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  1. Beau
    I've gotten many new games and systems over the past few weeks, but I have no one to share them with. ;~;

    So here's a list of all my games for my PlayStation3 and Xbox 360. My name on the PS3 is TesoridA101, and for the Xbox it's AndrewTemari101 (unoriginal names are unoriginal). Feel free to add me, but leave me a message with the friend request saying who you are please! c:

    Guitar Hero
    007 (James Bond): Quantum of Solace
    Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
    Batman: Arkham Asylum
    Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
    Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
    Batman: Arkham City
    Portal 2

    Xbox 360
    Kinect Adventures
    Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary
    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
    Battlefield 3
    Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters

    So if you wanna play together, or simply say what games you have for these systems in this thread, post it here! ^u^
    Thread by: Beau, Jan 8, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Beau
    Andrew says:

    Llave (Drew)+ says:

    Andrew says:

    Llave (Drew)+ says:

    Andrew says:

    Llave (Drew)+ says:

    Andrew says:

    Llave (Drew)+ says:

    Andrew says:

    Llave (Drew)+ says:

    Andrew says:

    Llave (Drew)+ says:
    Oh golly you win

    Fun times~ c':
    Thread by: Beau, Jan 4, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Beau
    Everlasting Love

    Note: Sorry, I had a change in title! The real title is the one in this post, not the name of the thread. Sorry again! >w<;;

    ☆Prologue- Final Update January 3, 2012☆​

    Soft, shallow words pass his through his lips as we stand by the corner. His eyes shift in all directions, his anxiety clearly showing. I see sorrow build in his eyes that escape through the illusion of tears. I feel them building up as well as I try to suppress them, keeping them bottled inside me. Pure emotion falls to the ground, forever lost in the crevasses of the once white tile. He gulps, his eyes locked with mine, and says “I-I’m sorry,†as he turns and walks away.

    ☆Chapter 1- Final Update January 3, 2012☆​

    I walk at a slow pace, not eager for my next class. I glanced at the walls lined with multi color lockers, each with a unique touch as if the user had made it their home. Each one different in one way or another, unlike me. I’m just your average “Plain Janeâ€, as Mom calls me jokingly. But I know on the inside that she means every word that she says, just like everyone else in this cursed school.

    I peer ahead to see the football players talking and laughing and I cringe as I lower my head, praying none of them notice me. Assuring I don’t crash into one of them, I quickly look up from my “turtle stateâ€. I notice one of them pause and look down on me, our eyes meeting. His gaze is cold, yet somehow lively. I jerk myself from his piercing stare; but just before I turn away, I see him shed a delicate smile and walk away. I feel my face flush red as I hasten my pace and run into Calculus.

    Being in Calculus when you’re a mere sophomore can be a challenge. The work itself is simple; homework is done in a matter of minutes and tests are done effortlessly and neatly. It’s the senior students, the stern Mrs. Briggs, and the fearsome looks I get when I take my seat that sends shivers down my spine every time I enter room 304. Sometimes I am even afraid to enter the classroom, a room where you’re supposed to feel secure, not knowing what kind of torture I’ll be subject to.

    I always sit in the back in every class; away from the taunts, the gossip, and the usual high school chatter. In the back, I can be isolated and alone. In the back, where I feel safe from horrid jeers and terrible actions. In the back, I can be myself and be free.

    The doodles in my notebook scream who I truly am, the person I’ve learned to keep locked away in the cage of my heart. But even then, I can still feel the endless pairs of eyes burn my pale skin and hear the murmurs pass from one ear to the next.

    Calculus drags on as usual; shouts that can be heard from miles away and jokes being said that throw the fifty student class into a frenzy. Finally, for what feels like a century, the class comes to an abrupt end when Mrs. Briggs says harshly, “Homework is page 527, questions 4-52.†The usual moans echo throughout the pale blue walls, each one clinging to another and causing a loud uproar. “Settle down!†she snaps, and everyone immediately falls silent. Good ‘ol Calculus.

    ☆Chapter 2- Final Update January 7, 2012☆​

    Physical education is next as I feel my feet drag against the tile floor. The auditorium is right between History III and English II, two more classes I can’t stand. A part of me wants to run out the creaky school doors, never coming back to this hellhole as I pass the office. I gave a soft smile to Ms. Hope, the secretary and my head guidance counsellor, who replies with a slight wave and cheerful grin. I return to my sluggish pace as I see her step out of the office and approach me. I pause and sigh as she asks, “How was Calculus?†I give her a faint look of disapproval.
    “You know what my answer is going to be. It’s just like any other day,†I replied coldly. She takes a small step back, as if the negative energy is radiating from my body.
    “Magen, you know I care about you,†she says in an almost depressed tone. Her eyes are aiming at the floor, further expressing her sudden sadness. Sadness that I caused.
    “Ms. Hope, I’m sorry. I’m just a little grouchy,†I assure her. She looks up to see my mask of a smile, and I see her eyes brighten. I glance at the clock, 9:43. “I only have two minutes to get to PE, I have to go.†She nods as I begin walking toward the auditorium. I look back, but she disappeared into the office. I sigh, realizing I was blunt and rude to such a sweetheart. Self-doubt seeps into my mind but quickly disperses as I hear the shrieking bell.

