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  1. Beau
    You'd never guess what musical I'm in this year.

    And who I'm playing~!

    Go ahead, guess. <3
    Thread by: Beau, Jan 21, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Beau
    My biggest fears are Chucky, the dark, and clowns.

    What are yours?

    .....BOO! c:
    Thread by: Beau, Jan 19, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Beau


    God dammit, Castle Oblivion!

    For specifically, Floor Ten...*grumbles*

    "When the pillar feel, I became the queen.
    When the light was spent, I remained a teen.
    Who am I?" ---------> Damn riddle!
    Sorry, I'm *****y today.
    Thread by: Beau, Dec 22, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Beau

    Moving Up~!

    I'm a Destiny Island's Resident now! Yayyyyyy~!

    I feel empowered! *puffs out chest*
    Thread by: Beau, Dec 5, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Beau
    I posted on the "What Are You Listening To Right Now?" thread twice and my post count didn't go up.

    I'm not complaining (well, maybe a little DX) but I was wondering why. I think it's a Section where posts count (unlike the Role-Playing Arena or the Spamzone).

    Does a Staff Member edit the profile and change the post count maually or does the computer automatically change it when someone posts?

    Help please~!
    Thread by: Beau, Dec 4, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. Beau


    is what I've been feeling lately.

    I just randomly noticed that mostly everyone on here is at least 14+ while I'm 12...>w>

    Has anyone noticed? Wait... *facepalms self for acting emo again*
    Thread by: Beau, Dec 1, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Beau
    Does that mean he's gay?

    ...Or does that mean I'm gay?
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 29, 2010, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Beau
    It's me, AndrewTemari101, once again. I was wondering if someone could turn this picture into a cool signature for me.


    I believe it's not fanart (at least it doesn't look like it). If it's not fanart, I was hoping if it could have a purple color scheme and it says Blair- The Halloween Witch in red letters (or whatever you think would look nice) and you can minimize it to the right size for KH-Vids please.

    If it is fanart, then forget it...-_-

    Well, thanks for whoever does the signature for me! (I will DEFINETLY give you credit in nice big letters!! ;D)

    See ya around~!
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 10, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  9. Beau
    Hey, it's me again, AndrewTemari101.

    I was wondering if anyone could help me and make this image a cool signature, please.

    Here's the link...

    I know, it's big....also about copyright issues, I believe that this image was made by the game designers. I don't think it's fanart. I found it on Google. If it is fanart, then someone can just close this thread.

    Thanks for your help guys! ^^
    Thread by: Beau, Jul 15, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  10. Beau

    In the land called Greece, there is a mountain. This is the tallest mountain in all the land. Its name is Mount Olympus. But all is not as it seems on this mountain. It is home of the Greek Gods and Goddesses. They rule over the world below. There are 12 Olympians Gods who live on this mighty mountain. They have plenty of children. Some they care about, some they treat as if they were monsters. They mate with mortals to create what we call "demigods"; these are those ones who the Gods love the most. They are special and have a very important job to do…

    Your Part:

    You are a demigod and there is trouble on Earth. You have been living on Mount Olympus for a few years now. Your God parent has given you orders to stop the chaos that was released from "Pandora's Box". You have some of your parents' powers, but (of course) not as powerful. You have to search for the other demigods scattered all over the Earth for the same purpose you have been sent to do and join into one group called "The Saviors from the Gods".

    The Gods and Goddesses:

    The 12 Olympians:

    As I said before, there are 12 Olympian Gods. Hades is indeed a powerful God, but because he doesn’t have a throne in Mount Olympus, he’s not mentioned as one of the 12 Gods. Anyway, here is some info on them… (See link provided for additional information)

