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  1. Dinny
    Status: Pretty chill Equipment Location: School

    She blinked her dry, tired eyes as she held the smooth wooden tool in between her fingers. The locks of her green hair were pinned back messily with old and childish hair clips, though some still escaped to attack her face which was incredibly annoying given her situation. It felt like all the energy of her body got warped into her brain, which was already beginning to hurt, and that was the only thing left functioning. She could feel her hands shaking slightly and her back aching as she slouched on her seat with her elbows propped forward on her drawing desk. She took in a deep breath.

    "I've been up all night - okay all early morning - trying to figure you out and know that's a big thing, mystery brush! I'm a girl who gets eight hours a day minimum but you... you've got me up all early morning, you little scum... but know this! Know this, mystery brush! You are not going to win this battle!! I am going to solve this mystery!!!"

    The dark pupils between her spring green irises glared fiercely at the paint brush she held in between her fingers. That's right. This little guy had been giving her the most complicated morning she's ever had! She had received it in the mail last night, opened it up and then went to sleep without thinking much about it - or at least she thought she did. She woke up about 4 hours after, the skies were still dark but she knew it was well past midnight, and all that she could think about was the mystery paint brush! She had spent the last few hours trying to find out who had sent her such a marvelous looking tool but there was no sender nor address that came with the classy box.

    Now, most people probably didn't bother with it and just thanked them for such a tool, but the paint brush came with these words:

    xxxxOnly the best deserve the best
    xxxxArt is life
    xxxxIt is time to breathe life into art
    xxxxUse responsibly

    It was like a riddle that was just itching to be solved! She's tried to be analytical about the four lines but nothing of any sense came to mind. It was just like how most riddles were to her: unsolvable. Though, she didn't give up! She just had to find out! Besides, Hallie was certain that she deserved to know who would give her such a thing and who was responsible for making all her used, messy and weathered tools upset.

    The bristles of the brush were absolutely heavenly. She brushed her finger tips on them a couple times. She wanted to try it. She's been dying to try it all early morning! Her ego about solving the mystery of the mysterious paint brush was much greater than her wanting to try it, hence she hadn't but now... now she was kind of tired of trying to find out. The sun was already rising and her eyes felt way too heavy. But give up...? No. No she couldn't!

    A sigh escaped her lips as her shoulders sunk and her forehead hit the table. She sat back into her chair and held the brush in her palms, looking down at it she pouted then began addressing it once more. "Okay, mystery brush. I'll let you have this round because I'm a good person like that and if I solved your mystery then that would mean you wouldn't be mystery brush no more and you would then be not-mystery brush and that is just too long a name for anyway! However, as punishment for winning, you will now have to show me just what you're made of!"

    With a determined expression despite her drowsiness, she reached for one of her canvases and pulled out some of her acrylics and transparent watercolors. She lay them out quickly, as if a bartender preparing his blades. Hallie grabbed another hair clip, this time it had a little bear on it, and pinned back a little more of her hair. She bent down her lamp to give enough light to her small canvas and poured some water into a cup from her water jug by her bed.

    "Let's do this."

    ✰ - ✰ - ✰ - ✰ - ✰ -

    The sun was gleaming outside now and Hallie could hear her mother's nagging from downstairs. Her arms were covered in paint and her hair was a complete mess. Welp. Looks like everyone in school was going to be early again. She'd need a quick change. Definitely.

    Before she got up to do so, she looked back down at her painting and the mystery brush who got the colours onto the canvas so vividly. She couldn't help but smile. She had decided to go with something a little simple, cute and fun in comparison to her mixed media and oil paintings. She had drawn a cute girl with an eyepatch who had a pooch companion. She dipped the brush one last time on the green pigment and did the final stroke that completed the tone of the entire painting. She cleaned out the brush and stood back to look at it. A grin appears on her face and she gives an energetic thumbs up to her creation and the mystery brush. She clears her throat, " I henceforth dub thee Miss Fortune and her Kokoro because I am so fortunate to have a classy brush like the mystery brush that I love so much!" she grabs the brush in her hands and holds it up, pressing it to her cheek. IT was still damp and she could feel the water on her skin, "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I lo-"


    Yelp! Okay. Mushy artgasm later. She pecks her new, mystery brush lightly before setting it down by her painting. "I'm coming mother!" She quickly jumps out of her pajamas, yanks all the pins from her hair, puts on a tee, some black shorts after stockings and her boots. She grabs a washed out denim jacket to cover up her painting evidences then grabbed her school bag, phone, and goggles on the way out.

    "HALLIE FAYE DO I HAVE TO CALL YOU ONE MO- Oh you're here. Alright let's- Is that paint on your cheek?"

    "Huh, what?" Act like you didn't know. Nope. Nothing happened. Painting? Pffft, what.

    "Right there. Green paint!"


    Her mother let out a frustrated sigh, licked her thumb and wiped the paint away. Hallie grimaced when she had. "See! You didn't even know! Hallie babe, you should really clean your room. You're going to get paint in more places than you'll want!"

    "But moooom! I'm an artist! My kind's habitat is not a clean room!"

    "No buts! Clean your room when you get home. I expect a neater room by dinner. Come on let's go."

    Hallie was ready to argue but she just crossed her arms and followed her mother to the garage. As her mother began locking up the house she bid her farewell and headed off with her bike. It was kind of sad how her mother still didn't give her a key to the house even when she was seventeen. Oh well! Not like that stopped her from late night art trips to skate parks and what not.

    As she pedaled a yawn escaped her. If she was headed to art class, she would muster up more energy but nope. That was not the case - though it didn't really put her in a bad mood. She could sleep in History and Math later, clean her room a bit since her mother did just say a neater room (she never specified how neat exactly) and the thought of the mystery paint brush only made her want to keep smiling.
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Dinny
    Username: Dinny Grayson
    Doll's Name: Zoe
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 17, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  3. Dinny
    Probably not the best person to ask because I cry like 90% of the time for anything
    (okay 50% ...maybe 60%)

    but yea count me in that 90% digits sobs
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Dinny

    Misty you're just really really really cute okay ahh
    and my buds razzy and faith will be totes jealous omg

    ugh my papa plumsy is so fine

    srs gahh you're so cute omg \huggle attack
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 17, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  5. Dinny

    "You're stuck with me now."

    That little line of his made a small chuckle escape from her lips as she cried. Guess he did realize just how much she meant. As he held her into a very tight embrace and even practically pulled her onto his lap, he heart fluttered. Those little horrid thoughts began to melt away. She still had them but as he held her close and all she could feel was the warmth radiating off from him it just felt a lot more real. Like, she really felt like Ryder wasn't going to go anywhere.

    It wasn't even just physical body-heat warmth, well sure it was a lot of that, but Elisa felt all warmed up inside and it felt good. It felt right.

    As the two began to relax from their tight, sobbing embrace the turquoise teen shot a quick glance at who was around... not much, actually. There were some eyes who looked at them and her cheeks flushed but she gave them a small smile. Merp. She probably looked like this overly emotional, weird, candy colored freak to them. Though, honestly, she didn't really mind. Actually, if she was completely honest, she didn't even want to be around anymore. Sure, it was to pay respect to those who passed - especially since they were her friends and it was a very sad time indeed. Though, the main reason why she went was because she wanted to be there for Richie during this time! She really didn't know how he would handle it - but where was her best friend anyway? He hadn't even replied to he-

    BZZ! BZZ! BZZ!