    My mind and heart race in sync as I sprint for the auditorium. As my body weakens from exhaustion, my head is throbbing. I come to the realization that I am out of shape, and yet I laugh at myself for being tired. A good quality to have, Mom says to me. Sure, then how come no one else see it? The saddening, yet enraging, thought leaves my mind as I slow my pace.

    I gasp for air as I approach the room filled with exercising students. I gulp and lower my head, my usual trademark position, as I make my way into the girl’s locker room. I see Missy Sullivan with her posse, probably gossiping about the hottest guy in school or something stupid like that. When I overhear them talking about the football quarterback, I began to eavesdrop ever so carefully.
    “I heard that he likes this loser girl.†I hear Missy spurt in disgust. “I think that’s really pathetic. I mean, how can I guy as hot as Brain Domino like a... a loser?†She scoffs as her “friends†chuckle lightly.
    “I don’t know Missy,†Miranda Kat replies. “Maybe he’s losing his touch!†More laughing.

    I heard soft footsteps glide across the wooden floor. I turn my back to the source of the noise, quickly putting on my gym shorts. Stephanie Myters, one of Missy’s posse girls, approached me. “We know you were listening in on us,†she spits sharply. I crack my neck slightly, and sigh. I face Stephanie and give her a look of confusion.
    “What do you mean? I’ve been getting ready in the whole time,†I replied nonchalantly.
    “Don’t play dumb, Magen. You can’t fool us,†she rolls her eyes as she pops her gum. With a flip of her golden locks, she goes back to Missy’s crowd.
    I notice Missy’s head appear from the corner of the lockers that separates us as she growls, “Better watch out, Magen. You don’t want to be on my bad side.†My annoyed expression fades to a look of shame as I stuff my school bag into my locker, and run for the door.

    I aim for the bleachers. My momentum carries my body as if I were a feather. I am abruptly interrupted by Mr. Bing, a bulky and muscular man. “Where do you think you’re going, Miss. Walts?†he asks me. I stare into his stern eyes, returning his harsh gaze with a pitiful one.
    “I was just- um... going to take a rest on the bleachers,†I say incoherently. He raises an eyebrow suspiciously, and I can tell he sees through my rogue.
    “Oh, is that so?†he replies. “But why would you need to rest when you haven’t even exercised yet?†I grunt as I see him with a smug smirk on his face and head to the exercise stations.

    Sweat drips from my forehead like a broken faucet as I finish my set of sit-ups. “Good job Magen, now only four out of five to go!†I hear Mr. Bing shriek across the auditorium. I rest my arm on my upright knee as I notice Missy’s posse giggle and point at me. I squint through my green-tinted glasses and see one of them, Adrian Moses, whisper into Missy’s ear. Missy returns her mouth agate and a serious look on her face. Our eyes meet.

    The rest of PE was so quiet you could hear a pin drop in the massive room, and have it echo for centuries. I walk out of the auditorium silently as Missy’s body brushes past mine. She looks back, gives a malicious smirk, and walks away quickly. Her magenta high heels match her light pink skirt and top. The whole outfit is topped with a pretty pink bow, tied carefully around her wavy, auburn hair. Much unlike myself. Her eyes shoot bullets through my psyche as she turns around and talks to her posse.

    ☆Chapter 3- Final Update January 17, 2012☆​

    My sense of style is as minimal as my as sense of humor. Mom says I’m as flat as a billboard, and that my humor is nonexistent. She says things like that all the time. It happens much more often, ever since Dad left.

    Mom and Dad argued about taxes, or something like that. I couldn’t really hear them through my locked bedroom door. I squeezed Gwen, my albino dolphin plush, every time I heard glass break or Mom’s shrieks.

    I never cried so much in the long fifteen years I’ve been alive.

    I held Gwen by her fin and made my way down the stairs. I saw the red-tinted glass watering tube I made in first grade in shattered pieces on the marble floor. I crept around the mess and followed the trail of broken glass sneakily. It came to an end when I entered the game room.

    My other stuffed animals were pushed off the shelves and ripped apart. Mr. and Mrs. Wiggles, multi colored worms, were only inches apart from each other. It was as if they wanted to be together, but they were separated by fate. Mom and Dad were far from this. They separated of their own free will. Dad said so before he left. The last words that passed through his lips were, “Your mother always hated you. You were a mistake, something that was never meant to be.â€

    Mom cried that night; she always seemed so strong, like she was made of steel. Nothing could surpass her strength.

    I was eight at the time. I tried being strong for her when she was weak, like she had been all those times before. I choked back sniffles and tears as I cradled her delicate head in my arms. We fell asleep together that night, the final time it happened.

