✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ ENCHANTED ✿ ✖ LOCATION ↝ DUVONT'S ✖ It wasn't incredibly late by the time they were in their what? sixth movie? seventh? She wasn't exactly sure but what she did know - after watching those movies she was getting pretty tired. The trio pretty much stayed at home, played some games at first and did fun things in the morning when they had more energy but now they were all just on the couch, lying around. Elisa's lanky form stayed in between the twins and she snuggled next to Richie under her comfortable and thick blanket. Her tired eyes were glued to the screen as she clutched a pillow and leaned into Richie's warm body. She was really tired, she'd cried and laughed and sang a little too much - not to mention devour a ton of snacks. She felt like a pig, a very tired, ready to sleep pig. They were camping out in the living room, which was really fun, so Elisa was thankful she jumped into her pajamas earlier. She predicted she would soon fall asleep in one of the next films. "Does anyone want a refill while I'm in the kitchen?" Still watching the sappy love story with watering eyes in front, she leaned forward and grabbed her cup and handed it to Ryder - not taking her eyes off of the screen - then snuggled back into Richie's form. The film was coming to an end and of course, the last few scenes were unbearably precious. She could feel her heart flutter and her grip on the soft pillow she clutched to her chest tighten. Small little whimpers and sniffles came from the girl as the movie came to a close. Once the credits popped on, she burst into soft little sobs with a bit of laughter, sitting up more properly. "Ahhh that was so beautiful. Oh Richie, one day we're going to be those princesses and have our own movie-like romance and ahhh why are we so alone?? Forever alone abububu" the tone of her voice would only be taken half serious as she wiped her eyes with some tissue before tossing it to a bin. Ryder came back as Richie stood to choose the next film. The older twin placed the drinks in front of them. Elisa, feeling thirsty after crying, immediately reached for the cup of juice as soon as Ryder placed it down. She didn't even look twice but once she drank from it she realized it tasted a little… funny. The turquoise haired teen turned to Ryder, who was playing some video games of course. She licked her lips and tried to taste the weirdness in her mouth with a confused expression, "Hey Ry, did you open up a new or expired juice box or something, this tastes-" she sipped from it again, looking at the cup and clicking her tongue to ponder on the taste more "- a little strange…" The blonde haired boy chuckled awkwardly after saying, "I don't know what you're talking about Elisa. I think you're losing it. Ha."" She put on a pouty expression as she looked into his eyes, "You meanie! I'm being serious!" she complained childishly and slapped his arm and pouted even more.She looked back at the cup for a moment, then glanced at Ryder's blue eyes again, then drank more of it. She shivered slightly, "No, no, it's definitely a little strange." She straightened up and sat on her heels, facing Ryder completely, grabbing his little gaming device and putting it down. She took his hands and gave him the cup, "You try i-" Her voice gets cut off. There's a weird sensation in her stomach that quickly rising up to her head and causes her to feel like everything is spinning. She gulped hard as her eyes blinked heavily, swaying a bit to her side. She let out a small groan as she held her head, and placed her hand on Ryder's shin to keep herself up. Whoa, what was this? Some vertigo attack? Before she could let out another small groan a cough cuts it off. Then came another. Another and another. Soon, Elisa was thrown into a cutting fit where she fell to her side to the floor. Her hands grabbed at the end of Ryder's vest and the blanket, she gripped them tightly as she coughed. Her dampened eyes were shut tight and her chest felt like it was about to burst. Then it just stopped and she couldn't move. She was a little aware of what was happening but not really. Everything was kind of a blur… She could tell both of the twins were alarmed and suddenly by her sides. Richie was frantic, wondering if his best friend was alright. He was practically yelling something about the hospital…? and her mother…? something??? Ryder was panicked too, his eyes were wide with fear and he kept patting her on the back and calling out to her but she couldn't make out the words for sure. Before she knew it, Richie was suddenly up and grabbing his phone but that's when Elisa just blinked. The grip on Ryder's vest and the blanket loosened. She swallowed saliva down her scratchy throat and she stirred. "N-no, i-it's alright…" she coughed then cleared her throat, "I… I'm fine." Her voice was kept low as she got up to sit weakly. Ryder helped her, with a hand by her elbow and the other on her shoulder to prop her upright. She turned to him. Hm, she never really noticed how beautiful Ryder's blue eyes were - especially in contrast to his twin's green ones. She stared at him blankly for a moment and realizing she had, she turned away swiftly and patted down her messed up hair. She felt her cheeks flush a bit. Richie didn't seem to buy that she was alright. She let out small sigh then suddenly, Elisa seemed to be back to normal. Her energy lifted up once again and she smiled, "No, no I'm alright! Don't call my mom, she'll have to take me home! I just swallowed that expired juice wrong! Come on Richie! Let's just get to the next movie! I promise I'll be good and no more expired juice." To prove herself, she reached forward for the cup she just had, which was still 1/3 full and she placed it far away from her. She grinned at her best friend and pointed at the stack of movies and giving a perky thumbs up and a small giggle. Her best friend still seemed a little reluctant but he put down his phone and put in the CD he got earlier. The opening credits began to roll and he walked back to her. She took his hand and squeezed it a bit, "I promise, I'm alright. Sorry for worrying you." she smiled. Then, she let go and looked forward at the screen. She stretched a bit before lying back down. She glanced at Ryder quickly and felt her heart flutter a bit, just like in the movies. She casually leans towards him, without really taking her eyes off from the screen but also glancing at Ryder slightly. She leaned her side to his and looked up at him, their blue eyes met and she immediately looked away. As the first few scenes of the movie continued, she found herself slowly drifting into sleep but also curled up next to Ryder with her arm clutching his arm and the other arm over his torso keeping him in a close cuddle. A small, smile played on her lips.
