✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ HUNGOVER ✿ ✖ LOCATION ↝ SOPHIE'S ✖ The turquoise teen felt like there were spider webs all over her, as if they were tightly wrapping around her body forcing her not to move. They were even in her brain, tightly gripping the organ inside her skull causing it to throb and also under her eyelids and between her lips, urging them not to separate - but she could feel the warm sunlight from outside tell her it was already morning. Actually, some time past the early morning even. With more than enough effort, she was finally able to open her eyes and take in a deep breath. Oh god, that was gross. All she smelled of was the air of alcohol. She decided to try and ignore it to figure out where she was because she didn't seem to wake up to the familiar, flowery walls of her room. Instead, it was a room of neutrals and not pastels which was beautiful but still unfamiliar. She looked down at herself and pulled the covers off of her. She was wearing that favorite white dress of hers! The one with the gems on the collar. Oh! Oh, right! There it was coming back now! She was probably at Sophie's house, since there was a party last night. Right. She took lots of photos, didn't she? Yup. It was confirmed by the DSLR camera on the counter. Beside it was this gorgeous black, laced umbrella. Hmm...? Was that hers? It took a second for her to remember that it was. It was from her best friend! Richie was here too! Elisa turned her head from side to side. Well, he wasn't here - not in this room at least. She pouted. It would have been nice if she had cuddled with him to sleep. Perhaps she did and he was already awake? Wow, her mind seemed to be rambling a lot. Well, there was only one way to find out! She pushed herself up from the bed quickly - actually, a little too quickly. That was an awful idea. She immediately feels the turn in her stomach and with the alcohol she recalled having, she could already predict what would happen next. She quickly ran out of the door, not even caring of how she looked - which she was certain was awful. She luckily found the bathroom with the first door she opened and she slammed it behind her and headed straight to the toilet. Flowers and sparkles didn't come out of her then. Elisa wiped the crusts of mascara under her eyes after washing her mouth four times. Luckily, there was mouthwash on the counter and even some perfume - which she helped herself with generously. She brushed the patches of hair that stood up on her head down with her fingers and tried her best to straighten out her dress. Once she figured that she looked a little decent, she walked back to her room and grabbed her things there then proceeded to the stairs. She could already hear voices in the dining area and once she got there, she smiled at everyone. Greeting them with a small wave and a sleepy but perky "Good morning."
oh that's fine cookiie babbu <3 I hope you had the most wonderful time at vacation!! and yes, so never think otherwise!! (cue Ashwin) and don't...
ASH HI c: Teach us all how to live the anime life pls? If you had to pick one magical power to possess and master what would it be ? How are you ? Initial + current impressions herpderp ??? Numero uno magical pet you would want to own ? Flowers and sparkles? u w u
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» DONE ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » SOPHIE'S HOME (2nd FLOOR ROOM) ≛OOC✌ Tears were rolling down his cheeks. How pathetic was he? Sobbing at a time like this. God, he was such a wimp! He noticed a shadow and heels stop by his feet. He could even look down at her, his gaze was still fixed on the corner of the wall. He could feel his body shaking and his stomach turning inside. It was getting harder to breathe. It was like electricity when Maria reached up to touch his face, wiping the tears away. His chestnut eyes darted towards her. The warmth from her hand felt really comforting and trustworthy and wonderful even though everything was so horrible and cold. Her hand rested on his cheek and her thumbs rubbed under his left eye. His eyebrows furrowed together in his suffering. His eyes were filled with tears and showed only sadness. He took in a shaking breath. ❝ Tucker,❞ she murmured his name. ❝ Tucker you can tell me...❞ That's when everything just broke. Her tone was so pitiful, much like his. Her eyes showed that she cared. He felt the sobs rising as his lip trembled even more. His hands by his sides were shaking terribly. His mind was going crazy. It was like the demons were outraged and in war. They were trying to fight through the darkness to get to him. Catching air to breathe seemed like a battle. Keeping himself up on his feet suddenly needed effort. His heartbeat was put on overdrive. His insides felt all wrong and topsy-turvy. Still, despite all that, the demons were failing because there was a light that wouldn't let them get to the poor, broken twenty-three year old. So the demons fell and along with them, the walls did too and Maria had stepped in. The next few hours was horrible but also good. Tucker had sobbed and broken down and even hyperventilated at one point, but hey, he told her. He told her everything. He told her that her father, Benjamin, was the popular child molester and pornographer and that among all his child "stars" he was his favorite. He told her that it started when he was six and didn't stop till he was fourteen. He couldn't get much into detail but he told her. He told her everything like the day he told Michelle everything - that Wednesday after two weeks had past of his father was put behind bars. It was quite like it really. Maria was just there. There for him. Despite how embarrassing and pathetic he was and how much he rambled especially compared to how silent she had been - he knew that it would have been much worse if she weren't there. After some silence, Maria lead him over to the bed, ❝ We should probably sleep. It's late.❞ Maria held her hands up defensively, but tried her best to put on a smile. ❝ I promise I won't do anything. You get half, I get half. Sleep.