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  1. AlexleHoshi
    When I see 'gamer girls' my reaction is always 'Eh whatever' because I know a lot of female gamers and like me have been gaming for years and can normally get through a game without any help. And if a guy ever came up to me and said I'm not a gamer my reply would be 'Wait so playing games for 20 years doesn't make me a gamer?' .... So long story short? I ignore the stereotype.
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Sep 7, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  2. AlexleHoshi
    You can do one of two things;
    One; Link her to this and ask her what she thinks of this.
    Two: Tell her that you like her but know nothing will happen and you're willing to be friends.
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Aug 3, 2013 in forum: Help with Life
  3. AlexleHoshi
    You know what I'm waiting for? A new eeveeolution, it just seems odd to me that there is only one, so I'm expecting another one.
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 14, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. AlexleHoshi
    (Couldn't find a thread for this already so I made one) When I first heard about this game I was going to give it a pass, but after two let's players I watch started playing it I changed my mind and got it. I've almost finished it (Should do tomorrow) and it is a great game. I already know the ending and I think it's fitting, but sort of open ended like they are going to make a second one?

    So what do you guys thing of this game?
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  5. AlexleHoshi
  6. AlexleHoshi
    The Lion Kiss? Because you know..... Sound like The Lion King?
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. AlexleHoshi
    Technically the same thing really
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 12, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  8. AlexleHoshi
    In times like this, I think they have no choice but to shoot to save the life of the hostage. As for comparing it to the dog shooting, this man clearly was dangerous, but the dog wasn't.
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 12, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  9. AlexleHoshi
    I'm not the one who said it was, I was asking a question, I don't think people should make an opinion if something in a game is good or not before it comes out, and it's clear you disagree, so I think we should agree to disagree.
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 12, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  10. AlexleHoshi

    I didn't know that, but that proves we shouldn't judge on what we've seen
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 12, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  11. AlexleHoshi

    But images from a game that isn't out yet, can't tell us if something is good or not. for all we know Yveltal could be better
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 12, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  12. AlexleHoshi
    Again how do you know before playing the game?
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 12, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  13. AlexleHoshi
    How do you know? The game isn't out yet
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 12, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. AlexleHoshi


    All I'm getting from it is someone was banned and now Sora is bad at Vivi.... I wanna know more then that.
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. AlexleHoshi


    Not picking sides.... Just wanna know what the heck is going on.
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. AlexleHoshi


    .... What have I missed this time?
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. AlexleHoshi
    This again? ..... Time for me to take a back seat again lol
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. AlexleHoshi
    This is a long post due to the images.

    Hi guys corocoro has leaked some new info on the game first off the that Pancham evolovs into this
    It's name is Goronda and is fighting/dark.

    Next are two new Pokemon Maika who evolovs into Karamanero both being Dark/Psychic and seems to be squids

    This next images shows the Pokemon Shushup who is a new Fairy Type and it looks like we get to see the main evil team called Flair/Flare their sole purpose is to make money, and the new professor Puraraanu (Platane) and it would seem we can battle him, making him the first one we can fight without hacks[​IMG]

    Last new Pokemon to be shown is Peroppafu another new Fairy Pokemon and is the Cotton Candy Pokemon. there are also two new Gym leaders Shitron (the one with robot arms) who looks like he has electric types and Zaruko who looking at this hair could use Ground/Rock types.


    Other news, Xerneas has been confirmed to be the Life Pokemon with the Fairy type and Ability Fairy Aura while Yveltal is the Destruction Pokemon with the Dark/Flying type and the Ability Dark Aura. And Honedge has the ability of No Guard.

    The PSS has various new features. First is the HoloCaster, which gives the latest news on the Pokémon Global Link, without needing access. It has a Happy Sign which lets you see feelings/actions of friends. There are special O Powers which work akin to Pass Powers which you can use and receive from other players. Miracle Trade allows for an "exciting trade" with someone from around the world. It also features connectivity with the Global Trade Station

    Pokemon X exclusive;Clauncher and Peroppafu - Pokemon Y exclusive; Skrelp and Shushup.

    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  19. AlexleHoshi
    Banned because ..... I can't think of a reason because I'm tried
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 10, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. AlexleHoshi
    Banned because It's 1:11 am
    Post by: AlexleHoshi, Jul 10, 2013 in forum: The Playground