✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» SLEUTH MODE!/UNEASY ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » BENTLEY ≛OOC ✌ A couple kids ended up bunking with him, which was great! Some young company was nice. He would have liked to stay with the older ones for once, especially since he wanted to talk to them about the scene he initially walked into once he got to the inn. It reminded him of happy memories of camp (disregarding unfortunate events), even one of his old campers, Quentin, was with him! He helped them settle in and before they could have known, they were suddenly carried off to a festival. There were people every wehere! Tucker couldn't help by grin and marvel at everything. It was quite colorful and had so many things to do! He kept his happy expression on for the entire time as he followed everyone at first, but he suddenly remembered that they weren't really at Bentley to have fun. He plastered on a more determined, but still smiling, expression as he told himself to chime down on the childish excitement and focus. He walked over to the group of older individuals who all roomed together and left him out, passing by the people from the town. Their eyes were beautiful! All of them so green and vibrant. He sometimes wished he had another eye color, blue like Maria's or green like everyone here in town. W-wait, everyone? He looked around, left and right, and realized that it was everyone in town. That made him feel a bit uneasy and started to take in regard the unfortunate and freaky events that happened to them before. He gulped nervously and quickened his pace towards the others. He stopped between Maria and Eirk, placing a hand on both of their shoulders to halt them for a moment. He looked at the others, Bryan and Julius, as well, "I know I seemed like the happiest 5 year old a couple moments ago but I've got a weird feeling in my gut about this festival." he kept his voice low and in a whisper, for only the small group to hear. He cleared his throat, suddenly remembering what he delayed on telling them "Oh and something was going on in the inn before you guys all came."
It's not a wig teehee \insert animu face here\ had it chopped off a couple weeks ago lol Thank you so much Mish beauty babbu ; /// A /// ;
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» SLEUTH MODE!/HAPPY ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » BENTLEY INN≛OOC✌ Cane was pretty much the same as before and treated him as if two years hadn't passed. He laughed off her snarky comments and tried to keep a casual and happy (at least on his side) conversation to pass the time and just be polite too. It was good she didn't question his I-just-walked-in-routine. Guess he wasn't as bad of an actor as others thought! Heh, that was ironic. He saved it as a mental note to tell that to Maria... um, later. He did get a room for himself though and was able to settle in. He chilled in his room for a while, keeping himself occupied as he looked around it and unpacked things from his backpack because he didn't really have much to do. He checked his phone but the signal was a bit weak and he couldn't send anything out. He tried to send one to his mom but that didn't seem like an option. Tucker let out a sigh, he needed to find something to keep himself occupied to maintain his current state. He felt pretty neutral which is good and he really didn't want to start thinking about the others. It was easy when he was with his mom because he had his little half brother to play with and take care of the entire time. Cabin alone though? Yeah, not so much to occupy himself with. He decided to go back out again, perhaps Cane was outside in the lobby again. Talking to her wasn't the most pleasant of things but it was much better than talking to himself. As he walked out the door, he suddenly remembered the scene he witnessed when he first arrived. Now there was an idea! Perhaps he should go all Sherlock or Bruce Wayne and uncover somethings. He was feeling pretty god about how he fooled Cane earlier. With a determined little smirk, he closes the door behind him, smoothens the wrinkles of his shirt and walks down the hall casually toward the lobby. Cane was there, on the reception desk as earlier. He hopped over in front of her, placing his elbows at the desk as he leaned forward, he greeted her with a smile, "Hey Cane!" She barely looked up at him and said nothing which made his lips curl upside down for a moment but he remembered to keep that smile on. Not exactly what he planned... what was his plan? "Um, so, a-are we allowed to have things sent here or from here? You know, like mail?" that wasn't so direct right? His tone was just like he always talked, casual and charming. He looked down at her as her almond shaped eyes stared up at him. She answered with a quick yes but before any of them could utter another word the door swung open behind the cherry haired twenty three year old. "Tucker," He turned on his heel at the call of his name. He stood there with his chestnut eyes open wide, his lips separated in a small gasp. [no jayn babbu he was not big, buff and black] as he looked at the group entering. His lips grew into a grin quickly as he walked over to the others, "Whoa! Hey! You guys are here! Finally! Man, I thought you'd all be for another day. Thank god." he said happily. His eyes traveled from Bryan to one person to the next and finally meeting with the pair of blue eyes he knew a little too well. His smile disappeared for a second as he loked at her, with a similar expression as hers. Maria. He didn't really know what to do with her. He's tried to um, do something and be more pleasant towards her than anyone before because well, because he really just wanted to. But when he went away it just grew very distant and it helped not thinking about her sometimes because it would get really messed up in his head. He blinked, regaining his cheerful grin as he looked at her and sent a small wave. She didn't look away or say anything. Others greeted him politely and he greeted them back but quickly Cane took over the situation before he could speak to the others and Erik just as quickly retorted back. A couple more voices chimed in, in a much more positive note and he smiled. That was nice. He kept his smile on as he looked over at Cane, he went to stand next to Erik. They all planned on getting double beds. He actually already had one, not really realizing he got a double bed room. He looked back at the group, he was pretty willing to share he supposed. They did look like he needed it. He cleared his throat, "I got a double bed room thing uh, I don't mind sharing if you guys need it." he said with a smile as he looked over at the others once more.