❞ He wanted to smile back at her and tell her that was probably a good idea but he couldn't find himself to. As she slipped off her shoes, he did the same, sitting down on the edge and pulling his boots off. His body, his mind, his entire person just felt so drained and tired and done with life. It was even hard to take his shoes off. He didn't bother removing anything else, not even the stuff in his pockets. He was too tired to function. He didn't even question sleeping next to her anymore. Besides, when this happened - or at least when he'd have panic attacks, he'd cuddle up to animals - if there were any in his home, if not, he slept in the shelter with some of the animals there. It helped not being alone, he used to go to his mother for this but she passed that chapter much more quickly then he did. ❝ Tucker, I promise. Unless you want to leave.❞ He shook his head immediately, not really saying anything for a moment. He didn't want to leave, not at all. More so, he just wanted to stay there with Maria. He couldn't quite explain it, but it was kind of like a feeling of longing. He felt like wanting to wrap his arms around her, kind of like when he'd snuggle up to the animals when he felt bad - but no, this was kind of different. He couldn't explain it. He cleared his throat after wiping his tired eyes, and looked at her, "I-it's fine. I won't leave." he muttered, unable to word it out correctly. He wanted to say he didn't want to leave rather than just saying that he won't leave. There seemed to be a significant difference from the two in his head. He tried to forget scolding himself for it as he began to peel the covers off from the bed before lying down. He slept on his side as always, but made sure to face her. He closed his eyes immediately though and kind of hugged himself in comfort, trying to imagine a cat or a pup in his arms - and even for a second, embracing Maria but thinking about it made him feel heat flush up his cheeks a bit. His chestnut eyes peeked open slightly, glancing up at her. "Thank you…" he started and boy did he mean it. What he just went through with her seemed to feel better than any therapy session he had before - perhaps because he wasn't talking to someone who was there because it was her job to be, but because she was a friend. Part of him really wanted to hold her and not sleep for a while. He was just so thankful to her - beyond words and maybe a little something else? He wasn't so sure but he was still a wimp, less wimpier than before for sure, but- but... but what? That was right! He was less of a wimp now! He stares at her for a moment, nibbling at his bottom lip. His fingers gripped tightly at his Christmas sweater as he studied her features illuminated by the moonlight. He unfolds his arms from the embrace he locked himself in. It only took seconds for him to reach out to her, especially compared to the silence he placed between them before. He could feel the burning heat on his cheeks. His arms locked around her slim figure as if it was meant to be there. He could feel her warmth against his body from under the covers and especially in this cold Christmas night, it just felt right. Perhaps the demons in his head were as exhausted as he was because those awkward and awful visions were absent in that messed up brain of his but instead was filled with flowers and fresh snowflakes. He gives her the smallest smile, "... good night." he finally says softly and closed his eyes at his last words, falling asleep happily.
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» IDEK ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » SOPHIE'S HOME≛OOC✌ His chestnut eyes immediately followed the blonde who stood and walked to the door. Wh-what? Was she leaving? Had he done something wrong? He looked at her standing there, with a click she unlocked the door but didn't head out. The guilt inside of him rose and everything just felt wrong and sad and horrible. "I won't ever understand if you don't talk to me Tucker. I told you how I feel, and you still haven't even said anything about your feelings, just that you're afraid. But you won't tell me why you're afraid. You look at me like I'm going to hurt and I don't understand. How could I possibly hurt you?" His insides were going crazy. He felt like he was going to vomit. He clasped a hand over his lips, horrified at how everything was going so far. Her last words really, really disturbed him - mostly because he knew it was true. How could she hurt him? Ignoring what he's been through, he really didn't know but she was right. He still looked at her as if she could hurt him - because not ignoring what he's been though, he could think of so many ways how her, well not even Maria specifically but just anyone in general, he could think of so many ways on how they could hurt him. He heard the door creak open and some light from the hallway had creeped in. Did she noticed the tears in his eyes because of the light now? God, he was such a wimp. Crying again. He looked up to see that she wasn't even looking at him. "If you don't want to be here then you should just go. I'm sorry for having made everything messy between us. We can just pretend like nothing ever happened if you want. It'll be--" her voice broke, "--It'll be fine. I swear..." Wow, he really wanted to vomit. He didn't move from his place for a moment. He felt so terrible. He hadn't felt this terrible in a while. He felt like for a moment, he kind of deserved a punishment right now - one of those punishments. He just felt like pulling his hair out and running away and sobbing all on his own. How could he have done something like that to Maria and not even realize? He was such a jerk, wasn't he? He couldn't even think anymore. He walked forward and placed his hand on the open door's knob. It was cold - as if Maria, who stood by the window, had never touched it. It was like her warmth and sweetness had all gone. Were they… were they just going to end there? Was he never going to see her the same ever again? He already knew the answer to that. He gulped, then shut the door in front of him. He didn't leave. He couldn't. He took steps back into the room. It felt like he had to drag himself back inside, drained from all the thoughts and emotions that ate on his energy. He took a shaky breath in, separating his lips. He stopped a couple feet away from the blonde, looking at how her platinum locks reflected the little light coming from outside. "P-please don't leave me…" he started. His tone was calm but pitiful - as if one of a child. He felt very much like a child as he gazed at her. It was like when a child returned to his parent after doing something so horribly wrong and asking for forgiveness even if the child knew he didn't deserve it. "I'm scared." His hands balled into fists again. He looked down at the side, feeling some tears rolling down his cheeks as he blinked. He couldn't look at her and tell her at the same time. He bit down at his lip hard, fighting back sobs. His breathing was very unstable and shaky. Voices started coming into his mind, 'If you tell anyone I'll put this bullet through your skull.' 