    Zeus: He is the King of the Gods and is the God of the sky and thunder. His sacred symbols are the thunderbolt, an eagle, a bull, and an oak. His parents are Kronos (not mentioned in this RP) and Rhea (not mentioned in this RP) and he is married to Hera. His siblings are Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Hades, and Hestia (not mentioned in this RP).
    Hera: She is the Queen of the Gods and is the Goddess of woman and marriage. Her sacred symbols are the pomegranate, a peacock, and a diadem (crown). Her parents are Kronos (not mentioned in this RP) and Rhea (not mentioned in this RP) and she is married to Zeus. Her siblings are Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, Hades, and Hestia (not mentioned in this RP).
    Poseidon: He is the God of the sea and earthquakes. His sacred symbols are the trident, fish, a dolphin, a horse, and a bull. His parents are Kronos (not mentioned in this RP) and Rhea (not mentioned in this RP), and he is married to Amphitrite (not mentioned in this RP). His siblings are Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Hades, and Hestia (not mentioned in this RP).
    Athena: She is the Goddess of wisdom, justice, strategy (including battle strategy), and strength. Her sacred symbols are the owl and an olive tree. Her parents are Zeus and Metis (not mentioned in this RP) and she isn’t married. She has no siblings.
    Apollo: He is the God of the Sun (light), music, poetry, prophecies, and archery. His sacred symbols are the lyre (sort of a mini harp), laurel wreath (crown made of laurel plants), a raven, and a golden bow & arrow. His parents are Zeus and Leto (not mentioned in this RP), his twin sister is Artemis, and he isn’t married. He is also considered the most handsome God of them all. He is my favorite God.
    Artemis: She is the Goddess of the Moon, the hunt, wild animals, and wilderness. Her sacred symbols are the deer, the cypress (a plant), and a sliver box & arrow. Her parents for Zeus and Leto (not mentioned in this RP), she is the twin sister of Apollo, and isn’t married. She is also the only chastise Goddess (meaning she will never love anybody sexually). She is my favorite Goddess.
    Ares: He is the God of war and bloodlust. His sacred symbols are the vulture, a burning torch, and spear. His parents are Zeus and Hera and he isn’t married. Although it is said that he has affairs with Aphrodite all the time. His siblings are Hephaestus, Hebe (not mentioned in this RP), Enyo (not mentioned in this RP), and Eileithyia (not mentioned in this RP).
    Aphrodite: She is the Goddess of love and beauty. Her sacred symbols are the dolphin, a rose, a scallop shell, a myrtle (a flower plant), a dove, a sparrow, the mirror, and the swan. Her parent is Uranus (not mentioned in this RP), she is married to Hephaestus, and she cheats on him with Ares. She came from a part of Uranus and was born from sea foam when it fell into the ocean. Her siblings are the Woodland Nymphs (spirits of the forest), the Furies (created by the blood of Uranus), and the Giants (created by the blood of Uranus). She is considered the most beautiful Goddess of them all.
    Hephaestus: He is the lame God of technology, blacksmiths, artisans, metals, fire, and volcanoes. His sacred symbols are the hammer, an anvil, and tongs. His parents are Zeus and Hera and he is married to Aphrodite. It is said that because he was lame (ugly), he was thrown off Mount Olympus by Hera in disgust, which caused him to be misshapen and crippled. His siblings are Ares, Hebe (not mentioned in this RP), Enyo (not mentioned in this RP), and Eileithyia (not mentioned in this RP).
    Hermes: He is the Messenger of the Gods and he is the God of thieves, travel, and sports. His sacred symbols are winged sandals, a tortoise, and the caduceus (a staff with two snakes coiled around it). His parents are Zeus and Maia (not mentioned in this RP) and he isn’t married. He is the only Olympian God who can travel to the Underworld and back with ease. He has no siblings.
    Demeter: She is the Goddess of the seasons, harvest, and agriculture (plants). Her sacred symbols are a torch, wheat, and barley. Her parents are Kronos (not mentioned in this RP) and Rhea (not mentioned in this RP) and she isn’t married. Her siblings are Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, and Hestia (not mentioned in this RP).
    Dionysus: He is the God of wine, theatre, and ritual madness. His sacred symbols are the thyrsus (a staff with vines and leaves coiled around it), a grapevine, a leopard, a panther, and a tiger. His parents are Zeus and Semele (not mentioned in this RP) and he is married to Ariadne (not mentioned in this RP and who was made immortal by him). He has no siblings.

    Other Gods:
    Hades: He is the God of the dead and the Underworld. His sacred symbols are Cerberus (the three-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld), the Helm of Darkness (the Helmet of Invisibility), cypress (a plant), narcissus (a flower plant), and the Key of Hades. His parents are Kronos (not mentioned in this RP) and Rhea (not mentioned in this RP) and he is married to Persephone (daughter of Demeter who he kidnapped). His siblings are Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, and Hestia (not mentioned in this RP).