    Those were hard times.

    I shake the troubling thoughts away. My hands are trembling, shaking the History III books vigorously. Thank goodness I only have to walk a few steps to get there. My legs can only manage to carry me that far before I collapse, my books scattering across the floor. I attempt to get up, but the exhaustion of PE combined with the memory of Dad makes me queasy. I hold my stomach and close my eyes, as if I were a feeble child again. I hate that feeling- the feeling of being weak, of being helpless. The thought that makes me sick is when I experience this feeling everyday.

    I feel strong, yet gentle, hands grasp my arm and gingerly pull me up. I am placed on my feet, and look to my rescuer. My mouth opens wide as my eyes expand in surprise. I can’t believe it’s- it’s him, the one who I blushed over; the only one I’ve ever blushed over. The rosy complexion returns to my ivory face. It’s- it’s Brian Domino. My heart skips a beat.

    “Watch out now,†he says sweetly with a wink. Suddenly, he bends down, picks up my fallen books, and returns them to my open arms. Our hands brush by each other as he hands me the books and I see him blush slightly.
    “Th-thanks,†I saw nervously in a low tone as I avert my eyes from him and onto the floor quickly. I hear him chuckle as he picks my chin up lightly.
    “Something the matter?†he asks curiously. I shake my head no, staring into his deep blue eyes. He squints, as if trying to understand what I’m feeling. “You sure?†I nod yes. He pauses. “Maybe we could hang out sometime. You know, grab a coffee or some lunch one day.â€
    “Y-yeah, that would be nice,†I say sheepishly, but louder than my previous tone. He smiles.
    “Great! How about today then, right after school? I can drive us there.â€
    “Sounds fun!†I shout, almost with a hint of excitement. He smiles at me again as we walk into the classroom. Maybe History III won’t be so bad this time around.

    ☆Chapter 4- Final Update April 6, 2012☆​

    Throughout the whole class, all we do is stare at each other. He tries to communicate from across the room using “sign languageâ€, but it’s hard to understand. His arms are practically flailing while his lips are moving rapidly. Every time I shrug in confusion, he laughs silently and I follow suit.

    Brian Domino is mesmerizing. Everything about him seems so perfect; messy dirty blond hair, a few freckles on his cheeks, and his golden skin are only some attributes to describe him. His accomplishments are unlimited and never ending; the star quarterback, a chess club brainiac, an avid participator in school plays, skilled clarinet player, senior class president candidate, the list could literally go on and on. He’s perfect in every aspect, and I’m falling for him.

    I can’t even hear the taunts being thrown my way anymore. It’s like Brian Domino has given me a new hidden strength, like a force field surrounding my body to prevent the awful words from reaching me. I feel strong, almost powerful, without the insults interrupting my daily activities. I’ve even smiled, something that hasn’t been seen ever since I entered Thyme High, and people have apparently noticed. More and more people have begun speaking with me, and I feel less and less socially awkward... all because of Brian.

    A few weeks have passed since the first time we began talking in History III. I feel like I know Brian better than myself. He’s so charismatic and sweet, he even bought me a bouquet of violet tulips from the school store. We were walking, our hands intertwined, towards the cafeteria when he pulled out the bouquet from behind his back. I was shocked, this was the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me.

    The hallway is bustling with teenage youth. Almost everyone pauses and releases a short “Aw!†as we embrace each other. I look up to Brian and smile as he brushes my hair behind my ear. He closes his eyes and leans forward, his lips puckered slightly.

    ‘Oh my God, this is really happening.’

    I close my eyes and lean in until I feel his tender lips press against mine. I feel a slight tingle when we finally make contact. I am overjoyed.

    We finally detach after kissing for almost a minute. We continue to walk as I wrap my arms around his left arm, the bouquet grasped tightly in my hand.

    Missy hisses in disgust as we walk away, my head resting on his muscular shoulder. I can vaguely hear her attempting to whisper. She’s chattering like a monkey to her posse, her lips flapping at an unimaginable pace. I hear them laugh, gasp, and, for once, utterly silent. I peer behind me, and their eyes lock onto me dramatically. Missy practically shoots me a death stare, and I quickly turn my head back to my boyfriend. The one and only, Brian Domino.

    ☆Chapter 5- Final Update April 6, 2012☆​

    It almost feels like a dream, a fantasy that requires no pinching to awake. Even if this is an elaborate dream, I never want to wake up. Life has really picked up since Brian entered it through the passage in my heart. Homelife has improved, Mom has begun speaking to me more and more each day. I’m glad she’s finally beginning to recover from the... incident all those years ago. No person should suffer for that long, especially something as saddening as your husband leaving you and your baby girl.

