No food because the parents owned £1.75? Really? That is stupid, sadly this isn't the first time this has happened in the UK. My mum had to miss out on a meal because she missed a day's payment (Sure she was a teenager then but she skipped breakfast because she got travel sick on the bus to school) and my grandma got mad at the school and told them she would have paid them for the meal the day after, which is what should have happened here.
Sounds like some really tripy stuff man
Chrome... Safari if I'm on my phone (But I didn't vote for Safari)
This is why you password your computer, name your folder something only you would understand as BL and put it somewhere no one would really look for it.
That looks like an over sized Husky, even though I don't think that's the right breed.
I ban you because you have two X's in your name
Lower and I pay in pounds Cost then lol
How's that lower? lol
Lower... Let's say you're not even close
I'm never gonna get out of making typos like that lol..... But not lower
I've already done this with friends of FB but I wanna know how much you guys think this costed me?
I heard a few years ago of someone who wanted to change the spelling to womyn or something like that
I agree this is stupid. There are so many words with man/boy in them that don't even have anything to do with the male half of gender.
I went into town with a friend... Got a Pokemon game with a ton of lv 100s on it
Only problems I see with that is they hatch at level one and some of them can't breed
Oh it will, but it'll be worth it
So I got a pre owned Pokemon SoulSilver and Diamond today, and one thing I like to do is check what Pokemon the last owners had, SoulSilver didn't have much just some good Legendaries... But then I checked Diamond... Now there were 201 Pokemon at a certain level...... And that level would be 100 Yes after clocking in over 220 hours of game play, this guy had gotten 201 level 100 Pokemon and they are; Party Regigigas Electivire Metagross Dragonite Snorlax Box 1 Rotom Persian Parasect Empoleon Crobat Pidgeot Floatzel Wigglytuff Dustox Gastrodon (pink) Kricktune Bibarel Gastrodon (blue) Pachirisu Chingling Lopunny Skuntank Medicham Golduck Azumarill Clefable Tentacuel Cloyster Torkoal Dunsparce Gengar Aggron Magcargo Box 2 Torterra Typhlosion Meganium Venusaur Charizard Blastoise Swampert Blaziken Ninjask Pelipper Staraptor Sableye Weavile Farfetch'd Rhydon Shedinja Dewgong Quagsire Armaldo Mightyena Volbeat Camerupt Beedrill Cradily Castfrom Plusle Tropius Cacturne Muk Toxicroak Box 3 Whiscash Lindone Skarmory Lanturn Banette Electrode Steelix Pinsir Donphan Corsola Solrock Primeape Feraligatr Swalot Breloom Lunatone Flareon Hypno Weezing Umbreon Mr.Mime Poliwrath Fearow Xatu Rayquaza Espeon Masquerain Spinda Box 4 Relicanth Ninetales Exploud Exeggutor Machamp Arbok Slowbro Roserade Abomasnow Swellow Togekiss Nidoqueen Nidoking Venomoth Omastar Unown E Kingler Butterfree Wailord Kangaskhan Starmie Altaria Marowak Octillery Luvdisc Slaking Furret Grumpig Sceptile Box 5 Drifblim Manectric Ledian Bronzong Giratina Ludicolo Victreebel Porygon2 Porygon Dodrio Yanmega Lickilicky Tangrowth Absol Scyther Girafarig Delcatty Bellossom Kabutops Hariyama Granbull Kingdra Shiftry Aerodctyl Delibird Chimecho Illumise Box 6 Heatran Zapdos Mew Lugia Entei Registeel Suicune Latias Latios Megnezone Ho-oh Kyogre Arceus Glaceon Articuno Manaphy Azelf Uxie Dialga Raikou Mewtwo Leafeon Phione Groudon Tyranitar Palkia Regirock Box 7 Rampardos Infernape Jirachi Flygon Moltres Deoxys Vaporeon Crawdaunt Ampharos Tauros Lapras Cresselia Mamoswine Box 8 Magmortar Ariados Walrein Golem Mesprit Seaking Honchkrow Gyarados Arcanine Dugtrio Straptor Slamence Hitmonlee Box 9 Froslass So one of my friends is gonna help me move them ALL to my 5th gen games because I don't want to delete any of them by making a new game.