    1. No power-playing, G-modding, etc.
    2. No spamming and please stay on topic!
    3. Follow the Role-Playing Arena’s rules as well.
    4. Don’t complain if your favorite God or Goddess’ spots are taken. I will not allow you to be in this RP if you do.
    5. If you are inactive for more than 2 weeks, your OC will be killed by a monster. However, if you say you can’t go on for more than 2 weeks, that’s fine.
    6. Use proper grammar like “you” instead of “u” or “are” instead of “r”.
    7. Use quotations when you are speaking.
    8. Keep it PG-13ish.
    9. Make sense! If you are a child of Aphrodite, please don’t make a child of Hephaestus your boyfriend/girlfriend, it’s doesn’t make sense! Also, if you are a child of Hephaestus (I’m sorry) but you have to make your OC ugly because he is, or else it wouldn’t make sense either! Another example would be, if you are a child of Apollo or Artemis, you should have a bow & arrow in your weapons list, remember…MAKE SENSE PLEASE!!
    10. 3 strikes and you’re OUT!
    11. To prove that you’ve read my plentiful rules, put “The Gods’ Children…” somewhere in your OC post. I will not accept you until you do.
    12. Don’t kill other OCs without the owner’s permission.
    13. We can’t start until each God and Goddess as at least one child.
    14. Only 2 OCs per person.
    15. HAVE FUN! (Which I don’t know is possible because I have so many rules!!) ^^


    1. Rave Torce (TerryNirv)
    1. Coral 'Corie' Rivers (SORA!)
    1. Alyssa Shine (Midnight Star)
    1. Greg Foremon (AndrewTemari101)
    1. Jaden Moonlight (Akua WaterDragonKing)
    1. Demetrio "Betrayer" Zannetti (AmericanSephiroth)
    1. Alexander 'Alex' Field (SORA!)
    1.Terry Nirv (Terry Nirv)


    Username: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Greg Foremon
    Age: 13
    Gender: Male
    Bio: Greg only has a mother. His step-father left him when he was 3 years old. He relies on his mother. He found out he was Apollo’s son when his mother told him. He started living on Mount Olympus with him when he was 8 years old. He trained with him and worked for perfection on his technique. He is determined to find all the evil that was released from Pandora’s Box.
    Personality: He is very kind. He has a heart of gold and would help anyone out, his friends or even one of his enemies about to die in battle. He is also very generous. He likes to give and not receive. He always seems to be full of energy. He’s always happy and only something really sad could ruin his good mood. He doesn’t get mad easily and forgives & forgets. He would never lie to anyone. He is a very good friend. He can easily make friends and he keeps them (like he doesn’t “stab them in the back” and stuff). He is very handsome but doesn’t like to brag about it. He is a very good kid to be around.
    God or Goddess Parent: Apollo
    Appearance: pic/Anime boy/hot.jpg
    Weapon: Golden bow & arrows
    Powers: Can heal wounds, make medicine to heal wounds, can play string instruments (mostly the lyre and harp) very well, and can tell prophecies.
    Other: Is afraid of snakes, likes to eat pasta, and doesn’t like to be alone.

    Username:Terry Nirv
    Name (first and last):Terry Nirv
    Age (at least 12-19 please):16
    Bio (doesn’t have to be long):When he was born he killed his mother.Raised knowing he wasa Half-god but hated all the Gods and their children.
    Personality:Quiet.Tries to keep to himself.Rarely lets his emotions get out of control.
    God or Goddess Parent:Hades
    Appearance (picture or detailed description):
    Weapon:A Katana.
    Powers:Almost light speed movement.Can create and manipulate black fire.
    Other (anything else you wanna add; fears, weaknesses, etc.):The Gods Children

    Name: Coral 'Corie' Rivers
    Bio:Her mother died in childbirth and she was living with her stepfather who died 5 years ago,that was when she went to live with her father,whom she'd known of since she was 7,he taught her how to control her powers
    Personality:a happy go-lucky girl who is quick to anger
    God or Goddess Parent:Poseidon

    Powers:can control water,keep herself (and others) from getting wet and can create min-storms.
    Other (anything else you wanna add; fears, weaknesses, etc.): she is scared of spiders