    “Hey baby girl, want some bacon and eggs?†Mom asks me as I ease my way down the wooden stairs. I rub my eyes.
    “Uh, sure.†I say, then pause, trying to swallow the simple words my mother had said. “Thanks.â€
    “No problem honey. Here, take a seat.†She pulls out the chair where Dad always used to sit, whether it was doing taxes, playing a board game, reading the Sunday paper, or eating. Now I really look like a fool, the expression on my face must be ridiculous. I’m guessing it’s a combination of astonishment and amazement.
    “Mom, are you sure?†I say cautiously with a long pause. “Are you okay?†Her eyes beam at me.
    “Of course. I’m doing great.†Her eyes then stray from me and wander around the room, as if she suddenly forgot where she was. “Oh, let me get started on those bacon and eggs.â€

    “Here you go sweetie.†Mom motions for me to join her at the stove. I grab a plate and look at the delicious bacon in the pan, the eggs next to them. She places an oven mitt on her hand and grabs the steaming pan. Using her other hands, she grabs the tongs and places the bacon on my plate. I smile, and she smiles back. This is the first time Mom has genuinely smiled.

    She slowly places the pot back on the stove. I blow on the bacon and take a nibble out of a strip. “Very tasty Mom. I haven’t bacon this tasty since-†I am abruptly stopped by the sound of Mom’s shrieks. Before I know it, Mom is on the floor, crying. The pan crashes onto the wooden floor, causing me to jump. Everything seems to be moving in slow motion. I bend down and glance at her clenched arm. There is burning oil on her skin, peeling it off by the chunks. I stare into her eyes as her’s begin to close and she falls into my extended arms. “Mom? Mom!†I scramble to the phone on the kitchen wall and dial 911 quickly.

    “Hello, 911 operator speaking. What is the emergency?†The woman at the other end of the phone asks me.
    I gasp, trying to find something, anything, to say. “M-my mom, she was cooking bacon and she slipped and the pot with oil in it fell on her. Her arm is covered in oil, and her skin is coming off. Please, help her!â€
    “Take a breath, sweetie. Where is your location?â€
    “97 Woodland Avenue, Rose Valley.â€
    “Okay, I’ve notified the emergency medical team. They will be there shortly.â€
    “Hurry! Please!†Looking back at Mom, I drop the phone and hurry back to her. I clutch her head to my chest, rocking back and forth slowly... just like all those years ago. When Dad left us.

    The ambulance was at my home in a matter of minutes. I hear the wooden door slam open as paramedics flood into the relatively small abode. Their cold eyes pierce through me as they carry Mom away. I grasp onto one of the paramedic’s white lab coats, desperate to reach her. I am pulling, clawing, screaming at them. “Mom! Come back! Don’t you dare leave me, like Dad did!†I blurt out as they push the gurney with her now unconscious body. I collapse to my knees, feeling weak and faint.

    When I open my eyes, I am in Mom’s hospital room. Holding my head, disoriented, I slowly make my way to her body. I gingerly grasp her hand, then squeeze with all my force. Maybe I feel that she’ll wake up if I squeeze hard enough, but so many thoughts and emotions are racing through my mind, I can’t focus on one thing at a time. Someone knocks on the door, and a man enters the room quietly.
    “Hi there, I’m Dr. Kurtz. I am the head adviser looking over Miss. Anastasia Walts. And I’m assuming you’re...†he stops and opens to a page on his clipboard. “Her daughter, Magen.†I nod quickly. “Here, I got you a glass of soda.†I smile slightly and take the glass. He gulps as his eyes shift from me to the window behind me. “Cree, there’s something important I need to tell you.†I nod for him to go on.

    “Your mother... she’s in a coma.â€
    My glass drops and shatters as it makes contact with the floor.

    ☆Chapter 6- Final Update April 6, 2012☆​

    “W-what?†I ask.
    “I’m sorry. The oil burned its way to her hypodermis and completely destroyed the nerve cells. We’re guessing that the pain was too severe and her body shut down,†he answers.
    “No, no. This can’t be.†I pause and stare into his sincere eyes. “When will she... wake up?â€
    “We’re not sure, whenever her body is ready to function again.â€
    “But what will I do?†I squeeze Mom’s hand even harder. “What about the house? What’s going to happen?â€
    “We’ll handle the finances for your house and car. We’ve already hired someone to be your... housemaid, if you will. Angela Kcrabb will cook for you, clean for you, and care for you in general. Is that okay?â€
    “I-I guess so.†He pats my back and looks to Mom, then back to me.
    “Don’t worry, everything will be normal in no time,†he gives a weak smile, but it’s comforting.

    I leave the room and see a woman who looks like she’s in her mid-twenties. She stands up and approaches me slowly.
    “You’re Magen Walts?†she asks.
    “Yes. I’m guessing you’re Angela.†I reply bluntly. She nods.
    “Indeed I am. Want me to drive you home?â€
    “Please. I can’t stay here anymore.†I look through the partially opened blinds into Mom’s room and whisper a goodbye to her as Angela puts her arm around me and guides me outside, to her silver 2007 Toyota Avalon.