I'll be returning back to school starting tomorrow so I'll be posting about once a day, twice if I'm lucky. As for tomorrow, I'll try and be online in the very early morning and post maybe but I know tomorrow is also day 4/4 (correct me if I'm wrong lol) and I'll be in school by midnight so I don't think I can end my day tomorrow major gomenasai ; A ; For those interacting with my characters for this RP day omg you can just put them places and junk lol (like e.g: Hyuge/Beau at one point of the twinsy birthday snooze-a-palooza super sleepover bonanza you can just have elisa cuddle up to your character and fall asleep looool) Though, this is if I can't end my day when I wake up in a couple hours hehe I'll try to respond and hopefully end my days when I wake up c:
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD » CONFUSED≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » CAFE/CAR ≛OOC ✌ Everything around him suddenly seemed to speed up and amplify. Before he knew it, the girl with the long blonde locks threw herself into the car. She did something to it. Did she park it? He didn't really care because suddenly she was all over his body and that's when he blinked and his vision immediately cleared and he suddenly shot back to being aware and normal. Maria was running her hands over his body, patting him down to check for injuries and he kind of just squirmed in his seat, wanting to get away from all this panicking and physical contact. He instinctively reached for the door handle to his left and opened it but before he could even push himself out of his seat the girl leaned into him. She locked her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek... plenty of times. Much more than he could ever handle! He felt his cheeks flush and his body grew very tense. His heart beat quickened and the hands that stayed by his side balled into fists. His eyes looked out to the side of the door, still, wanting to get out. The sides of his face was suddenly embraced by two palms and ten fingers. Alarmed, his chestnut eyes locked into Maria's icy blue ones which were welled up with tears and filled with concern. ❝ What happened? ❞ He stuttered for a moment, realizing how close she was to him. His hands hesitantly reached up and took her wrists to release her hands from his face, "Uh, uh, I... I just blacked out... I think? But I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm perfectly fine." Before letting her wrists go, he slowly pushed her back making the distance between them a lot greater. He let go and raised his hands at her - kind of like when someone was trying to teach a dog to stay. He was honestly just afraid she would be all over him again or touch him or kiss him or something that he was really just uncomfortable with - which she should know since she was the only friend that knew about his childhood trauma. It was Sean who broke the silence, "Hey Tuck, we were just worried but okay. Come on. Let's get you inside and you can tell us what happened." With a nod, he pulled the keys out of his car, grabbed his phone and he slowly pushed himself up and out of the car. At the corner of his eye, he saw Maria suddenly jump and about to run over to him because when he stood, he wobbled but he quickly told her he was fine and that he could walk. With all the doors shut, he locked the vehicle and then slowly made his way into the shelter before Maria and Sean. The trio sat by the counter, well Tucker was seated with Sean's order, and the scruffy man began to question him. Maria seemed awfully quiet and distant as this went on. "Okay, so you're completely sure you weren't sick or lightheaded or anything when you woke up at the hospital? No headaches? Loss of balance? No history of these sort of things in your family?" "Sean, no, please stop worrying." he knew his friend was just trying to do what's best and see if he was really alright. He gave him a small smile and quick stood from his seat, jumping goofily into the air and tapping his feet together, even jogging in place and doing a little spin before he sat back down again with a big grin, "See! Perfectly fine!" He noticed a small smile on Sean's face as he shook his head at him, "Okay. Okay. You win. Don't ever do that again but I seriously want to get to the bottom of this. You nearly gave me…" the man turned to Maria, pointing at her and himself together " … us cardiac arrest!" Tucker couldn't help but chuckle at that and he looked at both Sean and Maria - only one of them found it amusing. He suppressed his little smile and muttered an apology. "So what did happen? From the beginning. Go." Tucker cleared his throat, but right before he began to speak the phone in his pocket began to buzz. He reached down and pulled it out. There was a new message from Freya! From: FreyaTo: Tucker› I'm sorry about what happened. Are you okay? Seeing her name light up on his phone made his chest tighten strangely and his lips curled into a dorky smile. He looked up at Maria and Sean unable to hide that silly expression, "Sorry, just one second." To: FreyaHey, don't apologize at all! It's my fault, I'm sorry for acting like I did. I just didn't reallyknow what to say… um, I hope you're alright though! I'm absolutely fine, please don't worry.We should meet up again and talk soon : ) He pressed send and placed his phone back into his pocket. He looked up at Sean and Maria once more, with a more… calmed smile. They had such curious expressions on their faces. He wondered why? Sean looked like he was plain old confused but Maria looked like… a lot of things. Wow. He didn't notice it earlier, well, probably because Sean was all up in his face with the interrogation. The smile quickly faded from his lips and he stood up from his seat, motioning towards Maria but keeping a good distance between them. "What happened to you? Oh god, are you alright?"
The bunny eared teen stayed completely silent as the group ran. Her lips were dry, her throat felt scratchy and she was incredibly thirsty and tired. It was getting increasingly difficult to hold onto the thick fur of Mor, but that was the only thing she focused on. She was very thankful Mya was so sweet to help her out and make sure she was alright. She was also thankful that Grace came to the group because Kendric seemed to be their leader earlier and now he was gone... he was gone. He really was. She bit hard onto her lower lip and shut her eyes tightly, burying her face into the thick coat of the moving Mor. He wished she could just shut off her mind and not think. Not think about the horrible things that could happen. Not think about those pictures that entered her head... the sounds... the screams... the bloo- Blood. It tasted rusty. She separated her lips. Oh god. She let her emotions get the better of her. Fangs had pierced through her lips and her nails began to extend. Oh dear, this wouldn't help. She looked up at the others. Oh! They've stopped. With the help of Grace's navigation and Mor's transportation (for her at least), they were getting closer and closer to the dessert. She hopped off from the wolf and stroked his fur, whispering a small "Thank you" She clasped her hands together tightly, hoping to make her shapeshifting stop. She could feel her eyes changing to a golden hue again, and fur began to sprout out of the tips of her fingers and toes. Were they far enough away to not detect her magic? Oh god, she couldn't stop. The transformation kept crawling up slowly. She looked worriedly at her other team mates, as her emotions began to rise. She was growing more and more worried. Tears began to well up in her eyes and her body began to shake. Kendric was probably going to die, or already dead, and she didn't want the same for the rest of her friends because of stupid powers she couldn't control! "I-I think we should l-look from people f-from the other group...."
