran off towards the middle. “Ugh, my head…” Luigi said as he and Mario slowly walked away from the building they crashed into. “Luigi… I just remembered… we should’ve used a sonic stabilizer before attacking a Cyberman,” Mario replied, feeling embarrassed that he forgot to use a sonic stabilizer. As Korrina facepalmed, Lydia said, “Don’t worry, I can take care of this.” Taking out a sonic stabilizer, Lydia rushed towards the Cybermen, and threw it towards them, weakening their metal and making them vulnerable to an attack. Lydia then sliced one Cyberman in half with her Keyblade while yelling to Mario and Luigi, “Now’s your chance!” As Mario and Luigi both nodded, they tried to once again rush towards a Cyberman with their fiery fists. Only this time, once they punched the Cyberman, the impact shattered the Cyberman into so many pieces. Feeling empowered by what they were able to do, Mario and Luigi proceeded to pulverize the remaining Cybermen, shattering some of them, while sending others flying. However, unknown to Mario, Luigi, and the rest… the sole Astral-S was rushing through the crowd of Stormtroopers and Cybermen. The S-Type blur rushed past Kirby and Yoshi causing the two to look at one another in confusion. The brothers meanwhile were literally sending Cybermen and Stormtroopers flying with Mario shouting, "No matter what you send out, we'll beat it down!" The Astral-S leaped out from the crowd with wings stretched out and eye on Mario and Luigi, the brothers turned quickly and fired two fireballs at the S-Type causing a massive, and loud explosion with Mario declaring, "...JUST LIKE THAT GUY!" However, despite the quick kill, Mario deep down knew that Astral had found them. Astral merely stood in the forest before shaking its head laughing, the information from the slain S-Type coming loud and clear, saying, "I can't believe it… after all that they're still alive. I will at least give them this… they've made things interesting again."
When it was revealed in a V-Jump scan that Meagara was going to return in 'Kingdom Hearts III' the actress who played her in 'Hercules' and reprised the role in 'Kingdom Hearts II', Susan Egan, apparently confirmed her involvement with the upcoming game, tweeting about the scan from yesterday:
Square-Enix has released a massive number of new HQ screenshots from 'Kingdom Hearts III' that focus mainly on Twilight Town and Olympus, as well as the renders of the Twilight Town trio and Olympus gang. Check them out below: View attachment 49899 View attachment 49900 View attachment 49901 View attachment 49902 View attachment 49903 View attachment 49904 View attachment 49905 View attachment 49906 View attachment 49907 View attachment 49911 View attachment 49912 View attachment 49913 View attachment 49914 View attachment 49915 View attachment 49916 View attachment 49917 View attachment 49918 View attachment 49919 View attachment 49920 View attachment 49921 View attachment 49922 View attachment 49908 View attachment 49909 View attachment 49910 View attachment 49930 View attachment 49931 View attachment 49932 View attachment 49933 View attachment 49934 View attachment 49935
Updated OP with a second magazine scan.
The latest issue of V-Jump in Japan gave us an additional look at two of the earliest confirmed worlds for KH3, Twilight Town and Olympus. The scan reveals the worlds's logos in KH3, as well as additional screenshots and renders, and confirming the inclusion Zeus and Megara. Check out the scan below:
Despite still being a little more than three months before the game's release, more 'Kingdom Hearts III' merchandise is being revealed! This time, it's Funko Pop figures based on three characters from the game: King Mickey Riku Vanitas Check out the figures below: While there is no release date at the moment, these figures currently are available for pre-order from GameStop.