Added you dude
Send me your new one when you get it And I've just caught Zygarde using a Great Ball. Would have been cooler if I had done it with a Pokéball and now I just have to get Xerneas which my friend can tread me for my Yveltal View attachment 36918
Mines 2063-0352-5031
For everyone who doesn't know yet how to get Slyveon yet (Recorded on my phone)
Anyone else disappointed that Vivilon is Pokemon #666 and not a ghost or dark type?
The boyfriend, your aunt and your boyfriend must have been hiding a lot of pain even with good things in their life. I know since I have step close to the edge of killing myself. Something or someone must have made them feel like they are the most worthless pieces of crap ever to walk the earth and that things would be better without them. I'm glad you were able to save your boyfriend, I hope he looks at you now as light in his darkness. Just remind him that he would be missed greatly if anything happened because even years after the last attempt the smallest bit of sorrow or pain and cause that mind set to come back. I haven't tried to kill myself since I was 17 (25 now) but sometimes I do feel like just walking out in front of a speeding bus. Luckily I have people and things to keep me going and it's clear you want to be one of them things that helps people deal with it, and that gives me hope for people who want to die right now since they all have someone or something they turn too if they only just look for it. I found mine by telling myself things would get better (And that my sister walked in on me with the knife to my wrist the last time).
This sound like the same crap I went through last year with me ex, we 'took a break' and she ended up going with someone she only met because of me. My advice would be to not talk to her for awhile and if she asks why simple say 'You needed your space right?' If she still wants you she'll try and get close to you again 'hopefully' but if not then I guess it's the end of that chapter of your life so try to move on.
Welcome to my world mofo lol
I only use whom when I don't know the name when I'm writing a letter every other time I use who.
Okay this looks like it should be in the gaming section but something about it makes me think others wise. So anyway a guy who is a game designer promised himself and his dog Buck that he will make a game where his dog is the main character, but sadly Buck has been put down... But the game is still being made full story here
I remember I had a TV VCR in one and I used it to record myself finishing Kingdom Hearts 1 and that was just before KH2 came out
This is what the fox says
I had it was a kid.... And couldn't get pass the first stage. Didn't help that going to far under water creep-ed me out for some reason.
Oh Patrick you silly thing you
Take it as you should read what you put before you post it
I really can't add much to what Red has said other then to tell your grandma what has happened, I'm sure she would give you mum a piece of her mind.
So I'm in 'The end of the World' and I keep running into the invisible walls, but I don't recall them being there in the original game. Is it something added to FM or am I just not remembering?
Wow Spoiler The Last of Us: The Musical
You didn't drive me nuts I just have a hard time reading your post because it read like a five year old had written it. And I said I enjoyed Re:Coded the least not I disliked it, there is a big different
Anti Sora will join our side when he's ready lol