    The gods children

    Username: AmericanSephiroth
    Name (first and last): Demetrio "betrayer" Zannetti
    Age (at least 12-19 please): 18
    Gender: Male
    Bio (doesn’t have to be long): Born the child of the goddess of love and beauty he naturally loved beautiful things but he only bacame half of Aphrodite's personality he is hateful mostly, most people call him the God of sexual promiscuity simply because he likes setting up one night stands then tearing people apart. he also is known as a "male black widow" seeing as how he kills anyone he sleeps with if they fall in love with him.
    Personality: cunning, tricky, beauty obsessed, unloving
    God or Goddess Parent: Aphrodite
    Weapon: Daggers
    Powers: he can make people fall in love with him, he can manipulae people and he can vanish into thin air if someone who loves him is nearby
    Other: if someone or something is in his mind hideous or ugly or dirty he won't touch it without gloves

    “The Gods’ Children…”

    Username: Akua WaterDragonKing
    Name: Jaden Moonlight
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Bio: When he was 9 both of his step-parents died of a deadly disease, but before they died, they told him about who his Mother really was. His real mother came soon after there death and took him in and started to teach him everything she knows. He is almost barely at Mt. Olympus, and is almost with his Mother until she told him he had to join "The Saviors from the Gods" to help the world.
    God or Goddess Parent: Artemis
    Weapon: Sliver/Blue bow & arrows
    Personality: Trustworth and strong-willed but doesn't like to interact with people unless he gains there trust or until they trust him.
    Powers: Able to talk to all aniamls, his accuracy and power of his arrows increase in the Moon light, able to easily hide and adapt in any wild terrain.
    Other: He feels more at "Home" in the forest and wilderness then in towns and Cities. Thus he always talks bad of City folk. Doesnt easily "love".

    EDIT: The God's Children

    Username: Midnight Star
    Name: Alyssa Shine
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Bio (doesn’t have to be long): Was discovered when she was 10 and went to live on Mount Olympus, has been trained by her mother and iss determined to impress her.
    Personality: Hard working, determined, smart, likes to win, tries to always act strong and not show fear or tears. Dislikes fighting without a purpose.
    God or Goddess Parent:Athena
    Appearance (picture or detailed description):
    Weapon: Sword
    Powers: Healing and something else
    Other (anything else you wanna add; fears, weaknesses, etc.): is scared of showing she is weak

    The Gods Children

    Name (first and last):Rave Torce
    Age (at least 12-19 please):18
    Bio (doesn’t have to be long):Is son of Zeus and is a person who will keep order no matter what.He hates when people who were born from a god or goddes use their power in a destructive way and that they must be elliminated.
    Personality:A serious person.Rarely joyus and only wants order.
    God or Goddess Parent:Zeus
    Appearance (picture or detailed description):
    Powers:Can control electricity.
    Other (anything else you wanna add; fears, weaknesses, etc.):the gods children

    Username: SORA!
    Name: Alexander 'Alex' Field

    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Bio: He lived with his father untill he was 13 then his mother came for him and showed him how to us his powers wisely
    God or Goddess Parent: demeter
    Weapon: sword
    Personality: Happy person
    Powers: same as his mother but less powerfull

    the gods children.

    OC FORM:

    Name (first and last):
    Age (at least 12-19 please):
    Bio (doesn’t have to be long):
    God or Goddess Parent:
    Appearance (picture or detailed description):
    Other (anything else you wanna add; fears, weaknesses, etc.):

    This is only my 2nd RP, so tell me what I should work on and tell me what you think of it! Thanks!
    Thread by: Beau, May 1, 2010, 20 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Beau


    I wrote a Haiku, hope you like! :)

    Happiness turns bad,
    All hope crumbles into dust
    Only faith can stand....

    Sort of depressing, I know...
    Thread by: Beau, Mar 27, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Beau
    Hello, can somebody help me?
    Can someone turn this into a cool signature?
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 29, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  13. Beau
    Hello, could somebody help me?
    Can someone turn this into a signature? (Sorry if this to big...I'm new at this...)^^;
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 29, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Beau

    Welcome to the Gashin Hotel! I am your personal secretary, Lillian Gashin! I am the owner's daughter and I will now show you to your room! Enjoy your stay!

    You've entered one big room and Lillian closes the doors behind you. Once you've finished, you try to leave but it's locked! You're now stuck in a very large, windowless room and you're alone. You can hear a voice through the door.

    Congratulations! You've become one of my victims! Have fun trying to escape!

    You can here other people's screams of terror. You're not alone after all! You scream back so they know you're there. Maybe you can escape...just maybe...


