✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ DOKI DOKI ✿ ✖ LOCATION ↝ DUVONT'S ✖ Richie seemed like he was back to his happy, charming and energetic old self the moment he had opened the door. It was really exciting and pleasant - and it particularly gave her heart time to cool down and not have cardiac arrest as it took her mind off from Ryder. They hurriedly exited the home, making sure they greeted the other family members goodbye - including the older twin, who she couldn't seem to look at in those beautiful eyes of his once more. They made it to their favourite restaurant and ordered their usual dishes. Elisa made sure she brought her phone, which had internet access, and her mini DSLR camera so they could have photos and videos and such. There was pretty much non-stop giggling and smiles and silly faces making. The waiter-but-also-cook entertained them while he cooked and fried their food in front of them. The two teens never failed to be impressed and the one with the turquoise hair made sure she filmed the skilled and energetic waiter-but-also-cook. Time seemed to pass much more than they had realized. From a simple brunch, it was already sometime in the afternoon and without straying from their cheerful attitudes they left and made their way back to the Duvont household. Once they were there, they snuggled on the couch and watched some television - which showed one of their favourite shows, Adventure Time! Needless to say, the time the two best friends spent together was a time spent extremely well. Now that they were back in the Duvont home, Elisa couldn't help but think of Ryder. He was probably right around the corner, just up his room or something - and yipes! She was really going to go out with him! She felt her face flush as she continued to watch Princess Bubblegum journey through the land of magic alongside her vampire lover. She snuggled into Richie a little bit more, feeling the warmth from his body. How was the date going to go? Like, actually start? Was she dressed well enough for it? Did she have time to go home and dress up or for the convenience of it all were she and Ryder just going to head out from here? Hold on one second. How about the date itself?! How was she supposed to act? What were they going to do aside watch fireworks from the park? Were they going to take a midnight walk together and hold hands and snuggle to watch th- Ahhhhhhh! Her cheeks definitely burned at the sweet thought. Oh my, perhaps she just shouldn't think at all? Oh but goodness she had to! She was barely even herself whenever she would be around the blonde cutie nowadays. Then, speak of the devil, Ryder came into the living room - probably drawn out by the loud screaming noises the colorful characters on the telly were making. Her blue eye immediately locked with his and she felt her body tense. The impulse to immediately pull away from Richie and sit up straight was a strong temptation - but instead she kind of squeezed him a little tighter when her breathing stopped. She stared at him for a moment as various thoughts, much like the ones she just had, entered her mind. Oh snaps. She's been staring. Just staring. That must have been so strange - and not to mention pathetic. Her cheeks remained flushed as she gave him a small smile and a wave then looked back at the television. She tried to take a deep breath to calm herself down but made sure to not make it too obvious. What was going to happen next? Her hands felt clammy and her stomach tied into knots. She quickly glanced at Ryder but back at the tv immediately when their eyes met again. Were they going to leave soon? What was he going to say? What would they tell Richie? She continued to watch Adventure Time on the screen and part of her just wished it was simpler. Perhaps it would have been easier if Ryder was the adventurous hero and she was the princess and they would fight monsters and eventually fall in love. But no. This was a date, which was definitely a much greater challenge.
✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ RABBU RABBU KAWAII ✿ ✖ LOCATION ↝ DUVONT'S ✖ She had been standing there for a good minute when the door finally swung open. She happily turned to greet whoever was at the door, but when she came face to face to those familiar blue eyes she felt her heart skip a beat as she took a sharp breath. Ryder. Oh goodness, the entire walk to his household she's been thinking of ways she'd greet him and converse with him without it being awkward. She tried thinking up situations and things they would say. She imaged she'd bump into him in the hallway or in the living room or kitchen but was still unable to come up with what she'd end up saying. It only caused her cheeks to burn. She certainly did not expect their encounter to be so soon!! Yikes!! "Oh. Hey Elisa," He seemed shocked as well. Her body had stiffened and she couldn't look him in the eyes as her own glanced down at what the boy was dressed in. Hm. She would have to remember to give him some props for what he was wearing! He didn't look so much like a homeless boy anymore! Haha, okay that was mean. She just couldn't help but realize how he finally had some thought of style. Even when she'd give him things to wear, he wouldn't put them on. This... this was good. Very good. He stepped aside as he held the door open. "Richie didn't say you were coming over." Oh! Okay! Good! Something to respond