I'm putthing this here because I don't think it belongs anywhere else. Anyways This is a rant/needs to get things off my chest. So anyway since the 27th of last month I've been in this weird state of being both fine and feeling down. It started when my mum rang me to say that her brother-in-law might not live the night since he was dying of pancreas cancer. So until that Friday I was home alone (While my mum was her my aunt and uncle) and during that time I had no motivation to do anything. Then about 5 am on Friday I'm awoken by the door bell, when I let my mum in (She would have let herself in but I had left my keys in the door) she told me that he had died. Unlike Tuesday where I cried my eyes out after hanging up, all I could do was give a sympathetic 'No'. I continued on with life as normal the best I could, but I found myself zoning out a lot and just giving up on things I could normally do. I even gave up my voluntary work at my local library because of lack of motivation... The only thing that gets me out the house is when I'm meeting my best friend. If it wasn't for her I know I would never leave the house unless my mum dragged me out. I did cry at his funeral on the 10th. Another downer is that while at the doctors herself about her bad legs (She has a lot of pain in them) my mum told them about a small lump on her head that was eczema and they said it could now be cancer and for her to go and have it checked out again next week. So with my uncle dying of cancer and the high risk of my mum having cancer my emotions are a bit messed up, but I'm forcing myself to be fine because I don't want to be depressed again. I've not long gotten over it so I don't want to go back to being like that. But I feel like it's already taken hold of me. I know I would never do it but the idea of ending it all has crossed my mind. I know what the worst could be for me right now and I'm trying to now think about it, but anyone who has been depressed knows it's not that simple. And that's it really I know it's nothing compared to other peoples lives but I just needed to get it off my chest.
It has come to my attention that you all have........... Eyeballs..... I see them all
And don't forget that pollen all up in our faces
.... Your sig dude..... I have to scroll past so I don't get mesmerised by it
^ This Or if it's winter rain and snow..... AT THE SAME TIME
I dunno why but I can't seem to beat her, doesn't help then they kill me just as I'm healing
Wait so Luke captured himself and Tear.....
Same but in another thread lol
...... So that's who I locked in my basement... In a fridge.... In a bottomless pocket
Who are you? And I read your name as Bara Ganon
25, gonna be 26 next May
6' give or take a few
And I'm spending the night listening to Creepypasta videos
One saying that urks me a lot is 'What is the world coming too?' sure in our day and ages things are bad, but I think it's nothing compared to what we've seen in history, so I've been wondering; are people who say this just say so because they want to forget what's happened before them or have they really no idea that things have been much worst?
I know this is going to sound mean, but I'm sure kids have died from much worst then being shot. At least with that there is a chance they could live. If you look at history you would see how some kids have died in much worst way
PS4 no question about it
Might not get ten but let's see. 1) We should still be allowed to hit kids when they misbehave (Not sure if this applys outside of the UK) 2) No matter how weird it'll look, men should be allowed to crossdress as much as woman do 3) I don't see why Chuck Norris is so great .....Okay so I only got three....
I agree with this so much
I think it's wrong, no one animal or human should have to be hurt like this and as for the 'to get his attention' reason, I find to be BS. You don't shock another person because they are ignoring you or didn't hear you so why do it to an animal?
The same way a 5 year old girl can have a baby, some people can mature very quickly..... But on the subject, it is sad and can happen anywhere, kids aren't as stupid as we think they are.. I for one could escape out of my house as a kid no matter how hard my mum hid the keys, so who's to say the boy didn't already had some knowledge on how to drive a car?