The sparkle in her blue eyes disappeared when she felt firm hands grab her shoulders and yank her down from the ground. She looked up at Apostle-Apostle's stern expression as he talked to her, "Pull yourself together. And the name's Apostle. Only say it once." She pouted angrily at him, he introduced himself as Apostle-Apostle! What else would she call him? She noticed him look down at her lower half, her foggy half. She quickly transformed them back into her thin limbs and felt her materialized feet press on the ground below. She watched with her half-angry expression as Apostle-A-- just Apostle contacted the others. Her hammer disappeared and she crossed her arms over her chest. Man, she just wanted to get out there already and maybe with Ghoul and really just the action. "Go down there and make sure they don't get squished. Good to have you on the team. Now scoot." A grin quickly replaced her pout. That's right! She was part of the team now! She gave him an excited nod and was off before he could even say anything else. She poofed into her purple haze completely and zoomed across the battle field as quickly as she could. During this time, she listend into the communications with the others. More people? Wow! Just how large was this group? They seemed so official! It made her even more excited! She quickly glanced at the robot, people kept taking hits at it. She found her way to the others in no time and stopped by them, appearing as her mortal self. "Okay. Not Squished, that's good! Mini-mission complete!" she said happily as she looked at the two brightly, pumping a victorious fist into the air. She put her hands to her hips and looked at the robot again. "I don't really know what else I can do, sadly. I've never actually been out on the field..." she looked down at the ground doubtfully for a while, but then turned back to Dragoness and Spirit, "But if you have any ideas I can give my guns a shot!" she grinned excitedly, summoning her hammer and giving it a little swing as it landed on her shoulder properly. "Guns not being my imaginary muscles but this hammer, of course."
Spoiler: antm make over day complete with wind effect and sass ( okaY I TRIED) guys View attachment 36386 View attachment 36387
THIS IS SUPER GREAT <3 I am so happy to see KHVC back and I'm like a really big fan so hooray this makes me happy c: I'm really excited to see the Chorus' future projects and I hope I can join in one day too lols
Celeste frowned as the voices in the room began to rise. Everything already seemed so much louder with her ears but the entire environment with everyone was too much. The reassuring embrace from Mya seemed quite nice but then things went downhill from there. It was silly how they were put together, then split apart and now they barely got along. Everyone seemed to be against Kendric and she didn't want to be against her friend either but she didn't exactly agree with him. Why were they splitting up? All she could see here was they get split from the school, they become criminals. They get split into groups, people get killed. What if they just keep splitting up until they're all alone and everything just keeps getting worse? She didn't like that though. Not one bit. She could feel her lip trembling. Mya walked out of the living area with a furious note. Celeste frowned more and looked down at the floor, at her bare feet. She understood Mya in a way. She wanted to go home too, go home to family. She just wanted things to be normal again. Her hands balled into fists on her lap. She stood up and cleared her throat, "I-I'm going to sleep as well. See you in the morning." she didn't look up at anyone, she was afraid they'd notice her teary eyes and her trembling lip - if they first didn't get her shaking voice. Plus, she knew if she saw her friends face, she'd feel safe to cry even though she knew she shouldn't. She bent down to grab her new found weapon and carried it off with her, following after the direction Mya went and entering another unoccupied bedroom. She placed the weapon by the wall and walked over to the bed with a shaking sigh. 'Don't cry, Celeste. You're a soldier! Don't cry. It's not going to help you. You're not allowed to cry.' She sat by the edge of the bed, and balled her hands into fists again, pounding hard on her lap. She wasn't going to cry. She should just sleep and forget and just go on with tomorrow because that was a new day. Yes. She inhaled deeply, still shaking. She crawled onto the bed and lay down, looking out of the window and up at the night sky. No tears escaped her ruby eyes but she couldn't seem to fall asleep either.