    This is the room that you are locked in... room/knavet/Taiwan/TW_1.jpg?o=6


    1. Ignore Rule 6!!
    2. No god-modding or powerplaying!
    3. 3 strikes and you're out!
    4. Keep cursing to minimum!
    5. Each room is exactly alike and there is a way to escape. Once somebody figures out how to escape, everybody needs to escape the same way. Once everyone has escaped, everyone will ban together and leave the Gashin Hotel once and for all.
    6. No killing other OC's!
    7. Pictures have to be URL's!!
    8. Put "Welcome!" in your post so I know you've read the rules.
    10. Look for the missing number!
    11. HAVE FUN!

    OC Format:

    Age (Between 16-38):


    Lillian Gashin-
    Security Guards (Only 5)- TheDeadGuy (1)

    Accepted OC's:

    Name: Alex Snowe
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Kind, caring, sweet, funny, brave, smart, and adventurous.
    Other: N/A

    Name: Leeroy Jenkins
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Reckless
    Other: Can Tire out Any Other Member Quite Easily

    Name: Len Kagamine
    Age (Between 16-38): 16
    Gender: male
    Personality: Kind, sweet, calm, kinda funny, and is somewhat adventurous.
    Other: Can sing and dance for entertainment. He was separated from Rin (his sister) and came here for shelter

    Name: Jax Andrews
    Age (Between 16-38): 18
    Gender: Female
    Apperance: The blonde one, but without the stitches.
    Personality: Loud, gets angry easily, determed to not be taken down by this.
    Other: N/A

    Name: Gumi Megpoid
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Personality: She stays quiet and is very observant. Very smart, she's good a puzzles. She likes to sing too.
    Other: N/A

    Name: Kaya Rinslet
    Age (Between 16-38): 17
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Calm, caring, can handle spookey situations up to a point. Her mind wanders off a lot, but she tries to listen and observe the world around her the best she can.
    Other: She likes to write and keeps a journal with her. She also wears a bracelet made out of twine with four different beads and a bear totem in the center of it. It was given to her by her little brother who's now gone.

    Name: Opal Moonshine
    Age (Between 16-38): 16
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Calm, logical thinker, likes puzzles, shy, clever but doesn't think she is, daydreamer
    Other: Likes to write and wears a silver necklce which she never takes off.

    Name: David Herisay
    Age (Between 16-38): 16
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Kind, smart person who likes to think things through, sometimes a show off and maybe even sometimes clumsy. He's also reliable as well.
    Other: Has a black belt in Taekwondo and aspires to become a scientist.

    Name: Kathren Williams
    Age (Between 16-38): 18
    Gender: Female
    Personality: A bit shy but very hyper and fun once she get to know you. She can stay extremely calm in difficult situation.
    Other: She is rich, smart and good planner.
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 26, 2009, 18 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Beau
    This is a poem I wrote. I don't think this one is very good, but this is why I'm posting it! Tell me what you think! Here it goes...

    I can feel the warmth on my skin
    Warmth- the good feeling of emotion
    Love; Happiness; Sorrow; Greed
    The sand in my tears...

    The sky...can rob you of your feelings, silently, slowly
    The love has left, the hate and pain overcome
    You finally feel free, but you're held by strings
    The strings of life
    The sand in my tears...

    Rushing water, crawling up my skin, covering my warmth
    The supposed to protect me but it's harming me
    My soul has been ripped out, my spirit gently glides away
    Now I know my purpose, my destiny
    The sand in my tears...​
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 14, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. Beau

    The Black Rose is the most powerful object in the world. Anyone who dares to look for it, will be consumed with greed and overcome with lust. Only the chosen ones, the ones with the purest of hearts, can search for the mighty rose. This is where you come in. You are the chosen ones, you are the sacred protecters of the Black Rose. But when there's a treasure, there's the evil trying to have it. These people are known as the Destroyers. You must stop them, if you don't, this world will tremble and fall. I am leaving this in your hands now, good luck.

    Professor William J. Snowe


    1. No god-modding
    2. No power-playing
    3. Apperances must be URLs
    4. Put "Black Rose is a legend" in your post so I know you've read the rules
    5. No killing unless I give you permission.
    6. Ignore rule 4.
    7. HAVE FUN!!

