blushuuuuuuu U //////////////////// U
rebel dinny yes so so so plausible \angry sparkles\
This was very entertaining and I can't wait to tune into the next rounds! I'm rooting for everyone hooray! Best of luck n w n
I'm sure it wasn't sobs I barely remember it lol
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» DETERMINED ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » BENTLEY INN≛OOC ✌ Tucker hung outside the door for a moment and after some time he decided to reenter the room, hoping he wouldn't catch Oliver in between a really awkward changing moment (at least, awkward for him). He approached him, with own expression falling into deep concern, Oliver looked terrible. He placed a gentle hand on his arm, "Come on, we should go and meet with the others." He slowly helped him out again and lead him out the door. Maria was just outside and he sent her a small smile, but his concerned expression didn't leave him as he walked Oliver to the other room. He sits Oliver down by one of the beds and makes sure he's as alright as he can be. He then stand beside him and looks at the others. He was about to start talking, about to suggest that they should do something with not really knowing what but Lucas exits the room before he can. His words could be heard from inside. ❝Patrick's address. Could you share it? I would like to go see him.❞ Lucas was going on the right track. This was the original plan after all, to see Patrick, today and get to the bottom of things. How could he forget? Now, he knew - no, they all knew that lying around and wasting time was no longer an option. This place was as dangerous as Lightbrooke was. They had to keep moving or their numbers would keep decreasing. He gulped, thinking about seeing Patrick. After what Maria just told him, this all seemed crazy, like they were walking straight into a battle field in a battle they probably wouldn't win - but that didn't mean it was a battle they couldn't win. ❝By yourself?❞ ❝Hey, we're going to see Patrick, like now. So for whoever's going, could you get ready now?❞ Bryan's words rang in his head as he looked at everyone in the group, "I suggest not all of us going. We should split, seeing Patrick will be dangerous - too dangerous for most of you." he looked at the kids, wishing they wouldn't decide to tag along. They were just kids and he hated seeing more and more kids go. Well, he honestly didn't want to put anyone into more danger but that was kind of out of the question now. He also looked at Maria for a second. He couldn't stop anyone from choosing to go which way, but considering things, he just didn't want to put the people he looked at in more danger by going to see Patrick. He cleared his throat, "You should leave though, sticking around could be just as dangerous. We can't really trust any-" His words get cut off as a certain black haired, green eyed Bentley inn keeper entered his mind. Cane never had forsaken them before, well not directly speaking. Plus, he did witness her fighting for the package. That meant something right? He was silent for a moment as he thought about the strange girl. Was it worth trusting her? "We can't trust anyone." he finished, deciding to keep his thoughts to himself, he didn't want to risk it. If he suggested trusting Cane and she turned out to betray them then it would be too much for him to handle. "I'm going." he said sternly and for a moment his eyes awkwardly danced amongst the others in the room and he shot them a smile. He was sure about this. "I have a map in my bag, I'll get all my things now so we can get moving." With that he slipped out of the room without hearing from anyone else. He brushed past Maria, his chestnut eyes watching her as he did. He wish she'd decide not to come along. He walked down the hall in solitude. He kept telling himself not to be scared. This wasn't his father. This wasn't anything to do with him. This was for his friends - alive and departed. He kept telling himself to be fearless because these weren't the things that he feared. It was scary, but there were plenty other things that scared him even more. Plus, he wanted to help. He didn't want it to be like before, where he didn't do anything and all those little boys would end up in the same situation he was. Never again. He could definitely do something now. As he entered the messy and empty room he stuffed all his clothes into his backpack, pulled out the map from its pocket and then strapped it on. He held the map tightly in his hand, staring down at it for a moment. This was a deadly game but he was surely not going to back down. Compared to everyone, he had something - no, someone to protect: these kids, Torvald and Lucas, the ones missing, his friends Erik, Bryan, Julius... and Maria. Though he didn't really feel like he had something to lose, unlike the others. Who were evidently crumbling with these emotions. Of course he was too, but not for the same reasons. He needed to still be that light to them, even through this. So it might as well be him who goes down to the danger zone. He made his way back to the group, holding the map out in front of him. "I imagine you guys have your own maps, so here's another. Anyone can have it. We should go."
So how has life been treating you? Good, I hope Oh realy? Well, you sounded really great so there's nothing at all to worry about c:
hehehehehehe I actually was called in to dance with a couple of my friends to dance to that one song "G" I think by SNSD I was Tiffany lulz
Sorry Dinny is so indecisive cries cries but I would like to change it for the LAST TIME Notice Me Horton (from Suessical Musical)
just a lot of songs omg including ones from SNSD and B.A.P. ~
quite sobs sobs but it's okay hehe hmm my friend got me into kpop yesterday lol I thought of you c:
OMG DREW BBU ; ~~~ ; <3333333 I am good! Just busy with all the school work sobs HOW IS SUMMER TREATING YOU
drew babuuuuu <3333333 I MISS YOU SO MUCH IT'S CRAY SOBS
OH! Cool! I've never heard of it XD .... um
what's a Kik 0: no but srs I just agreed mainly bec I really just need the water right now surf mostly but swim okay \ turns into aquasexual Haru \
It was an alarming morning. Her eyes were heavy and her body ached from all that happened yesterday but she got up in a snap. Her bunny ears picked up on what was going on. Police. Seriously? She jumped to her feet - bare feet - and ran up to the others, who were all awake by now. She stayed by Kendric, holding onto his arm. K QUOTE And with him leading they rushed out the backdoor. It was really helpful that Artan's dad helped them out by stalling the police. It warmed her heart that she knew he didn't actually want them dead or in any awful situation. That was comforting, given everyone they came across wanted them dead. She didn't exactly know where she was headed. She just followed, and then they came to a stop. "Um...nice doggy." She gasped happily and wanted to run towards it but Mya already went forward to pet him. He was so cute! and large, kind of like a warrior dog - or rather, wolf. His fur was as pearly white as her own. When Mya stepped back from it and Grace began talking, she took the opportunity to run to the dog and hug it. She was on her knees and she hugged the great big creature, wrapping her arms around its neck and stroking its fur. "You're so cute and fluffy and awww." she said to it. Her voice was kept low but still with an excited tone. The wolf seemed to be happy as well because it was wagging its tail. It was nice to see something light and cute and happy for a while. Hence she embraced it. It was just a little sunshine in the dark place they were in. She slowly got up and the dog rubbed against her leg happily. She stroked the fur on it's back, "Now you don't bark. Shh. Stay quiet." and she wasn't sure if it was just her but it seemed to obey. It sat down again and kept that happy expression but did not howl or bark or growl or even sniffle. It stayed silent. She petted its head one more time and then walked over to Kendric, now joined by Grace, "Okay, we should go now." she smiled, happier and filled with even more energy now. Her drowsiness had left her, finally, but that's when she noticed that what now followed her was the great, big wolf that seated by her side as if she hadn't moved away from it at all.