    She begins to drive. “Magen, I’m sorry about your mom. She’ll pull through. I heard she’s a very strong woman.â€
    “That’s a lie,†I whisper.
    “What you said, it’s a complete lie.â€
    “I don’t understand.†My fingernails dig into my holey jeans as tears drop from my eyes.
    “My mother is a coward! When my father left us, when I was eight, she completely broke down! I had to feed her, care for her! She wouldn’t do anything!â€
    “Magen, understand. Having your husband leave you is a very emot-â€
    I cut her off. “We almost lost our house to foreclosure. The state luckily decided to pay for our bills until she got better, but she never did! I had to manage the simplified taxes, I had to bathe her, I had to stop her from hurting herself!â€
    “Magen, please sto-â€
    “Do you know how hard it was to do all that when you’re eight and being bullied at a hellhole of a school!?†I roll up my sleeve to reveal several scars on my wrist, palm, and forearm. “Now imagine doing all that for four years!†I’m pounding my fist on my leg.
    “Magen!†She pulls over into a nearby Macy’s parking lot. “Calm down! I know your life has been a living hell... mine has been too!†She pushes me onto her in a forceful hug, a few tears running down her cheek.

    We sit there, crying in her car, until she detaches. She looks at me, an expression I don’t understand on her face. I choke on my withheld tears and she continues to drive.
    As we turn onto my street, I say, “Sorry about before.â€
    It takes a while before she replies as we pull into the driveway. “It’s fine, and understandable.†We approach the door and Angela pulls out a set of keys. She unlocks the door and we make our way into the house. The pot is still on the floor, the oil surrounding it- a permanent reminder of the incident. Angela looks at me, concerned. “I’ll, uh, clean that up for you.†She hurriedly heads to the kitchen, puts the phone back on the hook, and begins to clean up the mess.

    I sprint upstairs, and would’ve fallen if it weren’t for the wooden handrail supporting me. I pull open my bedroom door and jump on my bed. I reach for my phone on the end table, grab it, and see a few text messages, two missed calls, and a voicemail from Brian.

    I open my phone to portrait view and read the text messages to myself:
    ‘Hey Magen! <3’
    ‘Magen? Is something the matter?’
    ‘Are you okay? Did something happen? Are you upset?’
    I immediately text him back, saying, ‘I’m fine Brian. I was just at the hospital.’

    Waiting for him to reply, I erase the two missed calls and listen to the voicemail:
    ‘Hey Magen, are you mad at me or something? Was it about that thing that happened with Missy? Because I swear it was all her, she came onto me. I told her to stop, but she wouldn’t! Pleeeeease tell me this is all a misunderstanding and you’re not upset about that.... okay then, bye I guess...’

    My mouth is agate as my phone vibrates. It’s Brain calling.

    ☆Chapter 7- Last Update April 6, 2012 (Incomplete)☆​

    I am hesitant in whether I should answer the phone or not. I close my eyes and think about what I’d say if I picked up. The phone stops vibrating, then begins a few seconds later.
    I sigh and answer, “What do you want Brian?â€
    He sighs as well. “I knew you’d be upset about it. I swear it was all Missy!â€
    “Oh yeah right. I knew you always had something for her. Why would you date a loser like me when you could’ve dated the amazingly popular Missy Sullivan!? Oh and just so you know, I had no idea until you told me.†I scold him.
    I hear him almost gasp through the phone. He stutters, “N-no, Magen. It was all Missy! I swear, my heart belongs to you Magen! Not her!â€
    “Of course it does. Goodbye Brian.â€
    “No, Magen, don’t you dare han-†I press the END button and toss my phone to the other side of my bed as I scream into my pillow.
    Thread by: Beau, Jan 3, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. Beau

    Old VMs...

    Ah, memories: people I used to talk to, n00b moments... *sigh*

    I'm going to list all the people who I used to talk to, need to talk with WAY more, or just miss in general. ;~;

    Scott Pilgrim (banned)
    Aerith G.
    Akua WaterDragonKing
    Smackdoodle McGiggles
    lil woj
    Panda Face
    Catch the Rain (oh goodness... ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; )
    guardian_of_ light

    ... Just to name a few. >.>"
    Thread by: Beau, Dec 28, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Beau
    for Halo: Combat Evolve Anniversary, please.