    OC Form:

    Name (First, middle, last):
    Age (Between 18-36):
    Side (The Chosen Ones or the Destoryers):
    Weapon (Show pic of weapon or describe it):

    Accepted OCs:

    Username: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Alexander (Alex) Zachary Snowe
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Apperance: boy/lkira175/anime_boy.jpg?o=37
    Side: The Chosen Ones
    Bio: He is the Professor's son. His mother had been previously looking for the Black Rose. She was not a chosen one so she was overcome with greed and power. He had to kill her because she would've killed his friends and family. He tries to forget about it, but her image appears in his head. He's made a promise to the Professor and his mother to never join the Destroyers and that he would stop them no matter what.
    Personality: He is very friendly and laid low. He can get angry easily and is very smart. He doesn't now where the Black Rose is, but he vows to find it and protect it with his life. He's calm most of the time and he's a true ladies' man. A very enjoyable person to be around.
    Weapon: sword/Taki980/Sword-1.jpg?o=30
    Other: N/A

    Username: Alpha Sonix
    Name: James Riddle
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Side: The Chosen Ones
    Bio: His father was a friend of William Snowe and worked with him. His mother was working as a lawyer. His parents were killed when he was 11 when they never returned home on the night of his mother's court trial. He was left with a note from his father about the black rose.
    Personality: Tries to hide his grief and at the age of 18 adopted his title of playboy. Can be serious at times but all together doesn't really let much stop him from having fun. All together he is a loyal and great friend to hang out with.
    Weapon: Twin guns.
    Other: N/A

    Username: Haiena.Koinu
    Name: Gibbous Glider Shadow (just Gib for short)
    Age 29
    Gender: Male
    Side: Can I be Neutral or something? (otherwise Destoryers...)
    Bio: Once a man in his death bed, it was only till a neoshadow toke his heart and transformed himself into his new form. A new breed of heartless, what most call 'Gibbous Glider Shadow' not like his really cares any more...
    Personality: Mindless and carefree, does what ever he wants to do.... Commonly strikes people without any warning. Dislikes most humans.
    Weapon: Two Wanning Blades (
    Other: His Race is a Heartless... Sexuality is Asexual (does not love)

    Username: TheDeadGuy
    name: Darten Ruthless Gendur
    Age: 32
    Gender: Male
    Side: The Destroyers
    Bio: The Greed to make Weapons of War Consumed him when one of his own experiments actually ate him but he survived and has formed what he looks like now, Heartless is what many people call him but now to show them he needs the black rose Believing that he could Survive the Power of the Rose he now searches for it Far and Wide while also joining the Destroyers because he too wants what everyone wants the Rose.
    Personality: Heartless (Doesn't care about anyone but himself)
    Weapon: Greed's Curiosity: a very long whip that can extend or shorten itself and grab anything from 20m away from himself.

    Username: bobo.the.nut
    Name (First, middle, last): Leanna Marie Cross, goes by Lee
    Age (Between 18-36): 22
    Gender: Female
    Side (The Chosen Ones or the Destoryers): Destroyers
    Bio: Orphaned at a young age, she came across a band of thieves in the forest and was adopted into their group. She was brought up to steal everything she desired. Without very good morals to start with, when she heard about the Black Rose from a traveling storyteller, she was filled with greed and set off to claim the fantastic prize for herself.
    Personality: Tomboyish and extremely competitive. She bores easily and likes to party. She has never been one for following orders, but she knows when to back down when she's outmatched. She's stealthy in both movement and speech. Her words often have a double meaning.
    Weapon (Show pic of weapon or describe it): She primarily enjoys brawling with her fists, but she is also skilled with knives and with a bow. She carries two long knives on her belt.
    Other: One of the only things she cherishes is the strange tattoo covering her right shoulder. She's had it for as long as she can remember, and thinks it's a mark of her hometown.

    Username: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Name: Lelouch
    Age (Between 18-36): 18
    Gender: Male
    Apperance: The boy on the right.
    Side: The Chosen Ones
    Bio: His parents kept on arguing and when he was 7, they left. Left alone in the house, a note came saying that they were both dead and he became Lord of his manor.
    Personality: He stays silent and mainly doesn't speak. Shes seen as a cold, uncaring person but he cares alot for certain people.
    Weapon: A sword
    Other: On his right eye is a marking. It signifies that hes made a pact with a demon.