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» SUPER SLEUTH MODE! ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » BENTLEY INN≛OOC ✌ A deep sigh escaped his lips. He brushed back the mess of cherry red hair that sat on his head. He pressed his lips together as his eyes looked around the empty lobby. He honestly wasn't expecting that. He understood if the others hadn't arrived but none of the staff seemed to be present either. He just wanted to see the others again. Especially Erik, Bryan, Julius and… Maria. Things weren't so great the last time he was with them and the entire group of kids really. It was just death after death after death. First it was the four kids, then Elisa had committed suicide (ooc: dinny tip ,it was an accident! lol) and then there was the discovery of Noelle and Jonathan… It was safe to say as well that he wasn't at his best either. Aside being embraced by the atmosphere of the grim reaper his emotions were waaaay off. Things were just so new to him and it felt like his feelings were just detonating everywhere, it drove him kind of crazy. He'd work until he couldn't and try to keep up with his relationships with people. It wasn't really going so well. His emotions would eat him up and a sick thought would always be in his mind, like, who was going to die next? Eventually his mother came to get him. She thought the environment wasn't any good for him and it really wasn't but he didn't want to leave. That wasn't an option. His mother was back from Europe with the rest of his family and decided to have Tucker stay in their home a couple towns away. He tried to keep talking to others, especially Maria but eventually he lost the connection. His mother originally didn't want him to come but during the time away, Tucker eventually returned to ignoring how he felt to keep going on with life. He learned how to smile again, fake smile of course and just be happy so no one would be upset anymore. This convinced everyone he met and he convinced his mother in time as well, but it was much too late to join everyone from Fortissimo so he went straight to Bentley instead. He slipped his backpack off from his shoulders and walked towards the empty reception desk, leaning forward on his elbows. Lots of memories were in this place, he could almost see it flash before his eyes but no, that wasn't good. He cleared his throat and untangled his right arm from his left. He reached forward to ring the bell on the counter but then a loud, angry voice came from the room around the corner - the dining area if he remembered right. "It's just a package!" That was a familiar voice. He straightened up and slowly began to Pink-Panther style tip toe to the door frame of the dining area. He felt like a spy. His chestnut eyes were filled with wonder and curiosity as his fingers curled over the edge of the door frame and he poked his head out enough to be able to peek in and see what was going on. "I think someone should take a look into it first! My husband should run a full inspection of that package." It was the woman from before. Not the young inn keeper who stood beside her. Right, the young inn keeper was Cane. This woman… Glenda! Yes. The man they were speaking to though… Tucker felt like he's never even seen him before. He pressed his lips together rightly, forcing himself to keep silent and hopefully, unnoticed. "Jesus Christ, they're children." Cane. "It's them kids. My husband should look into it." Glenda. The man stays silent as the two females continue to argue. Tucker just stood there and watched silently as everything unfolded. It was obvious that Cane didn't want anything to happen to the package and felt like it was her responsibility and it was right that they didn't tamper with it. Glenda however, as suspicious as Tucker remembered she was, wanted her husband to check it out. The bickering voices were silenced when the man finally spoke. His voice was serious and stern. "Glenda, your husband has my permission to inspect the package before the girl receives it." Cane explodes in a series of 'waits' and whines but there seemed to be no use. They all stand to leave and head towards the door… oh. Tucker immediately runs back to the lobby. There was a second of him frantically standing in the middle of it and looking around for options. He bit down at his bottom lip as the options were getting pretty close to zero. He turned on his heel and snapped his head left and right, desperate for some kind of sign. Finally, he funs towards the front door and grabs his backpack, hung it on his shoulder and opened the door silently. It was totally text book but he hoped they'd buy it. Head out the door. Do not close. About face into the lobby. Hand on door handle from outside. Neutral expression, looking around the place as if searching for life form. Lean forward. One foot in the lobby, one still outside. Pressure on the right foot that is in the lobby as if walking into the room. Look up at Cane and her shocked expression as she appears in the lobby from the dining area. Bingo! Complete the pretend half step and walk into the lobby. Close the door. Speak before she can with a chipper tone and a small wave: "Uh, hi! I'd like a room please?" Smile. Mission Complete.