    I'm doing the campaign, but it's not fun without someone (or some people). ;~;

    If you have the game, please let me know so we can play together (if you want, that is)~

    Thanks! c:

    EDIT; Just so you know, I'm not very good at the game. So if we do end up playing together, please be patient with me.
    Thread by: Beau, Dec 26, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Beau
    Chapter 1

    I glance past the lush green hills to the grand blue ocean that surrounds us. I see young boys and girls in swim trunks and bathing suits, ready to plunge into the deep water below. One courageous boy stands up, takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and leaps. The other children stare in awe as the boy’s shadow disappears from the boardwalk, as if in slow motion. I hear a faint splash as the boy’s small body makes contact with the water, resulting in cowardly ripples. These soon grow larger and larger, as if trying to escape from the boy. My weak smile fades as I glance to the sky and wish I were one of those ripples.
    “Tag, come join us!” a little girl says to me as my smile returns and illuminates my gloom exterior.
    Suddenly I hear a shrill voice exclaim, “Thomas!” The girl giggles as I turn around to see my mother in her morning robe, arms crossed over her chest. I sigh as I look back to the young children, their eyes glowing with excitement.
    “Sorry guys,” I say in a sweet tone. They nod slowly, their joyful expressions fading. Some glance up at me, their melancholy eyes making contact with mine. I turn away, taking small steps toward my furious mother.
    I gulp as I drag my tired body toward my house, toward my red faced mother. I bow my head slightly as I take off my sandals and enter the tiny building I call home. An old Atlantian tradition, my mother always says, that originated from our ancestors created by Zeus. I look up to the sky and see how clear it is, how free the birds are when they flap their wings and glide aimlessly. A young bluejay passes my field of vision. It looks so free, careless, not tethered to the ground as I am. The last of the sky vanishes as the door creaks closed and I am faced with my mother.
    “What do you think you’re doing out there?” she snaps.
    I stammer but manage to spit out, “Nothing. Besides, I didn’t do anything wrong!” A frown appears on my mother’s face.
    “Nothing wrong? What about Melanie?” she points to the door and, as if on cue, my little sister stumbles out into the entrance room. Her eyes look lost and hopeless, like she had just been abandoned. “I told you to watch her while I was asleep! She could’ve caused trouble!”
    “But she didn’t! You always over think things! It’s as if you’re always shrouded by paranoia and fear!” I exclaim. I feel a sharp pain across my cheek as I fall onto the plush, cotton carpet.
    “Don’t you dare talk to your mother like that!” she screeches as she stomps upstairs and slams her door shut. I roll my eyes at her as Melanie approaches me.
    “Are we going to have dinner tonight, Thomas?” she asks.
    I cradle her into my arms and reply, “I don’t know.” A tear rolls down her cheek. I wipe it away and kiss her forehead, our bodies huddled together.


    Chapter 2​

    I stretch out my sore muscles and let out a long yawn. The side of my face where I was slapped slightly burns, manageable but very irritating. I open my medicine drawer and pull out a salna leaf. I pop it in my mouth and chew the sour herb. I pucker my lips and close my eyes as I break through its tough exterior. When I can’t take anymore of the terrible taste, I apply it to my right cheek. Suddenly I feel the pain disappear as if it’s being sucked into the red mush.
    I quickly put on my clothes and splash some water from the fountain onto my face. It soothes the numbness radiating from my cheek. I head downstairs and grab my leather school bag filled with books and scrolls. I grab a blueberry from the dining area. I break its tender skin as the sweet nectar fills my mouth. I exit my house and turn around. The pale blue home has so many windows I can never count them all. The white door contrasts with the jet black roof. I look to my left and see Melanie’s garden flourishing with different fruits and herbs. A pink tulip stands out, standing alone in the midst of strangers.
    My footsteps splash water onto the hem of my school pants. I walk slowly, my footsteps heavy. My eyes are half closed. Not even the fountain water could fully awaken me.
    Finally I reach the school building. It’s a dull, lifeless gray color.
    Quite boring actually.
    The lazy color almost sends me back into slumber until someone screams, “Hey Tag!” I flinch and gradually open my eyes to see Craig Sanders, my best friend, looking down on me. He’s tall for being only thirteen years of age, much taller than I am despite my birthday being a few months earlier than his. He stands five feet seven inches while I am a mere five foot two. His wavy blond hair clashes with my straight auburn hair. His hazel eyes manage to mesmerize every girl he passes, while my deep blue eyes draw minimal attention. Sometimes I feel insufficient compared to Craig, everything about him seems to be a level above mine. But what lack in appearance, I compensate with intelligence. Highest grades in my grade eight class so far this year; at least that’s something I trump Craig with.
    I enter the school building, the cold air rushing to greet me. It sends a shiver down my spine. I begin to walk to my first class, Geometry. It’s followed by Latin, Literature, Mythology, Lunch, Human Life, and finally Astronomy.
    Oh how I hate Human Life.
    I open my lunch bag, which I managed to pack yesterday before I fell asleep. Inside there is a pork sandwich, some blueberries, a small jug of water, and some mint. Odd, I don’t remember packing mint leaves. A sly smile forms as I realize that Melanie must have snuck them in before I woke up. I silently thank her and begin to eat, the different flavors crashing and colliding in my mouth.
    At last, the school day is over. I breathe out a sigh, relieved there were no assignments given. I hear loud, fast footsteps. I turn around and see Craig hurdling towards me.
    “Hey there Tag! Or should I say---” Craig pauses and in a regal tone of voice says, “Thomas Alexander Graysson.” He grins as I snicker. Craig knows I simply despise my name, and yet he continues to say it. He laughs and I realize it was a joke. My tense shoulders drop as I laugh with him. We begin to walk when I hear the crinkling of grass. I look to my sides, but see nothing.
    “Hey Craig, don’t you think Mrs. Breiter is---” I say as I turn my head. I drop my school bag when I see no sign of Craig. Suddenly, I feel Atlantis begin to shake.


