i wear a hat every day i imagine its basically the same thing boss lady out for the week so guess who aint doin shiiiiit
last stand of the wreckers is so so good. and so is at least the first trade (only thing ive read) of more than meets the eye.
knew i prob got that wrong o i see. isnt 3 going to be on xbox?
its ok ff is stupid youre not missing much if you want a better turn based rpg play persona if you want a better action game play kh if you want a game with better exploration play some game that has better exploration idk but if you want a good ff game play xii on ps2
oh **** i need to watch prime too. i saw a couple episodes on hub back in the day and loved it. yeah thats the one. yep thats it. everything about starscream in that series is gold. it takes his pathetic and eager to be leader nature from g1 and alters it into pathetic and desperate to prove himself as a hardened decepticon. its so well written. without being too spoilery, he's a charcacter who has a clear want but is then presented with an opportunity for change, flirts with it, and learns that what he wanted isn't what he actually wanted. god what im about to say is way over-hyping this series, but his relationship with megatron is similar in certain areas to the Heisenberg/pinkman relationship in breaking bad. that is not at all me saying that transformers armada is as good as breaking bad. just saying the relationship functions in a similar way.
the only way i would have access to these games anyway is to get the collection on pc so id presumably have access to all 3 regardless. im not against leaving something unfinished but i tend to be against playing out of order.
i say go back and give it a watch. what i remember is genuinely good and even the people who are down on it seem to say that the unicron stuff is good at least. about to rewatch it and i really hope it holds up. i'd advise tuning out tf fans on this one (not that tuning out fan opinion isn't always the best thing to do) bc yeah the animation is pretty garbage and so are the toys which upset a lot of people, and i realize when i watch this it's not going to be like some serious character drama, but for what it is (a kids show about robots transforming into cars with a pokemon gimmick) its a pretty quality cartoon.
well just knowing how much of a bad taste that left in people's mouths i wonder if it wouldn't be smarter to go into this new game completely in the dark, because that's what i am (i have zero knowledge about the previous games, i just know that 2 is beloved is 3's ending is hated), without potentially having that bad taste. and then going back maybe.
i dont play video games and i didnt watch e3, but i saw clips of this elsewhere and i am now hype af for this. im more excited for this than i am pokemon sun/moon and ive never played mass effect before. this looked so much like what i want and i now want to go back and play the others. but maybe not. this seems like it would be a good jumping on point, and maybe starting here rather than experiencing what came before would be good given 3's reputation.
so has anyone here seen tf armada? presentation and localization aside, because yeah that's pretty bad, id like to hear someone's opinion on it. because when i was a kid i was deeply invested emotionally. like for real. such moments as the wheeljack stuff, the hotshot and sideswipe stuff, smokescreen's death, optimus' death, and dear god the starscream stuff. it felt like a serious drama. and then there were awesome moments where i remember thinking it was cool how it built up to it and i could feel the tension. like tidal wave episodes and the episodes where they all changed colors. i loved the progression from how this minicon war started as this little thing in the desert and just kept sucking more and more people in and getting bigger and bigger until eventually we're out in space on a ship in front of unicron. i want to watch it again bc everything i remember about it is awesome. but ive never heard anyone criticize it for anything other than the way it looks and the changes it brought.
so i have my cart in newegg open. getting ready to press the purchase button. so. scared. im always really hesitant when buying things that cost a lot online but geez this is scary. ive added and subtracted so many numbers in the past thirty minutes just making sure it all adds up. im gonna trust that the motherboard i had to buy from somewhere else was out of stock the whole time or there was some error on neweggs part and that it didnt go out of stock seconds before i pressed the checkout button. bc im having a pretty lame day and i feel like thatd be the equiv of kicking while down
im on a tight strictly pc parts and gundam models budget. no time for frivolous things like video games[DOUBLEPOST=1466048294][/DOUBLEPOST] #notmyoverlord[DOUBLEPOST=1466048401][/DOUBLEPOST] o. sweet
who the **** is blaine
do you have to wear special suits or sumthn when living on the sun kansas city promised land
i wish i had a good job so i could save up to move. away.
i really hope they are on ps4. im not gonna play them probably but the kh collector in me demands that i buy these as well but id feel silly having two games for a system i dont have just to have a "complete" collection.
hey now
well for starters i just dont like an aged spider-man. i feel like if youre gonna do an aged spider-man it needs to be a story about him moving on from being spider-man. if this is that than maybe ill love it. i also question that one line about everyone looking up to him but not knowing who he is and all that whatever. maybe it just fell on my ears wrong but it sounded out of character in the moment. not horrendously out of character but just slightly... idk... not really spider-man. i also didnt like the score. it sounded like a larger than life superhero score. i dont like when they try to elevate spider-man to the level of someone like superman/batman/cap am/ww. again, it doesnt seem appropriate for the character. although, like i said, there's a lot of room for them to change my mind. if this is a story about a middle-aged spider-man who has gotten to that point where people look up to him and its about him quitting than heck yeah im all over it. maybe im just being hyper critical. im probably being hyper critical. hope its a good game. kinda goes without saying that i want it to be the arkham for spider-man which does not yet exist. edit: was liking macross do you remember love but i read a thing about how the original series did it differently so guess what i prob just committed to watching another franchise bc it sounds cool.
i dont like that shentai **** but kamen rider w is the coolest that ever was its so much what i like. action hero who likes "hard-boiled" detective stuff. i mean come on.