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD » ?????? ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » CAFE/CAR ≛OOC ✌ 『I-I wanted to know what you think of me...』 He was taking the last bite of french toast when he said that. Wh-what? He swallowed and wiped his mouth the tissue by the side of his plate. Already confused with the whole Maria phone call thing, he couldn't seem to understand what she was trying to say. He let out a small, awkward laugh. "What do you mean? Um.. what??" 『Tucker, I like you, I-I might even love you. I'm sorry, I know you probably hate me, but I need you to know that.』 His eyes widened as the bomb Freya just dropped so suddenly got to him. He coughed a bit, the sweet syrup making his throat feel all sticky and strange. He couldn't seem to glance at her. She just confessed to him. She did. He was completely aware - but he honestly didn't want to be. His chest tightened again, but it wasn't the same. The dorky smile never tempted to run across his lips and he felt really nervous but without that little sparkle of bliss like when he'd see Maria's name on his cell phone. He began tapping his fork on his plate, trying to think of what to say because the silence was just too awkward for him, "Uh, Um. I-I don't hate you. I'd never hate you! Um. Um…" He couldn't put it to words, hell, not even in his head! What was he going to say? This wasn't the first time someone had confessed to him but he was much younger before and he could just laugh it off and say sweet things and be friends but for some odd reason he couldn't seem to do that now. He didn't understand it. He didn't understand a lot of things right now! There were suddenly so many things going on inside of him and he felt like he was going to explode. What was he going to do now? What was he going to say? He still couldn't look at her and he quickly looks around the room - trying to find some kind of glimmer of hope. He spots the white haired man a couple tables from them. Evan! Perhaps he coul- 『I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make this awkward, I just, I..I didn't want to come out with it all at once, Tucker. But I don't want to be without you anymore..please...don't be angry at me..』 His head snaps back at her. Oh god. She looked like she was going to cry. No, this was not how he wanted. People weren't supposed to cry! Not with him around! He swore he'd be everyone's little beacon of light because he could never do that for himself. No. This wasn't good at all! He reached forward and lay a gentle hand on her arm. "Hey, hey. Um. Er, I-I'm not angry. No, d-don't worry. Um. Wow. Uh. You know maybe you're just c-confused or something. Um. A-are you sure you're alright?" Freya wiped her eyes with the wrist of her sleeve then whispered in her soft, little voice 『Not without you...』 Tucker had probably grimaced at what she said. Oh god, what was he going to do? He suddenly didn't want to be anywhere but in the cafe. He wished he never shooed Evan away. He wished he'd gotten the courage earlier to just take off and find Maria and see if she was actually alright and be with her. He still couldn't get her off his mind and now there was this Freya thing too and wow, his mind was join nuts! He licked both of his lips nervously and stood up, moving to her side. She was crying now. "Hey, d-don't cry. Shhh, it's alright. We'll hang out more i-if you want?" It probably wasn't anywhere near what was the right thing to say but he went with it anyway. 『I'm sorry Tucker, I...just go.』 He felt like he had been stabbed in the heart. That was something he didn't want to hear, despite what he just thought of doing. There was no way he could just leave her like that! But… but she probably didn't want him right now (obviously) and begin there probably made her feel worse. He wish he could apologize but was that even the right thing to say? Oh god, he was really unsure. He then got to his feet. No he should go. Just… go. He placed his hand on her shoulder, giving it a light tap. "A-alright…." He looked down at her for a moment then proceeded to leaving. His day completely turned around, just like that. He didn't even say goodbye to Evan. He just headed to his car, hopped in and sat down. He inhaled deeply then exhaled, running a hand through his red locks and shaking his head. Wow. He couldn't handle this. He reached for his pocket and pulled out his phone. There was a message! From Maria! He quickly opened it. From: Maria Not really. It's not important. You have fun. Ttyl He couldn't believe it. That made him feel even worse! He pressed his fingers over his eyes and squished his cheeks together. Ahh! What was going on today? Everything was going bad! He really couldn't take it. He didn't respond to Maria. He texted Sean instead. To: SeanDude, I'm coming over right now. This girlFreya just confessed to me and Maria, thegirl who got Eap, is acting really weird and man I just can't handle it. Please tell me you're there. I need help asdjfhgkldskj A response came from the scruffy big man just as quick as he sent his message. He was only able to start up his car. From: SeanAlright, yeah, I'm here and guess what sois your girl Maria. What happened to her?She looks like she got beat man. His eyes widened. What? What on earth did he mean? His breathing halted for a moment and he swore his heart did the same. Oh god. To think he wouldn't feel any worse! To: SeanWHAT?! I'm coming over now. Wait for me. He tossed the phone to the passenger seat next to him and placed his hand on the drive shaft/stick shift and was ready to go! But before he could even back up the car there was a knocking on his window. He turned to see who it was. Freya! He quickly rolled down the window. 『You...forgot your coffee...』 Tucker looked at her for a moment, she seemed to be avoiding eye contact but he tried to look at her sad eyes. Her face seemed pale. He reached out and took the coffee from her, "Thanks, Freya." he said and took a sip, raising it up to her with a small smile - a last attempt to make her smile. For a moment she looked at him. Their eyes met for what felt like five minutes but was probably seconds. Tucker was a little confused. Her eyes didn't look so sad, in fact, they looked quite… quite scared. He nervously licked his upper lip. The taste from the coffee lingered a bit. It tasted much stronger than he remembered it. Freya spun around and he caught the faintest whisper as he began to roll up his window, 『I'm sorry..』 He stopped and looked at her, wishing he could see her face to know what she meant with that but he should just leave like she told him to. So he took one last sip of the coffee, trying to also decipher why it seemed a little different but only shrugging it off before placing it into the cup holder and beginning to back up. Freya spun around once more and watched him in the car. He looked at her then, watching her as he backed up the car - still, even from the distance, trying to find out what she meant by looking into those curious eyes of hers. He wished he could do something… something more. He let out a deep sigh, shaking his head slightly and drove off. He drove to the shelter. As he was driving, there seemed to be some sort of weird feeling in him - much, much weirder and more… physical than these crazy emotions in him. He looked at the cup of Joe's in his cup holder, perhaps it wasn't brewed (haha) properly? God, he felt sick - incredibly nauseous. He began to slow down his driving. He could already see the shelter just a couple feet away. Oh god, was he going to vomit? That wasn't going to be any good… oh goodness, Maria was there. He couldn't do that! He felt his body being drained but also tensing up an awful too much. This was painful! He shut his eyes tightly, beginning to cough. He glanced up for a moment, in between coughs that grew more and more violent, seeing Maria and Sean stocking up some toys and treats at the front of the store. At that moment, Tucker just couldn't stop coughing and the pain was almost unbearable. It felt like he was about to cough out all of his insides. His vision began to blur, and he could feel the car slowing down to a snail's pace with himself not being able to press down on the acceleration, loose grip of the stick shift and slowly the wheel. The coughing wouldn't stop. He looked back up at the shelter for a moment, his eyes barely open and caught Sean spotting him. Was he alarmed? Did he just drop a box of treats or something? He wasn't so sure… things… things just went a little… black. ✌ It wasn't like rising from sleep when light began to come back to him. There was a little bit of noise that seemed rather distant. He felt light headed and extremely dizzy. He felt like things were moving, even though he was pretty sure the car stopped moving. Did it hit the side of the road? Oh he sure hoped he didn't break anything. He was slumped into the seat of his car, with only the seatbelt keeping him upright. His body felt limp and paralyzed - but it wasn't like he felt like moving anyway. He shut his eyes tightly again, trying to make of what just happened… but god, he just couldn't. The noise he kept hearing seemed to be getting louder… more clear. A loud slam was on his window. He quickly opened his eyes and turned his head to who was outside. His vision began to clear up, and he could make out the faces of Sean and Maria. Maria. They were both looking extremely worried and alarmed, but inside the car, in his seat he felt strangely calm. He looked up at Maria. He felt his chest tighten and there was that little sparkle of bliss but… there was also something else. He couldn't find himself to smile. He began to sit himself up properly and unlocked his doors. He unbuckled his seat belt, his mind still remaining a little bit blank. Just a little… because he felt very strange. He felt happy but sad but… but something. He looked outside again, at his two friends. He sat, wearing a confused expression on his face. Two? What? Someone was missing. Someone important! Someone he wished was there to help him with this weird, awful thing that happened to him. Someone suddenly couldn't get off his mind. Where was Freya? Spoiler
How was your day? Opinions on sporks? If you knew Mish in High School would you take her to prom? all the other dances as well? Flowers or sparkles? Current + Initial impressions herpderp? You've been on several podcasts before (you're really gr8 by the way wahoo!), do you listen to the podcast once it's put up on KHV?
✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ DETERMINED ✿ ✖ LOCATION ↝ DUVONT'S ✖ "They're great. Probably the best presents I'll get today." The young girl on her lap obviously didn't like what her older brother just said and scowled at him. Ryder tapped her lightly on the nose, "Aside from your gifts, that is." Pleased, Ariella bounced on her lap and began eating her own food again. Elisa brushed the little girl's hair with her fingers, giggling slightly at what just happened. She was really glad Ryder liked her presents and that he wasn't just saying he was - because really he wouldn't do that. If he didn't like it, he'd probably say it right at her face but he didn't. In fact, he even smiled! "Are you hungry? Mom just finished cooking breakfast." Just as she was about to politely deny the offer, the blonde boy next to her cut up a piece of pancake and held it out to her. "Oh! Thank you!" she said happily, not really expecting to be fed. She took a bite, chewed and swallowed. Mrs. Duvont made glorious pancakes. It was so, so delicious! Yummy yummy got Elisa's tummy indeed. Suddenly, footsteps came from the staircase. The turquoise teen's head immediately snapped towards the direction with a huge grin. Richie was awake! Hooray!! She lifted Ariella again as she stood up and placed the young girl back into her seat. Elisa already knew what was going to happen and soon enough, just as she predicted, it did. Richie popped out into her line of vision and squealed excitedly as he ran over to her. She squealed as well and giggled as she hugged her best friend super-extra tightly and kissed him on both of his cheeks then hugged him again with a little snuggle and exclaimed happily "Happy happy birthday Richie!!" Elisa grabbed the blue, polkadot part hat on the table and strapped that onto her best friend's head after he kissed and hugged his sister and greeted his brother. While he did that, Elisa made sure to take photographs of the Duvont kids. They were all so happy! It lifted Elisa's mood much more. When Ariella looked up at her wiggling her little eyebrows she knew what she meant and together they gave their presents to Richie who more than excitedly opened both. "Thank you so much! I love you all so much!!" Mission success! Richie loved her present as well. Wow. Today was going incredible! She took another snapshot. When Richie went over to get his present for his twin brother, Elisa made her way to the other side of the table so she could capture better shots (instead of getting photographs when she stayed beside them). It was pretty obvious what was wrapped under the large present Richie was carrying. Oh man, Ryder was going to love that! She lifted her camera and continued to take photos as the Duvont kids continued with their atmosphere of bliss and presents. Once everything was settled and gift wrappers were kept away, she took one last candid shot of the entire Duvont family and then set her camera on the table. She put her elbows on the table and placed her chin on her clasped hands. "So, what's the twinsy birthday bonanza snooze-a-palooza sleep over plan this year?" she asked eagerly. Oh, she hoped they'd do something as fun as last time despite being locked in due to the snowstorm. Perhaps they would build a fort and watch movies and play video games and take photos and play more games and other things! Oh really just anything, but whatever it was - Elisa knew it didn't matter because she was going to spend it with her best friend and his wonderful family and she couldn't ask for anything better.
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» WORRIED ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » CAFE ≛OOC✌ Listening intently to what Evan had to say he couldn't help but laugh a bit. He was always such an interesting character, especially the way he talked about his roller blades. He leaned back into his own chair with a smile on his face, "Roller blades in winter, huh? Remind me to get a pair, then!" "Soanyway,wehaven'tseeneachotherforabitnow,sohowwasChristmasfor you?" Christmas? Well, He was able to have a fun skype call with his family who was out of town during Christmas. He took care of the shelter almost by himself since Sean had to leave which was totally alright with him. The musical turned out great. Sophie's party was a lot of fun in the beginning. He ended up spending most of his time with Maria where he pretty much told her his life story and it was probably one of the biggest, more positive things that's ever happened in his entire life. It was pretty much a roller coaster and if he were completely honest, it probably changed a lot. "Christmas was great." was all he managed to tell the man in front of him. He wasn't really one to talk about certain things anyway and thank goodness Freya shows at the door at the right moment. He didn't mind her lateness at all, in fact, she arrived just at the perfect time. Upon seeing her walk into the cafe and towards them, Tucker pushed himself to his feet. "Freya! Hey good morning! Did you walk all the way? Hope the weather wasn't too bad!" The girl only managed to come out with a little "Hi..." Her face was slightly flushed. Her eyes looked past Tucker and towards Evan, in his roller blades, seated across from him. Oh dear, he hoped she wasn't thinking that he was tired of waiting and replaced her or something like that! What was he even going on about? He wasn't so sure, but that didn't replace his sudden jumpiness as he spoke, "Oh! Freya! You know Evan right? He stopped by at the cafe for coffee... of course... and then kept me company while I waited fo-" BZZ BZZZ BZZZZ The sudden buzzing in his pocket and the soft tune that alerted him that someone was calling surprised him. He then plucked his phone from his pocket and looked down at the screen to see who was calling. INCOMING CALL : MARIA His eyes widened, not expecting the call at all. He was sure his cheeks flushed a bit as well. Seeing her name and holding his buzzing phone made his chest feel all tight again and his lips curled into that dorky smile. He snapped his head up at Freya and Evan, "U-uh, excuse me for a sec!" He quickly tapped the green phone icon to answer her call and greeted her happily, "Hey Maria! Good morning!" Little noise came from the other line. He swore he only heard a shaky breath, which caused him to worry. The smile disappeared from his face and his eyebrows furrowed. "M-maria? Is everything al-" ❝ T - Tucker? Are you busy...? ❞ He blinked his eyes. What was going on? The tone of her voice alarmed him. He spoke in a much gentler tone, "Um, I'm with Freya right now and I have to take my mother home later from the hospital later but I'm totally free in the afternoon! We should definitely ha-" ❝ ...Oh. Nevermind. ❞ Beep. He pulled the phone from his ear, his expression remaining extremely worried but now also confused. He looked down at his screen. CALL ENDED : MARIA The cherry haired man stood still for a moment, with his lips separated. His insides immediately grew thick with worry and concern and... and... hurt. She hung up on him. What was going on? Was something wrong? Was Maria alright? Did he say something to upset her? What did he do t- "soeverythingalrightontheotherend?" His head snapped up again towards Evan and Freya. For a second, his expression was of genuine shock, caught off guard by the sudden voice that interrupted his thoughts. Quickly it was replaced by one of his smiles, "Uh, y-yeah! Absolutely. Everything's alright. Um. Yeah..." He looked over at Freya, who seemed to be avoiding eye contact with him. He took in a breath and turned back to Evan, "Hey, thanks for keeping me company man. Sorry but we've got things to take care of but we should definitely hang out again soon. I've missed you!" he gave him a small punch to his arm, nothing to hurt, more like a knuckle touch. "I'll try the blades one day, but you keep rolling! It was really great to see you again. Have a good day!" He then put a hand gently on Freya's shoulder and ushered her towards the counter, "We should get something to eat. Sorry for not responding to your text earlier, I didn't want to rush you if you knew I was already eating." he confessed. He let her order something first then ordered himself some French Toast and a cappuccino. He tried to keep up a conversation with her as they waited for their food at the claiming counter. He asked her about the weather and if it was difficult for her getting here. She answered with very short responses, which was kind of how she usually responded, so Tucker didn't think much of it. He was still deeply worrying about Maria though and before the food was there he was able to send her a message, To: MariaHey, are you alright?What's wrong? : ( He typed in a I can come over in the afternoon if you'd like but that just seemed really egotistical of him, at least that's what he thought, since it didn't really seem like Maria wanted to do anything with him at the moment. So he quickly erased it and sent the text as he did. He caught himself frowning as he stuffed his phone back in his pocket but quickly replaced it with a smile. When the two finally got their meals, they headed back to their seats and sat down. He sliced a bit of his French Toast and took a bite. Oh it was delicious! He then took a sip of his cappuccino then locked his chestnut eyes on the girl who sat across him. Swallowing his food, he spoke "So what did you want to talk about?"
✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ DETERMINED ✿ ✖ LOCATION ↝ HOME/DUVONT'S ✖ A disappointed look plastered onto the teens face as she peeled off the towel that wrapped around her wet hair and looked out of her window. The weather was absolutely horrific! There seemed to be a snowstorm brewing. She knew Richie would be pretty upset with it - especially on his birthday! Thinking about that made her all upset too. But this wasn't the time to pout! She had to hurry so she could get over to the Duvont household before the weather gets any worse. God knows what could happen! She quickly ran to her bathroom and hung her wet towel neatly then quickly and rather carelessly applied lotion all over her body. Dressed in her undergarments, she quickly ran across to her desk where she applied a bit of make up - the usual products just to make sure she looked decent: mascara, press powder and some lip tint. She grabbed the clothes on her bed, thankful that she had thought about it the moment she woke up, and slipped them on. She hugged herself after putting on her cozy, warm, tribal sweater then ran her fingers through her hair to make sure it wasn't too crazy. She looked around her room, trying to spot one of the most important things for today! The two pastel paper bags under her desk finally caught her eye. She dashed towards it and placed them on her bed, checking them both of their contents to make sure they were complete. Presents! She loved buying presents for people - especially Richie, in fact, whenever she would find something birthday-worthy she would save them in secret hiding places throughout the year until it was finally the big day - and today was that day! She peeked into the mint green paper bag, which belonged to Richie. Inside were some cute pens she knew he would adore, a fluffy white alpaca stuffed animal, Rilakkuma headphones so he could listen to all his favourite tunes while being his most adorable self and a cook book about too-cute-for-school bento box meals. She smiled as she neatly placed them all together and tied the pink ribbon at the top of the bag. She was so excited to see the look on his face when he'd see the presents! She really hoped he'd like it. She peeked into the other paper bag, the baby blue one and checked if all her presents for Ryder were there too. The red and white Letterman jacket and matte grey cap that screamed cool style was tucked inside neatly along with the set of grunge, metallic head phones she got him. She really hoped Ryder would like it too, especially since the guilt of yesterday never left her. She originally planned to get him new accessories for his board but when he went over to the store, she didn't understand a word the clerk was saying and gave up. She tied the orange ribbon at the top of his bag then stuffed her phone into her pocket. She held both bags in her right hand, pulled her little slumber party bag over her other shoulder then grabbed the party hats on her table, the red and white striped ones were for the ladies while the blue polkadot ones were for the twins. She found them just about last week and thought it would be a cute and fun addition to the spirit of their birthdays. Elisa met her mother as she went down the flight of stairs and after a bit of chatter about their plans (Mrs. Mulshine allowed her to stay at Richie's for the night, as always) they hopped into the car and left. "Elisa, careful when you get out. I'll see you tomorrow, love you." "I will don't worry mom, I love you too!" with a kiss on her cheek she gathered all her things securely and then took a deep breath before forcing the car door open and running for her dear life towards the door. Luckily, she did not trip or stumble on the way and all her things were in tact as she reached the door. She rung the door bell once. She could feel her legs shaking at the cold as she waited a couple seconds at the door. Mrs. Duvont opened the door and rushed her in immediately, but before the mother could start making a fuss about her concerns for Elisa the teenager but a finger to her lips. "Shhh!" she whispered, "Where are the twins?" The older woman smiled and kept her tones hushed as well, "Ryder's in the kitchen. Richie's still upstairs, let me go greet him a happy birthday and let him come down." Elisa nodded, it was only right the family greeted first but before they both moved she then suddenly remembered the party hats. She placed the bag that held her belongings on an empty chair and handed one of the red hats to Mrs. Duvont before she strapped one onto her own head. "Thanks by the way for having me again." she said politely and kissed the woman on the cheek, realizing she didn't exactly greet her yet. "You're always welcome in our household, dear." she responds sweetly. The two ladies smile at each other and with a nod, split up. Mrs. Duvont heads upstairs to greet Richie while Elisa glides over to the kitchen to greet Ryder. She peeked into the room and saw Ryder, with his back turned to her, on his seat with Ariella next to him. It was obvious who's energy seemed a lot more chipper. Ryder must have been half asleep or something because as Elisa walked over to the two, trying her best not to make a noise, Ariella spun around and saw her. Elisa immediately stopped and put her finger to her lips again to shush her and the little girl obeyed, forcing another conversation with her older brother. As she continued to make her way towards him, she couldn't help but remember the sour feeling she had about yesterday. What she did was really horrible and she should definitely apologize but right now, she had to make sure his day started with a smile! As she was finally close enough behind him, Elisa placed her hands on his shoulders, leaned into him with a hug, kissed him on the cheek and burst into an excited, "Happy Birthday!" Without giving him any time to react at all, she put on the blue party hat onto his head and grinned at him, "These are for you!" she placed the pastel bag onto his lap. As Ryder went over his presents, Elisa walked over to Ariella and gave her a big hug as well. She kissed the tip of her nose with a giggle and then gave her one of the red party hats. She seemed overly delighted. The turquoise teen then carried the younger sister Duvont, took a seat and set Ariella on her lap. She turned back to Ryder, "So, do you like it?"
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» HAPPY ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » CAFE ≛OOC✌ He must have spaced out or something because Tucker had barely noticed the boy on the roller blades. Perhaps he was still sleepy or left his energy with Simon or been thinking deeply without him really realizing it? He wasn't exactly sure but he was definitely a little caught off guard as the white haired young adult sat down across him. "Hey Cherry Red how's it going?" "Morning, Evan!" he greeted cheerfully as he straightened up and smiled, relaxing from his stunned expression earlier. It was nice to see the man again, been a while since they had time to chill out and talk. The nickname he had for him never failed to amuse him because he always thought that it sounded like some kind of vigilante super hero name - a lame one and probably from the earlier years of superheroes, which made him laugh at it even more. He made a mental note to use it as an alias when he'd play pretend with Simon next time. "Waiting for someone?" "Ah, yeah." he laughed slightly, getting to his question "I'm just waiting for Freya." Evan was probably curious about him sitting alone. Alone as in alone with not even a coffee or cappuccino or bread on the table but the white haired boy did get it. He was waiting for someone and it hadn't been much long really and he honestly didn't mind but he really hoped nothing had happened to her. She still hadn't replied to his text, which worried the tall worry wart. He glanced at the warm drink Evan had in his hands. It was much warmer in the cafe but he could barely wait to get his own cup of Joe's to really kickstart his morning. However, he was keeping his word to Freya and waiting for her so he didn't mention it. "Oh!" he started, remembering Evan's greeting, "And it's been alright, been a little busy but everything's working out. How about you? What brings you here... in blades?" Wasn't it difficult to roller blade in the winter? Sure the snow had stopped falling but the streets were sure to still be damp. Aside that, he wasn't so sure but were those exactly permitted in the cafe? He curiously glanced at the cafe clerks around the place, who seemed to be scowling at them. Yikes. He sent them an awkward grin then returned to Evan's direction, he looked like he didn't mind at all. Typical Evan.
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» HAPPY ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » HOSPITAL/CAFE ≛OOC✌ The cherry haired male peeked out of the bathroom as he brushed his teeth, because a certain little boy couldn't stop banging on the bathroom door. His little half brother looked up at him with a huge grin and stretched his arms out, "Carry Tuck-Tuck!" He couldn't help but smile and the older brother finished brushing his teeth. He placed all the things he used to get ready in the morning in his toiletries bag and made sure to pack that into his backpack along with his used clothes which were folded properly. He slung it over his left shoulder then turned back to Simon, who still had his arms stretched out. The little boy started jumping impatiently, leaping as high as his little chubby legs could take him. "Tuck-Tuck! Tuck-Tuck!" He bent down and crossed his arms over his chest tightly as he pressed his lips together and into a smile then shook his head at the small boy. Simon clearly didn't take this lightly and quite literally leaped towards Tucker, who burst into a small laugh "Alright! Alright, you little rascal. Up we go!" With only his right arm, he carried his younger brother and then quickly gave him a little kiss on the head, knowing it would annoy the little trouble maker. Predictably, Simon slapped a hand over where his older brother had kissed him and wiped it away with a disgusted expression joined by a dramatic and loud "Eeeeeeew!" It only made the older brother laugh even more as he walked out of the bathroom. "So, I can be here by lunch so I can help bring mom back to the house. I just have to meet up with a friend right now." he said as he approached their parents. His mother was finally getting discharged by the hospital later today since her vitals and blood pressure have returned to being constantly stable. Hooray! It really did put him in a brighter mood. "You really don't have to, little T. Jack and I can take care of things from here, wouldn't want to take your time." He looked at his mother, who still had the IV line injected in her and was still dressed in her hospital gown. He was honestly still very worried. Simon had begun pulling at the locks of his hair, attempting to climb up onto his shoulders. It probably looked terrifying but the cherry haired teen had a secure hold onto his younger brother who he glances at for a moment before looking back at his mother and laughed a bit, "And who'll be taking care of this bundle of energy?" Their parents laughed at his truthful joke and Simon seemed to find it amusing too, and joined in (he probably had no idea that they were talking about him at all). When the giggles died down he locked his chestnut eyes to his mother's matching ones, "Besides, I'm going to be there because I want to." His mother smiled at him heartwarmingly. Jack stood up and approached him, "Then you should get going, don't want to make your friend wait." "Very true." he said as both of his hands reached up to grab Simon's small form. He handed the boy over to his father, although it didn't seem like he wanted to let go (took a while to get him to release the comfy fabrics of Tucker's sweater), the child even began to start quote-unquote crying - which was pretty much yelling. Tucker bent lower slightly, to meet eye level with his younger brother who was now carried by Jack, "Shhhh! Calm down, soldier! Wipe away those crocodile tears. I'll be back later. But now I've got a mission for you, you have to take care of mommy while I'm gone. If she tells you to be quiet you gotta do that. Think you can handle it?" Simon was a complete sucker for pretend games with Tucker, especially the ones where they were soldiers or spies or swashbuckling pirates. His frown immediately turned upside down and he nodded enthusiastically. He nodded back at him and smiled then waved to them all goodbye and left. He walked quietly towards the parking lot and hopped into his car then drove out towards the cafe. When he walked in the cafe after parking his car in the parking lot near it, he noticed that he was pretty much on time. Part of him was scared Freya was already there and he certainly did not want to make a friend wait. Luckily, as he tried to spot familiar faces - he only recognized the people working at the cafe. A relieved sigh escapes him, the day has really been going great so far. Perhaps after helping his mother he would go spend some time with Maria again - since that put him in such a nice mood before. He passes by the counter, greeting the female in charge but makes his way to a table instead. It would be impolite and maybe a little awkward for Freya to arrive and already see him eating and then she'd have to go there all alone - at least to him it seemed like that. He sat himself down at a table by the wall which had a beautiful coffee painting above it. He pulled out his phone to send a text message. To: FreyaGood morning Freya! I'm already here atthe cafe. I'll wait for you so we can order together, but no rush at all! I'm not toohungry just yet ha ha Hitting send, he looked over at his previous conversations and spotted the one he had with Maria. He smiled and opened it, seeing their latest little conversation which was the photograph she sent to him of Eap. He typed up countless times: Good morning : ) Are you free this afternoon? but kept erasing it, then typing it again, then erasing it. He ended up not sending it and stuffing his phone back into his pocket with a deep sigh. It was a simple message, why couldn't he send it? He hadn't been able to send messages to Maria lately, only respond to them, and he didn't really know why. There was just this tightness in his chest suddenly and a dorky smile that tempted to form on his lips and the nervously licking of the upper lip habit. He shrugged it off and looked over outside, crossing his ankles and putting his hand together as his elbows rested on the table. He waited patiently.
TAFFY GURL YOU ARE MY IDOL YOU ARE LIVING MY DREAMS NGHHHHHHHH Okay, I was literally like fan spasming over this wow this is so so incredible Holy snaps that was absolutely beautiful. I loved the video you guys came up with, that was spectacular. The animation was so great - like I gasped out loud when the Cheshire Cat did the spiny-disappear thing and when her room turned into Wonderland/Blondeherland. That last one took my breath away. As for your illustration, I think that's such a cute and amazing rendition of the Caterpillar. I love his overly patterned head piece and hair and I can not even stress on how much I love the colours you used. The Caterpillar always had my favourite color scheme in Alive in Wonderland and I really love how you've done this. The fact that it's a gif and the colours are moving along with the subtle little patterns on the side. It all really meshes well and it's not the slightest bit overwhelming and I think it really goes great with the video that you guys have done for this project. Your attention to detail for this little hippy fella' is incredible and I absolutely adore how crisp your lines are. I would like to see the Hooka/I don't really know what it's called/the thing he's smoking from. I don't really know why, but in the films (Disney/Tim Burton) and games and shows and such, the device where he stays on which is his smoking thingy it was always a big thing for the character, or at least that's what I thought, and it would have been nice to see it as well - especially with when I can already see the great characterization on the Caterpillar himself, I think you would make his smokey-thingy just as interesting and spectacular. This is so incredibly impressive. I still have goosebumps, wow Taffy, you're so amazing. This is so inspiring, you're just so great ahhh please update us on everything you draw you're so cool ahhh u //// A //// u
✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ GUILT ✿ ✖ LOCATION ↝ HOME/HIBACHI ✖ She couldn't believe he really stayed int he campus all the time. Well sure it wasn't long but he really didn't have to do that. She could still remember the response he sent her. When she had read that she immediately started running to the parking lot. She just couldn't believe he waited. Running in heels were never the easiest task, even though these were considerably comfortable and worked well with the snow. Luckily, he really did come to look for her and they met half way and he even carried her large keyboard which was a such a huge relief to her. It was nice remembering the time with Ryder in the car. She told him how the auditions went, rather enthusiastically but he didn't seem to mind which was a nice change. When they arrived at her place, they stayed in her room and just chilled out. It was a little weird without Richie in the room with them but it was still nice. Suddenly, the turquoise teen receives a text from Richie and she read it out loud. Hibachi? They really were twins. Event thinking of the same restaurant! Though round two at an Asian restaurant appealed to her, Ryder didn't seem to be pleased with the plan at all. She remembers feeling rotten about it and so she quickly suggested to go somewhere else but the blonde boy was already out of the door, down the stairs, in his car and out the street. She tried calling out for him and everything, even walking in the snow in her socks but it was no use. It was futile. There was never fighting Ryder because he always won. Elisa surely didn't want to disappoint another Duvont so she agreed to go and left for Hibachi, calling a cab. She had a fun time with Richie. Freya wasn't able to make it apparently but that was alright. She had brought her camera and took plenty of photos with her best friend and tried her best to look like everything was alright because honestly, it as nice to have another round of asian cuisine but she still felt really awful. She mentioned her concerns about Ryder once to Richie as they were about to leave but she really didn't want to be such a downer. She kisses Richie on the cheek goodbye as she was dropped back home and went straight to her room. She wanted to work on her blog posts but she was honestly not in the mood at all. Although music blared out of her speakers, all that came out of her were sighs and frowns. Tired of feeling bad, she takes a quick shower and gets ready for bed. As she tucked herself into her thick bed covers, she stares at the messages on her phone for a moment - thinking about sending a text to both of the Duvont brothers. One to Richie, apologizing for not being herself during their time together a while ago (she was sure he noticed) and one to Ryder, apologizing for how she treated him... but she couldn't seem to put it to words so she placed it on her table and curled into a small ball with her stuffed rabbit clutched in her hands. She falls asleep.
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» HAPPY ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » HOSPITAL ≛OOC✌ As the child by his side finally fell asleep, Tucker got up from the chair and reached into his bag to grab his phone's charger and plugged that into the socket. He connected it to his phone, which responded with a happy tune and began charging. He smiled and set it down on the table then walked over to his mother who was soundly asleep as well. She was doing much better now, but he still couldn't help but worry. Spending time in the hospital wasn't his favorite thing to do, especially since he didn't exactly have the best memories here but he was really glad he had time to spend with his family. After fixing up the studio for the auditions, Tucker decided to not go and search for someone's time to steal. Instead of heading to the cafe near Studio Z, he walked back to his car and drove back home to pack up some clothes for the night, take a quick shower, grabbed a bit of lunch and then went back to the hospital. The door opened as Jack entered the room again, holding sodas in his hand. Tucker took one after he offered it and they had a small conversation. It was Jack going on about how thankful he was that Tucker was around to take care of his wife and Simon since he had to go back to his job immediately. The cherry haired teen only reminded him that they were his family too now and that he missed them all dearly. Both of the men were very tired so their conversation ended there. Jack took Simon in his arms and sat on the comfy couch next to Tucker's mom. Tucker grabbed his bag and went into the bathroom to freshen himself up before sleeping. He played plenty with Simon and took care of his mother alongside Jack until he went off for work. It was a lot of fun, and got his mind off... other things. Once he was done, he dropped his bag by the couch and lay down as he pulled a blanket over his body. He grabbed his phone and check it, seeing a message from Freya. Oh dear. He really had terrible timing for her text messages. He felt really awful. He sends her a quick response before he snuggles in and falls asleep. From: Freya To: Tucker › I'm so glad to hear she's okay. Are you sure you don't need a few days to visit her? If not, then okay, if you'd like, we can meet for dinner tonight, or try the café again, tomorrow morning. To: FreyaAw man, I'm sorry about all these late responses! You mustthink I'm horrible ha ha ha I'm so sorry, Freya. The Cafetomorrow morning sound great, I'll see you there - FOR REAL THIS TIME! Ha ha ha, good night : )
ahhh midny ; A ;
Artist- ✏ Username: Dinny Grayson ✏ Name: It's Hallie Faye, as in Hal-lee not Hol-lee or Hey-lee. Get it right people! ✏ Age: 12 17 (Highschool Student \big sigh\) ✏ Appearance: x ✏ Specialty: I'm completely experimental. I try out everything! Every medium. Every style. Every canvas. Everything and anything I can get my hands on. Mostly because I'm never actually fully satisfied but I guess my paintings do make me smile when I look at them. A bit. ✏ Personality: I like to say I'm an adventurer. I can't stay still, I can't work when it's quiet and I'm always out for a new adventure. I like finding new places to inspire me and make my art works and trying out new things all the time, like I said, I'm completely experimental. I never dwell on the past because once it's done, it's done and with art you can always fix your mistakes so I keep moving forward. I'm also pretty loud, energetic and enthusiastic about... everything but especially art. I love art. ✏ Hobbies: I like nature walks, recycling, biking (both bicycle and motorcycle) and going outside. ✏ Creation: Miss Fortune and Her Kokoro ✏ Occupation: First class rebel just kidding, I follow the rules... well, except for in art. I'm a student! ✏ Other: I really, really, really, really adore/fangasm over wall art
oh shush midny don't be silly that is so possible omg
I like it here a lot c:
hiya everyonw ~ !!! ^ _ ^ nya
✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ ANXIOUS TO GREAT✿ ✖ LOCATION ↝ STUDIO Z ✖ She remembers giggling at how his face looked before they exited the car and went into the Hibachi restaurant. Before that, during the car ride, Ryder said something that stained her chipper mood for a moment. "So lemme guess, Richie was busy and I was your last resort? No one else was available?" She remembered the words perfectly and she couldn't help but frown. Was it guilt because she knew it was partly true? Or was it pain because he would think that? She remembers brushing it off with a small giggle as she told him "Oh, don't be silly! I would invite you more often if you weren't so afraid of the camera!" But in all honesty, it did make her feel bad. Her life changed for the better ever since Richie and she's made a lot more friends since then - but Ryder was right. If Richie wasn't around she was kind of lost because they had their own little world and she never had as much strength as her best friend to be able to step out of the bubble all on her own like he could. Sure, she was happy and friendly and all that and she wasn't pretending to be or anything but she just felt really bad about making other people last resorts... or seconds even, like right now w- No. No. Elisa Mulshine. No. She was trying to think of good thoughts! What ever lead her to this? She leaned back on the wall of Studio Z, she was right next to the door. She clutched the edges of her keyboard tightly. She was suddenly so so nervous! She looked down at her black heeled shoes and the little bits of snow that still clung onto them. She breathed out a shaky breath. The turquoise teen always loved performing but her nerves would always get the better of her. It wasn't the lack of confidence it was just stage fright! Even recording her voice for her blog (which she never ended up doing) gave her the butterflies. Why on earth did she have to be the first one in line? Of course, there was only herself to blame... well Ryder too. Half way into their lunch, they both ordered very opposite things but both looked equally delicious, Elisa got more jumpy than usual and incredibly anxious. She was just as talkative but with the addition of stutters. It was terrible. She could tell her best friend's brother was really trying his best to be nice and comfort her and tell her it was okay but Elisa-panic-mode was always ten times more stubborn. It probably annoyed Ryder a lot because at one point she began going on about what if she was late and started to panic and Ryder pretty much declared that they would finish their meals in five minutes and leave so she wouldn't be late. Of course she objected but there was never any fighting Ryder. Nope. Fighting would be futile because Ryder always wins. Just as she promised, she paid the tip and they left. Once they arrived at the school, Elisa thanked Ryder for everything and told him she would make up for the horrible lunch with a real hang out and then kissed him on the cheek goodbye and literally ran off to the studio carrying her heavy keyboard. She ran as fast as her little heels could carry her and her keyboard because she really didn't want to be anymore trouble to Ryder any longer. She took in another breath. She was still shaking but she tried to put more positive thoughts in her mind. She could do this! She was going to be first and that was going to be okay! She was going to set the bar so high and she was going to blow them away and she was going to get over with it and she was going to- "Elisa Mulshine." Her head snapped to her name. Okay. This was really happening. She gulped and quickly straightened out the outfit she was wearing. She blinked and bit down at her bottom lip then scurried into the room after Oliver. She walked over to the little stage and began to set up her keyboard, plugging it into an amplifier and getting some power to run through it. She was impressed on how official everything looked. Panel of judges (which she avoided looking at), all these amplifiers and microphones, the papers Oliver and Pierce were holding. It made her heart race. She looked at the two finally, "H-hi Oliver! Hi Pierce! Good afternoon. I'm going to be singing the song, um, All I Wanted by Paramore but less rock and more um, piano I guess? Yeah, um, I hope you like it." she giggled nervously. This was it. Alright. She pulled a stool and sat behind her keyboard. Her finger tips fluttered over the white piano keys. She looked straight at Oliver and Pierce as she took in a shaky breath. No. She had to calm down. She let her dark lashes flutter to a close. She took in a deep, relaxed breath as she began to picture the walls of her room. She recalled the flowery scents that embraced her room, her closet filled with the colors of a complete artist's paint set, her soft and sweet bed covers, and the pictures of her friends and family on her desk. She felt her body relax. Her spine felt less stiff, the bones in her fingers weren't locked anymore, her heart seemed to beat to the song she was about to play. She exhaled. Her fingers began to press down on the keys, playing the sweet melody of the introduction to the song. Her eyes opened slowly as her lips curled into a smile. She watched her fingers move gracefully across the board. Her bright blue eyes looked up to catch those of Oliver and Pierce as she began to sing the first lines of the song. Her voice was smooth, leaving behind all the worries and butterflies. As she continued to sing, she felt good about her performance. It was different when in front of the microphone. If she messed up she could redo it, but here she only had one shot. She'd have to start it good and just keep getting better. Elisa gave it her absolute best. She could really feel herself get into the performance, especially as she began using her wide range to reach and belt the higher notes. She always felt like she did bring a character to her songs, in fact, that's how she liked to do it. She thought less of the technicality and more of the raw emotion from songs. Her fingers danced along the keyboard as if they had wings. Her fringe almost became a bother as she performed but it didn't stop her and she simply hair-flipped it away. Her legs slowly began to ache mostly because she was barely even sitting on the chair anymore as she played and sang. Her eyes stayed close probably half the time as various images in her head zoomed in and out, alternating from a view of her room to a dream-like view of performing in front of an audience. As the song came to a close, she breathed out. Satisfaction. She looked over at Oliver and Pierce and sent them a smile as she got up from the stool and began to pack up her keyboard. She felt a lot better now. She knew that even if she didn't get the part, she really tried her best and she knew she did as much as she could in the audition. She also came to a realization that she really missed performing. She literally stuffed everything into her bag and quickly got up, "Thank you for having me. Good bye!" She was out of the studio not a second later. As she exited the doors, she wished the next person good luck and walked over to the other side of the wall where there were no people waiting in line. She crouched and began to fix up her keyboard properly and she zipped the bag close. She pulled the strap onto her shoulder and stood up. The teen dug into her purse and pulled out her phone as she walked through the people who were already in line for the audition, trying to spot Richie. Unable to find him, she decides to send him a text message. To: RichieHey babe! I'm done with my audition! Ayieee!!I think I did alright but I'm pretty much hopingfor the best but expecting the worse lol > ~ <But I had a lot of fun anyway so whatever willhappen I really won't mind hehe n _ n Whereare you anyway? > o < As she began to type the message she decides to text the other blonde Duvont. She hits send for Richie and then quickly sends one to his identical twin as well. To: RyderI did it!! So sorry for annoying you earlier andbeing a total brat lol but thanks for stickingwith me anyway! You're the best! ^ o ^