uh yeah i'll just make this quick so basically when i tried to edit one of my posts i couldn't save the changes because the back to the top banner is blocking it so i just thought y'all should know.
「 hush 」 avi: sig: cnc... yeah [ btw first time making a gif straight from a video so ]
i can read korean holy **** this is amazing i can die happy * 3 *
yeah didn't take long for me to post something again HERK anyway yeah in honor of halloween here is a theme... kind of? lol but yeah cnc if you want and all that thank you!! ^ u ^ avi: sig: Spoiler: gif Spoiler: apng [ please mind the quality of the gif. as you might know i use apng now but some peeps aren't able to see it so i made a crappy gif version for those people lol the second one is the apng version so those who can see it will see it in / much / better quality ahaha ]
uh... yeah
im in ur forumz hackin ur threadz
at my new graphic set and tell me what you think please! it can be a critique or just a simple comment or something idrk but i'm curious to see what y'all think! ^ u ^ i tried out a new simple technique with the avatar and regarding the signature it's my first time having one that is a gif i made myself so... yeah! i would really appreciate it thank you very much! <33 EDIT: i floop the pig here are the images because drew made a good point lol
aaaaaaaaaaaaah i'm in maryland am i cool yet??
so today is yoona's [ a member of snsd / the girl in my theme currently ] birthday! i know it's not really a big deal to most of you, but she's my fave and sweet and i thought it'd be nice to wish her a happy birthday! ...even though she will never see this lol BUT ANYWAY if you could humor me and wish her a happy birthday too, that would make me super happy!! <333 ^ u ^
so i recently discovered this website called weavesilk. it's seriously super cool! here's a piece i made with it! http://r.weavesilk.com/?v=4&id=uao6nydv8v try it out for yourself! it's actually really fun! post what you make down below, if you want! * 3 *
Okay, so for school I had to write this 'found poem' which is basically when you extract words or phrases from any body of literature and transform it into a poem. I had to use a New York Times article though, which made it a little more challenging. But nonetheless, here's the poem and a link to the article! I am brave, yet I am more afraid. The disease has returned, And my fragmented body is asking, “Why?” I fear that my mind, saturated with dissonance, is still in the cloud of unknowing… This cannot be right. This is not the truth. This is not all there is to me, right? Friends asked, “How are you doing?” “I… don’t know,” I informed them with disturbing honesty. They then plunged into the trap of “don’t ask, don’t tell”, like always, And now I tell myself, “Maybe I am better off not saying another word.” All the pills and treatments are not working, And yet I think I am perfectly healthy… But I am not the person I believe myself to be. …I am dying, this I now know, But I keep trying to avoid the fate that haunts me, And I will not stop. Article
So basically a lot of peeps visit the Spamzone so advertising there is just obvs. Anyway, yeah... there's this super new and awesome project called KHV's Generation that is currently looking for members! The thread can be found in Forum Families, but obvs you peeps are probs too lazy to click there so here's a handy little link: http://www.kh-vids.net/threads/khvs-generation.137433/ So yeah, join if you're passionate about SNSD and singing! Hopefully we'll see you on the member list soon~ <3
original image can be found here yeah cnc please and thank you~
i really don't even know... i'm sorry, CnC i guess?
I don't even know asfklnsdlkag I'm sorry. CnC would be much appreciated.
Hi everyone! Here's more Selective Desaturation pieces! CnC is welcome as usual! Thank you! <3 Spoiler: berries Spoiler: ice queen
...Yes, this is a SNSD question but hear me out! My friend and I have been curious about which member is most popular, so of course I looked towards KHV! Also, the reason, I chose this video is because you get a good, long look at each member (plus you get to hear some cute singing)! ^u^ So the question is simple: which member did you like the most? Could be because of any reason... how attractive they are, how cute their actions were, things like that! So please, do me this favor! I would really appreciate it! Thank you! <3 (also if you don't know the members' names, you can just say 1,2,3, etc.)
Okay... so long story short, I made some images (lol of course). But having them one after the other would be so boring, you know? So I decided to step out of the box (at least for myself) and make a gif to make it a little more interesting. Now, I'm not really looking for CnC, but if you wish to give some, please have it be on the images. The gif was made in Gimp and used just to keep things from getting boring; the images are what are most important, haha. Anyway... yeah! Woo! Hope you enjoy it, I guess...? ^u^
I'm just posting this thread to see if they are some SNSD fans out there! If so, please reveal yourself because I've been feeling pretty... lonely. ;-; There's no one to talk about them with (except the fabulous cookiie <3) and besides, I'm curious as well. So yeah, if you like SNSD please post her and maybe we can fan over them or something together~! <3 Anyway, here are some of their songs (btw I like their Japanese versions better so yeah, but they're a Korean group fyi): Spoiler: Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! <3 ps my favorite is yoona aaah <3333
I tried my hand at... this, I don't really know what it's called to be honest. xD;; But anyway, yeah. This is my first time trying it, so CnC is very much appreciated! The original can be found here: https://yande.re/sample/886d8b3b212be0bcaa410abc72e93d95/yande.re 141081 sample.jpg