'Don't think.' 'You have to be careful.' 'Someone's going to break down the walls you put around yourself one day, Tuck.' He shut his eyes tightly, fighting them away and feeling his nails dig into the palm of his hands. He bit down at his lip so hard he couldn't even feel it anymore. He opened his tearful chestnut eyes anymore, fixing his stare at where the wall met the floor to his side. "My father… he's… he's- he is Benjamin Knowles…. if- if you don't know who he is- he's- he's" his voice cracked in a sob and he shook his head frustratingly. God. He still couldn't do it. He still couldn't say it.
"It doesn't." Her eyebrows perked up at what it--- he-- her partner said. She knew that Rendium didn't affect the N-class men - because they weren't worthy of powers and were left with some freedom, rather the lack of the ill-effects of the power-nullifying chemical, since they were already so pathetic or that the curse of Rendium was as repulsed by them as she was. But T-class men? Wow, with powers and Rendium free. She was honestly quite jealous. "To put it simply; Rendium won't be the problem, but there are electrical disruptors along the course that will slow me down significantly." How quickly she was impressed was exactly how quickly she was unimpressed by what Lance said next. Wow. Electrical Disruptors stopping him? She couldn't help but roll her eyes away from the machine in front of her, releasing a heavy sigh. That was pretty lame. It didn't help the impression of what a great partner this guy would have been initially. Well, of course, she took this in context with her own powers which was pretty in-line with his. She manipulated electricity for a living. She could probably control all the electrical equipment and currents within this gym. She could create a wall of electricity to fend off against unwanted individuals from the school as witnessed yesterday. She could electrocute the people who pissed her off. She could generate volts and amperes in mere seconds right from the palm of her hands. Hell, if she tried she could probably absorb electricity. Electrical Disruptors? Hah. Those were futile against her. "I won't be affected by Rendium. You will. You won't be affected by the disruptors. I will. But if you protect me with your powers, I might be able to do the same for you for that part of the course. If we pull it off correctly, it would be like there wasn't any obstacles at all." Rose-colored irises shifted back to Lance. Her expression remained unimpressed and almost bored with her glossed lips pressed together and her thin arms crossed over her chest. She stayed silent, giving what he just said a thought. Doing something about those disruptors would be a piece of cake without the Rendium, but since they were in the same area she'd have to think of another way. Perhaps she could shoot lightning bolts at the disruptors from the side of the first half? Sadly, that would be destroying the course - was that permitted? Hah, better question - did she care if it did or didn't? She needed other options. She glanced at the obstacles that were currently being tackled by the pathetic non-power user and the silent boy. She wanted to destroy everything - but that probably wasn't the best idea... Would it have been possible to power him up with enough electricity as they progressed through the first half that the electrical disruptors won't even be bothersome? Or maybe she could create this sort of force field that works with his body that would originally come from her but she would set the currents to allow him to control it and that would block the disruptors? Wait, what was that last theory even about... She turned her attention back at her partner. Wait a minute. How much power can this guy even handle? She eyed him from top to bottom, scrunching her lips together as she did. She then separates her top and bottom lips to speak, "Exactly how much electrical power can yo-" Loud, chaotic noises overpowered her conversational tone. 'What the?!' Frida immediately turned to face the obstacle course, where the din had been coming from. It seemed like someone had beat her to destroying the field. She couldn't help but pout - she wanted to do that! But as she saw the troubled expression of their gym teacher, she knew she couldn't be any more happy. Sir Kreuger immediately disappeared, moving across the gym and blocking the debris that flew straight towards them with his inhuman strength and speed. As the petite teenager watched this happen, she pretty much knew what was going to happen next and just as she predicted it went from: shock, to teacher-protecting-responsibility, to a student getting hit, to a short silence, and finally, to an idiot screaming out the obvious. It was time for a STRANGE fight. A smirk played at her lips, her eyes danced back to her robotic partner. Her tone was mocking, as if with a small sting of poison "It was nice meeting you, don't let those little elec-twi-cal dis-wup-ee-tors hurt you now." a small giggle followed, then she skipped away happily. Immediately, she stopped by some taller teenager, tapping him on the shoulder. He had raven hair and the most beautiful ocean-like blue eyes. She barely recognized him, but knew he was from the N-class. Perfect. She simply smiled at him with a sinister, cheery expression when he turned then placed her palm forward - hovering only an inch over his chest. "Your kind is despicable." she says sweetly then delivers a strong, electrical push to the boy. He is swept off of his feet, landing on his back, screaming in pain because of the surges of electricity that still crawled all over his body. She winks at him, sending a small salute then turns quickly on her heel to face the opposite direction. She grins as she sees all the possible victims running and fighting in front of her. The hands at her sides suddenly ball into fists that are decorated with electricity - as if forming gloves or gauntlets. It was time to let the others know that a little bit of a Rendium episode wouldn't stop someone like Frida Logan. She kicks off to a run, sending sparks flying (literally) and zapping anyone on her road of destruction.
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» NERVOUS/CONFUSED/SCARED ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » SOPHIE'S HOME≛OOC✌ He uncrossed his arms and dug his hands in his side pockets. His head felt like it was about to explode and splatter his brains out all over the floor. His heart was still beating rapidly and he tried his best to compose at least his breathing. He dug the tip of his shoe on the ground below, as if he was trying to stay still - which he actually was. Part of him just wanted to head for the door and run and go back home or sneak into the empty shelter and sleep with the animals. That's how he wanted to spend Christmas right now, at that moment. He glanced at Maria, knowing that even though he wanted to run away - it probably wasn't best. He could just leave her, after knowing that it was because of him why she could be upset. His mind was going crazy though! Images and sounds kept popping up as his eyes now darted around the small room. It was dark there was a bed - this was kind of the scene Tucker always avoided. The image of Maria dominating him, the one that he so sickly conjured when they were alone in the theatre, popped in his head again. That was the worst one right now - because he really didn't want to think badly of the blonde. She was a great friend of his. He just wanted it to go back like they used to - back when they were just two super good friends and counselors working together and spending fun times like morning cafe trips and summer. "Tucker... please com here." His head snapped towards her and saw her patting the space on the bed next to her. He really didn't want to - still unable to figure out what those blue eyes that gazed away from him was trying to say. He wanted to be cautious now because he was just so darn scared. His feet felt like they weighed tonnes as he hesitantly dragged them over as he sat down next to her. He moved aside the box that had the present she gave him and sat after that. Letting the box sit between the awkward distance Tucker intentionally placed between them. He bit down at his lip as he held the edges of the sweater he got from his mother. It fit him very snuggly, stopped right at his belt line. He held the edges tightly and tugged them down at the same time. He let her continue. "I have an idea, but it doesn't matter if you don't approve." The young adult tensed up, his anxiety inside building. What did she mean?? The last bit she said scared him. He swallowed nervously as he stopped looking at her and locked his stare on the floor. His eyebrows furrowed together, trying to fight his hardest not to do anything and just stay still and stay calm and just be there. "We could practice together, b-but, only if you want." His eyes immediately widened. The chaos inside his head seemed to react in the same way. It was like Maria had flipped a switch suddenly and everything just went wrong. He felt like his inner demons suddenly occupied the space under the bed below and they were slowly coming from there. It felt like their haunting hands groped at his body, clinging onto his ankles then up all over his legs and around his torso and neck and just- "You said you don't understand. I could-- I could teach you. I could show you that it's not scary... I don't understand why you would have that mentality Tucker, but these things-- this feeling-- it's meant to be good, not painful or scary." He bent over, digging his elbows into his thighs right above his knees, as if trying to ease the suffering he felt inside of him with physical pain. His hands moved swiftly from tugging at the bottom of his sweater to gripping his cherry locks at the side of his head. It was as if he was attempting to pull them out - but really he just wanted his mind to fall silent. Maria just didn't get it! She didn't get it at all! His breathing had become much heavier. His chest began to hurt. His mind still was filled with so much chaos and pain. He felt his eyes stinging as he continued to stare down at the floor below without blinking all that much, frustrated with himself of not knowing what to do and being some scared wimp all the time. He still felt like something was dragging him into some sort of darkness. " Only if you're willing to try. It's not like I'd force you. You're free to leave if you want..." He breathed in deeply and looked at her. His eyes had gotten slightly watery by now but he wasn't crying. He grunted a bit and got up to his feet. He couldn't do it. He just couldn't do it. He felt like he was being attacked again - even though he knew her intentions were good, well, at least she tried to believe they were good but his thoughts still screamed otherwise. He hung his head down, his hands balling into fists beside him. He intended to get up, head for the door, leave and just get out of there but he couldn't find himself to start moving or even take a step forward. What was she thinking? Of course, Tucker knew she meant well but just the thought of what she was talking about made his mind go crazy. His lips finally separated, "Maria... thank you... Thank you but you just don't get it." his voice was shaky, strong but shaky. He shook his head slightly, inhaling a sniffle that escaped him. "It's more than that. More than you'll ever know... More than I can ever say." His lips pressed back tightly together, gritting at his teeth. He wanted to tell her. The feeling he got last time of wanting to came back. His balled fists went back to tugging the side of his sweater again. He wanted to tell her right here at this very moment but he still couldn't find the right words.
Alright, hooray! Wasn't planning to anyway . . . mostly because I'm the biggest wimp and I flipped seeing the trailer sobs
2012 felt like it was just yesterday . . .
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» NERVOUS/CONFUSED/SCARED ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » SOPHIE'S HOME≛OOC✌ He stared down at her big blue eyes, unable to read any of the things they told him - until she finally began speaking. "About last weekend... I didn't want things to change between us--well, I mean I do, but not if you don't want to..." His expression was one of confusion. Did she not want to be friends anymore? She just said she didn't want things to change between them. Was she going to leave him like the kids who used to bully him in school when he was younger after finding out a certain thing about him even though the day before they were such good pals. It had been quite a couple days but no! Maria couldn't just leave. Why wouldn't they want to be friends any- "I though maybe if I gave you some time--I don't know. I just really don't want to stop being friends, even if you don't like me back, but the thought of you don't not...it hurts." His chestnut eyes grew wide as Maria's blue ones dropped away from his and back to the flower. She looked so upset. So that's what this was about. He frowned, feeling this guilty feeling inside him. So that's why she was so upset - he was right to be guilty the first time. It was his fault after all. He was the reason for her hurting. He gazed to the side. It never even entered his mind that Maria liked him. Sure, he's tried thinking about if he'd like Maria in a romantic sense but he never thought about if it were the other way around. She liked him? What… what was he supposed to do now? Tell her he didn't like her back even though he knew it would hurt her? She just said even the thought of him not liking her would hurt! Plus he was still so lost with all these emotions inside of him! There was guilt, confusion, longing, fear and curiosity - not exactly the best combination. His eyebrows furrowed together as he began to nibble at his bottom lip. "If you had stopped me from kissing you then I could handle it, but you didn't. You kissed back. Tucker I've been tearing myself apart trying to figure out what is going on inside that handsome head of yours." Hearing her say "You kissed back" felt like his father had punched him in the chest. Along with knowing that she's been quote-unquote tearing herself apart to try and figure out what was going on. What was he going to say? He just wanted to kiss her again because it felt nice? Say sorry he didn't like relationships because of his father raped him for a third of his life? He was taken back for a second with his thoughts but then he snapped his head towards her and said in a rather defensive tone, "I-I was just..! Y-you started it!" he said it recklessly and it was so so childish it disgusted him. He bit his tongue back and looked at Maria with a really guilty expression before he put his hands to his face and let out a grunt, obviously frustrated with himself. Letting that out, he dropped his hands and crossed them over his chest. His voice was shaky but he managed to get most of it out, "I just… I'm sorry. I just never… never felt anything like that... from a kiss… I-I didn't know kisses could be um, feel…um, f-feel nice, you know? I didn't know- didn't know they- they, they could not... not be, um... I just don't know how to handle it. This is new! Maria... Maria, I don't know what to do."
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» NERVOUS ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » SOPHIE'S HOME≛OOC✌ ❝Oh, wow--Tucker these are wonderful! ❞ A relieved sigh escaped him, grinning afterwards. He was always nervous when getting presents, wondering if they'd end up liking it or not. His mother always told him that it was the thought that counted but if they didn't like the present then it kind of beat the point. Even with Erik, he thought 'oh no he probably already has this' and with Sean 'Will he see this as a joke or will he actually like it.' He always doubted but ended up buying the initial gift anyway and they all seemed to like it which was good on his book. He listened to her go on about Eap and attach the keychain he got her already to her clutch. He smiled stuffing his hands into his pocket as he watched her. ❝ I'll put my keys on this later. The flowers are beautiful. I really wasn't expecting anything from you. ❞ He cleared his throat, shifting his weight on his right side comfortably as he spoke to her, "Well, um, giving the flowers were Sean's idea. He said you'd like them - but you know, it's Christmas! Everyone deserves a little bit-" before he could stop the last sentence, Maria rose to her feet and before he knew it, she hugged him in a friendly embrace. He hesitated for a moment, still getting a bit tense until he remembered - No! He was okay with hugging her now. They got past that stage! Yes! So with that reassurance, he hugged her back in the same friendly manner before they both pulled away. ❝ I actually have something for you too, but I was wondering if we could go somewhere more private. We... We still need to talk... ❞ For a moment his mind went blank. 'More... private? They weren't alone...?' The chestnut eyes that had been focused on the lead actress zoomed around the room until he spotted a rather familiar face. Cute face, long auburn hair - she did look so familiar! It was hard to forget a face like that. He cocked up an eyebrow as he looked at her for a bit. Ah! It was the girl who bumped into him in the cafe!! The day he and Maria- He quickly snapped his head away from looking at the auburn haired girl in the distance, blushing slightly as he turned back to Maria. He quickly glanced at the younger girl again. Maybe he should wave. That would be polite. Yeah. He raised his right hand up to wave but then Maria had grabbed his wrist and before he could wave or even say anything, the two were already out of the room. He followed her silently, lips pressed together nervously. If she wanted to talk privately, he didn't exactly know where. There were a lot of people around pretty much everywhere. Of course, Maria was probably more quick witted than him and she found a solution to that. Upstairs. He felt his heart beat faster as they walked up the steps. His hands kind of clenching together into fists. Weren't there stuff upstairs? Here. In the second floor. Were people going to do stuff upstairs? Here. In the second floor. Did Maria expect him to do stuff upstairs? Here. In the second floor. He walked obediently, still following the actress but man, was he a mess. His mind flooded with the thoughts from before - the thoughts that started all of this. The ones that made him so embarrassed in front of Maria. The ones where they kissed sweetly but then it all went wrong. Pinning him down again. Tying him up again. Making him submit again. Again. Again. He shut his eyes tightly, trying not to remember but it was no use. He wanted to run again. No. He had to fight it. Maria wouldn't do such a thing. She was too sweet. 'That's what you said about your father.' No. Maria was different. 'That's what you said about your father.' No. He knew Maria. She wouldn't. She wouldn't! 'You knew your father. Don't you remember how she smacked Torvald across the face?' He yanked his hand away from Maria, apparently just as she had let go though and closed the door. Oh no. They were in a bedroom now. Alone together. No. He had to shush his mind. He had to not think. 'Don't think.' he heard Sean's voice in his head. He was right. Okay. Tucker, no thinking. ❝ Here. This is for you. I thought it would look nice with that shark sweater you wore. ❞ A present? He reached over for the wrapped box, careful not to come in contact with her fingers when he grabbed it. He wasn't too cool with anything right now, really but the present did make him smile and politely say "Thank you" before he even opened it. Unwrapping the box, he pulled out a scarf - with shark designs! He coughed out a little chuckle, as he placed the box down by her side and held up the scarf. "W-wow this is great! You remembered my shark sweater? Haha, aw man Maria, I love it. Very cool." He added the last bit in a dorky manner, trying the scarf on and showing it off probably pathetically. He removed it and placed that back in the box. "Thank you." he repeated. ❝ I thought maybe we... ❞ Right. Right. For a moment, he forgot how things were awkward but now he was all back again. He glanced at her for a moment and he looked away immediately. She wasn't even looking at him - then again, he didn't blame her. He couldn't find himself to look at her either. He cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck nervously as he leaned on the wall across her - not really wanting to sit on the bed. They really did need to talk, particularly about last weekend, since they did pretty much ignore it all throughout rehearsals and stuff - but he didn't know what to say at all."M-maybe we... um, what?"
✌ CLOTHES ≛ MOOD» HAPPY ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » SOPHIE'S HOUSE≛OOC ✌ He arrived at Sophie's place in the middle of her laying out the house rules. He had arrived quite later than everyone because he stopped by the shelter to grab the cake that he left in the refrigerator there. It really nice of Sophie to let them use her house for a cast after party, he felt quite obliged to bring something in for everyone too. ❝There's a pool out back, if any of you care to swim, and there is also alcohol, but mind your manners and be responsible, especially you underage folk. To abstain from regretful mistakes, everyone is allowed to stay the night, and anyone who has drank more than their share is definitely not driving home. Alright, go scatter to your heart's content. Food's in the kitchen, et cetera. Oh — in the restrooms upstairs you'll find a few boxes of condoms ( again, courtesy of Lucas ). If you intend to do anything, don't stain my house with your messes and keep it out of the public eye.❞ He laughed at her comment on the alcohol, thinking to himself if it would be wise to take some. He wasn't a drinker, but he would take wine or champagne on special occasions - and this was one of them! However, he was driving back home (probably some time early in the morning while it was still dark) and being even a little bit intoxicated would be a dumb move. Then again, Sophie did say they could sleep over - but as if he was fond at the idea of that. He was suddenly brought out of his thoughts when Sophie began speaking again, mentioning the bathroom upstairs with the... with the... the... A shiver ran down his spine hearing the words coming out of Sophie's mouth. 'Why would there even be things for that?!' He shut his eyes tightly as he shook his head a bit, trying to erase the thought. He gulped nervously as he gripped the strap of the bag where he kept Maria's present in and held the cake steady, even though his body felt like it was shaking. He felt the panic inside him start to rise. No. This wasn't good! Just forget it. Just forget. Nothing was upstairs. Nope. Nothing. He blinked a couple times before he started noticing that people were moving about. "Tucker!" The young man turned to the high, happy voice that called out for him, smiling at the teen with the distinct turquoise hair. The girl had a shiny DSLR camera in her hands but an even brighter grin on her face. He greeted her with a similar cheery grin, "Elisa, wow! You look amazing! Merry Christmas!" Little Miss Mulshine giggled happily, "Merry Christmas to you too! I'm trying to find Richie but I've changed out of my booties and into these docs - I'm not exactly as tall as I was during Opening Night. Do you happen to see the blonde?" Tucker smiled warmly, glad to be of help and began to peer around the crowds of people, thankful that his height gave him the advantage. He spots Elisa's best friend seated on a chair by the side. Richie looked like he was admiring the household. He turned back to the turquoise teen, "He's by the chair, over there." pointing to the direction. Elisa's smile widened as she peered to where he just pointed, "Aha! There he is! Thank you so much, Tucker!" He gave her a small nod, "Never a problem, see you around!" then he proceeded towards the kitchen where he WAIT! "What?" "WAIT! This calls for a photo-opp!" Before he could politely object, the energetic teen grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a photo as she held the camera with on hand in front of them both. Shocked, Tucker gave his best attempt at a decent smile while beside him Elisa seemed as photo-ready as she always was. With the flash of the camera, Elisa's hand drew back from his arm and quickly checked if the photo was alright. Tucker laughed slightly seeing how happy the young lady had become, she grins at him for the final time and sends him a small wave "Hooray! Alright, have a good evening! See you around!" She was gone before he even had the chance to say farewell. He chuckled under his breath as he watched her striking blue hair disappear into the crowd. He found his way over to the kitchen, finally, gliding through people who looked about for drinks then dropped the box on the counter. He set down the bag for Maria for a moment, and pulled the cover off. He tucked that under the box and left it there on the counter, putting out the little note on the side that read: " Merry Christmas! Great job everyone! Enjoy the cake. Devour to your hearts content. -Tucker " He bent down to grab presents again and then left the kitchen, entering a large room. He didn't really have any intention upon entering the room, not really knowing where he was - but then his chestnut eyes spotted a familiar blonde actress. She looked beautiful from a far, her long blonde locks falling past her shoulders while the red dress she wore immediately called for attention. A nervous smile ran across his lips as he tightly gripped the brown paper bag that he held. He walked over to the girl, stopping by her side as he greeted "H-hey Maria! Merry Christmas!" He looked at her for a moment, holding her glass of champagne. He smiled at her, quite nervously still, not really knowing what to say next - even though he had spoken about it with Sean earlier. Sean advised him to just say what he felt like saying - whatever entered his mind. He literally just told him "Don't think." It was kind of an impossible feat for Tucker, but maybe he could try it? He cleared his throat. "A-amazing job by the way. You were great! Absolutely perfect... uh, um, you know, as Michaela. So good. Um. Yeah." Wow. Okay, maybe this is why he did think before saying or doing anything. His right hand slowly rose up to awkwardly scratch the back of his neck, but that's when he remembered the bag that he held. "Oh! These are for you!" he said suddenly, his chestnut eyes growing wide. He held the bag (containing the presents: a can of supreme cat food, a new toy and a golden pendant to be attached on a collar all for Eap and three red roses tied together with a golden ribbon along with a cat keychain similar to Sean's dog one for Maria) out to her.
lol yeah = A =
Cookiie sissy being short is like the gr8est thing eva don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise U w U like tiffany from SNSD is totes my height...
ahhh drew bb thank youuu <3 I should feel better soon don't worry U w U (insert flower here dinny is a lazy bum)
hmmm I actually don't know LOL I went to the doctor cause I fell the other day and I was really lightheaded and fainty and I couldn't balance....