to! Elisa clasped her right wrist behind her back as she walked through the front door. She walked past him, not looking at him at all and immediately bending down to pull the laces of her sneakers. "It's a surprise!" she started as happy as always. Alright. She was doing good! Just a normal, harmless conversation. Yup. She tried really hard to just stay cool and social and normal. She really hoped she didn't sound tense or nervous. She hoped she sounded okay. Oh dear! Had she been silent for too long? She cleared her throat. "Is he awake? Don't tell me I have to go and wake him up myself again." She gave a small laugh as she pulled off her shoes. She couldn't really think of anything else to say but just as she took a step forward she suddenly felt a hand on her arm. Color collected on her cheeks and she could feel them burn up. Her eyes widened at the touch and her body tensed even more. She could already tell who it was - obviously, since no one else seemed to be around anyway. Her heart raced as she focused on the warmth on her arm. Before she could spin around, Ryder pulled her to the side and began talking in hushed tones. "Hey um... Elisa. I uh, I was wondering --" He shook his head. Elisa watched him intently, keeping her lips in a fine line and staying silent. She swore she could hear her rapid heartbeat and she prayed Ryder couldn't hear it. She bit down on her lip. "-- I was wondering if tonight, you and I could uh, do something together. Just the two of us? You see," He took a deep breath without exhaling. "they're having fireworks at the park for the new year and I thought maybe we could go ... together? Like a ... like ... " Her heart was going haywire. She could feel it. Her hands were clenched into fists. Her lips pressed against each other tightly. Everything around her was so silent all of the sudden. She could feel her cheeks burn up. She already knew where this was headed to and she couldn't believe it. She didn't even need to hear it, that word: "date." He said it so quietly but nonetheless she heard it. She felt her heart fluter but at the same time couldn't help but melt. She fought hard to make sure her lips stayed shut and didn't curl into a dorky smile and start getting all squishy and making weird noises because she couldn't handle how adorable Ryder looked. He was all nervous and tongue-tied and it really contrasted from how he usually was which was all tough and sporty and direct. It was just too cute for her to handle. Elisa stared blankly at the boy's sides for a while, focusing his vision on the tips of his locks. What was the coolest way to say yes to a date? The most natural way? What? Some way that wouldn't make her much of a dork. Urggg, she really had to watch more of those romantic Korean dramas Richie always told her to catch up on. She looked up at his blue eyes, finally separating her tinted lips. She forced them into a calmed smile. Her cheeks were still flushed but she felt her body relax slightly as she gave a quick nod, "Y-yeah. Uh. Sure. Sure!" 'I'd love to.' She couldn't find herself saying it because her heart still hadn't calmed and she swore she hadn't taken a breath since Ryder asked her. She smiled and nervously tucked a lock of her short blue hair behind her ear, looking away from his gaze. She brushed her toes together as she stared down at them. Hm. She was standing pretty close to Ryder right now, judging by how close their feet were. W-was he wearing perfume? Her nose picked up on the beautiful aroma of men's cologne. Oh, it smelled delicious! Oh yeah. Hm. Sometimes it was weird the things she would notice... She looked back up at him in a snap, "Um. Richie! Yeah. Um. I'm going to uh, go wake him now. Yeah." she gave an awkward giggle before stepping to her side to try and cross him but they had that awkward moment of when she would step to the side, Ryder would go the same way and when he stepped the other way she would go that way too and they would just end up facing each other the whole time. That called for a couple more incredibly awkward laughs and finally when he just stopped and let her pass, she laughed once more, shaking her head slightly at their ridiculous little encounter. She ran past him and up the stairs in an attempt to get away from Ryder as quickly as possible. It was weird wasn't it? Having that attraction to her own best friend's identical twin brother. It was absurd! Part of her wished she had never grown into a crush on him but how could she? Ever since, Ryder had been incredibly nice to her despite how annoying she was to him. She couldn't forget when he brought her to auditions and waited the entire time for her either! That was beyond sweet. It was uncalled for but incredibly and unforgettably sweet! She walked down the hall and stopped by Richie's door which was still closed. She took a moment to just stand outside and take a breath. She still couldn't believe it. It wasn't like no one's ever asked her out before it was just that - no one she was ever infatuated with asked her out before. This was a date. Like, a real, real date. That dorky smile crossed her face and she slapped her cheeks excitedly. Okay. Okay. Okay! Good day so far. It was time to keep it rolling. She knocked on Richie's door frantically and yelled happily, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up, sleepy head!! Time for some yummy yummy kawaii asian cousine at Hibachi!!"