    Oh. Had she spoken too soon?

    At that moment, her phone buzzed off in her pocket. Luckily, it was on vibrate so it didn't disturb anything or anyone. She shifted a bit so she could grab her phone on her pocket, but still clung onto Ryder. She flipped open her phone to see just who she expected - but it wasn't really the words she expected to see.

    Text to Elisa:
    ummm... what funeral...? ; - ;
    whose is it?! are you alright??
    text me back asap bby everything'll be okay...

    She gulped and felt tears gather in her eyes again. So he didn't know. Oh god. Was it her job to tell him? She didn't think she was up for it. She wouldn't be able to handle it. Elisa turned to looked up at Ryder, whose eyes were on the screen of her phone for a moment as he read the text soon. His gaze shifted to hers and she looked at him desperately. She looked for an answer in his aquatic eyes.

    Should she tell him?

    Could she tell him?


    Why was this even a question? She had to tell him. She was his best friend - who better to hear it from? He expected an answer as soon as possible! Plus, if this put him in a very upsetting state she wanted to make sure that he knew that she was there for him. She pouted a bit, still with her attention to Ryder, and then finally looked back down at her phone. It had to be done.

    To: Richie
    Babe, don't worry bout me. I'll be alright,
    I'm worried about you. Idk if you can still
    make it but the funerals... the funerals
    are for Lucas... and Sophie and... Bryan.
    Babe, I'm so sorry I had to tell you this :C
    Can you call me soon? If you need to be
    picked up Ryder and I can pick you up
    asap just give me a call aw babe I'm so
    so so sorry :'c *hugs forever*
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Dinny
    Status: Pretty chill Equipment Location: School

    The sun was tickling her bare arms despite the chilly temperatures - though honestly, she didn't feel cold at all! In fact, it was kind of hot. Well, then again, who wouldn't feel at least the slightest bit warmer on a chilly day of January when riding a bike and pedaling for life?

    That's right, she did it again.

    Got too caught up on something she didn't even end up liking and now she was running late! See, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday she had these extra art classes things which were super fun since she would always find out some new things and learn from everyone else but it also cut some time from her being able to go out and discover. Sure, it was kind of the same thing anyway and it was probably better for her to learn along side others for different perspectives and whatnot but really, she just didn't like the idea of this daily routine. She liked it spontaneous.

    Though, sometimes it did get a little too spontaneous. Excited about trying out this new idea in her head, she made a mad dash on her bike back to her place. There was a wide enough time slot to do it, of course. Though she probably miscalculated since she was currently in that oh-crap-I'm-going-to-be-late situation. She didn't even have time to change out of her acid wash shorts where the faded colors were not done on purpose(...), her flannel polo that had all sorts of paint splatter on it or her tool belt! Like she cared anyway. Boots plus any sort of outfit that let her get dirty were always a must. Though, nonetheless, she was now running late.

    Oh well. At least it got her mind off of that horrid piece of plywood she was working on earlier. She was trying to create a new graffiti-esque piece since they always fascinated her but decided it might give a cool texture if she used really thin plywood and let the colors kind of sink into the material in a way. It kind of just went really odd and since she was too impatient to wait for the colors to dry before layering them it kind of just blotted up and looked weird and strange and ew.

    It made her a little sick in the stomach just thinking about it. She made a quick mental note to shred and burn the wood later. Not because what she made was so disgusting! Okay, no that was a lie, it was because of that but she could also turn it into something else! Maybe the wood would curl up and create all these cool sort of shapes and come out with other dark colours that would be really interesting. She'd save those pieces up for the next time she'll work on some kind of three-dimensional mixed media piece. Of course, it could also not work and everything would just turn to ashes or something but hey! What's the harm in trying?

    The enthusiastic green haired teen halted her bike to a stop when she reached the building where their classes took place. She parked it on the side, making sure to lock it among one of the stands. Pushing her tinted goggles up to the top of her head she quickly ran up to the room, clutching her tool belt from falling off of her small waist.

    Urg. She would be in trouble again if she kept coming in late. She went as fast as her boots could take her and by the time she entered the door she was panting but had a huge grin on her face. She placed a hand on the door frame and released a satisfied sigh of relief.

    "Aha! Looks like it's Hallie 1 and time zero!" she announced in her ever so animated voice, followed by a laugh. She stood up more properly and began walking into the room. Passing by the professors desk she tapped it as if they were drums and played a short beat before looking up at him and putting her hands to her hips, "You're lucky I'm quite tired out, don't think I'll be much of a problem for you today, Sir!" He replied with a smile and motioned for her to take a seat. She gave him a wink and obeyed.

    "Hey-o classmates!" she said loudly as she slid into her seat. "How are your pieces going?"
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Dinny

    It was really hard trying to keep herself from sobbing even with Ryder around. Actually, especially with Ryder around. This was because ever since she heard about the funeral this morning her mind would split into two thoughts:

    The first was of her best friend Richie. What if he had seen her with Ryder? What was he going to think? What was he going to do? But more importantly, where was he? She looked around the room nervously. Why wasn't he answering her text? She was very worried. She really wanted to know he was alright. How shaken up was he by the news? She just really couldn't believe how awful it must have been to know someone her best friend really liked was dead.

    This led to her second thought, Ryder. She didn't really know why but every time all she thought about was losing him. Like, Bryan and Sophie and Lucas all just died. All too suddenly. It wasn't like death was something that only happened to some people either - death happened to everyone! It was a natural thing in life and for some reason all she could think about was what if something happened to Ryder?

    Waiting for him was horrible and when she finally heard a knock at her front door she ran as fast as she could. She couldn't help but start sobbing when she finally saw him. It was like a huge weight was lifted off of her chest but at the same time it absolutely wasn't. The blonde haired boy did an amazing job at trying to cheer her up but it was just too hard for her to get her ind off of. They had just started actually being together and everything was a complete bliss. Could it really end just like that?

    Just then, Ryder has pulled her in close and gave her a little kiss on the head. Her heart fluttered and she tried hard not to cry. She was being pretty selfish wasn't she? Thinking so much about all the things that concerned her and not even those who passed - at their funeral too! Sophie would have kicked her or something.

    She lay her head on his shoulder. All these horrible thoughts were still haunting her. She just wanted it all to stop. Part of her didn't even feel like being at the funeral anymore because it seemed really disrespectful how her mind has been selfishly thinking and Richie wasn't even around - one of the other reasons why she wanted to go, since she was still waiting to find out if he was okay. She knew she had to be there for him, especially when going up to see the coffins.

    She gulped nervously and looked up at the boy next to her, blinking her damp eyes. She sniffled. "S-sorry for making you come." she muttered softly, only for him to hear. She must have been such a pain right now too, dragging him to - of all places - a funeral. Plus, there was also a really high chance Richie would show up and with their little talk the day before she knew Ryder wanted little to do with his twin. It really was flattering to know he accompanied her, "But thanks for coming anyway."