    Name (First, middle, last):Ryoku Ash Leon
    Age (Between 18-36):18
    Side (The Chosen Ones or the Destoryers):The Chosen ones
    Bio:Born in darkness Ryoku knows its ins and outs,an advantage and disadvantage,being a vampire isnt all its cracked up to be....
    Weapon (Show pic of weapon or describe it):

    Username: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Name: Gumi
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: She has a black glove on her right hand.
    Side: The Chosen Ones
    Bio: She’s been Lelouch’s loyal servant ever since he was 7, after his parents died. The pact Lelouch made with was with her. She granted him help for the rest of his life to make hers longer. Taking the deal, she has the same symbol on her hand and can see the same that Lelouch does anyway. She doesn’t look it but she’s extremely acrobatic and is strong.
    Personality: Quiet but does most of the talking for Lelouch, like she knows what he wants to say.
    Weapon: Small knifes that she summons at will.
    Other: On her right hand is the same marking on Lelouch’s right eye and can fly using her powers.

    Username: The True Key

    Name: Neal Lee Rampart

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male


    Side: The Chosen Ones

    Bio: He was a traveling warrior who helped out those in need. He eventually became a bounty hunter, capturing or killing criminals to collect their bounty. He now one of the protectors of the Black Rose. He takes his job seriously.

    Personality: Kind and loving

    Weapon: Sword of the Dragon

    Other: N/A
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 7, 2009, 482 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Beau


    Even though it's summer, you can still have a good snowball fihgt!
    Thread by: Beau, Aug 20, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Beau

    Story: Today seemed like a peaceful day in the Village Hidden in the Leaves, until disaster struck! The Akatsuki have returned, tougher and stronger, and with with the aid of Orochimaru, Kabuto, and Sasuke!! Can the Hidden Leaf Village prevale once again, or will the Akatsuki with their new aid finally overcome? Only destiny shall tell...

    Rules: 1. No g-modding.
    2. Only swear every once and a while, keep it PG-13.
    3. You can only be 2 Naruto characters.
    4. Only 1 OC, unless I give you special permission.
    5. Put 'Yoshi Eggs make me smile' in your post so I know you read all the rules.
    6. If you don't, you won't get the character(s) you want and I won't accept your OC.
    7. If you don't post for 2 weeks, I will say your Narto character is getting medical treatment (someone else will take your place) and your OC was killed.
    8. Have fun!! :)

    Naruto Uzumaki:
    Sakura Haruno:
    Kakashi Hatake:

    Neji Hyuga:
    Rock Lee:

    Shikamaru Nara:
    Ino Yamanaka:
    Choji Akamichi:

    Kiba Inuzuka & Akamaru:
    Shino Aburame:
    Hinata Hyuga:

    Gaara Sabaku:
    Kankuro Sabaku:
    Temari Sabaku: AndrewTemari101


    Itachi Uchiha:
    Kisame Hoshigake:

    Kabuto Yakushi:
    Sasuke Uchiha:


    OC Format:

    Name: (First and Last)
    Specialized Jutsu: (For example: Ninjutsu: Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu)
    Apperance: (Please use a link.)

    OC List:

    Username: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Yukai Mimochi
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Chunin
    Personality: Yukai is a person that loves to bring joy. He cares for others and loves animals. He likes to tell jokes and is a true adventurer at heart. Even though he has a big heart, he has skills and techniques that make him a great fighter.
    Biography: His family was murdered by the Akatsuki and grew up wandering the streets. When he was younger, he thought the whole world was against him and nobody liked him. He did not trust anyone and kept his feelings inside, not showing them to the others around him. Also, he didn't like making friends becuase he thought they woould leave him alone. He went to Ninja Academy and became a Genin. Finally, he took the Chunin Exam and became a Chunin with the skills he developed on the streets over the years. Now a Chunin, people started to respect him and he changed from keeping his feelings inside to telling jokes and making new friends.
    Village: Hidden Sand Village
    Specialized Jutsu: Ninjutsu: Wind Style: Cyclone Sythe Jutsu
    Apperance: naruto/Ayatai/Naruto/ninja.jpg?o=50
    Thread by: Beau, Aug 20, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Beau
    During a mighty war, there was a rose. This was not the average rose. This rose could tranform into the Blade of 1,000 Roses, the only blade that could have stopped the war. The only problem was that the starter of the war, Sir. Theodore, had the rose. The war started with Sir. Theodore, he thought that his village was the best and controlled the other villages. The other villages broke free from Sir. Theodore and declared war. 8 years after the war was over, 6 children from different villages decided to search for the legendary rose. Out of curiousity. Except, 6 other children from 6 other villages are also searching for the rose. For power and greed. Who will find the sacred rose first?

