i meant more of the story and character stuff. there were some lines in there that rubbed me the wrong way for a spider-man game. as for gameplay, i hope they dont do too much with the camera and attacks. ultimate sm is beautiful simplistic and ever sm game ive seen after that doesnt look nearly as good bc its too busy.
at first i thought he was wearing a backpack and loved it but then i realized he wasnt and my love went down i think its alright. im more concerned with how the game looks than the costume. costume's a little too busy but overall i can dig. like the white spider a lot. it seems really fresh and looks cool. wouldn't want the definitive spider-man costume to have it, but for this i think it works as of now i plan to buy the heck out of this game. wont top ultimate sm on ps2 for me, but i want a solid modern spider-man game and this looks like it could be that based on what very very little we've seen.
watching macross do you remember love. loving everything about this so far. hope it doesnt get stupid.
spiral marketing amicorrect
thats fair. i guess my real question is why do people like it so much to the point of not yet being exhausted of it. i dont see it. but thats just me. i dont remember ever saying that i didnt like kojima but maybe i did. i have no real opinion. things ive seen from mgsv's story make it look like the most stupid yet self-important and unaware of how stupid it is thing ive ever seen and i get that impression from the pervious games as well, but ive not played them so i dont know. so yeah. i dont know anything about him but if he's making something close to a hard sci-fi game it has my attention
sd gundam g generation world once again. for like the fourth time. def one of my favorite games ever and id like to get a save that i dont either lose or want to restart. fingers crossed this will be the one
you have no food at home and have to eat out of the vending machine that was once so tempting but you now realize is actually satan and youre trying to make a decision between two things but the nutrition facts arent clear and you find out you made the wrooooooong choice. curse you satan
it came out yesterday
i need to stop looking at pictures of animals on pinterest at work. everyones in this office like super serious and professional and quiet and the only thing you can hear are the muffled sounds of me trying to contain my laughter bc cats are cute and funny
iron giant is the best movie ever right? thought so.
idk i like how it gives me complete control and lets me think about things. it feels more real to me than real-time action i think the best gundam games are g generation games and they're grid based. thats what introduced me to it and fe awakening is pretty sweet i like how, with grid-based, some aspect of team-building is usually involved from my experience. that's the thing i really like. plus for star trek it just makes so much sense. st isn't an action series so why should it have an action game?
grid based rpg with a focus on crew/ship building & world exploration with story missions that add onto what can be explored this is also what i want for a one piece game my go to for just about anything is make it grid-based
you say that like its impossible
how many more fantasy-based action/rpg games need to be made until the entire gaming community's collective gag reflex triggers and the thought of picking up another sword and wearing another suit of armor and fighting another wtfever makes everyone literally throw up just wondering and i would ask the same thing of jrpg's, but the problem there's not a single aesthetic thats been done ad nauseam where's my hard sci-fi game? where's my sc-fi anything that's not guy with fancy gun shoots monster? im sure they're out there but it seems like i have to dig deep to find anything worthwhile no man's sky is prob gonna suck but it looks like a step in the right direction for someone like me ps i have no idea what im talking about
they should make a handheld portable facebook machine that way people can save a lot of money on phones and i wont be living under the delusion that certain people with phones will respond to me
the annoying thing is that im at my job and i just used REAL money
you know whats crazier? how much i want something from that vending machine now that i know it takes cards. edit:i regret everything about these past 7 minutes.
this may go without saying but in the end its really up to you. for some people it will be an os they'll get a lot out of. im not one of those people. i decided that id rather spend a couple more years with windows 7 and pay a couple $100 when i have to upgrade than pay nothing but have windows 10 sooner. plus who knows maybe by the time i have to have it it will be better. idk. so yeah id advise against it but as long as you know the pros and cons its your decision to make. if you love 7 and theres no immediate reason you need 10, i say dont take the chance.
age of extinction is ****ing awesome i kinda love it the robots look so cool. like they're more colorful and look like robots and even though i kinda feel bad for people who wanted the grimlock character on screen and lol what is scale, his scenes are so cool and Lamborghini transformer is the best ever altho once again the humans are the worst part also netflix pls hmu with that tf original series that you took off as soon as i got netflix
as a sleuthing game cyber sleuth is kinda ******