    Chapter 3​

    I can’t breathe. I fall to the ground, clutching my chest. I wince, letting out short coughs. I place my hand on my knee to support myself as I stand up. I hear a soft voice call my name.
    “T-Tag...” I manage to make out and check my surroundings. I look to the east, only to see green hills, meadows, and pastures. I turn to the west and see the edge of Atlantis rising. I barely make out a hand, reaching upward. I run to the hand and grab it, attempting to pull it up. I look over the edge to see Craig, hanging on for dear life.
    “Craig!” I exclaim as I try to pull him up. After many minutes of struggling, I realize it’s no use. He is too heavy and I am too weak.
    Tears roll down my face as I see Craig give a weak smile and say, “Thank you... T-Thomas.” Then I feel his hand slipping and he releases his grip.
    “Craig! Craig!” I shout, pounding the earth. “No!” I see his body plunge into the icy, heartless water below.
    My tears won’t stop as I run towards my simple home. I pull the door open and sprint upstairs, vigorously shaking my mother and Melanie awake.
    “What is it?” My mother asks as she pulls herself out of bed. I swallow hard, gasping for air, trying to find the right words to say. My mind is racing with thought after thought. “I don’t have time for your games, Thomas. I’m very tired and---”
    “Atlantis is sinking!” I scream. I see her facial expression rapidly change. She grabs Melanie’s and my hand as she rushes outside. We see the valleys overflowing with sea water. She peers in the other direction and sees that edge of Atlantis tilting. It’s even worse than before.
    We run toward the valleys, that’s where the emergency boats are. I notice a few already floating, being pushed farther out to sea. I see family after family crowd into small boats. All make it out to sea, but the wooden planks of some break and the people are sent into the cold sea.
    There are only a few boats left. Mostly everyone has either made it onto the safety of the boats or fallen off the island. I see families torn apart, their family members floating away with the current. This makes me think of my own father and his unfortunate, early death. He died in the coal mines when I was five, crushed by rocks. I begin to tear up.
    The last of the boats are sent away. The people left on the island, tears in their eyes and sorrow in their hearts, stand there confused at how this could happen. Some jump off, waiting for Hades’ cold hands to drag them into the Underworld. I hear Melanie scream.
    I quickly turn around to see my mother and Melanie slide into the sea. I run to them and grab their hands. A flashback of Craig plays in my head and I am determined to pull them onto safety. Tears fill their eyes. The sweat on my hands forces their hands to slip and they fall into the ocean. I feel faint, and then everything goes blank.
    When my eyes open, I see my only living family members trapped by the icy grip of the ocean. They are frantic, their arms flailing in the air.
    Melanie is the first to go down. My mother searches everywhere, looking for Melanie’s hands underwater. I see her pull up her hand, but there’s nothing in it.
    My mother screams as she goes down. Her hand springs up out of the water, searching for someone, for something, to grab. I see the hand shake and quiver then stop. It sinks slowly, the last of its life being sucked out of it.


    Chapter 4​

    It’s becoming harder and harder to breathe. I stand there while the island is sinking, gasping for air. It feels as if my lungs have paused, restricting my heavy breathing. I decide to take in small, shallow breaths.
    I can’t believe they’re gone; my only remaining family, taken away from me in an instant.
    It begins to rain. The rain manages to mask my tears, but who cares? There’s barely anyone left on the island anyway.
    “Who cares?” I murmur to myself as I turn around, looking at the tip of the island rising higher and higher into the air. The island is almost at a 60 degree angle. Despite my weak lungs, I manage to take a deep breath and close my eyes to shield out the rain as I climb towards the edge.
    Atlantis: a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, home of the Atlantian people. But it’s much more than that. It’s laughs shared together that fill the air, tears that have fallen to the ground, anger that builds inside your heart, fear that paralyzes your body and leaves you motionless. Atlantis is much more than an island, it’s home.
    I gulp as I manage to stand up. I peer over the edge and see the rushing tides in the unforgiving, merciless water. I give myself a weak reassuring nod.
    I turn my back to the sea and shuffle my feet so my heels are just over the edge. I close my eyes as I embrace the rain falling onto my pale face.
    “Where’s our savior?” I whisper to the heavens as I force myself over the edge.
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 23, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Beau
    I'm sorry guys, but I'm going to be leaving KHV for a while.

    I just need time to think about who my real friends are.

    I guess I'll see you guys soon, hopefully.