I will try my best to be back from now on (but only after school which is like super early for you guys cry) I'll get on Skype in a bit!
HYUGE *huggles* I miss you too and I am obviously late to the party cry but yes we should talk about them ~
thank you my dear siska~ <3
✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC: starting and ending both Tuck's and Elisa's days because school is too busy major gomen |MOOD ↝ JUST NOPE✿✖ LOCATION ↝ HOME ✖ Elisa woke not so early that morning, in fact, it was already half past noon. She groaned as she turned away from the dainty clock on her living room wall. Living room wall? Living room? She rubber her eyes and blinked a couple times to fix her vision. She was home! It was almost the afternoon and she was home! She glanced down at her outfit, still the one from the night before - which brought her bright blue eyes to look ahead of her. Her legs brushed against another warm body and just like she expected, Ryder was there with her. His eyes were shut and his breathing was steady. He looked all peaceful but tired again - just like that other night he fell asleep on the couch. He must have carried her all the way here, put the blankets on too. A sigh escapes her, she must have been another burden for him again. Then she pouted, 'Could have at least snuggled up.' she thought bitterly. She then thought about cuddling up to Ryder, suddenly remembering those times she and Richie would force him to join their photos, and she giggled. Once she did, she put a hand over her mouth. Wow. That's the first time in days she's been able to think like her old self again... It made her frown and start to feel incredibly awful. What was she doing being happy? Her best friend was dead. That one person who changed her life was now gone! Sure, Richie would probably want her to be the happiest little kitten she could be but how on earth could she? She felt like vomiting and crying and all that nasty things. Instead, she jumped off of the couch, ran up to her room and grabbed the bottle of pills on her desk. She took just one (for now) and swallowed it. The effect wasn't immediate but the thought counted. She felt calmed already - mostly because she knew in time that it would work and she would go all empty and things would be better. But for now, right! There was Ryder. She shook off the skirt that hung on her hip bones and pulled her shirt over her head. She then jumped into a shirt and shorts and freshened up in the bathroom, clipping her fringe away from her face. She hopped back down to Ryder, who was still sprawled on the couch and began poking him to wake him up. He soon rose and she got him some cereal to eat, since her mother didn't seem to leave anything out for them when she left for work, lying to him that she already had some - which he obviously didn't believe and forced to feed her. This was disgusting but she played along with it anyway - only taking in a little flake when he'd look at her. After their little breakfast Ryder had to leave and so she led him out the front door, thanked him for everything, apologized for the trouble and watched him go. She leaned on the door frame for a while, before locking the front door and heading up to her room. She already began feeling drowsy but it was still nothing. She then spent the day trying to figure out what to do. The pill didn't seem to affect her as she started cleaning up her messed up room - but she stopped when she landed on a pile of things that belonged to Richie or things she's made with him. Took another pill. She walked downstairs and looked around the house for something to do - but she saw the pictures up on the wall of how Richie had become part of this family too. She ran up her room and took another. She lay in bed for some time, hoping to fall asleep but all that got her was thinking. Thinking. Thinking. Thinking. So to stop her thinking, she got up and took another. She opened up her laptop at one point of the later afternoon. The last time she updated her blog was forever ago and there seemed to be a lot of concern but when she looked at all those comments it just made her feel a lot worse than comforted. So again, she got up, and took another. She started to feel sick and super drowsy - much more than before. Her head was kind of spinning - like when she'd take a little more than she probably should. Did she finally take it too far? She's never been to a hospital because of this before, was it going to happen now? Was she going to join Richie? Hm, probably not. She began thinking of if she actually cared if she did die. She wasn't exactly sure by the time she drifted off to a very deep sleep.[DOUBLEPOST=1373320329][/DOUBLEPOST]✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» DUMPY ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » SHELTER/HOME ≛OOC ✌ Tucker hadn't slept very well, despite how blissfully he had fallen asleep. He had plenty nightmares, of his father punishing him. Well, at first it was just him but then he started to see others too. He saw Richie and Zachary getting punished in their caskets by his father and the other men who were as sick as him. He tried his best to wake up at this already but he was trapped again. He tried to get away but they wouldn't let him. The worst part was when they went back for him, with all their tools and wicked grins and this girl strapped to a chair. She was held down to face him the entire time, as the sick men began what Tucker thought he ran away from eight years ago. And it was so so sick and it felt so so real and when he looked up at the girl, it was Maria. Who was watching the whole time and had fear and disgust all over her face. He