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD » SOBBING/LOST≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » HOME ≛OOC ✌ The man simply sat on his bed for a while. His left elbow was propped on his raised knee with his hand over his crying eyes, while his right leg lay flat on the bed and his right arm limp on his side. He was breathing heavily and shakily as tears rolled down his cheeks. In his right hand was his phone that was silent for a while. His entire room was silent. The only noise coming from the not-so-busy streets outside and his semi-silent sobbing. His heart was aching. He didn't understand it at all. What happened? He still couldn't figure it out, all he knew was that it hurt. Everything felt dark and cold and painful - no, that wasn't that accurate. Everything felt lonely. He felt abandoned. It wasn't just the sadness he felt from Bryan's death because of the horrible accident but this whole Maria situation. It wasn't like Bryan left on purpose, heavens no, but Maria? This wasn't a joke. If it was, then this still definitely wasn't something to laugh about. He couldn't help feeling and thinking that this is what happened to anyone he trusted. They're there and then they aren't. They betray you. They leave you. That's how it always was for him. His father, who he thought was great and loving and trusting, betrayed him and ruined his life. All those kids in Middle School and High School who bullied him severely once they found out what type of a man his father was. Now, Maria too... He thought she was different. Like, really, really actually thought she'd be different but it was obvious that he was wrong. Very, very wrong. BZZ! BZZ! BZZ! The vibrations by his right hand alarmed him, almost causing him to jump. He quickly looked down at his phone, hoping Evan would respond soon because he was already at the edge on this. To: Tuck Hey. Drinks tonight. You and me. Won't take no for an answer. He grimaced. Not only was it not the white-haired friend of his but it was Erik. Tucker couldn't help not wanting to be with him for a moment. They were kind of a group: himself, Erik, Bryan, Julius and then sometimes joined by Maria and Torvald. He didn't feel like associating himself with people associated with Maria at the moment, thinking that they'd be the same. It was really wrong of him to think that, especially of someone like Erik - who was always out for him... but he was scared. He already felt so awful. He wasn't exactly planning to feel betrayed and lonely again. He gripped his phone tightly and bit down on his lip. Should he go? It was Erik. The one who stood up for him countless times, especially when he first got to Fortissimo. The dark haired older male was like the older brother Tucker never had. It would probably help if he did talk to him, but... but... but that sick feeling inside of him! He couldn't shake it off! It was horrible but it was true! It was- INCOMING CALL : FREYA His eyes widened as he looked down at the screen. He gulped down the sob that tempted to escape and quickly used his shirt to wipe his eyes. He snuffled a bit and took a deep breath before answering, trying his best to sound as happy as he could even if it made him feel sick "H-hey Freya!" 『Tucker, I'm so sorry! I-I don't even know what happened, please, forgive me!』 The teenager exploded in those apologies. He gulped down another sob and sniffle, letting a smile cross his face. It was honestly kind of cute how frantic she sounded. Could she tell he was upset? She really hoped not. Perhaps she just felt bad for all this delay on their meeting. "N-no, it's fine! You did nothing wrong. Not at all. You're great. It's fine." He flushed a bit after realizing what he said but the small smile remained on his lips. Wow, he felt a little better already. Good thing he did decide to text her earlier. He pulled both of his knees close to his chest and leaned forward on them. Listening intently on what she said next, 『Tucker, would you like to come over today, then? I promise today I'll make you your favorite meal.』 He straightened up, his mood almost immediately lifting. He sniffled once more, then quickly responded. "Oh sure, sure! Yeah! I'll go in a while then. Thank you." Thank you? He meant see you! Ugh. But with that the call ended. He still felt a little sick inside but he couldn't help feeling the tiniest bit happy. Since her voice had gone from his ears, his smile faded as well and it went back to being feeling wrong to smile or be happy. Freya was a vert sweet girl and he knew she could put a smile on his face at one point though. He really hoped his mood would improve by the time he was at her place. He really didn't want to trouble her with his problems. He looked back down at his phone and realized there was a new message, and this time it was from Evan. From Evan:[Yo Cherry Red, I'd love to talk with you, buuuuut I got something to take care of first, maybe later today.] He quickly sent replies back, to both Evan and Erik, knowing what to do now. He wiped all his tears away and pressed down on his tired eyes. He took a couple deep breaths to calm himself down and then he opened up their conversations and began to type. To: ErikOkay see you later To: EvanOh okay. It's fine. Sorry for bothering you.I don't know about later. I'll be with Erik.Good luck with whatever you're dealing with He made sure that both of the messages sent before he hopped into the shower, got dressed into something new and then left his apartment. He arrived at Freya's home. He took more time driving than he probably should have, attempting to lift his moods by listening to some of his favourite music on the way and driving slowly. It didn't really seem to work. He parked his car and walked out to ring her doorbell. He waited outside for a while, when she came to answer the door, he gave her a smile and breathed out with a nervous wave, "H-hi."[DOUBLEPOST=1378037895][/DOUBLEPOST]✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ HAPPY ✿✖ LOCATION ↝ HOME/DUVONT'S ✖ The blue haired teen woke to a pleasant morning. The sun creeped into her window through her sheer curtains and rested on the white, flowery comforters on her bed and carpeted floor. She slowly opened her eyes and stretched. Her slumber was absolutely rejuvenating! She felt like she was waking up to a new spring day, even though it was still pretty much winter. She rested her hands over the comforter that draped over her body and up to her chest as she stared at the pastel walls of her room. Hm, she wondered what she would do today. The weather was getting better. She felt totally energized and she felt really happy - especially from yesterday. She threw the covers off from her body and leaped off from her bed. She sat at her computer chair and opened up her laptop. Since she finally updated her blog after quite a time, there seemed to be more messages and notifications than usual. She smiled and began to read through them, responding to them as well. Half way through the messages, she leaned back on her chair and stretched some more, then quickly grabbed her phone which unlike her computer, was completely void of notifications. Hm. That was quite strange. With a raised eyebrow and scrunched lips, she opened her text inbox and it immediately opened to the conversation between her and her best friend. It was weird not waking up to a good night text from her best friend. She always fell asleep before Richie and so he would text him goodnight last and she would text him good morning first - so they both woke up to sweet little messages. However there was none today. Sure, she had forgotten herself last night because she was too busy trying to keep her blog to date and ended up falling asleep much sooner than she intended but he still didn't send her a text! She pouted. Perhaps he was busy too. Yup, that was probably it! Her little pout didn't disappear though. She was worried because when Richie woke up yesterday he seemed pretty off. When she fell asleep he seemed fine, and he seemed to have a good sleep when she woke up. All this energy probably made her over think this entire ordeal. She sat there, thinking for a moment, before she looked back down at her phone and began to type into the opened conversation. To: RichieHey babe good good good morning!! ^ o ^How are you? You seemed a bit off yesterday which is absolutely ng! no goodie! Let's have Hibachi for brunch!I'm going to come over and we're goingto go and have a fabulous last day of2015, okay? Make sure you're awake! I'llbe there in like, 20 heheh ~ o 3 o For a second she wanted to include spending the day as a Golden Trio - which meant, Ryder included, but she figured she could just say that when she got to the Duvont's. Plus she felt overly giddy and ridiculous when she looked over at Ryder's contact thinking of texting him herself. So instead she closed her laptop, picked out some clothes, grabbed her make up and headed to the bathroom to get ready. She decided to go and walk to the Duvont's since the weather was really great. As she exited the front door after tying the laces of her black sneakers and dusting off her large striped sweater, her mother seemed to call out for her. She wasn't so sure why but it was probably just her wondering where she was off to. She quickly mentioned she was leaving for Richie's and headed out the door immediately, ready to start her morning walk with a smile. Once she got to the Duvont's household after much walking (she was very thankful it wasn't a hot summer day or she would have never survived) she fixed herself up a bit more by running her fingers through her hair and straightening her thick sweater before she rang the door bell and waited patiently outside.
