View attachment 45554 Cresentina is another character in my book. She's a young princess from a small island Heidi visits. Pose from here
I did, but no one knew who it could have been. Also, I have found out who the owner of the phone is, I'll be taking it to them later today. (90% sure they are a school student so they won't be in). EDIT: I have found the owner of the phone and where she lives, lucky she only lived around the corner from me. Phone Returned. Case closed lol.
Here's mine. View attachment 45548
I did have a crush on Xaldin at one point. Ages after that I dated Arc for a while. Other then that. No one.
GUYS UPDATE! I don't know why I didn't think of taking the sim out of the phone I found and putting it into mine to check for numbers, but when I took the back off I found a name written on the inside of the back. I now know the owner of the phone and am one step closer to returning it to them.
View attachment 45546 I was going to draw vent art since I woke up feeling meh this morning. However, the urge to draw Heidi, the main character from my book grew much stronger until I gave up on vent art and draw this. The cat with her is called Gus who is also a character in my book. Pose from here
What ever happened to Arc? Last I heard of him was when he dumped me to go marry someone he knew irl, which led me to meet someone in college who in turn became my last male ex before I came out lol.
Maybe, seeing as it's Wednesday and nothing. But family?
Can't it's locked, if it wasn't that would be the first thing I'd do.
Why hello there~
Was that the same guy I dated for a while?
I've managed to get a reply from one dude asking if it's an iPhone, however, it's not so he must have another friend who lost a phone lol. It is odd, if it were me I'd be asking people with my number to ring it in hopes someone has found it. But nope, not the owner of this phone.
I really am not the member you're looking for.
I was 28 in May.
Last night at 10 pm I was working up my street to go home after spending the weekend with my partner and I notice a phone on the road. I pick it up and see it still has power, so I take it home with me in hopes that a friend of the owner would call it. It's been just over 24 hours and no one has. I've seen names pop up on the lock screen because of facebook and PMed them to say I have their friends phone but no reply yet. How can you lose a phone and not have someone call it to try and find it? I wanna give this thing back! If no one calls by tomorrow I'll hand it into the police. I didn't today because I expected whoever owns it lives near me. Just something silly to share with you all.
I've been hiding in the void.
I REMEMBER YOU!!! I've just been away from the forum life for a while! But now I'm back.
I think I remember you. I dunno, I know was a mod for a while then an admin for like a day. I know it was while Sara was still an Admin.
What is up, fellow member?
I've had so many different names over the years, even I don't remember lol. Good that you remember.