    Goodbye~ <3
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 20, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  8. Beau


    Stella Nox Fleuret

    I love you with the burning of a thousand suns.

    You complete me, and you fill the hole in my heart.
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 19, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Beau


    ...can your name be spelled with the symbols of the Periodic Table? :'D

    My name can't. D:

    So go ahead and see~ ouo

    EDIT: They don't have to be consecutive. As long as you use the actual element's symbol and don't drop any letters.



    Kr [Krypton] + I [Iodine] + S [Sulfur] + Ti [Titanium] + Na [Sodium]
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 15, 2011, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Beau
    My chest, throat, and eyes haven't hurt this much ever. ;~;
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 13, 2011, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Beau
    that my very first KHV was created in 2007. o:

    Hooray! I'm not as much of a noob anymore! :'D

    Thread by: Beau, Nov 6, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Beau


    y u so pretty? :3
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 6, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Beau
    make me some soup please. ;~;
    Thread by: Beau, Nov 5, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Beau
    WARNING: This is a fanfiction depicting yaoi.

    Note: This fanfiction takes place 4-5 years after the anime ended, making all characters 18-19 years old.


    Chapter 1- Hidden Love

    I stared at him from afar. His bright blue hair shined in the dim sunlight that managed to pierce the dull window’s glass pane. His muscles seemed to pop out of his shirt, like they were trying to escape the tight clothing and be free. As he turned around to talk with another student, our eyes met. I blushed ever so slightly as our eyes made contact. His green eyes simply passed over mine, but it seemed like we were looking at each other for hours on end. With just one glance, I felt closer with him than anyone else.

    As I walked out of class, I felt a rush of wind pass by me. I glanced ahead to see Black Star blaze past me. He peered back, more eye contact, but this time with a timid smile. I felt my heart drop as I practically fell to the ground. I heard footsteps as someone appeared beside me. I looked up to see Maka standing over me, her hand outstretched. I grabbed it as I pulled myself up.
    “Thanks,” I said slowly, still paralyzed from the thought of him.
    “No problem,” she replied. “Are you okay?” I nodded my head rapidly as I bent down and gathered my fallen books. Maka smiled at me as she turned away. She soon became out of sight. After she left, I immediately ran down the hallway towards the direction of Black Star’s departure, feeling like I was being pulled towards him like a magnet.

    I kicked up some pebbles as I shuffled my feet down a small dusty trail leading to my abode. I sighed and looked up to the sun, its twisted, psychopathic smile high above me. As I entered my house and closed the door, I heard the doorbell ring. I turned around quickly, wondering who it was. I moved the curtains and looked out the window. I suddenly felt weak and nauseous. It was Black Star at my door, with a huge grin on his face.

    I cautiously open the door as he charged in.
    “Hi Kid,” he happily said.
    I gulped and managed to spit out, “H-hi, Black Star.” He laughed, his mouth opened wide. “W-what are you doing here?” I said sheepishly.
    “Why? You don’t want me here?” He grinned. I shook my head no quickly; I would do anything to have him stay. “I actually came here because you left your book in class today.” Black Star extended his arm.
    “Thank you.” I said, nearly bowing. I brushed my hand over his as he handed me the book. I felt my face turned rose-red as Black Star laughed again.
    “Something the matter?” he asked. Another grin appeared on his face.
    “N-no,” I nervously said, my face on fire. Black Star moved in closer, our bodies only inches apart. Our eyes made contact again as I looked up at him.

    “Hey Kid, there’s something I need to get off my chest.” Black Star said, inching closer and closer.
    “Y-yes Black Star?” I asked. Suddenly, I was pushed onto the couch. Black Star appeared on top of me, his infamous cocky grin forming once again.
    I was felt confused, yet ecstatic, as he leaned in close and said, “I like you.” My eyes widened and my bright red complexion returned to my cheeks as our lips finally met.
    Thread by: Beau, Oct 24, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Beau
    Amaury... you have officially become popular.


    Thread by: Beau, Oct 11, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Beau
    Happy birthday GS~!

    Voxli loves you! <3
    Thread by: Beau, Oct 11, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Beau
    Cheer me up. ;~;
    Thread by: Beau, Oct 9, 2011, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Beau








    ^Guardian Soul




    Observe in awe.
    Thread by: Beau, Oct 9, 2011, 35 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Beau


    After spamming my email, I finally got into Pottermore! I'm so happy~

    I got into Hufflepuff and my name is QuillStorm165 (don't be afraid to add me, just tell me who you are)! I am looking for all of my Hufflepuff brethren, so come forward!

    Also, I have a Tawny Owl named Samson and my wand is a Pear, Phoenix Feather Core, 10 inches, quite flexible.

    c: <3 c:
    Thread by: Beau, Sep 25, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Beau


    So I was looking through my old VMs for memory's sake and I saw a lot of people who I used to talk to but not longer talk to. Now I feel really bad because there were all so nice...


    Thread by: Beau, Sep 11, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone