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  1. Dinny

    oh man

    C...Cousin Muscle-chan!!
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Dinny

    I understand it for any other event but for yearbook creatives... \ internal screeching \

    omg cass rob HAHA that would be so cute c: And I wanted to do Steph originally, since I've cosplayed her for reals before and have literally everything for it but I've decided on junk this lunch time with my friends at school.


    Thank you everyone for suggestions ; U ;
    like omglob you all helped a lot!
    \ sends out kissus and rabu rabu sparkles for you all \

    But I ended up with...
    because I love Dick Grayson, video games, animu, sischu and cats hooray~

    Post by: Dinny, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Dinny
    Jayn I just want to hug you forever omg \tears\ I LOVE YOU SOB YOU'RE SO GR8 ; ~ ; like omg I would so go into detail how that just made me feel but I will just sum it up to better than I've felt in quite a while ty ty you're 2 sweet ilu

    and we should do an rp together one day maybe when I graduate lol, yeah? \sparkles\

    Favorite song to sing in the shower? 0:
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  4. Dinny


    SOBS I KNOW CRY CRY CRY UM I HAVE FACEBOOK???? LOL gomen dinny sissy is lame u A u

    yes yes it is all my swimming bois u w u

    (whispers) YES NYU
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  5. Dinny
    I can not shorts \sobs

    (no sleeveless, above the knee, low neckline, etc)
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Dinny

    It felt like there were webs that clung on from under his eyelids, not letting them open. He let out a small groan as he shifted in his bed, from his side to his back. His right hand reached up to his eyes, rubbing them with his thumb and index finger lightly. He forced them open as he inhaled deeply and blinked hard. He tilts his head to the left and right slightly, examining the room around him.

    Part of him couldn't believe their entire group was doing something like this. They were all playing CSI, which was very dangerous because they weren't exactly detectives. The most of what they were are actors and that shouldn't take them too far. Of course, Bentley wasn't the place where all the bad things happened - not really, not from back then at least. Bentley was just incredibly suspicious, the off customer service in the inn and the candy shop with the incredibly peculiar people. The thought of remembering those moments though, like the little diagram/note the little girl gave him in the candy shop, made a shiver go down his spine. It was horrible.

    Tucker's eyes widened as he thought, yes, it was horrible! And that was a no-no! Horrible thoughts were no longer welcome, not during the day at least! The sunlight that seeped in from outside screamed at him for it. His eyes still burned a bit. Man, was he sleepy. With a groan he pulled himself up to sit and glanced at the other boys in his room. Still asleep. One missing. Hm? What was that about?

    Curiously, he got out of bed. Perhaps he slept in another room? In the lobby? He should probably look for him. He got to his feet and peered at the two sleeping forms. Quentin, check. Er, some other guy, check. Who was missing? He had a face in mind but couldn't exactly find a name... he was always terrible at this.

    Like a lightbulb, a more positive realization entered his mind. He was probably already awake! Riiiiiight. He laughed a bit at himself. That was pretty pessimistic of him. 'This is why you don't have bad thoughts during the day!' he smiled to himself as he walked over to the closet where he unpacked his clothes, grabbed a new outfit and went to the bathroom to change. After which, he returned to his room wearing his new set of clothes, tossing his old ones then finally going out to the others.

    As he walked down the hall, another door closed behind him. He didn't spin around fast enough to find out who it was but it seemed to come from the room where Erik, Julius, Bryan and Maria stayed. He had the intention of greeting them good morning first but then he heard voices from a distance. Surely awake and probably awake company? The choice was obvious. He about-faced and walked over to where the voices were coming from. Three early birds were grouped by a table. Little fem! Julius, aka: Zoey was sitting with a blanket draped over her shoulders was joined by a boy, Dennis, and a girl, Sasha. He only knew their names because they were actors and singers for the production during Christmas where he handled all their mics. He walked up to them with a warm smile, "Hey-o kids! Good morning!"

    As he stood by them, he looked over at Little fem! Julius who had bandages on her wrists. She wasn't looking so great either but there seemed to be quite a sunny atmosphere amongst the teenagers so he figured not to raise anything and maybe aska little later. Plus, that wasn't exactly what disturbed him. He finally remembered the boy missing from his room: Oliver. He wasn't there.
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Dinny
    Happy happy birthday !!!
    \ party party party \

    I wish I knew you more cause you seem so incredible and amazing and lovely and supah cool~
    So I wish you the best birthday this year, you deserve it! c:
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Dinny
    and pls pls pls help me ; ^ ;

    I don't know what to do for my creative shot AT ALL
    The theme is "Find Your Own Adventure" and like,
    craaaaaaaaaai I don't know what to dress up at all \sobs

    I can't use most of my cosplays because it's not dress code lawl
    (except my Robin, Pikachu costume but Idk man)
    But I still want something mega geek worthy that expresses my first class dorkiness




    i'll give you sparkles
    Thread by: Dinny, Aug 1, 2013, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Dinny
    ty ty ty

    i try

    Post by: Dinny, Aug 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Dinny

    Y-y-you still have it O //////// O

    Post by: Dinny, Aug 1, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  11. Dinny

    srs like I am in dying need to swim and junk and this animu is driving me crazy
    there better be hot boys when I go swimming next time hmph
    Post by: Dinny, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  12. Dinny

    \blushuuuus to no end\
    Post by: Dinny, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  13. Dinny
    F-fair point, please carry on then .
    (pls include the D tnx)
    Post by: Dinny, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  14. Dinny
    the day I decided to go to LPTP . . .

    Post by: Dinny, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  15. Dinny
    wow jayn so many questions i'm sorry i'm joining the bandwagon you can dot his gurl

    hi i love you

    initial + current impressions ? (gomen, dinny is a curious kitty)

    What ever happened to that RP we were planning to make together lol ?

    How is the kawaii life ?

    We should do a theme again my dear Boni babbu and Jayn this is not a question but idc gurl you are my senpai like wow you're so gr8 and you truly inspire me andI look up to you and blushuu you're just so gr8 okay ; /// u /// ;
    Post by: Dinny, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  16. Dinny
    What why no salads or fruit bowls

    Post by: Dinny, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Dinny
    Petite Asian School Girl, eternally studying
    Post by: Dinny, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Dinny

    Finding out about their findings in from before he joined them cleared up some things - except whatever was going on with him and Maria. When she had brushed his hand off of her shoulder and so smoothly held it from there earlier, he felt like he had been shot with a mix of feelings. He felt some guilt, some tension, some nervousness and some bliss. He didn't pull his hand from hers or move away when Maria had side stepped closer to him as well, tensed up he did but not move away. They walked side by side and even sat next to each other during the ride and the discussion. There was an air of awkwardness and Tucker really attempted to kill it with a smile but grinning too much would have been inappropriate during the discussion.

    Together with Erik and Maria, they walked back to the inn after that discussion. It was pretty obvious that Erik was tired and he had left on his own, probably sleeping immediately after. So then that left just himself and Maria. Alone... well, alone-ish. He remembers gulping a lot and looking at the side nervously. Aside the guilt of not speaking with her for so long he didn't exactly know why he was so nervous - or rather, tried to ignore the reasons behind it. This entire investigation would be tough on all of them, almost returning to that horrible moment from two years ago and he knew, or rather wanted to be, some sort of light in all of this. He didn't want to burden anyone, he just wanted to help - and one of those ways was to be the more positive side of the group, or at least he thought.

    He cleared his throat in attempts to break the silence between them. He smiled at her. It really was nice to see Maria again though - and, of course, everyone else too! But yeah, seeing Maria seemed to be particularly nice, despite the guilt and nervousness. It seemed to be easier to smile with her around.

    "I-it's nice to see you again." was pretty much the only thing that he remembered he said to her that had significance. She must have been tired or something because she didn't exactly talk much and so they kind of ended the awkward conversation there. Tucker bid her good night with a charming smile, walked into his room where there were already two sleeping bodies, went to shower quickly and then crawled into his own bed, falling asleep. He hadn't been having peaceful sleeps lately, but that night, the nightmares didn't seem that terrifying.
    Post by: Dinny, Jul 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Dinny
    Username: Dinny Grayson
    Doll's Name: Zar
    Post by: Dinny, Jul 30, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. Dinny

    Candice instantly scowled at the new nickname she got from Archer. She was all smiles and excitement just a moment ago but seriously... gasbag? She crossed her arms over her chest, the idea fact that he had this idea for her to do sounded incredibly cool and she would have been jumping for joy just at the thought of it but the nickname lingered in her head. "PHANTOM." she pouted, drilling her bright blue eyes into his.

    She continued to glare at him for a moment as he spoke again,

    If we can't blow this this thing sky high, do you think you can do your gas cloud thing and get inside of it and take it apart from the inside? We need a plan C, just in case."

    A deep sigh escaped her lips. That was brilliant. With a small shake of her head she then looks up with a smirk, and nods at him willingly. She eyed the robot, go inside it huh? She could easily maneuver to get inside the machine and into its core and wreck things from there. It was a simple idea and possibly even fool proof! There was a catch though, she didn't really know anything about robots. Sure, that didn't sound like a problem and pretty much wrecking everything from inside would probably still hurt the thing but the problem was, she didn't exactly know if she could move around in there. Sure she could simply materialize her hands and summon her hammer (which should do enough damage just on its own) but it could be pretty difficult.

    She turns back to the others, "Alright, I can do that! Distractions and a Plan C, as mentioned, would be great though." Her expression was doubtful for a moment, but as she quickly glanced back at the Tanker and then back at her team mates she gave them a hopeful grin. She made the Hammer disappear for a moment then phased her lower half into her purple haze, hovering above the ground. She was ready. Scared, but ready.
    Post by: Dinny, Jul 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home