Happy Happy Birthday TeeBee ~Ahhhhhhhh ur gr8 + supah cool 5eva \sparkles and flowers\\and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure poses\
Happy Happy Happy Birthday ! c:
Fearless YOUR VOICE IS AMAZING AHHH Cal - snaps your voice is golden Synk-kun I am a very big fan ahhhh \sparkles\ HoT - omg this is fun to listen to C:
SHYKOKORO YOU THIS SONG AHH SO GR8 \\ joins synk with the punk rock \\moshpit \whut
Mish this is like super sweet and super cute just like you ahhh you sing so well ; u ;
Anixe omg that was so great \dances everywhere\ Jayn babbu I could listen to you all day everyday \melts\
Hooray! Tuning in so excited O w O Midny you're so cuuuute
Hey hey heyyy Deetee u w u How are you doing? What would be your ultimate gelato creation? Current + Initial impressions? What one item would you never leave without on your quest to save the world? Hoodie of choice on said quest? Ice cream or cake? (your decision may or may not affect that current state of the universe we live in)
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD » SOBBING/LOST≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » HOME ≛OOC ✌ He wasn't feeling any better. As he slowly opened his eyes, he also began to regret not going to Freya's. Thinking of her made him feel a little... happy inside. It was odd, he never really noticed before, but he liked spending time with Freya. Perhaps it was just because they haven't really been hanging out much because he was too busy with the musical? The last time they met wasn't so great. She confessed, and he didn't exactly know what to do. Thinking about it made him tense up more. He felt the heat rise up to his cheeks and his heart beat faster. She did confess didn't she? And then she cried and he left her. Just like that. A frown crossed his face. Now he felt bad again and when that happened it went from bad to worse very quickly. With that crazed mind of his, he began to recall of Bryan. Even thinking happy things about the boy made it worse. He remembered when Bryan first became a camp counselor and how great he handled it despite the tragic and horrific events that took place; how he was always such a good brother to his sister Noelle; and how he was so kind and cheerful and great. But now, he's dead. He couldn't shake off the sadness, and he couldn't even imagine what his family was going through. He didn't want to. How was Noelle? Oh god, he couldn't begin to think about it. He suddenly felt really heavy inside and he felt like he was going to cry or something and he just wanted it to stop. He could feel his hands shaking and he frantically looked around his room for a quick remedy. On his side table, he spots that his phone was flashing the little green light which meant he had a message. Was it Freya? He quickly sat up and grabbed it, opening it up and eagerly watching the screen as he looked down at this little strand of hope. 1 UNREAD MESSAGE : MARIA Not Freya? He wasn't exactly disappointed, but he wasn't completely lifted up by it either. Nonetheless, it was Maria! Perhaps she was ready to talk already. Oh that was definitely good news! He was tired of being so upset alone. Sean was comforting but something else had been bothering him apparently but Tucker ignored that because he couldn't seem to understand the loss of Bryan. Maria sure would! They were all close after all. He felt the tiniest bit better, thinking about it then quickly opened up the message. To: TuckerI can't. You don't get it. Whathappened to you Tucker? Ithought things were gettingbetter between us. I'msorry for ruining everything. Idon't think we can stay friendsafter all. Not like this. He didn't need to read it twice. His mouth gaped open as he stared blankly at the screen. He could feel his hands tremble. It seemed difficult to breathe. It felt like everything suddenly got quiet and all he could hear was his disappointing heartbeat. Tears welled in his eyes as he sat there in silence, not doing anything but just looking down at the response Maria gave to him. After what felt like forever, he took in a deep, shaky breath and when he blinked his eyes the tears fell. His heart felt like it was rotting inside of him. The cherry haired man probably looked little of himself. There was no sparkle in his chestnut eyes, nor a smile (fake or not) that played at his lips and definitely not the bright aura that always seemed present. He looked carefully at some of the words in the text. Some stood out more, particularly the line that went "I don't think we can stay friends after all." Tucker didn't understand. Things were getting so much better between them! Out of all the people in his group of friends, he told her about everything. Everything. They spent more time together and there was even a chance they would be working together at the shelter! She was right. He didn't get it. What happened? How could they not stay friends? What was happening that was different? True, Maria seemed a lot more distant lately - especially the past three days. He was trying to think of something that happened, something he possibly did to have made this horrific thing unfold. He didn't understand it! It was beginning to feel harder to breathe. He was catching for air and tears were still falling from his eyes. He trusted Maria. A lot. What was going on? A response wasn't exactly something he had in mind, and he couldn't think of anything good anyway. How could he? He felt really, really, really awful. He lost Bryan and now he had to lose Maria too? He dropped his phone to his side and placed a hand over his sore, wet, tired eyes. He was trying to make sense of it, sense of anything, in his mind but he just couldn't. 'What happened? Why?' He felt so alone again. In that dark, dark room where only punishment waited for him. That's what it felt like. He probably deserved it. What did he do to make Maria go away? He couldn't shake off the feeling, and he didn't think he could. Forcing himself to smile almost made him want to vomit. It felt utterly wrong. Knowing this, he picked up his phone and began to text. To: FreyaUh hey, I'm not canceling. I promise I won't,but um, I'm sorry if I'm in a terrible moodlater today haha things aren't going so well.But don't worry at all about me! Justsorry if I'm not as chipper as usual lol He didn't really know why he did that. A warning? Yeah, obviously. That's what it was after all. But he mostly just wanted to text her. He didn't really want to spill it all out on her and burden her with all his troubles but if he had to admit it, he was seeking out for comfort and he wanted it from Freya. He moved on to his next text. He figured he wanted to speak with Erik for a moment but then he realized how even more upset he would be because he'd quickly and easily get reminded of Bryan. Plus Erik didn't exactly know much of what was going on since he's mostly been away. He was a buy man after all. So he decided to text someone else. To: EvanAre you free? I really need someone to talk to cause I don't know what's goingon anymore.
✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ HAPPY ✿ ✖ LOCATION ↝ DUVONT'S ✖ Elisa watched Richie get up and leave, he looked a little... off. Then, again, he must have just been sleepy. She glanced at Ryder once more, still feeling a bit flushed. She got to her feet excitedly, "I'll help you out Richie!" her voice was as bubbly as ever and she quickly ran after the boy. She didn't think she could handle any alone time with Ryder, she'd just squirm and blush too much. As she helped her best friend, she tried to talk to him casually but he still seemed a bit out of it. He probably slept much later than she did, but part of her also felt like it was something else. She tried to ignore it though and kept a smile on her face, but ultimately she was very worried. Just before they had finished fixing everything up for the after-birthday-breakfast of the Duvont family, the door rang and in came Elisa's mother, ready to take her home. She pouted a bit but knew she had to go back. She hasn't been spending much time at home at all lately, so she packed up her things and got ready to leave. At the door, she gave each of the Duvonts a kiss. She thanked Mrs. Duvont for letting her stay and kissed her on the cheek goodbye. She ruffled Ariella's hair and kissed her on the tip of her nose, gave Richie a very tight hug and kissed him on the cheek, greeting him happy birthday once more. She gave Ryder a quick hug, feeling his warm body against hers... she didn't kiss him on the cheek and she ended up blushing quite a bit again. She greeted him happy birthday one last time and then left for the door. For the rest of the day, she spent it with her family and had a lot of fun. When she had alone time, she was finally able to keep her blog up to date - all the way until her adventures today. She posted many of the photos, even including some of Ryder (more than usual). It made her heart flutter and after all those tiring blog posts and formatting, she took a shower and went to bed. She slept with a small smile on her face.
Celeste frowned. Grace was right, they had to make it to the desert but ultimately, she was still too worried about Kendric. She gripped her wrist tightly, they were already covered with a very thing layer of fur. Her bare feet began to feel the ground less - padding probably toughened the bottom of her feet with claws already retracted. Her eyebrows furrowed together furiously. She had to learn how to control her powers soon! She knew she was giving the villains a big advantage by being unable to do so. She took a sharp intake of breath and turned to Mya, "You should go up on Mor. I'll run." she was just about ready to run anyway. She could feel her form begin to transform as well. She felt stronger. She knew she was ready to make it towards the desert. She quickly glanced behind them, her now golden eyes trying to spot any thing out of the norm. Her ears folded back, trying to pick up any sign of hidden enemies but nothing seemed to pop up just yet. She tightened the straps that embraced her upper torso and kept her large hand cannon on her back. When Grace turned back to them with a nod, she nodded back with a determined expression. She was right, they had to get out immediately and worrying about Kendric wasn't going to do anything for them. She wanted to run back and possibly create a diversion or distraction that can call the bad guys on her and instead of on her friend or her group - but if she wanted to see her tall, courageous friend again she knew she had to make sure she wouldn't wind up dead. The group took off. Celeste's speed improved greatly, and she zoomed alongside everyone - easily dodging obstacles and people with the combination of the anatomy of some of the toughest animals but also keeping to her small, petite form with the incomplete transformation. It particularly helped with the stealth. The streets were ruthless, so they made sure to avoid that. They passed countless backyards and alleyways. Not much attention was brought to them and they quickly made it to the desert. It was hot. Her padded feet could feel the heat from the sand. The sun was blazing down - she had quickly forgotten that it was still the morning. She panted as they came to a stop. Was this really a good idea? To stop at a desert? Sure it was away from the city, but they were pretty much lying in plan sight, unless they hid in the sand or something but that was a little ridiculous. She turned back to face the city, the wind causing her white locks to dance. Her transformation didn't stray. Her fangs were still as sharp as ever, her claws were kept and so was the fur that crawled up her limbs slowly. Her eyes were sharp and golden as she looked out into the distance. Her hands gripped on the leather strap of her hand cannon. She really wished Kendric was alright.... With a quick lick of her drying lips, she turned back to the group. She knew she couldn't be too worrying anymore - it was bothersome for everyone. She had to man up and be strong. She had to shut off her emotions and bring out her inner soldier. She had to be brave. She unstrapped her hand cannon and carried it effortlessly, "Alright, we need to find the others but we have to be prepared for anything. This desert is deadly on it's own and we don't exactly blend into the sand."
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD » IDK/LOST≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » PARK/CAR ≛OOC ✌ As he sat amongst the other guys and girl, he felt really awkward. He slowly began to question why he went in the first place. He still felt really upset inside. He thought he would have some time with Maria and Evan to talk, so that they could possibly just feel better about the tragedy that unfolded - but that didn't seem to be the case. Maria and Torvald were going at it again, even when they all got nice, warm cups of coffee. He held his tightly, it was already his seconds cup of the day and it still wasn't bringing up his moods. He made sure he wore a small smile though, even if it was a little difficult. He sipped on his coffee as Maria began to spur out a monologue. His eyebrows furrowed. They always fought, but at a time like this? He saw no reason for it. He would look over at Evan every once in a while, wondering how he would take it but he didn't seem at all too bothered. ❝ Call me when you're ready to talk, ❞ Quickly she left and Tucker kind of just looked at everyone, licking his upper lip awkwardly. Torvald groaned and stood up, going after the trouble blonde girl. He set his own coffee down, then turned to look at Evan. His lips pressed into a fine line as he sharply took in a breath. He muttered nervously, "Is it weird that I wasn't expecting that?" He stuffed a hand in his pocket, feeling his finger hit his cellphone. He recalled what Maria told him before he left and wondered what she meant. The reason why he came was because he wanted to talk, get the heavy feeling of loosing a friend off from his chest. He's been ready to talk about that all day, but the constant fire between the two blondes in the group caused him to keep his mouth shut. Perhaps he should have gone to speak with Erik today instead... Maria obviously wasn't doing too well. He wanted to check up on her and see if she was really okay, but she was obviously much too upset - probably about other personal things - so it wasn't exactly his place to meddle. Plus, Torvald kind of did go after her already and he had enough from those two. He pulled out his phone and sent her a text. It was the right thing to do, plus it would make him feel a little better since he was genuinely worried of her. To: MariaHey, we can talk anytime just give me a call.Really hope you're okay, you're kind of scaringme a bit. You know Tucker the worry whale lolBut seriously, give me a call when you're ready He hit send after some hesitation, He hoped the message got through. Out of all the people he talked with, he always felt most comfortable with Maria - at least right now and especially after Christmas. He told her his secrets and she hasn't said it to anyone yet - which made him feel so grateful to have a friend like Maria. Besides, he just lost a very good friend of his - he wasn't planning to lose another. The contact under Maria's name made his chest feel tight. Aside that, he also felt a little hopeful as if the name made him feel like there was a chance of happiness despite what he's experiencing. He pressed his lips together more and stared at it for a bit. Then, with a sudden decision, he gripped his phone tightly and got to his feet. He grabbed his coffee and turned to Evan, "I think I'm going to go too. Sorry for, um, anything. Let's hang out soon though. See you." He left quickly and walked over to his car, which was parked nearby. Once he hopped in, he shut the door and looked down at the contact he opened on his phone. He felt his grip tighten around his phone. He peered at his watch, it was still early. With a deep breath, he pressed on the contact and placed the phone at his ear. He could feel his heart beat racing and himself getting restless as he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. The one on the other end of the line picked up with a small greeting. He swallowed the gulp in his throat before he began speaking in a rather shaky tone, "H-hey Freya? Yeah. Hi. Um, I know we were supposed to meet up tonight but I'm sorry I can't make it. Can we meet tomorrow instead?" He wanted to see her, he really did but he didn't want to meet her with such an upsetting mood. He politely rescheduled, hoping he didn't sound too ignorant because he wouldn't want that! He really wanted to see her! Like, really, really wanted to, even though he didn't admit it over their short phone call. He offered to meet tomorrow night instead with the same plans and with an awkward agreement he shut his phone and headed to the shelter. He spent the rest of his day with Sean - who knew how to handle an upset Tucker - and tended to the animals. It was therapeutic and he was incredibly productive. It was late when he got home. He showered, didn't bother to check his phone and fell asleep.
✿ OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC |MOOD ↝ SHY ✿ ✖ LOCATION ↝ DUVONT'S ✖ The sweet, lovely, happy feeling that embraced her as she began to come back to her senses only meant one thing, she had cuddled beside someone that night. A small smile curled on her lips as she shifted in her sleep slightly, her hands lightly gripping on fabric. She kept her eyes closed for a moment and stayed still. The warmth felt nice. She could feel the soft, furry material of the blanket draped over her body. It tickled the bare skin on her legs. Mrs. Duvont probably gave them all blankets at one point of the night. The turquoise teen readjusted once more, shifting her head slightly to look towards the ceiling. Her eyes fluttered open slowly, squinting at the sunlight from the window nearby. A familiar head of blonde hair began to form in her blurred vision. She smiled sleepily at the boy who looked down at her as she rubbed her eyes. At that moment, her vision began to clear and the expression of the Duvont twin made much less sense than the blob of a face she saw earlier. His face was flushed and his eyes were tense. Elisa raised a curious eyebrow but a second later, the other joined in shock and she felt the heat come onto her cheeks as well. The eyes she locked onto weren't green but blue! She cuddled with Ryder last night, not Richie! Her cheeks were burning as she bit on her bottom lip and sat up. Her pale complexion probably showed off how much more red she could get than the twins. She glanced at the older twin hesitantly, finding it very difficult to look him in the eye. She gave him a small smile, still not making much eye contact and greeted with a small voice "Good morning." He must have been ashamed to have her cuddling so close because he shifted in his seat - awkwardly positioned and scooting as close to the side of the couch as possible with a hand on his lap. He seemed very tense. Goodness, she hoped he didn't find it weird! She knew Ryder wasn't exactly very fond of her, especially when she had a camera in hand (which was pretty much all the time) and that was a disappointing thought at the moment. She really enjoyed that cuddle-snuggle moment, in fact, it felt really nice. Like, really nice. She blushed as she thought of it and smiled a little bit more. He ran a hand through his hair awkwardly and avoided her eyes as well, "good morning" he muttered. Elisa turned at the sound of his voice and she pouted a bit. God, he must be feeling awful. Part of her wanted to apologize but she wasn't exactly anywhere near sorry for what she did. She kind of even wanted to lie back down and cuddle up again - or possibly go to an actual bed where they can cuddle for real... more heat flushed to her face. Oh dear. She had to stop. She slapped her cheeks lightly, as if willing for them to stop, this sudden feeling made her heart race. It was the same kind of feeling when she would suddenly bump into Bryan Chambers before and when she'd fantasize cuddling with him - but this was Ryder! Richie's twin brother! Her best friend's identical twin brother. She shut her eyes tightly as her cheeks burned even more and slapped herself a little more, shaking her head slightly. Ahhh, she just couldn't help it! She didn't realize how adorable Ryder could be sometimes. She glanced back at him. He was still sitting there awkwardly and it was honestly a little cute but she couldn't help but feel bad. It must have been embarrassing. Perhaps she shouldn't mention it at all... She quickly pulled her legs up and sat on her heels, with her back to Ryder, then leaned forward on her knees to check up on the younger of the twins. The comfortable blanket slipped off from her body and draped over the couch. She peeked cautiously at her best friend, hoping not to make any disruptive noise or movement, but he was still sleeping soundly. She smiled and pulled the blanket up higher onto his body, stroking his hair a bit. Richie must have watched much more of the movie than she had but then again, normally he would wake up later than her so she wasn't alarmed at all. However, this aloneness with Ryder did leave her feeling a bit... strange. She sat back down and swung her legs off the edge of the couch, letting her feet drop into the carpeted floor. She gulped nervously before taking a deep breath then looking straight at Ryder. She had a happy smile on her face, "Want to check for breakfast?"
r u proud of us papa plums r u
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD » UPSET ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » CAFE/PARK ≛OOC ✌ By the time he sat at the cafe alone, sipping on a rather strong coffee, it was becoming more obvious how upset he was - not only to the people around him, but to himself. It took a lot of courage not to cry in public because it was really sinking in. Bryan, Sophie, Lucas - they were gone now. It was some super freak accident that they didn't deserve to be caught up in and now they were gone. Yesterday, part of him still expected someone to reply and pick up the phone if he contacted Bryan through his phone or Bryan would come out with a smile and greet everyone politely, telling them it was just an act - like part of the musical they just worked on together. Slowly, Tucker realizes that it wasn't and it was never going to be anything like that anymore because they were gone. He bit down at his lip and inhaled shakily. This was a little too much for him to handle. He knew it wasn't his fault, and the entire crash had nothing to do with him, but he couldn't help but blame himself. People suffered under his ignorance before. What if he could have been nearby and done something? What if he was still on his way to the hospital when it happened and he could have helped Bryan or Sophie or Lucas get to the emergency room? What if he was caught up in the crash instead of them? He held his phone tightly in his hand as all these "What if's" rolled through his mind. His screen was kept at Freya's contact the entire time. Sometimes, he would keep his finger so close to press it and call her and ask her to come over because he didn't want to be alone - because he was scared. However, he really didn't want to burden her with that, with him all depressed. He already upset her so much yesterday, he wasn't planning to do it again. Suddenly, as his vision blurred because tears welled in his eyes, his screen popped up a message with a soft buzz. He blinked, adjusting his vision and looking down at the screen. It was a response from Erik! Thank goodness! From: ErikYeah, I saw it. It's pretty unbelievable. How are you holding up Tuck? If you need to talk I'm here. He breathed out heavily, feeling some tears falling at the corners of his eyes. He quickly brushed them off with his thumb and sniffled. He responded quickly, To: ErikI don't know man. I just. I don't know what to think of this. I don't know. Bryan was like our little brother or something. Why him, Erik? Why Sophie and Lucas too? As he sent the message, another popped up. It was Maria. To: Tucker I only just now found out about what happened. I can't believe Bryan's gone. That just feels so wrong. It hurts. How are you doing? Tucker ... Tucker I ... can you meet me at the park? I'm with Evan. We really need to talk and, and I miss you. His heart sank. He suddenly felt guilty too, especially because he never even got to checking if she was alright from yesterday. She looked awful and her excuse wasn't exactly believable. He grabbed his coffee as he headed out, giving a small reassuring smile to the clerks at the counter who seemed to be watching him with much concern. To: MariaI feel awful too and I'm only believing the news now. I don't want to but I am. I don't know if I can handle it either but I'm heading over. Please be okay. He then hopped into his car and headed over to the park immediately. Once he got there, it wasn't hard to see the other three figures he knew so well. He didn't expect Torvald to be there but he was. The more the merrier right? Hah. He walked up to them, letting the coffee he got warm up his hands. He gave them a tired smile, "Hey everyone."
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD » IDK/SAD/LOST ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » CAFE/CAR ≛OOC ✌ The boy rose from his sleep. His room was dusky and felt stuffed - mostly because he hadn't been there in a couple days, but that was the least of his worries. His heart felt heavy and his eyes were sore and puffy. Yesterday, after Maria had left so suddenly - leaving him utterly confused and concerned because she didn't say much, Sean muttered that he should go to the hospital because he "swore something is wrong with you." which was a little silly, the redhead thought, because he felt absolutely fine despite the whole car incident. However, the young man went anyway, not because of him but for his mother - who he promised to help check out and he was already late. Sadly, there seemed to be a huge crash on his way to the hospital and it was absolutely horrific. He hopped out of his car and offered to help some people get to the hospital if the ambulances weren't sufficient. He ended up taking a young girl and her mother to the hospital in his car, they only had a few scratches and cuts here and there but nothing completely serious. He kept a happy mood for them and they really appreciated it. Once he was up at his mother's room it was already midday, but with Tucker's help, they were able to discharge her and leave for home. They avoided the crash site and brought them home. Unpacking and everything. By the time it was dark, they all sat around for a while and watched the news - curious about the site and that's when everything turned worse than it already had been. The cherry haired man's smile disappeared completely when the names of three of his friends appeared on the screen, claiming they have passed. Lucas, Sophie and Bryan... Bryan. He couldn't believe it. Not one bit. His mother recognized the names and asked if he was alright and he just told her that he knew them but weren't close but immediately excused himself after and left. He drove back home, frustrated upset and in denial. Lucas and Sophie were great people and Bryan... Bryan was one of his closest friends! A flood of memories rushed over him about the brown haired boy and he couldn't stop the tears from falling. He parked his car in the basement of his apartment, stalked back home and pulled out his phone. He had texted Maria and Erik last night, wondering if they knew about it because he swore he couldn't handle it himself. To: Maria, ErikHave you seen the news? He thought of texting Freya last night too but he was sure she wasn't exactly close to Bryan and he didn't want to trouble her, and burden her with how upset he was. He remembers going to bed early after that. The man, now sitting up, weakly reached for his phone and saw only one message, from Freya! Freya? He looked back down and opened up the message, From: FreyaTo: Tucker› Sure, how is tomorrow night? My place?...I'll make you dinner. Tonight? Tonight seemed all right, though he actually felt like seeing her now. Just. He felt so awful and thinking of her seemed to make him happier. The dorky little smile played at his lips slightly despite the fact that his heart still felt hallow but asking to see him now was egotistical of him! It was being selfish, besides, as if she had the time for him. Well, perhaps she did, but he felt like he would be robbing away her time, she did ask to see him tonight after all, perhaps she was busy this morning. Unable to feel any happier in the morning, he gave in to his emotions and ended up responding, To: FreyaThink we can make it a little earlier?Like, 5? Been a rough day, I don't really want to be alone. I'll help youcook : ) He got up to get dressed and shower then left for the grocery for something to eat. He didn't exactly have the appetite but perhaps it could make him feel better as he waited to hear from Erik or Maria. He really needed to talk.