yeah!! C: besties yey and lol gomen for that school has just been like really tough and junk :< but now that I'm sick I can go back to it LOL
✿ OUTFIT | MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ HAPPY✿ ✖ LOCATION ↝ HOME/SCHOOL ✖ Christmas was wonderful. She woke up to the warm hugs from her family and presents from them - which were new outfits she could use after or during the winter. She exchanged the lovely presents she had received with the one she prepared for her parents - which were gift certificates to a fancy restaurant sponsored by a shop she would often buy from. She once made a review for that shop, which sparked more costumers during the week she posted the review on her shop. They were very grateful to her and so she was able to get these gift certificates. She had already reserved her parents a table for lunch, letting them have a sweet and romantic Christmas lunch date together. Before that of course, she spent lots of time with her family in the morning. They had a delicious, healthy Christmas breakfast and watched some of their favourite holiday films like The Nightmare Before Christmas (alright, this was Elisa's vote and her parents mostly acted like they were watching), A Christmas Carol and Santa Claus. This ate up most of their time but before her parents went off to their dinner date, she baked some vegan cookies with them too (and a lot more so she could bring some later for the cast and crew). She helped her mother get ready, doing her makeup and choosing an outfit for her. She guessed she got her fashion sense from her father since he always knew how to dress nicely all on his own. She bid them farewell, knowing that she would see them tomorrow. She planned to go to the auditorium early so she can fix up all the costumes and make up for the rest of the play. While her parents were away, she had the afternoon to herself. She baked some more cookies and decorated and packed them but also opened up her laptop to blogged happily. She posted her Merry Christmas video the night before, at midnight. Hooray! It's Christmas! And as you all know not only istoday going to be filled with the air of cinnamon, freshsnowflakes, warm smiles and perhaps some eggnog - it is also going to be filled with the heavenly voices singingthe songs from The Girl In Watercolors! Be sure to catchour musical this Opening Night! Bring your family, friendsand lovers to the show! I promise your money's worth andthat you won't be at all disappointed! So see you later, perhaps? Have the most jolly Christmasever, everyone! U w U Once she posted that short message, accompanied by the official poster of the musical, she got up and got dressed in her Opening Night outfit. She wore simple clothing, a short black dress with thick black tights underneath. Her booties were chocolate suede and she put on a coral blazer to give her outfit a pop of color (besides her hair of course). She added a belt around her waist to give shape to her thin, lanky frame and put on simple but elegant accessories. Her make up was kept a bit simple, with just a couple layers (probably more than what she needed) of mascara, neutral tones of eye shadow, a nude lip and blush. She used bronzer to make sure her skin wasn't so pale and she looked warmer despite the chilling season. She wanted to look professional but stylish, and hoped that came across effortlessly. All set, she grabbed the dress she prepared for later. Another thing she was excited about was Sophie's after party. The thought of it clouded her worries for the night and she let the party motivate her as an incentive. She walked down the stairs carefully with her make up kits, small clutch that kept her belongings, Richie's present and her dress. She dropped these on the clean kitchen counter while she packed the bags of cute Christmas cookies into a separate bag. She made enough for the entire cast and crew to have a bag each. She then grabbed the phone, calling for a cab. No way was she driving to the school. She didn't want to risk anything happening since it was opening night and she was such a terrible driver - think of what accidents she could get into! (haha) The turquoise teen made it into the school early. Some people were already there: the leads, Torvald and Maria, some extras, Tucker the sound tech guy, Erik, Zachary, Julius and Bryan. Her heart fluttered when she saw the brown haired male. She handed them each cookies upon her entrance, greeting them very merry holidays. But after that, she put all her things to the side - away from all the props so she wouldn't disturb anyone and got to work. She helped the actors get ready, set up their costumes for quick changing and had her makeup station ready in case for any touch ups. By the time Julius gave the introduction, Elisa had finished painting on all the actors' faces. She was pretty tired, but was delighted to finally see them all go onstage and deliver what they worked hard on to an actual audience. She carefully headed back to her make up station, leaning on the wall tiredly. She looked around backstage, everyone was really prepared and the audience that she glanced at a moment ago looked so eager for the performance. She wondered if any one from her blog came to watch the show - she sure hoped so. Suddenly, she notices a familiar head of blonde hair. Richie! She wanted to exclaim in excitement but that wouldn't be appropriate since the show had already begun. She bent down to grab a pack of cookies and his actual present. She walked over to him, careful to not make any unnecessary noises from her booties. Once she reached the boy, she greeted him with a small wave and a warm smile, but placed a finger up to her painted lips to remind him to stay silent, then embraced him in a warm hug. She handed over his present and the cookies. She really hoped he liked her present because it made her giggle. She leaned on the wall beside him, draping one thin, lanky arm over his shoulder and resting her head by his as the show carried on.