    She really meant what she said, but what she said next was beyond that. She knew he probably didn't know what she truly meant but it didn't matter. She just want him to know because her mind was going absolutely nuts. Her eyes began to tear up a bit once more and she knew her voice would shake when she would talk next because she could feel a lump on her throat but she didn't really care. her voice came out with the smallest whimper, which probably wasn't so odd since she's been crying a lot, "Please don't leave me."
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Dinny

    There was a hand on her shoulder and thought it was Ryder and a smile curled on her lips before she even opened her eyes. She released her tight grip on the pillow beside her and rolled over, slowly opening her eyes.

    "Good morning, darling."

    She must have been getting delusional because for a second she could even hear his voice but he wasn't there. He had left yesterday. Her prince wasn't in her castle. The turquoise teen looked up at her mother and gave her a faint smile. It wasn't that she didn't want to see her mom in the morning, it was just upsetting to remember Ryder wasn't around anymore. "Good morning, mom."

    Her mother's expression looked rather sad. Her long fingers tucked a clump of her turquoise hair behind her ear, "Hon, I have to go to work very soon and I don't know how else to tell you this. I'm so sorry I had to start your morning with such horrid news especially since I wasn't able to tell you any earlier..."

    Elisa's face grew of absolute worry. Her eyebrows furrowed and she immediately pushed herself up to sit properly. Her mind was still a little too sleepy to actually understand what she was trying to say but she definitely knew it wasn't going to be good.

    Her mother placed her hand on top of her own and gave it a little squeeze. "A couple days ago, you were out with Richie, there was a horrible crash. Some people died."

    She sighed a small sigh of relief in her mind. For the slightest second her heart had skipped a beat earlier because she feared that it had something to do with Ryder. She couldn't help it. If anything had happened to him, and to Richie, she would have died. It was a completely terrifying thought - but it was out of the way now. Thank goodness. Besides, if it did have something to do with the Duvonts she was sure that her mother wouldn't even bother to go to work and would probably be choking with sobs.

    "... They were from your school. Your friends. Sophie and someone names Lucas and... and Bryan. Bryan Chambers. I'm sorry, hon." she frowned and pulled her into a hug.

    Her heart sank a bit. She hugged her mother back and she felt tears well in her eyes. She couldn't help it. Those were her friends. Her mother pulled away and gave her details on the funeral then kissed her on the forehead and left.

    Elisa quickly grabbed her phone and phoned up Ryder but he didn't pick up and then she cried on her own for a moment. She couldn't believe she didn't know. It felt like it wasn't fair that she was having such a wonderful time with Ryder and then her friends lost their lives. Oh, god, it was terrible. It wasn't fair! Sophie was a very sweet, okay not so much but she was great company, and very talented. Lucas was very nice during the party and he seemed like a very nice person. Bryan. Oh god. Bryan was one of her camp counselors! He was very sweet and always happy and was wonderful to be around. Not to mention he was also someone Richie really liked. Like, really liked! Oh dear. Did Richie know?

    She bit her lip. She should call him. Oh but how on earth could she tell him? To hear that one of the boys he liked was dead? She didn't know how that felt but... but she was sure it was horrible! Even the thought of Ryder being in some kind of trouble made her want to cry. Uhhh.... so, did he know? PRobably not. Richie would have called sobbing but how could she tell him?

    To: Richie
    Hey babe are you okay ; ~~~~~ ;
    Please contact me. I want to know
    you're alright sobs And are you going
    to be able to go to the funeral later?

    She hit send before she could erase anything. It was much better than nothing. She set her phone down for a moment and then looked at the pillows next to her. Ryder. Oh god. She needed him right now. She suddenly just wanted to be with him and she knew he was okay but she just wanted him at her side again. She wanted to hug him. She wanted to kiss him. She wanted him. She needed him.

    He was probably still asleep so she sent him a text before she hopped into the shower to get ready for the funeral.

    To: Ryder
    Ry have you heard about the funeral?
    :c I think we should go. I don't know if
    Richie is going but please come with me
    I just want to be with you right now
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Dinny

    He gasped out when he woke, rising from the bed sheets that tangled over his body like chains. His chest was rising and falling quickly. The ends of his hair was a little damp. His throat felt scratchy and his skin was in cold sweat. He stared at the dimly lit wall ahead of him. Well, at least it was morning and he didn't have to go to bed again.

    He groaned, pulling his long legs up to his chest and hugging them close to his body. He places his forehead to his knees and shut his eyes tightly. His breathing was shaky and his lips were incredibly dry. It hurt when he licked them. God... He hadn't had that much of a horrid dream in a while.

    He ran a hand through his cherry hair as he straightened up. God he had to stop thinking about it. Okay. No more thoughts. He immediately grabbed his phone when he noticed a message blinking.

    From: Freya
    To: Tucker
    Thank you, Tucker..I'm having a wonderful day, thanks to you...I miss you already and hope to see you're always welcome to stay with me...if you want...good night.

    He smiled a bit. That was a good idea. He would go over to her now and stay in the safety of her company forever. God. His mind wouldn't shut up. Oh god, there was the funeral today and he knew he would hate himself eternally if he didn't go. Perhaps he'll ask Freya to accompany him. He figured he wouldn't be able to handle it alone and he didn't really want to go to Erik or Maria or anyone else who might be there for company anyway.

    He began typing up a text and then quickly erased it. Perhaps he should surprise her. Part of him still feared she would leave him like in his dream. God, that could really happen. He needed to do something really sweet and not so ordinary! something unexpected! Like... Buy something nice like breakfast or flowers or something! Flowers and coffee seemed like a good mix! Alright. Okay. It was settled.

    He quickly got up and walked over to his closet for something decent and funeral appropriate to wear. He pulled out the outfit and carried them into the bathroom. He undressed. He caught a glimpse of himself in the bathroom and felt like he was going to vomit. He saw the scars on his body and knew he could never show them to Freya. She would be so disgusted and she would leave him.

    Ah! No! No more thoughts! Stop!

    He quickly got into the shower and bathed then got dressed. Once he was ready he went down to his car and then drove off. The entire time he ran his errands he told himself over and over the things he needed to do in attempt to block out everything that was horrible. He was able to stop by the 24/7 market and buy a little bouquet of flowers and then stopped by the cafe for coffee for the both of them. He hoped he got something that she liked.

    He successfully made it without his mind going completely berserk and even calmed down a bit - note: a bit. He flipped his hair, making sure it stayed relatively neat and gripped the flowers in his hand while holding the bag of coffee int he other. He rang the doorbell and then waited outside patiently. He hoped she'd answer quickly. He didn't really know what else to preoccupy his mind with while he stood outside in the cold all alone.
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Dinny

    Sweet words. The way he held her. His adorable face. The distance, or rather the lack of, between them. Oh, it made her melt. How on earth was she going to say no and go against that? She let out a small whimper and then just gave up. She knew there would be no winning this - because as she always knew, Ryder wins every time.

    With that, she pretty much just flopped to him, resting her body solely on his and not even bothering to keep herself upright anymore as a sign of submission. "I'll tell Richie I'm out of town." her tone wasn't disappointed but it wasn't the usual happy tone of hers either. It wasn't like she didn't want to spend time with Ryder - hell, that's all she wanted to do for the rest of 2016! But knowing that she disappointed her best friend made everything feel a lot worse.

    To: Richie
    Oh yeah! so so sorry about that ahhh u A u
    Momma texted that we would have an
    impromptu roadtrip for new year. We're
    still out of town and I won't be back till
    later sobs I'm so sorry I had to leave
    so suddenly!! :CCCC

    She hit send and a small pang of guilt struck her. She never lied to Richie. It made her pout. She looked up at Ryder with her big, blue eyes and raised the phone closely to his face - showing the text she had just sent his younger brother. It was a futile attempt to make him pity her. "See! This. This was for you so you owe me one - no, make it two."

    It sounded really childish and ridiculous and that kind of put her back in a happy mood. She kissed him on the cheek and then quickly got up. "Come on, we can cuddle all day after we've had some brunch."

    It lifted both of their spirits and together they cooked. Well, to be more accurate.... while Elisa cooked and Ryder tried. Man, no wonder he never joined them when they made cute little pastries! That boy did not have cooking in his skill set. They were making very simple pancakes and he still messed up. The turquoise teen would giggle at him madly and Ryder would get pissed off but in a joking manner. She teased him a lot and that kind of lead to them making a complete mess in the kitchen. They were running around the counters, throwing pinches and sprinkles of the pancake mix at each other and at one point even two eggs and when the pancake mix was finally ready there was the famous tribal marks on their noses and cheeks.

    Ryder, being the cool guy that he was, tried to kiss/lick the pancake mix on Elisa's cheek away but she could tell by his expression after that it was still starchy and dry and weird and Elisa erupted into a fit of laughter. This led to even more crazy antics and some playful kisses and inescapable embraces. Eventually they were able to eat breakfast. After cleaning the kitchen together, which took just as long as their brunch experience, they went back upstairs.

    Since Ryder was incredibly insistent on not borrowing any clothing - be it Richie or hers - she gave him a damp towel to clean himself up while she got dressed and cleaned up in her bathroom. For the rest of the afternoon they stayed close together, snuggled up on the couch while they watched silly things on television.

    Time seemed like it was jealous of the two of them because before long it was dark and Elisa's heart sank because she knew that he would have to leave. It would be too selfish of her to ask him to stay - even though she really wanted him to - but she fought hard. She didn't cry! Only whimpered.

    "You should go. Your family should be worried on your whereabouts." she muttered while they stood outside the door. Ryder's car was still parked on the drive way and suddenly it felt like the entire time they had together never happened and she was just being dropped off. She really wanted him to stay.

    She gave him a long embrace and kissed him. It was deep and magical, like when he first kissed her. When they broke apart, Ryder gave her one last peck on the lips and then he turned and got in the car. He gave her a wave and a small smile as he drove off and Elisa did the same but her heart felt empty.

    She sulked back into the house, got some pajamas, took a shower and flopped onto her empty bed. It was like her sheets and pillows still had his scent. She hugged them and breathed in deeply. She missed his warm body beside his and how long has it been? A couple minutes? Man. She never knew this kind of thing could be so draining.

    She lay down, trying to fall asleep but it proved to be much harder than she realized. She grabbed her phone and searched for his contact. It was tempting to call but instead she sent a message.

    To: Ryder
    Good night. It's weird that you're
    not here :c

    It was pretty childish but she hit send before she could erase anything. At least it didn't include what she was doing next because when she put her phone back on the desk she got on her knees and began stacking her pillows on one side. She had one for her head and two at her side, lying one after the other. She pulled the covers on top and then lay down. She put an arm around the pillows that served as her cuddle Ryder Duvont for now. She pouted. It still wasn't the same but nonetheless she closed her eyes and eventually went to bed.
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Dinny

    He had been able to bite his tongue the whole time Erik was speaking but clearly, he was offended by what he was saying. A scowl replaced his signature happy grin and all he felt was anger.

    It was literally like he was on a roller coaster. Everything that went up, just went speeding down. How was Freya going to make anything worse? She made everything a hundred times better. Plus, why did it seem like it was his responsibility to make Maria happy? Erik was a close friend too! Not too mention other friends like Evan and Julius! Was it because it was his fault? What did he even do? Reject her? He didn't get it!

    He did remember that they shared a kiss - but that was because she had kissed him! He couldn't get away. He had no choice. He was caught completely off guard. The recurring image of people doing things to him pried at his mind. A shiver went down his spine. He wish it never happened. He didn't regret telling everything to Maria though, that was okay. But that kiss. Urg. It made him want to keep his distance even more.

    Aside that, he found it a bit ridiculous how Erik was saying he understood him because he clearly didn't. Though of course, Tucker knew his intentions were good but this was really crazy. He let out a sigh.

    "Bryan's funeral is tomorrow afternoon by the way, if you didn't know."

    He looked up at the older man, that wasn't exactly something he wanted to hear at he moment but it did give him a reason to leave. Kind of. He quickly got up from his seat, "I'll see you tomorrow then." and with a small thank you for letting him come over (even though he did kind of crash instead and things didn't exactly go well) he hopped into his car and left.

    He wanted to go to Freya ver badly but he knew it would be a lot better but as awful the words that spilled out of Erik's lips were, he considered it - well, some of it. Instead, he went over to the shelter and did some work. Sean was there but he seemed pretty off too. It felt rather distant with everyone and it made Tucker feel even worse. Only the animals and Freya seemed to be the ones who were happy to see him. It felt incredibly lonely.

    He stayed at the shelter until very late, trying to tire himself out completely. When he went back home, he pulled out his phone and quickly sent Freya a text he's been meaning to send.

    To: Freya
    Good night : )
    Hope you've had a good day.

    And he really meant it because he felt absolutely awful and it would kill him if he knew she was having a bad day as well. He finally changed out of his two-day clothes, took a shower, and jumped into pajamas. He waited for a moment for a reply from her, which felt like an eternity when it was only a couple minutes (not more than ten), and he fell asleep because he was just way too tired.
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Dinny
    Trying to balance school work but also training to be a ninja

    in progress cosplay ~
    so happy that no wigs and contacts are needed yey
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 7, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  13. Dinny

    As soon as she had pressed send a pair of hands gently gripped on her skinny arms and pulled her back onto the bed. The soft covers felt like clouds when her body landed on it. Her hands were sandwiched between those soft covers and Ryder's strong, warm grip. She looked up at his deep blue eyes and smiled. He, however, wore a pouty and hurt expression on his face.

    "Can't it just be the two of us for a little bit longer? No Richie getting in the way?"

    Before she could even get to teasing him about his adorable expression and selfish yet strangely sweet words, he planted a kiss on her. Caught off guard, yes, but that didn't really matter. Her eyes fluttered to a close while her heart seemed to fly away into the heavens and dance around happily. Despite the kiss being probably just to shut her up, it was still showered with fairie's dust and magic. His lips were still as soft as rose petals and she knew she would never tire of it. The way he pushed against her so firmly yet at the same time gently made her feel like her princess self had finally found that heroic prince of her dreams.

    BZZ! BZZ! BZZ!

    Immediately, Ryder pulled back from the kiss with a sigh and released her. For a second Elisa thought he just took a breath and her head craned up to continue kissing him but when she felt the warm grip on her hands disappear she opened her eyes and realized the boy had curled on his side and faced his back on her.

    "He's gonna throw a fit about this ..."

    She sported the infamous pouty lip of hers as she looked at his messy head of blonde hair. It was true. Her best friend did have a condition after all and she felt worse by the minute when she thought about it but what she felt now as she looked at him? At the prince that lay on her bed with his face buried into a pillow? That was a lot worse. Her heart sank at his disappointment. She reluctantly looked down at her phone.

    To Elisa:
    happy new year babu!! ^ u ^
    i hope yours is super awesome too!
    buuuut... i / do / have a question for you...
    um... where did you go last night??
    i was really worried about you
    since you usually don't do stuff like that... :c

    Oh. Snap.

    She looked at the older twin in panic! Yipes! What was she supposed to say now? Urg. Well, she kind of had an idea - actually two! For both options, things were only going to go for one twin's favor and it all started with lying to Richie - which already made her feel terrible. She would tell him that she was out with her family where they took an impromptu road trip and had a lovely dinner at a town nearby. From there she would either say two other things.

    Option A meant that she would say she was on her way back home from the trip and that she was to be dropped off at the Duvont's home to spend the entire day there and make up for lost bonding time with her best friend. That would be a plus for Richie but not for Ryder because they wouldn't be able to hang out like they were hanging out ever so magically right now.

    Option B meant that she would say she was still out of town and she wasn't going back till very late tonight. That would set up a valid excuse for her to spend the rest of the day with Ryder and have much more cuddles and kisses and probably cardiac arrest for how much he made her heart soar. Sadly, that would probably upset her best friend completely.

    Both options weighed out equally in her head and she grimaced, gripping her phone tightly in her hand. She didn't want to do any! She loved both of the twins as much as the other - just in very, very, very different context. So much for the golden trio she always mentioned about. This obviously complicated many things. How was she going to hang out with Richie when she knew Ryder was going to be there? How could she hang out with with Ryder when she knew Richie was probably upset? Oh, she wished she could just tell Richie about how much she liked Ryder!!!


    Hold up.

    That actually didn't sound as bad as she thought it would. She blinked as the realization hit her surprisingly. Her aquatic eyes traveled to Ryder, who was still sulking on his side. She propped herself on her fours and crawled over to the boy, bridging over his torso. She tilted her head to see his almost-hiding face and brushed the blonde hair away from his eyes. She wore a curious and innocent expression on her face when the words came out of her mouth in genuine tones, "Why don't we tell Richie?"
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Dinny

    Tucker was shut up after that because he knew Erik was right. If he was just being honest he'd really have to admit that he did feel a little better.

    When he found out that it was Maria and Evan who were at the bar half of him was happy he didn't go because he didn't think he'd be able to handle himself with them around. He already had his little outburst here, that he was truly ashamed of, and he couldn't imagine what would it be life if he had exploded then.

    A sigh escaped the cherry haired man. He still wasn't exactly agreeing with Erik - especially with just Freya. She wasn't just a kid with a crush. This... this was something else. Tucker didn't even understand it but he didn't care. That never happened.

    "Oh, that reminds me, I never called you. I replied to the message you sent this morning with a text and that was it. So if you ignored a call like you ignored my text, then it was from someone else."

    Tucker's head snapped up. What. His mind went blank for a second.

    "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings, but I've been told people feel better after being able to snap and vent like that."

    "Uh. Yeah. No. I get it. I feel better. Yeah." he was only muttering his words. He directed his attention to grabbing his phone and puling it open. Who was it? He already had an idea and he was kind of horrified.

    Much to his surprise, not the sarcasm, it was Maria.

    "Tucker... I - I'm sorry for what I said. You probably - probably don't want to talk to me after that and I can understand w - why, but I didn't know who else to call." She sniffled. "There's something up with Stephan and I was attacked for it. Now the apartment has been ransacked. I just ... I don't know what to do. Evan doesn't get it last night he thought dragging me to the bar would help. I didn't. Sure, Erik was there, but we didn't talk about anything particular. Noëlle is probably out of her mind right now and Bryan's ... Bryan's dead. How can he be dead? Tucker, what happened to you -- to us? After I kissed you and you opened up to me at Christmas I thought ... well I thought we were working towards an actual relationship. If you didn't feel that way, you were supposed to say something. I told you to. Then the other day it was like nothing ever happened and you were wearing that smile you give me but it wasn't - it wasn't directed at me. Who was texting you? I'm sorry. I just don't know what to do. I'm going to visit Julius and then Noëlle. Maybe later we -- later Tucker."

    He had played the voice mail on speaker. He didn't realize how much he hurt her. This was a very good friend of his. He had to admit he blushed lightly when she mentioned the kiss because he's practically forgotten it . It was so in the past for him and looking back, he didn't even understand how he could have done that. He gulped. Maria. A relationship? That was crazy. She was his good friend not anything more! What was going on? She sounded so desperate. It was kind of pitiful. Perhaps he just won't reply? Say something sweet and about friendship like he always did and then run away and never look back.

    He turned to the older man in the room. His expression was lost and frightened. He really hoped his expression also showed how lost he was because he was pleading for some advice but it suddenly didn't seem like he could talk. He didn't want to respond but wasn't that rude? And the girl seemed like she was already wrapped in so much, for the lack of the word, crap. He didn't want to hurt her any further.He wanted to go back to Freya.

    This was getting crazy and weird. Ahhhh! He wanted to escape. His body tensed and his heart quickened. "I-I... Erik. What do I do?" he chocked out. He felt the vomit urges come back and he gulped to try and not let out the little food he consumed for breakfast. He wanted to run out the door, run back to Freya and find comfort in her arms. Besides, what was Erik going to say? If he was going to say go after Maria he swore he wouldn't do it. This was crazy. "... I think I'm going to go back to Freya."
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Dinny

    Rapz is my idol sobs u w u
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 6, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Dinny

    Her cheeks flushed when his lips met hers. It was quick but it definitely caught her a bit off guard and she tensed up. Her eyes widening and her fingers squeezing his but a second later, a small smile crossed her face. Hehe. Kissing Ryder was so nice. It was as soft as brushing her lip on rose petals and it felt so wonderful and unreal as if someone had sprinkled fairy dust between their lips.

    "I don't have any plans,"

    Her heart leapt in her chest. Thank goodness! She snuggled deeper into his arms, nuzzling by his neck and pressing against him more. She grazed her fingers on his. The touch felt electric. She didn't dare move away from him - not even an inch! God, she loved cuddles. And Ryder's cuddles? Ugh, it was like heaven. The smooth skin on her legs brushed against the denim of his jeans. Her chest squeezed against his and she swore their heartbeats were in sync.

    She really was thankful that she had the courage to ask him over, despite how nervous she was. She had never been so nervous asking a guy over before! But that's how it went and really, looking back, she wouldn't have traded it for the world.


    By the time Ryder's car had pulled up on in front of her house and she was helped out of the car before she could even open it. They walked closely, side by side. The red and white letterman jacket she bough for him was still draped over her shoulders and she could feel the warm, gentle hand pressing on it. Many things were going on in her mind and it was all kind of a blur.

    By the time they had reached the front door, Elisa peeled herself away from him - much to her dismay - and returned his jacket. She looked up at him with flushed cheeks and a small smile. "Th-thanks for such a great time. It was a lot more fun than I imagined it would be."

    Oh god. She had such a great time. What she said was a complete understatement. She loved ever second they were together - even the awkward ones where silence lingered between them. Now... now... was it going to end? Just like that? Was he just going to walk away and go away and she'd have to spend her night all alone? The thoughts made her lips frown a bit. She didn't want it to end! She wanted to clasp her hand in his and never let go - hah. Actually. No. She wanted to leap into his arms and hug him tightly and never let go. Man. Why did he have to-

    "You didn't think i could be fun?"

    Her head snapped up when he nudged her on the shoulder and had a rather a smug expression on his face. His tone was teasing but not offensive. She had to contain an excited squeal. Goodness. He was too cute for her to handle sometimes. Instead of humiliating herself, she choked out a chuckle and gave him a ridiculous oh-please expression but then looked away again.

    She couldn't help it. She really just didn't want him to leave. They just kissed! Twice! That's just one less than Troy kissed Gabriella in High School Musical and it didn't even take them three whole movies! It was just a night. One lovely, magical and enchanting night. She bit down on her lip nervously. The war of thoughts were raging in her head as he cheeks began to blush even harder. Urgg. She hoped the silence hadn't dragged on between them too much. Oh dear, what if it had! Her eyes widened as she made sure to not meet those blue eyes of his. Ahhhh! She had to say it. It was now or never. It didn't matter if he said he was going to leave or saying something or anything! Her head snapped up at him suddenly and their blue eyes met but she didn't let a silence squeeze in between them because she just had to know "Will you come in?!"

    She blushed even harder when she realized that she had said it in such a desperate tone. She put a hand over her lips and looked up at him with pleading eyes. She really hoped he would say yes. His expression of one of shock and... fear? Fear? What? His voice was almost shaky. "Are you sure?"

    Was that a yes or a no? Ugh. Whatever. She'd take it as a yes! "Y-yeah of course!" she said immediately and then dug her hand into her bag and opened the door. Ryder stumbled in after her and took his shoes off. It was very dark at her place right now, which was to be expected since her parents probably went out and haven't come back or aren't going to until tomorrow or were already asleep. Whatever. Same bananas. Frankly that didn't even matter to her right now.

    " did you want to um... go to the living room ... or um ... ah ..." he seemed very nervous and Elisa could only smile in the darkness. She already knew what he was going to say and he honestly didn't have to be such a stranger about it. "upstairs..... ?"

    Nonetheless the word lingered much more than it probably should have. It wasn't like Ryder had never been to her room before. Of course this was very different but she didn't really mind because there was only one longing she had in her head. And so without saying a word, she grabbed his hand and began leading him upstairs to her room.

    When they got there, she turned on the lights and walked in, letting Ryder walk in after her as she let go of his hand. She set her things down and opened her closet - pulling out a fresh new pair of pajamas. She immediately began talking, treating Ryder like a guest of honor "Oh you can put your stuff here and you can sit wherever um. If you want to get into comfier clothes, Richie has some over here… yeah."

    She opened the drawer that had his twin's clothes, since he was always over so often. Impromptu sleep overs were always prepared for. The older twin sat down at the edge of her bed and politely declined but had a rather sour look on his face. Perhaps he didn't exactly want to get into Richie's clothing. She didn't really bother with it and quickly told him that she would be off to change into something comfier. She rushed to the bathroom and quickly dressed into her matching tee and shorts pajama set.

    When she got back out, Ryder was already looked much less tense. His jacket hung on the chair by her desk and he had a smile on his face. She quickly sat beside him.

    Whoaaaaaaaaa-okay. Hm. Now what. She patted down her hair nervously. Okay. Okay. She had to think of a cool transition from sitting to cuddles. Now how was she going to do that? She wasn't exactly cool like Ryder was... hmph. She quickly glanced over at him. He was biting on his lip and he brushed his hair out of his eyes. He wasn't looking a- whoa! She stood corrected. When his blue eyes met her she swore her heart stopped. His voice was even more alluring, "You're really beautiful, Elisa. I... I can't believe I'm actually here... and that this is happening..."

    Her face flushed and she leaned to his side, "Me either but I'm glad you're here. Real glad."

    Before any of them could have said anything, the blonde boy shifted, leaned into her and planted another kiss. Oh, it was like magic. She could feel the pixie dust and the sparkles and everything lovely. She let herself melt into their union. Her eyes were shut. His hands raked at her short, turquoise hair. She placed a hand on his shoulder. His lips were pressing on hers so perfectly, strong but gentle. It felt like the room got warmer and like she was flying. When they broke apart, air quickly filled her lungs. She gave him a shy smile and then leaned into him again and let him embrace her.

    A yawn escaped her. Oh, it had been such a long day. Ryder seemed to agree and he told her to get to bed. She happily obliged, crawled up to the pillows, threw off the covers and then curled up. Ryder climbed in next to her and threw the covers on them both, tucking them in. When he was settled, Elisa immediately rolled over to him and cuddle close. Pure bliss. Magic.


    "Do you have plans? 'Cause the only thing on my agenda is this."

    She glanced up at him and shook her head. She just wanted to be with him. The entire day. Every day. Of course they should probably get out of bed and should eat some breakfast but if she could she would rather just lie there with Ryder.

    He surely had to go back home at some point too. His family would probably wonder where he had gone off to - and Elisa was sure he didn't make the best or logical excuse for leaving last night to Richie. Richie. "Oh my god, Richie!"

    She hadn't exactly realized she said it out loud, but her mind grew worried of how the boy was. She didn't even greet him a happy new year! What was he thinking about her leaving so suddenly and Ryder leaving too? Oh god. She untangled herself away from Ryder and leaped out of bed, grabbing her phone from her bag. She looked at the stunning boy who lay in her bed with a worried expression, "What are we going to do? I can't believe we lied to Richie like that!"

    The tone of her voice was panicked. She was such a terrible friend. She looked down at her phone. Perhaps she should just greet him Happy New Year. That shouldn't raise much concern. A simply, happy Happy New Year! Right. "I'm going to text him like nothing happened!" she announced victoriously and then began to type in a message.

    To: Richie
    Hey babbu! Happy happy 2016!
    I hope you're having a great
    start to the new year! *kissu*
    * 3 *
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Dinny

    The cherry haired man did not expect any of Erik's words to come like punches to his gut - or rather, a machine gun. One after the other. His heart sank and his stomach turned. It was awful. Even just the tone of his voice. It was so stern and direct. He barely held the little plastic fork in his fingers as the older man continued.

    "I'm fine Tuck, but I'm worried about you. What's up with you? You are the last person I would ever expect to be involving themselves with a minor. I hope it's not serious. I know you and you wouldn't want to mess up some kid's life. And don't--"

    He shifted in his seat, ready to actually fire back with something to say. It was completely unlike him to do so but he couldn't help it. The way he was talking and inferring about things made him... it made him angry! But just then, Erik raised a finger to shush him and continued once again.

    "Don't tell me she's not just some kid. Plus, last week you were showing up late to meet me because you were with Maria and last I checked, you weren't the kind of guy to hop around from girl to girl. You never even showed interest in women. She looked pretty broken up last night, by the by." Erik took a sip of his iced tea. "This can't be solely because of Bryan dying. So what gives?"

    When Erik leaned back on his chair with his hand clasped behind his head and stared at him, his chestnut eyes immediately looked away. Unlike his pal he hadn't finished his food and he honestly wasn't even planning to anymore. He lost his appetite completely. In fact, he felt like he was going to vomit. He had to fight the tears to well up in his eyes as well as try not to make it obvious that he was gritting his teeth. God! He just felt so angry and hurt suddenly.

    What was going on?! Bryan's dead. Maria doesn't want to be friends with him anymore. Evan refused to see him when he really, really needed it. But now, Erik?! Erik! The one of incredibly few guys he would look up to! He couldn't believe it. How could he be saying such poisonous words?!

    You are the last person I would ever expect to be involving themselves with a minor.
    I know you and you wouldn't want to mess up some kid's life.
    You weren't the kind of guy to hop around from girl to girl.
    What gives?

    The demons that were held back in his mind erupted from their chains and began to shred and claw at everything that made it beautiful in that weird head of his. He licked his upper lip, shaking his head slightly still not believing how his friend was treating him. Was this what Erik was really thinking of him? Some guy who was going to ruin a sweet girl's life? Was that what it was?

    Like father, like son.

    His head snapped up at Erik. For a second he thought the man said it himself but that wasn't his voice - it might as well be what come out of his mouth next but it wasn't. Did he mention he really felt like he was going to vomit? He bit down hard on his lip then quickly began to spurt out words, "What gives? What gives? How about you?! What are you saying?" By this time, he had lightly pushed the food to the side since he wasn't planning on eating it anyway and his hands were balled into fists.

    "Where are you getting any of this anyway? I'm not involving myself with a minor! Not in the way you're thinking! I've never seen Freya any happier than she is now - how is that a bad thing?! Plus, I was never with-with Maria! A colleague! A work mate! I would love to say she's just a friend but she clearly doesn't want anything to do with me and I don't even know why! And frankly, Freya seems to be the only one who knows how to put a smile on my face! Everyone else seems to be in a let's-go-and-pick-on-Tucker kind of mood!"

    He breathed heavily. He only realized then that he had slightly stood from his seat, and he sat back down. He looked at the man across from the table, still with a distressed expression. He cracked. He lost it - and to Erik. Oh god, this was awful. He shook his head once more before propping his elbows n the table and burring his hands into his face. He took another sharp breath before muttering countless apologies.
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Dinny

    The red head gave a small chuckle, "Well that's why I've got this." He placed the little paper bag of breakfast on the ultra clean table. He unpacked the little paper boxes that contained the breakfast he picked up. The room already began to smell a little like the fresh breads and pancakes and syrup from the cafe.

    Erik had gotten some drinks for them both and he set their breakfast. He pulled a chair for himself and took a seat.

    He cleared his throat, feeling a wave of shame interrupt his happy mood, and looked up to the dark haired man "Hey, I'm real sorry about last night man..." he glanced away and began picking at his pancake. "And for missing your call earlier too."

    He bit his lip, he still felt really horrible about everything. He looked to his side as he mumbled, "... I was with Freya." And just then the corner of his lips curled slightly. Just saying her name made him even the slightest bit happy. He slowly began to recall the cheerful chatter they had on New Year's Eve. Freya. The warmth of her body that lay by him. Freya. The little details of her skin. Freya. The way her lashes seemed so gentle like feathers from wings. Freya. Freya. Freya.

    His smile was probably a bit more visible now. He felt his face flush subtly when he remembered how he kissed her lightly on the cheek. Hah. Wow. He must have been out of his mind.

    His eyes travelled back onto his pancakes, then he took a bite and then looked up at Erik who seemed to be staring at him. His eyes widened a bit. Oh god, he might have been silent for a little too long. He swallowed the food he finished chewing and immediately began to speak. "I-it's just that things have been... been pretty rough lately and I just don't really know what to do sometimes. Bryan. Maria. You. Then there's Freya and then everything--- ah, nevermind. Sorry. Haha. Um. How have you been? Better I hope?"[DOUBLEPOST=1378475285][/DOUBLEPOST]


    Those aquatic blue eyes that seemed to be as deep and beautiful as the ocean on a bright sunny day at the beach. Those were the first thing she lay her sleepy eyes on. She blinked slowly once more letting her vision clear up and study those breath taking eyes more.

    "Morning." He whispered. The boy was propped on his elbow and staring down at her with the warmest smile.

    Wa-hooow. He was really close. He cold even feel his breath tickling her skin when he spoke. She responded with her own happy but obviously sleepy expression and she edged closer to him, nuzzling into his arm. She didn't want to peel herself away from him. She wanted to stay lie this for another five minutes. An hour. A day. No, a week. Wait. Forever. Yeah. Definitely forever.

    Still snuggling close to him, she squeaked out a little "Good morning." She shifted slightly, letting her head stay by his but also comfortably. The turquoise teen peeked up at him from her thick lashes. Her face flushed but the smile didn't disappear from her lips.

    She couldn't help but remember how everything boiled down to this moment. She wouldn't trade any of it for the world. How silly Ryder was when she took those photos or how adorable he got when he would suddenly look so nervous. The fireworks by the tree was heavenly and the kiss they shared. Oh. That was something. She had never kissed a boy before. Not like that at least. It was wonderful and it was magical. She was thankful that her hyped energy allowed some confidence and she was able to invite him over and they shared such a loving embrace and fell asleep in each others arms.

    She felt his other hand by her waist under the covers and she traced her own towards his. She intertwined her fingers in his.

    She couldn't help but pout the second after. Elisa wasn't completely bonkers. She knew this would end soon enough. She was stubborn though because she really didn't want to. She licked her soft lips and when they finally parted she spoke in a hushed tone, "Y-you're not leaving soon... are you?"
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Dinny

    Feeling the body move beneath him, he opened his eyes which immediately locked onto Freya's. Color raced to his cheeks and his lips squeezed into a tight line. He began to draw back from their little embrace.

    H..happy New Year...

    Her voice was in a soft whisper. One only someone as close as he was next to her could hear. His heart fluttered at the sound of her voice and the sweet look in her eyes. He straightened out a bit on the bed, leaning more towards his back and drawing his hand back onto his side. He nervously gave her a small smile and murmured back "Happy New Year."

    She smiled back and his heart leaped happily once more. This up close, the man began to take notice of all the little details on her face again and how beautifully they all seemed to mesh together - especially with that happy expression on her face.

    I'm...glad you decided to stay, Tucker.

    He wanted to voice out how he was glad he stayed too but it suddenly didn't seem like he could. Getting out that little response from him already took such effort. He simply gave a nod with the smile that never seemed to fade. Immediately, the teenager's face flushed and Tucker's smile grew even wider. She was absolutely adorable and every passing second made him feel better and better and better. It was like all of the sudden, all his worries faded away and everything was okay. The only thing on his mind was her and this closeness that strangely didn't struck as much fear into his system as it usually did. He liked the closeness. It was such a weird feeling and usually, Tucker being the curious man he was, would stray away from it and be cautious and get to the bottom of it. He usually needed some explanation so it would make sense in that weird head of his but not today. Not this time. He didn't understand it and he didn't mind at all.

    Suddenly, soft buzzing caught his attention at the night stand and he shifted his position and to look at it. The phone on the nightstand vibrated more than once, meaning it was a call. Oh! It was probably Erik! That was good. He twisted his body more to reach his phone but before his finger tips could even graze over its smooth surface,

    Will you stay with me here...for a little while longer?

    He froze completely for a second and then slowly turned back to her. He looked deeper into those charming eyes of her. Oh god, they were almost telling him he had no choice! He gulped down. He couldn't possibly stay though, as much as he wanted to. He smiled at her and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear, he cleared his throat and smiled, "I'm sorry, I can't." I can't possibly be anymore trouble for you and I have to meet Erik, I kind of bailed on him last night... for you. Oh. Um. I'm not saying this out loud aren't I? Err... "Next time?"

    It was obviously a lot better in his head but with that he peeled the covers off from his body and he sat up, swinging his legs off from the bed. He began to put his shoes on and stuffed his phone in his pocket. He'd check it later. By this time, Freya had gotten up to and the young girl showed him out the door.

    He scratched the back of his head nervously and looked at her. She seemed quite upset and that made his heart sink. He turned to look at the morning streets of the first day of 2016 outside then back at her. He cleared his throat to get her attention, "H-hey, thanks for having me over. I really had a... um... I really had a great... a great time. Th-thank you." he said. His voice was shaky and he forced out a smile. He was about to turn around when he stopped suddenly, turned back and leaned down and gave her a peck on the cheek. Their eyes met for a second and as impulsively as he kissed her, he smiled that huge dorky smile of his with flushed cheeks and he muttered another goodbye before hurrying off to his car.

    His heart was racing. He didn't exactly know what he was feeling. It was like he was on a cloud and he suddenly had so much energy. He hopped into his car and decided that he'd make his way to Erik's. He stopped by to grab some breakfast from the cafe before he headed over. He didn't even bother to fix his hair or any of his wrinkled clothing as he stepped out of his car and walked over to the front door of Erik's home. He rang the door and waited outside, still having a smile on his face.
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Dinny

    A soft moan escaped him as he rolled onto his other side. His upper lash line and waterline felt like they were stitched together, not letting his eyes open to the morning. Was it even morning? He wasn't exactly sure. He was awake though - barely - and no matter what the time actually was, it felt all too early for him.

    The cherry haired man wished to go back to sleep so he melted into the soft mattress and snuggled under the thick covers, pulling it up to his neck - or at least trying. There was a soft tug on the comforter that didn't allow him to pull the covers on completely. Hm. That was strange. He pulled on it lightly once more, but the same thing happened and honestly he had little energy for fighting back so he let the bed covers win this round.

    To compensate, he shimmered his body down from the pillow and let the covers go over him but just then, something... foreign seemed to brush against his cheek. It felt soft yet a little tough, but definitely gentle and small. Curious, he forced his eyes open to look at whatever that was. It took a couple seconds for his vision to clear and a couple more for him to figure out what he was staring at. However, when it finally hit him what - or rather, who - he was staring down at his cheeks immediately reddened, eyes widened and his body tensed.

    His heart felt like it was going to leap out of his chest and his bones felt like they turned into crystal. His eyes danced around her sleeping form. She looked really adorable and fragile. Her thick lashes floated above her soft skin and every time she took a breath her body rose and fell ever so slightly. So delicate... He could feel the warmth from her body as he realized how close he was from her. He gulped and blushed even harder, his mind immediately going into hyperdrive. He couldn't believe he was at Freya's home right now - and more so, had fallen asleep next to her on New Year's!

    He looked down at her once more and this time, a smile curled on his lips because the more he looked at her the more he remembered how they spent New Year's Eve. He had such a rough day but the moment he had stepped into Freya's house everything just got better. It was a little awkward at first and he couldn't understand why he was feeling so nervous about seeing her but eventually they began chatting and it suddenly seemed like the two couldn't stop that even time couldn't compete.

    He cautiously reached out and stroked her hair very gently, hoping not to wake her. This closeness... he was honestly scared. Very scared. Especially with what he grew up with and the back of his mind still flashed some unwanted and unpleasant imagery. This caused his body to stay frozen and his heart to continue racing but despite this, there was another feeling and it was ever so curious. Tucker couldn't exactly understand it. It was strange. It was new - well, okay, not really. If he had to compare it to one time, it was like the time Maria had kissed him before. It was weird that something that seemed taboo to him would feel so lovely and great. He definitely enjoyed the idea even though he was still confused and frightened.

    I'm glad you're okay, Tucker, I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to you I...I really care about you.

    He remembers when she said that and it felt the same too. He blushed and flushed and felt scared and silly but there was this good feeling he couldn't seem to drive away. Especially when she mentioned she would allow him to stay. It flipped a switch in his brain that went 'Danger! Danger! Disengage! Disengage! Abort the mission!' but at the same time, when he looked deep into her eyes after avoiding it so much, that feeling rose and he knew that he would regret it and that it would be absolutely wrong for him to leave her - and that's exactly what willed him to stay.

    He pulled his hand back and stared at her for a minute more before he rolled onto his back and looked blankly at the ceiling. He was beginning to wake which meant that the chances to fall asleep again were slimming. He looked at the table to the side and realized his phone sat there, the little green light blinking which meant he had some unread messages. When he grabbed it and opened it, he was shocked to find them all to be from Erik.

    To: Tuck
    Hey man, what's taking so long?
    You're late and you'll
    never guess who just walked into
    the bar to join us. Hurry up!
    To: Tuck
    ??? What happened to you?
    I waited for a long time.

    Oh god. He completely forgot. He gasped out softly, feeling completely awful for a moment. He didn't even text, he just left him waiting there. Left them (whoever them was) waiting for him. Oh this was terrible. He bit down at his lips as his eye brows furrowed. He quickly glanced to his side again, looking at Freya and as each second passed as he looked at her, he began to feel a lot less awful. He let out a small sigh and began to type up a response.

    To: Erik
    I'm sorry. I am so so so sorry. I completely forgot. It slipped
    my mind and it will never happen again!! God, I feel awful.
    How can I make it up to you bro? : (

    He hit send and hoped Erik would respond to him soon. He really hoped he could patch up and do something to really make up for missing out on some New Year brother bonding. He placed his phone back down on the side desk and rolled onto his side again, facing Freya.

    He shouldn't wake her. That would be rude but... but he did want to do something. He looked around the room for a moment, hesitating if he should or shouldn't do it. He licked his upper lip nervously. Why did it matter she was asleep anyway? They probably fell asleep the same way too. Hm.

    He looked down at her again. He studied how she moved along with her breathing and her thick eyelashes and the small marks on her skin. That little dorky smile curled on the corner of his lips. Oh, what the heck. Impulsively, he edged closer and rested his head by hers then draped an arm over her small body and snuggled into her lightly. He let his eyelids fall. He smiled.

    Now, there was that great feeling again.
    Post by: Dinny, Sep 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home