Which is Kingdom Hearts (Had to use a translator). And even when I hear Japanese people talking about the game, I do hear 'Kingudamu Hātsu' . I just wanna know why someone has started to say it's been wrong all these years.
((Think this belongs in spam so heh)) So I've seen something on Tumblr that in Japan the game is really called 'Kingdom of the Hearts' now I know this isn't true and even if it were a miss translation we would have heard about it by now right? But anyone know why this has started to come up? And why now?
As a let's player I do shut up during speaking parts even if it's blind and will wait until it's over to comment on what's just happened
No it doesn't, it only the bullying and some crap that happened last year with an ex
I know it wasn't my fault just giving some background info. I guess it is. I'm not that close to my family, I just know they would be effect, as for friends I will be linking them to this when they come online. The reason I don't tell them to their face is because when I'm feeling like this, I'm too scared to say anything.
I'm posting this more of wanting to get this off my chest then wanting help. Back story time; Between the ages of 13 and 17 I was suicidal due to being badly bullied at school and one morning last year when I woke up and wanted to put a gun to my head. But I no longer want to die. Why? Because I know the people will remember me and known I once was, and I don't want my family and close friends to be hurt like that.... But now when I feel that down, I want to cease to exist so every memory of me is erased and I won't be missed nor will people be hurt. I have only started to think like this, this year, and I hope I get rid of this state of mind soon.
What is the point in anything?
Serious answer..... In the Spam zone.....?
I got my mum one for Christmas, and I have the one before it myself
Your right hand once belonged to a woman!
Seeing as I'm gay I'm fine with it but I have met people who aren't or have that 'it's okay for the other gender to be gay but not mine' this really bugs me and it doesn't help my dad is like this and he even said to me 'You you were my son and gay I would disown you'. Another thing is when other gays don't like straight people, my ex as like this and let it known to me (at the time) and her friends she didn't like it.
I know just saying that was the last time I watched Supernatural
Ah sorry I miss read what you said
Wait.... Who the..... I do not know you...... I HAVE NO GOD!
Hi... So yeah... I kind of like your face.... Can I eat it? Please? It won't hurt.... Much
Well Nov 5th is sort of like the 4th of July for you over there.... FIREWORKS!! And that's all it has in common lol.... I think
Wow.... I have not watch the since the Paris Hilton episode
Unless you have unisex bathrooms.... How would it be even possible for him to know the female ones smell bad no matter who did it? But anyway, I'm sure you can get him done for this.
Anyone want a Frokie or a Fenninkin (Either level 1) and willing to tread a Chespin? EDIT Never mind got one