woke up with a sick kick to his stomach and sweat making his clothes stick to his skin. That was at around 4am, a little less than 4 grueling hours of nightmares after he had gotten home. For a while it was hard to breathe and he couldn't find himself to go to sleep again. So for the rest of that dark morning, he grabbed his guitar and tried to calm himself and after some hours of not being able to handle being alone and the sun rising, he went to the shelter. He knew Sean was with his family a little ways out of town so he knew he could be alone with the animals. He got dressed and showered without stopping by the mirror, put on a coat and drove to the shelter. He unlocked the door and walked in, locked it behind him and went straight to where the dogs were. At first they were all sleeping but when that loud metal door opening they woke at once and leaped happily at the sight of him. He let them all out to roam in that space and played with them for a bit. It did make him smile but he still felt rotten inside. After some time, as the dogs tired out, he sat with them and they all cuddled up next to him. It was warm and nice and the one thing he thought of was how they were just dogs and not humans and this helped him not go all ninja on all the bodies pressing down on his legs and hips. While they were all sound asleep he felt the loneliness creeping in again. He didn't want to get up and wake any of the dogs, even though the sun was already well out. He reached for his phone and began to text Maria, the only person he felt like talking to at the moment. This took a couple more minutes because every time he typed something up he ended up erasing everything and starting again. Eventually he went with, To: MariaHey! : )Hope you're doing well and um yeahjust wanted to say hi. Do you wantto maybe hang out today? Although he absolutely wanted to summon all sort of magic to simply stop it from sending, the deed was already done and he couldn't do anything about it. So he held the phone in his hand and waited for a response. As patient as he was hungry (which was pretty darn hungry), he waited but no response came even as the hours passed. His stomach grumbled by the time noon was approaching and one by one the dogs did start to wake. He woke the last dog on his lap and got up. He stuffed the phone in his pocket and got up to the dog food. He put bowls down on the ground and fed them all a nice heaping pile - just for the holidays. He tended to the other animals too, like the cats, the birds, and the very few reptiles and insects. After cleaning up the bowls of dog and cat food, he ordered some lunch by delivery for himself. Eating next to a cat, namely Moster Mouth (since this kitten ate so much), wasn't so bad. He did wish for a more human company but this was alright. He sent a text to Sean too, telling him not to bother coming back in town because he handled the shelter and he was honestly scared it would make him come more but that was just his ego talking. Sean agreed to stay with his family a little longer and said he'd be back tomorrow morning which made Tucker happy cause he had the rest of the day to himself. More hours passed as he continued to care for the shelter, including cleaning the place up and stuff, and Maria still had not replied. It did worry him but maybe she just didn't want to talk? By the time it was getting late, he locked up the shop and made sure all the animals were back in their respective cages. Then he drove home. He took another shower because all he smelled of was animal. He lay in bed for what seemed like more hours than the day combined and still waited on that response from Maria - which he still got nothing from. He fell asleep eventually, after all the exhaustion from the day pretty much got to him.
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» STRANGELY HAPPY ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » MARIA'S/HOME ≛OOC ✌ For a moment, both of them just stood there and Tucker honestly felt very awkward. It wasn't like the kiss they shared when they were together. It wasn't sweet and it happy and- Arms clung around his neck and Maria closed that awkward gap between them. He felt her push against him and kiss back. Scratch all that entire first two and a half sentences. Boom. Bam. Woosh. There was the sweetness! The bliss! All the awkwardness had gone and all what's left was the two young adults sharing another magical moment together. His right arm raised from his side and wrapped over her body. His eyes were closed peacefully and everything just melted away. It all seemed right for once. She pulled away and Tucker opened his eyes, letting go of her - but she didn't of him. She smiled at him and he just looked at her for a moment, blushing madly but eventually sent a smile back. That was nice, definitely nice. She untangled her arms from him and backed away. He scratched the back of his neck nervously and then touched his fingertips to his lips lightly. That was his first actual kiss. Nothing much was said as a goodbye. They pretty much left it with that New Year's kiss. He did greet her a happy new year one last time and then bid farewell and walked out of the door. He hopped into his car and drove off. It's been such a roller coaster day. He didn't really know what to think of it and for once, he didn't really want to. He was okay with leaving it at that. With that new year's kiss. He didn't mind. He didn't bother to check his phone when he got home - not really wanting to ruin his mood at the moment. Too tired from the sadness, bliss and utter confusion of the day, he simply slumped onto his bed, pulled the covers over him and fell asleep.
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» HOW DO U KISS? ; A ; ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » MARIA'S ≛OOC ✌ ❝ Oh, yeah. I'll go get those. ❞ and with that she left him to get his clothes. She disappeared quickly again, finding it troublesome if he followed after her and just got lost or something. She was back quickly anyway and he smiled as she handed them over. "Thanks so much, you really didn't have to - but thank you." ❝Here. They're dry now. Don't worry about getting those back to me right away or even at all. They're Stephan's old clothes and he doesn't wear them anymore. ❞ She was being much too kind to him. He smiled at her as she turned slightly to watch the clock on the wall. Wow, the new year was coming pretty close. He held the clothes with his left hand, holding them by his side. He figured he'd stay to greet her for the new year and went back to what she said before this decision. "No, that's just too much! I'll return these once I get them through the laundry." he smiled. She pulled her glasses off her face and set them down on the counter, sighing heavily. The girl began playing with her bottom lip and stepped closer. Tucker didn't move, instead he looked away and glanced up at the clock on the wall. He didn't actually wish to leave but he really just didn't want to bother her anymore. Like, nothing was really waiting for him at home, he already had the new year skype call with his family and he was kind of scared Sean would show up at one point. He still didn't know how to face him. ❝ Happy New Year, ❞ He snapped his head back towards her. Wow, she was close again. He felt his heart beat a little faster and suddenly noticed the loose hold of his warm clothes. He gripped them more tightly. He swallowed nervously but put on a nice smile, "Happy New Year, Maria." ❝ Tucker...Will you be my New Year's kiss? ❞ His body tensed up. Wh-what? New Year's Kiss? Those really happened? Were they like a tradition? What? He stared down at her, with his lips slightly opening in shock. She was smiling up at him. She was really pretty and without the glasses, he remembered how blue her eyes were. He felt like he could feel his heart trying to beat faster and harder and just escape his chest cavity. His body tensed up a bit. What should he do? He stood there for a while, his face getting a bit flushed as the seconds passed. He glanced up at the clock quickly, as if asking for answers but it only told nothing but the time. Well, at least that it was new year's. Should he kiss her? Should he not? Was it going to upset her if he didn't? Wasn't it his new year's resolution to make people happy - shouldn't he live up to it? Or was that just an excuse? Should he kiss her? It's not like he didn't not want to kiss her. Plus, he already had before. He's done it once... could he do it again? He looked back at her, straight into her blue eyes. He already knew that he probably should and that he actually wanted to but he just didn't know if he could. How did it go in the movies? What was he even talking about? He didn't even watch movies. Um. What was it. Um. Okay. Pheeeeew. Shut up. Just. He blinked, put on a charming smile as his chestnut eyes stayed on her blue ones. He closed his eyes and he leaned closer. 'Just do it.' He hovered above and close to her for a moment, hesitating, but eventually pressed his own against hers.
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» UPSET/DISTANT ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » MARIA'S ≛OOC ✌ ❝ Hey guys New Years is just around the corner. So what's everyone decided there resolution for the New Year going to be? I know mine's gonna be something like learning how to Ice-Skate. I mean it can't be too far off from rollerblading. ❞ ❝ Hm... I'd like to do something about my personal relationships... I can take those Tucker. ❞ "Oh, uh, sure! Thanks!" he said as she got his clothes. Tucker kind of wanted to follow her and help her out, since she seemed to be doing so much for him already but he didn't want to leave Dennis or Evan plus, she had left his side so quickly. He never really thought about new year resolutions. His lips pressed together in thought. "I guess I just want to keep people happy." he said with a nod. He did feel like he's been upsetting and troubling people lately. ❝Aside from being thrown into the snow, did you get here all right? It sure took you a long time to get here. I was starting to think you weren't coming. ❞ He could feel her body lean close to his, causing him to tense up a bit but he didn't move away, only slightly jumped when she poked his side playfully. He let out a small laugh (mostly to mask his slightly awkward feeling), "Aside that, I'm doing alright. Yeah, sorry for my tardiness, been a little rough lately... at home... at the shelter... and felt kind of sad after the funeral but that's not the matter, it's party time!" he grinned cheekily. Soon, they were joined by more - being Ryder and Elisa. It made his heart hurt a bit seeing them, knowing it must have been very hard for them recently but he decided to live up to his new-found new year's resolution and make them smile. They all chatted together, laughed and told stories. It was a good time. A great distraction. Dennis and Evan left first, and Ryder and Elisa followed them. He stood by Maria as he watched them get into their cars and go. Once the front door was shut he cleared his throat, stuffing his left hand in his pocket. He looked over at her with a smile before he looked down at his watch, "I should probably get going too, it's getting late." he muttered. His chestnut eyes looked up at the blonde girl, "My clothes should be good now, right?"
✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ A BIT BETTER✿✖ LOCATION ↝ HOME ✖ The party was a nice way to get away. She had woken up a little bit more, by the time Maria greeted them with a bright smile and they joined the group of other people in the party. She stayed close with Ryder, of course. There was some friendly chatting and laughs. Elisa forced herself to be a good sport and put on a smile herself and chatted up as well. Aside that, she actually ate a couple snacks and consumed no alcohol - it was more of Richie's thing to drink all the time (even though she was open to the possibility of using it as a vice to drown the sorrows away but it seemed too pathetic). She eventually did end up being really drowsy after some hours and she hated to be the party pooper. The teenager leaned in closer to her best friend's twin brother and stood on her tip toes, whispering into his ear that she wanted to go home. Since other people began leaving too, they followed suit. She thanked Maria for the party and admitted that it did put her in the best mood she'd been in lately - which was definitely something. She really enjoyed her company and her house was very lovely. She followed Ryder out the door and climbed into the car. She watched him climb in and start the car. She smiles a bit as she watched him drive for a bit. She was really happy he ended up going and taking her to the gathering. "Hey Ryder..." her voice was drowsy and her sleepy eyes stayed on him as her lips curled into a more prominent smile, "Thanks for taking me... and going as well and... stuff..." her last words dragged on as her eyelids fell to a close. She fell asleep.
Hello! How do you feel about getting QT'd? c: Also you are such a qt y u so cute? Impressions? How are you doing today? Favourite fruit? Milk chocolate or Chocolate milk?
hehehe hello suggestions for funsies ~ Do a duet/group song by yourself (different voices and stuff) A capella Pop/Punk/Rock Goes Acoustic u w u
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» UPSET/DISTANT ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » HOME/MARIA'S ≛OOC ✌ The door had opened so suddenly, as if the person behind it already knew he was going to be there and knock at that moment. However, that wasn't what shocked him the most. He expected to see the beautiful face of his friend Maria, but instead was greeted by Torvald's - though, greeted probably wasn't the best word for the situation. It was Torvald, then it was the butler guy from Sophie's party and then it was just bodies. The two other men slammed into him before he could even raise an eyebrow at them. Their overpowering strength and combined weight and momentum caused him to slip off the porch and fall under them. He could feel their bodies pressing against his and he quite literally fell into a panic, shutting his eyes and trying his best to scurry away. They were all tangled together for a while until they - well at least, he - finally slid away from them, lying in the snow beside them - still trying to grasp what exactly just happened. However before he could even think of that, Maria rushed to his side. There was a good amount of yelling and foul language and well, Tucker was pretty much just speechless. Eventually, with the help of Maria, he was pulled up to his feet and went inside. It was much warmer inside and Maria immediately tended to him, bringing him to another room where she pulled out a new set of clothes for him to change into. He studied his own, guess they were a bit damp at the moment (okay, quite more than damp as he would like to admit). Plus, they were really cold! His fingers felt incredibly frosty. Maria left him to change, closing the door behind her after leaving. He stared blankly at the closed door for a while. Still kind of lost at what happened. He didn't really want to remember it, he was pretty scared. It felt like the other two men had tackled him - and was prepared to do other things. Well, he didn't really want to think the other two would even like to or think of doing that but he couldn't help it. The force that knocked him down was all too familiar. As he slipped off his jacket he tried to get it out of his mind. 'No! This is going to be a good time and you're done sulking and just STOP.' Tucker let out a frustrated sigh and ripped his shirt off of him. He placed it sloppily ont he bed momentarily as he reached for the neatly folded shirt Maria had given him. Standing there half naked for those few seconds, his chestnut eyes glanced at his scarred body. He bit his lip as the thoughts tempted to vandalize his calming mind. He immediately pulled the shirt over his head and wasted no time in changing into the new pair of jeans. The clothes fit him quite snuggly, the shirt was a little loose and the jeans dropped to his hip bones a bit but they were really comfortable and warm. It was very home-y and he honestly liked that. He stared down at his own pile of clothes and packed them up neatly. Putting his shoes back on, he then left the room quietly. He half expected to see Maria waiting out for some reason, but she wasn't there. With his clothes in his hands, he began to walk down the hall. He could hear her voice somewhere nearby, and followed it. Ah, kitchen. There she was, with some others who probably just arrived. He cleared his throat a bit and put on a smile before he joined the group with a polite greeting, "Hey everyone." He noticed that had been the first word he said to Maria all this time. He looked at her and let his smile grow a bit wider, mouthing out a little 'thank you'.[DOUBLEPOST=1373027734][/DOUBLEPOST] ✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ DROWSY✿✖ LOCATION ↝ HOME ✖ Opening her eyes grew very difficult over the minutes that passed. She didn't really know if Ryder was coming for her or if she would even be able to get up when he did. She kind of forgot about it anyway after a couple more effort-full blinks. She was getting especially drowsy. She shifted in her bed, letting her lashes flutter to a close and arching her back as she stretched a bit. Keeping her eyes shut, she groped for her stuffed polar bear. The soft fur finally made contact to her fingers and palm and she pulled it close to her side, keeping it in a headlock next to the curve of her torso. She just lay there for a few moments, breathing. She wondered many things, well actually no, she wondered of little things - but it just seemed plenty because her mind wasn't exactly in the state of deep discussion... or any discussion as of that. She thought about what happened to the presents she left Richie, wondering if he enjoyed them and was putting the stickers on the clouds up above... She hoped that calories counted in the afterlife and that Richie truly enjoyed the macaroons she left for him (and yes, got fat in the process. Maybe metabolism was a lot slower up there?)... She also hoped he framed the photograph and took care of it as much as she did. It was her favourite after all... Every pause felt like her shut eyes drifted her for a moment of sleep. Maybe she was actually dreaming already? No, it couldn't have been. She never remembered her nightmares. "Elisa get up we're go--" That sounded way too real. At least, it was much louder than the soft murmurs in her head. She turned her head to the side as she slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was kind of blurry and going in and out of focus. The blonde haired, tall teenager stood by her door. He muttered something that she couldn't make out and immediately looked away from her. He stared at the ground. "P-p-party," What did he say? Huh? "G-get dressed..." Oh. Oh, party. Okay. Party... right? Before anything else happened, the boy turned on his heel and shut the door. Was it just her or did that all happen too fast? She licked her dried, tainted lips as her heavy eyelids came to another close. She opened them again after and put all efforts to get up from bed. Her skinny body glided out of her bed, with her bare skin sliding against the fabric. Her blue eyes looked at herself in the mirror. She reached up to brush her hair with her fingers to a slightly neater look. Her face didn't look too ridiculous. She glanced at her near naked self and shrugged, walking over to the closet. She opened it up and stared at her clothes - for once, not knowing at all what to wear. She thought about Richie, who would usually stand behind her and point at something for her to wear when she couldn't think of anything. It would be just like that, she'd be in her cute undies and he'd be behind her and they'd giggle and help each other with outfits. But no, she was alone now. She pulled clothes over her undergarments, a large shirt and a skirt - being too lazy to put on anything else. She didn't grab anything to bring with her and finally walked out of the door. Ryder was on the ground and without a word, they walked out of the house and into the car. He still didn't speak but had turned the radio on. Elisa wasn't bothered by his lack of words or the excessive noise from the radio. She was much too druggish to notice. She pulled her seatbelt on as she ride shotgun but rested her head on the cold glass of the window, shutting her eyes. She tried her hardest to stay up, letting the music be a constant reminder to stay awake. "Do you--do you see that?" Alarmed by his voice, the turquoise teen opened her eyes slowly, turning to face Ryder with a raised eyebrow. The car had apparently stopped and the engine was already off. The radio had also died out but she didn't notice that either. When did that even happen? Had she fallen asleep already? See what? What was she supposed to be looking at? What? Huh? "Hmmmmm?"