EDITED IT SORRY Instead of Still Into You: J-jayn-senpai sign me up for Never Let This Go (acoustic tho) u ///// A ///// u
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» STUNNED ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » BENTLEY INN≛OOC ✌ The situation literally exploded. He stood there at first, with the three young ones - half of his mind still wondering where Oliver had gone, but then Zoey kind of just jumped into this new character he had bever seen before (and he knew it wasn't because of the coffee or hot cocoa or whatever she was drinking). Then everyone just followed to the door they were headed - the adults' room (minus himself). He stood there dumbfounded at the moment, completely lost at what was going on. With Oliver missing his heart began to race. Was his mum right about things? Were they all destined for something horrible just because they went here, rather, just because they were this group. He gulped down nervously and grabbed the locks of hair by his temples, 'No! No bad thoughts! You're jumping into conclusions, Tuck! Not during the day, save it for the night when no one's looking...' It grew increasingly harder to believe himself. It was easy just a couple days ago, but lately it was tough. No. He worked so hard getting back to this state where other people seemed so much happier with, like his mother, his little half-brother, his step father, Sean and even some people int his group. He wasn't a burden, he was just happy-smiley Tucker, the ray of sunshine. He gulped down nervously, forcing a smile desperate to make himself believe in the voices in his head. He breathed out frustratingly, it wasn't the time to smile though, it was time to be a detective and find out what happened. He dropped the forceful smile and his tensed hands to his side then walked towards where everyone else had run. Lucas seemed to be awake and already joined the others. They all blocked the doorway so Tucker was kind of in the back, it was hard to hear what they were saying. ❝ Tucker! ❞ The tone in her voice was alarming. Something bad did happen. It was for certain, but he just didn't want to believe it. Her blue eyes confirmed that and his expression grew even more worried. ❝ I need you to come with me now. ❞ Before he could even begin to speak, he was dragged away outside. The sun was warm on his bare arm, but the air was a little chilly and the atmosphere was eerie. He didn't like it. He didn't like what Maria began telling him even more. For a while, as she talked, he forgot about how close they were. It was like Christmas suddenly, her voice was kept hush so they had to keep that distance, or the lack of it actually. He was sure his expression was not pleasant. What she told him made his stomach turn and the demons he so carefully locked up began to crawl out of the dark corners of his mind again. He kind of trembled in horror. ❝ We need to figure out who all is here, ❞ She dropped his hand. Oh. She was holding it all this time? It made him blush a bit, flustering him even more. He looked away and inched back the slightest. He didn't really understand why she had pulled him out but it was nice to be talking to her again, despite the horrible topic they have. He looked down at her, placing his hands gently on her shoulders as he leaned forward to whisper back to her. He smiled. He had to. "And we will, don't worry." Then he and Maria went to work and started checking if everyone was alright and who was missing and who wasn't. They went up a couple rooms, including Ryder who confirmed where others were. But really, his heart just fluttered when they found Oliver. He looked terrible - but they found him. He was speechless, happy that they found him so thank goodness Maria did all the talking. ❝ Hey, we know about what happened last night. We should get you inside before you get sick. ❞ He nodded as he slipped an arm by Oliver and helped him up. Maria was busy texting but Tucker began to bring him back inside. It amazed him how calm and collected Maria was right now. That was good because he felt incredibly lost. He lead Oliver back to their room, "You need to get dressed and out of those wet clothes before you get sick." he sat him down on the bed and grabbed Olive'rs bag, pulling out a clean set of clothes. "Change. I'll wait outside then we have to join the others. Don't worry, everything will be alright." He patted him on the shoulder. "When you're done, just come out." and Tucker left the room, letting him have his privacy. He stood outside their door, and saw Maria approaching. He smiled at her, couldn't help it, "Thanks for finding Oliver. That was a great idea. I was really worried."
\tugs on your sleeve\ yabu yabu yabu you cool brotha i miss you :c also you were great during the E3 podcast! (gomen for not mentioning it...
AND ENFORCED BY BLACK MAGICKS Oh it's okay brotha \pat pat\ um um um tumblr twitter phone apps like viber/whats app ????? he is yum yum *shot* and nagisa is a cutie, I'm doing a genderbend cosplay of him sometime this year * w * bikinis hurhurhurhur