    No God-modding
    No Power-playing
    No killing other chars without my and the other person's permission
    Put Temari=Wind Champion ^.^ and make it purple in your first post to show me you read the rules
    Only two Oc's please and from different villages too
    One good and one bad child from each village
    No cursing (But shizz or sh*t or something like that)
    HAVE FUN!!!!! or I will hunt you down!!!!

    Fire- Leon (Good) Rik (Bad) FULL
    Water- Luciana (Good)
    Wind- Kyoko (Good) Mizu (Good) FULL
    Earth- Nira (Good)
    Darkness- Kusa (Bad) Brad (Good) FULL

    Oc's Format:
    Good or Bad:
    Name: Kyoko Abimaru
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Strong, smart, adventurous, couragous, friendly, sneaky, cool
    History: Both of her parents were in the war. When she was 6, her mother was shot with a bullet full of poisin and soon died. When she was 12, her father died. He was shot in the head and in the heart. She had to survive during the war, alone. When the war was over, she decided to find the rose as the only memory of her dead parents.
    Good or Bad: Good
    Element/Village: Wind
    Other: N/A

    Name: Nira Norris
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Apperance: Black hair cut shoulder length and deep blue eyes...
    Personality: Brave, smart, daring, caring, and adventurous...
    History: None
    Good or Bad: Good
    Element/Village: Earth
    Other: N/A

    Name: Kusa
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Apperance: Black hair, red eyes...
    Personality: Evil and confusing...but can be friendly
    History: When he was born, his dad killed his mom for a reason he never explained. In return, when he turned 8 he killed his dad in honor of his mom. As he grew older, he turned evil from all the madness and ran off and hid with the people of the Dark Villages. Good or Bad: Bad
    Element/Village: Fire now Dark
    Other: N/A

    Name: Mizu
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Apperance: Purple hair, deep blues eyes...
    Personality: Nice, part evil part good at times
    History: She was Kusa's best friend until she found out what caused his mother's death. She got scared when she found out he killed his father and ran off to the Wind Villages. She only uses wind now and frogot about her friendship with Kusa.
    Good or Bad: Good
    Element/Village: Fire now Wind
    Other: N/A

    Name: Brad Kuntus
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Apperance: Drak hair, black unzipped hoodie, hood up, and dark pants
    Personality: Quiet but takes on "big brother roll" since he is older
    History: He has always taken a leadership role and trys to keep everything under control. He will not let his friends fall into trouble.
    Good or Bad: Good
    Element/Village: Dark
    Other: N/A

    Name: Luciana Lecanze
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Kind at times, but mostly serious and confusing with her actions. She can be snappy and gets angry easily.
    History: She was one of the ones who fought in the war,and many of her friends and family died. She heard of this 'rose' and has sought to find the object that could have stopped many deaths of her friends.
    Good or Bad: Good
    Element/Village: Water
    Other: N/A

    Name: Leon Black
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Personality: The silent type, hates groups
    History: He was the villages strongest youth due to his reckless gang wars he fought in aganst his will. He started taking down gangs when someone told him his brother ran off to find the Rose.
    Good or Bad: Good
    Element/Village: Fire
    Other: He is a excellent fighter, a natural born.

    Name: Rik Echo
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Like his brother although when he talks he is arrogant
    History: As a child he grew up forcing his younger step brother to fight for him using the name of the mother they shared since they had different dads.
    Good or Bad: Bad
    Element/Village: Fire
    Other: N/A
    Thread by: Beau, Feb 23, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Beau
    Helloz pplz, as you can tell, I'm sorta new here. I have a few quetions here and there though.

    1. How can I become a Admin, Reporter, Coder, Etc.?

    2. How do you change your ranking? (Ex. Moogle Assistant to Merlin's Housekeeper)

    3. Is there a specific number of threads I can be in?

    Sorry if these are silly quetions but I'm a curious kind of guy! ^.^

    Thanks for looking at my thread and answering my quetions!!

    Thread by: Beau, Feb 19, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures