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  1. Dinny
    After what felt like waiting for way too long for Ryder's reply (only a minute passed after texting him) she decided to keep herself busy. She got up from bed, took a breath and pumped herself up with energy to multi-task on two mega-blog posts: one for her adventures and one solely for Sophie's Christmas party. She walked over to her desk, cracked her knuckles as she took a seat on her comfy computer chair and opened up her laptop.

    She put on her headphones and turned up some music (her current obsession being Paramore's new album) so she could work with little distraction. Of course, she kept in mind that she was still waiting for Ryder's reply and placed her phone next to her laptop. The first thing she worked on was transferring all the photos from her camera to her laptop.

    Attaching all the photos from each of the three days took forever (or at least what felt like forever to her, again). Thank goodness she's improved on her photography because now she rarely ever spent any time on editing photos after she took them. They would get transferred then were ready to be uploaded and used. She was also feeling productive so while the photographs were finally uploading she opened up a page on her blog and began to type in some content, starting with what seemed the easiest to remember since it happened just moments ago: Photography camp.

    As many of you know, camps are one of my favourite things ever and just yesterday,
    I was fortunate enough to take part of Mr. and Mrs. Snap's Photography Camp! I've
    talked about this excitedly before and thank goodness I was able to attend despite
    the winter (and practically forgetting the event itself lol this is another story I will
    shortly be getting into hehe). I've learned so much, met some supermegafoxyawesome-
    hot people (shout out to Sally who I met at Camp! Hey girl! n w n and Christofer as well
    I miss you both already!), and really just had a super great time.
    So my morning started out pretty hil

    "Hey, you decent?"

    Alright, that was definitely not just in her head! The sudden voice that she heard as the song from her headphones came to a stop made her jump slightly. Just a moment ago, she heard someone call out her name but she thought she just imagined it. She pulled the headphones off of her head and looked over at her door. Oh, Ryder!

    "Oh you're here! Yeah, I'm decent! I'll be out in a sec." She glanced over her phone at the moment and scowled at it. The little light on the upper left was blinking, which meant a notification but that just meant she didn't see it. She could already guess it was Ryder's response. She stuffed that phone into a small spiked, black purse and inserted her wallet, lip balm and tissues as well. She walked over to the much larger bag that contained her electronic keyboard and pulled its strap over her shoulder with a small "oof."

    It had been a while since she carried around her keyboard and forgot how heavy it was. She opened the door fully, "Hooray! I honestly didn't think you would be coming." she giggled, giving him a small kiss on the cheek as a greeting and happily walking past him and down the stairs. She talked the entire time as she walked out of her house, making sure she locked the door properly after Ryder since her parents were out. "Let's go!! Don't mind the keyboard, I'm auditioning for Oliver's band thing if you know about that. Are you auditioning? You know you should Ryder, give you a good excuse to socialize and I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun. Anyway, there are a lot of good lunch places near by that aren't too pricey. The Hibachi place, Johnny's Pasta Town, um, the cafe near Studio Z. You can pick of course since I'm sure I dragged you away from some important video game battle or something. I hope I'm not too much trouble or anything."

    She placed her keyboard in the backseat of Ryder's car and climbed in shotgun. She was definitely in a chatty mood today. She really hoped she wasn't any trouble or annoying (though she probably way). "You pick any food place, unless of course you want me to pick then I highly suggest the cafe near Studio Z because their salad's are divine but you, you should pick. In fact, I'll pay for you! Okay, okay I'm getting over my head, I'll pay the tip but you should pick. Cause man, am I just excited to eat!"
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Dinny
    Shh I am very sure about the more so c:
    Profile Post Comment by Dinny, Aug 20, 2013
  3. Dinny
    ohymglob stop singing the floods are so crazy
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Dinny
    Panzer Mushroom Kombat !!!
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Dinny

    The warm shower left her feeling all bubbly, sweet and fresh when she went out of the bathroom. She had already brushed her teeth, shaken most of the water out of her short blue locks, applied strawberry and cream scented body lotion all over her skin and hopped into her flowery undergarments.

    She walked over to her bed, where her outfit lay and also her phone. Its little colored light blinked, notifying her that she had one unread message! It was most probably the reply from her best friend Richie!

    Text from Richie:
    it's okay haha! i was just a little worried ; ^ ;
    uh... i'm not sure yet honestly ahah i'm going to freya's house in a few
    and idk if she is going or not
    if we are though, lunch with you after the auditions sounds totally amazing!!
    maybe freya could come with us?? i'd feel bad for leaving her v u v

    She couldn't help but pout a bit, but she completely understood. Plus a part of her still felt guilty about the whole forgetting-the-camp-and-running-off situation yesterday. She let out a small sigh then smiled and began to type up a response.

    To: Richie
    Aw man, well alright then babe have
    the most fun ever! ^ o ^ Tell Freya I
    say hello and that she could absolutely
    join us! I'll see you a little later
    then \sparkles\ :3

    Hitting send, she dropped her phone onto the safety of her thick, pastel bed covers and began to pull on the thick black tights that she prepared earlier. She slips into her military green, collared dress with a belt tightly snug by her waist and a leather jacket over that. It was snowing, so she decided to keep herself warm but of course, stylish. She tied the laces of her black shoes before plopping onto her bed and grabbing her phone again. She browsed through all her contacts, trying to find someone who she would enjoy having lunch with - since she was really set for having company this afternoon. It didn't take her long to find one though, a small snicker escapes her while she begins to type up a message.

    To: Ryder
    Yo Ryder! Hehe Richie's got plans for
    lunch and now I'm all alone! \sobs
    Ditch the video games and have
    lunch with me for a while? I promise
    I WON'T bring my camera u A u

    She hit send right away, even though she wasn't exactly sure he'd say yes. Honestly she was expecting a 'no'. Like, was he even awake? She'd give him about ten minutes. If he wouldn't reply then she'd just have to go out alone - she'll take it as a sign from the universe to spend some "me time".
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Dinny
    And so are you! More so, in fact c: <3
    Profile Post Comment by Dinny, Aug 19, 2013
  7. Dinny
    the true animu \sparkles\
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 19, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Dinny

    "Yeah, it's already noon, go ahead and wake him up."

    "Be gentle, little man."

    A child began to giggle sinisterly.

    "No, no Simon! Simon! Don't!"

    "What did we say about hitting? Hey! No hitting!"

    He was barely awake until the small, warm hand made sudden and alarming contact to his cold cheek. His chestnut eyes burst open and he stirred from his peaceful position. It definitely woke him up. The bright sunlight from outside along with the bright, white lights in the hospital room made him squint as he pushed himself up to a sitting position, letting the warm, fleece blanket slide off of his body. The room was filled with the parents' apologies to the older brother, who was still trying to get a hold of exactly what was happening, alongside the scolding to the younger brother, who was still giggling.

    Tucker's eyes shifted around the room. His mother, dressed in a hospital gown with her long, wavy auburn hair coming down her shoulders, was lying in bed tucked in the comfortable sheets with a complete set of breakfast and her IV by her side. She was smiling like always while her sweet voice echoed with apologies. His eyes moved to his step father Jack, the man whom his mother remarried. He knelt by the couch he was lying in, holding in his arms his own child and scolding him but also laughing a bit himself. The little boy didn't seem to stop giggling and when his chestnut eyes finally fell upon his smiling little half brother, he couldn't help but smile as well.

    His arms reached out to Simon and he lifted the child up onto his lap. "So you were the one who woke me up, huh? Tsk, tsk, and I was having such a good sleep! You're in for a tickling young bud." and he knew the boy probably only got half of what he was saying but Tucker stuck to his words and began tickling his little brother who burst into even more laughter. A large grin was on Tucker's face when he stopped tickling the child, hugged him for a bit, sat him beside himself, pushed off the blanket, and slid his legs off the edge of the couch where his feet met his shoes. He began putting them on.

    "Sorry again for the rude awakening, little T. I was going to wake you up before Simon would but I knew you stayed awake until I woke up this morning. You're still a terrible actor." His mother made even the most honest and brutal comments sound like bites from heaven. He gave her an obnoxiously fake, insulted expression while clutching his sweater over where his heart was and dramatically saying "Wow mom. Ooh, that hurt."

    The room was again filled with some laughter, mostly from Simon as usual. Jack moved over to the seat beside the bed where his mother laid. "Thanks for staying in such short notice, I know you had plans but we just had to get all our things back in the house and this isn't a place for Simon."

    He smiled at the older man, "Nah, never ever a problem. I would have literally gone in a heart beat if I could. Have the doctors said anything?"

    The smile didn't disappear from his mothers lips, which was a good sign. "Yeah, they visited while you were sleeping. My blood pressure's going down. They just want to keep me in the hospital for maybe two more days to make sure I'm stable. Don't worry."

    A sigh of relief escaped his lips, "That's good."

    His mother's voice chimed in again, "You have plans today, don't you? Something about those auditions in school?"

    His eyes widen for a moment, "Oh right!" He had almost forgotten. Thank goodness his mother hadn't! Jack let out a small chuckle as Tucker began to tie the laces of his shoes. He had to get to Fortissimo Academy as soon as possible! It was already lunch and he still had to drive all the way there and then set things up all before 2PM because that's when the auditions were! He grabbed his coat hung on the edge of the couch, putting it on quickly. He helped Simon off of the couch and put him on his feet. The child didn't let go of his hand as he started walking towards his mother. "I'll come by later tonight and don't worry I'll pick up some lunch on the way or something. Stay safe. Don't stress out so your blood pressure won't spike up again and take care. I love you." he kissed her on the forehead. She returned an I love you too and he picked up his little brother, tossing him up in the air slightly and catching him again before setting him on the floor. "And I'll see you later as well, soldier." he said then formed two guns with his hands and imitated a gunshot with them playfully. Simon did the same but his gunshot imitations sounded more like a pew pew sounds. He patted Jack on the way out and waved a final goodbye before hurriedly making his way to the car parking in the basement. He hopped into his vehicle and left for Fortissimo Academy.

    When he finally got to the school, he ran to the audition place: Studio Z. He opened the doors wide and began to work, clearing out the area so Oliver could judge everyone who auditioned and setting up various amplifiers and microphones. It reminded him of preparing for the musical, which kind of made him smile. There seemed to be some wonderful memories from there.

    Once he finally got some things set, he realized he rushed himself far too much - from driving quickly, to running and working quickly. A lot less time had passed than he thought and what he just did tired him out quite a bit but at least it was all over now. He let out a small sigh but smiled as he looked at the Studio which was now ready for the auditions. He sank into one of the chairs he had prepared and pulled out his phone. He hadn't looked at it almost all day yesterday and on the screen it showed 5 new messages.

    From: Sean
    Sorry bro! I'm back I'm back!
    Just woke up a little later
    than usual. I'll be in the
    shelter starting today,
    don't fret!
    He typed in a quick response to his scruffy friend. He made sure he also mentioned his mother, so he might not be able to go to the shelter as much. He moved on to the next messages.

    From: Freya
    To: Tucker
    Okay, I hope she recovers quickly. Be safe...

    Oh dear, this was sent in from the morning of yesterday! He probably forgot to reply or was already driving to the hospital in a panic. He felt a little bad for not being able to respond, but checked the next message

    From: Freya
    To: Tucker
    How's your mom? Is she doing alright? It isn't serious is it?

    He frowned a bit. Now he felt a little horrible. He quickly pressed on the reply button and began to type a response quickly:

    To: Freya
    Hi there! Sorry for not being able to respond
    so soon : ( My mother is alright, her blood
    pressure just spiked up but she's already
    doing better so hooray! The doctors said
    it isn't anything serious as long as she took
    care of herself which I'm making sure she
    will he he. Sorry for bailing out! I feel
    terrible, we should meet up again so we
    can talk and we should do it soon! So so
    so so so sorry again for bailing!! : ( : (

    Hitting send, he let out a small sigh of relief. That felt a little bit better but he still felt awful for leaving her that morning so suddenly. He really hoped she would forgive him.

    To: Tucker
    I thought I'd share his cuteness.
    Have a nice day. ;]

    His frown was immediately turned upside down as he looked at the adorable, sleeping kitten. It was so cute sleeping and it reminded him of the other day where he visited Maria's house and they all had such a great time. It made him feel all warm inside, which he grew suddenly curious about but shrugged it off when he looked back down at his phone to see Eap. He was really glad Maria had taken him in. She was a great owner.

    To: Maria
    Too cute : ) Hope you're
    having a great day too!
    Sorry for the late reply
    = P

    He hit the reply quickly and stood up from his seat. His job here was done. Now, he could finally grab some breakfast and lunch at the school to satisfy his grumbling stomach. He puts his coat back on as he exits the studio, closing the door gently behind him. He begins to compose a new text message as he walks towards the nearest food joint.

    To: Oliver
    Studio Z is set up and ready for your
    auditions today! Best of luck, I hope
    you find the talent you're looking for.
    If you need any more help, just give
    me a call.
    She dropped all of her things on her bed, before plopping down herself. She was pooped! The Photography Camp by Mr. and Mrs. Snap was very fun and informative - but also incredibly exhausting! The camp was out of town, about two hours away and with the party at Sophie's and the snowboarding adventure with the twins she practically forgot about it! She woke up yesterday, packing as quickly as she could and rushing out of the house with a backpack and camera in hand. She only texted her best friend Richie right before she fell asleep in the car.

    The camp was amazing though, they worked with a lot of new angles and techniques both in daylight and during night time. The married photographers taught them plenty of new tricks and the people in the camp were so amazing and talented. Elisa even met someone who was apparently a follower from her blog! It was incredible. The girl was from another town and she was sweet and nice and the turquoise teen mostly hung out wit her along with this incredibly cute boy (she was sure Richie would agree with her and made sure she took plenty of photos with him). It was all in all a really great time and she was so tired she slept all the way until 10am, when her parents picked her up (she had to rush again to get ready to go back home this time). She said quick goodbyes to her follower and the cute boy, each of them promising each other they would keep in touch online. Then, she hopped into her mother's car where she fell asleep the whole ride home once again.

    Elisa pulled her phone from her bag, clicking the contact she always texted everyday.

    To: Richie
    Hey babe! sorry for running out on you
    yesterday, totally slipped my mind LOL
    Major apologies u A u Are you going to
    those band auditions later at 2? I am, it
    would be cool if we had lunch together
    or something!! Text me!! <3 xx

    She hit send and then sluggishly pulled herself to her feet. She needed to wake up! Auditions were in two hours and she needed to get ready! She began to quickly unpack her things from the camp, throwing her dirty clothes into the laundry and placing her notebooks and camera back on her shelf neatly. She opens her closet and pulls out a brand new outfit but before she headed to the bathroom, she also takes out her electronic keyboard for later. The audition notice did say "bring your own instruments". She hadn't figured out yet just how she would be able to carry it all the way to Studio Z but she figured it wouldn't be too much work. She really hoped that Oliver would be impressed with her audition. She always wanted to be in a band. The keyboard might not be what he was looking for but perhaps she could still win him over.

    She takes the outfit she prepared herself with then hopped into the shower where she warmed up her vocals and practiced some songs she planned to use for the audition later.
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Dinny

    How long was Sean going to be out of town? It was well past Christmas and his scruffy (Tucker liked to use this term on him because he reminded him of a dog sometimes) friend still wasn't back at the shelter. Thank goodness his alarm woke him up on time and he went to the shelter immediately because there were a couple mouths to feed.

    He placed the final empty food bowl in the sink and began to rinse his hands. He peeked at his wrist watch, he was really pressed on time. He still had to go over to the cafe and meet up with Freya like he promised. He turned off the sink and wiped his hands dry with the towel on the counter. Alright. He really had to leave. The animals practically followed him out, still wanting to play, but he simply told them he would be back later and that Sean would be arriving soon (or so he hoped).

    He didn't even have time to put his coat on so he ran into the street, and hopped into his car quickly. A shiver ran down his spine as he started his car. The harsh cold of the winter was as strong as ever. He drove slowly and carefully to the cafe, sending text messages when he stopped at a stop light.

    To: Sean
    Dude, where are you? You said
    you would be back soon!

    The light changed from red to green as he hit send and he turned into the next street where he parked his car. Now, he put his coat on and then walked out of the car, locking it behind him. The cafe was just a pedestrian crossing away. He rubbed his hands together quickly and walked over there. He greeted the girl behind the counter but didn't order anything yet. He looked around for the one he was meeting with but she didn't seem to be there yet. He took a seat by an empty table for two and decided to wait. He pulled out his phone to send her a text,

    To: Freya
    Hey Freya! I'm at the cafe already.
    No rush, just wanted to let you
    know! : ) I'll wait for you before
    I go order something so we can
    just go together he he
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Dinny

    He felt his breathing halt as she grabbed his hand suddenly. "Really Tucker. It's fine. I'm just glad you came." She gave him a smile.

    A short moment of guilt shot at him. He really wasn't going to go in the first place. He had such horrible thoughts about the girl who was holding his hand just a couple hours ago. It felt like the bones in his hands were paralyzed - just like a while ago when she leaned her head on his shoulder. He wanted to pull away but he couldn't because she was already there and because his entire body seemed to freeze with it.

    "I really am glad you came. You must know that."

    He felt heat rush to his cheeks. He was glad he came too and he wanted to tell her but his lips seemed to be locked. His heart was racing and his breathing was tense. The strange happiness he felt from hearing her words did ease some tension, but clearly not enough. Once she had let go of his hand, he choked out a small "Y-yeah..." accompanied by a nervous nod.

    He couldn't believe he just did that. Yeah? What kind of response was that? He was about to turn and slap himself on the face because of that ridiculous response but Maria had began speaking again.

    "I was thinking maybe I could come help out at the shelter."

    He didn't make out the last few words she said, because his mind seemed to short circuit as she mentioned wanting to help out with the shelter. Many people approached him for it so he had a standard reply for this sort of situation that came out of him almost robotically. He nodded and quickly began to speak, "You should probably talk to Sean about that then, he'll know what to do with y-"

    He didn't notice how close she had become until she kissed him on the cheek. He felt his face get all hot and blushy and nervous. He sucked in his lower lip and bit down on that. His hands clenched by his sides. She just kissed him. Again. On the cheek this time, but all the same, it was kiss. His eyes danced to the room past Maria, unable to look at her for a moment. He took in a deep shaky breath. Wow. Okay. He didn't expect that. Wow. Um. What could he do now?

    "Do you want to do something again soon?"

    His chestnut eyes snapped back at her. There was a lump in his throat that apparently didn't want him to speak. He attempted to clear his throat before speaking but ended up coughing a bit, "Er, uh, y-yeah. I guess. Um. Sure...?" his tone was slightly panicked. He seemed to be holding his breath and clenching his fists tighter and tighter. He couldn't seem to look at her as he spoke, but he did now. For just a second. He looked at her directly in the eyes and forced out a smile. He took a breath before he spoke quickly, "Good night, then. Thank you again. Bye."

    Immediately after that he headed out the door and began to walk briskly towards his car. The cold of the winter night did not help him at all. He got to his car, started its engine and drove off immediately. It felt like he could only breathe in so little while he drove for a moment, while he was still around Maria's area but once he neared his home he exhaled. Wow. Alright. That was some night. He couldn't quite make out of it and part of him didn't really want to think about it either so he quickly parked his car and made his way up the apartment.

    He took a quick shower, got dressed and made sure to put an alarm on his phone to wake him up earlier in the morning so he could still go to the shelter and not be late with his meet up with Freya. He hovered over his messages for a moment, looking at Maria's contact hesitantly. After a couple minutes, he simply placed his phone on his desk and rolled into his sheets. Once he finally got his mind still, he fell asleep.
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Dinny

    The day with the Duvont twins had been so great. Probably the most fun she's had in a while. The snow was bearable by the time they were at JefferHill, since they were moving about so much. It was difficult to balance on the snowboard and she wondered how Ryder seemed to do it so effortlessly. She wasn't even able to ride it down properly once without falling over! This only caused her to giggle madly and fall over again, though.

    Eventually she did give up and ran to Ryder's car where she left her camera. She declared herself the official photographer of their golden trio. Ryder was obviously the star player and Richie was the visual. Her best friend was so silly. He was actually trying hard - in both attempting to have a smooth ride like his brother and look good at photos, which was a difficult task! He at least did one well. Obviously it was the posing for photos where he excelled. She tried getting just as much shots of Ryder but he was too quick and always seemed to purposely escape the camera. She only got so little of the golden trio together, plenty of Richie, even more of Richie and herself, a number of video clips and much less of Ryder alone. She was able to grab him once and take a photo with him before he went sliding down the hill all pro.

    It was great nonetheless and she was incredibly tired. Once they got to the Duvont home, she stayed in Richie's room where they watched many videos and edited some of their own. They had started on working on a video of their adventure today when Elia's mother came to pick her up. They agreed on working on it soon but it was time for rest.

    She thanked the entire Duvont family for such a great time and letting her stay as always. Before she left she was sure to knock on Ryder's door (since he wasn't going to go out and big her goodbye for sure) and kiss everyone on the cheek. In her mother's car, she told her about all the adventures and she couldn't stop the wacky grin that plastered onto her face as she remember the marvelous day.

    Once she was home, she had a nice warm dinner with her family where they all exchanged their Christmas stories. She took a quick shower, got dressed in her comfiest pajamas and plopped onto her bed. She was far too tired to make a blog post so she made a mental note to do that in the morning, but for now, it was time to drift of to the world of dreams.
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Dinny

    His fingers stroked the warm black fur of the little kitten who was calm and quietly sleeping. It wasn't how Tucker had remembered EAP, but as his chestnut eyes rested on the small creature he couldn't help but smile. He honestly did miss the little guy and was happy to see him when he first entered Maria's home during the early afternoon.

    It took him a while of thinking if he would really end up going. When he first got her message he really wished he didn't have to, because he didn't exactly like the idea of hanging around someone who would pity him all the time. He was able to have a small breakfast by himself at the cafe, stop by the local market, and even come back home and change before he made a decision. He remembers staring blankly at the message from Maria.

    To: Tucker
    I think there might have
    been some misinterpretation.
    You didn't really give me a
    chance to say anything after
    that. Do you want to come
    over? I'll make lunch. :]

    It was already well past lunch time, about half an hour past. Wouldn't it be too late by now? There was still this guilt inside him as he constantly typed, erased and retyped various made up excuses. He was never the type to say no. No usually didn't please people and Tucker could never stand that. He looked back at Freya's message which he responded to earlier.

    From: Freya Will you meet me for coffee tomorrow morning? I want to ask you about something.

    To: Freya
    Absolutely ! I'll be there after
    checking the shelter. See you
    tomorrow ! : )

    He wished she asked to see him for lunch instead. He wouldn't feel guilty since if he was with Freya then that would be a legitimate excuse. In the end, the guilt was far too much for him and he sent her a text as he was on his way down to his apartment's parking lot.

    Spending late lunch and time with Maria was nice. It cleared things up. She seemed to be able to read right through him because she only mentioned once about last night and it didn't cause some insane, visual flashback in Tucker's head for once. It was good. What she said was reassuring - that he wasn't going to be alone and that he wasn't some charity case, not to her.

    She proved it during the time he spent at her place. As the afternoon went on, Maria treated Tucker like she did during rehearsals or during camp. Normal. They watched some television, popped in some films, ate some snacks and played a lot with little Edgar Allan Paw. There were plenty laughs and smiles. He really enjoyed it.

    The movie before them was still playing, but Tucker had already glanced at the time. It was already getting late, nearing 10 in the evening. He turned his head and looked over at Maria, who sat beside him on her couch. "Hey, I should get going. It's getting late." With that he stood up and went to put on his coat and his boots.

    Something brushed against his hip while he put his shoes on, accompanied by a small meow. Eap had woken up. Apparently, it wasn't done with the stroking-of-the-fur session. He gave a soft chuckle and petted the kitten, "Sorry little guy, I gotta go. Got plans in the morning."

    The kitten didn't seem pleased and it ran over to Maria. He laughed, Eap was always such a character. He stood up and brushed out his wrinkled clothing. He looked over at the blue eyed actress in front of him, "Thanks for letting me come over and stay until this time. Sorry again for being late."
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Dinny

    "Is it alright if I come to? I don't want to be stuck in the house all alone with Mom and Ariella, especially after the night I've had. Besides, Mom is going to be upset with me and I don't want to experience that all day."

    "Sure. Whatever."

    An excited squeal escapes the turquoise teen as she grabbed the edges of the two seats in front of her and pulled herself forward. She pumps a fist into the air while a wide grin was plastered on her face, "Hooray! It's adventure time for the golden trio!!"

    A less excited comment came from Ryder, as expected, and he veered the car into the corner before their house. Elisa, who was at the edge of the backseat, lost her balance and fell to the side of the car. Almost hitting her head by the handle of the umbrella Richie had given her. It didn't help that the car came to a stop before she could even gather herself, loosing her balance once more and rolling into the back seat with a small "Oof!"

    A small giggle followed, laughing at her clumsiness, as Ryder exited the car. She sat up properly and began to gather her things. She took a deep breath and looked at her best friend with a slight smirk, then opened the car door and braved the cold. She hurried to cross the front lawn, her hoodie and socks did help a bit but man was the winter air harsh! She made sure the snow were gone from her shoes before she entered the Duvont home.

    She witnessed the twins' mother smother Ryder, much to his dismay, as she walked through the door with Richie behind her. She couldn't help but giggle again. She grinned at both of the Duvont females, "Hello ladies! Merry merry Christmas!" she beams and gives them both hugs. She made sure she gave Ariella a small kiss on the forehead too.

    She smoothed out her hoodie and looked up at Richie as she stood beside his little sister. She wondered what his mother would tell him, if she would notice his unkept look. She was pretty sure she would be cleared, since she was able to freshen up in the bathroom of Sophie's home. She also drank significantly less than her best friend too. She looked back at where Ryder had disappeared to. Just an hour before they all went adventuring.
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Dinny

    When they finally landed on the other side, Celeste couldn't help but giggle at her friend who seemed a little (alright, a lot) startled. Him and Mor didn't exactly seem to be going on the right foot... paw... foot and paw. The shapeshifting teen hopped off from Mor and brushed the wolf's fur, she smiled "Good doggy indeed."

    The group didn't have much time to talk, with the police trailing so close behind them (literally a fence away) and so they went. They hopped from one yard to the next, moving quickly and being careful not to be spotted. They didn't step foot on the streets, not once, since they were scared to make a scene and be caught by the police. Celeste had run on foot during this time, not wanting to burden the wolf and also to make sure she stayed somewhat tired so that she wouldn't shape shift. If her energy was kept low enough then perhaps she wouldn't shape shift - of course this was just a theory of hers! But it seemed to work this morning. Plus, the lack of sleep and all this running kept her energy very low.

    When they had finally stopped, Celeste was panting very heavily. Her chest felt tight and her legs felt like they were made of gelatin. She checked her body, no signs of shape shifting which was good. All her running and hard work was not put to waste then! She couldn't help but smile when she noticed how normal (despite her bunny ears) she may have looked now.

    "Hm. We're close but there's police on the other side. Make a run for it when you guys see the streets are clear. You can practically see the desert from here. Run and don't stop."

    It felt like her breathing stopped. What. What was he talking about? She licked her dry lips and stared up at her friend. What was he talking about?

    "I'll get their attention. I should be able to draw in all of the law enforcement in the area."

    Was he crazy? He definitely lost it. What was he talking about?

    "Don't argue with me, alright guys? I'm plenty fast to get out alive."

    "What are you talking ab-"

    "I'm not going to die. I'll meet up with you guys once things settle down."
    'Kendric, you're crazy. What are you talking about? You're going to get yourself killed! We're not supposed to split up we have to stay together if we want to survive! Are you kidding? You're going to die! Don't you dare leave me alone! Kendric! Kendric! Kendric!!'

    He was gone before she said any of this. She never even did because she was too speechless and loss of breath about everything. She just stared at where her friend had just been, mouth open and expression worried. She felt like she just lost him. Her gelatin legs gave out and she found herself on the floor. It still felt like she wasn't breathing. Her chest was still tight.

    Everything was a blur from then on. She was sure her other team mates had yelled at her and urged her to move. It was Mor who actually did anything, scooped her up and put her on her back. Then, just like Kendric had ordered they were moving again. She wasn't running this time, but she was pretty sure she wasn't going to shapeshift. Not just because she was so tired, but because she felt a little bit too empty right now.
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Dinny

    She looked a little troubled or upset or something when she turned to face him after he had spoken. Tucker had to bite his lip and look away from her for a moment, feeling the bliss he felt inside of himself suddenly turn sour. It was true, everything he told her was a lot to take in... but was she going to treat him like a freak now? Like how the other kids treated him when they found out? He lost plenty of friends before in his old town and it didn't help that everyone who wasn't there to bully or shun him away treated him like a charity case. That's what he really hated. People never saw him the same after they found out - another reason why he never told.

    He glanced up at Maria for a second, who was already standing by the door. Was she going to leave him? His chest suddenly felt really tight and he couldn't help but frown as he looked to the side. This was painful! Perhaps it was because a moment ago he was filled with so much happiness but in a second it was kind of gone. He wanted to think positively, that Maria wouldn't do that but she seemed so upset and distant - like all she wanted to do was go home... to leave him.

    Going home probably...

    He gulped down the sorrow that seemed to rise up. His lips formed a fine, fine line. Was he going to cry? That would be really pathetic but it really seemed like it. Hadn't he already cried enough last night? She wanted to go home. She said it herself. She was going to go and she was going to leave him an-

    Unless... you want to... do something?

    He looked up at her in a snap. His chestnut eyes meeting her blue ones. She didn't want to leave? Did she want to do something with him? Perhaps they could go to the cafe and have breakfast together?

    Or not,

    Or maybe... maybe she was just saying this to be polite. That was probably the case. She was already at the door and she wanted to go home and she was just being polite because he was such a pitiful man in the world. The boy raped by his father. The freak who might turn out the same way because "like father, like son". A freak. A liar. A charity case.

    He cleared his throat, "Oh. Alright. It's fine. I'll walk you out to the door then." he forced a smile as he walked up to her and then reached the door and lead her out. As they walked down the hall and down the stairs he received a text on his phone from a friend, it was Freya. He sent her a quick reply back,

    To: Freya
    Hi there ( :
    What's up?

    The two stopped by the kitchen and bid everyone there farewell and thanked Sophie and Lucas for the party and for letting them stay for the night. He walked Maria to her car and bid her farewell, turning his back on her after and walking to his own. He tried not to think about anything on his way back to his car but it was hard. He was quite upset.

    He got into his car, set down his things and drove. He went to the local cafe to grab a bite. He sat at the table in the corner of the room, alone. It was really silent.[DOUBLEPOST=1376432122][/DOUBLEPOST]


    The breakfast was so delicious, it left her in such a happy mood. Looking back at the night, she did have a lot of fun - despite the lonely morning call - so when Richie stood up a dragged her away she made sure to say her thanks to Sophie and Lucas for a wonderful time before she was out of the door.

    The cold bit at her skin. Her arms and legs were pretty bare since she wore her favorite white dress. Luckily, she did bring a hoodie in with her last night (which she left in the coat hanger during the party) and her socks were about knee length. It should keep her a little bit warmer. Though if she knew that she was going to spend the night she really would have loved to have a change of clothes.

    As she hopped into Ryder's car, she made sure to place her things (Richie's present, her hoodie and her camera) on the side neatly. She pulls herself up forward, holding the two front seats of the car, "Good morning, Ryder!" she greets happily and kisses him on the cheek. It was always fun to mess with Ryder. She knew this would annoy him and she giggled and plopped back down in her seat. She leaned back into the warm seats and let out a relieved sigh. It was warmer in the car, thank goodness.

    She put on her hoodie as the brothers argued. It was always fun being with the twins, even though it probably wasn't as fun for the two of them. She liked them both a lot and wish they would get along more - though sometimes she was really happy they didn't, because it would be really entertaining (until Ryder gets too upset and things get pretty horrid). She pulled up her socks a little higher and then grabbed her phone, sending a text to her mother that she wouldn't come home just yet and will be with the twins for a while.

    "Hey Elisa, I think I'm going to head to Jeffer Hill later to snowboard, if you want to come?"

    Elia's head jerked up from her phone as she heard Ryder's offer. Hmmm, snowboarding? She was more of a sit in bed and blog on the internet type of girl but she was always up for some fun. Plus, she liked it when the three of them were together. She figured it would also be really hilarious given the wobbly state she was in now.

    She grins at the front mirror of the car, where she could see Ryder's reflection slightly. "Absolutely! That sounds like a lot of fun."
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Dinny
    I will be attending school again starting tomorrow (oh my glob I sound like a bum rebel goffik vampir thing) and well I won't be online as much as I used to. I don't have my results yet from the hospital so perhaps I might go back online if something bad happens lol (but I kind of hope not) so yeah heads up, I'll be posting at most twice a day but most likely it will only be once a day during the start of my morning (sometime at the late afternoon/night for you guys) and the end of my day (and lol I love sleep so my day ends early and that's like the start of your morning or perhaps when some of it have just fallen asleep). Major gomen in advance for any trouble :c

    /deep sigh/
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Dinny

    His mind seemed to ramble on for ages while his body stayed tense and still. He gulped nervously and nibbled on his lip a lot but also slapped his cheeks to try and get the blush away - to no luck. He would glance at Maria from time to time, wishing she would wake up soon for this overwhelming feeling of awkwardness to be over.

    Wish granted, the form beside him rolled over, snuggling closely into him. He stopped breathing again and bit down at his bottom lip. Whoaaaa, she did not have to do that. Okay. Not helping, Maria. Not helping. Her legs brushed against his and her hand lay gently on his chest. He wondered if she could feel his rapid heartbeat.

    His chestnut eyes looked down at her. She stirred once more and suddenly looked up at him with her icy blue eyes. His lips pressed together in a very fine line and he froze completely. He swore his heart stopped beating for a moment there.

    "Morning." she greeted, her voice was raspy but still sweet and she cleared her throat before sliding away from him and sitting up.

    Immediately as she pulled away, he drew his arms back to his sides. He pushed himself up to sit as well on the bed, crossing his legs into an indian sit. He cleared his throat, "Err... hi." he muttered, brushing his hand through his hair as the other hand gripped his ankle tightly. There were butterflies in his stomach - no, actually they were more like dinosaurs. He was a nervous, awkward wreck!

    "... Tucker, last night --there's a lot to take in." she began. He glanced at her for a second, before he turned his head back down to look at his socks, both of his hands now gripping his ankles. He kind of rocked himself forward and back slightly, unable to contain his nerves any longer in a still position. His throat suddenly felt dry and he really didn't know what to say. She was right. He literally told her everything - alright, in less detail of the things his father did to him exactly - but still it was the gist of everything. What was he going to say now? He bit down on his bottom lip and glanced in the opposite direction of Maria, the door. There were plenty things in his head. He wondered how he would get through the day with his mind so chaotic.

    Suddenly, a warm touch was on his hands and he snapped his head towards Maria. She was holding his hands in hers. His heart beat even faster and he found difficulty in breathing once more. Her cheeks were flushed, hopefully just as flushed as his was right now - because his was still burning pretty badly. "I think ... i think i made it pretty clear how i feel about you, but if you're not willing to try or something ... I won't - I won't tell anyone. What you told me -- it won't change things, but I'm glad you told me." She gave him a reassuring smile and let go of his hand.

    He gulped, and simply nodded, forcing a small smile on his lips. He let out a shaky breath, "Uh, uh..." he started. His tone was shaky and dry.

    "I promise." she was already standing and getting her shoes back on and gathering her things. Right. Right. He should do the same. Right. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and bent over to put his boots on. "Y-yeah... um, th-thanks for... for um... li-listening..? Yeah." What was he saying??? And god the way he stuttered was awful. He wanted to slap himself but he was afraid he'd soon be as red as a tomato. He glanced up at the door again, once they walk out of this room... what will happen then?

    He stood ip and stuffed his hands deep into his pocket as he turned to face Maria again, "Um, so.. so.. what are you... um, going to do now?" he asked looking away after he spoke. Simply thinking, they could grab something to eat together or perhaps breakfast was being served downstairs? Or would they just go their separate ways? Of course, his other thoughts were much deeper. When they did go their separate ways... what then?
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Dinny

    She smiled at each and everyone in the room. They were all such different characters, it made her giggle to herself slightly as she popped some of the breakfast into her mouth. The food was scrumptious! She absolutely loved it. The butler guy (Lucas was it?) was a wonderful cook. She glanced up from her thick lashes to look at everyone again but someone by the door caught her attention.

    I-I-I-I'm leaving... I-I'll talk to you l-later... Feel b-better everyone,

    She gave the girl a wave as she exited the room. Pierce wasn't really talking to her of course but Elisa just thought it would be polite and she was really sleepy and didn't feel much like talking, hence her silence. She wondered why Pierce was leaving already - without even grabbing a bite to eat but she shrugged it off. Perhaps she just had other things to tend to at her own home. She did miss her own a bit and wanted to go home too - not really but it did get her thinking of how she would get home. Her best friend, missing at the moment, was her ride home after all. Well, alright, his twin brother was but neither of the blondes were here right now and she let out a small sigh as she took another piece of food into her mouth.

    But, speak of the devil. There he was. Richie chimed into the room with a small good morning and sat next to her after a hug. She smiled back at him and greeted him back.

    "How did you sleep?"

    She pouted at him, "Would have been better if you slept with me!" It was a joke but she just wanted to guilt-trip him a bit. She did feel a little bitter because she woke up alone. She quickly giggled after, "just kidding, I slept well. Thank you!"

    She noticed how unkept Richie's hair was and how there was this air of... of... something around him. Something she couldn't explain - but it wasn't bad, nope, not at all! In fact it was happy, or rather, tease-worthy. Her best friend couldn't hide anything from her. She eyed at him suspiciously and leaned closer and whispers, "So who did you sleep with?"
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Dinny

    Sudden cold bit at the skin on his lower back. It caused a shiver to run down the red head's spine as his mind traveled from dreams into reality. The sunlight from outside didn't even tempt the young man to open his eyes - which still felt like they weighed tons. He felt really drained and tired yet the cold was unwanted and present just to wake him up! Was he really awake? Or was it just going to be the pull-covers-over-self-again then sleep for another hour or two?

    A small groan escapes him as he scooted away from the cold and tucked himself back into the covers. He flopped his right arm back down at the form next to him, hugging it again tightly. Warmth. There we go… much better. He kept his eyes closed and went back to his steady and shallow breathing. He felt incredibly at peace at the moment, which he wasn't so used to lately. It was probably because the play was finally over (which was also very sad) and that meant he could relax more. Also, that he got to spend lots of time with animals in the shelter that Christmas day. Oh! It was probably because he was just so drained out from everything he spilled last night to Maria! Yeah that seemed like the most logical reason. Finally got those demons out of his mind. Let them get some fresh winter air before coming back into his- 'WAIT. MARIA. '

    Suddenly, he began to notice the way his arm would slightly shift forward every couple of seconds and how it felt a little warmer. Also the steady breathing by his neck. His fingertips were hovering over something lightly, coming into contact as his arm would shift - in sync. He pressed against it gently. Breathing. That's what caused his arm to shift. And wait! He caught something between his fingers, twirling them slightly he realized it was some locks of hair. After that realization, he quickly pieced it together. Last night. Secrets. Maria. Drained. Bed. It only meant one thing - cuddles.

    His eyes immediately opened and everything he imagined was confirmed. There she was, the beautiful lead actress from their production, in his arms. Her head was resting by his shoulder and her arm was draped over his chest. His right bicep rested by her side as his forearm curled up and his palm rested by her shoulder, trapped within some of her golden locks. He kept her in a tight embrace, leaving little to no distance between them. He could feel her body against his under the covers. He felt his breathing halt and his cheeks burn up. When did this happen?!

    He recalled sleeping soundly next to her - but wait, wait! Right! That was the time Tucker's mind somehow grew a little more confident and he actually snuggled up to her like he wanted. Man, he did not think through how this would be in the morning... His lips pressed together tightly as his cheeks really, really burned. He felt his body tense up and squirm a bit as his chestnut eyes looked down at her. He thought he'd wake up alone and she would have gotten up already - but then again, he did cuddle her all night and there really wasn't much room to move... but still! Though, in any case, Tucker wasn't exactly one to wake up early unless he needed to - but then again, Maria did have a big night. She must have been tired too.

    He gulped nervously. Okay. This was actually incredibly nice and all, he had to admit, but this was just too awkward for him. Nope. Nope! Even though his mind kind of liked the comforting affection and he wanted to pull her in closer and feel her warmth during this cold winter day, his body couldn't handle it. But then again.... how was he going to get out of this???

    Oh God, he really should have thought this through. What now? No, really. What now? He let out a small sigh and shifted a bit, awkwardly removing his right arm from her slim form and lying on his back now. His other arm was still locked underneath her, cradling her and more so, not separating them. His cheeks were still really, really flushed. He could feel it. He slapped his other hand on his forehead. How on earth was he going to get out of this? And he wasn't just wondering about this locked cuddle they were in but also... just... about them?

    He pretty much told her everything that he never wanted anyone to find out. What did that make her now? What was going to be of the two? He groaned again, not knowing the answer to his questions. Man, it must have been late. He reached down into his pocket to check the time on his phone. True enough, it was quite later in the morning already. He quickly checked for messages, which were 2 unread messages from his mother and from Sean, but ignored them for now. He let out a sigh and looked back at the girl who lay in the bed beside him. Should he… wake her up?
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Dinny
    Ven is 2kawaii4me U ////// o ///// U
    Post by: Dinny, Aug 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone